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www.photransedit.com My phonetics talk on vowels PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alex's phonetic thoughts http://alex-ateachersthoughts.blogspot.it/2012/04/ma-fnetks-tk-n-valz.html (visited 22-Aug-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: The reason why I didn’t post any article last week was because I was incredibly busy preparing for a talk I was asked to give on Wednesday the 28th of March at the Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, where I’ve been working as a lecturer in English Phonetics since last October The talk I presented was entitled “The English vowel system: weak forms, smoothings, and compressions” I chose this topic because, as you know, recognising and producing vowels and vowel sequences in connected English speech is a very tricky area for non-native speakers I started my presentation by illustrating the three categories into which the English vowels are usually divided: checked vowels, free vowels, and diphthongs I then talked about John Wells’s standard lexical sets and the vowels of contemporary Standard British English Subsequently, I discussed the unstable state of syllables in spoken English and examined weak (or reduced) as against strong (or full) syllables I also introduced the concepts of stress and accent and the difference between word stress and sentence stress Finally, I discussed the extremely frequent use of weak forms in English and the total absence of such forms in a language such as Italian The part of the talk the audience liked most, I think, was when I showed them a series of videos of Italian native speakers whose spoken English contains barely any reductions/weak forms at all The first clip was that of one Commander Nicastro, interviewed by BBC newsreader Nik Gowing on The Hub soon after the Costa Concordia disaster back in January The students and teachers present at the talk described his pronunciation as terribly un-English (in particular they noticed the word environment, pronounced as something like ɛɱˈvirɔmɛnt) and also pointed out that Mr Gowing, in order for his interviewee to understand better, ‘had to reduce the number of weak forms’ in the questions he was asking Two examples of this can be found in What you think the danger is now for the ship? (0:55) and What is the forecast now for the weather? (1:31), in which the preposition for is pronounced as fɔː rather than the more usual fə http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com My phonetics talk on vowels PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alex's phonetic thoughts http://alex-ateachersthoughts.blogspot.it/2012/04/ma-fnetks-tk-n-valz.html (visited 22-Aug-12) The second video was that of Italy’s ex Foreign Minister Franco Frattini being grilled by BBC presenter Jeremy Paxman about the situation in Italy and in Libya before Colonel Gaddafi’s death In this clip he can, for instance, be heard to use the unreduced forms of can, to and that in Nobody can consider him as an interlocutor (0:18), *Nobody can guarantee to him the impunity (1:10), *no hesitation to support me (2:48), and the people of Benghazi that we are supporting strongly (3:25) “What you think of Mr Frattini’s pronunciation?”, I asked What you think their answer was? I then moved onto smoothed and compressed pronunciations and used some of the sound files contained in the CD-ROM that comes with LPD3: flower, flowery, fire department, fire drill, fire extinguisher, and hour hand Several degrees of smoothing can also be heard in the utterances scientists (00:08), shower (00:42), our (00:52), ourselves (01:05) and scientist (03:35) in this other BBC video which tries to explain the science of the Higgs Boson, the so-called ‘God particle’ Teachers and students alike seem to have enjoyed this clip, too Finally, I wanted to play another video just to recap the main points of my talk, but I realised I had run out of time, so I told the people present I was going to discuss it on my blog In this last clip with London mayor Boris Johnson, we can hear the phrase youth violence pronounced with a smoothed diphthong in violence at both 02:32 and 03:07 Also noteworthy is the utterance we’re, realised by Mr Johnson as the less usual weak form wə(ː) at 01:31, 03:38, 05:20 and 05:30 It is interesting to note that the ODP is the only pronouncing dictionary to list this reduced form as a variant (see page 1180) My talk was so successful that the students asked me to come again and give another lecture later this month The next topic will be English intonation http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com My phonetics talk on vowels PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alex's phonetic thoughts http://alex-ateachersthoughts.blogspot.it/2012/04/ma-fnetks-tk-n-valz.html (visited 22-Aug-12) maɪ fәnetɪks tɔːk ɒn vaʊlz ðə riːzən waɪ aɪ dɪdm̩ pəʊst eni ɑːtɪkl̩ lɑːs wiːk wəz bɪkəz aɪ wəz ɪŋkredəbli bɪzi prɪpɛːrɪŋ fər ə tɔːk aɪ wəz ɑːs tə ɡɪv ɒm wenzdeɪ ðə twenti-eɪtθ əv mɑːtʃ əʔ ði Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, wɛːr aɪv bɪm wɜːkɪŋ əz ə lektʃərər ɪn ɪŋɡlɪʃ fənetɪks sɪnts lɑːst ɒktəʊbə ðə tɔːk aɪ prɪzentɪd wəz ɪntaɪtl̩d “ði ɪŋɡlɪʃ vaʊl sɪstəm: wiːk fɔːmz, smuːðɪŋ əŋ kəmpreʃn̩” aɪ tʃəʊz ðɪs tɒpɪk bɪkəz, əʒu nəʊ, rekəɡnaɪzɪŋ əm prədʒuːsɪŋ vaʊlz ən vaʊl siːkwəntsɪz ɪŋ kənektɪd ɪŋɡlɪʃ spiːtʃ ɪz ə veri trɪki ɛːriə fə nɒn-neɪtɪv spiːkəz aɪ stɑːtɪd maɪ prezn̩teɪʃn̩ baɪ ɪləstreɪtɪŋ ðə θriː kætəɡəriz ɪntə wɪtʃ ði ɪŋɡlɪʃ vaʊlz ə juːʒəli dɪvaɪdɪd: tʃekt vaʊlz, friː vaʊlz, ən dɪfθɒŋz aɪ ðen tɔːkt əbaʊʔ dʒɒm welzɪz stændəd leksɪkl̩ sets ən ðə vaʊlz əv kəntempri stændəd brɪtɪʃ ɪŋɡlɪʃ sʌbsɪkwəntli, aɪ dɪskʌs ði ʌnsteɪbl̩ steɪt əv sɪləbl̩z ɪn spəʊkən ɪŋɡlɪʃ ənd ɪɡzæmɪnd wiːk (ɔː rɪdʒuːst) əz əɡenst strɒŋ (ɔː fʊl) sɪləbl̩z aɪ ɔːlsəʊ ɪntrədʒuːs ðə kɒnsepts əv stres ən æksent ən ðə dɪfrənts bɪtwiːn wɜːd stres ən sentəns stres faɪnli, aɪ dɪskʌs ði ɪkstriːmli friːkwənt juːs əv wiːk fɔːmz ɪn ɪŋɡlɪʃ ən ðə təʊtl̩ æpsənts əv sʌtʃ fɔːmz ɪn ə læŋɡwɪdʒ sʌtʃ əz ɪtæljən ðə pɑːt əv ðə tɔːk ði ɔːdjənts laɪk məʊst, a θɪŋk, wəz wen aɪ ʃəʊd ðəm ə sɪəriːz əv vɪdiəʊz əv ɪtæljən neɪtɪv spiːkəz huːz spəʊkən ɪŋɡlɪʃ kənteɪm bɛːli eni rɪdʌkʃn̩z/wiːk fɔːmz ət ɔːl ðə fɜːs klɪp wəz ðæt əv wʌŋ kəmɑːndə nɪkæstrəʊ (=Nicastro), ɪntəvjuːd baɪ biːbisiː njuːzriːdə nɪk ɡaʊɪŋ ɒn ðə hʌb suːn ɑːftə ðə kɒstə kɒŋkɔːdiə dɪzɑːstə bæk ɪn dʒænjʊri ðə ʃtʃuːdn̩ts ən tiːtʃəz prezənt əʔ ðə tɔːk dɪskraɪbd ɪz prənʌntsieɪʃn̩ əz ‘terəbli ʌn-ɪŋɡlɪʃ’ (ɪm pətɪkjʊlə ðeɪ nəʊtɪs ðə wɜːd environment, prənaʊnst əz sʌmpθɪŋ laɪk ɛɱˈvirɔmɛnt) ən ɔːlsəʊ pɔɪntɪd aʊʔ ðəʔ mɪstə ɡaʊɪŋ, ɪn ɔːdə fər ɪz ɪntəvjuːiː tu ʌndəstænd betə, həd tə ‘rɪdʒuːs ðə nʌmbər əv wiːk fɔːmz’ ɪn ðə kwestʃənz i wəz ɑːskɪŋ tuː ɪɡzɑːmpl̩z əv ðɪs kəm bi faʊnd ɪn What you think the danger is now for the ship? (0:55) ən What is the forecast now for the weather? (1:31), ɪm wɪtʃ ðə prepəzɪʃn̩ for ɪz prənaʊnst əz fɔː rɑːðə ðən ðə mɔː juːʒəl fə http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com My phonetics talk on vowels PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alex's phonetic thoughts http://alex-ateachersthoughts.blogspot.it/2012/04/ma-fnetks-tk-n-valz.html (visited 22-Aug-12) ðə sekən vɪdiəʊ wəz ðæt əv ɪtəliz eks fɒrəm mɪnɪstə fræŋkəʊ frætiːni (=Franco Frattini) biːɪŋ ɡrɪld baɪ biːbisiː prɪzentə dʒerəmi pæksmən əbaʊʔ ðə sɪtʃʊeɪʃn ɪn ɪtəli ənd ɪn lɪbiə bɪfɔː kɜːnl̩ ɡədɑːfiz deθ ɪn ðɪs klɪp hi kən, frɪnstənts, bi hɜːd tə juːz ðə ʌnrɪdʒuːst fɔːmz əv can, to ən that ɪn Nobody can consider him as an interlocutor (0:18), *Nobody can guarantee to him the impunity (1:10), *no hesitation to support me (2:48), ænd the people of Benghazi that we are supporting strongly (3:25) “wɒʔ dju θɪŋk əv mɪstə frætiːniz prənʌntsieɪʃn̩?”, aɪ ɑːskt – wɒʔ dju θɪŋk ðɛːr ɑːntsə wɒz? aɪ ðen muːvd ɒntə smuːðd əŋ kəmprest prənʌntsieɪʃn̩z ən juːzd sʌm əv ðə saʊɱ faɪəlz kənteɪnd ɪn ðə siːdiːrɒm ðəʔ kʌmz wɪð LPD3: flower, flowery, fire department, fire drill, fire extinguisher, ænd hour hand sevrəl dɪɡriːz əv smuːðɪŋ kən ɔːlsəʊ bi hɜːd ɪn ði ʌtrəntsɪz scientists (00:08), shower (00:42), our (00:52), ourselves (01:05) ən scientist (03:35) ɪn ðɪs ʌðə biːbisiː vɪdiəʊ wɪtʃ traɪz twɪkspleɪn ðə sɑːənts əv ðə hɪɡz bəʊsɒn, ðə səʊ kɔːl ɡɒd pɑːtɪkl̩ tiːtʃəz ən stʃuːdn̩ts əlaɪk siːm twəv ɪndʒɔɪ ðɪs klɪp, tuː faɪnli, aɪ wɒntɪd tə pleɪ ənʌðə vɪdiəʊ dʒʌs tə riːkæp ðə meɪm pɔɪnts əv maɪ tɔːk bət aɪ rɪəlaɪzd aɪd rʌn aʊt əv taɪm, səʊ aɪ tɒʊl ðə piːpl̩ prezənt aɪ wəz ɡənə pəʊst ɪt ən dɪskʌs ɪt ɒm maɪ blɒɡ ɪn ðɪs lɑːs klɪp wɪð lʌndən mɛː bɒrɪs dʒɒntsn̩, wi kən hɪə ðə freɪz youth violence prənaʊnst wɪð ə smuːð dɪfθɒŋ ɪn violence əp bəʊθ 02:32 ən 03:07 ɔːlsəʊ nəʊʔwɜːði ɪz ði ʌtrənts we’re rɪəlaɪzd baɪ mɪstə dʒɒntsn̩ əz ðə les juːʒəl wiːk fɔːm wə(ː) ət 01:31, 03:38, 05:20 ən 05:30 ɪts ɪntrəstɪŋ tə nəʊʔ ðəʔ ði ODP ɪz ði əʊnni prənaʊntsɪŋ dɪkʃənri tə lɪst ðɪs rɪdʒuːs fɔːm əz ə pɒsəbl̩ vɛːriənt (siː peɪdʒ 1180) maɪ tɔːk wəs səʊ səksesfl̩ ðəʔ ðə ʃtʃuːdn̩ts ɑːst mi tə kʌm əɡen əŋ ɡɪv ənʌðə lektʃə leɪtə ðɪs mʌntθ ðə neks tɒpɪk wl̩ bi ɪŋɡlɪʃ ɪntəneɪʃn̩ http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com Diamond Jubilee PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alex's phonetic thoughts http://alex-ateachersthoughts.blogspot.it/2012/08/the-london-olympic-games.html (visited 14-Aug-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: The Diamond Jubilee has been a multinational celebration marking the 60th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II to the thrones of seven countries The first major event of the jubilee celebrations was the Diamond Jubilee Pageant, a cavalcade held at Windsor Castle to celebrate the Queen’s visits to and tours of over 250 countries and her passion for horses The show, which featured 550 horses and 1,100 performers from around the world Then, on the 3rd of June, the River Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant was held It was a maritime parade of 1,000 boats from around the Commonwealth—the largest flotilla seen on the river in 350 years Heavy rain started during the event, and the commemorative airforce fly past at the end was cancelled due to very low cloud base and bad visibility at ground level The event was attended by various governorsgeneral from the Commonwealth realms other than the UK The night after the Thames River Pageant, Prince Philip, the Queen’s husband, fell ill with a bladder infection and was taken to hospital This meant that he was unable to attend the remainder of the Jubilee events Members of the Royal Family and prime ministers from the Commonwealth realms attended various events on and June: A reception was held at Buckingham Palace before the Diamond Jubilee Concert on Monday and a service of thanksgiving took place Tuesday at St Paul’s Cathedral, also attended by 2,000 other guests http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com Diamond Jubilee PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alex's phonetic thoughts http://alex-ateachersthoughts.blogspot.it/2012/06/dmnd-dubli.html (visited 22-Aug-12) The lighting of thousands of beacons across the Commonwealth took place on June The number of beacons was originally set at 2,012; by the closing date for registrations, approximately 4,000 had been submitted in the United Kingdom alone The first beacon of the Jubilee was lit Tonga, by Tongan girl scouts and boy scouts using coconut sheath torches Other nations including Kenya, Australia, New Zealand, India, Sri Lanka, and several Caribbean states took part in the beacon lighting The world’s most remote beacon was lit in the south Atlantic The Queen also lit a beacon outside Buckingham Palace on Tuesday at 10:30 pm, by inserting a large, specially made, diamond-cut crystal into a receptacle The lighting proceeded until the final beacon was lit in Canada eight hours later http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com Diamond Jubilee PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alex's phonetic thoughts http://alex-ateachersthoughts.blogspot.it/2012/08/the-london-olympic-games.html (visited 14-Aug-12) ðә dɑːmәnd dʒuːbәliː ðə dɑːmənd dʒuːbəliː əz bɪn ə mʌltinæʃnəl seləbreɪʃn̩ mɑːkɪŋ ðə sɪkstjəθ ænəvɜːʃri əv ði əkseʃn̩ əv kwiːn əlɪzəbəθ ðə sekən tə ðə θrəʊnz əv sevŋ̩ kʌntriz ðə fɜːs meɪdʒər ɪvent ə ðə dʒuːbəliː seləbreɪʃn̩z wəz ðə dɑːmənd dʒuːbəliː pædʒənt, ə kævl̩keɪd held əʔ wɪnzə kɑːsl̩ tə seləbreɪt ðə kwiːnz vɪzɪts tuː ən tɔːz ɒv əʊvə tuː hʌndrəd ən fɪfti kʌntriz ən hə pæʃn̩ fə hɔːsɪz ðə ʃəʊ fiːtʃəd faɪv hʌndrəd ən fɪfti hɔːsɪz əm wʌn θaʊzm̩ wʌn hʌndrəd pəfɔːməz frəm əraʊn ðə wɜːld ðen, ɒn ðə θɜːd əv dʒuːn, ðə rɪvə temz dɑːmənd dʒuːbəliː pædʒənt wəz held ɪʔ wəz ə mærətaɪm pəreɪd əv wʌn θaʊzm̩ bəʊts frəm əraʊn ðə kɒmənwelθ – ðə lɑːdʒəs flətɪlə siːn ɒn ðə rɪvər ɪn θriː hʌndrəd ən fɪfti jɪəz hevi reɪn stɑːtɪd dʒɜːrɪŋ ði ɪvent, ən ðə kəmemərətɪv ɛːfɔːs flaɪ-pɑːst əʔ ði end wəz kænsl̩d dʒuː tə veri bæd vɪzəbɪləti ði ɪvent wəz ətendɪd baɪ vɛːriəs ɡʌvnə dʒenrəlz frəm ðə kɒmənwelθ relmz ʌðə ðn̩ ðə juːkeɪ ðə naɪt ɑːftə ðə temz rɪvə pædʒənt, prɪnts fɪlɪp, ðə kwiːnz hʌzbənd, fel ɪl wɪð ə blædər ɪnfekʃn̩ ən wəz teɪkən tə hɒspɪtl̩ ðɪs ment ðət i wəz ʌneɪbl̩ tu ətend ðə rimeɪndər əv ðə dʒuːbəliː ɪvents membəz ə ðə rɔːl fæmli əm praɪ mɪnəstəz frəm ðə kɒmənwelθ relmz ətendɪd vɛːriəs ɪvents ɒn ðə fɔːθ ən fɪfθ ə dʒuːn ə rəsepʃn̩ wəz held əʔ bʌkɪŋəm pæləs bɪfɔː ðə dɑːmənd dʒuːbəliː kɒntsət ɒn mʌndeɪ, ən ə sɜːvɪs ə θænksɡɪvɪŋ tʊk pleɪs ɒn tʃuːzdi əʔ sm̩ pɔːlz kəθiːdrəl, ɔːlsəʊ ətendɪd baɪ tuː θaʊzn̩d ʌðə ɡess http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com Diamond Jubilee PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alex's phonetic thoughts http://alex-ateachersthoughts.blogspot.it/2012/06/dmnd-dubli.html (visited 22-Aug-12) ðə laɪtɪŋ ə θaʊzn̩dz ə biːkənz əkrɒs ðə kɒmənwelθ tʊk pleɪs ɒn dʒuːn ðə fɔːθ ðə nʌmbər əv biːkənz wəz ərɪdʒnəli set əʔ tuː θaʊzn̩ ən twelv bəʔ baɪ ðə kləʊzɪŋ deɪt fə redʒɪstreɪʃn̩z, əprɒksɪməʔli fɔː θaʊzn̩d əd bɪn səbmɪtɪd ɪn ðə junaɪtɪd kɪŋdəm ələʊn ðə fɜːs biːkən ə ðə dʒuːbɪliː wəz lɪt ɪn tɒŋə, baɪ tɒŋən ɡɜːl skaʊts əm bɔɪ skaʊts juːzɪŋ kəʊkənʌʔ ʃiːθ tɔːtʃɪz ʌðə neɪʃn̩z ɪŋkluːdɪŋ kenjə, ɒstreɪliə, njuː ziːlənd, ɪndiə, ʃrɪ læŋkə, ən sevrəl kærəbɪən steɪts tʊk pɑːt ɪn ðə biːkən laɪtɪŋ ðə wɜːldz məʊs riməʊʔ biːkən wəz lɪt ɪn ðə saʊθ əʔlæntɪk ðə kwiːn ɔlːsəʊ lɪt ə biːkən aʊʔsaɪd bʌkɪŋəm pæləs ɒn tjuːzdi əʔ ten θɜːti piː em, baɪ ɪnsɜːtɪŋ ə lɑːdʒ, speʃli meɪd, dɑːmənd-kʌʔ krɪstl̩ ɪntu ə riseptəkl̩ ðə laɪtɪŋ prəsiːdɪd əntɪl ðə faɪnl̩ biːkən wəz lɪt ɪŋ kænədə eɪt aəz leɪtə http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com That day by Natalie Imbruglia PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alpozo's Phonetic Blog http://allphonetics.blogspot.com.es/2009/02/that-day-s-initial-position.html (visited 24-Aug-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following song: That day, That day What a mess what a marvel I walked into that cloud again And I lost myself And I'm sad, sad, sad Small, alone, scared Craving purity A fragile mind and a gentle spirit That day, That day, What a marvelous mess This is all that I can I'm done to be me Sad, scared, small, alone, beautiful It's supposed to be like this I accept everything It's supposed to be like this That day, That day I lay down beside myself In this feeling of pain, sadness Scared, small, climbing, crawling Towards the light And it's all that I see and I'm tired and I'm right And I'm wrong And it's beautiful That day, That day What a mess, what a marvel We're all the same But no one thinks so And it's okay And I'm small and I'm divine And it's beautiful And it's coming And it's already here And it's absolutely perfect That day, That day When everything was a mess And everything was in place And there's too much hurt Sad, small, scared, alone And everyone's a cynic And it's hard and it's sweet But it's supposed to be like this That day, That day When I sat in the sun And I thought and I cried Cause I'm sad, scared, small Alone, strong And I'm nothing and I'm true Only a brave man can break through And it's all okay Yeah, it's okay http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! That day by Natalie Imbruglia RP Received Pronunciation Transcription taken from Alpozo's Phonetic Blog http://allphonetics.blogspot.com.es/2009/02/that-day-s-initial-position.html (visited 24-Aug-12) That day, That day I lay down beside myself In this feeling of pain, sadness Scared, small, climbing, crawling Towards the light And it's all that I see and I'm tired and I'm right And I'm wrong And it's beautiful That day, That day What a mess, what a marveleous mess We're all the same But no one thinks so And it's okay And I'm small and I'm divine And it's beautiful And it's coming And it's already here And it's absolutely perfect That day, That day That day, That day That day, That day When I lay down beside myself In this feeling of pain, sadness Scared, small, climbing, crawling Towards the light And it's all that I see and I'm tired and I'm right And I'm wrong And it's beautiful That day, That day What a mess, what a marveleous mess We're all the same But no one thinks so And it's okay And I'm small and I'm divine And it's beautiful And it's coming And it's already here And it's absolutely perfect That That That That day, day, day, day, That That That That day day day day So sweet, can you feel it? (Can you feel it?) Are you here? Are you with me? I can feel it And its beautiful That day, That day That day, absolutely perfect http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! The North Wind and the Sun British English Transcription taken from A Phonemic Transcription Key - Justin B Rye http://www.xibalba.demon.co.uk/jbr/phono.html (visited 22-Aug-12) / wɪð ʲtɛnjə ʲsuːz,iːd hɶv ɔːl ð mɔː ʲlɛʒə fə ʲjɑ.tɪŋ bət hʌˈː ,pəblɪʲkɛɪʃənz ə nəʊ ɡʊd / / ɑː ðəʊz ʃɑɪ jʊəʲrɛɪʒən ʲfʊtwɛə ʲkɶʊbɔɪ tʃɶps ɔː ʲdʒɑ.liː ʲʌˈːθ,muːvɪŋ ʲhɛdɡɪə / / ʲbɑ.ðə ʲfɑːðə kɔːt hɑ.t ʲkɑ.fiː ɪn ðə ʲkɑː,pɑːk / / ɑɪ tiːtʃ ʲfʌˈːdɪ,nɶnd ðə kɑːm kɶt tə fɛtʃ kəʊld kəps əv ʲkɑ.fiː huː nəʊz mɔːr əbɶʊt ʲtɛɪstɪŋ θɪŋz hiːz juːzd ðə bʊk / / ðə nɔːθ wɪnd ən ðə sən wə dɪsʲpjuːtɪŋ wɪtʃ wəz ðə ʲstrɑ.ŋɡə wɛn ə ʲtrɶvlə kɛɪm əʲlɑ.ŋ rɶpt ɪn ə wɔːm kləʊk ðɛɪ əʲɡriːd ðət ðə wən huː fəːs səkʲsiːdɪd ɪn ʲmɛɪkɪŋ ðə ʲtrɶvlə tɛɪk ɪz kləʊk ɑ.f ʃʊb biː kənʲsɪdəd ʲstrɑ.ŋɡə ðən ðiː ʲəðə / / ðɛn ðə nɔːθ wɪnd bluː əz hɑːd z iː kʊd bət ðə mɔːr iː bluː ðə mɔː ʲkləʊsliː dɪd ðə ʲtrɶvlə fəʊld hɪz kləʊk əʲrɶʊnd hɪm ən ət lɑːs ðə nɔθ wɪnd ɡɛɪv əp ðj əʲtɛmp ðɛn ðə sən ʃɑ.n ɶʊt ʲwɔːmliː ən ɪʲmiːdʒətliː ðə ʲtrɶvlə tʊk ɑ.f ɪz kləʊk / / ən səʊ ðə nɔːθ wɪnd wəz əʲblɑɪdʒ tə kənʲfɛs ðət ðə sən wəz ðə ʲstrɑ.ŋɡr əv ðə tuː / http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! Corny Jokes British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive8.html#blog073 (visited 14-Aug-12) http://www.yek.me.uk/archive8.html#blog072 (visited 14-Aug-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: 1.ˈMy ˋ-wife’s | gone to the West ˋIndies Jaˋˏmaica? ˋˏNo ˈShe | went of her ˏown ac`cord 2.ˋ-Who was that `lady | I ˋsaw you with ˈlast ˎnight? ˋThat was no ˏlady ˋThat | was my ˋwife 3.And ˈthese, | ˏladies, | are the famous ˋfalls If you can ˈstop ˋtalking for a ˏmoment, | you’ll be able to ˋˏhear | their ˋˏmighty ˋroar 4.Waiter, there’s a fly in my soup Then perhaps you’d prefer a red wine, sir 5.Why you always answer me by asking another question? Do I? 6.Am I the first man who’s ever kissed you? Of course, you are, darling You boys all ask the same silly questions http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! Corny Jokes British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive8.html#blog073 (visited 14-Aug-12) http://www.yek.me.uk/archive8.html#blog072 (visited 14-Aug-12) kɔːni ʤəʊks 1.maɪ waɪfs gɒn tə ðə west ɪndiz ʤəmeɪkə? nəʊ ʃi went əv ər əʊn əkɔːd 2.huː wz ðӕt leɪdi aɪ sɔː ju wɪð lɑːs naɪt? ðӕt wz nəʊ leɪdi ðӕt wz maɪ waɪf 3.ӕnd ðiːz, leɪdiz, ə ðə feɪməs fɔːlz ɪf ju kn stɒp tɔːkɪŋ fər ə məʊmənt, jul bi eɪbl tə hɪə ðeə maɪti rɔː 4./ ˋ-weɪtə ðeəz ə ˋflaɪ ɪn maɪ suːp./ /ˈðen pəˈhæps | jud prɪfɜːr ə ˎred waɪn sə./ 5./ˈwaɪ dju ɔːlweɪz ˈɑːnsə mi baɪ ˈɑːskɪŋ ənʌðə ˎkwestʃən./ /ˈduː ˏaɪ./ 6./ˈæm aɪ | ðə ˈfɜːst ˈmæn | huz ˈevə ˎkɪst ju./ /əv ˋkɔːs ju ɑː dɑːlɪŋ ˈju ˈbɔɪz | ˈɔːl ˈɑːsk | ðə ˈseɪm ˈsɪli ˎkwestʃənz./ http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! Re‵marks British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive5.html#blog046 (visited 14-Aug-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: 10 `- Sorry,│ but I’m a `- stranger ˏhere │my`self A ˈfat │lot of use `that'll be ˊ`No-one's ˎever comˎplained aˎbout it beˊ`fore `- Well, if I ˊ`dialled the wrong `ˏnumber, ˈwhy did you answer the `phone? ˈAll ˈright ˏDo it │your ˏown ˏway, then Look `- out! ˏHere they come a`- gain! That `martyred ˈlook│ ˈwon't get you `- anywhere │with `- me He’s `- always like ˈthat ˈTake ˈno ˏˌnotice ˊMany ˈhappy reˈturns of the ˎday ˈI’ve de`-cided│ to beˈcome a vegeˎtarian http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! Re‵marks British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive5.html#blog046 (visited 14-Aug-12) rɪˈmɑːks 10 /sɒrɪ, bət aɪm ə streɪnʤə hɪə maɪself./ /ʔə fӕt lɒt əv juːs ðӕtl bi./ /nəʊwʌnz evə kəmpleɪnd əbaʊt ɪt bɪˊ‵fɔː./ /wel ɪf aɪ daɪəld ðə rɒŋ nʌmbə, waɪ dɪd ju ɑːnsə ðə fəʊn./ /ʔɔːl raɪt duː ɪt jɔːr əʊn weɪ, ðen./ /lʊk aʊt hɪə ðeɪ kʌm əgen./ /ðӕt mɑːtəd lʊk wəʊnt get ju eniweə wɪð miː./ /hiz ɔːlwəz laɪk ðӕt teɪk nəʊ nəʊtɪs./ /menɪ hӕpɪ rɪtɜːnz əv ðə deɪ./ /aɪv dɪsaɪdɪd tə bɪkʌm ə veʤɪteəriən./ http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! A Nut Case British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive9.html#blog087 (visited 06-Aug-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: You know, you remind me of my uncle's brother He was always on the move, that man Never without his passport He had an eye for the girls Very much your build Bit of an athlete Long jump specialist Had a penchant for nuts Couldn't eat enough of em Peanuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, monkey nuts He wouldn't touch a piece of fruitcake That was a funny business Your spitting image he was Married a Chinaman Went to Jaˋmaica http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! A Nut Case British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive9.html#blog087 (visited 06-Aug-12) `·ju nəʊ, ˈjuː rɪˏmaɪn mi | əv maɪ ˈʌŋklz ˋbrʌðə ʔi wəz ˈɔːwɪz| ɒn ðə ˎmuːv, ðӕt ˏmӕn ˈnevə wɪˈðaʊt ɪz ˎpɑːspɔːt (h)i ˎӕd n ˋaɪ | fə ðə ˎˏgɜːlz ˈveri mʌʧ ˈjɔː ˋbɪld bɪt əv ən ˎӕθliːt ˋlɒŋʤʌmp speʃlɪst ˈhӕd ə ˈpɒ̃ʃɒ̃ | fə ˋnʌts kʊdn iːt əˋnʌf əv əm ˈpiːnʌts,|ˈwɔːnʌts,|brəˈzɪlnʌts|ˈmʌŋki nʌts ɪ ˈwʊdn tʌʧ| ə ˋpiːs ə ˋˏfruːtkeɪk ˋðӕt wəz ə fʌni ˏbɪznɪs jɔː ˈspɪtɪŋ ˎɪmɪʤ i ˈwɒz ˏmӕrɪd ə ˋʧaɪnəmən ˈwent tə ʤəˋmeɪkə http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! Angry Young Glutton British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive9.html#blog084 (visited 06-Aug-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: You're like a sexual maniac Only with you it's food You'll end up in the News of the World, boyo You wait James Porter, aged twenty-five, was bound over last week after pleading guilty to interfering with a small cabbage and two tins of beans on his way home from the Builders' Arms The accused said he hadn't been feeling well for some time and had been having blackouts He asked for his good record as an air-raid warden second class to be taken into account http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! Angry Young Glutton British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive9.html#blog084 (visited 06-Aug-12) ˈjɔː ˈlaɪk |ə ˈsekʃuəl `meɪniӕk əʊni wɪð ˏˌ juː ɪts ˋfuːd ˈjuːl ˈend ˈʌp | ɪn ðə ˈnjuːz ə ðə ˋwɜːld, bɔɪəʊ ˈjuː ˋweɪt ˈʤeɪmz ˎpɔːtə, ˈeɪʤ twenti ˎfaɪv, wz ˈbaʊnd ˈəʊvə | ˈlɑːst ˏwiːk| ɑːftəˋ-pliːdɪŋ ˋˏgɪlti | tu ˈɪntəˈfɪərɪŋ | wɪð ə ˈsmɔːl ˈkӕbɪʤ | ən ˈtuː ˈtɪnz əv ˋˏbiːnz |ɒn ɪz ˈweɪ ˈhəʊm | frm ðə ˈbɪldəz ˎɑːmz ði əˈkjuːzd ˈsed | i ˈhӕdn biːn ˋfiːlɪŋ ˏwel | fə ˈsʌm ˋtaɪm | ən əd biːn ˈhӕvɪŋ `blӕkaʊts hi ɑːst | fər ɪz ˈgʊd ˎrekɔːd | əz ən ˈeə ˈreɪd ˈwɔːdn | sekn `-klɑːs | tə bi ˈteɪkn ɪntu əˎkaʊnt http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! 'British ˎJournalism British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive5.html#blog041 (visited 14-Aug-12) http://www.yek.me.uk/archive5.html#blog043 (visited 14-Aug-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: A: 'What d'you 'think of our ˎnewspapers B: 'I ˏlike them very `much `Specially the `ˏSunday ˳ones A: ˈWhich `daily d'you like best B: 'I ˏcouldn't `say, ˏreally 'I like to 'look at `several, if I get the ˏchance A: The `Times gives the `fullest ˋˏcoverage of anything `serious B: 'M.ˏYes But 'I like 'rather more `pictures than it ˏgenerally has A: And it's 'not tied to any par`ticular po`litical `party, ˎeither B: ˬOh? ˏI ˏthought it was Con`servative A: `Not with a `capital ˏC http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! 'British ˎJournalism British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive5.html#blog041 (visited 14-Aug-12) http://www.yek.me.uk/archive5.html#blog043 (visited 14-Aug-12) 'brɪtɪʃ ˎʤɜːnlɪzm A 'wɒt dju 'θɪŋk│əv ɑː ˎnjuːspeɪpəz B 'aɪ ˏlaɪk ðəm │veri ˋmʌʧ ˋspeʃli ðə ˋˏsʌndi ˳wʌnz A 'wɪʧ ˋdeɪli dju laɪk best B aɪ ˏkʊdn ˋseɪ, ˏrɪəli 'aɪ laɪk tə 'lʊk ət ˋsevrl, ɪf aɪ get ðə ˏʧɑːns A ðə ˋtaɪmz gɪvz ðə ˋfʊlɪst ˋˏkʌvərɪʤ│əv enɪθɪŋ ˋsɪəriəs B 'n ˏ jes bət 'aɪ laɪk 'rɑːðə mɔː ˋpɪkʧəz ðən ɪt ˏʤenrəli hӕz A ən ɪts 'nɒt taɪd │tu eni pəˋtɪkjʊlə│pəˋlɪtɪkl ˋpɑːti, ˎaɪðə B ˬəʊ?│ˏaɪ ˏθɔːt ɪt wəz│kənˋsɜːvətɪv A 'nɒt│ wɪð ə ˋkӕpətəl ˏsiː http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! A Question of Temperature British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive21.html#blog204 (visited 11-Jun-12) http://www.yek.me.uk/archive21.html#blog203 (visited 11-Jun-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: 10 11 12 13 As ˈmy ˈold ˎgrandmother used to say, there’s ˈnothing ˈworse | than ˈfood ˈserved ˎcold `Oh, `no I a`gree with you ˈCold ˈplates | are `awful ˈThose little `trays are ˏgood — `ˏyou know | with a `light underneath | for ˈkeeping things ˈnice and ˎhot `Oh, `yes I’m afraid `we haven’t got anything like `ˏthat ́No ˈNeither have `we, ˏactually| though we `have thought of `ˏgetting some `Jane’s very keen on heating ˏdishes `Oh, ˈˏis she? `That’s a good ˏthing Well it’s `all `ˏright | except she ˎoften gets them `too hot So `then we have to `ˏwait | for them to `cool eˏnough | for us to be ˈable to `handle them http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! A Question of Temperature British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive21.html#blog204 (visited 11-Jun-12) http://www.yek.me.uk/archive21.html#blog203 (visited 11-Jun-12) ə kweʃtʃn əv temprɪtʃə 10 11 12 13 əz maɪ əʊl ɡrænmʌðə juːstə seɪ | ðəz nʌθɪŋ wɜːs ðən fuːd sɜːvd kəʊld | əʊ nəʊ aɪ əɡriː wɪð juː| kəʊld pleɪts r ɔːfl | ðәʊz lɪtl treɪz ә ɡʊd jʊ nәʊ | wɪð ә laɪt ʌndәniːθ | fә kiːpɪŋ θɪŋz naɪs n hɒt | әʊ jes | aɪm әfreɪd wi hævnt ɡɒt eniθɪŋ laɪk ðæt | nәʊ | naɪðә hәv wiː ækʃәlɪ | ðәʊ wi hæv θɔːt әv ɡetɪŋ sʌm | dʒeɪnz veri kiːn ɒn hiːtɪŋ dɪʃɪz | әʊ ɪz ʃiː | ðæts ә ɡʊd θɪŋ | wel ɪts ɔːl raɪt | ɪksept ʃi ɒftn ɡets ðm tuː hɒt | sәʊ ðen wi hæv tә weɪt fә ðem tә kuːl inʌf | fәr ʌs tә bi eɪbl tә hændl ðm | http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! Churchill and Shaw British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive8.html#blog074 (visited 14-Aug-12) Make a phonemic (broad) transcription of the following passage: Shaw once wrote to Churchill: “Here are two tickets for the first night of my new ˎplay One for yourself and one for a friend – if you have one.” Churchill replied: “Dear Bernard, I’m sorry, but a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind offer However, I shall come to the second night — if there is one.” http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription www.photransedit.com PhoTransEdit applications have been designed to help those who work with English phonetic transcriptions Far from providing perfect automatic transcriptions, PhoTransEdit is aimed at just helping you save your time when writing, publishing or sharing English transcriptions Visit PhoTransEdit.! Churchill and Shaw British English Transcription taken from PhonetiBlog - Jack Windsor Lewis phonetic blog http://www.yek.me.uk/archive8.html#blog074 (visited 14-Aug-12) /ˈtʃɜːtʃɪl ən ˎ ʃɔː./ /ˋˏʃɔː ˈwʌns ˈrəʊt | tə ˋˏtʃɜːtʃɪl./ /ˏhɪər | ə ˈtuː ˏtɪkɪts | fə ðə ˈfɜːst ˏnaɪt | əv ˌmaɪ ˌnjuː ˋpleɪ./ /ˈwʌn | fə jəˏself | ən ˈwʌn | fər ə ˋfrend |ʔˋɪf ju ˋˏhæv wʌn./ / ˋtʃɜːtʃɪl rɪˋˏplaɪd: / /dɪə ˋbɜːnəd | aɪm ˋˏsɒri | bət ə ˈpriːviəs ɪŋˎˏɡeɪdʒmənt | prɪˈvents ˈmi | frəm əˋˏkseptɪŋ | jɔː ˈkaɪnd ˎɒfə./ /haʊˊˋevə | aɪ ʃəl ˈkʌm | tə ðə ˋsekənd naɪt — ɪf ðeər ˏɪz wʌn./ http://www.facebook.com/EnglishPhoneticTranscription

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 12:33

