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DE CUONG ON THI lên LOP ANH 11 2015 2016 (LQD)

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REVISION ENGLISH 11 ( 2015 - 2016) UNIT * Phonetics 1.a satisfied a subscribe b facsimile d provide a recipient b competitive c facsimile d document * Choose the best option If you …….to your favourite newspapers and magazines, they will be delivered to your house early in the morning a buy b book c pay d subscribe We are very pleased with your …………… staff, who are always friendly and efficient a well- done b well- appointed c well- behaved d well-trained 5.The hotel staff are always friendly and courteous a efficient b polite c helpful d rude The message introduces the ………… provided by the National Post Office a parcels b messengers c expresses d services Those telephone companies have launched major campaigns to increase their number of ……… a subscribe b subscription c subscribers d subscribing I wish you a speedy recovery from your illness to return to work soon a thoughtful b gradual c slow d quick My friend, ……… I visited last week, is taking a holiday soon a that b whose c which d whom 10 The doctors are examining a patient……………was taken to hospital last night a which b who c whom d whose 11 These adults, ……….come to my night class, are very eager to learn a whose b who c what d which 12 Oxford, ……….attracts many tourists, is often crowded in the summer a that b which c whose d where 13 A: ………… - B: Yes? What can I for you ? a How are you? b How you do! c Excuse me! d Fine , thanks And you? * Combine each pair of sentences, using a relative clause 14 John Bridge is one of my oldest friends He has just gone to live in Canada 15 The friend spoke Korean very well I played badminton with him yesterday UNIT 10 * Phonetics a scatter b panda c capture d devastating 2.a endanger b disappear c prohibit d destruction * Choose the best option The number of rare animals is decreasing rapidly a dangerously b quickly c mostly The factory was fined for……… chemicals into the river a changing b discharging c making Many rare ……… of animals are in danger of extinction a species b classes c beings Dinosaurs became …………… millions of years go a disappear b extinct c lost Laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of endangered animals a advised b decreased c ban People are destroying the air by adding ………… to it a pollutants b polluters b pollution The boy to ………….I lent my money is poor a that b who c whom 10 Water is one of the most precious resources ……… for our life a we depend on which b which we depend c on which we depend 11 Ann: “I don’t like this program” - Petty: “ .” a I’ll turn it on b Let’s turn it off then c You didn’t take it off d gradually d taking d pairs d endangered d encouraged d pollutes d which d on that we depend d I like , too 12 My sister has two children, who their names are Ali and Tally a b c d * Combine the following sentences, using PREPOSITION + WHOM or WHICH 13 I’ll introduce you to the man I share a flat with him …………………………………………………………………………… 14 I’ll give you my office address You should send the document to it Revision – English 11(2015-2016) _ Le Quy Don Upper Secondary School ………………………………………………………………………… 15 The song is very wonderful We listened to it this morning …………………………………………………………………… UNIT 11 * Phonetics a heat b great c release d reach a electricity b geothermal c infinite d radiation * Choose the best option How long will it be before the world ‘s fuel supplies are exhausted? a got rid of b used up c put up with d gone out If the resource is used, it can be replaced quickly and easily, it is called……………… a nonrenewable b renewable c alternative d enormous A nuclear reactor releases which is dangerous to the environment a radiation b heat c energy d carbon dioxide All fossil fuels are ………… resources that cannot be replaced after used a unlimited b renewable c available d non-renewable She was the last applicant ………… a to interview b to be interviewing c to be interviewed d to have interviewed I’m hungry Is there any food ……… ? a to be eaten b for me eating c eating d to eat Her boss fired her, ………….made her angry a that b what c which d it 10 The city ………………during the war has now been rebuilt a destroyed b destroying c to destroy d destroys 11 The woman……………… at the shoes shop was Mai’s mother a to stand b standing c who stand d stands 12 A: I think that we should recycle discarded bottles to save energy B : a Good idea When did you that? b I can’t agree with you more c I hope not d You’re welcome * Rewrite the following sentences, using the cues provided 13 The man who spoke to John is my brother (Using a present participial phrases) -> 14.The girl who was injured in the accident was taken to hospital (Using a past participial phrases) -> 15 She is the only woman who was appointed to the board (Using an Infinitive phrase) ………………………………………………………………………………… UNIT 12 * Phonetics 1.a compete b sport c effort d introduce a athletics b volunteer c intercultural d competition * Choose the best option 3.The Asian Games occur every four years a take advantage b take place c take care d take off On some special occasions, people often march and demonstrate to show their a nation b solidarity c event d culture ………… from several countries competed in many Asian Games a Spectators b Athletes c Audience d Viewers Their efforts were much ……………when they won gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards a expended b appreciated c required d considered The gymnasium has just been equipped with some new sports ………… a events b medals c athletes d facilities Mr.Hung is the teacher who teaches us ………………… A gymnast B gymnasium C gymnastics D gymnastic The problem never occurred Revision – English 11(2015-2016) _ Le Quy Don Upper Secondary School A that I had expected it B who I had expected C I had expected it D I had expected 10 The man I introduced you to last night may be the next president of the university A whom B that C x D all are correct 11 Bill Gate, is the president of Microsoft Company, is a billionaire A who B whom C that D x 12 The chemistry book was a little expensive A that I bought it B I bought that C I bought D what I bought 13 A: ? B: Free-style and cycling A which sport(s) you like best? B Do you like watching these sports on TV? C In which sports events did Vietnam win gold medals at the 14 th Asian Games? D How many sports were there at the 1st Asian Games? * Rewrite the following sentences, using relative clauses (Omit relative pronouns if possible) 14 I really like the dress She is wearing it 15 My sister is visiting us next week You once met her ……………………………………………………………………………… UNIT 13 * Phonetics a avid a accompany b stamp b category c classify c accomplish d ignorant d discard * Choose the best option cartons can be recycled Don’t throw them away ! a discarded b new c common d simple Reading can help our knowledge a broaden b accompany c indulged d classify There are some hobbies that I indulge besides keeping fish and playing the guitar a at b on c in d of Jack has a large …………… of foreign coins a collecting b collective c collector d collection my neighbors who rescued me from the fire a It is b This is c That is d It was It was Jack to help us last Saturday a comes b that came c to come d who comes on the phone a It is her brother whom is b It is her brother who is c It was her brother who is d It was her brother whom is 10 He is an ……………………… guitarist he can accompany people singing with his guitar a accomplished b bad c occupied d interested 11 A: “ ” – B: “Certainly” A Welcome back! B What are you doing there? C I’m sorry I am late D May I borrow a pencil, please? 12 It is at Ba Dinh Square that Uncle Ho read the Declaration of Independence a b c d * Write cleft sentences, paying attention to the underlined parts 13 Nam likes going fishing ………………………………………………………………………………… 14 We visited our grandparents last Sunday ………………………………………………………………………………… 15 I met Daisy on the way to school UNIT 15 * Phonetics a artificial b astronaut c challenge d satellite a venture b surface c mission d remind * Choose the best option This road is named one of our national heroes a to b from c behind d after Please give me more time The plan needs to be carried with great care a out b over c in d up Revision – English 11(2015-2016) _ Le Quy Don Upper Secondary School He left his footprint on the of the moon a face b appearance c surface d head Help me with housework, .? a don’t you b you c will you d won’t you You have ever heard about Yuri Gagarin, ? a you b haven’t you c don’t you d didn’t you Without the pull of the Earth, we would be a weight b weighed c weightless d weightlessness is a feeling of worry and anxiety which makes it difficult for you to relax a Precision b Tension c Weightlessness d satisfaction 10.Neil Armstrong was famous for what he said when he ………foot on the moon a made b had c set d take 11 Sputnik was the first man-made satellite made by USSR a manned b natural c artificial d live 12 Yuri Gagarin lifted off into space aboard the Vostok a attracted b occurred c reacted d launched 13 When spacemen travel into space they have to face enormous ………… because they not know what may happen a certainties b uncertainties c possibilities d precisions 14 You have no food left, …………? a haven’t you b don’t you c have you d you 15 “I’m lost! Is this the way to Brighton? “ “………………………….” a No, I’m afraid it isn’t b You’re wrong c You‘ve made a serious mistake d Why not UNIT 16 * Phonetics a weather b treasure c great d jealous a wonder b museum c heritage d ancient * Choose the best option He was said the best student when he was at university a be b to have been c being d was This church is said in the 19th century a to build b built c to have been built d being built John the Great Pyramid of Giza a said to have been visited b is said to have been visited c is said to have visited d said to have visited It is said that his wife two days before her body was found a killed b had killed c have been killed d had been killed The greatest discoveries of technology are said to in the 20 th century a been made b have made c make d have been made Let’s have a break “ ……………………… a Sooner b Late c Please d Not now 10 I like your dress, Helen “ “ …………………… a Really , I m not b I think so c I’m sorry d Do you ? * Change these sentences into passive voice 11 People say that he has been all over the world > > 12 People say that he writes poetry > > 13 Many people believe that she is an honest person > > 14.They think that the president will arrive soon > > 15 People said that he had visited Italy many times > > The end-Revision – English 11(2015-2016) _ Le Quy Don Upper Secondary School

Ngày đăng: 11/08/2016, 14:02

