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The condiTIonal sentences

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The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences The condiTIonal sentences

The condiTIonal sentences (Câu điều kiện) Câu điều kiện thờng có mệnh đề: Mệnh đề kết ( main clause ) mệnh đề điều kiện ( if clause ) Mệnh đề đứng trớc/ sau mệnh đề If 1/ Câu đk loại 1: loại câu khả việc, hành động xảy / tơng lai If clause Simple present Main clause S+V( present simple/ simple future/ imperative ( mệnh lệnh ) Eg: - If you work hard, you'll pass the exam - You won't pass the exam if you don't work hard * Notes: - Có thể dùng may, might, should, can mệnh đề tuỳ theo tình Eg: If you feel tired, you should go to bed early - Có thể dùng dạng thức mệnh lệnh mệnh đề Eg: Please tell him to come to my office if you see him ( Hãy bảo đến văn phòng cậu gặp anh ta.) - Có thể dùng động từ thời hoàn thành mệnh đề If Eg: If you have written your letter, I'll post it for you or If you are working now, I'll come back later - If thay When Eg: When the school finishes, I'll visit my grandparents 2/ Câu đk loại 2: ( ĐK giả sử )- tình xảy tại/ tơng lai ( or ngời cho việc không khó xảy ) If clause Main clause Past Simple S+ would/ should/ might/ could + V ( Riêng Be = Were tất ) Eg: If I had enough money now, I would buy this house ( in fact, I don't have money) - Mrs Hoa is old, so she can't apply for the job If Mrs Hoa were younger, she would/ could apply for the job - It is raining I have to at home = If it weren't raining, I wouldn't stay at home * Để diễn tả lời khuyên ta dùng: If I were you Eg: If I were you, I wouldn't such a thing 3/ Câu đk loại 3: Là loại câu tình trái với thực tế khứ Mẫu câu : If clause Main clause Quá khứ hoàn thành (had done) would / might/could/ shold have done Eg : - The weather was bad yesterday I had to stay at home If the weather had been fine yesterday, I would have gone out (Nếu hôm qua trời đẹp, có lẽ chơi rồi) - If the weather hadn't been bad, I wouldn't have stayed at home (Nếu thời tiết không xấu, không nhà.) 4) Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp ( + 3) Là câu tình trái với thực tế khứ Mẫu câu : Mệnh đề if Mệnh đề Quá khứ hoàn thành (had done) would/might/could/ should + V would/might/could/ should be + V-ing Eg :- I ate too much this morning Now I feel uncomfortable - Sáng ăn nhiều Bây cảm thấy khó chịu - If I hadn't eaten too much this morning, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable now - Nếu sáng không ăn nhiều không cảm thấy khó chịu - I'm not having a good time now, because I had an accident yesterday - If I hadn't had an accident yesterday, I would be having a good time now *Một số cách dùng thêm if If then: Nếu If she cant come to us, then we will have to go and see her If dùng dạng câu câu điều kiện: Động từ mệnh đề diễn biến bình thờng theo thời gian If you want to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice If you did not much maths at school, you will find economics difficult to understand If that was Marry, why didnt she stop and say hello If should = If happen to = If should happen to diễn đạt không chắn (Xem thêm phần sử dụng should số trờng hợp cụ thể) Ex: If you should happen to pass a supermarket, perhaps you could get some eggs (Ngộ nhỡ mà anh có tình cờ ghé qua chợ có lẽ mua cho em trứng) If was/were to Diễn đạt điều kiện thật tởng tợng tơng lai If the boss was/were to come in now (= if the boss came in now), we would be in real trouble What would we if I was/were to lose my job Hoặc diễn đạt ý lịch đa đề nghị If you were to to move your chair a bit, we could all sit down (Nếu anh vui lòng dịch ghế anh chút ngồi đợc) Note: Cấu trúc tuyệt đối không đợc dùng với động từ tĩnh trạng thái t Correct: If I knew her name, I would tell you Incorrect: If I was/were to know If it + to be + not + for: Nếu không vì, không nhờ vào Thời tại: Ex: If it wasnt/werent for the children, that couple wouldnt have any thing to talk about (Nếu không đứa vợ chồng nhà chả có chuyện mà nói) Thời khứ: Ex: If it hadnt been for your help, I dont know what we would have done (Nếu không nhờ vào giúp đỡ anh làm đây) Not đợc thêm vào động từ sau if để bày tỏ nghi ngờ, không chắn Ex: I wonder if we shouldnt ask the doctor to look at Mary It would if + subject + would (sẽ không đợc dùng văn viết) Ex: It would be better if they would tell every body in advance (Sẽ tốt họ kể cho ngời từ trớc) Ex: How would we feel if this would happen to our family (Ta cảm thấy điều xảy gia đình chúng ta.) If d have have: Dùng văn nói, không dùng văn viết, diễn đạt điều kiện xảy khứ Ex: If Id have known, Id have told you Ex: If shed have recognized him it would have been funny If + preposition + noun/verb (subject + be bị lợc bỏ) Ex: If in doubt, ask for help (=If you are in doubt) Ex: If about to go on a long journey, try to have a good nights sleep (= If you are about to go on ) 10 If dùng phổ biến với số từ nh any/anything/ever/not diễn đạt phủ định There is little if any good evidence for flying saucers (=There is little evidence if ther is any at all, for flying saucers) (Có chứng đĩa bay, có chút) Im not angry If anything, I feel a little surprised (Tôi không giận đâu Mà trái lại cảm thấy ngạc nhiên) Thành ngữ diễn đạt ý kiến ớm thử: Nếu có Id say he was more like a father, if anything (Tôi xin nói ông ngời cha, nói thế.) He seldom if ever travel abroad (Anh ta chả nớc ngoài) Usually, if not always, we write cannot as one word (Thông thờng, nhng luôn ) 11 If + Adjective = although (cho dù là) Nghĩa không mạnh although - Dùng để diễn đạt quan điểm riêng vấn đề không quan trọng His style, if simple, is pleasant to read (Văn phong ông ta, cho dù đơn giản, đọc thú) The profits, if little lower than last years, are still extremely wealthy (Lợi nhuận, cho dù có thấp năm qua chút, lớn.) *Cấu trúc thay may , but His style may be simple, but it is pleasant to read III/ EXERCISES 1/Exercise1 : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form 1/ I (look) for your note book and if I (find) it I (give) you a ring 2/ If he (be) late, we (go) without him 3/ If you (come) late, they (not let ) you in 4/ If we (work ) all night we (finish) in time 5/ Tell him to take his bike inside If he (leave) it outside, someone (steal) it 6/ Wait until I (be) ready 7/ The meeting (start) _ when everybody arrives 8/ Let's phone Mandy now before it (be) _ too late 9/ If he (not know) _ what to he'll ask his mum 2/Exercise2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form 1/ If I (win) a big prize in a lottery, I (give) up my job 2/ If I (be) sent to prison, you (visit) me ? 3/ I (not drink) that wine if I (be) you 4/ I (get) a job easily if I (have) a degree 5/ Of course I'm not going to give her a diamond ring If I (give) her, she (sell) it 6/ If we (work ) all night we (finish) in time, but we have no intention of working all night 7/ Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again If I (be) Tom, I (get) a new battery 8/ I'd go to see him more often if I (live) _ nearer 9/ If I knew you were right, I (agree) with you 10/ I (buy ) shares in that company if they were cheaper 3/ Exercise3 : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form 1/ I had no maps; that's why I got lost If I (have) a map I (be) all right 2/ The job is much worse than I expected If I (realise) how awful it was going to be I (not accept ) it 3/ I'm sorry you didn't tell me that dogs were allowed in the hotel; if I (know) I (bring) my dog He (enjoy) the walk 4/ It rained, which spoiled our picnic; but it (not rain) it (be) a great success 5/ I didn't recognize him at first because he was wearing dark glasses; if he (not wear) them I (recognize) him immediately 6/ - Why didn't you phone me from the village ? - Because there was no phone in the village If there (be), of course we (phone) from there 7/ We had to stand almost all the way It was all Tom's fault If he (book) seats, as I told him to, we (have) quite a comfortable journey 4/ Exercise4 : Rewrite the following sentences 1/ I'm having a lot of trouble now because I lost my passport last week If I 2/ Lan feels tired now because she ate too much this morning If Lan 3/ I'm sick now because I went to the stadium yesterday afternoon If I 4/ He didn't learn hard at school; that's why he is unemployed now If he * ANSWERS: Ex1: am looking find will work- will finish will start give is will go leaves- steals is come won't let am doesn't know Ex 2: won- would give gave would sell would agree were would you visit worked would finish 10 would buy wouldn't drink were were would get could get - had lived Ex 3: had had would have been hadn't wore I would have recognized had realise wouldn't have accepted had been would have phoned had known would have brought had booked would have had hadn't rained would have been Ex 4: If I hadn't lost my passport last week, I would be having a lot of trouble now If she hadn't eaten too much this morning, I wouldn't feel tired now If I hadn't gone to the stadium yesterday afternoon,I wouldn't be sick now If he had learnt hard at school, he wouldn't be unemployed now IV/ HOMEWORK: - Learn by heart the grammar - Prepare '' The Reported Speech/ Questions '

Ngày đăng: 26/08/2016, 17:46

Xem thêm: The condiTIonal sentences


Mục lục

    *Một số cách dùng thêm của if

    3. If... should = If... happen to... = If... should happen to... diễn đạt sự không chắc chắn (Xem thêm phần sử dụng should trong một số trường hợp cụ thể)

    7. It would... if + subject + would... (sẽ là... nếu không được dùng trong văn viết)

    8. If... d have... have: Dùng trong văn nói, không dùng trong văn viết, diễn đạt điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở quá khứ

    9. If + preposition + noun/verb... (subject + be bị lược bỏ)

    10. If dùng khá phổ biến với một số từ như any/anything/ever/not diễn đạt phủ định

    11. If + Adjective = although (cho dù là)


