Phần 3 cuốn sách trình bày các nội dung: Keeping your car clean and beautiful, getting rid of dings, dents, and other hard knocks, the ten most important preventive maintenance sensations,... Mời các bạn tham khảo.
602 car hard to handle after a turn? If your tires show any unusual wear patterns and/or you answered yes to any o f these ques tions, your car probably needs an align m en t Angle of inside wheel F igu re 19-7: Turning radius Angle of outside wheel F o ca l point Checking your steering C heck ing your steering is easy Just stand outside your vehicle, near the door on the driver’s side Stick your hand through the open window and move the steering wheel, with your eye on the left front tire If you can move the steering w'heel at all before the tire starts to move, then you need to have both your steering and alignm ent checked There should be no “play” in the steering wrheel before the signal is trans mitted to the tires As you drive your car, be alert to signs that it isn’t han dling as easily as before If the vehicle seems to have a mind o f its own and begins to resist you on turns (and pulling out of turns), take a good look at your tires for signs o f wear caused bv m isalignm ent 603 Checking your tires for wear You should check your tires for wear at least once a month and before and after long trips To determine whether you need to (a) buy new tires, (b) have your wheels balanced, (c) have your wheels aligned, or (d) change your driving habits, simply read your tire treads for clues Table 19-1 and Figure 19-8 show you what to look for Table 19-1 How to Read Your Treads Clue Culprit Remedy Both edges w orn U nderinflation Add more air, check for leaks Center treads worn O verinflation Let air out to m anufacturer's specifications One-sided w ear Poor alignm ent Have wheels aligned Treads w orn unevenly, with bald spots, cups, W heel im balance and/or poor alignm ent Have w heels balanced and aligned W heel im balance or w o rn shocks Have w heels balanced or Edges of front tires only worn Taking curves too fast Slow down I Saw-toothed w e ar pattern Poor alignm ent Have w heels aligned or scallops Erratically spaced bald spots replace shocks ( continued) Table 19-1 (continued) Rem edy Clue Culprit W hining, thumping, and other w e ird noises Poor alignment, worn Have w heels aligned or buy tires or shocks new tires or shocks Poor alignment Check w e a r on treads and act or underinflation accordingly Squealing on curves 604 Figure 19-8: W h a t the s ig n s of p o o r tre ad w e a r m ean Severe underinflation O verinflation Poor alignm ent Poor alignment Underinflated tires wear out faster, create excessive heat, increase fuel consumption, and make your car harder to handle Overinflated tires can “ blow out” more easily, wear out faster, and make the car unstable and unsafe to handle And a new set o f tires on wheels that are out o f alignment can wear out completely in as little as one day o f hard driving! To determine w h at’s causing problems with your tires, try the following: ♦ Look for th in gs e m b ed d ed in each tire Do you see nails, stones, o r’ other debris em bedded in the treads? Remove them But if you’re going to remove a nail, first make sure that your spare tire is inflated and in usable shape I f you hear a hissing sound when you pull a nail, push the nail back in quickly and take the tire to be fixed If you aren’t sure w h eth er air is escaping, put some soapy wa ter on the hole and look for the bubbles made by escap ing air If you’re still not sure whether the nail may have caused a leak, check your air pressure and then check it again the next day to see whether it’s lower (for help, see “C heck ing your air pressure,” earlier in this chap ter) Tires with leaks should be patched by a professional I f the leak persists, get a new tire ♦ Look at the sid ew a lls Check for deeply scuffed or worn areas, bulges or bubbles, small slits, or holes Do the tires fit evenly and snugly around the wheel rims? 605 ♦ L ook at the treads Most tires have tread-wear indica tors built into them (see Figure 19-9) These bars of hard rubber are normally invisible but appear across treads that have been worn down to Xs o f an inch of the surface o f the tire (the legal limit in most states) If these indica tors appear in two or three different places, less than 120 degrees apart on the circumference o f the tire, re place the tire If your tires don’t show these indicators and you think that they may be worn below legal tolerances, place a Lincoln penny head-dow n in the groove between the treads If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, your tire probably needs to be replaced Figure 19-9: It's tim e for ne w tires when tre a d -w e a r in dica tors appear To measure tread wear more exactly, place a thin ruler into the tread and measure the distance from the base of the tread to the surface It should be more than Xs inch deep (Note: I f your front tires are more worn than your rear ones and show abnormal wear patterns, you probably need to have your wheels aligned.) ♦ Pay attention to leaks If you keep losing air in your tires, have your local service station check them for leaks Sometimes an ill-fitting rim causes a leak The garage has a machine that can fix this problem easily If the garage can't find a leak, your rims fit properly, and 606 you’re still losing air, you probably have a faulty tire valve that’s allowing air to escape You can buy tire valves to replace the ones on your car Look for the number molded into the base o f the tire valves; then buy new ones that match it In the process o f replacing the valve, you will lose most of the air from the tire, so either plan to this job at a gas station where you can have access to an air hose, or have a m echanic replace the valve for you Words and phrase - Tit vd cum tu: ♦> Tire size codes: cdc md ve kich cd ciia lop ♦> Speed ratings: toe •> Tire quality grade codes: cdc md chi cap chat luqng cua lo p DOT identification and registration: so nhan dien va so dang ky D O T ❖ Other sidewall information: nliUng tliong tin kliac xac dinli tren tlianli ben cua lop ♦> C hecking tire inflation pressure: k iem tra dp suat hai lop •> A dding air to your tires: bom th em hoi ❖ Rotating your tires: xoay lop ♦> Balancing your wheels: cdn bdng cdc banli xe ❖ A ligning your wheels: dinh thdng h a n g cdc banh xe ♦> C hecking your steering: kiem tra mdn lop xe ♦> C hecking your tires o f wear: g tdc kiem tra tay lai 607 Translate the paragrap 1, 2, into Vietnamese Bdi dich doan 2, 2, Cau true cua lop xe Mdi lop xe dieu co mot so phan chinh (xem hinh 19-1): ♦ Mat gai la phdn cao su cua lop thudng de bi mdn vd de bi rach nlianli Cdc liieu hinh cua mat gai giup cho lop khdi bi truqt tren dudng vd klioi bi dam tilling Cdc hinh gai cung la nhitng dau hieu tuyet vdi de bao cho chung ta biet lop bi mdn O phan chi "ltiem tra mdn cua lop" ♦ Mat ben cua lop la phdn lop xe ndm giiia mat gai vd vien lop Phdn duqc goi la "nhitng bi mat ndm tren thd nil lop" duqc de cap d phdn sau cua chuong se giai md tdt cd nhitng dit lieu duqc due nan tlianli lop ♦ Vien lop la m ot vong day thep duqc dinh dang de giU lop xe ndm tren vanli banh xe ♦ Vo lop Id than lop ndm ben dudi mat gai vd tlianli lop Vd giup cho lop dinh duqc hinh dang duqc bom cang thay vi d e cho lop bom len g io n g nliU m ot cliiec kinh cdu Vd lop duqc lam bdng nliieu vat lieu ltliac duqc g o i la cdc day bo ♦ Cdc dai lot cung duqc lam bdng cdc sqi bo duqc cdn len m ot ldp cao su vd ndm ben dudi mat gai vd than lop Vd giup cho lop dinh duoc hinh dang duqc bom cdn thay vi de cho lop bom len g ion g nliU mot /mill cdu Lop duqc lam bdng nliieu vat lieu kliac duqc goi la cdc day bo Cdc dai lot cim g duqc lam bdng cdc sqi bo duqc cdn len m ot top su vd ndm giita than lop vd mat gai Dang 608 vat lieu duac dung lam cdc dai vd phuong tliitc md no boc xung quanli vien lop se xa c dinh loai lop vd gid cd ciia no N guyen thuy ngudi ta sii dung cotton d$ lam cdc soi bo nhung cdc soi som nliUdng clio cho cdc vat lieu tot hon nliU thep, aram id (no cilng hon thep) Soi thuy tinh polyester, to nhdn tao vd nylon Cdc radi als duoc tao dai bdng thep la danh lop bien nhat ♦ Van lop cd cliiec ndng d e cho di vdo vd khdi lop, than van giQ cho klioi bi tlioat khdi lop Moi mot van thi ph cd m ot lop day d e kliong cho bui vd hoi nUdc xam nhap vdo lo * Cho den tlidi gian gan day thi cdc lop duqc che tao vdi nliieu ket cdu kliac Titng cd cdc loai lop xien cd cdc soi bo duoc boc xun g quanli vien lop, cdc lop clieo Sau dd cdc loai lop duqc thay the bdng cdc lop cd dai xien la no cd cdu true cu n g g io n g nhu lop xien nhung cdc dai thi duqc lam bdng m ot vat lieu kliac duqc boc xun g quanli vien lop d e g iu p cd mdn lau hon, kho bi dam tliung hon vd cd tinh on dinli gian hudng Ngay tdt cd cdc x e deu duqc ldp cdc lop don g tdm vd cung la tdt cd cdc loai xe cu n h at d eu sii dung tdt cdc loai lop nen cdc loai lop xien vd cdc loai lop cd dai xien kliong cdn duqc sii d u n g nUa Cdc lop d on g tdm da tro nen m ot tieu chuan no cung cap duqc van chuyen tdt hon, dac biet la o tdc cao, cdc lop cd kliuynli hudng la bam xu on g m at du ong hieu qua hon, dac biet la tai nhitng cua; cliung cd the cung cap vdi sd dam hoat d on g gap lan so vdi cdc loai lop cd bo cheo Cdc lop d on g tdm cliay it tao nliiet hon boi vi no cd it ma sat tron (cdc loai lop xien vd cdc loai lop cd dai xien thi cd cdc ldp boi keo ddn truyen nliieu ma sat vd nlueu nliiet hon 609 chuyen ddng) Do mdn ciia cdc lap cd thay doi tu 25000 ddm tro len phu tliuoc vdo vat lieu dai duac sd dung Phdn tren ciia cdc lop cd dai tliep cd the ton tai til 40000 den 100000 ddm vdi dieu liien lioat dong binli thudng De quyet dinli dung loai lop danh cho xe ban thi liay xem phdn "liUdng ddn mua lop" a sau chuong Nhitng bi mat tren ben cua lop, ditctc bQC l o ! Co nliieu ngudi sdn sang bo them sd tien de mua cdc lop duqc danli ten tlianli cdc cliU cai Ion mau trdng tren thanli lop nhu macho Wildcats hay Tough Guys nhung ban cd biet rdng sU phong pliu ciia thdng tin viet bdng nhitng chit cai nlio nliat mau den tren tlianli lop thi cd the cd gid tri hon nliieu ve mat lau ddi ltliong vd thdng tin duqc viet tu neu ban biet cacli giai md no Cho du ban ltliong phai la mot ngi/di td md vdi dit lieu a cdc phdn sau day cung cd the giup ban mua vd bao duong cdc lop Cac md ve kich cd cua lop Vi du day la thdng tin ve mdt md lop m etric P thudng gap dd la P205 /75R-14: ♦ P la loai xe (trong trudng liqp la lianh liliach Cdc md liliac bao gom L T dung cho xe tai nhe vd T dd la dung tain thoi hoac lop dit pliong) ♦ 205 la chieu rong cua mat cdt lop duqc ngang qua mat ga tit tlianli ben qua thdng ben tinh bdng m l.(trong trudng liqp rong cua lop la 205) ♦ 75 la ty le canh ben thay sd seri lop - dd la ty le eliieu cao tlianli ben cua lop so vdi chieu rong (eliieu cao cua ben lop bdng 75% so vdi clueu rong cua no) Cdc lop cd cdc sd s e n thap (nho hon 70) thi duqc xem la cdc lop cd mat hinh thap vd cd tlianli ben ngan 610 ♦ R la loai lop (R d on g tdm, B la co dai ch eo, D lop bo cheo hoac lop bo xien va E la hinh elip T rong trudng hop thi lop g o i la lop don g tarn) ♦ D uong kinh ciia banli x e duqc bdng don vi inches, (trong trudng liqp dudng kinh la 14 inches) Toe D oi co m ot cliU cai p h u xuat hien giQa m at cdt vd loi lop chdng lian nliu P / 75SR 14 chQ cai phu S chi mite toe the liien tdc an todn toi da cua lop MQc tdc ltliong ndi len duqc dieu gi ve liet cdu van chuyen mdn ciia lop nhitng no ltlia ndng cua lop chiu duqc cdc m uc nluet cao toe cao tao Dudi day la m ot bdng liet ke cdc cliQ cai chi mQe toe cd y ngliia la g i: ♦ F = 50 mph ♦ G = 56 mph ♦ J = 62 mph ♦ K = 68 mph ♦ L = 75 mph ♦ M = 81 mph ♦ N = 87 mph ♦ P = 93 mph ♦ Q = 100 mph ♦ R = 106 mph ♦ S = 112 mph ♦ T = 118 mph ♦ U = 124 mph ♦ H = 130 mph ♦ V = 149 mph 611 ♦ Z = 149+ mph Ban cung co the tim mile toe duqc liet ke cung voi cdc chi so ve tai cua lop chdng han nhu 97H Trong trUbng hop 97 la chi so ve ty trong, H la chi mile toe Neu xe cua ban nguyen thuy duqc ldp cdc loai lop chi toe thi ban phai nen thay cdc loai lop bdng cdc loai lop chi mite toe Cdc md chi cap chat litcfng cua lop Hay tim cdc cap lop tren bi cua lop hoac tren ben ciia lop hoac tren cdc nhdn ddn vdo mat gai lop dudi day la y ngliia cua chung: ♦ Do mon ciia lop: phu tliuoc vdo tinli trang kiem tra lty ludng T rong tliUc te thi m ot loai lop duqc danh gid bdng chi so 200 thi no se co mdn mat gai gap hai lan so vdi loai lop duqc danli gid chi so 100 - neu tdt cd cdc yeu to ga y mdn kliac deu nliu ♦ Sm'c k eo: dd la cap AA, A, B, hoac C no the liien ltlia nang cua lop dilng tren dudng nliUa Udt lioac tren cdc via lie beton g ditdi cdc dieu liien kiem soat (AA la cong suat cd the la tot nliat) cdc cap chi pliu tliuoc dieu liien thdng d phia trildc chit liliong pliu tliuoc vdo doan cua hay doan quay dau M ot loai lop cd cap C la no da dat duqc tieu cliuan kiem tra cua chinh pliu cdc loai lop B, A, vd AA (theo trinh tu giam ddn) thi no vilqt qua tieu cliuan cua cliinli pliu ♦ N h iet d o: Cap A, B, vd C la no the hien cliiu nhiet vd klia nang tai nhiet neu lop cd dung can vd khong qua tai Cap C dap itng cdc tieu cliuan toi tliieu ciia Hoa Ky cdc cap B vd A thi no vUqt qua tieu cliuan ciia Chinh Phu 860 puter com m and control system , electronic engine control sys tem, or engine control computer This computer is fed infor m ation from numerous electronic sensing devices and, using this inform ation, precisely controls the operation o f the en gine by m etering the correct fuel/air mixture and tim ing the spark for the p revailin g conditions See also distributorless ignition system may tinh dieu khien ddng cct: Cung duac g oi la he thong dieu khien lenh m ay tinh, he thong dieu kliien dong co bdng dien tii, lioac m ay tinh dieu kliien bdng dong co M ay tinh ndy duoc cung cap thdng tin tit nliieu tliiet bi cdm bien dien tii vd sii du ng thdng tin ndy d e dieu kliien m ot cacli chinh xac sU h oat d on g cua d o n g co bdng cach hdn hop nhien lieu I kliong vd thdi d iem danh liia dung vdi cdc tinh trang thdng thudng C ung xem he tliong danli liia khong dung bo chia dien E P A estim ates: Estim ates o f the average amount o f fuel consum ed in city and highw ay driving by a particular vehicle, based on tests adm inistered by the Environm ental Protection A gency These estim ates should be used for com parison only because they vary w ith the driver, the load, and road condi tions EV: See electric vehicle Danh gid EPA: Danli gid luqng nhien lieu tieu thu trung binh viec lai x e tlianli plio vd tren xa lo bdi m ot xe cu the ndo dd, dua tren cdc kiem nghiem duqc quan ly bdi ca quan bdo ve m oi trudng Cdc danh gid ndy chi nen duqc sii dung de so sanli bdi vi cliung thay doi theo ngudi lai, tai vd cdc tinh trang m at dudng EV: See electric vehicle EV: X em xe dien e x h a u s t g a s e s : The burned residue o f the fuel/air m ix ture that must be refined and expelled from the car via the 861 exhaust system Khi xd: Phdn cdn lai cua hdn hap kliong I nliien lieu duac dot chay pliai duac loc vd ddy khdi xe qua lie thdng xd exhaust m an ifold : A set o f pipes that carry exhaust gases from the engine to the exhaust system and out o f the car through the tailpipe See also intake manifold O gop xd: M ot bo cdc on g dua ltliong xd khdi d o n g co vdo lie tliong xd vd khdi xe qua ong bo Cung xem a g o c nap exhaust port: T he opening that enables the exhaust valve to conduct the fuel/ air m ixture out o f the com bustion ch a m ber Lo xd: Phdn md d e xu pdp xd dua hdn hop k lion g klii nliien lieu khdi bu on g dot exhaust system : Som etim es called the em issions system , this system conducts the exhaust gases from the exhaust m a n i fold to the rear o f the car and into the air A long the way, pollution-control d evices are som etim es used to burn o ff h a rm ful substances, and a m uffler (and resonators in som e cases) controls the n oise o f the escaping gases See also ca ta lytic converter He thong xd: Ddi duac g o i la h e tliong tlioat khi, lie tliong ndy dua ltliong xd klioi o g op xd den phdn p h ia sau cua xe vd vdo tron g ltliong T ren dudng di cdc tliiet bi kiem soat sU o nliiem ddi duoc sii dung d e d ot cliay cdc cliat cd hai, vd m ot th iet bi giam dm kiem soat tien g on hoi tlioat C u n g xem bo chuyen doi xuc tdc exh au st va lv e: The valve that opens to allow the exhaust gases to pass from the com bustion cham ber to the exhaust m anifold Xu pdp xd: Xu pdp md de dua ltliong xd di khdi buong 862 dot vdo co g op xd fan: E lectrically driven and mounted in front o f the radia tor - or, in older cars, driven by an accessory belt and situated b etw een the d ia tor and the en gin e - the fan draws air through the radiator to cool the liquid in the cooling system w hen the car is standing still, operating at low speeds, or when the air conditioner is running In some cars, an electri cally driven fan is controlled by a therm al sensor in the cool ing system Quat lam mdt: Duqc ddn dong bdng dien vd duac bdt vdo phia trudc cua bo tan nliiet hoac tren cdc xe cu duqc dun dong bdi m ot ddy dai vd duqc dat d gida bo tan nliiet vd dong co Quat lam m dt hut kh on g klu qua bo tan nluet de lam mdt clidt lon g d he tliong lam mdt dong co dang d iirg yen, hoat d on g d tdc tliap hoac m ay dieu hoa khong dang cliay T rong m ot so xe, m ot quat duqc ddn dong bdng dien duqc dieu khien bdi cdm bien nliiet he tliong lam mdt fan b elt: A single flexible rubber belt that connects the fan and the alternator on some older vehicles The operation o f the engine turns the fan, and this turns the belt, which drives the alternator, enabling it to generate electric current See also accessory belt Ddy dai quat: M ot ddy dai bdng cao su m em noi quat vd m ay p h a t dien tren m ot so xe cu Su hoat don g cua dong co lam quay quat, vd dieu ndy lam quay ddy dai, qua dd cdc ddn d on g m ay p h a t lam cho nd pliap dien fe e le r g a u g e : A device for m easuring the distance, or gap, betw een tw o surfaces Use a wire feeler gauge to gap spark plugs and a flat feeler gauge to gap points and adjust valves Ld cd: M ot tlu et bi d e khoang cach, hoac khe hd, gida hai be mat Sd du ng cd ddy de khe hd bu gi va la cd de 863 klie hd tiep d iem vd dieu cliinli cdc xu pdp f ir e w a ll: T he insulated partition that runs from the w in d shield down betw een the interior o f the car and the engine area Protects the driver and passengers from engine fires, noise, and fum es during accidents Vach ngan khoang dong cot: Phdn duac cacli li cliay til kinh chdn gid xu on g giUa phdn ben cua x e vd khu vUc don g co Nd bdo ve cho ngudi lai vd lianli khdch khdi site ndng cua dong co, tien g on, vd hoi khdi ga p tai nan firing ord er: The sequence in w hich the cylinders fire on a particular car to distribute the shock o f com bustion evenly and reduce en g in e vibrations T his should not be confused with cylinder sequence, which refers to the location o f the #1 cylinder on a specific vehicle, and where the other cylinders are located in relation to #1 Thiii tU danh lita: Thii til md cdc xi lanh danh liia tren m ot loai xe ndo dd d e phdn plioi xung dong cua qua trinli cliay m ot cacli dieu dan vd giam cdc dao dong cua don g co D ieu ndy liliong duqc lan Ion vdi tliit tu xi lanh nd m uon ndi den vi tri xac dinli cua xi lanh so tren m ot xe cu the, vd d dd cdc xi lanh khac duqc xac dinh moi tuong quan vdi xi lanh so flu e-speed tran sm ission : A manual transm ission w ith a fifth gear that functions as an overdrive to allow the w heels to turn faster than the engine On freew ays, w here cars can achieve higher speeds and then coast without n eed in g much power, this is a real gas saver Hop so toe do: M ot hop sd co ltlii cd cdp bdnh rdng thiic liien cliiCc ndng n h u m ot lie tliong tang tdc cho p liep cdc bdnh xe quay nhanh hon so vdi dong co T ren cdc dudng cao tdc, o dd cdc xe cd th e d a t den cdc tdc cao hon vd sau dd lao xudng md liliong cdn nhieu cong sudt Ddy la m ot cach tiet ltiem nliien lieu tlulc su 864 flash point: The temperature at which diesel fuel ignites Diem bdc chay: N h iet md d dd ddu diesel bdc chay flat rate m anual: A listing o f alm ost every jo b that can be done on a car with the average tim e required for a me chanic to com plete it; it’s used by service facilities to estimate labor charges M any shops require their m echanics to “beat the b ook ” yet charge their custom ers for the full tim e sug gested by the flat rate manual Ty le cdng lao dong: M ot su liet ke cua hau het moi cdng viec cd the duqc thiic hien tren m ot cliiec xe vdi thdi gian trung binh y eu cdu cho m ot nguoi tliq de lioan tlianli no; nd duqc sii d u n g bdi cdc tram sda clida de Udc luqng cdng lao dong N liieu xildng lao d on g yeu cdu lio cdn phai biet ve loai sack tinh cdng ndy de tinh duqc tien cho cdc khdch hang cua lio cho todn bo thdi gian lam viec binh thuang duqc gqi y bdi tai lieu dinh gid cdng lao dong float bow l: A small cham ber in the carburetor that holds a sm all ready supply o f fuel to be vaporized and m ixed with air by the carburetor The level o f the fuel in the float bowl is trolled by a small float and a shutoff valve in the chamber A s fuel is sucked out o f the float cham ber to run the engine, the float goes dow n, thus opening a shu toff valve to allow m ore fuel from the fuel tank into the float cham ber W hen the float cham ber is full again, the float goes up and pushes against the sh u toff valve to prevent m ore fuel from going into the float cham ber and flooding it Buong phao: M ot buong nlio bo che lioa giti m ot sii cun g cdp nliien lieu nho sdn sang de duqc bdc hoi vdi kliong bdi bo che hoa Mile nliien lieu d buong phao duqc dieu khien bdi m ot phao nlio vd m ot van ddng md d buong Khi nliien lieu duqc hut khdi buong de cliay iong co thi phao rcn xuong lam md van lam cho nhien lieu 865 nlii&u hon til tliung n h iin lieu vao buong phao Khi buong phao ddy tro lai, thi phao noi len vd ddy vdo van ddng md lam ngdn kliong cho nhiiu nliien lieu di vdo buong phao nUa vd lam trdn ngap nd flushing the cooling system : Circulating water through the cooling system to remove old liquid and clean the system of rust and dirt Backflushing means circulating the water from the engine to the radiator (reversing the norm al direc tion o f flow) in order to clean the system m ore efficiently Xuc rda he thong lam mdt: Nildc lilu chuyen qua lie tliong lam mdt de lay di clxat lam mdt cu vd lam sqch he tliong khdi ri set vd clidt Sue riia cd ngliia la lilu chuyen nildc til dong co d in bo tan nhiet (ngiiqc vdi chieu lilu cliuy^n thdng tliildng) d i lam sqch lie tliong liieu qua hon four-barrel carburetor: A carburetor with four barrels that works like two 2barrel carburetors Usually found on older, large V-8 engines B q che hoa hong: M ot bo d ie lioa hong lam viec giong nliU hai bo che lioa hai hong Thudng duqc tim tliay trin cdc dong cd V-8 cu, Ion four-stroke pow er cycle: Refers to the four m ovem ents of the piston - down up, down and up - that draw the fuel/air mixture into the com bustion cham ber (intake stroke), co m press the mixture (com pression stroke), transm it the power created by the combustion to the crankshaft (pow er stroke), and expel the exhaust gases from the cylinder (exhaust stroke) Chu ky sinh cong hanh trinh: M uon ndi den chu yen don g cua p it ton g la xu on g vd len d u n g de hu t hon hop kliong k h i/nhien lieu vdo buong d ot (lianh trinh nap) nen lidn liqp (hanh trinh nen), truyen cdng sudt tao bdi qua trinh chay den true khuyu (hanh trinh sinh cdng), vd ddy cdc chay khdi xi lanh (hanh trinh xd) 866 fou r-w heel drive: Allows a driver to adjust a vehicle to operate in difficult terrain How this is accom plished differs from one m odel to another Four-wheel drive should be used only when needed because it doesn’t work efficien tly under norm al road conditions See also all-wheel drive, traction con trol bdnh ddn dong: Cho pliep ngubi lai dieu chinh xe de lioat d on g dia nliin kho Dan dong bdnh chi sii dung trudng hop cdn tliiet bdi vi cliung kliong lam viec cd hieu qua dudi cdc tinh trang m at dudng binh thudng C ung xem ddn d on g tdt cd cdc bdnh, dieu kliien luc keo free p ed al play: The distance the clutch pedal can be depressed before it begins to disengage the clutch About X to inch o f free pedal play is norm ally required to assure that the clutch w ill be fully engaged when not in use W ithout free pedal play, the throw -out bearing, and/or the clutch, would w ear out freeze plugs: See core plugs Do ref cua bdn dap: K lioang cacli md bdn dap li hop cd the duoc day xu on g trudc nd lam nlia khdp li hop Do ro cua bdn dap li hop cd the la 3/4 hoac inch Vd binh thuang dUdc y eu cdu d e bdo dam cho li hop se duoc an khdp hoan todn kh on g sii dung K liong cd ro cua bdn dap, thi bac dan ep li hop vd li hop se mdn freeze plugs: See core plugs N u t chong ddng lanh: xem nut loi nUdc friction: The rubbing o f two m oving pai s against each other F riction creates heat and wears down m oving parts The lubrication system uses oil to reduce friction and to in crease the life o f your car Friction is used betw een brake pads and brake discs and betw een brake shoes and brake drums to slow down and stop your car front-end align m en t: See alignm ent 867 SU ma sdt: Su chd xat ciia hai bo plian chuyen don g ti vdo Su! ma sdt tao n h iet vd lam mdn cdc bo plian chuyen dong H e tliong bdi tron sit du ng ddu de lam giam ma sdt vd lam tang tuoi tlio cua xe S u ma sat duqc sic dung giQ cdc md thdng vd dia thdng, vd giQa cdc gu oc thdng vd cliot thdng de lam cliam vd ngQng xe front- end align m en t: See alignm ent Goc bdnh xe trUdc: X em g o c bdnh xe front-w heel d rive: A vehicle that’s “pulled” by its front wheels, rather than being “ pushed” by its rear w heels, has front-wheel drive This elim inates the long driveshaft and the center floor hump found on cars with rear-w heel drive See also transverse engine, transaxte, constant velocity join ts Ddn don g bdnh trU&c: M ot x e duqc keo bdi cdc bdnh trudc ciia nd, hon la duqc ddy bdi cdc bdnh sau, cd bdnh xe ddn dong bdnh trudc dieu ndy loai bo true cdc ddng ddi vd u sdn giQa duqc tim tliay tren cdc xe ddn don g bdnh sau fu el/a ir m ixtu re: A vaporized, m istlike com bination o f fuel and air that’s com pressed in the cylinders and ignited to produce the power that drives the engine and the car Hdn hap nhien lieu/khong khi: M ot sU k et liqp giQ lion liqp vd ltliong duqc bdc hoi g io n g nhu suong mu duoc nen cdc xi lanh vd duqc ddt cliay d e tao cdng sudt diing de lieo d on g co vd xe fu el cell: A pow er plant that creates electrical current from hydrogen and oxygen that is passed over a catalyst, usu ally a m icroscopically thin sheet o f platkium The electrical current is then fed directly to the vehicle’s electric m otor for propulsion See also alternative power plants Pin nhien lieu: M ot tlu et bi ndng luqng tao ddng dien tQ hydro vd oxi duqc dua m ot bo chuyen doi, thudng la mdt tdm Intinh m t r D A „ rr S Q U tf g JU (JC tfl { n fr1/f, f{gn 868 den m oto cua xe dien de ddy di C ung xem thiet bi dung ndng luqng thay doi fu e l f ilt e r : A sm all device that rem oves impurities from the fuel before it gets to the fuel injection system or carburetor In fuel-injected cars, usually found in or close to the fuel tank In carbureted cars, usually found near the carburetor in the fuel line that leads from the fuel pump (in-line fuel filter), or inside the carburetor or the fuel pump (integral fuel filter) Bo loc nhien lieu: M ot thiet bi nlio dung de lay di cdc chat bdn klioi nliien lieu trudc nd di den he thong phun nliien lieu lioac bo ch e lioa Trong cdc xe dung phun nliien lieu, thudng duqc tim tliay d lioac d gdn thiing nliien lieu T rong cdc x e dung bo d ie lioa khi, thudng duqc tim thay gdn bo d ie lida klii d dudng ong ddn nliien lieu dan til bom nliien lieu lioac d ben bo d ie hoa hoac bom nliien lieu fuel in jection : A fuel system without a carburetor that em ploys an electron ic fuel m anagem ent system to deliver a sp ecific am ount o f fuel to each com bustion ch am ber in re sponse to ch an ges in engine speed and driving conditions See also fuel injectors Phun nhien lieu: M o t lie tliong nliien lieu khong cd bo d ie lioa sii d u n g m ot lie tliong dieu kliien nluen lieu bdng dien til de phdn plioi m ot luqng nliien lieu thich hop den tilng buong d ot dap ling lai cdc thay doi d toe don g co vd cdc dieu kien lai C ung xem kim phun nluen kieu fuel in jection pum p: Found on diesel engines, it sends fuel to its m ini-pum ps, and from there to the fuel injector nozzles Bctm phun nhien lieu: Duqc tim tliay d tren cdc ddng co diesel, nd dua nliien lieu vdo mot bom nlio va tU dd den 869 cdc vdi phun nhi&n lieu fuel injectors: Devices that work like hypoderm ic needles to inject the proper amount o f fuel into the com bustion cham bers in response to signals from an electronic sensing device on cars with fuel injection systems Kim phun nhien liqu: Tliiet bi lam viec gion g nliti cdc kim tiim de dua luqng nliien lieu thich liqp vdo buong dot dap ting lai cdc tinh hieu tii mot tliiet bi cdm bien dien td o tr&n cdc xe dung he thong phun nliien lieu fuel lin es: The hoses or pipes through w hich the fuel passes from the fuel tank to the carburetor Dxibng ong nhien lieu: Cdc ong cao su hodc ong tliep de nlii&n lieu di qua ti' tliung cliiia den bo che lioa fuel p ressure regulator: A springloaded diaphragm that maintains proper fuel pressure and meters unused fuel back to the fuel tank B q dieu hoa ap suat nhien lieu: M ot m ang cliiu tai boi Id xo viec tri boi dp sudt ciia nliien lieu vd dua nliien lieu kliong duqc sd dung tro ve tliung cliiia fuel pum p: A pump that draws the fuel from the fuel tank and sends it through the fuel lines to the carburetor or the fuel injectors Bctm nhien lieu: Bom rut nliien lieu tii thiing cliiia vd dua no qua dtidng ong nhien lieu den bo che lioa hoac cdc kim phun fuel rail assem bly: A hollow pipe in a fuel injection sys tem that supplies fuel to the set o f fuel injectors connected to it B q diidng ong ddn nhien lieu: M ot ong thep rdng o he tliong phun nluen lieu cung cdp nhien lieu den bo cdc kim phun duqc ndi vdi nd 870 fuel supply pu m p: See fuel transfer pump Berm cung cap nhien lieu: X em bam chuyen nhien lieu fuel system : A system that stores, cleans, and delivers the fuel to the engine in proper quantities to m eet the varying needs that arise as you drive C onsists o f the fuel tank, fuel lines, fuel pump, fuel filter, and fuel injection or carburetor He thong nhien lieu: H e thong cdt girt, lam sach va phdn p h oi nhien lieu den d o n g ca theo d u n g so Irtqng de dap rtng vdi cdc thay doi xa y ban lai xe H e thdng bao gom tliung nliien lieu, cdc dudng ong, bom, loc nluen lieu, vd cdc kim phu nliien lieu lioac bo ch e lioa fuel tank: The storage com partm ent, under the trunk in m ost cars, that holds the fuel for the car A lso called the gas tank Thung nhien lieu: N gdn clida nliien lieu ndm a dudi khoang lianli li a hau liet cdc xe, du ng d e clida nhien lieu cho xe fuel tran sfer p u m p : One o f a series o f m ini-pum ps on diesel engines, each o f w hich is responsible for delivering fuel from the fuel injection pump to one o f the fuel injector nozzles at a pressure o f m ore then 1,000 pounds per square inch Berm chuyen nhien lieu: M ot tron g cdc bom nho noi tiep tren d on g co d iesel, mdi bom cliiu tra ck nluem phdn p lioi nhien lieu td bom nliien lieu den m ot tron g cdc kim phun vdi m ot dp suat Ion hon 1.000 pounds fuses: Fuses control the flow o f current to the electrical com ponents on your vehicle the sam e way they at hom e They are located in a fuse box that’s usually found under or near the dashboard Your ow ner’s manual can help you locate it Cdu chi: Cdu chi kiem soat cdc tliiet bi dien td tren xe g io n g nhd cliung tlidc hien gia dinh Cliung duoc dat tron g mot hop cdu chi thdang ddqc tim tliay a dudi hoac a ean hrina 871 dien Tai lieu hudng ddn cua xe ban co the giup ban xac dinh no gap: The space between the spark plug electrodes, or be tween the points when they are as far ?part as they car get Adjusting this space is called “gapp in g/’ See also point gaj spark plug gap Khe hd dien cilc: Khoang cach gi la cdc dien cilc cua bu gi hoac giQa cdc tiep diem chung di xa nhat co the Dieu chinh klioang cacli ndy duqc goi la dieu chinh khe lw gapper: see feeler gauge Bo khe hd: X em la co khe lid gas gauge: A dashboard device that indicates the amount o f fuel in the fuel tank Dong ho nhien lieu: M ot tliiet bi a tren bdng dien cho biet luqng nluen lieu a gasket: A rubber, cork, paper, or metal plate that’s inserted between two parts to prevent leakage o f gases or fluids M ieng dem: M ot tdm cao su, giay, hoac kim loai duqc ldp vdo giQa hai chi tiet d e ngan sU rd ri ciia xdng hoac cliat long gear ratio: The speed o f the engine compared with the output speed o f the transm ission, and/or the differential, in a given gear Chi so truyen: T oe cua dong co so vdi toe cua hop sd, vd bo vi sai m ot bdnh rdng da cho gear selecto r: A gearshift located on the side o f the steer ing column, in a console, or on the floor between the front seats on vehicles w ith automatic transm issions Cdn chon so: M ot true chon so duqc dat a phia ben canli cua 'tru lai hoac tren sdn giQa glie ngoi trudc a tren xe cd hop sd tU dong 872 g e a rsh ift: The stick (usually located betw een the front seats) that the driver uses to select and change transm ission gears See also gear selector, stick shift Cdn sang sd: Cdn chon sd (thuang duac dat g id a cdc ghe trudc) Duqc ngudi lai sd dung d e chon vd thay doi cdc bdnh rdng tron g hop so gen era tor: See alternator May phat dien: xem may ph at dien xoay chieu glow p lu g: An electrical elem ent located in the com bus tion cham ber o f a diesel engine that helps to heat up the air in the cham ber so that the diesel fuel is ignited m ore quickly Bu gi song: M ot phdn td dien ddqc dat d buong dot cua mot dong co diesel de giup lam nong len khong d ben buong dot d e cho nhien lieu diesel ddqc dot chay nhanh hon g rease: See lube grease M d: X em ddu m d boi tron grease fittin g: A device that seals in and allow s the ad dition o f m ore grease or som e other type o f lubricant to cush ion two m oving parts, allow them to m ove freely, and prevent them from w earin g each other away See also ball jo in t, steer ing knuckles, tie-rod ends, zerk fitting Vu tra md: M ot vat ddqc bit kin ben tron g vd d e cho them md vdo nliieu hon lioac m ot so cliat bdi tron khac d e lam lot dem cho hai bo plian chu yen dong, lam cho ch u n g di chuyen td do, vd ngdn cho cliu n g khdi mdn vdi grease gu n : A device that can be loaded with grease and used to lubricate your car Grease guns com e w ith extenders for hard-to-reach places and with adapters for lubricating vari ous types o f ball jo in ts and zerk fittings Sung tra md: M ot th iet bi cd the ddqc cho md vdo va duqc sd dung de boi tron cho xe Sung tra md cd Item theo cdc dau ndi 873 de dung cho cho kho vdi toi vd cdc ddu chuyen ddi de boi tron bdi cdc khdp ndi cdu khac grease seal: A circular, metal-backed, rubber device, that keeps grease from leaking out and protects wheel bearings and sim ilar parts from dust and water Cao su lam kin md: M ot chi tiet bdng cao su trdn duqc bo: kim loai dung de g id cho md klioi ri vd bdo ve cho cdc bac dan bdnh xe vd cdc bo plian titong tu liliac lilioi bui vd nitdc ground: An object that m akes an electrical connection with the earth, to safely com plete an electrical circuit For example, one term inal o f the battery is wired to the metal frame o f the vehicle to utilize the frame as a path for return ing electric current to the battery and thus com pleting the electrical circuit All U.S vehicles are “negative ground” because the negative term inal is wired to the frame o f the car In som e countries, this is called “negative earth.” Sit tiep ddt: M ot vat tao mot sii ndi ket ve dien vdi ddt, de lam lioan todn m ot macli dien mot cacli an todn Vi du, mot ddu cilc cua dc quy duqc bdt ddy dien vdo liliung kim loai cua xe de sd dung liliung nhu mot dudng ddn de dila ddng dien tro ve dc quy vd vi vay hoan tlianli mach dien Tdt cd cdc xe sd dung d M y la noi mdt dm bdi vi cilc dm duqc bdt vdo kliung xe gu ara n tee: A prom ise by the manufacturer to fix or re place a specific part if it doesn’t last for a specific time period or distance See also warranty SvC bdo hank: M ot loi lida cua nha sdn xuat de sda clida hoac tliay th e m ot chi tiet ndo dd neu nhu cliung kliong keo ddi sd du ng cho m ot giai doan thdi gian cu the ndo lioac theo quang dudng h arm on ic balance w heel: See crankshaft pulley Bdnh xe cdn bdng dieu hoa: Xem bu gi true kliuyu 874 h ea d gask et: The seal betw een the cylin d er head and the engine block This gasket keeps the coolant out o f the cy lin ders and free from contam ination by exhaust gases A “blow n ” head gasket causes a serious loss o f com pression Dem ndp may: m ieng dem kin a gii2a ndp xi lanh vd than may M ien g dem gii2 cho nUdc lam mdt klion g vdo cdc xilanh vd ltliong lam nliiem bdn ltlii xd M ot m ien g dem ndp may bi, thdi g a y ton that rdt Ion ve dp sudt nen h e a d lin e rs: Fabric or vinyl upholstery on the interior o f the ro o f o f a vehicle Tam boc mui xe: Clie lieu boc bdng vdi lioac bdng nliUa vinyl d plian ben cua mui xe h e a te r core: A device that heats the passen ger com part m ent H ot coolan t and w ater circulate through it from the engine and heat air that is then blow n by an in terior fan into the vehicle Bo stidi am: M ot tliiet bi lam dm khoang lianli khdch Nude lam m dt ndng lilu chuyen qua nd til d on g c o vd kliong ndng ltlii dd duqc tlioi bdi m ot quat vdo ben tron g xe h ex w ren ch : See A llen wrench Chia khoa luc giac: X em chia klioa ddu lu c giac h o rse p o w er: The energy required to lift 550 pounds one foot in one second or 33,000 foot-pounds per minute ma lUc: N dn g luqng y eu cdu de nhac 55 foot-pou n d m ot g ia y lioac 33.000 foot-pou n d Ipliut h ose clam p s: Adjustable m etal rings placed around a hose w h ere it n ects to an oth er part to p rev en t leaks and to keep the hose in place Kep giU ong: V ong kim loai cd the dieu chinh du oc duqc dat xung quanli m ot on g cao su, duqc noi vdo bo phan khac de ngdn rd ri vd gn? cho ong lap vdo vi tri