• Evaluation of future relay operations Th e testing pro vides signifi cant advantages of ob tain ing more re li able test results which confi rm the con fi g ra tion, settings and corr
Trang 1The Anatomy of a
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Published by InterNational Electrical Testing Association
Volume 1
Trang 2Protective
Published by InterNational Electrical Testing Association
Volume 1
Trang 4Published by
InterNational Electrical Testing Association
3050 Old Centre Avenue, Suite 102, Portage, Michigan 49024
Automated Test Point Calculations for Electronic Relay Testing and Coordination .11
Lonnie C Lindell and Steven R Potter
Test & Maintenance Tips for Protective Relays 14
Scott Cooper
Using 1op Characteristics to Troubleshoot
Transformer Differential Relay Misoperation .16
Michael Thompson and James R Closson
Motor Protection Fundamentals .27
Bernie Moisey
Meaningful Testing of Numerical Multifunction Protection Schemes .30
Jay Gosalia
Using Dynamic Testing Techniques for Commissioning and Routine Testing
of Motor Protection Relays .35
Benton Vandiver III, P.E
Commissioning Numerical Relays — Part One .37
James R Closson and Mike Young
Steady State vs Dynamic Testing .44
Steven Stade
Protective Relaying
Volume 1
NETA Technical Papers and Articles are published by the InterNational Electrical Testing Association Opinions, views, and conclusions expressed in articles herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of NETA Publication herein does not constitute or imply any endorsement of any opinion, product, or service by NETA, its directors, officers, members, employees, or agents (hereinafter “NETA”)
All technical data in this publication reflects the experience of individuals using specific tools, products equipment, and components under specific conditions and circumstances which may or may not be fully reported and over which NETA has neither exercised nor reserved control Such data has not been independently tested or otherwise verified by NETA.NETA makes no endorsement, representation, or warranty as to any opinion, product, or service referenced in this publication NETA expressly disclaims any and all liability to any consumer, purchaser, or any other person using any product or service referenced herein for any injuries or damages of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, any consequential, special incidental, direct, or indirect damages NETA further disclaims any and all warranties, express
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Please Note: All biographies of authors and presenters contained herein are reflective of the professional standing
of these individuals at the time the articles were originally published Titles, companies, and other factors may have changed since the original publication date
Copyright © 2009 by InterNational Electrical Testing Association, all rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the publisher
Protective Relaying Handbook
Volume 1
Table of Contents (continued)
Dynamic State and Other Advanced Testing Methods
for Protection Relays Address Changing Industry Needs .46
Kenneth Tang
Acceptance Testing a Synch Circuit 51
Steven C Reed, P.E
Partial Differential Relaying .53
Baldwin Bridger, P.E
Modern Relays and Software Provide Valuable Tools for Analysis .54
Scott Cooper
Understanding and Analyzing Event Report Information 57
David Costello
Trang 6Dynamic-State Relay Testing
NETA World, Winter1999-2000 Issue
by A T Giuliante ATG Exodus
Th e traditional method of test ing individual relay
func-tions us ing steady-state calibrafunc-tions is no longer a viable
test method for testing modern mul ti func tion re lays
To-day, relay designs in clude in no va tive nu mer i cal techniques
that enhance relay per for mance by com bin ing a number of
mea sur ing criteria and by optimizing the relay’s operation
for power sys tem conditions If these relays are tested under
the pseu do power system conditions created by steady-state
test ing, problems in testing and understanding the re lay’s
operation can occur In ad di tion, the time for testing
di vid u al elements would be ex ces sive because of the time
required to reconfi gure each in di vid u al el e ment tested
Relay Test Methods
A report from IEEE, Relay Per for mance Testing, dis cuss es
the meth ods of steady-state, dy nam ic-state, and transient
testing of mod ern relays A steady-state test is defi ned as
ap-plying phasors to de ter mine relay settings by slowly varying
relay input Obviously, this test method does not rep re sent
pow er system faults Dy nam icstate test is defi ned as si mul
-ta neous ly applying fun da men -tal frequency com po nents of
volt age and current that represent power system states of
prefault, fault, and postfault Uti liz ing this technique results
in fast er relay testing be cause, in most cases, relay elements
do not need to be disabled in order to test a relay function
Tran sient test ing is defi ned as si mul ta neous ly applying
fundamental and nonfundamental frequency com po nents of
voltage and cur rent that represent power system con di tions
obtained from digital fault re cord ers (DFR) or elec tro
-mag net ic transient programs (EMTP)
Dynamic Relay Testing
Dynamic relay testing means test ing under true simulated
pow er system conditions De pend ing on the level of testing
re quired, test values can be easily calculated with PC-based
short cir cuit or EMTP pro grams For dynamic-state
ing, a short-cir cuit pro gram would be used to calculate the
fun da men tal com po nent of voltage and cur rent val ues for prefault and fault con di tions For transient sim u la tions, an EMTP program would be used to create waveforms that rep re sent the fault condition Dy nam ic-state test ing and transient simulations provide a faster and more mean ing ful way to test re lays and relay sys tems Th ese tech niques pro vide the user with a far better un der stand ing of how the relay system per forms and can aid both relay application and test
en gi neers in evaluating relay op er a tions
Dynamic-state testing is based on a power system model that is used to simulate diff erent events se lect ed according
to the ap pli ca tion Events are played back through power system simulators that also mon i tor scheme per for mance Each event is mod eled to sim u late conditions for the tested relay cir cuit but only for the time period needed to test
Why Use Dynamic-State Testing?
Modern relay systems are multifunction digital devices that are designed to provide complete pro tec tion for a power system component Some of the newer designs have over 2,000 setting possibilities and require extensive confi gu-ration and setting pro ce dures Th e traditional method of testing in di vid u al steady-state calibrations, one at a time,
is no longer a viable method because of the excessive time
it would require to reconfi gure for each individual el e ment tested In addition, traditional test methods were de signed
on the assumption that users did not have test equipment for testing relays under power sys tem conditions So traditional test procedures were developed using basic test equipment com po nents such as variacs, phase shifters, and load box es With today’s modern test equipment, power system con-
di tions can easily be simulated By making a pro fi le of the operation of the scheme, malfunctions can be found faster because it is easier to identify the chang es in areas that do not operate the way they are ex pect ed
Trang 7Advantages of Dynamic-State Testing
Some of the advantages off ered with dynamic-state
test-ing as compared to traditional test methods are:
• Complete relay scheme tests
For each sim u lat ed power system event, the per for mance
of the complete relay scheme is tested Th e high power
capability of power system sim u la tors allows the user to
test the complete relay scheme Th is provides a faster way
to test relays since relay settings or con fi g u ra tion need
not be changed as they would if individual circuits were
tested one at a time Th e performance of all scheme
re-sponses, including unfaulted phase units, can be evaluated
since the model and simulators gen er ate three-phase wye
volt ag es and currents Th is allows the accurate mod el ing
of power system events In addition, if the relay scheme
includes programmable logic, simulated events which test
how the complete system logic operates must be used to
assure the relay logic is performing as in tend ed Contact
races and operating and resetting of measuring units
may be common prob lems Th ere fore, the complete relay
scheme needs to be tested as a whole to insure proper
op er a tion and prop er nonoperation under simulated
pow er system con di tions
• Realistic relay operating time tests
Th e operating time of many line relay systems de pends
upon the sys tem impedance ratio (SIR) With dy nam
ic-state test ing, diff erent SIRs can be modeled to de ter mine
the range of relay operating times Th e tra di tion al test
method never considers the affect of SIR on relay
• Evaluation of future relay operations
Th e testing pro vides signifi cant advantages of ob tain ing
more re li able test results which confi rm the con fi g
ra tion, settings and correct operation of the pro tec tion
scheme while signifi cantly reducing test time Since the
test results describe how the relay scheme op er ates under
power system conditions, the test data becomes a
use-ful relay performance da ta base When the relay system
is in service and op er ates for a pow er system event, its
performance can be com pared to the relay performance
database to de ter mine if the relay scheme has operated
cor rect ly Many com pa nies have ex pe ri enced that after
a ques tion able op er a tion has oc curred and a request for
in ves ti ga tion was made, no fi ndings could be gained from
the steady-state test meth od in most cases since only the
set points of in di vid u al com po nents were checked To
meaningfully in ves ti gate a questionable op er a tion, the
actual power system con di tions at the time of the incident
need to be simulated to be able to observe the reaction
of the sys tem as a whole
What Is Needed for Dynamic-State Testing?
Th e test method involves testing the complete scheme with dynamic-state simulations that model the power sys-tem the relay scheme will protect Com pu ta tion al programs such as One Bus, One Liner, CAPE and oth er mathematical calculation tools such as spreadsheets and Mathcad can be used to model the power system in order to derive the fault volt ag es and currents for the power system event
Dynamic-State Test Procedure
1 Create a dynamic-state test plan
Th e test plan for dynamic-state testing depends on the type of protection to be tested and how it is con fi g ured
Th e intent of the test plan is to test the relay scheme’s operation under simulated dynamic-state con di tions
2 Calculate values for simulated fault conditions
A power system model of a two-machine equiv a lent tem can be used to aid in the calculation of voltage and current values for line relay testing For the ap pli ca tion
sys-to be tested, line and source values are entered Faults are simulated on the model with varied fault locations, resis-tances, and load fl ows ac cord ing to the tests defi ned in the test plan Each case is a test that will characterize the scheme op er a tion for reach and direction (faults behind and in front) and for the var i ous zones and com bi na tions
of zones For reach tests, the fault locations are defi ned according to the ac cu ra cy of the unit being tested For a zone one relay with plus-or-minus fi ve percent accuracy,
an op er a tion test would be defi ned at 95 percent of ting (op case) A test for no operation would be defi ned
set-at 106 percent of setting (non-op case) Th ese two cases confi rm the accuracy of the zone one re lay Th e reach tests are conducted for phase and ground distance relays For phase dis tance tests, use a phase-to-phase fault type; for ground distance tests, use a phase-to-ground fault type
3 Make dynamic-state test cases
Each test case requires three-phase voltage and cur rent values For reach and direction tests for line relay schemes, three states are usually de fi ned for each test case Th e prefault state pro vides balanced three-phase voltages to the relay long enough to sta bi lize the relay before a fault
is simulated Th e prefault time assures that the relay will have the correct memory circuit re sponse Th e test time for the fault state must be long enough to operate the tested zone of protection but short enough not to operate the next overreach zone of protection In this way, the faulted zone can be tested without dis abling the adja-cent over reach ing zones Th e postfault time is required
to re ap ply restraint voltage after the test to prevent any spurious operations
Trang 84 Playback with power system simulators.
Depending on how many relay functions are con fi g ured
there may be a number of cases to run How ev er, it only
takes seconds to run a dynamic-state test so that 150 tests
will take approximately fi ve minutes To run a steady-state
test with this amount of detail will take signifi cantly
lon-ger be cause of all the communications that are required
with the relay to reconfi gure its set tings Also,
dynamic-state test ing gives true relay op er at ing performance for
each power system event test ed
Dynamic relay testing has allowed users to sig nifi cant ly
decrease the amount of time needed for test ing while
in-creasing the quality of the test and the doc u men ta tion of
results Dynamic relay testing has also provided the user
with the capability of de vel op ing an understanding of the
power system and the protection scheme’s function within
that power system Utilities have used dynamic relay
test-ing to fi nd problems that were unexplained with previous
test methods In ci dent reports can now be mean ing ful ly
A.T Giuliante is President and Founder of ATG Ex o dus Pri or to
forming his Company in 1995 Tony was Executive Vice Pres i dent of
GEC ALSTHOM T&D Inc.-Protection and Control Di vi sion, which
he started in 1983 From 1967 to 1983, he was em ployed by General
Electric and ASEA In 1994, Tony was elect ed a Fellow of IEEE for
“con tri bu tions to pro tec tive relaying ed u ca tion and their anal y sis in
op er a tion al en vi ron ments.” He has authored over 35 technical papers
and is a frequent lecturer on all aspects of protective relaying Tony is a
past Chair man of the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee
1993-1994 and has de grees of BSEE and MSEE from Drexel University
1967 and 1969.
Trang 9Introduction to Dynamic Testing
NETA World, Winter1999-2000 Issue
by D L Tierney Doble Engineering
Figure 2 — Dynamic State Wave forms
Steady state testing is used to verify the set tings for a relay
element Th e test quantities are applied to the relay and held
steady for a pre de ter mined time equal to or greater than the
op er at ing time of the relay If the relay does not respond, the
test quantities are raised or lowered by a small increment
less than the res o lu tion of the relay Th e test quan ti ty is then
re ap plied to the relay for the same pre de ter mined time Th is
procedure is re peat ed un til the re lay operates
Figure 1 — Steady State Wave forms
Th e dynamic state test, on the other hand, is used to
de-termine the relay’s response to power sys tem conditions All
applied test quan ti ties are si mul ta neous ly switched between
states Each state rep re sents a diff er ent steady-state power
system con di tion One state may rep re sent prefault
condi-tions, while the next rep re sents the fault followed by the
postfault con di tion More states may be add ed to represent
evolv ing faults or reclosing
However, the dynamic state test does not include the
high fre quen cy and dc components found in many faults
To simulate a more realistic power sys tem dis tur bance
re quires a tran sient sim u la tion test Th is test contains the
nonsteady state fre quen cy com po nents, mag ni tude, phase
re la tion ships, and du ra tion the re lay will see, unlike the nam ic test which uses stepped sine wave states to sim u late the diff er ent pow er sys tem con di tions Th e tran sient sim u -
dy-la tion test uses con tin u ous wave form for each test quan ti ty
Th e wave form it self con tains the prefault and fault pow er sys tem con di tions Th ese wave forms can come from actual dis tur banc es as recorded by dig i tal fault re cord ers or the re- lays them selves An oth er source of tran sient wave forms can
be soft ware pro grams such as Electro-Magnetic Tran sient Pro gram (EMTP) or MathCAD
In the real world, relays respond to chang ing or transient con di tions Th ese dynamic conditions are not simulated
us ing stepped sine wave testing Dy nam ic state test ing and transient sim u la tion test ing are eff ective test methods Because transient testing requires more complex data sets, dynamic tests are far easier to prepare and produce better results than steady-state testing Th is ar ti cle deals with the
dy nam ic state test ing of pro tec tion sys tems
Trang 10Why use dynamic state testing?
Dynamic state testing can be used in every stage of relay
test ing:
• During evaluation testing, dynamic testing can be used
to sim u late current reversal or pow er swings to compare
the per for mance of diff erent relays
• During acceptance testing, dynamic testing can be used
to test internal relay elements such as block ing for loss
of potential with high loads, or testing the reset time of
the keying output when a fault changes from a forward
zone 2 to a reverse zone 3
• During commissioning testing, dynamic test ing can be
used to test the relay in the pro tec tion system For
ex-ample, fault can be applied to two relays at the same
time to test a back block ing scheme or breaker failure
• During troubleshooting, dynamic testing can be used
to sim u late faults for which relays did not operate as
• During routine testing, dy nam ic tests can be used for
rapid go/no-go testing of protection sys tems
What equipment will you need to start
dynamic state testing?
To start dynamic state testing you are going to need two
basic pieces of equipment, dynamic state simulation software
and high power active sources
Sources of data for dynamic state testing:
Data used in dynamic state testing can come from a number
of diff erent sources:
• Phasor fault calculations
• Two terminal line fault simulation software such as GE
• “What If ” simulation In the absence of DFRs or croprocessor relay event logs, the “What If ” sim u la tion
mi-is used Dynamic state simulations are written to test what if the ground fault current was 200 amperes higher then the fault simulation soft ware said it was What if the relay did not receive breaker fail initiate until the fault evolved from a single line-to-ground to a double line-to-ground fault?
• When constructing acceptance tests the relay in struc tion manual may contain part or all of the data needed
-to construct the dynamic state ac cep tance test
Getting started
Having the right software and equipment to run a dynamic state test is only the start How many sourc es are needed? Are there enough test instruments to run the tests? How can the pro tec tion system be test ed in parts with a lim it ed num ber of sources? Can the en tire scheme be tested at once? How many states are need ed to test a function of the scheme? Which test leads are re quired and where do they get con nect ed? Th e following can help answer some of these ques tions and more:
re-• Also from the relay type information, de ter mine source burden If the burden exceeds the ca pac i ty of
a single source, consider breaking current strings and using additional slaved sources
• Identify the type and number of dynamic state tests For example, add two states for each reclose cycle and select appropriate state du ra tions
• Identify relay settings and then calculate ap pro pri ate test quantities to determine ex pect ed time de lays
• Th ree-line diagram
• Determine isolation points for sources to avoid ing active relaying
feed-• Avoid backfeed potential transformers
• Determine injection points for current and po ten tial sources
• Relaying schematic
• Writing the test plans and expected results:
• What equipment is expected to operate?
Figure 3 — Transient Wave forms
Trang 11• What equipment is not expected to operate?
• What targets should the test produce?
• How many cycles should a given state be?
• What points should be isolated to avoid tripping
in-service equipment?
• Identifi cation of the type and number of dy nam ic state
tests based on number of trip paths shown in the
• Identifi cation of the type and number of log ic out puts
• Are the test instruments required to supply sig nal ing
normally supplied by other equipment or de vic es that
can not be operated during the dy nam ic state test?
• Connection Diagrams
• Connection points for current and potentials
• Connection points for logic outputs
• In some cases, the physical location of devices
Choosing the correct number of sources
In any dynamic state test each state should con tain the
cor-rect number of quantities for the pro tec tion system being
tested Relay burdens and test in stru ment power ratings
must be taken into account when choosing the number of
sources required to run the test Electromechanical relays
require more energy to operate than most solid-state and
mi cro pro ces sor relays In any case, energy requirements
climb with each relay added to a test
In some cases, with a high-impedance ground, the neutral
must be broken and ground relays must be operated with
diff erent sources
Th e following is a typical list for voltage and cur rent
sources when testing electromechanical im ped ance relays
with an electromechanical directional ground overcurrent
• A-phase relaying voltage
• B-phase relaying voltage
• C-phase relaying voltage
• A-phase relaying current
• B-phase relaying current
• C-phase relaying current
• Polarizing voltage
• Polarizing current
Choosing the correct number of states
Th e data should contain voltage and current val ues for
pre-fault conditions, pre-fault conditions and postpre-fault conditions
• In most cases prefault is set to normal load con di tions
to allow the relay to stabilize In the case of an
electro-mechanical distance relay the prefault state applies the
voltage polarization In many mi cro pro ces sor relays the prefault period allows the relay to build voltage memory
In some cases, the prefault is set to zero volts and rent to test switch-on-to-fault logic Typical time dura-tion for prefault is about 60 cycles
cur-• Fault states vary in number from simulation to tion If you are testing single line-to-ground fault with
simula-no reclosing relay, a single fault state will do If you are testing with an evolving fault you will need one state for each stage of the fault Th e fi rst state will have a single line-to-ground fault for one or two cycles Th e next state will have a double line-to-ground for two, three, or four cycles A three line fault follows Th is data should be as close to real fault levels as practical In some cases where the fault occurs on a line close to a strong source, the sec ond ary current will ap proach levels that test equip-ment can not provide
• Postfault usually occurs at the end of the dy nam ic state test However, postfault states can occur be tween fault states also In this case you are sim u lat ing the reclose interval In postfault state the breaker is open so the line currents are zero Th e voltages, on the other hand, are either zero or full potential depending on where the relay potential trans form ers (PT) are located, i.e., on the line or on the bus
Test lead considerations
When pushing high currents, the impedance of test leads becomes a factor Th ere are several ways to minimize the
impedance of the test lead, but it can not be eliminated.
• Keep the test leads as short as possible Short er test leads have less impedance
• Do not use the instrument ground as the re turn path for grounded-wye systems
• Do not coil excess test leads Coiling the test leads turns them into an inductor Th is inductance in creas es the impedance of the test leads
• Twisted pairs could be used to cancel mutual in duc tance Th is inductance would otherwise in crease the impedance of the test leads
-• Larger gauge test leads Using a larger gauge test lead will decrease the resistance of the test lead
Test lead connection point considerations
Where the test leads are connected is one of the most portant factors in dynamic testing
im-• When connecting test potentials always make sure you will not backfeed potential transformers Make sure the PTs are isolated by pulling fuses, open ing test switches,
or by whatever practices are used by your company
• Potential and current test leads should be con nect ed to test as much of the wiring in the scheme as possible Re-lays make up only part of the pro tec tion system scheme
Trang 12Test switches, cutout switch es, meters, transducers,
dig-ital fault re cord ers (DFR), re lays from other schemes,
and wire make up the rest of the total scheme either as
part of the scheme or by sharing currents and po ten tials
In any case they all can aff ect how a pro tec tion scheme
• When testing breaker-and-a-half scheme one set of
current transformers (CT) will have to be dis con nect ed
before the test can be conducted Fail ure to do so will
give the test current multiple paths As a result, the
de-vices under test will not receive the correct currents
• When testing protection schemes with a pri ma ry and
backup system or two primary systems one scheme at
a time, care should be taken to not dis able or cause an
operation of the in-service scheme Unless each system
has its own CTs, it is better, in this case, to jack the
cur-rents and po ten tials into the individual relays
Logic output considerations
If your test requires using the relay’s digital in puts for
emu-lating contact closures, your test in stru ment will require
logic outputs
• Pay attention to the ratings of the device be ing driven
by the logic output relays Th ese can be low-power
sig-naling relays Using them to trip or open high-power
devices such as trip/close coils can and will damage the
• Study the scheme and connection diagrams well before
connecting the logic output contacts Fol low ing are
things to avoid:
• Connecting battery positive to battery neg a tive
• Tying diff erent battery banks together
• Backfeeding diff erent devices Make sure that only the
device(s) that are intended to operate are en er gized
• Is the device being driven by the logic output con tacts
looking for dry contacts or wet contacts? In other words,
is the device supplying the voltage or is the test
instru-ment supplying the voltage?
• Is the device being driven by the logic output con tacts
look ing for open-to-close, close-to-open, volt age-to-no
voltage, or no voltage-to-voltage tran si tions?
What am I forgetting?
• Are you connected to the correct relay? Th is is the
num-ber one cause of misoperations dur ing scheme testing,
misidentifi cation of relays Do not let this hap pen to
you Take the time to mark off the adjacent relays so you
do not accidentally op er ate the wrong relay
• When testing protection systems with break er fail ure
schemes or other similar schemes, isolation points for
these relays should be opened Th ese open iso la tion
points (cutoff switches or test switch es) will prevent
trip ping of in-service equip ment in the event that the breaker failure relays or similar relays operate
• Do not wait until you start testing to fi nd out whether your test leads are connected correctly or whether the phases are rolled in the wir ing Turn on the po ten tials and currents one at a time or to geth er at diff erent phase angles and/or mag ni tudes Th en trace the quan ti ties through the PT and CT strings to ver i fy each phase
• To trip the breaker or not to trip the breaker, that is the ques tion Th e actual breaker should be tripped at least once to ensure that the relay con tacts can handle the trip current Reason number two to trip the breaker is
to en sure that the volt age drop across the wir ing during trip ping is not a factor in the op er a tion of the breaker dur ing a fault Another reason is to test the breaker’s
“a” and “b” con tacts connected to the pro tec tion scheme However, for all oth er break er trips, the use of a breaker simulator is rec om mend ed to save wear and tear on the breaker, es pe cial ly high-volt age breakers
• Many breaker simulators in use today are built around
a lockout relay One problem with the lock out breaker simulator is its speed Th e lockout relay op er ates in less then eight mil li sec onds Th is is faster than most break-ers and can give diff erent test results when used instead
of operating the breaker Th erefore, time delay circuits may be need ed to slow down the tripping and the clos- ing of lockout breaker simulator boxes
• When connecting the break er simulator care should be taken not to backfeed signals
• Do you want the station oscillograph or dig i tal fault cord er to operate for each and ev ery test? If not, you may want to temporarily disconnect the trig gers to de-vices
re-• When testing schemes with transfer trip, op er a tion of
lo cal relays may cause the remote breaker to operate or change state Care should be taken to isolate these sig-nals if you do not want to op er ate the remote breaker
In a future issue of NETA World, a specifi c ex am ple with
con nec tion details, source selection, and state cal cu la tions will be presented
Dennis Tierney has been a Senior Applications En gi neer for Relay Protection at Doble Engineering Com pa ny for ap prox i mate ly one year Prior to this position, for eleven years, Dennis worked at the Salt River Project in Phoenix, Arizona, in relay pro tec tion, power quality and, SCADA Before working at the Salt River Project, he worked in HVDC and Com mu ni ca tions at the Los Angeles Department of Wa ter and Power Dennis grad u at ed from Arizona State University in 1982 with a Bachelors of Science De gree in Electrical Engineering.
Trang 13Through-Fault Testing — the Ultimate Test for Protection Schemes Prior to Energizing
PowerTest 2000 (NETA Annual Technical Conference)
Roderic L Hageman PRIT Service, Inc.
Th e concept of through-fault testing is not new to our
industry Take, for example, primary injection testing of
low-voltage circuit breakers Technicians routinely inject
fault level current through these breakers to verify pickup
and timing of the associated trip units Most technicians
have learned that single-phase injection can create problems
with the ground fault elements, masking the pickup and
timing of the phase functions If there is no way to defeat
the ground fault element at the trip unit, an injection in one
pole and out another will cause cancellation of the ground
fault current Other through-fault tests are frequently made
on substation bus ground fault schemes and bus diff erential
Th e fault current for all of these tests is typically provided
by a single-phase, high current test set that can deliver
thousands of amperes at a very low voltage Th e procedures
are relatively safe due to the low voltage Typically, one of
the primary hazards is the temperature rise of the test set
leads or connections
For the same reasons that the procedures described above
are performed, similar tests are desirable for more
sophis-ticated protective relay and metering schemes In these
schemes, phase angles are as important as current magnitude
for the correct operation of the scheme A prime example
is that of a transformer diff erential scheme Th e primary
current and the secondary current will diff er, not only due
to the ratio of the protected transformer, but also due to any
other phase angle shifts caused by delta-wye confi gurations
Electromechanical relays typically require that the current
transformer connections correct for the delta-wye shifts
Modern microprocessor-based relays can be programmed
to account for the shifts internal in the relay
However these corrections are made, it is desirable to
perform an overall system test to confi rm that the design and
installation provide protection without nuisance tripping
In some cases utilities will actually stage faults on the power system Th is amounts to deliberately short circuiting
a transmission line or distribution feeder and energizing it
at normal voltage Obviously, this could be damaging to the system, and if the relaying systems do not work cor-rectly, severe damage to the power system can occur With the prominence of modern computer-operated dynamic test sets, GPS synchronizing, and end-to-end testing, the need for this type of staged fault testing is decreasing dramatically
Although I have not seen it, I have heard of using tem generators to provide the desired level of fault current Because the power system impedance is primarily reactive, fault currents require very little real power If the generator’s excitation system can be adjusted to produce a relatively low voltage compared to the normal system voltage, fault current can be controlled and kept to a reasonable magnitude
A relatively easy way to provide the fault current and yet control its magnitude is to use a low voltage source and the impedance of a transformer to limit the fault current Th is transformer might be, for example, the actual transformer
in the part of the distribution system that is being tested
If this is not convenient, a transformer of the appropriate ratio, impedance, and kVA size might be available from a rental agency
In setting up the through-fault test procedure, it is necessary to take into consideration the available meter-ing Older electromechanical phase-angle meters might require 0.5 ampere or more to reliably determine phase angle Modern power meters typically have a sensitivity as low as 50 milliamperes
Trang 14It is convenient to use a polyphase power meter rather
than the “spaghetti jungle” associated with all of the
individ-ual meters necessary to monitor the full system Additionally,
modern power meters have functions such as event memory,
printing facility, and even on-screen phasor diagrams
In the planning, do not forget to determine where and
how to obtain the signal sources that are to be measured In
some cases, relay test switches or test plugs can provide the
secondary variables In other cases, microprocessor-based
relays can actually provide the desired information either
directly on the relay display or via a computer
Th e example comes from a 600 MW peaking station A
partial one-line is shown in Figure 1 Th e test was performed
initially to assess problems with the 345 kV line diff erential
scheme However in the process, several problems with the
transformer diff erential schemes were uncovered
There are several considerations when making the
A Current magnitude at all system voltages must be high
enough to provide adequate current transformer
sec-ondary values to reliably register on available
B Current magnitude must be at a level that does not
overload system components
C A source of suffi cient kVA capacity and correct voltage
level must be available
Th e two most common three-phase low voltage systems
in the United States are 208Y/120V and 480Y/277 Th is
example was calculated knowing that a 1000 kVA, 480Y/277
source was available on site for construction power
Calculation of Fault Current
Calculations are made in per unit and usually most
conve-niently on the transformer base of the transformer used as
the fault limiting impedance
Th ose with experience in per unit calculations will recognize
on the 345 kV system current will be:
18 kV
Fault = 936* ———— = 48.8 A
kV Now let us check on some of the considerations we listed earlier First, does our available source have sufficient capacity?
Trang 15Source kVA = 3* Fault *kV L-L
= 1.732 * 936 * 0.48
= 778 kVA
So our 1000 kVA source was large enough, but it was
prudent to remove existing loads; therefore, the tests were
planned for the lunch hour
Th e electrical contractor installed a temporary run of
two 500 kcmil cables per phase with necessary barricades
and warning tape Before the contractor installed the cable,
calculations were made to insure adequate current would
be available in the CT secondaries Th e fi rst problem was
uncovered here Th e CT ratios on the 345 kV system were
not the same at each end of the protected line and could not
be made equal by tap selection Th e coordination engineer
was notifi ed and new settings were developed to
accom-modate the problem
Calculation of CT Secondary Current
At the peaking station the 345 kV CTs were 1200/5
Both currents were larger than the minimum 50 mA
re-quired for reliable phase angle measurement by the meters
we were using
Th e CTs on the 18 kV side at the peaking station were
8000/5 ratio and provided more than adequate current for
monitoring the 18 kV winding currents in the transformer
diff erential relays:
936 A
Relay = ——— = 0.585 A
After checking that the through-fault current magnitude
was less than any of the components, we were fi nally ready
to proceed with the test Th e source was turned on, and the
transformer diff erential lockout relay immediately tripped
the MOD Fortunately, the transformer diff erential relay
had event recording, and it was soon apparent that there
were signifi cant problems with the 87T circuits Since the
utility engineers were waiting, we elected to disable the
87T and continue the tests on the 87L system Th ose tests
went very well Th e actual current was almost exactly what was calculated, and phase angle measurements confi rmed that the input currents to the line diff erential relays were as indicated on the drawings
Since the 87L currents appeared to be correct relative to the drawings, we joined with the utility engineers to review the entire scheme It was determined that the problem was with the design and not with the components A convenient place to reverse the polarity on one set of relays was located, and that system was fi nally functional
Once the main objective of the through-fault testing was accomplished, the unexpected transformer diff erential relay trip became the focus A number of problems were found with this system First, the design engineer had reversed the primary and secondary inputs causing an extreme ratio mismatch Further analysis of the event indicated one of the three CTs on the primary winding was reversed in polarity
Th is, despite the fact that the CTs had been tested for ratio and polarity, and the secondary circuits had been injected back to the relay
Although this example is somewhat extreme in terms
of the number of problems found, typically, through-fault testing will fi nd a problem or problems in the protection circuits
Roderic Hageman is President of PRIT Service, Inc His fi rm has provided consulting and testing for electric power distribution systems for more than 25 years He received his B.S in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University and is a registered professional engineer
Mr Hageman has served two terms as President of the InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) and nine years as a member of NETA’s Board of Directors He has three times been named NETA’s Man of the Year and continues to be very active in NETA
Trang 16by providing leading edge independent electrical testing and
engineering services
CE Power provides:
Protective Relay Testing and Calibration
Protective Relay Upgrade Services
Arc Flash Hazard Analysis
Engineering Studies/Power System Evaluation
CE Power specializes in:
CE Power Solutions of Ohio
4500 West Mitchell Avenue
CE Power Solutions of Wisconsin
3255 West Highview Drive Appleton, WI 51914 800.434.0415 920.968.0281 phone 920.968.0282 fax info@cepower.net
Trang 17Automated Test Point Cal cu la tions
for Electronic Re lay Testing
and Co or di na tion
NETA World, Summer 2000 Issue
Lonnie C Lindell and Steven R Potter SKM Sys tems Anal y sis, Inc.
Test Point Calculation for Relay ABC
Figure 1 — Sample spreadsheet for calculating test points
Modern software can be used to automate re lay
ting selection, documentation and test point spec i fi ca tion
Whereas electro- mechanical re lays are built to have a
cifi c time-current char ac ter is tic, mi cro pro ces sor-based relays
are available with pro gram ma ble selections of time-current
curve shapes and a wide range of pos si ble set tings To
to mate the gen er a tion of time-cur rent curves necessary for
relay co or di na tion and test ing, most mi cro pro ces sor-based
relays provide equa tions that can be used to generate the
curves Th ese equa tions can be used in simple spreadsheet
pro grams to generate time-current curves and to calculate
test points with very little eff ort Th e equations can also be
used in more so phis ti cat ed pro grams for relay co or di na tion
and test point specifi cation
In its simplest form, a spread sheet can automate cal cu
-la tion of test points Spread sheets can also be used to
generate complete setting sheets to doc u ment a more
ten sive series of tests It is important to note that a separate
spreadsheet may be required for each type of relay since the
equations, equation con stants and set ting ranges may vary
between diff erent relays Often an existing spreadsheet will
require only minor changes to be tai lored for a new relay
Using a spreadsheet to generate the test points di rect ly
from the re lay equation is substantially more effi cient than
reading points from the relay curves Th e spread sheet is also
more consistent and more reliable than read ing from the
curves A sim ple spreadsheet ex am ple is shown in Figure 1
In this sample spreadsheet, entering a time dial value
au-tomatically displays the cal cu lat ed test points based on the
equa tion shown New current mul ti ples can also be selected
by simply chang ing the cells with M=2, M=3 and M=5 for
2, 3 and 5x current mul ti ples
Spreadsheets combined with sci en tifi c plotting pro grams can be used to plot the relay time-current char ac ter is tics
by entering the re lay equations Mathematics and plot ting software combinations such as MathCAD™ can also use the relay equations to display the relay time-current char-
ac ter is tics While these methods can plot a sin gle curve, they stop short of pro vid ing com plete re lay co or di na tion and system protection func tions
Trang 18System protection software that can incorporate
lished relay equa tions to generate time-current co or di na tion
curves and specify re lay test points is widely avail able Th ese
pro grams display damage and per for mance curves for power
sys tem com po nents such as motors, gen er a tors, trans form ers
and cables as well as time-cur rent response curves for relays,
fuses, cir cuit break ers and other protective devices
Figure 2 displays a sample co or di na tion drawing that
includes low-volt age motor protection with a motor cir cuit
protector and thermal-magnetic breaker; feeder pro tec tion
with a fuse; and transformer pro tec tion with a relay and
medium-volt age breaker
Figure 3 displays a sample co or di na tion drawing that
in-cludes me di um-voltage motor protection, feed er pro tec tion,
and trans form er pro tec tion with a combination of relays
Th e re lays include both elec tro me chan i cal and elec tron ic
equa tion-based relays
Many of the system protection and coordination
grams can also gen er ate relay test points A sample re port
that includes relay settings and test points is dis played in
Fig ure 3 Th e report was au to mat i cal ly gen er at ed by the
sys-tem protection and co or di na tion pro gram used to produce
the co or di na tion draw ing shown in Figure 3 Combining
the coordination, re port ing, and test point generation in a
single ap pli ca tion saves time and min i miz es errors
Th e important capabilities of sys tem protection and relay
test point specifi cation software include:
tab u lar data
the same drawing
ac ter is tics
Using software to automate relay setting selection,
docu-mentation, and test point specifi cation off ers sev er al benefi ts
to design and test engineers and tech ni cians:
chance for human error
en-hances understanding between mul ti ple en gi neers and
tech ni cians
saves time and money
Figure 2 — Sample protective co or di na tion drawing
Figure 3 — Sample protective co or di na tion drawing
Trang 19With these substantial benefi ts and a relatively small
investment in time and resources needed to im ple ment
a software solution, there is no reason to use traditional
time-cur rent curves for selecting re lay test points for
tion-based elec tron ic relays From simple spread sheets to
so phis ti cat ed pro tec tive co or di na tion soft ware, using
pub-lished relay equa tion data will sub stan tial ly au to mate system
pro tec tion and relay test point spec i fi ca tion
Lonnie C Lindell is General Manager of SKM Systems Analysis, Inc.,
an electrical en gi neer ing company spe cial iz ing in pow er sys tem analysis
software de vel op ment He received a BS from the Iowa State Uni ver si ty
School of Engineering and an MBA from the Uni ver si ty of Phoe nix He
has over 15 years’ experience in the application of en gi neer ing com put er
software, is active in ed u ca tion and en gi neer ing pre sen ta tions, and is a
member of the IEEE.
Steven R Potter is a senior support en gi neer for SKM Systems
Analy-sis, Inc where he specializes in protective coordination and protection
equipment computer mod el ing He received his BSEE from San Diego
State Uni ver si ty He has over eight years’ ex pe ri ence in the ap pli ca tion of
engineering com put er software, is active in en gi neer ing ed u ca tion, and
is a member of the IEEE.
@5.0X, 0.970s
Figure 4 — Sample setting table including automatic relay test point specifi cation
Trang 20Test & Maintenance Tips for Pro tec tive Relays
NETA World, Winter 2000-2001 Issue
by Scott Cooper Beckwith Electric
Figure 1 — Screen from IPSplot® Oscillograph Anal y sis Soft ware
showing a diff erential trip Th e vertical var ie gat ed line in center
indi-cates the break er tripping and subsequent Beckwith relay operation
Th e suspected cause is a wiring problem in their CT circuit.
Beckwith Electric pro tec tive relays in cor po rate several
self-checking routines that continuously monitor crit i cal
functions When an in ter nal fault is de tect ed the re lay safely
removes it self from ser vice and clos es the di ag nos tic contact
Th ese self-test func tions, how ev er, can not de ter mine the
in teg ri ty of a sta tus in put or trip cir cuit nor de tect small
prob lems in CT or VT cir cuits To verify the in teg ri ty of
these cir cuits, we rec om mend rou tine ly check ing the re lay’s
me ter ing dur ing nor mal op er a tion and per form ing the
di ag nos tic test pro ce dure dur ing out ag es Th e output trip
cir cuits can be ver i fi ed by ex er cis ing the out put re lays and
check ing the ex ter nal trip cir cuits for cor rect op er a tion Th is
com bi na tion of in ter nal self-di ag nos tics, in put ver i fi ca tion,
and out put test ing as sures that the re lay is ready to protect
the sys tem Th is main te nance should be per formed
cord ing to each com pa ny’s schedule To pre vent a lay er of
in su lat ing silver ox ide from foul ing the case con tacts, we rec om mend pe ri od i cal ly reseating M-0420 and M-0430
re lays in the drawout case
One of the most useful and of ten overlooked di ag nos tic features of our relays is the oscillographic re cord er With the recorder, up to 170 cycles (96 cycles in the M-0420 and M-0430 relays) of prefault in put wave forms can be recorded au to mat i cal ly Th e re cord er may be triggered manually or by the op er a tion of any output or input com-
bi na tion cho sen by the user Once triggered, this form data can be easily transferred from the re lay using the IPScom® Com mu ni ca tions Software Th e waveform may then be analyzed using the available IPSplot® Os- cil lo graph Anal y sis Software Th e re sult ant data can be
wave-a vwave-alu wave-able tool in de ter min ing the root cwave-ause of wave-a relwave-ay operation
If periodic functional testing is desired, consider that a single-phase or even a three-phase test set can not duplicate system con di tions for a relay which has seven current inputs and four voltage inputs Con se quent ly, the technician has
to disable or alter the setpoints of oth er functions to pre vent
in ter fer ence with the func tion under test Th is could result in the relay be ing placed back in service with a critical func tion
ac ci den tal ly dis abled To minimize this pos si bil i ty, use the IPScom software shipped with the relay to save the relay’s data fi le before testing Then write the same fi le back to the relay af ter testing Th is prac tice can dra mat i cal ly reduce the possibility of setting er rors while also pro vid ing a convenient record of “as found” settings
Successful functional testing of these relays in volves a few steps First, study the functional de scrip tion from the relay instruction book, carefully noting any special fea tures Sec ond, connect the relay exactly as it will be connected
to the system Th ird, isolate the function under test with the IPScom soft ware’s con fi g u ra tion screen Fourth, apply the nominal quan ti ties and check the metering using the IPScom soft ware’s secondary me ter ing screen Fi nal ly, ap-
Trang 21ply the test quantities and check your results If the re sults
are not satisfactory, check the secondary me ter ing screen
again with the fault quantities applied If incorrect, check
con nec tions and inputs; if correct, check the function logic
de scrip tion and testing in struc tions
By performing this routine maintenance as re quired,
you are helping to ensure the integrity and reliability of
the protective relay
Scott Cooper, Field Service En gi neer, joined Beckwith Electric
Co in 1997 His responsibilities in clude training, commissioning, and
troubleshooting protective re lays for customers He is also in stru men tal
in testing new relay products and custom-en gi neered systems Scott was
previously an electronics technician at Beckwith testing pro tec tive re lays
and conducting failure anal y sis and in di vid u al component eval u a tions
He is a member of IEEE.
Trang 22Using I op Characteristics
to Troubleshoot Transformer
Differential Relay Misoperation
PowerTest 2001 (NETA Annual Technical Conference)
Michael Thompson and James R Closson
Basler Electric
Abstract – When a transformer diff erential relay operates
with no obvious transformer fault, system operators have
a serious decision to make Is there a transformer fault, or
did the relay operate incorrectly? Testing the transformer
requires signifi cant time, with the associated direct and
indirect costs to do so On the other hand, reenergizing
a faulted transformer can lead to catastrophic equipment
failure Th is scenario of a questionable transformer operate
occurs more often than we would like to think, particularly
during the equipment commissioning process
Several conditions can cause diff erential relay false
trip-ping Th ese conditions can cause false trips from external
faults, or simply increased transformer loading Some
in-dication is needed that the relay is not operating as desired
before an incorrect operate happens A potential problem
can be identifi ed by monitoring the operating condition of
the diff erential relay Indications provided by this
monitor-ing can serve as a warnmonitor-ing if the settmonitor-ings or connections are
not correct
Th is paper will explore the issues contributing to
trans-former diff erential false trips, and suggest methods to
al-leviate this issue
Reviewing Differential Relaying Principles
When assessing relay system operation, a basic
under-standing of diff erential relay operation is necessary A
sum-mary of the concepts follows:
Figure 1 — General Diff erential Principle
Diff erential relaying off ers the highest selectivity and, therefore, the highest speed and most secure type of system protection In theory, a diff erential relay compares the cur-rents into and out of the protected zone If the sum of the currents is not zero, the relay will operate Th is is shown in the phasor diagram, Figure 2
Th e sum of the currents is identifi ed as the operate
conditions external to the protected zone Accordingly, coordination delay times are not necessary, and sensitivity can be optimized
Figure 2 — Phasors of Ideal Non-Fault Condition
Trang 23Diff erential relaying relies on the quality of the incoming
currents from current transformer secondaries Th erefore,
CT performance is of particular concern in this application
Although the relay must be desensitized to ensure security
for all non-fault conditions, it must remain highly
sensi-tive to faults within the zone of protection To accomplish
this, a fi xed minimum pickup setting is commonly used, as
well as percentage restraint Percentage restraint increases
the amount of unbalance, or operate, current needed to
actuate the relay based on the current fl owing through the
protected equipment Th e restraint setting, or slope, defi nes
the relationship between restraint and operate currents (See
Figure 3) Relays vary in the way they defi ne the restraint
common methods are to take the average of the two
cur-rents (current entering the zone and current exiting the
zone) or to take the maximum of the two currents to use
in the percentage ratio
Figure 3 — Percent Restraint Characteristic
Transformer Differential Specifi cs
Transformer diff erential relaying does have some
com-plications, which can be the source of errors in connections
and set-up As noted, diff erential relaying is based on
vir-tually balanced current into and out of the protected zone
However, a transformer is not a balanced current device
Th e currents into and out of a transformer will diff er by
the inverse of the transformer’s voltage ratio Th us, the
as-sociated currents need to be adjusted to represent a balance
during non-fault conditions To a great extent, this
adjust-ment can be accomplished with the selection of the system
current transformers Th e fi nal balancing is accomplished in
the relay’s TAP settings Th e TAP settings scale the input
currents, eff ectively defi ning per unit values Th e success of
this balancing is measured by the mismatch, which is the
percentage diff erence between the ratio of the currents seen
by the relay and ratio of the relay taps
Figure 4 — Transformer Diff erential Relaying
Th ere are also conditions on the power system that create unbalance currents in a transformer but do not represent transformer faults When system voltage is applied to a transformer at a time when normal steady-state fl ux should
be at a diff erent value from that existing in the transformer,
a current transient occurs, known as magnetizing inrush rent Th e diff erential relay must detect energization inrush current and inhibit operation Otherwise, the relay must
cur-be temporarily taken out of service to permit placing the transformer in service In most instances this is not an op-tion Th e harmonics in faults are generally small In contrast, the second harmonic is a major component of the inrush current Th us, the second harmonic provides an eff ective means to distinguish between faults and inrush
Almost every transformer diff erential relay available
the energization current A parallel ‘high set’ operate level
is included to ensure that larger faults will still be detected during energization Th e high set, unrestrained element is also provided to ensure operation for a heavy internal fault such as a high side bushing fl ashover Th is high grade fault may result in CT saturation, which can generate signifi -cant harmonics that may restrain the sensitive harmonic restrained element Th is is shown in Figure 5
External faults can also cause unbalanced currents in a power transformer, depending on the transformer’s connec-tions A Wye connected transformer winding can act as a power system ground source, providing ground current to external faults Th is unbalanced current must be blocked from the diff erential circuit to ensure relay security Th is blocking is usually achieved by a Delta connection in the as-sociated relay input transformer circuit, which traps the zero sequence (ground) current component Th is delta connection can be achieved either with the current transformers, or, if
an option, within the transformer diff erential relay itself
Trang 24An important issue with transformer diff erential relaying
is the phase shifts inherent in most transformer connections
A delta connection in a power transformer aff ects a 30°
phase shift in the associated currents Since the diff
eren-tial relay compares the currents on an instantaneous basis,
this phase shift will create an unbalance, which must be
compensated Th is compensation is usually achieved with a
corresponding delta connection in the CT secondary circuits
and must be coordinated with any zero sequence blocking
connections required
Many transformers are connected with delta windings
on the high side and wye windings on the low side Th is provides isolation between the power system voltages and
a ground source for detecting faults on the low voltage side
Th e three-line drawing, Figure 6, shows a delta/wye former with the associated phase shifts In this example, the phase shift is accomplished by connecting the CT’s on the wye side in a delta confi guration Th e required phase shift compensation can also be accomplished within the diff erential relay Th is is desirable for several reasons Prob-ably the most important of these is that it allows the CT’s
trans-to be connected in wye, making them easier trans-to connect and verify during installation
Figure 5 — Simplifi ed Block Diagram
Trang 25Th e presence of a Load Tap Changer (LTC) in
trans-formers will also aff ect diff erential relay operation Usually,
these taps provide the possibility of modifying the voltage
ratio 10% for voltage or Var control Th is ratio variance,
in turn, varies the current ratios Th is variation is usually
within the security margin provided by the relay’s restraint
characteristic For a given LTC position, the ratio of operate
current to restraint current will remain constant, as shown
For each case discussed, the TAP settings are presumed
to be set to the transformer’s full load current Th is defi nes the 1 per unit value to be equal to full load Th is is the easiest setting to calculate, and simplifi es analysis Th e minimum pickup of the transformer diff erential relay is taken as 0.35
trans-former full load, given the defi ned setting A restraint slope
of 40% of maximum restraint current is assumed Th e % of Maximum characteristic is preferred because it uses infor-
mation from the best performing CT to restrain the relay
A relay using % of Average restraint current would provide diff erent results but the concepts are the same In modern numerical diff erential relays, the restraint characteristic may
be user-selectable
Figure 6 — Phase Shifts in Transformers
Trang 26Figure 11 — Operate Characteristic with Reversed Input Current
Th ere are two problems that can occur with phase shift compensation Th e engineer performing the work can forget
to apply compensation or compensation can be incorrectly applied
When a transformer includes a phase shift, a
correspond-ing adjustment must be made in the relay scheme Th is is
generally accomplished by connecting the relay input rents in delta, and can be done either at the CT inputs or within the relay’s circuitry Th e proper correction is shown
cur-in phasor diagram cur-in Figure 12
Figure 12 — Transformer Diff erential Phasors with Proper Phase
Shift Adjustment
If phase shift compensation is not performed when the
relay As load increases, the relay will begin to see an ance Th e diff erential relay will interpret this unbalance as
unbal-a funbal-ault unbal-and operunbal-ate Phunbal-asor unbal-anunbal-alysis, Figure 13, shows thunbal-at
an uncompensated 30° phase shift will cause an unbalance current that is approximately half the normalized load cur-
Figure 13 — Phasor Diagram with Missing Phase Shift
Single Restraint Input
If one set of current transformers is not connected to the
diff erential relay or the current transformers are shorted out,
the diff erential relay acts as an overcurrent relay Given this
Figure 8 — Transformer Diff erential Phasors with Missing Input
When the single input current exceeds the minimum
pick-up the relay will operate So for this scenario, the
trans-former will trip at 35% of full load under this condition
Figure 9 — Operate Characteristic with Missing Input Current
Current Transformer Lead Reversal
Reversing a current transformer lead, or group of leads,
is the simplest mistake made when wiring a new panel or
upgrading a protection system Since the diff erential relay
compares the transformer currents, CT polarity is extremely
important When a CT lead is reversed, the resulting
unbal-ance current is double the normalized load current Th at is
diagram, Figure 10
Figure 10 — Transformer Diff erential Phasors with Reversed Input
Under this condition, increased loading will cause the
35% of transformer full load (based on the setting tions) Th is will be when the load (restraint) current reaches 17.5% of full load (or 17.5% of TAP setting) Th is condition
presump-is plotted on the characterpresump-istic graph in Figure 11
Trang 27If this condition exists, the relay will operate with
in-creases in load, unless the restraint slope setting is larger
transformer full load (based on the previous setting
pre-sumptions) Th is will occur when the load (restraint) current
reaches 68% of full load (or 68% of TAP setting) Figure 14
shows this situation
Figure 14 — Relay Operate Characteristic with Missing Phase Shift
Another error can occur by incorrectly applying a phase
shift For example, shifting the relay input on the delta side
of a delta/wye transformer While the required phase angle
adjustment is achieved, the necessary zero sequence blocking
is not provided In this case, the diff erential relay will operate
for external ground faults on the wye side of the transformer
Th is condition is not detectable by taking readings under
balanced loading conditions Th e other incorrect shift is a
phase shift in the wrong direction
As shown in Figure 15, there are two ways to apply a delta
connection Each aff ects a 30° phase shift, but in diff erent
directions If the wrong connection is applied, it will result
in a 60° diff erence rather than proper phase compensation
will operate with increasing load Phasor analysis, Figure 16,
shows that a 60° diff erence in the relay currents will cause
an unbalance current equal to the normalized load current
Figure 16 — Phasor Diagram with Wrong Phase Shift
Th e relay will operate when the load (restraint) current reaches 35% of full load (or 35% of TAP setting) as shown
in Figure 17 Th is is a similar level of load to the scenario where one side of the diff erential zone is completely missing
as shown in Figure 9
Figure 15 Two Delta Applications
Figure 17 — Operate Characteristic with Wrong Phase Shift
Transposed Tap Settings
Incorrect TAP settings can occur when the TAP settings for the relay are transposed Th at is, the high side TAP setting
is applied to the low side input, and vice versa Th e resulting relay performance will depend on how closely matched the
current signals into the relay are If the currents into the relay are very close, the TAP settings will also be similar, and relay security may not be aff ect-
ed However, if the inputs are substan-tially diff erent, the resulting unbalance will likely cause the relay to operate and cause a nuisance trip
Trang 28For example, presume a condition where the currents
to the relay are 3.8 amps on the high side and 4.2 amps
on the low side Th e proper relay TAP settings would be
3.8 for the high side input and 4.2 for the low side input
If the settings are transposed, the current magnitudes will
be incorrectly scaled Th is results in a mismatch of 22%, as
shown below
Mismatch = (current ratio) - (TAP ratio)
smaller of abovewith proper settings:
Mismatch = (3.8/4.2) - (3.8/4.2) = 0%
(3.8/4.2)with transposed settings:
Mismatch = (3.8/4.2) - (4.2/3.8) = 22%
In this example, the security of the relay will depend
on the setting of the restraint slope At a slope setting of
15%, the relay will operate on increasing load, when the I
restraint exceeds about 1.6 multiples of TAP or at 160 % of
transformer full loading At a slope setting of 40%, it would
not operate on load However, the security margin would be
reduced by this mismatch Figure 18 shows this example
3 Factor Neglected In Tap Settings
Another TAP setting problem that can occur is to
overlook the magnitude increase associated with a delta
connection in the current circuit Th is is a by-product of
the phase shift adjustment, and must be taken into
ac-count Th e magnitude shift is the square root of 3, or 1.73
Th is magnitude compensation must be included if the
delta compensation is achieved with CT connections It
may or may not be required if the delta compensation is
achieved internal to the relay Care must be taken to review
the operating characteristics of the relay in question when
calculating tap factors Th is problem is mitigated in some
numerical relays that are capable of automatically calculating
their own tap adjust factors
Using the previous example of 3.8 and 4.2 as the currents
into the relay, assume that the 4.2 amps current requires a
phase shift Th e delta compensated 4.2 amps is now eff
ec-tively 4.2*1.73=7.3 amps for the diff erential element Th us,
for the delta side of the transformer, 3.8 amps = 1PU and,
for the wye side of the transformer 7.3 amps = 1PU Th e
proper current ratio is now (3.8/7.3) rather than (3.8/4.2)
If the protection engineer overlooks this, the resulting
mismatch will be:
Mismatch = (3.8/7.3) - (3.8/4.2) = 73%
Th is will clearly cause a problem Th e relay will operate at
48% of transformer full load current in this case Th e eff ect
of this setting error is shown in Figure 19
Figure 18 — Characteristic with Bad Tap Settings
Figure 19 — Relay Operate Characteristic with Missing √3 Factor in Taps
Checking and Troubleshooting Differential Circuits
Field personnel can apply the lessons noted in this per in order to troubleshoot CT connections and rectify problems For example, a quick simple check of measuring the current in the operate coil of the diff erential relay may
pa-be suffi cient to detect the gross problems descripa-bed such as reversed polarity or one CT completely missing However, many of the problems identifi ed result in relatively small mismatches
Th is check also does not acknowledge the fact that the relay can adjust for magnitude mismatch by its tap settings For example, a properly designed diff erential relay circuit with one tap set at 5 amps and the other set at 10 amps would result in 5 amps of operate current under full load balanced conditions On one side of the zone 5 amps = 1PU, while on the other side of the zone 10 amps = 1 PU
which would be 10 – 5 = 5 amps for this example
A better approach is to measure and record both the nitude and angle of the restraint currents at each terminal
mag-of the relay For example, the criteria should be:
• Th e ratio of the magnitudes of the restraint current on each phase should be equal to the ratio of the magni-tudes of the tap settings
Trang 29• Th e currents on each phase relay should be nearly
ex-actly 180° out of phase
Differential Current Monitoring as a
Diagnostic Tool
Modern relays with internal phase compensation do
not allow the fi eld engineer to do it the old way with phase
angle and magnitude readings It is necessary to see the
values seen by the diff erential element after they have been
manipulated inside of the relay, and this cannot be done by
direct measurement Other methods must be employed
As this paper has noted, there are many connection or
setting problems that can cause incorrect operations in
transformer diff erential relays Th e task is to detect these
problems before an incorrect relay operation Diff erential
current monitoring is a diagnostic function designed to aid
in the installation and commissioning of diff erential relays,
especially on transformer banks Th is function attempts to
identify and prevent false trips due to incorrect polarity,
incorrect angle compensation, or mismatch
During transformer commissioning, it would be
particu-larly useful to analyze the system installation and create a
record of the settings and measured currents Th e diff erential
current monitoring function can create a diff erential check
record like the sample shown in Figure 20 Th ese records
are also useful when comparing the present system
char-acteristics to the charchar-acteristics at commissioning during
troubleshooting to determine if something has changed
Th e diff erential check record shown in Figure 20 is an
example of a diff erential current check record developed by
a numerical diff erential relay Th is particular example is from
an actual installation Th e names and dates on the record
have been changed Upon putting load on the transformer
bank after installing the upgraded protection, the diff erential
relay alarmed, triggering the diagnostic routine to generate
this report, and tripped Th e relay’s trip outputs were not
connected at the time
Th e fi rst grouping of information in the record is the
date and time the record was captured and the basic relay
identifi cation Th e second grouping is a record of the CT
and transformer connection settings and the 87 (diff erential)
settings that were entered by the user Th e third grouping is
a report of the tap and angle compensation factors that the
relay is using for each of the three phase CT input circuits
It is important to note that the angle compensation cannot
be entered manually Th e angle compensation is calculated
by the relay based on the CT and transformer connections
Additionally, the tap compensation setting may be entered
manually or automatically calculated
As mentioned earlier in the paper, a transformer delta winding can be confi gured in two ways: Delta IA-IB or Delta IA-IC Th e type of delta and the normal phase se-quence of the system determines whether the phase shift will be +30 degrees or –30 degrees From the information
in the report, it can be noted that the user has described the transformer winding connected to CT circuit 1 of the relay as a delta with DAB (Delta IA-IB) connections; and the transformer winding connected to CT circuit 2 of the relay is described as a wye confi guration Th is would be
a pretty safe assumption based on the fact that an ANSI standard delta high-side/wye low-side transformer uses this confi guration so that the low side lags the high side by 30 degrees when system phase sequence is ABC
Th e fourth grouping of information in the record tempts to identify polarity and angle compensation errors by looking at the phase angle diff erences of compared phases
at-Th e diff erential alarm is set whenever the minimum pickup
or the slope ratio exceeds the diff erential alarm, percent of trip setting If the diff erential alarm is set and neither the polarity alarm nor the angle compensation alarm is set, a mismatch error is identifi ed indicating that the most likely cause of the alarm is incorrect tap settings In this example, the record clearly identifi es that the problem appears to be with the angle compensation
The fifth grouping of information MENTS) displays the measured and calculated currents
(MEASURE-at the time of the diff erential record trigger Th e relay measures secondary current and develops the tap and phase compensated currents for use by the diff erential element Primary current (MEASURED I PRI) is calculated simply
as the secondary current multiplied by the CT turns ratio Secondary current (MEASURED I SEC) is the current actually measured by the relay Angle compensated current (ANGLE COMPENSATED I) is the measured secondary current with phase compensation applied Tap compensated current (TAP COMP I) is the tap and phase compensated current actually used by the diff erential function From this information, it is easy to see how the relay goes about compensating for magnitude and angle diff erences between the two sides of the zone of protection
Th e fi nal two lines of the report give the most critical information IOP is the operating current SLOPE RATIO
is the ratio of IOP to the restraint current (in this case it is the maximum of the two TAP COMP I currents) Th ese values should be compared to the settings shown earlier
in the report to determine if the relay is in a trip or alarm condition
Figure 21 shows the A phase currents before and after compensation plotted on a polar graph From the informa-tion in Figures 20 and 21, it is easy to see that the internal phase compensation is the opposite of what it should be and that the currents were shifted 30 degrees the wrong way In this installation the transformer being protected was actually a delta IA-IC/wye confi guration and that the low side leads the high side by 30 degrees Changing the transformer connection parameters in the relay’s settings, corrected the problem
Tap Side Low
Tap Side
High Current
Current Side
_ _
_ _
_ _
Trang 30Th is facility of modern relays can also be used to simplify
commissioning and documentation To verify correct CT
circuit connections, internal phase, zero sequence and tap
compensation settings for the diff erential functions, load
should be placed on the protected zone and a diff erential
check record triggered, recorded, and examined Th e check
record can then become a permanent relay commissioning
Diff erential protection is simple in concept Measure the
current that goes in versus what goes out If there is a
dif-ference, there must be a short circuit within the protected
zone and a trip should occur When the protected zone
includes a transformer, the situation is not so simple and
special considerations must be made One of the greatest challenges is compensation for phase angle and magnitude diff erences Th e paper describes the eff ects of many of the possible errors that can be made in installing and checking out a transformer diff erential circuit
Proper installation checks and fi nal in-service readings can detect these problems and ensure reliable and secure op-eration Th e paper describes these traditional fi nal in-service checks However, with modern solid state and numerical diff erential relays, traditional checkout procedures may not
be capable of detecting all possible errors For this type of relay, diagnostic routines and reporting functions can make
up for this It is important for the relay technicians and engineers to make use of these advanced features to ensure proper operation of the protection system
Figure 20 — Annotated Diff erential Check Record
Annoted Differential Check Record
Trang 31Figure 21 — In-Service Current Circuit Verifi cation Form
Trang 321 Blackburn, J Lewis, Protective Relaying Principles
and Applications, Second Edition, Marcel Dekker,
Inc., New York, 1998
2 ANSI/IEEE C37.91-1985, IEEE Guide for Protective
Relay Applications to Power Transformers
3 Criss, John, and Larry Lawhead, “Using Transformer
Conditions”, Protective Relay Conference at Georgia
Institute of Technology, April 1997
Jim Closson received his BS from Southern Illinois University at
Carbondale, and an MBA from the University of Laverne Prior to
rejoining Basler Electric as a Protection and Control Product Manager,
he served as a Regional Application Engineer for Basler Electric He has
also held managerial and sales positions with Electro-Test, Inc and ABB
He has taught courses on Electrical Power Systems Safety, Ground Fault
Applications and Testing, and Power System Maintenance Mr Closson
is a Senior Member of the IEEE and serves on the Power Distribution
Subcommittee for the Pulp and Paper Industry Committee of the IAS
and on the Transportation Subcommittee for the Petrochemical Industry
Committee of the IAS
Michael Th ompson served nearly 15 years at Central Illinois Public
Service Co where he worked in distribution and substation fi eld
opera-tions before taking over responsibility for system protection engineering
He received a BS, Magna Cum Laude from Bradley University in 1981
and an MBA from Eastern Illinois University in 1991 During his years
at Bradley University, Mike was involved in the cooperative education
program and worked in electrical engineering and maintenance at a
large steel and wire products mill Mike is Senior Product and Market
Manager for the Protection and Control Product Line at Basler Electric
Mr Th ompson is a member of the IEEE
Trang 33The Anatomy of a
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Published by InterNational Electrical Testing Association
Volume 1
Trang 34Motor Protection Fundamentals
PowerTest 2001 (NETA Annual Technical Conference)
Bernie Moisey Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
To enter set points into modern management type motor
protection relays for a specifi ed motor the end user must be
familiar with all of the motor characteristics and is able to
interpret the technical data supplied by the manufacturer
Without this knowledge the protection scheme could result
in one that over or under protects the motor
Motor Specifi cations
Th e following motor data could be considered minimum
requirements for a protection scheme on a large motor:
Horse power; voltage rating; full load speed; type of motor;
frequency; full load torque; breakdown torque; locked rotor
torque; service factor; NEMA design; insulation class;
sym-metrical locked rotor amps at rated voltage; type of
enclo-sure; maximum temperature rise at specifi ed load; ambient
temperature; kVA code; current at 100%, 75%, 50% and
no-load; power factor at full load; no-load and locked rotor
current; effi ciency; cold and hot safe stall time; power factor
correction data; load inertia; rotor inertia; load torque
dur-ing the acceleration period; time-current and hot and cold
thermal limit curves; motor starting and accelerating curves;
speed curves at diff erent voltages; performance curves;
per-missible starting sequence; minimum time between starts;
number of starts per hour and residual voltage data
Symmetrical Components
Most microprocessor based motor protection relays use
symmetrical components in thermal and unbalance
algo-rithms Some relays estimate positive, negative and zero
sequence quantities while others use the actual sequence
equations A good understanding of these fundamentals is
required to select appropriate set points and to design test
circuits to verify relay operation
Th e voltage on the nameplate of a motor may diff er from the system nominal voltage, i.e 4000 volts on the nameplate connected to a 4160-volt system In most cases when the motor is started, the voltage at the motor terminals will “sag”
To ensure that suffi cient voltage is present to accelerate the load the starting voltage must be calculated and then limits set with an under voltage relay If the voltage “sags” on start the locked rotor/starting current will decrease Because the motor is driven into saturation at rated starting voltage, the starting current is not directly proportional to voltage Th is must be considered when entering set points for locked rotor protection Setting alarm set points for current unbalance requires that one must be able to determine an acceptable current unbalance by converting the normal system voltage unbalance to current unbalance Set points are also required for over voltage and reclosing when the residual voltage is present
Electrical systems may be ungrounded, direct or solidly grounded, low impedance grounded and high impedance grounded In all cases the magnitude of the charging cur-rent or the line to ground fault current must be known Th e ground element of the relay must be connected to detect this abnormal condition and disconnect the motor as quickly
as possible
Th e two most common methods of connecting ground relays to the system are using a zero sequence current transformer and the residual connection In each connec-tion it is possible for the ground element to receive a false signal, which could result in the motor being taken off line Compensation must be considered when determining set points to minimize nuisance trips Th e residual connection uses three current transformers False ground fault signals can occur due to unbalanced phase burdens, asymmetrical starting current and the normal mismatch of the three cur-
Trang 35rent transformers Compensation for these false signals can
be achieved by increasing the pick up or by increasing the
time delay False signals can enter the ground relay through
the zero sequence connection If any triplen harmonic is
present in the primary circuit this will pass through the
zero sequence current transformer and appear as a ground
fault When two motors are connected to the same bus, the
running motor can trip out when the other motor is started
A “sagging” bus voltage combined with the residual voltage
and noise that is generated during the starting sequence
can result in a trip Compensation for the zero sequence
connection is achieved by a short time delay set point, not
In high impedance grounded systems, the neutral
limit-ing resistor limits the fault current to a magnitude of 1 to
10 amps High impedance faults may be diffi cult to detect
and low set points may result in false trips When this is
the case, the use of a low pick up directional relay with an
angle of maximum torque, current leading voltage should
be considered
Thermal Limit Curves
Large motor manufacturers include thermal limit curves
as part of the specifi cations One is called the cold thermal
limit curve and the other is referred to as the hot thermal
limit Th e cold thermal limit curve is the limit of the
mo-tor when the momo-tor temperature is equal to or less than
curve is the thermal limit of the motor when it is operated
in the maximum ambient temperature, at specifi ed rise and
specifi ed load
All thermal limit curves consist of the following three
curves: locked rotor; failure to accelerate and running
over-load Th e locked rotor and failure to accelerate are voltage
dependent Th ese limit curves usually are plotted on
semi-log paper and the slope of the hot curve can be diff erent from
the slope of the cold curve When the limit curve is given for
a motor that can be started at two diff erent voltages, 100%
voltage and 80% or 90% voltage, the locked rotor thermal
curve appears as a straight line and the failure to accelerate
thermal limit curve is for the lower starting voltage When
the starting voltage is determined for a specifi c motor, the
limit curves must be altered to refl ect this condition Th e
time between the cold safe stall time and the hot safe stall
time can be of short duration, long duration or, in the case
of a motor that is “ring” limited, the hot safe stall time can
be equal to the cold safe stall time Also the acceleration
time can be greater than the safe stall time
Thermal Protection
Th ermal protection includes protecting the motor
dur-ing startdur-ing, acceleration and runndur-ing Manufactures of
microprocessor based motor protection relays will supply
the end user selects one that “fi ts” the motor characteristics
Other manufacturers allow the end user to generate a
time – current values in a look-up table Th e custom curve
provides fl exibility and results in a more reliable protection scheme
When designing the thermal protection scheme the engineer or technologist must determine the degree of protection Is the motor to be over protected or allowed
to operate at the maximum thermal limit? To accomplish this, an understanding of the relay’s thermal algorithm is
curve to “move downwards” when the motor temperature increases Th is is accomplished by multiplying all values in
the time – current look-up table by a constant Th e complete
protection curve moves “up or down” by the same proportion
Th e thermal algorithm can be biased by stator RTD inputs
or if RTDs are not used the biasing is accomplished with a
full load thermal capacity reduction set point.
Hot and cold thermal limit curves can be parallel or have diff erent slopes and may have acceleration time that
is greater than the safe stall time In each case care must
be taken to insure that the motor is protected in all three
intersect the thermal limit curve Where motors have a variable starting voltage and a long acceleration period, one may consider selecting a motor protection relay that has a
type of relay it is necessary to manipulate the thermal limit curve supplied by the motor manufacturer or at the time of ordering the motor, request limit curves for minimum and maximum starting and accelerating voltages Motors with acceleration times greater than the safe stall time may fail
to restart after a normal shutdown If this situation arises then it is necessary to adjust the thermal algorithm so that
protection curve
Protection – Phase Current
Set points are required for over current conditions that result from three phase and phase-to-phase faults that may occur on the load side of the current transformers Mechani-cal jam or rapid trip set points may be required to prevent the motor from stalling when maximum or breakdown torque is exceeded Under current protection may be used
as secondary protection to protect the mechanical load from damage, i.e a pump that uses the product as lubrication A phase sequence set point may also be required By entering the proper sequence the relay now has the ability to select the proper symmetrical component equations and prevent operation in the reverse direction When using an instan-taneous element to clear faults insure that the disconnect has the required interrupting capacity For some contactor applications it may be necessary to disable the instantaneous device Also the asymmetrical starting current must be al-lowed for If the sensitivity is too great, a small diff erence between the starting current and the maximum three-phase fault current, consider using diff erential protection Diff er-ential protection requires that all six leads from the motor
be accessible
Trang 36Unbalanced Protection
Most microprocessor type motor protection relays have
two types of unbalanced protection One type uses alarm
and trip set points Th e other type of unbalanced
protec-tion involves biasing the thermal algorithm When the
motor draws an unbalanced current, the relay will calculate
an equivalent balanced current that will produce the same
motor heating Th is equivalent current, not the actual motor
current is used to determine the trip time Th e equivalent
current must be greater than the pick up for the algorithm to
be enabled Depending upon the manufacturer of the relay
the K factor, a ratio of negative sequence rotor resistance to
positive sequence rotor resistance may be pre-determined
or entered by the users
Th e ambient temperature plus the rise under ideal
con-ditions plus the rise due to the unbalanced current drawn
determines the temperature of a motor Th e temperature rise
due to unbalance depends upon the amount of unbalance
and the amount of load on the motor Care should be taken
to prevent the motor from being disconnected when it is not
stressed Most algorithms have fl exibility that allows the end
user to determine at what percent unbalance and percent
overload the algorithm is enabled Motors with a service
times the full load current, while a 1.15 service factor motor
allows the protection curve to be enabled at 1.25 times the
full load current By entering the appropriate service factor
as a set point the relay then determines at what unbalance
the algorithm is enabled Other relays allow a set point to
be entered as to when the protection curve can be enabled
Typical values for enabling the protection curve are 1.01
to 1.25 times the full load current of the motor Knowing
the unbalanced algorithm equation allows the protection
engineer to calculate the percent unbalance that is required
to enable the algorithm A typical equation is,
I e is the equivalent current calculated by the relay when the
motor draws unbalanced current
K is the ratio of negative sequence rotor resistance to
posi-tive sequence rotor resistance
IEEE states that for every 3% voltage unbalance the
temperature rise of the motor will increase 25% Motor
protection relays do not use voltage unbalance in algorithms,
they use current unbalance An approximation of converting
voltage unbalance to current unbalance is, for every 1%
volt-age unbalance at the terminals of the motor, the percent current
unbalance will be approximately equal to the per unit starting current expressed as a percent.
Th e emergency start feature allows the operator to restart a
hot motor by resetting the thermal algorithm to zero percent thermal capacity used In some cases the relay will not allow
an emergency restart if the motor temperature exceeds the stator RTD trip set point
Start inhibit, when enabled, prevents a restart until suffi cient
thermal capacity is available Th ermal capacity required to start the motor is a “learned “ feature
Acceleration timer, when enabled, will lock out the motor if
it does not come up to speed in the specifi ed time
Backspin timer prevents a restart when the direction of motor
rotation is opposite to the norm, i.e a down hole pump
Time between starts, is a set point that controls the minimum
time between when the motor is fi rst started and when another start is allowed
Anti jogging, when enabled, prevents a series of rapid
start-stop operations It can be used for a lock out condition that prevents a restart when residual voltage is present
`Phase reversal prevents the motor from starting in the
“wrong” direction
Some relays have auxiliary contacts and logic that allow
the motor to start on a reduced voltage, i.e wye-delta,
auto-transformer, etc
Starter failure is a signal from the starter to the relay that
implies that the contacts have changed state Th is is the same as the 52b contact signal of an electrically operated breaker
To properly protect a motor the end user must be familiar with the motor characteristics and load requirements An understanding of the microprocessor based motor protec-tion relay algorithms allows for fl exibility Do not disable algorithms because you do not understand them
“Concepts of Motor Protection” written by B.H Moisey
Bernie Moisey has been an instructor at the Northern Alberta tute of Technology for 33 years and is currently teaching in the power systems and protective relaying section Bernie has presented motor protection seminars in Canada, United States, South America, and Australia He acts as a consultant for major manufacturers of protective relays designing and upgrading protection algorithms He is actively involved in application engineering.
I e2 122