Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 2

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Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng  English for secretaries: Phần 2

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Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 2, Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 2, Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 2, Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 2, Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 2, Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 2

Ị l I N - H O U S E i C O R R E S P O N D E N C E OBJECTIVES • Knowing well the form of Memo mỉnutes, reports • Talking about amount, figure, report or notice the events Reading and writing the Memo, minutes, report • Getting preciseness and carefulness in work CONTENTS - Topics: VVriting the Memo/minutes, reports - Language: Form of Memo, minutes, reports Repx)rting statements, form of graph & chan, expressions of quantity and amount - Vocabulary : Abbreviations - Skills work: Talking about the facts, rewriting the things happened Translating the Memo, minutes, reports into Vietnamese Writing the memo, minutes, reports in the correct form - FoIlow úp : Filling in the blank 164 l.SNAPSHOT [ME.ừ L, nem oi mtmormia lo be Itratmbtitd gcnittCvc fl|MMM| 1: inỈDÍợtnuilTOCOÍXỈ;ĩ • vihlui rcflDỈndcf sỉ M IDMBMI witaco sóc oi AMuuicciooQr pwpoicd IBBHMMMÌ l a ; MI Mu—Ị địylnnMlicn——t —loi b:amu.trêf BỆ—wtađBB MÚM lót ÌMBỆMBBB qregtoắẾoo o:aoommuQicùcQ thu eeatthH ANCIIM, adviioy, ertataMkpaHttcQanbg, HTÌntnbr v*lgv HCTĨI, pmtat«H>rSìo«eSan>TVatte Arti Talk about these questions Ì What is a memorandum? What should be bom in mind when writing a memorandum? What are important points in a memorandum? What are the parts of a memorandum? The Memorandum or Mcmo is a written íbrm of communication distributed to people within an organization This can be inter-departmental, inter-office or inter-company as a whole - A memo is usually fairly short should include enough so thát the correct iníormation is communicated, bút should nót include anything extra to this - A memo should include the following iníormation: + Who is the memo to ? + Who is the memo from? + What is the subject of the memo? + What is the date? 165 • Rules for writing Memo: - Always keep your reader in mind and adapt your memo to his or ba particular needs - Ten your reader the purpose of your memo át the outset - Let your reader know why he or she should be concernẹd with the issue in question this time - Express your personal or department point of view, bút avoid slanting your assumptions, argument and presentation of opinions CONVERSATION Realizing a Memo ữ Listen and practice A : Can you tell me the differences betvveen a letter and a memorandum? B : Certainly A letter must be sém out of the company and must be mailed or posted A memorandum is a communication within an organization A : Should we use the layout we use for a letter when we write a memorandum? B : No, nót necessary Usually we have a sét form vvhich is printed We just nu in the printed forms and send Ít to the person or the offices concerned in the company A : seems quite easy to write a memorandum Could you show me a sample copy? B : Of course, let me find one for you Memoranda a/ MEMORANDUM From: A White Ref: AW / DES To: Manager, Despatch Dept Dale: May 7, 2003 HARRISON BRQS - THEIR ORDER NO 472 Please examine these barrels, which have been returned to us with a complaint thát they are soiled át the edges because of tom outer urappings ì await your comments 166 b/ MEMORANDUM From: Manager, Dispatch Dept Ref: DES / AW To: A.White Date: May 9,2003 HARRISON BROS - COMPLAINT ì have investigated this complaint, and found thát the wrappings were, in fact, nót úp to our usual standard We are replacing the order Form of MEMO MEMO Date : To : (Persons/ Dép.) From : (Person/ Co.) Subịect: (messages) (signed) MEMORANDUM To: Ref: From: Subject: (messages) Date: 167 Practice AI Read the fol\owing memo and imagine both of you are divisional managers to whom the memo is addressed: Ì, What you think the managing director's aims were in writing the memo? 2, What (if anything) are you expected to as a result of reading ihe memo? MEMORANDUM From : The Managing Director To : Divisional Personnel Managers Subịect: Coffee - Making Facilities Date: 13 th July, 20 There have been a number of comments about the amount of coffee consumed in our company ì nót want to sound as though ì am against coffee-drinking : indeed our personnel consultants have emphasized how important coffee can be if you vvant an efficient and motivated office staff Bút time-saving machines for making coffee exist We can expert a little opposition to the idea if we are nót careíul You can never be sure how the office staff will react They might well take Ít badly In any case, we're thinking of putting in coffee machines Please send me a report BI Translate into Vietnamese: Memo from : Managing Director 27.11.20 To : Heãd of General Administration Department ì see from my diary thát the next Board meeting, January, is the one where we examine the whole question of the provision of secretarial services throughout the fírm, and pinpoint weaknesses or waste of resources is usual for you to collect and generally act as a clearing house for suggestions My own observations which are relevant are as follow: 168 Ì, ì vvish we could replace the photocopier in use in the Buying Department - vvhen ì call for a copy of a document Ít is almost illegible The machine should be replaced by a modern type of plain paper copier Morale seems to be very low in the typing pool ì wonder whether the purchase of a new word processing system with fewer employees doing the same amount of vvork in a more interesting way would nót be an improvement The labor turnover is high, which vvould nót be an relatively easy to implement a change-over ì think ì should have your report in by January to give me time to think over any points beíòre the meeting ì will thereíore mark Ít in my diary as receivable ôn or before thát date Cl Read this memo and complete Ít using the verbs in the box below Fìy take send meet go photK To: From : Re : We Ellen Michael James's visit to the London office (1) Jams ôn Monday, Ì August He (2) to London from Edinburgh ì don't know the exact time of his ílight ì (3) him to check the ílight details He hasn't received a copy of the report yet, so ì (4) him one this aíternoon ì (5) to Frankfurt thát evening, so ì (6) James to the airport for his return ílight MINUTES (ỉ Listen and practice A : Hi, Mary You have been a secretary for several years in this company Could you tell me what a secretary should for a meeting or a coníerence? 169 B : Well, an important part of the duties of a secretary ì think is to well the preparation work for the meeting A : Then what should a secretary to prepare for a meeting? Can you ten me a bít more about Ít? B : Fừst of an, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting Then you should ensure thát those entitled to be present are properly iníormed A : ì see, and how about the documents or the information? B : AU the necessary documents and the iníormation relevant to the meeting should be available, preíerably printed and distributed before the meeting A : And vvhat should a secretary during the meeting? B : Of course she should take minutes A : And after the meeting? B : After the meeting she should type the minutes úp, and keep proper records of the business transacted and the resolutions passed and also implement many of the decision reached át the meeting A : Thank you very much You are very helpíul B : Nót át all Talk about these questions By whom are the minutes ơften prepared? What should a secretary to prepare a meeting or a conference? What are the minutes \vritten for? READING What are there in the minutes? Within most organizations, meeting among members of departments or committees are a regular occurrence Some meetings are held át íĩxed intervals (such as weekly or monthly) and others are called for special reasons Minutes are vvritten record of everything thát transpires át a meeting They are prepared for the company files, for the reference of those in attendance, and for the iníormation of absentees Minutes are prepared by a secretary who takes thorough notes during the proceedings In preparing the minutes, the secretary may include complete versions of statements and papers read át the meeting.(copies are provided by the member involved) 170 Writing minutes is a task thát calls for considerable ability in writing good, clear and concise English The minutes begins with a heading thát states clearly the name of the body thát mét anđ when and where the meeting was held This is followed by a list of those who attended the meeting and, where relevant, the offices they hold Those entitled to attend bút who were unable to so should also be listed separately The overall record of the meeting in question should be allocated a reĩerence number The minutes then record vvhat took place át the meeting, and thereíòre start with a record of the formal business át the beginning of the meeting, the approval and signing of the minutes of the previous meeting and discussion ôn any item in thèm thát calls for future comment A formal record is then kept of all the decisions reached ôn each item listed in the agenda, and át the end of the meeting the secretary should record the time át which Ít closed The minutes of any meeting should contain certain basic facts - the name oi the organization - the place, date, and tìme of the meeting - \vhetherthe meeting is regular (monthly, special, etc.) - the name of the person presiding - a record of attendance (for small meetings - a list of those present or absent, for large meetings - the number of members in attendance) - a reference to the minutes of the previous meeting (a statement thát they were read and either accepted or revised, or thát the reading was dispensed with) - an account of cãi reports, motions, or resolutỉons made (including all necessary details and the results of votes taken) - the date, time and place of the next meeting - the time of adịournment Formal minutes vvould include, in addition to greater detail, the names of ai! those who make and second motions and resolutions, and the voting record or each person present 171 Example : Minutes of the Meeting of the CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE The Foster Lash Company, Inc, October 8, 20 Presiding : Patricia Stuart Present: Jay Townes Sheila Gluck Ellen Franklin Samuel Browne Lisa Woo Absent: Fred Hoffman Gina Marino The weekly meeting of the capitol Improvements Committee of the Foster Lash Company was called to order át 11 a.m in the coníerence room by Ms Stuart The minutes of the meeting of October-1 were read by Mr Tovvnes and approved The main discussion of the meeting concerned major equipment thát should be purchased by the end of the year Among the proposals were these: Ms.Woo presented information regarding three varieties of office copying machines Ôn the basic of her cost analysis and relative períbrmance statistics, Ít vvas decided, by majority vote, to recommend the purchase of a CBM X - 12 copier Mr Brovvne presented a request from the secretarial staff for new typewriters Several secretaries have complained of major and frequent breakdoxvns of their old machines Ms Franklin and Mr Brone are lo further investigate the need for nevv typewriters and prepare a cost comparison of new equipment versus repairs 172 The committee vvill discuss the advisablity of purchasing a small inhouse computer The report will be presented by Sheila Gluck át the next meeting, to be held ôn Octorber 15 2003 át 11 a.m in the conference room The meeting adjourned át 11:45 a.m Respectíully submitted Ellen Franklin, Secretary LANGUAGE STUDY VVays of reporting in the minutes Indirect speech Somebody + V (simple past) thát clause V-ing to infinitive Reporting statements said explained thát plastic bottles are easy to use He pointed out told him Reporting suggestions suggested She recommended using glass bottles Reporting commands She told him ị to get a quote from some suppliers Practice AI Match what people said to how tí is reported ì Why don't vve use colored glass? Could you find out the prices for blue and green glass? ì don't think that's a very good idea You can't see what's in the bottles 173 10 VVriting a Dick Bonette from PRT called about the annual report Please call him today át 434-544-9734 b Marsha Weiss from Honda called She has gót your fax She will call again before 5:00 c Hai Davis called Please call him (any time before midnight) to coníĩrm Saturday's golf game His new phone number is 212-725-3438 d Steve C asey ííom c c s Security Systems called He wants to meet you this week to show you their product range He will can again e Jill called She will meet you tomorrow át the usual place Unitổ VVorkbook: li Hello, Waterman International Mr.Waterman's office I'm aíraid there's nobody in the office át the moment, bút i f you leave your name and number, Mr Waterman will get back to you as soon as possible Please speak after the tone Thank you 3/ 1-a: say + dừect quotation 2-b: suggest + Verbing 3-b: ten + object 4-a: Point out thát + Verbing 5-b: recommend + verbing 6-a: agree to + verb 4/ a-5 b-7 c-1 d-3 e-8 f-4 g-2 h-6 6/ l.dialed extension troubled radio-pager dừectory stand checked coníirm problems 10 appointment li Ì her thát my ílight arrives át p.m ôn Tuesday? Would you ask her to meet me in the International Arrivals zone? 399 ask him if ì can borrovv his video game, ask him when ì should pick Ít úp? you ten him thát the class reunion is ôn Saturday át 8p.m ? Can you tcll him nót to íorget his camera? you ask Jenny i f she's going to the movie tonight? You ask her when Ít starts? tell her to call me Unit7 sure deĩinitely 1'm sure I'm convinced certainly I'm certain nót sure might perhaps maybe may could almost sure probably it's likely thát Practice: B/ Ì recognize, away itinerary, appointments diary tied úp attend objectives, describe, services delegate smoothly loudspeakers 10 checklist C/l-a2-c 3-b4-b 5-a6-c making having doing leaving visiting Workbook: li 400 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-c 5-b 6-a 3/ Ì today tomorrow the day after tomorrovv this Friđay this vveekend next Thursday the Tuesday after next 5/ announcement schedule lunch apology preference state complaint reíerence describe 10 prepare ll.delay 12 arrive 13 recommendation 14 please 15 transmit 16 departure Unit8 training sessions requirements provide full board Ì Can ì help you? to book a seat ôn a flight ôn aíternoon ílight suitable single quotation fully booked in late aíternoon of the 2' M U 763 Follow ú p : l-f 2-b 3-g 4-j 5-a 8-1 9-i 10-c 11-h 12-e 6-k 7-d Workbook: Ì/ double departure airlines, convenient 4.scheduleđ check-in apartment facilities kept arrangements, hearing 10 locally, prefer 2/ 1-a 2-c 3-b 4-b 5-a 6-c 5/ Ì We might visit Sao Paulo ôn the way home The goods should reach you by the end of the week You should get a good discount from the car company The discount will be bigger i f you order over 1000 units The reference number should be át the tóp of the page He w i l l ring you before 12 tomorrow Ì He asked if/whether you were satisfied with the discount He wanted to know why we hadn't delivered his order He wanted to know what the discount would be They wanted to know i f the order was f i r m 8/ 402 He asked me vvhat the reíerence number was He inquired i f there was a bigger discount for larger orders She asked me where ì had filed the records He wondered when the goods would reach thèm He asked me i f we expect to receive the goods soon 10 She wanted to know whether ì had booked my ílight vét 11 She vvondered i f she could pay by credit card 12 He vvanted to know where the goods would be delivered Unit9 Practice: c/ r u have Ít checked r u have Ít fĩxed r u have thèm forwarded r u have Ít sent r u have thèm displayed át once r u have thèm brought down Word power: 3-d 4-h 5-f 1b 2-g Listening: 2-e A/l-c a,d,e B/l.b,c,f 6-c 7-e 8- Workbook: li chipped íurniture glass pitcher scratched car furniture cracked glass pitcher pipe stained carpet collar tablecloth dented car pipe leaking car glass pitcher pipe tom carpet collar tablecloth 5/ Pin soưy We should Pm sorry We should I'm sorry We should I'm sorry We should have labeled thèm coưectly have told you about thát have checked your order have given you more exact information I'm sorry We should have reserved a table (for you) I'm sorry We should have put one in the box 6/ is nót designed is credited are connected is deducted are told are wanted is Ít aimed are charged is nót put 10 is taken 7/ Ì ì have my suits made in London We are going to have 5,000 new catalogues printed They are having a new office designed ì have had these íigures checked You should have the photocopier mended We had the new íurniture delivered yesterday / (Sample ansvver only) A lót of the windows were broken, and the carpets and curtains were ruined when the fưemen were trying to put the blaze out Luckily the money in the safe wasn't destroyed, bút ãil the work ì had ôn the computer was lost One of the íĩremen gót hun, bút luckily Ít wasn't serious and he didn't need to go to hospital UnitlO: REVỈEW 2/ caliing moment 404 see hold the line ringup in each, after back 7/ 1-d 2-e 3-b 4-f attend the coníerence enclose my registration form book a room reserve a table REFERENCE BOOKS Andrew Littlejohn - "Company to Company"- Nhà xuất Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - 2000 British Council- "Business letter for all"- Oxford University Press B Jean Naterop & Rod Revell- "English for Secretaries & Telephoning in English " -Oxford & Cambridge University Presses- Nhà xuất trẻ- 2000 Vicki Hollett - "Business objectives"- Oxford University Press, 2000 TS Dương văn Khảm, Nguyễn Hữu Thời, Thạc sĩ Trần Hoàng "Nghiệp vụ Thư Ký văn phòng"- Nhà xuất trị quốc gia -2002 John Thomas French - 'Toa're in business"- NXB Đồng Nai, 2000 Lê Huy Lâm - Phạm Văn Thuận - "Tiếng Anh đàm thoại dành cho Nữ thư ký" -Nhà xuất Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh- 2002 Lê Minh cẩn - "Cẩm nang Thư tín thương mại đại"- Nhà xuất Đồng Nai-2001 Nguyễn Trung Tánh - "Practical English for Secretaries" -Nhà xuất Thành phố HCM - 2002 10 Nick Brieger Anthony Cornish - "Secretarial contacts"- Nhà xuất trẻ- 1996 11 Như Hà, Hồng Oanh - "Office English " - Nhà xuất Mũi Cà mau - 2001 12 Nguyền Trùng Khánh - "T iếng Anh dành cho nhân viên văn phòng" -Nhà xuất Đà nang- 1999 13-Nguyễn Trọng Đàn "International sentences"-Nhả xuất Thống kê- 1998 Trade correspondence model 14 Nguyễn Trọng Đàn - "The Language of Business Correspondence in English" - Nhà xuất giáo dục- 1997 15 Nguyễn Thành Yến - "Mẫu cáu đàm thoại dành cho Thư ký văn phòng" - Nhà xuất Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh- 2003 16 Nguyền Thành Yến - "Spoken English/or Office staff -Nhà xuất Thành phố HCM -2002 406 17 Nguyễn Thành Yến - "Luyện viết thư tín E-mail Fax bàng tiếng Anh " - Nhà xuất Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh- 2003 18 Rosemary Palstra -"Telephone English"- Nhà xuất Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - 1996 19 Intemet http: // http: // http: // 407 C o n t e n t s INTRODUCTION PAGE UNIT 1: MEETING OFFICE STAFF Page VOCABULARY/ TOPICS LANGUAGE PRONUNCIATION Job litles / the Introduction Wh-questions & statements with be, Alphabets &Greetings, names and jobOrdinary verbs át simple present titles tense SKILLS WORK Checking personal iníormation Talking about one's job or job titles Reading about some different greeting customs Writing a personal proíĩle UNIT 2: ÁT THE OFFICE Page 26 VOCABULARY/ TOPICS LANGUAGE SKILLS WORK PRONUNCIATION Work place, Adverbials of Stationery and office Listening and talking about stationery, place, Iníinitives equipments / the place of things and the describing the and Gerunds consonants & use oi office equipments functions of intonation Reading about the office instructions ôn stationery equipments and office equipments Writing the location oi some places in your city UNIT 3: RECEIVING VISITORS Page 43 TOPICS LANGUAGE VOCABULARY/ SKILLS VVORK PRONUNCIATION VVould you like Topical vvords, Welcoming Making offer> and requests ? Would you visilors, /1 /, / i: / and sentence Reading aboul the stress making offers mind ? Expressions to or requests forms of communication vvelcome visitors Writing the situalional dialogue to welcome guests 408 UNIT 4: PHONE CALLS Page 60 VOCABULARY/ SKILLS WORK LANGUAGE TOPICS PRONUNCIATION Making a phone-call or Polite requests, ưsing nouns in Telephone asking to hold ôn, groups, vowel - u -, ansvvering the phone, language, word linking requesting a person or making contact accepting or services reíusing and permission Reading about the exchanging telephone speaking tips iníormation UNIT 5: REVIEW Page 78 ti UNTT 6: TELEPHONE MESSAGES Page 85 VOCABULARY/ LANGUAGE TOPICS PRONUNCIATION Collocations, The Taking or WU1 for spontaneous vowel /a/, word stress giving messages, decision, forms of passing the messages, reported iníòrmation speech SKILLS WORK Suggesting the iníormation needed in messages, giving messages with past or íuture actions, passing messages ôn to others Reading about the telephone message Writing the messages UNIT 7: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Page 103 TOPICS LANGUAGE VOCABULARY/ SKILLS WORK PRONUNCIATION Timetables, Present simple, Scale of probability / Asking, accepting, diaríes, Present sentence stress declining, making or arrangement, progressive, confưming the fixing a time expressions to fìx appointment, a time Reading about the possible íuture trends in vvorking conditions VVriting a diary 409 UNIT 8: RESERVATIONS Page 121 TOPICS LANGUAGE VOCABULARY/ PRONUNCIATION Making The future Topical words / reservations continuous tense, contractions SKILLSWORK Making accepting OI refusing requests, coníiiming the reservation Readine the advertisement UNIT 9: DEALING WITH PROBLEMS Page 138 VOCABULARY/ LANGUAGE SKILLS WORK TOPICS PRONUNCIATION Appliances / sound of Describing the problems, Complaints, Passive voice, complaining, expressions of apologizing dealing with gíving apologies & handling problems solutions complaints Reading about how to complain Writing the solution 10 UNIT 10: REVIEW Page 154 l i UNIT11:INTOPICS Writing the memos, minutes, reports HOUSE CORRESPONDENCES Page 164 LANGUAGE SKILLS WORK VOCABULARY Reporting Abbreviations Talking about the facts, statements, form rewriting things happened of graph & chan, Translating the memos, expressions of minutes, reports quantity and \Vriting these ones in the amount correct form 12 UNIT 12: ENVELOPES AND LETTER PARTS Page TOPICS LANGUAGE VOCABULARY Letter form, Addressing Countries and envelopes, letter Capitals, Salutation envelopes, letter parts, layouts and ending letter layout 410 182 SKILLS WORK Talking about the letter layouts, lener pans Reading and Iranslating those letters Writing letters and addressing an envelope in the correct form V 13 L'NIT 13: SOCIAdL I.KTTERS Paee 200 VOCABULARY LANGUAGE TOPICS Adjectives Expressioos of Letiers of Congratulalion congratulation, thanks sympaihy Thanks Fonn of Condolence, Invitations Invitations SKILLS WORK Thanking sb for sth, congratulating ôn others, inviting sb to somewhei'e, sympathizing with others Undcrstanding and translating all the given letters Writing letters in the correct form 14 LINH 14: REVIEVV Page 215 15 LINH' 15: BUSINESS LETTERS Page 219 VOCABULARY LANGUAGE TOPICS Making requests, Word partnerships Letlers of inquiry, orders, statements complaints SKILLS WORK Talking about the goods wanted, placing orders, complaints, Reading and translating some of those letters Writing those letters with correct expressions 16 UNIT 16: ELECTRONIC CORRESPONDENCES Page 237 SKILLS \VORK VOCABULARY LANGUAGE TOP1CS Talking about how to write Abbreviations Form oi Telegrams, Telegrdms, Telex, Fax, E-mail Telegrams, telex, telex Fax, Reading and translating Fax, E-mail E-mail those letters VVriting thèm in the correct form L 17 UNIT 17: REVIEVV Page 246 (ĩlossary page 253 Appendix page 282 VVork book page 313 Tape-scripts page 383 Key section page 388 Reference books page 406 411 \ N H À XUẤT BẢN H À N Ộ I - T Ố N G D U Y TÂN, Q U Ậ N H O À N KIÊM, H À N Ộ I Đ T : (04) 8252916, 8257063 - F A X : (04) 8257063 ỉGIÁO TRÌNH /ỉ x a TIÊNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH THƯ KÝ VĂN PHÒNG NHÀ XUẤT BẢN HÀ NỘI - 2005 Chịu trách nhiệm xuất NGUYỄN KHẮC OANH Biên tập PHẠM QUỐC TUẤN Bìa VĂN SÁNG Kỹ thuật vi tính HẢI YẾN Sửa in PHẠM QUỐC TUẤN PHẠM GIA MINH In 430 cuốn, khổ 17x24cm Công ty cổ phần in Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội Quyết định số: 154 - 2006/CXB/603GT - 15/HN In xong nộp lưu chiếu quý III/2006 [...]... Holidays 181 North St LondonWlM2FW TeI0181-676 9096 Fax0181-676 922 2 Ms Margareta Lindell, Slottsberget 26 , Goteborg 41803, Svveden Your ref: Our ref FH / ts í Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of the nineteenth of May nineteen hundred and ninety-five ì have pleasure in sending you our brochure with details of ai! our holidays ì look íbrvvard to hearing from you 20 01, May 23 rd Best vvishes Sales Manager... Formal or routine Dear Sừ, Dear Sirs, Dear Madam, Mesdames, Yours faithfullỵ Informal Dear Mr Brown, Dear Miss Smith, Yours sincerely, Yours truly Personal (informal) Dear Jim, Best wishes, Yours, 194 lo READING Letter of application A/ 34 -28 6 BÁCH DANG STR - H A I PHONG CITY T E L 0 32 440168 18June, 20 03 Personnel Manager Hoang Long Trade Co 7638 Ngó quyen-Hanoi Dear Sir, ì should like to apply for. .. College this summer My mạịor is English for Secretaries, and ì have been working as a receptionist in the Song Hông Hotel for tvvo years ì can speak a little Japanese ì can supply references if required, and am able to come for an intervievv any afternoon after 4 o'clock Yours faithfully, Phuong Lan 195 B/ Hoang long trade company 7638 ngó quyên - hanoi Tel 04 54 321 1 12 July ,20 03 Miss Phuong Lan Bách Dang... code London Leadenhal 17 CA 24 75 Turin A Dipleto 777 00 24 25 Zurawia 32- 34 LP3 321 368 20 48 Rolimpex Poland Warsawa Hoover House Ltd Singapore Singapore East Road 7 LETTER PARTS How to vvrite and layout a letter 189 ữ Listen and practice: A : Hi, Mary I'm reading a book ôn letter vvriting Look, this is the layout of a business letter Bút ì don't know what all these parts mean For example, here, the heading... sắp xếp, trình bày phần tựa đẩu viết địa chi người viết lời chào phần chính của lá thư khen ngợi đóng, kết thúc chữ ký giấy, vãn phòng phẩm in bao gồm, gồm có từ viết tắt khoảng cách giữa hai hàng chữ mơ hồ, không rõ ràng thiết yếu dấu hai chấm riêng tư mục đích chân thành thành thực, chân thành cá nhân dẫn đến, đưa đến không đọc được vị trí nhân viên / nhân sự chức vụ, vị trí địa phương chuyên môn,... Services Inc 82 West 10'" Street San Francisco, Calif, 27 044 USA How can you understand alỉ above enveỉopes Read the following envelope and then ansvver the questions FLANAGAN"S DEPARTMENT STORE 122 07 Sunset Strip Los Angeles, CA 91417 Registed May Attention:Ms Tery Roberts Ketchum Collection Agency 126 7 Hollywood Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 91401 TheUSA 1 Who is the sender of the letter? 2 Who is the... Lan Bách Dang Str Hai Phong city Dear Miss Lan, ĩntervievv for the Post of Secretary ì am pleased to iníorm you thát you have been selected for an interview for the above position The intervievv will be held át the Personnel Office, Rm 20 5, in our company ôn 25 July át 4:15 p.m Would you please confirm, by telephone, thát you will be available for this interview? Yours sincerely Minh Toan Personnel Mana°er... vvelcome Example: (1) F Lynch Co Ltd 15 Newell Str Birmingham B3 3EL UK (2) 25 Oct. ,20 (3) Our ref: LC/dt Your ref: (4) Tocontap 36 Ba Trieu Str Hanoi Vietnam (5) Attn: Mrs Thu Dung (6) Dear Sirs, 191 (7) Re: order No T D 5644 (8) Thank you very much for your enquiry vvhich we received today I'm enclosing our catalogue and price-list for the clothes you said you were interested in ì would like to draw... fill in the blanks A : Hi, Mary B : Hi, Li Minhua A : ì was just (Ì) if you could do me a (2) B : Certainly What can ì do for you? A : Pin vvriting a (3) B : What are you applying for a job or (4) A : Well, ì read an (5) the United States offers (6) to go B : Do you want (7) ? In an English nexvspaper A college in for secretaries, and I'd like there this summer? A : Yes Fd love to Could you help me to... 5.00 5.00 6.00 Number of times 6 5 8 8 10 37 Total Total cost hours 15 $168.75 14 $157.50 17 $ 127 .50 $135.00 18 21 $189.00 85 $777.75 The cost of hiring a clerical assistant for 35 hours a week át $4 .25 an hour would be $148.75 or $595.00 and 140 hours a month This would save the company approximately $1 82. 75 yet provide an additional clerical hours 8 READING Alice Everett has prepared a draít of the ... ME 15 Q p Tel: (01 622 )6 722 61 Fax: (01 622 )750653 yoshi watenable 2- 9-9 shinjuku, shinjuku-ku toyko 160 japan 23 February 20 03 dear yoshi we would like to invite you to join us for the annual sales... 181 North St LondonWlM2FW TeI0181-676 9096 Fax0181-676 922 2 Ms Margareta Lindell, Slottsberget 26 , Goteborg 41803, Svveden Your ref: Our ref FH / ts í Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of the... (n): coníìrm ( v ) : available (adj): xếp, trình bày phần tựa đẩu viết địa chi người viết lời chào phần thư khen ngợi đóng, kết thúc chữ ký giấy, vãn phòng phẩm in bao gồm, gồm có từ viết tắt

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2016, 19:22

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