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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For the completion of this report, I have been fortunate to receive invaluable contributions from many people First of all, I should like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs Le Thi Thuy Ha for her absolutely indispensable assistance, useful advice, excellent suggestions and detailed critical comments Actually, without her enthusiastic help, the report would not have been completed Secondly, I owe a special debt of gratitude to staffs and leadership of Thanh Vinh commerce and productive investment joint stock company for their constant support and encouragement and especially for their endless enthusiasm and undeiably useful assistances and giving me a lot of useful advice and opportunities to practice my major In addition, I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to Xuyen, Phuong Thao, Nguyen Thao, Canh and other friends for various kinds of help and encouragement Moreover, my warmest thanks are due to my loving parents, my brothers and my sister for their unconditional love, support and creat favourable conditions for me to complete the report Finally, I am all too aware that despite all the advice and assistance, I feel that the report is far from perfect It is a great lucky for me to get comments as well as appreciations from readers TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDMENTS………………………………………………………… TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………….…2 ABTRACT……………………………………………………………………… PART I: INTRODUCTION………… ………………………………………… PART II: DEVELOPMENT…………………………………… ……………….5 CHAPTER I: OVERVIEW OF THANH VINH COMMERCIAL AND PRODUCTIVE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ……… Introduction about Thanh Vinh commercial productive investment joint-stock company…………… ……………………………….…5 Mission of the company ………………….……… …………….…6 Goals/Objectives……………………………………………… … Structure………………………………………………………… Functions and Roles…… ……………………………………… Summary of the duties and responsibilities performed by the intern CHAPTER II: PRACTICUM PROCESS…… …… …………………… 10 Activities during the period of Practice……………… ……………10 New skills acquired and skills improved………… …………… 10 Management techniques observed……… ……………………… 11 Classroom skilled employed…………………… ……………… 11 Problems encounted…………………………………… ……… 12 Lesson learned………………………………… ………………… 12 PART III: CONCLUSION………… ………………………………………… 14 RECOMMENDATION……… ………………………………………….……….15 COMMENT OF THE COMPANY……… ……………………… ………… 17 ABSTRACT This practice report is to apply and check my knowledge during the time of studying in Vinh university into real life at Thanh Vinh commercial and productive investment Joint- Stock Company as well as my capability when working there with a view to improving my translation and interpreting skills after graduating from Vinh university There are three main parts in this practice report The fisrt part is Introduction, the second is Development and the last is Conclusion and recommendation PART I INTRODUCTION The world, nowadays, is becoming smaller and smaller Thanks to our developing global economy, more and more people are using English as a common way to communicate with each other Truly, English is now extremely important It is officially considered as an international language Firstly, English is used in many fields of life such as: trade, economy, science, technology, medicine and etc However, there is nobody who can read and speak all languages over the world That is where translation and interpretation come in Truly, It is very necessary to translate and interpret some languages into another languages so that people who not know that language can understand easily Secondly, now it has become an unavoidable language that companies and large businesses will need to employ people who can read, speak, write and understand more than their own native language, especially English to coopperate with foreign partners Truly, people need English for work and for international communication From all reasons above, they have inspired me to learn English and choose Thanh Vinh Commercial productive investment joint stock company to study and experience in my practice progress PART II DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I: Overview of Thanh Vinh Commercial Productive Investment Joint-Stock Company Introduction about Thanh Vinh commercial productive investment joint-stock company Name: Thanh Vinh commercial and productive investment joint-stock company Address: No 02, Nguyen Quoc Tri street, Hung Binh ward, Vinh city, Nghe An province Tel: 038.890.2061 Tax code: 2900859302 Charter total capital: 12 billion VND Thanh Vinh commercial and productive investment joint-stock company was isued a business registration certificate with No 2703001727 on the 31 st of December, 2007 by the permission of Nghe An Investment and Planning Department It was supplemented for the first on the rd of April, 2008 and was the 2nd irregistration on the 5th of February, 2010 with the business registration certificate and tax registration No 2900859302 It was the rd supplemented on the 24th of February, 2010  Representative: Chairman of broad of directors: Vu Hoang Tu Director: Nguyen Huy Hai  Geographical location: - The North bound Nguyen Quoc Tri street - The South bound Hung Binh high school - The East bound residential area - The West bound Nguyen Xuan On street  Material facilities: some equipments service clerical works: Tables and chairs: 15 sets filing cabinets: 15 computer : sets printer: 5 photocopier: fax machine: air-conditioner: 30 internet network: sets system for preventing and fighting fire: sets 10 table for meeting-hall: 10 11 chair for meeting-hall:50 Mission of the company including businesses: - Foreign language and computer skills training - Linking education with foreign partners such as: Cambridge University, … - Translation and other services - Short-term and medium-term vocational training - Purchasing computers and another replacement equipments - Purchasing books, teaching equipments and office stationery - Investing in construction projects such as: transportation, irrigation, electricity, etc - Supplying mansourse for labor export enterprises Goals of the company Thanh Vinh commercial and productive investment joint-stock company consider that human force play the most important role in carrying out successfully the development strategy of the company The company apply the following measures in order to attract human force: - To build a work environment professionally - To build a suitable salary regulation basing on ability and result of each person - To build Thanh Vinh commercial and productive investment joint-stock company to become an organization for training - To cooperate with important partners, especially foreign partners in order to train human force there through joint venture contracts, domestic and foreign contracts ranslation room Structure of the company Informati c sector Foreign Language sector Financial Counting Department Functions and Roles 5.1 Director Hotel sector - Is the leader who takes legal responsibilities and management for all activities of the company - Organize to carry out resolutions of the company’s board of directors and managers - Manage materials facilities, financial assets of the company - Exploit and use mobilized resourses to supply for vocational training under the law - Supply report regulation fully and quickly under the law’s regulation - Take the initiative of building and organizing for carrying out development plans of the company to suitable for development strategies - Is responsible for employing and signing labor contacts to personnel under the law’s regulations after receiving board of directors of the company - Is responsible for rewards and punishments to personnel of the company Training Department Dynamic al sector Board of Managers Board of directors Construct ion sector Electric wielding sector Administrative Department 5.2 Deputy Director Deputy Director is the assistant for the director in the assigned fields and is responsible for those tasks Industrial Textile Sector 5.3 Administrative Department - Is responsible for the organization, staffs, foreign reception, archives, security - Is responsible for seal and asset management of the company - Is responsible for performing personnel recruitment’s bylaw, managing the files - Is responsible for keeping all kinds of files papers such as: official documents, reports, contacts, etc 5.4 Financial Counting Department - Implement of the financial accounting plan according to the law - Counsel the director to manage some fields: + Finance + Money affairs accounting + Internal audit + Capital and asset management + Payment and balance about economic contacts - Controlling the company’s expenses - Carrying out another tasks by the director’s trust - Making plans and being responsible for financial works - Understanding and giving reflects about financial activities opportunely - Giving a quarterly public account of finance to company board including: Board of managers, chief accountant and chairman of union - Giving a six-month account and an one-year account to the company’s staffs 5.5 Training Department - Building and organizing for carrying out annual vocational training plans of the company - Making plans for vocational training programs in Thanh Vinh vocational training center - Managing and checking the works according to the law - Is responsible for organizing education activities such as: culture, thought, etc - Carrying out other duties on the director’s assignment 5.6 Translation room -Translating contracts such as: economic contracts, sale contracts -Translating documents relate to business, construction, education, etc - Cooperating with organizations, individuals, and translators to carry out the company’s duties on the basics of conforming to the law’s rules It is a basic to develop the company Summary of the duties and responsibilities performed by the intern During the time of practicing at Thanh Vinh Company, my friends and I were allowed to assign some duties and responsibilities below: - Arrange and classify the documents for the company - Type, print and photocopy the documents - Help receptionists some works such as: answering the phone (if any) - Translate the documents and some contract from Vietnamese into English and vice versa - Help the company’s foreign staff some works when he needs such as: calling to the customers or looking for some documents for him CHAPTER II : PRACTICUM PROCESS Activities during the period of practice My practice process lasted for nearly months In the first week of practicing, I received some documents about the company’s establishment and development history as well as to be familiar to their working environment In the first three weeks, I was only allowed to observe to learn and understand the works there I studied about organization, management and functions of the company in these three weeks I also helped staffs some things such as: tidying up the rooms, making tea and coffee, arranging and classifying the books and documents After three weeks of observing, I was allowed to translate the documents both English and Vietnamese Although the number of the documents I translated were not much, I learnt many things from this work Besides, I also had a chance to work at reception area Truly, I was allowed to type, photocopy and print the documents, answer the phone and talk to the customers when they had questions about the company Actually, I myself felt that I was so lucky to practice in Thanh Vinh commercial and productive investment joint-stock company I think that the works I did there will be very useful for my job in the future New skills acquired and skills improved Although two months for practicing were not a long time, I got a lot of experience from the director, the staffs, my friends and especially from myself I learnt many things from the works I did Firstly, I had a chance to work in an active and professional environment, so I learnt the staff’s working style at company such as: active, flexible, careful, patient, on time and etc These are very helpful for me to work in the future Secondly, I leant how to print and photocopy quickly and easily Besides, I also knew how to answer the phone with a gentle voice and enthusiasm Besides, the director also created good conditions for me to translate many kinds of documents, especially contracts This helped me enrich my vocabularies in many fields such as: construction, economy, etc Absolutely, I experienced a lot with translation work in this practice Therefore, I also understood more about translation job It is not really easy I must try more However, as a result of practicing, I now can translate faster and easier than I did Besides, I also improved skills for working in a team or individual 10 In brief, I felt very happy and lucky to practice in Thanh Vinh commercial and productive investment joint-stock company I had opportunities to practice skills I learnt at Vinh university; therefore, I recognized my weak and strong points when working there Especially, in this practice I had chances to improve specialty skill and working skill This will be very useful for my future job Thanks to all people in the company who helped me to be more modern and confident person and meet requires of my future job Management techniques observed During the time I practiced at the company, I learnt much experience from the company’s management Truly, beside practicing working skills, I also observed management techniques about: working time, finance, staff, working style and behavior Firstly, working time management techniques: people always go to work on time (7 a.m for morning and p.m for afternoon) They will be docked wages if they not obey the company’s working time rules Secondly, staff working management techniques: If there is any staffs have a day off without asking the director’s permission They will be reprimanded and can be docked wages People have to have high responsible for their works and they always try to complete the tasks well Especially, the company has a big letterbox for suggestions which is opened twice weekly by the director Besides, working style is very funny, active, dynamic and creative People always feel comfortable to work People must respect each other Truly, I saw the staff’s behavior was very friendly The staff behaved towards the customers and trainee students as us in a friendly and enthusiastic way They guided us to work the best They were willing to help us whenever we need Finally, I also observed the company’s financial management As far as I knew, accountant usually gives a quarterly public account of finance to the company board and a six-month account to staffs Actually, I learnt the lessons about the way to behave to the boss and colleagues; the way to manage the time, staff, finance sensibly and effectively The observed management techniques will be very useful for me when graduating from University Classroom skilled employed During two months of practicing in Thanh Vinh commercial productive investment joint-stock company, I had good opportunities to use classroom skills into real works That skills are speaking, listening, writing, communicative skill, 11 translation and interpretation For examples, I used writing skill for clause or sentence analysis in my translation paper Thanks to teachers at Vinh universities, especially Mr Ngoc Tuong, Mrs Lan Phuong and Mrs Tuyet Hong for teaching me useful techniques for translation and interpretation Although opportunities for translating and interpreting were not much, I felt happy and satisfied with things I did Problems encounted When practicing at Thanh Vinh commercial and productive investment jointstock company, I had encountered a lot of problems at the first weeks although I tried my best Firstly, This is the first time I worked as a translator and receptionist Actually, I faced my difficulties and challenges because working in reality environment is very different from studying the theory at university Translation is not easy as I thought I need to have a big amount of vocabularies, a good background and translator’s qualities such as: loyal, understanding the nature of the language, a succint style but full information I need to learn more Secondly, my knowledge of vocabularies is poor to satisfy requirements of translation job I not have a big knowledge about specialized terms This made me faced many difficulties in translating the documents Truly, I sometimes confuse in using words Furthermore, I had so few opportunities to use my interpretation to practice and talk to foreign partners Actually, I myself felt that I not still have enough expertise to take over that work Besides, I also faced difficulties in talking to customers and answering the phone I felt embarrassed when doing these works at first I was not satisfied with the tasks that I did at the first time In short, although the practice process was not a long time, I learnt many things from the company’s staffs, my friends and especially from myself through the difficulties and challenges I met As a result, I now can translate the contacts faster than I did at university I knew receptionists’ duties I love difficulties and challenges I got in my practice process Lesson learned During my practice process, I faced not few difficulties and challenges Thanks to difficulties and challenges I met I learnt many lessons from them Firstly, when working in groups, I must work actively and enthusiastically, and try to give more ideas and solutions to solve problems Furthermore, when accepting to any tasks, I must try my best to complete them well 12 Secondly, I found that working according to weekly timetables is very good This helped me save a lot of time and complete the works on time Through the timetables I set, I knew the works I did in a day and a week when I look back them Besides, through these weekly schedules, I saw the works I did well or not From that, I make solutions to solve mistakes I did not well Besides, I learnt working style of a receptionist To be a good receptionist, I need to have good oral communicative skills, good English speaking and listening skill, a good behavior and a good voice What is more, when translating any documents, I need to be loyal with the origi nal texts This is one of the most important things of a translator I am not allowed to add any information I must show a sense of responsibility to my translated documents Last but not least, being a translator or an interpreter is not easy I need to practice translating and interpreting a lot, day by day Translation job needs many factors such as: vocabularies, good knowledge or require patience, loyalty, confidence I should read a lot of English books, magazines, stories, etc to enrich my vocabularies and knowledge because I knew that I can not anything without words Actually, one of the most important things of a translator or an interpreter is vocabulary Truly, vocabulary is very important because without words, I have nothing to work with Besides, I also should practice listening skill everyday and trying to remember and repeat information after finishing listening to some things I myself felt that I need to put more efforts to be a good translator in the future 13 PART III: CONCLUSION There is a famous saying that: “The more you go, the more you see” Truly, that is a reason why universities have practice programs for the fourth year students to use and test things they have learnt in university into reality As a result of months for practice process, I learnt a lot of precious experience from the works I did and other people Through the practice process, I found my weak and strong points Truly, thanks to my practice process, I improved a lot of things such as: public speaking skill, communicative skill, behavior, lifestyle and working style, etc However, there are also some things I feel I did not well such as: translation, interpretation Especially, my professional experience is not much Therefore, I need to spend more time practicing and improving translation and interpretation skills Actually, in this practice I did not have chances to as interpreter, but I had chances to work as a translator and a receptionist I found that the translator as well as the interpreter needs many factors such as: vocabularies, good knowledge, good memory, good communicative skill, etc Especially, translators require patience and loyal Moreover, I also learnt to work as a receptionist I knew how to answer the phone with a enthusiastic, gentle voice In this practice, I also improved computer skills For examples, I could type more quickly than I used to; I could print and photocopy the documents quickly In short, during the time I practiced at the company, through activities I have done, I feel I am more mature, more confident, more active I am proud of that I am a student at Vinh university I will try my best to practice translating and interpreting in my life as much as possible 14 RECOMMENDATION During my practice process, although I faced a lot of difficulties, I tried to overcome them Thanks to the mistakes I made because through them I learnt and improved many things Through experience I got during my practice, I would like to contribute some ideas to Foreign Languages Department and undergraduate students with a view to improving and achieving more successes in teaching and learning Firstly, Foreign Languages Department should increase more time for translation and interpretation subject Students should be taught for the early nd semester Four periods for each weeks are so perfect Translation and interpretation should be taught for semesters Secondly, Foreign Languages Department should have classes about communicating skills that are taught by native teachers I think this will help students feel more confident after graduating from university Thirdly, Foreign Languages Department should link with companies for students to practice, cooperate and work part-time at the companies This will help students experience more in real work Moreover, the time for practice should be prolonged for months What is more, Foreign Languages Department should have contests of eloquence for all students to take part in Furthermore, Foreign Languages Department should invite some successful ex-students to establish a meeting and talk to undergraduate students They can give the fourth-year students good advices before practising Especially, after this practice time, I would like to suggest that Foreign Languages Department should have more extracurricular programs for students who major in English to practice and experience such as: tour guide programs, factfinding trips where there are a lot of foreigners visit I think this will help student to be more confident to their job in the future Finally, I would like to give some advices to students before practicing, you should: - Read a lot of books, magazines and stories in English; sing English songs to increase vocabularies - Practise translating a lot of documents in many fields because this will help you learn and undestand words more Remember that the more documents you translate, the more things you can learn from them - Learn to memory some things in a long-term memory because this will be very useful in interpreting 15 - Practice speaking and listening skills everyday because daily practice is very necessary for students who major in foreign language - Avoid asking questions about personal life when communicating with foreigners because they respect their personal life - Behaving friendly towards people and express your enthusiasm and honesty to works you will at the company you practising - Do not express personal attitude or add extra information when interpreting - Express your loyalty when translating the documents That are all everything that I would like to recommend to students and Foreign Languages Department I hope that these will help undergraduates learn some useful things and have good results in their practice, and Foreign Languages Department will develop more and get more successes in organizing and training Vinh, April 19 th,2013 Supervisor Student Nguyen Thi Thuy 16

Ngày đăng: 05/08/2016, 22:52



