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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 4: At school

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  • Lesson 5 : B.<3-4-5> + Remember

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GIÁO ÁN ENGLISH UNIT : AT SCHOOL Lesson 1: A – Schedules ( 1-2-3) I Objectives : The students will review the way of asking and answering abouts time Ss will practice listening and speaking skills II.Preparation : Textbook, tape, cassette, clock III Teaching process: 1.Class organization: 2.Oral test:Do exercise P18 in work book 3.New lesson: T’s Activities Ss’ Activities A Warm up : - Greetings - Greetings - Have ss play a game : Hang man - Play a game in groups _ _ _ _( time) _ _ _ _ _ (clock) - Remark and demonstrate the group which wins the game B.New lesson: *Presentation: A1 Listen and repeat: - Ask Ss to repeat the questions about asking the time - Have Ss look at the clocks in the book - Give the questions - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape - Have Ss read after the tape -Call on some Ss to read aloud -Ask Ss to repeat the structure: Ask and answer about - Look at the clocks in the book.- Listen to the tape - Read after the tape the time: - Read aloud What time is it ? -Repeat the structure ( +)Giờ chẵn: It,s + số +o,clock (+)Giờ hơn: It,s + số phút + past + số It,s + số + số phút Giờ kém: It,s + số phút + to + số * Practice: - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the time, using the real clock - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Work in pairs ( exchange the roles) - remark *Production: - Practice in front of the class A2 Answer about you - Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about them - Make model with a student: T: What time you get up? - Work in pairs S : I get up at o’clock T: What time classes start? - Listen S : They start at o’ clock - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Remark and ask them to write the answers in the - Practice in front of the notebooks class - Write down Consolidation: - Repeat the way of speaking the times Homework:- Doexercise A 1,2 in workbook P21 - Prepare part 4,5 UNIT 4: AT SCHOOL Lesson 2: A ( 4-5) I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss can speak to each other about the schedule ,practice the present continuous tense and review vocabulary about subjects at school II.Preparation: Textbook, pictures, tape, cassette, sub-board III Teaching process: 1.Class organization: 2.Oral test:Do A1:b,c,d,eP21 ; Do A2P21 in work book 3.New lesson: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities A Warm up: - Greetings - Greetings - Have Ss play a game: Networks - Play a game in groups Subjects - Call on Ss from groups to go to the board and - Go to the board and write write down - Remark B.New lesson: A3 Listen and write Complete the schedule *Pre listening -Ask Ss to look at the schedule then explain the aim of the exercise -Give new words: Math(n) Music(n) History(n) schedule(n) Physics(n) Physical Education(n) -Write down - Have Ss guess the missing subjects and time -Call on some Ss to give their prediction *While listening: - Guess - Give the prediction -Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction - Listen to the tape and check - Play the tape again and ask Ss to write the missing subjects and time - Listen to the tape and write - Have Ss exchange the results with the partners - Play the tape again for Ss to check the results - Exchange the results - Ask Ss to give the answers - Listen again and check - Correct and give the correct answer - Give the answer - Ask Ss to copy down -Listen and write Friday 7:00 7:50 8:40 9:40 English Georaphy Music Physics 10:30 History Saturday 1:00 2:40 3:40 4:30 Physical education Math English Physics * Post listening - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the time of the subjects on Friday and Saturday EX: What time they have English on Friday ? They have English at 7:00 - Work in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Correct the mistakes if necessary A4 Look at the pictures Ask and answer questions * Presentation - Practice in front of the class -Ask Ss to look at pictures carefully and call the names of these subjects - Call on some students to speak about the pictures - Correc and give the correct answers + Physics + music + Geography + math + English + Physical education - Have Ss look at the clocks and tell the time - Look at the picture crafully - Speaks about the pictures - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about these people - Make model with a student T : What is lan studying ? S : She is studyng physics T : What time does Lan/she have her physics class ? - Tell the time of each clock - Work in pairs S : She has her physics class at 8:40 * Practice - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Correct if necessary -Ask Ss to write into the notebooks - Listen carefully *Production - Practice in front of the class Ss work in pairs,ask and answer about themselves, basing on the models - Write down - Work in pair Consolidation: - Repeat the subjects at school and structures: When we have……….? What is your favorite subject? Homework: -Learn by heart new words and structures, A3 P22in work book -Prepare A5,6 *Adjustment: Unit 4: AT SCHOOL Lesson A (6-7) + Remember I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the students will be able to ask and answer about their schedule and speak about the difference between two persons or two things The students will know about the difference between schools in the USA and Viet Nam Practice reading skills for Ss Ss get: Vocabulary: - Uniform (n) - A 20-minute break (n) - Cafeteria (n) - Snack (n) - Popular (adj) - After - school activity (n) Grammar Structure :When+ do/does +S+v? Tobe different form… Reciew: the present simple tense II.Preparation : Text book , tape , cassette , sub-board III.Teaching process : 1.Class organization: 2.Oral test:Ss work in pair ,ask and answer about the pictures P43 in text book as examples New lesson: T’s activities Ss’activities A Warm up - Greetings - Greetings - Ask Ss some questions - Answer T’S questions + How many classes you have today ? I have… + What are they ? They are… + What is your favorite subject ? I like… + When you have English ? I have…… + What time they start ? They start at …  Remark and give marks B.New lesson B5 Listen and read * Pre reading - Listen - Introduce the dialogue to Ss - Answer the questions - Ask Ss some questions about their schedules - Guess - Ask Ss to guess what subjects Hoa and Thu have on Thursday - Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess - Ask Ss some questions - Listen and answer + What is it in the picture ? + Where you usually see it ?  Load in new lesson  Yes, it does + Does your school have the library ? ( Ss can answer the questions in + What is the usefulness of library ? Vnamese ) + What you usually when you go to the library ? + Who can help you find the books in the library ?  Explain some new words : + Rack (n): + Shelf (n)  Shelves : + Science books : - Guess their meanings, read new words in chours and individually - Copy down in their notebooks + Dictionary (n) : + Novel : + Reference books : + At the back of : *Checking technique : - Play game - Ask Ss to play a game Slap the board < new words are written in the sub_road ) * While reading - Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape - Look at the book and listen to then exercise : the tape Grid : The library Openning time : - Complete the table Books on the left: Books on the right: Books in the English: Closing time: - Call on some Ss to go to the board and complete - Go to the board and write the table - Correct and give the correct answer - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class - Correct their pronunciation - Work in pairs - Read aloud - Ask Ss to look at the questions in the books then work in pairs - Work in pairs - Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions in front of the class - Correct the mistake if necessary a.They are on the racks.( near the science books) b.They are on the racks.( near the history books) c.The math and science books are on the shelves on the left d.The history and geography books ,distionaries and literature in Viet nameseare on the shelves on the right e.the books in English are at the backof the library f.The library opens at a.m g.The library closes at 4.30 p.m * Post reading : Ss work in pair ask and answer about their school library B2.Listen then practice with a partner * Presentation - Introduce new lesson - Play the tape for Ss and ask them to look at the - Ask and answer loudly books - Explain some structures : - Listen to the teacher + Where can I find the math books, please - Listen to the tape + Do you have magazines here ? new spapers - Listen and write down  They are on the shelves on the left / right - Ask Ss to make questions and answers - Correct the mistakes if necessary - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class - Make questions & answers -Correct their pronunciation * Practice - Ask Ss to look at part B1 again then make the - Work in pairs - Read the dialogue aloud similar dialogue - Have Ss work in pairs - Call on some pairs to make their dialogues in front of the class - Look at B1 again Ex : H : Good morning - Work in pairs L : Good morning Can I help you ? - Some pairs make dialogues H : Yes , where can I find the books in English? L : They are at the back of the library H : Do you have math and biology books here? L : Yes, they have on the shelves on the left H : Thank you very much L : You are welcome - Ask and answer about the * Production:Ss ask and answer about the books in school library the school library Consolidation: - Ask Ss to write sentences about their school library , using the library vocabulary - Call on some Ss to read their writing in front of the class - Remark Home work - Learn by heart new words by making sentences with them - Do exerciseb 1,2 at page 24 in work book -Prepare part B 3,4 Unit : AT SCHOOL Lesson : B. + Remember I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the students will be able to know the information about one of the world’s largest libraries though the text They will review the prepositions of position and library vocabulary Practice listening ,speaking and reading skills for Ss Ss get: Vocabulary -study area(n) -in the center of =in the middle of -librarian,s desk - To receive (v) - To contain (v) - Employee (n) - Congress (n) Grammar : - The present simple tense II.Preparation: Text book , tape, cassette, pictures if have,sub-board III Teaching process: 1.Class organization: New lesson: T’s activities Ss’ activities A Warm up - Greetings - Greetings - Have Ss play a game - Play a game Noughts and Crosses Science books Reference books Magazines Readers Newspapers Biology books - Make example : - Play game in groups S1 : Where are the science books ? ( Make questions and answers) S2 : They are on the shelves on the right - Remark and lead in new lesson B New lesson: B3 Listen : Where are they ? *Pre listening -Ask Ss to look at the chart in the library - Look at the chart carefully -Give new words: study area(n) in the center of =in the middle librarian,s desk(n) - Have Ss work in groups guessing the positions of the books in the library - Work in groups to discuss -Call on some representatives to speak about the positions of books the posotions * While listening - Play the tape for Ss and ask them to check their - Demonstrate their predictions predictions - Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of - Listen to the tape the class - Play the tape again and check the answer - Give the results - Give the correct answer : Study area Science + math 3: Geography - Listen to the tape - Copy down + : Newspapers and magazines 6+7 : English 8, Librarian’s desk -Ask Ss to compare their predictions * post listening - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the positions of books - Compare the predictions - Work in pairs - Correct the mistakes S1 : Where are E books ? S2 : They are on the shelves B4 Read Then answer * Pre- reading behind the librarian’s desk - Listen carefully - Introduce the lesson then explain some new words + To reccive (v) : + Congress (n) : + To contain (v) : - Listen and copy down + Employee (n) : Checking technique : Rub out and remember - Ask Ss to exerise : T or F prediction - Guess meanings read new words in chours and individually The library of Congress is in New york It receives copies of all E books There are over 100 million books in this library The shelves are about 300 km long Over 5.000 people work in the library - Ask some representatives to give their predictions *While-reading - Ask Ss to look at the text, read silently then check their predictions - Call on some Ss to give the answer - Work in groups to predict 1-F 2-F 3-T 4–F 5-T - Call on some students read the text in front of the - Give the predictions class - Correct their pronunciations - Ask Ss to look at the text again then find out the answers for the question - Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers < The questions in the book > - Read the text in silent and check the predictions 1–d - Ln - Give the answers 3–e 4–b – LN - Read the text aloud 6–a 7–c - Ask Ss to write the answers in their notebooks * Post_reading - Ask Ss to compare their school library with the library of Congress - Ask them to write the sentences - Read the text and find the answers - Play a game in groups answer the questions Ex : My school library in smaller than the library of Congress - Write the answers - Compare libraries Consolation : - Ask Ss look at the remember and use the phrases of prepositions and pronouns to make sentences Home work : - Do exerciseB at page 26 in work book - Prepare Unit part A1 *Adjustment: TEST CORRECTION I.Objectives : After the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the common mistakes and their knowledge , from that they will know how to improve their knowledge of English II Preparation : Test papers, chalk, board III.Teaching process : 1.Class organization: 7A: 7B: 7C: 2.Oral test: Read B6 then answer T/F 3.New lesson: Correcting the test T,s activities A Warm up : -Play the games - Greetings - Hang man: Ss,activities (cafeteria) - - - - -(snacks) B.Newlesson -Deliver the tests to the Ss -Correct the test -Remark the bad and the good of the tests: some Ss the test well: Binh, -Receive the test -listen to the teacher carefully Tran Nga,Tu(7A); Tran Thinh ,Tran Hien, Thuy Trang.Uyen(7C) some Ss the test badly, they need to work harder: Van Chung ,Thanh Trung(7C) :Thuan, Anh,Diep,HaA,Thieu Huong,Hoa,Thanh,Tung(7B) -Common mistakes: +Grammar:future tense,comparative,exclamative sentences +vocabulary:take care of -Repeat the main knowledge: future tense in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences; advs are used in the future tense -Write down ,give examples -Prepositions of time :on ,at ,in -Exclamatory sentences: +What +adj+ a/an + countable noun! + what +adj+ plural / uncountable noun! -question words: who ,what, where, how, why, -comparisons: +comparative: short adj +er more + long adj + superative: the + short adj+est the+ most+ long adj special cases: good=>better=>the best well bad=> worse=> the worst little=> less=> the least far=> farther=> the farthest => further=>the furthest 4.Consolidation: -Review the main knowledge Homework: - Do the test again

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2016, 09:22



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