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The 83 Sentence 84 55 Period Fault 56 Comma 85 Revision Sentences 58 Misuse of Ideas 87 Rambling Sentences Choppy Sentences Incompleteness 63 Word 88 89 90 Order 91 64 SplitConstructions 92 65 DanglingModifiers and Mixed structions ConIllogical 66 Using the Library Choosingthe Topic TakingNotes Preparingthe Outline Writingthe Paper Making Footnotes Making a Bibliography The Precis and the 67 Paper Dependent 86 59 Related 62 Proofreading The Research Clauses 61 and Fault 57 Fused 60 Beginningsand Endings ManuscriptForm Paraphrase Comparisons 68 Parallel Structure 69 Point of View 70 Coordination 71 Emphasis 72 Variety and 93 The Precis 94 The Paraphrase Writing for nation Subordi- 95 Business 96 73 Achievement Tests SpecialPurposes Letters Report Writing 97 Social Letters The Paragraph Listeningand Thinking 74 Topic Sentence 75 Substance 76 Methods 77 Order of of of Ideas 78 Transitional 79 Paragraph Development a 98 and 99 Devices of Writers Backgrounds 100 Thinkers TestingYour Logic PropagandaTechnique Proportionand Length 80 Mechanics The Whole of the Paragraph Appendix Theme 101 81 Choice 82 Outlines of Topic 102 Taking Tests Sentence Analysis and Diagraming McGraw-Hill HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH VIRGINIA Head of SHAFFER English Department, High Park School, Baltimore, Coordinator College of The of Forest land; Mary- Writing, Johns Coy Mc- Hopkins University HARRY SHAW Formerly Composition, WEBSTER St Louis DIVISION, New York McGRAW-HILL San Francisco Workshops Director, Dallas New York University Second Edition BOOK COMPANY Toronto London in COPYRIGHT We wish ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and these authors,pubhshers, to thank of for permissionto copyright materials: copyrighted The excerptsfrom following excerpts from Sportsmanlike Driving sion Reprinted by permis- of the American from the use other holders Association ^ Automobile The William Beebe Reprinted by of Duell, Sloan and Pearce, Inc ^ The excerpt from High Jimgle, by excerpt permission Sister My Eileen,copyright 1938, by Ruth of Harcourt, Brace Ltd i^ The and McKenney Reprinted by permission and Inc HartCompany, Rupert excerpt from AnythingCan Happen, by and Helen Papashvily by permissionof Harper Reprinted i^ The excerpt from This I Remember, by Eleanor rs Reprintedby permissionof Harper " Brothers and and Company."^* The excerpt from We Took to the n Rich Copyright1942, by Louise y Louise Dickinson ^n Rich Reprintedby permissionof J B Lippincott pany Wing, i"" The excerpt from Willis K and Man, by ClydeKluckhohn Hill Book Book Rumor, of Rinehart " in for " 1949 by the McGrawCopyright Company, Inc Reprintedby permission of the McGraw-Hill of Dame Mirror by Dav^d Inc '^" The Company, College," by Robert U Evening Post articleby Remakes Inc ^^ The excerpt from Affairs by permission Jacobsen Reprinted Company, excerpt from "How from the Jameson.Reprinted to Stay Saturday permissionof the author ^' The excerpt World, by James Stokley Reprinted by permissionof Ives Washburn, Inc from Science Certain Our been copyrighted parts of this book have previously Rewriting (1955) by Harry Shaw of CollegeComposition (1957) by with the and S Harry Shaw and are reprinted George Wykoff York kind permissionof Harper " Brothers,New under the titles Writing and and The Harper Handbook McGraw-Hill HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH (c) 1960 by McGraw-Hill, Inc All RightsReserved Copyright Copyright1952 by Harry Shaw and VirginiaShaffer All Rights Reserved or Printed in the parts thereof,may not United be States of America reproducedin any This form permission of the publishers IX of CongressCatalogCard Library Number: 59-10723 book, without 102 I met a friend whom I I met I friend "- I j\" like I We DIAGRAMING I like " Adverbial AND ANALYSIS SENTENCE I whom clauses: the game won We because I won we had the better team game I because I I I Mary had we is tallerthan her mother Mary ?s\ i team is taller tnan ! John drives John is\ (tall) mother faster than he should drive drives than I 488 he I should drive SENTENCE ANALYSIS Compound I like AND DIAGRAMING sentence: radio dramas movies, but John prefers I I like I moves but { Sometimes a John prefers sentence may I dramas contain order; these parts must transposed placesin the diagram accordingto parts be in inverted or the proper the directions ahready put in given againwill John see Never a exciting so willsee John game game T EXERCISE sentences: Diagram the following You The I may borrow Smiths saw paintingmy am Father You An The has will be athletic day Edison is my pen on sights interesting many car his secretary treasiuer next occasion a victoryis usually joyful becoming colder has been famous Books, magazines,and 10 trip green appointedMary our their brary Busy peoplereceive and for and a long time newspapers send gloomy more many are available in the H- letters 489 SENTENCE EXERCISE the Diagram AND ANALYSIS DIAGRAMING followingsentences: to achieve his ambition faithfully Your winning the election so easily surprised everyone I shall begintakingregular Tomorrow exercise has worked Henry recognize one's improvement To The host invited That might I to us have the first step toward earlyand come the take is to errors pleasureof to stay late your is my company desire Father returned We The 10 that he would wrote To of arrive a man young " that of and the old some one the turns fancy too ones, 10 sentences: following lookingforward to September John wrote to Mr Rrown, am the havingended vacation our college yesterday, is a small which I am college attending thoughtsof love,in the springtime,often Diagram Friday to EXERCISE I on coming your who had to the in university promised him a job for summer on Drivingcarefully icy roads is necessary in order to vent pre- accidents On wintry day the weather this weather delightful Our first item of business todayis to call the what I have to say and then I am telephoning it by letter Peoplewho make no provisionfor the morrow Charles him When came virginswho claims to prove to the at be are mentioned better a roll am confirming are like the in the Bible golferthan I am, but I dare it I received your I dropped everything and telegram, once Always to and be remembered enforced pedestrians 490 but frightful inside is five foolish 10 outside is for the is that traflBcregulations are of drivers,passengers, safety vised deand INDEX for Bad, badly, 137 of names 354 Balanced sentences, Being, misused as conjunction, 334 253 Believes,beliefs, Beside, besides,28, 294-295 154 in in Card adjustment,437 of,426 appearance 432-434 of application, 428 body of, characteristics of, 428 complimentary close of,429 form of, 429-431 hackneyed expressions in, 428 heading of, 426-427 of inquiry, 435-436 inside address of, 427 margin of,426 order, 434-435 paragraphs in, 432-433 complement of infinitiveto be, 102 defined,54 of indirect object,5, 98 of,4"5 nominative, uses of object of preposition,5, 97of 98 of object of verb, 5, 97-98 of object of verbal,5, 102 99 429 of subjectof infinitive, 6, 102103 of subject of verb, 4, 97 Catch phrases,459 Clauses,adjective,38 adverbial,40-41 431 preposition,98 But, as punctuation with, 164-165 295 295 hardly,296 in abbreviations Capital letters, 155 of titles, about, 156 for classes in school,155 in direct quotations, 208-209 for events in history,155 for father,mother, 153, 156 in 153 lists, days of the week, 153 of cities, bodies water, etc., 154 for Deity, 155 in names for names of holidays,153 for 492 names of, 5-6 of predicate nominative, 4, 97 in elliptical of pronoun clause, words in, for months, of, 399-400 possessive,6, 103, 201-205 salutation in, 427-428 cautions catalogue,use objective,uses signature in, 429 help but, 270, 155, 156 subjects, 152-153 titles, Case, 4-6, 97-108 of appositive,5, 103 punctuation in, 430-431 may, 152 resolutions, for school abbreviations in, 427 Cannot Cant 152, 208 languages, nationalities, in quotations, Bursted, bust,busted, 295 425-438 letters, Can, 152 outlines, races, Business wasted 154 in parts of letters, 155, 156 in poetry, 152 among, phrases in, participial plan of, 425-426 groups, 153 and titles, names north,south,east, west, 154 for in 27 421 Bibliography, form of footnotes, 418-420 118 Blowed, Brackets,222-223 Bring, take, 295 Between, gious and relipolitical of of cause, in complex sentences, 47 41 of concession, 41 of condition,40 defined,37-38 of degree comparison, 41 dependent, 38-43, 47-48 misuse of, 273-274, 314-315 56, 99, 332 elliptical, independent, 37-38, 47-48 or kinds of, 37-43 with like and as, 143-144 40 of manner, misplaced, 323 misuse as sentences, 48 nonrestrictive, 180-182 43, 358 noun, of that in, 43, 320 omission in parallelstructure, 343 INDEX of place,40 punctuation of, 165, 168-170, 172-173, 177-178, 180182, 193-194 of purpose, 41 relative,38 of result,41 subordinate,38, 47, 340 as Coherence, order 375 sentences, 319, 348-349 transitional devices for, 378380 of agreement nouns, entrance and 476 268-269 ColloquiaUsms, 240, Colon, content, in cautions introduce to use, formal a in coordination 197 190 with appositives,185 after complimentary close of 189 letter, with conjunctive adverbs, 178 coordinate 189 164-165 direct quotations, 189-190, 208, 210 in errors of, 309-311 use after introductoryelement, limitingexpressions,188 nonrestrictive phrases and clauses,180-182 with 28, subordinating, usage examples of, 47 punctuation with, 47, 178, after salutation of letter,189 of direct address, terms 178 yes and Comparative 193 Constructions,awkward, impersonal,57 mixed, 337-338 333 shift in, 131, 348-349 split,327-328 Contend, with prepositions,270 Continual,continuous, 296 in formal writing, 226-227 of apostrophe in, 203, 205 use fined, Coordinating conjunction, de28 of, 350-351 of comma before,164"165 of parallelstructure with, overuse in series, 172-173 after 43 Conjunctive adverbs,defined,55 parenthetical expressions, 177-178 with tion, subordina- of, 143-144 Contractions, 168-169 with with and 350-351 28 correlative, defined,28 kinds of, 28 ments, Connotation, 280, 281 ele- before coordinatingconjunction, in 164-165, 343, 350-351 with, 164r-165 punctuation ment, state- 197 introduce a list, 198 after salutation of letter, in writing time, 198 with absolute expresComma, sions, contrasted pluralof, 253 possessive of, 202-203 Conjugation,defined,55 of drive,18-23 Conjunctions, coordinating, 28, 197, 198 to in Complement, objective, 6, 55 predicate,4, 24 subjective, 4, 55 Comply to, comply with, 270 Compound words, hyphen in, 220-221 with, 74 raphy tests, bibliog- of verbs for,479-480 form 75, 139, 339 else, defined,54-55 with, 85 agreement College developing paragraph, with other and 374details, of in pronouns of means 372 for emphasis, 355 Collective prepositions, Comparison, of adjectives and adverbs, 137-139 clear,340 defined,54 339incomplete and illogical, 351 of time, 40 Cliches, 275-276 Climax with Compare, use 270, 271 178 no, degree,137-139 use use 343 Coordination,350-351 Copulative verb {see Linking verb) 493 INDEX Could of, 118 Dangling expressions,329-334 Each, either,agreement with, 84-85 as subjects,73, 77 Dash, 21"-219 Eats, Data, 76 Economics, 74 Effect,affect,293 Dates, writing of, 228 Declension, 56 Definition Either of developing means as paragraph, 371 Denotation, 280, 281 Despite of, 338 Diagraming, 480-488 280-281 Diction, concrete language, 291-292 figurative "fine writing,"282 foreignexpressions,262, 284 glossary of faulty expressions, wordiness, 278-279, or, parallelstructure of pronouns complete thought implied,308 dangling, 332 Emphasis, 352-353 Ethics,74 Euphony, 289-290 Even, misplaced,323 Everybody, in informal speech, verb 285-286, Dictionaries,accent marks in, 243 in, 241 in, 236 capitalization of adjectivesin, comparison 236 compound words in, 236 diacritical marks in, 242 of speech in, 237 parts of in, 236 plurals nouns pronunciation in, 237, 242-244 selection of, 231-232 spellingin, 232-234, 244 syllabification in, 236-237 in, 241 of, 232-242 agreement of developing 371-372 Except, accept, 293 Exclamation point, 217 witli quotation marks, 210 Expletive,56 Example as means paragraph, Fall offof, 286 False dilemma, 458 Female, 297 Fewer, less,140, 297 227-228 of, Figures, use Figures of speech, alliteration, 290 avoiding mixed, 292 hyperbole, 292 metaphor, 291, 292 metonymy, vocabvilaryentry in, 233 Die of,die with, 270 Differ,use with prepositions, with, 85 with, 73 agreement pronoun 431 use with, 344 Ellipsisdefined, 56 Elliptical clauses,case 73, 74, 85 292-302 mixed figures, 292 vigorous verbs, 281 synonyms 273 noun, cedent ante- in, 99 Diacritical marks, 242 antonyms as of 292 291 personification, simile,291 "Fine" writing, 282-284 Differentthan, different from, verb, 56 Firstly,137 143, 270 Direct address,56 Direct object, 5, 97, 107 Footnotes, 417-420 Foreign expressions, 262, 284 of italics for, 225 use Foreign nouns, plurals of, 75, 270, Done, Finite 271 incorrect use of, 117 Don't and doesn't,71 Double negative, can't Doubt 296, 338 if,doubt 102, 106, 253 Fractions, agreement hardly, Friendly whether, 270 Due 494 verbs, letters (see Social letters) Drawed, 118 140 to, widi 75 Gender defined,56-57 INDEX Inverted order, 58 Gerund, dangling phrase, 330 299 Irregardless, defined,15-16, 57 distinguished JFrom participle, It, impersonal,92 203-204 It, they, indefinite, 91, form, 15-16 Itahcs modifiers of, 15-16 205 Its,it's, object of, 6, 15, 102 before, 103, possessive case Jargon, 278-279 in business 203-204 Glossary,faultyexpressions,292302 grammatical terms, 52-61 Good and well, 137 Graduated from, 270, 298 Grammar defined,57 Guilt by association, 464-465 Kind 92 224-225 (underlining), 431 letters, of, 140 and Less least,137 Let, leave, 299 Letters,capitalization in, 155, 156 (See also expressions, 275- Hackneyed 276, Levels 428 Business letters; Social letters) of usage, 62-64, 239-241 Hardly, misplaced, Hisself,99 427 Honorable, used as title, Hyperbole, 292 Hyphen, 220-222 299 Liable, likely, Library,use of card catalogue, Identical to, identical with, 270 Lie Idioms, 269-271 defined,57 Illogicalconstructions, Like, as, 323 337-338 with Impatient, prepositions,270 mood, 13, 22, 48, 129 Imperative Impersonal construction, 57 Improprieties, 273"274 In, into, 299 In regard to, 271 Incidentally,259 Indexes for research,403-406 Indicative mood, 18-20, 129 Indirect object,5, 98, 106 complement of to be, Infinitive, 102, 107 defined,16 form, 16, 21 modifiers of, 16 objectof, 6, 16, 102 107 of to before, 16 omission split,328 subjectof, 6^ 102, 107 tense of, 125 16 uses, Infinitive phrases,30-32, 34 dangling, 332 57 Inflection, verb, use use and lay, 120 143-144 Linking verb, 11, 24, 58 Listen at, listen to, 270 niques, Listening,propaganda tech462-466 thinking in, 456-459 whom to believe,453-454 Lists,capitalletters in, 153 parallelstructure in, 153, 344 Manuscript form, 396-397 might, 295 Measles, 74 Meet with, 286 up Metaphor, 291 May, Metonymy, Mixed 292 constructions, 337-338 Mixed figuresof speech, Modifiers,adjectivesand 292 verbs, ad- 24-26 danghng, 329-334 defined,58 misplaced, 322-323 overuse of, 283-284 squinting, 323 Mood, 12-13, defined,58 Interjection,57 Intransitive 399-400 of indexes,403-406 of reference books, 401402 129-131 imperative, 13, 22, 48, 129 11, 57 indicative, 12, 18-20, 129 495 INDEX shift in, 131, 349 subjectivecomplement, Ntmiber, defined,58 as subjunctive,13, 22-23, 130131 Most, almost, 300 Myself,himself,10, 98 of nouns, Number, Numbers, subject of verb, as beginning at of 75 tence, sen- 228 calling,463 Namely, punctuation with, 194, Name 198 Nauseous, nauseated, 300 lute Nominative absolute (see Abso- phrase) Nominative case, 4"5 of personal pronouns, of relative pronouns, Non 97, 99 105 sequitur, 458-459 None, 75 agreement with verb, 73, 75 Nonrestrictive modifiers,34, 180-182 Note taking,410-414 Noun clauses,43, 358 Noun phrases, 30-31 Nouns, absolute expression, in abstract,2 adverbial objective, 6, 26 commas use written in written in figures,227-228 words, 228 Object,defined,59 direct,5, 97, 102, 106, 107 of gerund, 6, 15 indirect, 5, 98, 106 of infinitive, 6, 16, 102, 107 of participle, of preposition, 5, 97-98, 106 of verb, 5, 97, 102, 106, 107 Objective case, 5-6 of personal pronouns, 97-99, 102 of relative pronouns, 106-108 Objective complement, 6, 55 Only, misplaced, 323 Other, else, in comparisons, 75, 139, 339 appositive, capitalized, Outhnes, 387-395 capitalization in, of, 4-6, 201-205 collective, 2, 74, 85 152 for research paper, 414-415 457-458 Oversimplification, case common, in, 228 of St, nd, rd after,228 defined,2 in direct as address,5, 178 direct object of verb, 5, 97 foreignplurals,75, 253 gender, 3, 56-57 indirect objectof verb, as kinds of, misused as verbs, 273 number of, as object of gerund, as object of infinitive, 6, 16 of as object participle, as object of preposition,5 as objectof verb, 5, 97 (See also Object) objectivecomplement, 6, 55 as pluralof,3, 75, 251-254 predicate,4, 76 as predicatecomplement, as predicate nominative, proper, as as 496 subjectof infinitive, of subject verb, (See also Subject) Paragraph, 364-382 in business 432^33 letters, dialogue,382 length of, 381-382 in mechanics of, 382 methods of development, 370373 order of details in, 374, 389 proportion of, 381-382 substance of, 369-370 in, 364"367 topic sentence transitional device in, 378-380 Parallel constructions, in lists, 153, 344 in sentences, 342-344 shift in mood, 131 Parallelism defined,59 Paraphrase, 424 Parentheses, 222-223 expressions, 59 punctuated, 177-178, 222-223 Participial phrases,15, 30, 32 avoiding in letters, 429, 452 Parenthetical INDEX dangling, 329-330 14-15 as Participles, adjectives, defined,14, 59 distinguishedfrom gerunds, form of, 13-15, objectof, 6, 102 past, confused personal pronoun 20 with past tense, 117-118 present, 125 of of verb, 13, Past with, tenses 125 voice, defined,12, 61 form, 20-21 tense, confused with past at end of sentence, 271 idiomatic use of, 270 includingnecessary, 320 as objectof, 97-98, of, 143-145 perfect tense, 19, 21, 23 uses of, 123-124 Principal,principle,301 Pronouns, agreement of, with antecedents,84-86, 349 with verbs, 73-74 case of, 8, 97-108, 203, 205 compound, 10, 98 defined, demonstrative,9 320 includingnecessary, indefinite, 10, 73-74, 85-86, usage 217 of sentence, 216 307-308 Periodic sentences, 354 Person, defined,59 of pronouns, 291 Personification, in use, Phrases,adjective,30, 32, adverbial,30, 34 34 danghng, 329-332 defined,29, 60 gerund, 30, 31 Present 91-92 infinitive.30-32, 34, 332 kinds of, 30-34 intensive,10, 84-85 interrogative,9-10, 105-106 misplaced, 322, kinds of, 8-10 323 30-31 noun, 15, 30, 32, participial, 329- 330, 429, 452 position of, 29, 322, 323 prepositional, 30, 32, 34, 71 of, 34, 169-170, punctuation 172-173, 177-178, 180182 restrictive and 34 106 Period, after abbreviations,216end Prepositionalphrase, 30, 32, followingsubject,71 defined,27, 60 Prepositions, pronoun Percent, 217, 228 error ) list of, 27 117-118 participle, uses of, 123-124 Per diem, 284 at 97 as, relative pronoun as, 105 Predicate noun (see Predicate nominative 112-117 Passive 4, 76 Predicate objective, 5, 55 principalpart sequence Predicate,60 24 Predicate adjective, Predicate complement, Predicate nominative, 203-204 as Precis, 422-423 nonrestrictive, 34 personal,8, 97 as predicatenominatives, 97, 105 objects,98, 102 reference of, 91-94 10, 98-99 reflexive, relative, 8, 9, 79, 105 as subjects,73-74, 97 as Pronunciation, 242-244 accent verb, 12, pO,61, 327-328 "Plain folks" technique, 464 ^^ Plan on going, 270 Plural of nouns, 3, 75, 251-254 number Politics, of, 74 Possessive case, and apostrophe,201-205 marks, 243 diacriticalmarks, 242 in dictionaries, 237 tion Propaganda techniques, associawith something pleasant, 462 before gerunds, 103, 203-204 guiltby association,464-65 name calling,463 "plain folks,"464 of pronouns, 465-466 using statistics, 103, 203, 205 497 INDEX Providing that,270 Provincialisms,268 Punctuation, apostrophes,201205 430-431 letters, 197-198 colon, 164-190 comma, 218-219 dash, direct quotations, 208-210 exclamation point, 210, 217 foreignphrases,225 parentheses,222-223 period, 216-217 question mark, 210, 217 semicolon 47, 165, 178, 192in business limitingthe topic, 408-409 outhning, 387-395, 414-415 paragraphs in, 416 revision of, 416 taking notes for,410^13 topics for,407-408 of footnotes, use 412, 417-420 using libraryfor,398-406 Restrictive modifiers, 34, 180182 Reverend, 226, 427 Rewarded,with prepositions,271 Rhyme, Round, 290 139 R.S.V.P., 263 194 titlesof books, plays,etc.,211, Same, 94, 301-302 Seen 224 and 117 saw, Semicolon, cautions Question mark, in use, 193 before conjunctive adverbs,47, 217 quotation marks, 210 Quotation marks, cautions in with 178, 193 use, with coordinatingconjunctions, 208-211 165, 193 before namely, for example, quotations, 208-209 for paragraphs of conversation, 209 placement of, 210 single,209-210 for slang,211 with technical terms, 210 211 in titles, in direct 194 to separate independent clauses with no connecting links,192 in series, 194 Sentence fragments, 307-309 Sentences, balanced, 354 in, Quotations,capitalization choppy, 318 coherence 152, 208 indirect,337 punctuation of,208-209 in, 319, 348-349 complex, 47 compound, 47 compound-complex, 48 Rationalization,457 Readers' Guide, use of, 404, 406 Real, very, 134, 273 Redundancy, 285-286, 294 Reference Relative verb books, 401-406 pronoun, agreement of with, 79 105-108 Repetition for emphasis, 353 Reports, characteristics of, 442case, 444 form of,444-445 gatheringmaterial for,441 plan of, 442 references for, 440 440 types of, Research 398-421 papers, bibliographyfor, 410, 421 choosing topic, 407-409 introductoryparagraph in, 416 498 and subordination in, 350-351 coordination defined,46 308 elliptical, fused,312 337-338 illogical, incomplete,307-308, 319-321 kinds of, 46-48 loose and periodic, 354 rambling, 317 "run-on,"309-311 shift in construction,131, 348349 simple,46 subjectof (see Subject) topic, 364-367 unity in, 316-321 variety in, 355-358 Series,parallelstructure 344 in, 343- INDEX propaganda techniques,426- and tense past reading, 453-454 This here, 140 This kind of, 140 To home, 270 sentence, aid as 131 to graph para- unity, 365 tense, 13, 61, 1"-23, 122-133 to be, 4, 97 defined,364 transitive, 11, 61 imphed, usage, 367 position of, 365-366 Transitional devices, 378-380 Triteness, 275-276 business 428 letters, Try to, try and, 269 Unique, 139 Unity, in paragraphs,364-367 in sentences, 316-321 Unless, without, 144 Usage levels,62-64, 239-241 Variety in sentences, 355-358 Verb phrase, 30 defined, 12, 61 327keeping parts together, 328 Verbals,defined,14, 61 finite verbs compared with, 14 kinds of, 14-16 objectsof, 6, 15, 16, 102, 106, 107 modifiers of, 15-16 Verbs, active, 12, 18-19, 61 with subjects,70agreement 79 vigorous, use of, 281 voice, 12, 18-21, 61, 349 337 imperative, 13, 22, 48, 129 319-320 including necessary, indicative,12, 18-20, 129 intransitive,11, 57 kinds of, 11 linking,11, 24, 58 misused as noans, 273 mood of, 12-13, 58, 129-131 passive, 12, 20-21, 61 principalparts of 13, 112-117 , on, wait for,270 What, 86 92-93 Which, indefinite, Who, which, that,79, 86 Who, whom, 105-108 Whoever, whomever, 108 Whose, who's, 205 Without, unless,144 Wordiness, 285-286 431 in business letters, Wait in jargon, 278-279 Words, colloquial, 240, compound, 268-269 220-221 280-281 and specific, denotation and connotation, concrete 280, 281 direct,simple,278-279 emotional content, 62, 463 284 low) becopulative {see linking, defined,11, 70 definite subject with, 56 finite, 259-267 tests in, 469-476 Voice, 18-21 defined, 12, 61 shifts in, 348 Vulgarisms, 273 foreign expressions, 225, 262, 54 18"23 of, conjugation auxiliary,12, 500 112-131 Vocabulary, development of, verb, 11 defined,61 Transitive in participle, misuse in Topic past of, 117-118 regular and irregular(strong and weak), 13, 14, 112 subjunctive,13, 22-23, 130- 466 frequentlymispronounced,243 245" frequentlymisspelled, 246, 248-251 281 general and specific, glossary of faulty expressions, 292-302 incorrect omission of, 320 order of, 322-323 short, 282-283 of,220-222 syllabification Writing, business letters,425438 "fine,"282-284 reports, 439-445 92 You, indefinite, McGraw-Hillhandbook of Englis main 808S534m2 C.2 15bE D327T bTflfl ^'"'^^a.nfro.UF rcWve ' ***" 1 " " " " * ' ^Z Grammar 24 The Semicolon 25 The Colon Nouns 26 The Pronouns 27 Verbs and Verbals 28 Achievement Adverbs and Adjectives and Prepositions Apostrophe Quotation Marks 29 The tions Conjunc- Tests Period 30 Exclamation and Points QuestionMarks Phrases 31 The Dash Clauses 32 The Hyphen and cation Syllabifi Sentences Glossaryo" Grammatical 33 Parentheses Terms and Brackets 34 Italics 35 Abbreviations Usage 36 Numbers DiagnosticTests Subjectand Verb 10 11 and 12 Pronoun ment Agree- Antecedent 14 Case 15 39 of Pronouns 40 of Pronouns Parts Principal 42 Adjectiveand Adverb age Us- 44 45 19 and Preposition Usage 20 Achievement Spelhng VocabularyGrowth Colloquialisms tion Conjunc- Tests 46 Vulgarisms Improprieties Slang 47 Triteness 48 Jargon and 49 Concrete Capitalization 21 Use Dictionary 43 Idioms 17 Mood 18 of the 41 Provincialisms of Verbs of Verbs 16 Tense 37 Use Word 38 Pronunciation Agreement 13 Reference The of CapitalLetters Specific Words 50 "Fine" Writing 51 Wordiness Punctuation 22 DiagnosticTest 23 The Comma 52 Euphony 53 FigurativeLanguage of Misused Words Glossary 54

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