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Trang 3At the end of the book there are five pagesofextra
information fortheinformationgapactivities,a
word list withspacesforstudentstowritetheirowntranslations,andalist ofkeyverbs for themtolearn.
Studentscan use theOxfordGrammarforSchoolsseries
inclass with their coursebooktosupportandreinforce
theirgrammarstudy.The Teacher's Book includes all
theanswers and audioscripts.Thereare alsotestsforevery Student'sBook unit, andfourreviewtestswhichcanbe usedatthe endofaschoolterm.
an interactive whiteboard in class
Key tothe symbols
O0.0 0.0(=track number) Listening activity
A Speaking activity
Game/ Extended writing activity
A difficulty ratingis given toeach exercise.The scaleof difficulty is relativetoeach unit,
so there are exercises with one,two,andthreestarsin every unit
OxfordGrammar for Schools helpsstudents developa
detailed understandingofgrammarformanduse in
context,andinspiresthemto havefunwithEnglish
orrevisedthrough easy-to-readtables and illustrated
presentationswith clear examples The exercises
buildfrom simple concept-checkactivities uptomore
Ineach unitthereare severalspeakingactivitieswhere
students workwith each othertouse English with
improvedaccuracyandconfidence.The extended
Each unit beginswith a 'Can do'statement,which says
what students will be abletoachieveoncompletion
ofthe unit.At the end of eachunit isaself-evaluation
table Students should be encouragedto ratetheir
progressin eachexercise,which helps themtotake
responsibility for their ownlearningand alsoincreases
Introduction 3
Trang 41 Plurals Regularplurals-s, -es, -íes, -ves
Pronunciation and spelling rulesIrregularplurals
2 There is, there are There is, thereare: affirmative andnegative
Thereis,thereare:questionsand shortanswers
3 Countableand uncountable
Countableand uncountablenouns
7 Be Be:affirmativeandnegative
Be: Questionsand shortanswers
8 Havegot Havegot:Affirmativeandnegative
Havegot:Questions andshortanswers
9 -ingform or to +baseform -ingform:as a noun;after like, love, hate,enjoy; spelling rules
to +base form: afterwant and would like
10 The imperative;Let's Theimperative:affirmativeand negative
Let's: affirmative andnegative
11 Present simple Usesofthe presentsimple
Presentsimple:affirmativeand negativePresent simple:questionsand shortanswers
12 Present continuous Useofthepresentcontinuous
Present continuous:affirmativeand negativePresentcontinuous:questionsand shortanswers
14 Past simple: be Was andwere:affirmativeandnegative
Was andwere:questionsand shortanswersTherewasand therewere
15 Past simple: regular and
irregularverbs Past simple regular verbs: affirmative andPastsimple irregularverbs: affirmative andnegativenegative
Regularandirregularverbs:questions andshortanswers
4 Contents
Trang 516 Question words: Who ? Whose
?What ?Which ? Questions with who, whose, what and which
17 Questionwords: Where ?
When ?Why ?How ?
Questionswith where, when, why and howExpressions with how
18 Question words: How much ?
How many ? Questions with how much and howCountableand uncountablenouns many
A lot andnotmuch,not many
19 Can,could Canand could:ability
Canandcould:questionsand shortanswersCanand could:permissionsandrequests
20 Must, haveto and shall Must, mustn't, havetoand hadto:rules, laws,necessity
ShallI ?for offers 95
21 Prepositions of placeandtime Prepositions of place:at,between,behind,in,
infront of,next to, near,opposite,onand underPrepositionsof time:on,in,atandafter
22 Indirect objects Verbs that take indirect objects-give,lend, take, teach,
send, show, tell, write
24 To+base form forpurpose Tototalk about purpose 113
25 Conjunctions:and, but,or and
And, but,orand becausetojoin ideasina sentence 115
26 Whenclauses Whentojoin clausesina sentence 117
27 Comparative andsuperlative
adjectives Comparativeadjectives
and thanSuperlative adjectives
Trang 6Ican recognize and use regular and irregular plurals.
threetwobabies lotsof leaves
bag-bags tog - togs teacher-teachers
friend-friends bottle - bottles
Spelling rules
For nounsendingconsonant+-y, we delete -y
and add -ies
baby-babies country -countries
library- libraries family -families
For nounsendings, s, ss,sh, ch,x ando,we
bus-buses class-classes
toothbrush - toothbrushes lunch - lunches
box-boxes potato-potatoes
For nouns ending f, we delete -f and add -ves
leaf-leaves wife-wives
*1 Oi.i Write the plurals Listen and check
btts dress boy hat kite life party
orange scarf story tomato
H—s + -ies +-es +-ves
Trang 7/s/Theshopssell biscuits,sweetsanddrinks.
/z/ Boys,girlsandteachers have lessonson
/iz/Look-boxes of oranges and sandwiches
Most plurals endin the sounds:/s/,/z/or/iz/
*3 ©1.2 Listentothesentencesandrepeat.
*4 ©01.3 Listen and repeat.
/s/ cupcups bookbooks
IzJ boyboys television televisions
/iz/ sandwich
* Workpicture.in pairs Find the things in theWrite the plural word
Trang 8Irregular plurals
man men woman women child children
Somenouns have irregular pluralforms.You haveto learn eachone
*8 O1.5 Listen,say thepluralsandpointtothe ÿÿÿ*9 Workin pairs Pointtothe pictures and
8 Plurals
Trang 9*10 Correctthe mistakes.
ÿ two mice
fintee mice 4 four{ourchildchildren
2 one women 6 lotsoftooth
7 twosheep
3 five fish
11 Play inpairs.Pointtoa singlenoun
from thisunit Your partner saystheplural form ofthenounand spellsit
*12 01.6 Listen anddraw what you hear O
* 11Writepluralthe lettersnouns. inthecorrect orderto make
14 Workin pairs Student A,turn to
page 135 Student Bturn topage 137.Describe the pictures anddraw.
Unit 1 9
Trang 10There is, there are
Ican recognize and use there is and there are.
Affirmative and negative
There'sa cinema
We usethereis andthereareto say that
somethingor somebody exists
We usethereisfor singular itemsand thereare
for pluralitems
Weoftenshorten there is tothere's.
10 Thereis,thereare
* 1 Lookatthepicture and read thetext.Arethesentences true %/ orfalse/?
ÿThere'sa TV 0
1 Therearethree people ÿ
2 There'sa cat. ÿ
3 Therearetwochairs ÿ
4 Therearetwotables ÿ
Trang 112 There'soneschool ÿ
3 Thereare lotsofcinemas.I I
4 Thereare twoparks.I I
5 Therearethreecafés.I I
56 Play in groups Say what's in your
bedroom andtryto remember what
the other students say.Usethe words
in the box and your ownideas
bag bed blanket book bookcasechair desk picture table toy
In my room,there'sa bed ÿ
In my room;there's a bed
andthere aretwo chairs.
In my room, there'sa bed and there \
are two chairs and there's J
-Unit2 11
Write sentencesabout your classroom
with there isorthereare.Usethe words
in the box.Tell the class
board desks door studentsteacher windows
ÿ There'sone house.IXl
There isn'torehouse There are lots of houses.
1 Thereare twohospitals.1
Listen andtick y thecorrect picture.01H4
Trang 12Questions and short answers Í9
Questions Short answers
Is therea bus? Yes,there is
Isthereatrain? No,there isn't
Are there three cars? Yes,thereare
Arethere lotsof
people? No,there aren't.
Inshortanswers,we don'tsay there's.
*7 O2.2 Lookatthe picture andlistentothe
questions.Write short answers
ÿ Ye?, finete is _
Work inpairs Ask andanswer
questionsabout the picture.Usethewords in the box and short answers
twowomen a baby a white car
a school three boys twoblackcars
Are there two Women?
No,there aren't.
Writesomesentenceswith Thereis/
Thereareaboutacityor country Usethe ideasin the boxto helpyou.Readyoursentencesforthe other students
to guesstheplace
lotsof: trees shops animals houses
people cafés restaurantsa: swimmingpool river cinema
parks tower castle palacecalled
T here's a big tower There's o river.
There are lots of French people!
Yesj itis!
12 Thereis,thereare
Trang 13Countable and uncountable nouns
Ican recognize countable and uncountable nouns.
Ican use a, an, someandany
A, an and some
There's achild.
\y.oü JJlCb.
Therearesomeapples There'ssome milk
Thereare sometrees There'ssome sugar
Countablenouns arethenamesof thingsthatwe cancount.They haveasingular andplural form:
apple-apples,child-children,tree - trees
Uncountablenouns arethe names ofthingswecan'tcount.They only havea singular form:
Inaffirmativesentences, we use a or anbefore singularcountable nouns, andsomebeforeplural
countablenouns and uncountable nouns
*1 O3.1 Look,listenand point.Then listen andrepeat
1 There'sa table 5 There'ssomespaghetti?
2 There'san orange 6 There'ssome milk.
3 Thereare someeggs 7 There'ssomesugar
4 Thereare some pears
* 2 Writepearsthe wordsmilk table bananasinthecorrectlists.sugarO
money orange oil eggs children
apple orange juice spaghetti bag
Unit 3 13
Trang 14*3 O3.2 Listen, repeatand check themeaning.
Write C (countable) or U(uncountable).
*4 Tick y thecorrectform
ÿ [~1 There are some child
sS Thereare somechildren.
1 O There'ssomemeat
I I There'sa meat.
2 [J There issomepotatoes.
[ j Thereare somepotatoes.
3 [ ) There'sanhouse.
I I There'sa house.
4 O There'ssome cream
[ ] Thereare some cream
5 [ ] There'ssomepasta.
[1Thereare somepasta.
6 [~\ There'ssomecoffee
[_¡ There are somecoffee.
7 O There'sa bottle
[ ] There's some bottle
8 i There are some oranges
[ ] There's some oranges
Say There'sa There'ssome or
Thereare some
14 Countableand uncountablenouns
Trang 15Some and any
NegativeCountable nouns Uncountablenouns
Therearen't any apples
Therearen't any bananas
There aren't any people
Thereisn't any lemonade.
Thereisn't any sugar
There isn't any money
Countablenouns UncountablenounsAre thereany oranges?
Are thereanybiscuits?
Are there any children?
Isthere anycheese?
Isthere any icecream?
Is there any water?
In negativesentencesandin questions,we use any before plural countable nouns and
uncountable nouns
*8 O3.3 Listen,read andrepeat
Emma Is there any lemonade?
No, sorry,there isn't any lemonade
There's somewater.
Arethereany crisps?
No,sorry,there aren't any crisps
Oh.Arethereany sandwiches?
Yes,thereare.Thereare somesandwiches andsomeapples
*9 Listenand readexercise8again.Tick%/ the
thingsin the basket
sandwiches apples
* 1C Writesome or any.
ÿ There's some moneyOonthe table.
ÿJane Arethereany biscuits_?(biscuits ?)
Ben No,there aren't any biscuits (biscuitsX)
Thereare some crisps _ .(crispsS)
1 Jane Is_ ? (ice cream?)Ben No,_ .(icecream/)
2 Jane AreBen No,
(orangesX) (bananas S)
Workin pairs.Write somedialogues
like theones in exercise 11,thenactthem
Trang 16Picture2
Workinpairs Findeight moredifferences
picture 1,there are some apples
butthere aren't any pears.
514 Ploy inpairs.Study Picture2forone minute,thencover it.Describeitto yourpartner
UseThere's and Thereare.Canyou remembertwenty things?
»1 5 O3.5 Lookatthe pictures and listentothe descriptions Number the baskets1-4
* 1 6 Playin pairs Choose oneofthe picturesin exercise15.Yourpartnerasks you
yes/noquestions.Guesswhichpictureit is.Thenchangeroles.
/\te fhere any oranges ? J I Yes,there are.IS there any Water? J
-V£ —
No,there isn't
16 Countableand uncountablenouns
Trang 17* 17 Ois,are3.6,some orCompleteany.Then listen and check.themissingwords.Write
Jack What's for lunch today?Arethereon
Yes,there 1_ .
Great!Andisthere 2_ pizza?
®*1 9 J* *h O3.7 Read and listentothe song
Sorry,no,there isn't3_pizza.
Thereare4_burgers,and there
Yes,there 7 somesweets.There
8_ somegrapes,too,and there
9_some yoghurt
No thanks Burgers and chips andsweets,
Lookatthe picture andcompletethe
dialogue.Thenactitin pairs
Tommy Ifthere anusoup?
Tommy Great!And 2_ sandwiches?
Mum No,3_ sandwiches.
Tommy Cool,thanks
There'ssome coffee,there's some pasta,there'ssome yoghurt and some tea,
But is there any chocolate for me?
Iknow there are some sandwiches,
someapples and some peas,Butare thereany cakes or sweets,
and are there any biscuits, please?
There's somecoffee
No,there isn't any chocolate,and there aren'tany sweets for me,But there's some butter,flour and sugar,
so let's makesomecakes for tea.
There's somecoffee
| Self-evaluation Rateyour progress
Unit 3 17
Trang 18Mini-revision Units 1-3
1 Choosethe bestanswer
ÿ Is therea swimming pool in yourschool,Tom?
a \7\ No,there isn't
b ÿ No,it isn't
c ÿ No,there aren't
1 Arethere lots of students?
a O Yes,they are
b [ ] Yes,thereare
c O Yes,thereis
2 Arethere anycomputers inyourclassroom?
a ÿ Yes,they'recomputers.
b JYes, they'rethere
c ( ] Yes,thereare
3 Is therea dining room?
a [ ÿ Yes,there's.
b ~] Yes,thereis
c LJYes,thereare
4 Is the food nice?
a Í ] Yes, they are
b J Yes,thereare
c ÿ Yes,it is
5 Isthere any sugar inthe cupboard?
a O No,it isn't
b [ ] No,there isn't
c ( ] No,there aren't
6 Are your mumand dadat home?
a ÿ No,heisn't.
b i_J No,she isn't
c [ ] No, they aren't
2 OR1.1 Listen and tick %/the bestanswer
ÿ How many lionsare there?
3 What havethey gotfor thepicnic?
4 What'sinthe shop?
Trang 19Subject and object pronouns;
Jack likes chocolate -> He likes chocolate
Emmaand Samlivein London.->They liveinLondon.
* 1 Circlethecorrectword
are)!They are sisters You're / I'm in
class eight
She's/ he's -fourteen It's /he's a \
-tobile phone! J
vYou're / WeVeN Í You're / They're
inthe team! J \ cheese sandwiches.
/You're / They're
inyear nine now.
Shes/ hes from lta\
Unit4 19
Trang 20Completethesentenceswith the words in the box.
I You (x2) He She It We They You
We're friend 5".ÿ 're schooi books J ( _ rrithirteen. J
1 John and Anna are brotherandsister
2 The time istwoo'clock
3 John,Anna andIareat school.
4 Anna is inClass4
5 Youand JohnareinClass 10
6 SamandIare in Class 6
7 MrBlackisaScienceteacher.
* Workpeoplein pairs Makeand things in the classroom.sentencesabout
Usethe words inthe box.
I you he she it we they
You're George J ( She's Wrs Smith.
SS Work inpairs.Write sentencesabout
yoursentencesforthe other students
toguessthecorrect picture
There aretwo boys inthe
picture They are brothers.
Isitthis picture here?
8 Scienceisan interesting subject
Yes, it is.
20 Subjectandobject pronouns; possessiveadjectives
Trang 21i m jose. r\y name is J
You're Your name ¡S
Subject pronoun Possessiveadjective
*6 ©4.7 Write thecorrectpossessive adjective
Listen and check
ÿ I'mCathy.Wy name is Cathy
1 He's Harry name is Harry
2 They'reSamandEd names are Sam
and Ed
3 We're Jo and Kay names are Jo and
4 You're William nameis William
5 She's Lucy name is Lucy
6 You're Sue and Anna names are Sue
* 8 Completepossessive adjectives.thesentenceswith thecorrect
JimSgot two pets They're Wis pets.
We usepossessiveadjectivesbeforenouns.They
give informationabout possession
Unit4 21
Trang 22Object pronouns
We use object pronounsafterverbs andafter
prepositions.They replacenouns
Subject pronoun Object pronoun
* 9 Circlethecorrect word.
ÿ Hil(Tm)/meTom.What'syou/(ÿourjname?
1 Pleasehelpme / mywith me / my homework
2 John andKateare withthey're /theirmum.
Can youseethey / them?
3 We/ Ourteacher isMr Black He / Him teaches
us / we every day
4 Emma andDavidarefriends She/Herlikes
he / him and he / himlikesshe / her
5 Hello Canwe/ushelpyou / your?
*10 Completethesentenceswith thecorrectobject
ÿ This messageisfor Rosie It'sforher
3 LookatJack! Lookat_ !
11 ©4.2 Completethesentenceswith a personalpronounor a possessive adjective Listen and
ÿ Jack'sgot a sister,her nameisMary
She 'sgotgreen eyes
1 I'm14nextweek birthday ison
2 I've _got twocousins, Tom and Harry.'regood fun Ilike
3 I'vegotsome homework 's difficult
Can you help_?
out brother I like him
22 Subjectandobject pronouns; possessiveadjectives
Trang 23* Workmakeina true sentencepairs.Chooseaabout thecard and
peoplewithat leastone of the words
in the box Win a pointforeach
wordfromthe box youuse
he his she her they their
ÿ Card:Martin-Stella
Me is her husband.=2 points
ÿ Hello,what'syour name?
1 IlikeAmy 'smy friend
2 Ben andJoearebrothers Ella is _ sister
3 I'vegot apetrabbit name isFluff
5 Wherearethechildren?Can you see_ ?
6 Happy birthday!Thispresent is for _!
8 Hi name's Tina
Martinand StellaJames
9 PeterandTim are14._
Unit4 23
Trang 24Possessive forms
Ican recognize and use 's and s' possessive forms and possessive pronouns.
's and s' possessive forms
Ella'scat isintheneighbours'garden
We use 's or s' aftera nounto show possession
Singular nouns
The apostropheisbeforethe-s
Jack's bookis onthe table
Myfriend'sname is Tom
His sister'sbirthdayisin May
Theapostrophe is after the-s
Joyisin the girls'footballteam.
The babies'names are OscarandGrace
The students'bagsareinthe classroom
Theapostrophe isbeforethe-s
Here isthe children'sroom
Wherearethe men'stoilets,please?
The women's shoesare on thenextfloor
£1 O5.1 Listen and draw the lines between thepeople1-8and the things a-h
Trang 25Ask questionstofindoutthe
informationbelow.Tell the class.
1 twostudents'favouriteTV shows
2 one person'sfavourite food
3 agirl's birthday
4 aboy's favouritemusician
5 a pet's name
6 three people'sparents'names
( Anna's favourite TV shoVJ is fT be Simpsons' J
Georges¿a¿s name is Peter.
Possessive pronouns
* 4 Use yourplaya game.answersReadfromasentence;exercisethe3to
other peopleinthe classtry to guess
who thepersonis
t\er middlename is Eisa Linda?
No, notLindo.
Yes, that's rigInt
Irs >v)V book, its mine
possessiveadjective possessive pronoun
Yourbook ishereand her book isthere.
Yours ishere and hersisthere
* 5 Matchthesentences 1-5 with the phrasesa-f
with thesamemeaning
ÿ It'smygrandparents'cat c_
1 It's my brother's watch _
2 It'smymother's bag _
3 It's your homework _
4 It'sour lunch _
5 It'smyroom _
* 6 possessiveComplete thepronoun.sentenceswith thecorrect
ÿ It's Ben's phone It'sW\s
7 It'smy parents'computer.It's
8 Youcan sit inthat chair.It's_
9 They are my sister'sCDs.They're
Unit5 25
Trang 26*/
* o5.2 Circlethecorrectform.Then listen and
ÿ©/Minebikeisblue.Your /(Yours)isred
1 John's/John teacher is nice.Her/ Hersname
is MrsClark
2 Our/ Ourshouseisnext totheir /theirs
3 Here'smysister's/sistercoatand here's
my / mine
4 The children / children'snames are Tom and
Daisy.Their/ theirssurname is Jones
5 Myfriend's/friends' deskis next tomine
6 Hisbookisonthe table.Hers / Herisin
hers/ her bag
* 8 Are the underlined words righty or wrong/?
Correctthe mistakes
ÿ Jacks/ cat isblack and white.
JackV cat \s block and White _
Itsy nameisTibby.
1 Mu dad's name is Pete
2 Hisbrothers'nameis David
3 Here'sthemens room
4 Thewomens roomisover there
5 The bous shirts areblue andours arewhite.
O5.3 Listenandcomplete themissing
words.Then listenagain and sing! UV
Singit with me
This world is3_
world too.
It's all fine
Singit together
10 ii 13 15
Self-evaluation Rateyour progress
6 Here'sLucu'slunch,and here'suours.
7 Mysister's names oreAnn and
Jenny-8 It's myfriends' birthday today She'sthirteen
26 Possessiveforms
Trang 27This, these, that, those
Ican recognize and use this, these, that and those.
brother J ames
We use this and thesetoindicate people and things that are near us
We use that and thoseto indicate people and things that arefurtheraway from us
Unit 6 27
Trang 283 Ilike that/ thispicture
4 That/Thistea is cold
That's my friend V bag.
Work in pairs Pointto thingsinyour
classroom and say what they are Usethis, that,these and those and the words
inthe boxoryourownideas
myfriend's bag myfriends' bags
myteacher's book(s) my teacher's pen(s)
my homework my friend'shomework
83 Playin small groups Sayaword from
the box.The first personto use the word
+this,that, theseorthosein a sentencewinsa point.Cross outthe word and
continue Ifyoucan'tseesomething,
draw it!
bags pen desk computer homeworkchairs ruler phone pencils bag table
desks window door coats notebook
pictures board pens coat
Thisis my bag.
Those ate John's pencilÿ That's abice coat.
5 Lookat those/these photos
28 This,these,that,those
1This is/That's my mum
o6.1 Choosethecorrectword,then listenand
2 These/Those cakesaregreat!
Trang 29* 4 Completethequestionswiththis,that,theseor those.
* classroom.TakeWorkinpairs Look round theturns toask and
answer What's this/that? What are
Unit 6 29
Trang 30Mini-revision
2 Choosethecorrectwordtocompletethe
ÿ Horryis _ friend.
o ÿ Joe b ÿ Joes c 0 Joe's
1 Look! _ manis myteacher.
a [JThat b JHe c ÿ Those
2 This ismyfavourite music.Ilove_
a O them b ÿ it c [_] him
3 Look are my new shoes
a ÿ This b [ H That c ÿ These
4 Ilike thatdog name is Benji
a ÿ Its b O It's c I I It
5 Welcome to_ school!
a ÿ us b O ours c O our
1 Completethesentences.Choosea word
He her her His I My She
Their them These They This
4 Work in pairs Describe the people and things
in exercise 3 Use the words in the box
his her their its T-shirt jeans skirt
shoes hair long red yellow black brown blue green
isCathy 3_
myfriend.Ilike4_Cathy'shairisbrown and
5_ eyesare blue
3 OR2.1 Listen and draw lines
Harry May Ben Lucy
Trang 31Revision 1 Units 1-6
! Choosethe bestanswer
ÿ Isthisyour book, Jane?
2 Arethere any pears?
Yes,and there are_ apples
a [J any
b [~] some
c ÿ an
3 Isthereany milk?
No,sorry.Thereisn't_ milk
a [_J some
b Í ] any
c ÿ a
4 Issheyourteacher?
Yes,she teaches_ science
e any are any mine my Is
people some That There Those
ÿ There'ssome bread and there's_a_ bottle
4 Lookat the picturein exercise 3 again
Read the sentencesandwrite yesor no
ÿ Therearetwo children, yes
1 There'sa girl _
2 Therearetwo boys _
3 There aren't any scarves _
4 Thereare somehats _
5 Thegirl's hair islong _
Revision 1 31
Trang 32Picturec is different There are
three apple? in the other pictures
There's one apple in picture c
Trang 33Ican recognize and use the presenttense of be.
Affirmative and negative
We're students.
Orv )
Short form Shortform
You are You aren't
Weare not Wearen'tYou are You aren't
Theyare They are not Theyaren't
We usually use shortforms whenwe speak Longformsare moreformal
* 1 O7.1 Completethesentenceswith thecorrect shortform of be Listen and check
ÿ Im a student 2 We_ friends 4 She_ my sister 6 It_ acat
1 They _ teachers. 3 He_ thirteen. 5 You_ short. 7 You_ inclassnine.
Trang 34*3 O7.2 Completethenegativesentenceswith
thecorrectform ofbe.Listenand check
ÿ Londonisa smallcity
ItiSn'ta SmaII city It'sa big city.
We brothers 1 We're in the UK
She my mother 2 It's 6o'clock.
It a rabbit 3 Peoplefromthe USAare British
*4 Circlethecorrectformto maketrue
ÿ London's)/isn't the capitalofEngland
1 The weather is / isn't hottoday
2 Myfriendsare/ aren't intelligent
3 Tokyo is/isn'ta city inChina
4 Weare / aren't American
5 Ourschool is / isn't very big
4 Your dadisFrench
S5 Write the opposite.Usethesameform ofthe
verb (longor short)as in the originalsentence.
ÿ You're inclassseven
ÿ Iam nota student.
1 We'refrom London
2 They arenotfriends
Write threetruethingsandonefalse
thingabout you Read yoursentences
to the class.The person who guesses
thefalse sentencewinsa point.If
he/sheiswrong, youwina point
Wy favourite TV slnoW \$
FAy favourite b an¿ is
ÍAyAaA is a (job)
ÍAy grandnn other is from
Trang 35Questions and short answers
Question Shortanswer
Ami ? Yes,Iam./ No,I'mnot
Are you ? Yes,youare / No,you aren't
Is he ? Yes,he is./ No,he isn't
Is she ? Yes,she is./ No,she isn't
Isit ? Yes,itis./ No,itisn't
Are you ? Yes,youare./ No,you aren't
Arewe ? Yes,we are / No,we aren't
Are they ? Yes, they are./ No they aren't
To make questions,weputbebeforethe subject
In positiveshortanswers,we usethefull form of
the verb.
Yes,Iam (NOT Yes,I'm.)
Yes, youare.(NOTYes, you're:)
3 MrHarris/ your teacher?y
4 your parents/ doctors?/
5 I/ inthisclass?/
6 it / lunch time?y
* 0Completeof be thesentences
with thecorrectform
o7.4Nowlisten,check and readpairs
Mr DavisJoe
Hello.I'mMrDavis.Are you Joe?
Yes,11 Hello,Mr Davis
2_ Iin your class?
No,you3 You're inclassten.
it Mrs Simpson's class?
6_ Toby inherclasstoo?
No,he7 He'sinmyclass
8_ he your friend?
Yes,he9 10_ Jackand Emma inclass ten?
Good.They're my friendstoo.
Match thequestions 1-6with the short
ÿ Isit7o'clock? — a No,I'mnot.
1 Are you 16,John? b Yes,we are
2 Are Sam and Benin c No,sheisn't
3 Am Iyour partner? ÿe No,itisn't
4 Areyouand Emma friends? f Yes, they are
5 Is Rosa Spanish? g Yes,youare
6 Is your brothertall?
O7.3 Writethequestionsand short answers.
Then listen and check
ÿ Kate/ from London?y
Is Kate from London P Yes, she if._
1 you/18?/
Unit7 35
Trang 36Play in pairs Imagine youare a
famous person.Try to guesswho
your partner is.Ask yes/noquestions
Are youa man/woÿan/boy/girl?
Are youalive?
Are you -from France ?
Are youa s'mqer/Aancer/ actor/
your newpen friend
_ youtwelve too?
There four peoplein my family My dad
_ Peter),mymum(her name
school in a city too?
Pleasewrite soon,
A\ k
in London.11. your
* Writequestionsa replyand telltoJosh Answer hishim about you, your
family andyourschool
Thankyou for your email
Bye for now.
36 Be
Trang 37Have got
Ican recognize and use havegot
Wy brothers Ziove got blockhair I
Affirmative and negative
Ihavegot I'vegot Ihavenot got Ihaven't got
You havegot You've got You havenotgot You haven't got
He hasgot He'sgot Hehasnot got Hehasn'tgot
She hasgot She's got Shehasnot got Shehasn'tgot
It hasgot It hasnot got It hasn'tgot
We havegot We've got We havenotgot We haven'tgot
You havegot You've got Youhavenot got Youhaven't got
They havegot They've got They havenot got They haven'tgot
In BritishEnglish,we often use havegot instead of havetotalk about families, people's appearanceor
*1 ÿP<)8.1 Listen and pointto thecorrect picture.Then practisein pairs
Unit 8 37
Trang 3852 Lookatthe picturesin exercise1again.
Completethesentenceswith thecorrectform
They Ve pot_ newbikes.
They A»oven'fpot roller skates
He_ twobrothers
He_ two sisters.
a O8.2 Listenandcompletetheinformation
Usethe words inthe box ©
I longhair
*3 Circlethecorrectanswer
ÿ A cateas)/ hasn'tgot a tail.
1 Ihave / haven'tgotanyhomeworktoday
2 We have/ haven't gotaholidaytomorrow.
3 Myteacher has / hasn'tgot blue eyes
4 Ourschool has/hasn'tgota swimming pool
5 My parentshave / haven'tgot anaeroplane
6 A snake has/ hasn'tgot hair
They some sandwiches
They any biscuits
Picture f
I short hair
Trang 39Questions and short answers
Question Shortanswer
HaveIgot? Yes,Ihave
Have you got? Yes,youhave.
No,you haven't
Has he got? Yes,he has.
No,she hasn't
Hasshegot? Yes,No,she hasn't.she has.
Hasit got? Yes,No,it hasn't.ithas.
Havewe got? Yes,we have.
Haveyougot? Yes, youhave.
No,you haven't.
Havethey got? Yes,they have
No, they haven't
*7 O8.3 Match the questions 1-6with the
answers a-g Listenand check.
ÿ Have yougot any money, Sam?
1 Has Lucygota brother?
© O
2 Have youandyourfriendsgotafootball?
3 Have your grandparentsgota big house?
4 HaveIgot blueeyes?
5 Has your dadgot a motorbike?
6 Hasthecat got itsdinner?
a No, they haven't
b No,Ihaven't.Sorry
c Yes,we have.Thanks
d No, he hasn't
e Yes, it has It's happy
f No,youhaven't.They'regreen
g No,she hasn't
*8 Completethe questions andanswers
Then practisein pairs
ÿ Move yougot a mobile phone?
£10 Work in pairs Ask andanswerthe
questionsin the questionnaire.Then
te// the class about your partner.
/"lave you got any brothersor sisters, Joe?
Yes, IAove I've gota brother.
Wis nameis Worry.
( Joe's Qota brother,his name is Worry.
ÿ -
Unit 8 39
Trang 40ill Work inpairs Lookatthe pictures and read thetext.Completethe table.
Jenny'sgot fair hair and blue eyes She hasn't got
any sisters.She's gota brother.They haven'tgot any
Paul'sgot brown hair and browneyes Hehasn'tgotany brothers He'sgot asister.They'vegot two cats.
Chrissy'sgot brown hair and browneyes.Shehasn't
got any sisters She'sgot a brother.They've gotapetmouse
Ben'sgot black hair and browneyes.Hehasn'tgot
any brothers He'sgotasister.They'vegotarabbit.Tim's gotfair hair and blueeyes.Hehasn'tgot anybrothers He'sgot a sister.They haven'tgotany
Maisie'sgotfair hair and brown eyes She hasn'tgot
any sisters She's got two brothers.They've got two
I Name I Brotheror sister? I Pets?
Self-evaluation Rateyour progress
12 Play in pairs Choose oneofthe people
inthepicturesinexercise 11.Yourpartnerasks yes/noquestions toguess
which personit is.Then change roles
(ÿlÿyour persona girl? ÿ
r No,itisn't.
he gotfair hair?
40 Havegot