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Illustrationsby:Judy Brown pp.7 12 (Ex 1) 18 (Ex 1) 19(Ex4) 21 25 27 32.
35 39 (Ex 6) 44 50 64 (Ex 15).72 (Ex 1) 84 88 92 (Ex 1) 98 (Ex 1) 109 1 11.
116 (Ex 2) 117 (Ex 5) 124 130 133 134 (Ex 8) 143 148 (Ex 1) 151 153(Ex 11).
154:HeatherClarke pp.8 (Ex 1) 10 (Ex 5) 14 16 18 (Ex 18).23 (Ex 5) 26.
29 (Ex 3) 56(Ex 11) 67 74 76 (Ex 3) 79(Ex 1) 80 85 (Ex 7) 86 (bee etc).
96 (Ex 1) 97 99 104 112 114 (Ex 6) 123 126 (Ex 5) 131 142 145 (Ex 2) 146.
149 (Ex 3&4) 150 (Ex 2) 155 (Ex 16) 156 (Ex 6): James Hart/Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency pp.10 (Ex 8) 12 (Ex 4) 20 23 (Ex 6) 34 (Ex 1) 37 39 (Ex 7) 41 43. 70.77 86 (Ex 3) 93 (Ex 3) 94 1 14 (Ex 4) 116 (Ex 3) 126 (Ex 6).
138 (Ex 5) 141(Ex 9) 149(Ex 5) 150(Ex 3) 152(Ex 7) 153 (Ex 12);Sean
Longcroft pp.9 19(Ex6) 22 38 (Ex 2) 49 51 58 61 (Ex 6) 69 73 75 81 (Ex 6).
82 83 (Ex 1) 87 (Ex 3) 89.90 102 119 125 129 132(Exl) 136 138 (Ex 4).
147 155 (Ex 14) 156 (Ex 14); Andy Peters pp.6 8 (shelves) 13 17.24 29 (bike).
31 34 (See hear, smell) 35 40 42 46 53 56 (the phone rang) 59 (Ex 3) 60.
62 64 (a cold) 66 (fire-eater) 68 72 (library) 78 (interview).79(skateboard),
81(Can and could) 83 (balloon).85 (May) 87 (garden) 91 92 (house) 95 (Ex 4).
98 (picture) 101 103 105 106 108 115 117 (prepositions) 120 121.
126 (Ex 7) 127 132 (house) 134 (funny film) 135 139 141 (Because and so).
145 (chameleon) 152 (Ex 10); Alexandria Tumerfl'he Bright Agency pp.15 19(Ex 7) 24 36 38 (Ex 3) 45 54 59 (Ex 1 ) 6 1 (Ex 4) 66 (Ex 1 ) 76 (Ex 1 & 2).
78 (Ex 3) 86(Ex 4) 93(Ex4) 95 (Ex 1&3) 96(Ex 2) 1 13 1 18 122 125 140 140.
148 (Ex 2) 152(Ex 8)
Trang 4OxfordGrammarforSchools helpsstudentsdevelopa
detailedunderstandingof grammar formanduse in
context,andinspiresthemto havefunwith English
throughsongsandgames.Thegrammar is introduced
orrevisedthrough easy-to-read tables and illustrated
presentationswith clearexamples.Theexercises
buildfromsimple concept-checkactivities uptomore
communicativeandproductive skills-basedactivities.
Ineachunitthereareseveralspeaking activitieswhere
students workwith each other touseEnglishwith
improved accuracy andconfidence.The extended
writing activitiesalsoencouragestudentstouse
languagein realistic situations
Eachunitbegins witha'Cando'statement,which says
what studentswill be abletoachieveoncompletion
oftheunit.Attheendofeachunit isaself-evaluation
table.Studentsshould beencouragedto ratetheir
progressineachexercise,whichhelps themtotake
responsibilityfor theirown learningand also increases
Key tothe symbols
O0.0 0.0(=track number) Listening activity
A difficulty ratingisgiventoeach exercise.The scaleofdifficulty is relativetoeachunit,
sothereare exerciseswithone, two,and threestars inevery unit.
At the endofthe book therearefour pagesofextra
information fortheinformation gapactivities, aword
list, and anirregularverblist
Studentscan use theOxfordGrammarfor Schoolsseries
inclasswith their coursebookto supportandreinforce
theirgrammarstudy.The Teacher's Book includes alltheanswers andaudio scripts.Therearealso testsforevery Student'sBookunit,andreview testswhichcan
be usedatthe endofaschoolterm.
TheStudent's DVD-ROMincludes scored interactive
activities aswellasall the Student'sBookpagesin
digitalformand all thelistening exercisesandsongs.The Student's DVD-ROM enables students to use theStudent'sBook outsideclass,andcanalso be usedon
Trang 524
6 Verb patterns: love, like,hate
and want
Verb+-ing form
Verb +to+base form
Look+adjective;look like+noun
9 Past simple Was, were; past time expressions
Pastsimple regularverbs Past simpleirregularverbs
10 Past continuous Useofthepast continuous togivebackgroundinformation
Past continuous and past simple contrast; simultaneous andinterruptedpast events
Present perfect and past simple contrast
12 Thefuture Will and begoingto 66
13 Imperatives Warnings,instructions,directions 72
15 Mightandmay Mightandmay for possibility
May for permission
Trang 6Mini-revision Units 14-15 86
Must and mustn't;obligation,prohibition andnecessityShall for offers
Adjective orderbeforea noun
20 Comparativeandsuperlative
adjectives SuperlativeComparative adjectivesadjectives
IRevision 5 Units 18-20 113
21 Prepositions of place In, on, and at
23 Questionwords Who, where, what, when,why, how
Whoas"s'ubject';word order
Questions withwhat+nounandhow+adjective/adverb
24 Question tags Question tags inconversation
Question tags to check information 132
27 Conjunctions And, but, or, because and so 139
Trang 7Subject and object pronouns
Ican recognizeandusesubject and object pronouns
look atit! It'sa picture of us!
He'sa qooA artist!
Jack and HeidiThey
*1 Completethesentenceswithsubject pronouns * 2 Completethesentenceswithobject pronouns
2 Andy speaksRussian 2 Iwork with Anna Jackson
<;ppfik<; Russian T work with
'rp npw_ i7ii IovpH
'sveryold Thk hnnk k for
Trang 853 O
ÿ I'vegot(jhem )/ they
1 Can you helpus/ we?
2 Him/ He lives here
3 They/ Them are German.
4 He doesn't knowme/1
5 Icangowith she/ her
6 I/ Me drinkjuice in the morning
Writethesentences inthecorrectorder
ÿ her/he/remembers
t\e remembersher._
1 them/they /like
2 teaches/he/us
*6 O1.2 Complete the sentences withsubject
keepyour feetwarm.
1 -'sinthesky.At night,-'syellow
2 -liveinfieldsandonfarms.People
on coinsandstamps.
willchangeinto a butterflyoneday
* 7 Lookat exercises 5and6.Complete the
sentenceswith the wordsinthe box.Use a
dictionary ifyou need to!
a caterpillar socks horses
Picture a It's a caterpillar
Trang 9Icanrecognize, form anduseregular and irregular plurals.
Ive got tour sheNet,
\ six \>ooks and ten trophies!
We add-s to most nouns toformtheplural
tree ship flower cat shell
trees ships flowers cats shells
Here are some moreregular spelling rules
Addjust -sto nouns
ending invowel+-y
*1 02.1 Lookatthepictures.Write theplurals
Listenandcheck,then listen andrepeat.
Trang 10*2 /z/:©Oflowers,2.2 Listenpotatoes,andrepeat.ponies,Okeys,shelves Is/: cats,rocks,ships /iz/: buses, dresses,boxes
S3 ©O2.3 Listentothefinalsoundin theseplurals.What sound doyou hear?Drawlinesfrom the words
tothe sounds
flowers noses weeks cars fives places hats lips brushes cups doors horses books pages rooms O
Thesenouns haveirregular plural forms
man,woman,child, tooth,foot
men, women,children, teeth, feet
piano, radio,photo pianos,radios,photos
*4 O2.4 Changethesingular sentences topluralsentences.Listen andcheck,then listen andrepeat.
Trang 1155 O2.5 Listen and tick the correct picture *7
*6 Writethesingular form
ÿ onefoot _, twofeet
1 one _ ,threegeese
5 one _ seven scarves
7 one _,nine mosquitoes
8 one_ ,tenchildren
10 one_ ,twelve strawberries
Workinpairsand maketrue sentences
sentences canyou make?
7 24 too 365
4 12 31 30
28 160 8 60 26
( There are seven colours inc rainbow.
( There are 12 months ¡noyear.
Workinpairs.Findten moredifferences
betweenpicture 1andpicture2
In picture 1 Ican seethree chairs but
in picture 2 Ican Seefour chairs.
In picture 2 Icanseetwo WinAoWS bet
inpicture 1 1can see one WinAoW.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Trang 12Correctthespelling mistakes.
Donkies: this way
Ponys: this way
Adults £5.00, Cnildern: Free
Danger! Wolfs
£10 Completethe pluralsin the
questionnaire.Then ask yourpartner
thequestionsandwritetheir answers.CLOThES QUESTIONNAIRE
ÿ how manyrings_ ¿o you
3 how many pairs of sock_
¿o you have?
H how many necklace - ¿o
Unit 2 11
Trang 13Mini-revision Units 1-2
Readthe email.Choosethecorrect wordsfrom
the box and write them next to 1-5
men man she woman women
Ihave abigfamily There are lotsof
1_ -my mum,mythreeoldersisters,
mytwo auntsandmygrandma.There'sjust
one -mydad.Myoldest sister
ismarried.She's got twogirls andtwo boys
That's four3_!Mygrandma is lovely.
*_ is79yearsold.Wecall5_
'Granny Rose'.
Readthe letterand writethe missingwords
Writeonewordoneach line
Dear 5en,
ThanK \)Cu -for or \ja\jCur<r letter.If
arrived ÿes+eraa\j The pho-fas
everNj dasj How \s \jour bro-fher? Is
2 _ ¿+¡11 in hospi-fal? Please
sovy 'hello' +o 3_ -from me
Wri+e +o4 _ again soon Or
ÿ How doesHarrytravelto
1 What does Harry see?
2 Whois onthe businthe morning?
3 Who doesHarrytalk to?
5 Who doesHarrymeet atthe bus stop?
In Picture1tUe bird is broWn
bet in Picture 2 it'sWhite
Trang 14Articles and quantifiers
I can identify and use countable and uncountable nouns;I can use some, any and
a lot of with countableanduncountablenouns
A, an and some
Somenounsonly haveoneform.Theseare
milk, homework,juice,butter
We can'tcount uncountablenouns, so we can't usenumberswith them.We use some
or nothingbeforethem
Ialways dosomehomeworkafterschool
Doyouwantmayonnaiseonyour sandwich?
Inpositivesentences, we usethereisand there
arelike this:
Thereis + There are +
singular countable
There'sanapple Therearebananas
There's a bus There are cars
O 52 O3.1 Circlethecorrect answer Listenand
check,then listen andrepeat.
ÿ There's a/ÿome)bread in thebag
1 Ican see some bird/birds
2 There's a snow /snow onthose mountains
3 There's/are two men onthe boat
4 Would you likesome/ an iceinyour drink?
5 Iwant some/two freetime.
on your face!
7 Ilove rain/arain!
8 Thisfurnitureis/are very nice
t\oW muchfruit isthere inthefnd
There'sa mel on,there are two apples
a bottle somebottles
Most nounshavesingular andpluralforms.Theseare
countable nouns
cup -> cups table-*tables child->children
Wecan usea,someor anumberbeforecountable nouns'.
Unit 3 13
Trang 15Quantifiers: how much, how many, some, any and a lot of
We usequantifierstotalk about thequantity ofcountable
We usuallyuse some inpositivesentencesandany in
I'vegot somepaperandpens.
Haveyougotany moneywith you?
We use alotofwith countable and uncountablenouns to
talk abouta largequantity.We can use itin affirmative
andnegativesentencesand alsoinquestions
He'sgotalot offriends
We haven'tgot alotoftime
With uncountablenouns weoftenuseexpressionswith
bottles andcontainers,likeabottleofandakiloof
Hehasaspoonfulofsugarin hiscoffee
Thereare twobottlesofmilkinthe fridge
some 1,2,3
Ihave two bags of sugar
There's a loaf of bread
Here are some commonexamples
*3 Circleÿ Ivethegot(ÿome)/correctanyanswer.biscuits.O
1 leanseesome/any stars.
2 Why aren'ttheresome/ anychairsin here?
3 I'd likesome/any coffee,please
4 Ineedsome/ any money
5 Aretheresome/ any pictures inthat book?
6 Ican't hearsome/any birds
7 We never get some/ any snow inthiscountry.
8 There aren't some/ any biscuitsleft
Trang 16*4 ©3.2 Listen and tick /thecorrectpicture of ÿ*6 Match the quantitiesand thenouns.
spoonful slice tin tube
0b are a lotof
ÿ c are some
1 You _ mountains.
I-a canseea lotof
fl c can see some
Workinpairs Cover your answersin
exercise 6 Howmanyphrasescan youremember?
a cup of teaJ f a tube of
*8 theCompletesame asthethesecondfirst. sentencesothat itmeans
ÿ Howmany tinsofsouparethere?
Howrnucln soup if_ there?
1 Howmany litresorjuice arethere?
Trang 17*9 Memorygame.Lookatthe picture for *12 f Write abouttwoofthethings andplaces
oneminute,thenturn tooaae 154and 7
oneminute,thenturn topage1 54and A below Includeinformationabout the
answerthequestions nouns.
My bedroom
picturesonthe walls
some orany,then listen and check.Act
outthe conversationswitha partner.
QNo,butI've gotsome friends inItaly
2 Í )Haveyougot _
My bedroom is quite SmaI).There's
a bed and a WarAro be bufthere
isn't any otherfurniture There are
u u u
*11 Workingroups.What haveyou got?
Makesentenceswith quantifiers
comics magazines freetime
popmusic classicalmusic
friends inother countries
glitter clay ink charcoal
I've gotSome comics.
I haven't got any comic* bet
IVe gota lotof magazines.
Trang 18Ican recognizeandusedemonstrative adjectives andpronouns
This and these indicatenounsthatare near us.
Lookatthose footprints! Can youhear thatnoise?
mushrooms? Can We
What's that? Car you
hear thatnoise?
Demonstrative adjective + noun
We can use this, that, these and those with a
Thissongisreally good
Who's thatgirl?
I want these pens.
Thosebagsare nice.
Demonstrative pronoun + no noun
Wecan usethis, that,these and those without anoun when the ideaofthenoun is cleartothelistenerorreader
What does thismean?
Can youpostthoseforme?
Unit 4 17
Lookatthis1 Whatarethese mushrooms?
That and those indicatenounsthatarefar from us.
Trang 194 Thosearetheirdogs.
ÿ this isthe door S
2 thatzebra
3 Ihisisthe key
5 Arethesevases?
JU set
Trang 204 O4.3 Completethe conversationswiththis,
that,theseor those Then listen and check 16
ÿ Howmuchisthis hat?
1 _ fisharebeautiful!
2 Whatare_ redflowers?
3 Mmm!_ aredelicious!
5 Could youhelpmewith_ boxes?
* Coveratthethepictures Can yousentencesinexerciseremember all5.Look
the sentences with this, that, these and
Changethese picturesintopicturesof
your friendsand family Then usethisand thatto tella partnerabout the
peoplein thepictures
ThiS 1 S wy mum Qr\¿ tin1$ i$ my
grandpa He'smy mum's ¿a¿.
That'srr\y brother, William.
t\e Wears glasses.
Who's that?
17 Work inpairs.Howmany partsofthe
bodycanyouname?Ask andanswer
withthis, that,theseandthose
Trang 21Work in pairs.Actouta conversation between a buyer and
asellerat a charity sale Lookattheinformationbelow
StudentA, seller
Lookatthethingsonthe table What arethey?
Thinkcarefully! You want to sell lots ofthingsand
youwant tomake lotsof money
(ÿThese areonly £l\ ) (UatCP\S really
Lookatthethingsonthe table What do youwant
to buy?What doyou want toaskabout?
Think carefully! Youwant to buy the things but
youdon'twant to pay highprices!
This one is Kñ'\r¿$' anA this one is lVisit China'.
howmuchi$this? ) ( It'son\y £l
u u u
Trang 22Mini-revision Units 3-4
Reading and writing
writethemonthe lines
Australia chairs drinks furniture
leaves milk pages Switzerland
ÿ Theseareoftenmadewith water.They'rehot
1 Youfindthese ina book.They're white and
3 Thisis a country.It'sgot a lotof mountains.It
hasn't got any sea. _
4 Youfindthese on treesand otherplants
5 People havethis intheir homes.It'softenbig
andheavy _
Read thenotice.Choosetheright words and
write themonthe lines
We need some volunteers to help paint
a large picture on1 _ school wall on
Saturday morning
Are you interested? Please read2 _ notes:
There will be4 _ wet paintandwe
don'twant 5 _ accidents.
Bring6_ food for lunch and7_
ÿ And finally,pleasetellyour friends! We
need8 _ help!
ÿ any a (some)
1 the some any
2 those this these
3 a old that
4 a lotof much many
5 some any much
7 some a any
8 much many a lot of
breakfast?Listenandwrite aletterineachbox
2 Grandma Q 5 Beth ÿ
SpeakingWorkin pairs.Ask andanswer questions
aboutthings inthe classroom Use the
What's this? Whatarethese?
What's that? Whatarethose?
What's that?
y re pens
Its glee.
Units 3-4 21
Trang 23Revision 1 Units 1-4
Reading and writing
What doesPetersay tothegrocer?Match1-5
witha letter(a-h).Youdon't needto useall
a Oh.Howmany lemons areinthat bag?
b That'svery expensive!
c Haveyougotanyapples?
d There's*totsofjcr'rce.
e I'd likesomegrapes, please
g OK,I'llhave thoseones.
h What'sthis?
Lookandread.Choose thecorrectwords
and write them onthe lines
stories litter wives knivesmice children jewellery letters
ÿ They arevery youngpeople,children
1 Some people dropthisin the street.It'sdirty
3 These small animalseat cheese and other
4 A lotofwomen wear this.It isoften very
6 Peoplewritethemandtellthem.You canread
7 They'resharp.Youcut fruit, bread, meatand
Read the email and write themissingwords
Write one_wordoneach line
Ilivewithmy parents,mybrother andmytwosisters.We _ liveina smallvillagecalled Hanbridge Hanbridgehas got threesheepfarms-youcan see a 1 _ of sheep
in the fieldsaround here!Thevillagehasgota
supermarketanda café but2 _ hasn't
bookshopsor musicshops, unfortunately
Write and tell4_
Trang 24The two men arehungry.
4 OR3.1 Listen and write
Mixed Fruit Smoothie
What isit?adelicious snack
Goodpoints healthy and doesn't take
Ingredient 1 ahandful of2 _
Ingredient2someother3_ of fruit
-e.g bananaorpeach
Ingredient3asmallpotof4 _
Ingredient4a5_ of honey
Howdo you makeit?Blend all theingredients
in afoodprocessorfor 30seconds-then enjoy!
5 OR3.2 Listen and tick/the correct picture.L
3 Which isthe IslandHotel?
There ¡Sn'ta riverin fhistoWn
ThistoWn hasgotsome
qoo¿ clothes shops.
IÿThere isn'tmuch
Revision 1 23
6 Look atthe picturesand tell thestory.
Talkwitha partner.Whichofthese doyouhave in your town orcity?
a university anairport crime
young people traffic litter pollution
fresh air a cinema a hospital a river
Trang 25Ican recognizeandusemaketo meandifferent things indifferent verb patterns
Make somebody or something + adjective
We use makesomebody orsomething+adjectiveto describe how an event, action, person or
objectchangesanotherpersonor object
This music'smakingmehappy Saltyfoodmakespeoplethirsty
*1 O5.1 Completethe sentences.Use makeor makesand theadjectives in the box
Then listen and check
angry calm and relaxed happy tired wet yellow
Trang 26i 2 O5.2 Listen and numberthepictures1-5.
*3 O5.3 Listenagainandcircle thecorrect
ÿ Thosewill makeme/(jjou)ill.
1 Itmakesfood /peoplesweet.
Tk ai t nl/A U ak / »v*a nn/ji i i
g %w n* t C*#
3 Itmakesus/ youthirsty
4 These makeus/ youstrong.
5 Thesethingsmakeeveryone/ peoplefat
* 4 Writethe wordsinthecorrectorder.
SlA/jrv)oping makes mehungry _
2 angry /makes/pollution/me
3 sad/classicalmusic/ me/ makes
4 happy/football/me /makes
6 me/make/calm and relaxed/ yoga
O * 5 Areforyou? Talk aboutthesentences inyourexerciseanswers4 true
witha partner.
Swimming mokes me hungry.
J J - ÿ 4"//* ÿ a u «.a
inu) > if vc ic/r rne.
It isn'ttruefor me.
* 6 Match1-5with a-f
ÿ Idon't read those books atnight b_
1 Takethis medicine threetimes aday _
3 Iputred chilli pepper in all my food _
4 My sisterdoesn't like hospitals _
5 Idon't like thatgirl _
a Itwill makeyou better
c Itmakes themvery happy
f Itmakesit hot andspicy
Workinpairs.Cover 1-5 inexercise 6.
Readsentencesa-f.Can youremember
Trang 27Make somebody or something
+ verb
describe how an event or action creates a second
event or action.
* y f Looksentences.attheUsepictures'smaking,andcompletearemaking,thean
object andaverb
[/ He made her jump.
1 [I Shemadehimstop.
ÿ Shemadehimgo
[ ] The book madeher laugh
4 ÿ She made him fall off his bike.
ÿ Shedidn't makehimfall off his bike
Thepepper madeeveryone sneeze.
*9 ©O5.5 Answer these two questions
1 Which wordinthe colouredsentencehas the
he ma¿e herjump.
2 What kindofword isthe underlinedword?
cry dance laugh smile sneeze spin
11 Work inpairs Coverthesentencesin
exercise 10and lookatthe pictures.Howmanysentences canyou
Trang 28*12 O5.6 Lookatthepicturesandcomplete
thesentences.Use 's madeofor're made
of+ a noun from the box.Then listen and
Work inpairs Coverthesentences in
exercise 12and lookatthepictures
Howmanysentences canyouremember?
*14 ©Os.7 Answer these two questions about
pronunciation.Then listenagainandrepeat
all the sentences.
1 Which wordinthe colouredsentencehas the
main stress? Underline it.
It'srr)Q¿e of Woo¿.
2 What kindofword is the underlinedword?
15 Tick /the sentencesthat are correct Correct
ÿ Is hemakingthechildren(cry]ncj)?
hhe makingthe children cry?
1 Will it makeyou ill?
2 Is it made inglass?
4 Isit makepeoplelaugh?
5 Doesitmakefood hot?
Work inpairsor groups.Choosean
object below Ask andanseryes/noquestionstoguesseach other'sobjects
rr\Q¿e of
Trang 2917 Work in teams.Answer asmany
questionsas possible
Think of threethings that
are maAe of WooA
pencil? tables Aoors _
are maAe of metal
are maAe of plastic
are maAe of leather
make people cry
make people laugh
.make peopleSneeze
make people scream
.makepeople jump
makepeople happy
makepeople sa¿
makepeople angry
makepeople scareA
makefooA sVJeet
makefooA Spicy
make Aogs happy
make cats happy
* 1 8Write the words in thecorrectorder tomake
questions.Then interviewa partner.
ÿ happy/makes/what / you
What makes you happy? _
1 scared/ makes/what/ you
4 made of/ shoes /what/ your /are
5 madeof/what's/ your/ bag
6 what/ sing/ you /makes
7 grow/what/ makes/you
8 hungry / you/what/ makes
Self-evaluation Rateyour progress
1 2
Trang 30Verb patterns: love, like, hate and want
I can use thecorrectverb forms after love, like, hate, andwant orwould liketotalk
about preferencesanddesires.
Verb + -ing form
IL - Jl o [fuaÿJ
I IWantto ride my bike nowl J
Mostverbs Verbs endingin-e (ride, dance) Verbs endingvowel+consonant (get,swim)
+-ing remove -e,+-ing double thefinal consonant,+-ing
We often usethe-ingform afterthe verbs love,like andhate V Iloveplayingcomputergames
Love, like,don't like and hate expressourgeneral preferences / Ilikereadinginbed
We oftenuselove, like,don't like and hate+-ingtotalk about X Idon't likebeinglateforthings
* 1 Writethe-ing forms
Mysister Daisy and Iarevery different!Shelikes
doino (do)sports,butIlike1_ (make)
and4_ _ (cook) Ilike5_
stories too.Daisy hates6_
the house She loves7_
and8 _ (ski)inwinter.
_ (write)
XandXX.Then listentoAmyandFred,and
completethe table
Verb 1 Verb 2
Hewants to ride his bike
Whenwe use twoverbstogether, the
second verbis sometimes inthe-ing form
andsometimesintheto + base form
We make the-ingform like this:
Unit 6 29
Trang 31£4 Writethecorrect verb inthe-ingform
next toeach noun.Work inpairs.Tell
yourpartnerwhatyoulike and don't
tothe supermarketphotos
f IlikeWatching fitmS.
-I don't like ¿oing crossword puzzles.
J 5 Write theÿ They /lovesentences./take/ photosO
They lovetaking photos.
1 I/ like/chat /online
2 She/like /run
3 I/not like/be/late/for school
4 Tom/ love/ write/stories
5 I/hate /dance
6 He/not like/go/tothe dentist
7 Sally andI/love/act
8 They /notlike/ sing
-A Howdoyou, yourfamily andfriends
read speak chat online listen
write letters/emails/textmessages
Ilike chattingon the phone [Ay
mum likes Writino letters I ¿ontlike Writing letters Ilike Writing emails.
Work inpairs.Taketurns tomake
sentencesabout thepeople.Thename
thesame letter Howmanylinesof
threecanyou get?
Carla hates making cakes.
George Aoesn't like going shopping Leo loves' listeningto music
We've gota line of three!
Trang 32Verb + to + base form
We usewant+to +baseformtotalk
aboutaspecificwish, desire,goalor
ambitionforthe future.We don't useit V.
totalkaboutourgeneral preferences and
He wants tobeadoctor
Idon'twant togohome
We canalsousewould like+to+baseform
totalk about our hopes and desires.We
often useit whenwethink about thefuture
Where wouldyouliketogo?
ÿ Sam _ togotothe supermarket
1 Jenny wants_ thisevening.
a Q togoout b 7H t0 st°y a* home
2 Thewoman _ to sitdown
3 Charlie wouldliketo be
6 Sue_ speaktothe teacher.
a \~\ wantsto b doesn'twant to
59 ©o6.3 Listen tothesesentences Answerthe
I don'tWantto go to bed.
I don'tWantto sit¿oWn
Do youWantto go out ?
I Wouldn't liketo livehere
VJou\d you liketo be a doctor?
a /tu:/
b /to/
cook and I don'tWantto go out
Do youWantto order
ÿ OI'dliketo go(go)tothe beach
1 Doyouwant _ (stop)for lunch?
(have) acold drink
(be)rich and
O What dosentencesyouwithwant to(don't)do?wantWriteand
would(n't) like.Then talk about
your sentencesinsmallgroups
inventsomething travel around the world
befamous goto university gotothe moon
IWantto go to university.
I Wouldn't like to goto the moon.
Unit 6 31
Trang 331 2 «h «| ÿ O6.5 Read and listen Match thepicturesto words in thesong.Listenagainandrepeat. O
He loves jumping
He loves climbing.
He doesn't like lyingaround.
He'd liketobeapilot
or a high skydiver
He doesn't want to stay on the ground.
Shelikes thinking
She likes doing puzzles.
Shedoesn't like runningabout
She'dlike to be ascientist or maybe a spy.
Shewants to help and sortthings out.
They don't likegetting things wrong.
They want towin a trophy,
very long!
Work inpairs.Underline all the
activitiesandsituations inthe song
Circleall thejobs and ambitions.Talkwitha partner Doyou feelthe same or different to the peoplein the song?
/")e ¿oesn'tlike lying aroond
bc/tl like lying around!
liketo be a fkydiver.
fAe too Would you \
liketo be a pilot? J
* competition.Read thenotice Writeatextforthe
What wouldyouliketodo?Why?
Write and tellusabout:
Your study goals
Yourjob goals
OthergoalsBigprizesfor thewinners!
fAy qoa\$
I'd loveto be avet.I like animals and
Ilove helping people.IWontto
Trang 34*15 Complete theemailswith the-ingor to + baseform ofthe verbinbrackets.
Hi Kim
It'sabeautiful day today.Ireallywant to cook
(cook)anice meal thisevening.What would you like
thisyear? I like7
andI love8_
_ (travel) todifferentcities
(visit) museums.How about you?
BethWhat do you like
_ (watch)films? I want
(see) a film thiseveningbut I hate(go)to the cinema alone Doyouwant(come) with me?
I have two tickets for a piano concert on Saturdayevening.Wouldyou like11_ (come) with
me?I love12 _ (listen) to pianomusic
Thankyou.I'd liketo eatfish and saladtonight.I love
sittingin thegarden and
Work inpairs.What doyoulike doing?
What do you want or what would you
sleep playfootball eatpizza be outside
I like eating pizza bet I¿ont
cI'dliketo be out$i¿e now
4 5 678
Unit 6 33
Trang 35Verbs of sensation
Icanrecognize and usesee,hear, look, sound, feel,tasteand smell in different verb patterns
We use see,smell and heartotalk about the
sights, smells and sounds thatwe notice.We usually
use canwiththese verbs ofsensation.Lookatthese
Verb of
J* Ican see a man running
J Icanhear music playing.
(¿Icansmell food cooking
* 1 Lookatthe picture.Complete the sentenceswithawordfrom the box+the-ing form
ofthe verbinbrackets
adog a cat a man a woman aboy a policeman two women
ÿ Ican see a mantalking (talk) onthe phone
1 Ican see_ (sleep)underatree.
2 Icansee_ (ride) abike
3 Ican see _ (paint)awall
4 Ican see_ (play) witha toy mouse.
5 Icansee_ (climb) a tree
6 Ican see_ (eat) a sandwich.
can See a Qr)irY)Q
\rv 1shoutlf
Trang 362 O7.1 Whatcan youhear?Listen and circleth
correct ÿ Icananswer.hear(a"person walking)/ a horserunnin0
1 Icanhearsomeonesinging/ whistling
2 I canhearadog barking/ a bird singing.
3 Icanhearaclockticking/analarmringing
4 Icanhearaphone/phonesringing
5 Icanheara man/a womansinging
6 Ican hear someonecoughing/ sneezing.
7 Icanhear people shouting/laughing
8 Icanheara person/ people clapping
We use look, taste, smell, feel,sound andseem to give an opinion
aboutanobject, activityor person
We can use anadjectiveor like+nounwith these verbsofsensation.
Togiveanopinionaboutafeeling, we usea verb ofsensation+
Talkin smallgroups.Whatcan youhear?Whatcanyousee?What canyousmell?Usethe nounsand verbs below
Nouns adog aclock aplane abird
a person the teacher myfriends clouds
people food pupils
shout sing ring talk tick whistle write
Icon ¡nearpeople talking.
Icar see c\ou¿$moving
Subject Verb ofsensation Adjective
She seems tired
To say thatathingor personissimilartoanotherthingor
a person,we usea verbofsensation+noun.
It feels like plastic.
Iknow.I)ofI feel really Warm!
*4 Lookatthe picturesandcomplete thesentenceswith lookorlooks andanadjectivefrom the box
ÿ That look?good_!
Trang 37*5 Lookatthe picturesandcomplete thesentences
with lookor looks likeanda nounfrom the box
flowers a frog stars an umbrella
ÿ Itlooks likeq car_
Work with a partner Look at the pictures
in exercise 5 Coverthesentences How many sentencescanyou remember?
same asthefirst.Usetheadjectivesinthe box
ÿ That sounds terrible.
It doesn't soundqoo¿
1 This doesn't smellnice
This smells
2 That lookswrong
Itdoesn't look
-3 You look sad
You don't lookvery
*8 Circlethe correctanswer
ÿ They look/(jook like)footballplayers
1 Idon'tfeel/feel like tired Doyou?
2 Excuseme.Thatsounds/sounds likemyptofí#.
3 Does thatfeel/ feellikecomfortable?
4 Thistastes/tastes like chicken Whatisit?
5 Hedoesn't look/ look likeadoctor
6 Itfeels /feelslike colder today
7 You look/look like sad.Are you OK?
8 This perfume smells/smells likeflowers
ÿ Is thisglass? e
1 Isthisstrawberry ice cream?_
2 What's thatmusic?IsitMozart?_
3 Isthis T-shirt greenor brown?_
4 What's that animal? Is it a rabbit?_
a It looksbrown
b It looks likea mouse.
c Itsounds like Beethoven
d It tasteslikeraspberry.
e Itfeels likeplastic
Trang 38*
* Workpicturesinsmallin exercisegroups.11Lookandansweratthe the
questions.Who canfinish first?
2 athing that looks likea very bigball? _
Completethe questionnaire,then talk
Uselooks and sounds
What kind of
person are you?
How do you feel about these activities?
Rate each activity 1-6.
Use the key below
Paintballing sounds fun.
(- Ithink itsounds scary, j
-Unit7 37
Trang 39Revision 2 Units 5-7
1 Lookand read.Choosethecorrectwords
and write themonthe lines
ÿ It makesthingswet. water
1 They aremade offlour, eggs, sugarand butter
They tastegood _
2 This makes foodsweet. _
3 They arevegetables They makepeople cry
4 You put it in adrink anditmakes the drink
ÿ Theboy'shat looks likea crown,yes
2 You cansee people skiing
4 Thegirlin the greenjacket looks warm
5 Thegirl in thegreenjacket wants togo home
Completethe emailwith thecorrectform ofthe
verbs in brackets.
Dear MartinThanks for youremail.Thepicture mademe
\aualn (laugh')!Do you like1_ (watch)
motorsport?I'vewon two ticketsfor an event
onSaturday 17th.I love2_ (go)to things
likethat,butI don't want3 _ (go) on myown.Comewith me!
(talk) to Mr Barnes this
Read the letter andwritethe missing words
Write onewordoneach line
Dear Claire
so happ\)! I wanted 2_ +ell
everyone, (IKnow her! She's
Ya< sa<nded 3_ a professional singer and \)a< locked
fan+asiic +oo was <r dress rÿade
4 _ wool?
School holiday s+ari nexiweeK
5_ \)Cu like -to mee+ up
some+ime -for a cha+?
Trang 40Name Nathan Hardy
1 Goalsloseweight; get_
2 Likes_ and cycling
3 Why? likesbeing_
4 Dislikes skiing and_
5 Why? doesn't likegetting_
6 OR4.2 Whataretheobjectsatthe exhibition
madeof?Listen and writea letter in each box
2 armchair ÿ 5 handkerchiefs Q
sky One looks
Whatcanyou see?
What can you hear?
What makesyouscared?
What doyoulike doing?
What wouldyou liketodonextyear?
Iconhear people talking
ar\A birds pinging.
Revision 2 39