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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 unit 10: Life on other planets

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Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp Week:33 Period: 65 PD: TD: UNIT 10: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Getting started- Listen and read I.AIMS By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Reading a text about UFOs for details to complete the notes - know more about UFOs II PREPARATION - Teacher: textbook, sub-board, pictures, tape, cassette player - students: prepare the lesson at home III TECHNIQUES: pairs, groups, questions, answers, IV TEACHING AIDS: textbook, sub-board, pictures, tape, cassette player V PROCEDURE Checking attendance Check the previous lesson - relative claues - relatives pronoun New lesson ACTIVITIES CONTENT getting started - Show the picture on page 83 to the students and ask them some questions about UFOs * What can you see in the pictures? * What we call them in Vietnamese? * Do you know another word for UFOs? (flying saucer) * Do you thing they really exist? * Have you ever seen any films on UFOs? * Do you want to see a UFO? What you want to know about UFOs? * If you saw an UFOs, what would you do? presentation - spacecraft (n): tàu vũ trụ (picture) Pre- teach vocabulary - meteor (n): băng (visual, picture) - Have students repeat the words chorally - Get students to read the text and find the words in the text that have the meanings given in * a on page 84: - Ask students to work in pair - Give feedback Complete the notes - Have students to exercise 2b on page 84 - Get students to read the text again and complete the notes They have to work individually then compare with their partners - Call on some students to read aloud their sentences practice * Discussion: - Have the whole class discuss the topic “UFOs” - Choose good students to be the leader - Get the leader to make a summary of the evidence of the existence of UFOs - evidence (v): bằng chứng (definiton: anything that makes clear, shows or proves) - alien (n): người ở hành tinh khác (definition: person on other planets) - capture (v): bắt (synonym: catch (by force) arrest) - device (n): dụng cụ, thiết bị (translation) - claim (v): (translation) * Answer keys: proof, support = evidence falling star or shooting star = meteor unknown/strange people or thing = aliments bringing together or gathering = collecting caught as a prisoner = captured because impossible to see = disappeared * Answer keys: UFO Sightings: a) An aircraft, a weather balloon or a meteor can be mistaken for a alien spacecraft b) In 1947, a pilot saw nine large round objects traveling at about 2.800 meters an hours c) There were over 1.500 UFO sightings worldwide in 1952 d) In 1954, a woman and her children saw a UFO above their house e) A farmer saw an egg- shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens collecting soil samples in 1964 f) In 1971, two men claimed they were captured by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft and then discuss with his/ her friends g) A pilot and his plane disappeared - Give the leader some questions for him after sighting an UFO in 1978 / her to ask his/ her friends h) In 1981, a Frenchman reported * Do you believe in Kenneth Arnold, or that he saw a plate – like device at the woman who saw a UFO above her a treetop 30 meters away from his house? garden * Have you ever seen a picture of an alien? Can you imagine what the aliens are like? Are they small or big? Are they intelligent? (If yes) Why you think so? Consolidation - read new words - read the text& summary the text Homework: - Learn new words by heart - Read the text at home - prepare: unit 10: speak Changes ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Week:33 Period: 66 PD: TD: UNIT 10: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Speak+ Listen I.AIMS By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Practice speaking about Mars - Listen and check the correct statements about the moon II PREPARATION - Teacher: textbook, sub-board, pictures, tape, cassette player - students: prepare the lesson at home III TECHNIQUES: pairs, groups, questions, answers, IV TEACHING AIDS: textbook, sub-board, pictures, tape, cassette player V PROCEDURE Checking attendance Check the previous lesson New lesson ACTIVITIES CONTENT Speaking • Pre-speaking - Ask students some questions about the solar system * Which planet is the nearest to the sun? (M) * Which is the biggest? * Which is the hottest? - microorganism (n): vi sinh vật Pre-teach vocabulary (translation) - gemstone (n): đá quý (relia) - sparkling (adj): lấp lánh (realia) - creature (n): sinh vật (translation) - trace (n): dấu vết (visual) - mineral (n): khoáng sản (example) Revision of model verbs: may – might * Form: May/might + infinitive * Use: We use may, might to talk about present or future possibility - Might is normally a little less sure than may II Matching - Set the scene: A space tourist traveled to Mars, he saw many things there and noted them down These are drawing of things Try to guess and match the drawings with their names - Number from to from left and right * Answer keys: 1) Minerals 2) Water 3) Mountains 4) Plants 5) Little creatures 6) Gas 7) Gemstone * While- speaking - Use the drawing to drill * Exchange: what’s this? This may be water on Mars What are they? They may be minerals on Mars What are they? They might be plants on Mars What’s this? This may be gas on Mars What are they? They may be gemstones on Mars What are they? The may be little creatures * Post- speaking - Have students practice the dialogue between Nam and Hung on page 85 - Call on some pairs of students to practice the dialogue - Correct their pronunciation - Have all students work in pairs to practice the dialogue * Dialogue Nam: What these drawing say, Hung? Hung: There might be water on Mars Nam: And what about those back sparkling spots on the right corner? Hung: Well, they might be traces of gemstones There may be a lot of precious stones on Mars Listening • Pre- listening - Teacher introduce the content of the listening - Students guess if the statements are true or false - Teacher introduces some new words • While – listening - students listen to the tape and check - gets feedback - listen and check • Post- listening - talk about the moon 4.Consolidation Talk about the moon and the Mars Homework - practice at home - prepare: read changes …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Week:34 Period: 67 PD: TD: UNIT 10: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Read I.AIMS By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Read a text about a space trip II PREPARATION - Teacher: textbook, sub-board, pictures, tape, cassette player - students: prepare the lesson at home III TECHNIQUES: pairs, groups, questions, answers, IV TEACHING AIDS: textbook, sub-board, pictures, tape, cassette player V PROCEDURE Checking attendance Check the previous lesson New lesson ACTIVITIES CONTENT Pre- reading * Chatting: - Prepare some lectures of a spaceship or of the first travel of man to the moon - Show students that picture and ask them some questions to involve students in the topic of the lesson * Do you want to travel? * Have you ever traveled in our country or broad? * Have you ever dreamed of a trip to space? * Do you want to be an astronaut? * Do you think traveling into space takes a lot of money? - push – up (v): hít đất(mime) Pre-teach vocabulary - orbit (n/v:) quĩ đạo/di chuyển theo quĩ đạo (visual/picture/translation) - totally (adv): hoàn toàn (synonym: completely) - marvelous (adj): kỳ diệu (synonym: wonderful) - physical condition (n): tình trạng thể chất while - reading - Show the poster of five statements on the board - Have students work in pair to put the statements in order to show what they need and get in Joining a trip space - Give feedback - Have students read the text and check their guess Get a letter from a doctor to show you are in perfect health See pictures of the earth, its interesting places, and the stars from very far Feel tree and enjoy wonderful feeling Get ready and be in an excellent physical condition Get on the trip * Answer keys: a b c Comprehension question: d - Have students read the text again and e work in pairs to answer the questions on * Answer keys: page 87 1) What will you have to if you decide - Call on some students to answer the to take a space trip? questions loudly - If you decide to take a space trip, you’ll - Correct their answer have to run a lot, swim every day, and - Get students to practice asking aerobics and push – ups to have an answering the questions excellent physical condition 2) What must you if you want to show you are in perfect health? - If you want to show you are in perfect health, you must get a letter from the doctor 3) What scenes on the earth can you see from the outer space? - You can see pictures of the earth: your country, interesting places, the oceans, and the big rive the tall mountains 4) How many times a day can you see those scenes? - We can see those scenes 16 times a day 5) What things can you while you are post- reading * Discussion: - Give students the topic of the discussion “If you were able to take a space trip, what would you to prepare for the trip? What would you like to bring along? - Divide the class into groups The students discuss on groups - Ask each group to choose one leader who will present his/her group’s opinions - Help students to show their ideas in orbit that you cannot when you are on the earth? - We can walk on the wall or on the ceiling 4.Consolidation - read the text and talk about what they would if they were in a space trip Homework - practice at home - learn new words by heart - prepare: write changes …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2016, 09:32

Xem thêm: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 unit 10: Life on other planets

