Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 1, Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 1, Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 1, Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 1, Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành thư ký văn phòng English for secretaries: Phần 1
Trang 2V
Trang 3L ờ i g i ớ i t h i ê u
A Tước ta dang bước vào thời kỳ công nghiệp hóa, hiện
Ì V đại hóa nhằm dưa Việt Nam trở thành nước công nghiệp văn minh, hiện đại
Trong sự nghiệp cách mạng to lớn đó, công tác đào tạo nhân lực luôn giữ vai trò quan trọng Báo cáo Chính trị của Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam tại Đại hội Đảng toàn quốc lần thứ IX đã chỉ rõ: "Phát triển
giáo dục và đào tạo là một trong những động lực quan trọng
thúc đẩy sự nghiệp công nghiệp hóa, hiện đại hóa, là điều
k i ệ n để phát triển nguồn lực con người - yếu t ố cơ bản để phát triển xã h ộ i , tăng trưởng kinh t ế nhanh và bền vững"
Quán triệt chủ trương, Nghị quyết của Đảng và Nhà nước
và nhận thức đúng đắn về tầm quan trọng của chương trình, giáo trình đối với việc nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo, theo đề nghị của Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Hà Nội, ngày 23/9/2003, Uyban nhân dân thành phô Hà Nội đã ra Quyết định số 5620IQĐ-UB cho phép Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo thực hiện đề
án biên soạn chương trình, giáo trình trong các trường Trung học chuyên nghiệp (THON) Hà Nội Quyết định này thể hiện
sự quan tâm sâu sắc của Thành ủy, UBND thành phố trong việc nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo và phát triển nguồn nhân lực Thủ đô
Trên cơ sở chương trình khung của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo ban hành và những kinh nghiệm rút ra từ thực tế dào tạo
Sỏ Giáo dục và Đào tạo đã chỉ đạo các trường THON tổ chức biên soạn chương trình, giáo trình một cách khoa học hệ
Trang 4thống và cập nhật những kiến thức thực tiễn phù hợp với đối tượng học sinh THCN Hà Nội
Bộ giáo trình này là tài liệu giảng dạy và học tập trong các trường THON ở Hà Nội, đồng thời là tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích cho các trường có đào tạo các ngành kỹ thuật - nghiệp
vụ và đông đảo bạn đọc quan tâm đến vấn đề hướng nghiệp, dạy nghề
Việc tổ chức biên soạn bộ chương trình, giáo trình này
là một trong nhiều hoạt động thiết thực của ngành giáo dục
và đào tạo Thủ đô để kỷ niệm "50 năm giải phóng Thù đô ",
"50 năm thành lập ngành " và hướng tới kỷ niệm "1000 năm Thăng Long - Hà Nội"
Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Hà Nội chân thành cảm en Thành
ủy, UBND, các sỏ, ban, ngành của Thành phố, Vụ Giáo dục chuyên nghiệp Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, các nhà khoa học, các chuyên gia đầu ngành, các giảng viên, các nhà quản lý, các nhà doanh nghiệp đã tạo điều kiện giúp đỡ, đóng góp ý kiến, tham gia Hội đồng phản biện, Hội đồng thẩm định và Hội đồng nghiệm thu các chương trình, giáo trình
Đây là lẩn đầu tiên Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Hà Nội tổ chức biên soạn chương trình, giáo trình Dù đã hết sức cố gắng nhưng chắc chắn không tránh khỏi thiếu sót, bất cập Chúng tôi mong nhận được những ý kiến đóng góp của bạn đọc để từng bước hoàn thiện bộ giáo trình trong các lần tái bản sau
Trang 5I N T R O D U C T I O N
English for Secretarỉes is a speaking, listening, reading and vvriting
course for learners who are either in or training for the posts as secretaries or personal assistants
The materials are designed for learners át the pre-intermediate level or above The course covers the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and vvriting, as well as improving pronunciation and building vocabulary Particular emphasis is placed ôn speaking and vvriting The primary goal of the course is
to teach communicative competence, thát is, the ability to communicate in English according to the situation, purpose, and roles of the participants in secretarial contexts
The course spreads in the two last semesters in the college with 180 classes
The Student's book contains 13 units and 4 review units Each unit has a
language study vvhich highlights and practices language appropriate to the secretarial world, as follow:
Secretarial jobs and duties
The listening and reading materials are based around:
Trang 6Face-to-face dialogues
Telephone calls
Topical iníbrmation
Memos, letters, minutes, reports
The writing activities give practice in the formulation of letters, memos, minutes, reports, and E-mail
The practical exercise in each unit are grouped into two topical and íunction sections These sections are referred to as "cycles" in the teaching notes
The workbook provides a variety of exercises thát develop students'
proficiency with the grammar, vocabulary and skills work presented in the Student's Book The vvorkbook can be used for homework
The Audio Cassettes are for use in the classroom They contain
natural-sounding recording of the conversations, Pronunciation exercises and Listening activities in the Student's Book
AI Each main unit contains:
Snapshot: The snapshols present interesting iníòrmation or pictures thát introduce the topic of a unit There are also some questions relating to unit topical discussion
Conversation: The conversations introduce the grammar in a communicative context and present íunctional and conversational expressions
Language study: The grammar is presented with new íunctions thát is followed by controlled and free communicative practice activities
Word povver: The word po\ver activities develop learners' vocabulary through a variety of interesting tasks or collocation exercises
Pronunciation: These focus ôn important íeatures of spoken English including stress, intonation reductions
Listening: The listening activities develop a wide variety of listenino skills, including listening for details, inferring meaning from contexts choosino False or T r ú c
Readỉng: The readings develop a variety of reading skills, includino reading for details, skimming and making inferences Sometimes translation of letters, memos, reports provides better understanding
Trang 7Writing: The writing exercises include practical writing task thát extend and reiníorce the teaching points in the unit
Especially, in business letters and routine correspondences, learners must follow the rule of vvriting
BI Each revievv unit contains:
We hope thát you will like using English for Secretaries and find Ít usefuỊ,
interesting Our goal is to provide teachers and students with activities thát make the English class a time to look forward to and, át the same time, provide students with the skills they need to use English outside the classroom, for their future jobs as well
Please let us know how you enjoy Ít and gocxi luck !
Trang 8M E E T I N G O F F I C E S T A F F
• Use wetl the questions and statements with the verb "TO BE", Ordinary verbs át Simple present tense
• Check and exchange personal information about names, jobs or positions in the hierarchy
• Be friendly wỉth others
- Topics: Greetings, introductions, names and job titles
- Language: Wh-questions and statements with be, Ordinary verbs át
simple present tense
- Vocabulary / pronunciation: Job titles, the Alphabets
- Skills work:
Listening and checking personal iníòrmation
Greetings, introducing and identiíying yourself or someone else
Talking about one's jobs or job titles
Reading about some different greeting customs
Writing a personal profíle
- Follow úp: Make a conversation,
Listen and complete the dialogue (VCD)
Trang 9What is another lìrst name for a male in English? for a female?
Wha[ is your íavorite first name in English?
Lisl some popular names in your country
Trang 102 CONVERSATION I - l - M * «1 t
Introducing yourselí
A : Good morning, vou must be Mr Silver's new secretary
B : That's right My name is Kathleen Devvitt, bút everyone calls me Kathỵ
A : Wclcome to Diamond I'm Annette Carlson You can call me Annctte
B : What do you do?
A : I'm the Office Manaaer r u sho\v you around and introduce you to a fe\v people
B : Thank you
A : First of all, there's vour desk over there
B : Ôn the left?
A : That's right Whv don't you look through Ít?
B : Okay
A : See if there's anvthing else you need beĩore ì take you to the sioreroom
Trang 11Group work
Make a List of names and nicknames fòr your group Introduce yourself with your full name Use the expressions above
Introducing someone
Personnel Manager: Good morning, everyone Can ì have a few moments
of your time? ĩd like to int?(5iuce a new member of
staff Fừst things fừst, rđ like to intrcxluce you to our
Office Manager Your'U be spending today and tomorrow with her
Pleased to meet you, my name's Christine Adams How do you do? I'm Hilary Beach am
Hilary Let me introduce you two Mr Brown, this
Trang 12Personnel Manager: George is Mrs Everett's personal Assistant He'U be
showing you how everything works beíòre he leaves
us át the end of the week and you take his place Let's move ôn, shall we? Hilary, this is Helen Wright Hello, Hilary How are you doing?
Fine, thanks, Helen
You know each other, do you?
Yes, very well Helen is one of my best íríends Anyway, as you probably know, Helen is one of the secretaries And Miss Hobday
Where are you from? Ym fram ửfr
What's her name? Her name is
Where is she from? She's from
Where are you from? We're from
What are their names? Theứ names are
Where are they from? They are from
Introducing yourself or someone
Introductions between speakers normally follow a number of steps, as follows:
ai ỉntroducing and identi/ying yoursel/
Formal: How do you do? I'm
How do you do? My name's
Iníormal : Hello, my name's
bi Replying to introductions and identifying yourseự
Formal: How do you do? Pm
How do you do? My name's
Pleased to meet you My name's
I n ĩ o r m a l : Hello, my name's
Nice to meet you My name's
Trang 13cl Introducing someone else
Formal: Fd like to introduce you to
Can ì introduce you to ?
Iníormal: Let me introduce you two , this is
this is
AI Complete these dialogues as requirements
ỉ Greet your boss when you meet him in the evening
Mr Simmons How are you?
Very well, thank you ?
2 Introduce your boss a customer
to introduce you to Mr Hampshire
Pleased to meet you, Askvvith, Susan Askvvith
3 Iníroduce a friend to anotherỷriend
7 Introduce your boss to a client
Let , Mr Bryce Mr deưy
BI Ending a conversation
Here are some different ways of ending a conversation
1 A: Well, Ít was very nice talking to you
B: Yes, we must meet again sometime
A: Thát vvould be great Here's my card Maybe we can get together next time you're in town
B: ì hope so And here's my card
Trang 142 A: Well, Ít was great to see you again, Harry
B: Yes And we should gel together again soon How about lunch next week?
A: Thát would be great Give me a cai] át the office, and we'll arrange a time
B: Fine See you next week, Frank
3 A: Your new product sounds very interesting Could you send me a price list?
B: Yes, of course Fm very sorry, bút would you excuse me? ì have to make an urgent phone call
A: Certainly
In which dỉalogue(s):
a Do A and B know each other well?
b Does A decide to end the conversation?
c Does B decide to end the conversation?
d Is B impolite? Why?
c ỉ Continuing a conversation
Match each question with the best repỉy The first one is done for you
ã What do you think of Tokyo?
b How often do you travel abroad?
c Are you going to be here long?
d Is this your íĩrst trip to Japan?
e Do you know Harvey Hillips in sales?
f Where are you staying?
g It's an interesting conference, isn't Ít?
h Can ì get you a reíĩll?
Ì Yes, extremely interesting
2 Thank you
3 Át the Sheraton
4 Yes, very vvell
5 It's a very interesting place
6 No, ì was here last year
7 Just five days
8 Once or twice a year
Trang 15Assistant General Manager
Production Department
Finance Department
Personnel Department
Production Manager
Finance Director
Personnel Manager
3 secretaries 1 secretary 2 secretaries 1 secretary
When ỵou want to classiýy someone in a company, you can do according to:
- Their responsibility
- Their position in the hierarchy
Trang 16
Their job specification
- Their location
Here is some of the language you use Ịor each ofthe four areas:
ai Responsibility
He is responsible for the Finance Department
She looks a/ter Production
bi Position in the hierarchy
She works for the Personnel Manager
He works under Judith Walker
She works with Samantha Wolf (át the same level)
c/ Job speciýỉcatìon
He is the Managing Director
She works as Personal Assistant
di Location
She works in the Personnel Department
They are in the Finance Department
Simple present tense
Pm a secretary, and ì have a high salary I/You He/She
She works for Thomas Cook Travel teach teaches She's a guide She takes people ôn tours do does
Trang 17Practice
AI Fill in the blank:
Ì Judith Walker works as Personal Assistant
2 Paul Cummins the Financial
3 Jane Margraves the Personnel Director
4 Tvvo secretaries Daniel Harkin in the
5 Alice Everett to the Managing Dừector
6 Michael Stott the production
7 Hilary Beach am in the Department
8 Paul Cummins looks the Department
BI These people all work for Acme International What department do
you think each person works in?
Ị'm responsible for
invoicing our customers
Ị'm in charge of the training programme
Whiclí departments do these people work in?
Personnel Manager
Plant Manager Chief Accountant Sales Manager
Accounts Clerk Credit Controller Maintenance Offícer
After-sales Clerk Quality Controller Purchasing Offĩcer
Pay Clerk Sales Representative Recruitment Officer
Export Clerk Technician Training Offĩcer
Trang 20For a free quotation, phone Address:
Number : Street:
Meeting and Greeting Customs
There are many different greeting customers around the world Here are some
People usually shake hands when they meet for the first time When two women first meet, they sometimes give one kiss ôn the cheek (They actually
kiss the (từ) Women also greet both male and female
íriends with a kiss Cjilean men give their friends
warm abraios (hugs) or sometimes kiss women ôn the cheek
Kinland Finns greet each other with a firm handshake Hugs and kisses are only for close íriends and family
Trang 21The Philippines The everyday greeting for friends is a handshake for both men and women Men sometimes pat each other ôn the back
Korea Men bovv slightly and shake hands to greet each other Women do nót usually shake hands To address someone vvith his or her full name, the family name comes first, then the first name
The United States
People shake hands when they are first introduced Friends and family members often hug , ^ ",^rr ^ or kiss ôn the cheek vvhen they see each other In these
aassssssssBSB I,'.'=i situations, men often kiss vvomen bút nót other men According to the article, in which country or countries are the following true?
Check (V) the correct boxes
Chile Kinland The
Philippines Korea
u s
every time they meet
shake hands
first meeting
other ôn the back
comes first
Trang 22Pair work
How do these people greet each other in your counỉry ?
- Two male ữiends
- A male and female friend
- Two strangers
- Tvvo female íriends
Complete the foììowingform
You pay only AUD$4.96 per issue instead of AUD$6.20
Please vvrite in BLOCK CAPITALS
ì wish to pay by:
Cheque c Mastercard ì Visa [
Trang 23You arrive át the
Ask another person át the conference vvhat their job
Name four countries you want to visit
ôn holiday
Introduce yourself to another person át the conference w
Ask another person át the conference vvhat their job
Name four countries you want to visit
ôn holiday
You see an old friend Greet him/her
Name three Ask another countries person where which begin w they come
letter "B"
Ask another Name tvvo Ask another person about countries where person about their family w you bow when w their hobbies
you meet and interests
languages division they your new
work in friends
B I Complete the following dialogue and then ỉisten to the VCD, check Ít
David: (3) ?
Jane : Yes, ì can use Windows and Excel
David: (4) ? Jane: Yes, 50 \vords per minute
Trang 24- ì think we haven't mét each other beíore, have we?
- Aren't you Miss ?
- We mét the other night át a dinner
- I'm very glad lo see you again
- Delighted to meet you, Miss
- Have you mét Mr Chen, our manager?
- No, ì haven't had the pleasure
- Let me introduce M ĩ Chen to you
- VVelcome to our company
- Thát is Michael Jones Mĩ Bro\vn
- How long have you been working here?
sản phàm thương mại, bán
cuộc họp, hội nghị buổi tiếp tàn
biêu đồ
lổ chức
Giám đốc điều hành
Trợ lý tổng giám đốc phòng tiếp thị
phòng sán xuất
phòng tài chính phòng nhân sự
Trường phòng sản xuất
Trang 25- Finance Director: Giám đốc tài chính
- Personnel Manager: Truông phòng nhân sự
- responsibility: trách nhiệm
- hierarchy: hệ thống cấp bậc
- Personal Assistant: trợ lý riêng
- training program: chương trình đào tạo
- structure: cấu trúc, cơ cấu
Trang 262
• Naming the office equipments and stationery
Using well the adverbs of place, infinitives and gerunds
• Talking about the use of office equipments and the place things are put
Listening and understanding the ỉnstructions ôn something in offíce
• Developing the carefulness in work
- Reading about the instructions ôn stationery and office equipments
- Writing about the location of some places in your city
- Follow ú p : Using the correct verb íbrm
Listening and practicing the dialogue (VCD)
Trang 271 SNAPSHOT
F i r s t d a y s á t t h e o f f i c e
Talk about the se questìons
1 What should you do to make acquaintance with your new colleague?
2 Should you talk about stationery and office equipment íirst? Why? Or Why nót?
3 Is official work difficult for everyone? And for secretaries?
4 Ten us the feeling ôn the first day you come to the office?
Saying vvhere things are át the office
A/ Graphic Co Ltd, is a fictitious company located in Siam Square in Bangkok A few days earlier Graplùc hired a new secretary, Miss Soap Kansan, the office manager át Graplùe, is HOM' shoyving Soap around ôn her ỷĩrst day át the ọffĩce
n >
Trang 28Kansan : Good morning Are you the new secretary?
Soap: Good morning Yes, that's right My name's Soap
K : VVelcome to Graphic, Soap My name's Kansan r u show you around
ỉ : Thank you, Kansan
K : Your desk is over there ôn the right, and r u be over here át the desk
in the front
«!: Right
K : The íiling cabinets are over there in the rear Let me show you
ị: Yes, of course
K: The accountants are using the Ieft cabinet Most of the fĩles thát you
will be working ôn are in the right cabinet
ỉ : Yes,
< : Reports ôn present activities are in the tóp dravv, brochures are in the
second drawer from the tóp, and so ôn
Trang 29B/ A visitor to the Graphic ọffĩces would like to know about a ptace in the Graphic Tower Building and the secretary mitst give directions to places in the building:
R : Good morning, sir Could ì help you?
V : Good morning ì am an engineer from IBM ì vvas asked to come and repair one of your computers
R : The computer room is ôn the second floor, sứ It's át the end of the hall
ôn the left
V : Thanks a lót
R : You're vvelcome, sir
Adverbials of place VVhere is the operator's desk?
the typist's desk?
It's ôn the left
It's near the left desk
Where are the magazines?
the brochures?
They are in the bookcase
They are in the nung cabinet Where is the manager's office?
the accounting department?
Mĩ Brown's office?
It's over there
- ôn the second floor
- ôn the third floor
- át the end of the hai!
- down the han
- opposỉte the stairs
- the first room ôn the left
- ôn the left / ôn the right
- in the ữont / in the rear (back)
- near (next to) the left desk / far from the right desk
- ôn the ữont desk / under the telephone
Trang 30- in the tóp dravver / in the bottom drawer
- ôn the tóp shelf / ôn the bottom shelf
- here / over there
Trang 311 desk 15 Svvitchboard 30 glue
2 (desk) drawer 16 typing paper 31 cutter bar
3 desk chair/ 17 carbon paper 32 calendar
swivel chair 18 notepad 33 waste basket
4 íìling cabinet 19 diarý 34 letter basket
5 bookcase 20 file(s) 35 brochure (s)
6 (water) íòuntain 21 envelope(s) 36 catalogue(s)
7 typevvriter 22 ruler(s) 37 magazine(s)
8 calculator 23 (sét) square 38 blotting pad
9 computer (P.C) 24 paper clip(s) 39 papervveight
10 diskette(s) 25 thumbtack(s) 40 box(es)/ container(s)
11 keyboard 26 stapler/ staple(s) 41 fax machine/ íacsimile
13 reading lamp 28 tape
14 telephone 29 (a pair of) scissors
Use of equipments
Trang 32Daniel: Hey! A nice computer! What's this for?
Andrea: That's modern It's used to connect the computer to the phone
line So ì can send faxes and access the internet
Danỉel: So you can go ôn Iine and all thát?
Andrea: Yes, and ì use the VVorld Wide Web for finding information ôn
astronomy movies, UFOS-just about anything
Daniel: Sports? Cars?
Andrea: Uh - huh And ì can exchange iníbrmation with people, too ì
belong to a "chát group" ôn astronomy
Daniel : Hmm, ì just use my computer to vvrite letters and reports
Andrea: Why don't you get ôn the Internet? It's nót really expensive
Daniel: May be ì will ít sounds like fun
lnfinitives and Gerunds
ỉnfìnitives and Gerunds can describe a use orýunctìon
(something) be used for V-ing can use (something) to inýĩnitive
Ì A modem is used to connect computers to phones
= It's used for connecting computers to phones
2 Computers are often used to write letters
= They're often used for writìng letters
3 ì can use the World Wide Web to find iníbrmation
= ì can use Ít for finding information
AI Thỉnk of the/unction and the advantages ofthe following equipments
mả fill in the blank
Trang 33Equipment Function Advantages
ít is used and receiving
ít is copies of documents, pictures, etc
- You can see the whole text
- secretaries don't to
- day and
- inexpensive
- posting
BI Complete the sentences below using the informatỉon /rom the table
(choose the nghi/unction) The first one has been dom foryou
Example : Tlìis is a siapler ít is used for/ĩxing pieces of paper together
- stick one piece of paper to another
- fix pieces of paper together
- make holes in paper stronger
Here is some of the language you can use to identiỷy and describe the
ỷunction oỷequipment
Identifying equipment
This is a word processor
This is a facsimile machine
This is a telex machine
Describing its í u n c t i o n
ít displays text ôn a screen
ít is for sending copies of documents, etc
ít is used for sending and receiving
Trang 34Notes
- "ít is for V-ing "describes the íunction of a piece of equipment
- "/í is usedfor V-ing " also describes the function of a piece of equipment
- "ít displays "'We also use the present simple to describe the function of
a piece of equipment
Group work
Each group should select 10 different items of office equipment, then write thèm down ôn a separate small piece of card or paper.One member of the group receives the card and know what is written ôn Ít, The other makes questions about its íunction :
AI Voiced & voiceless consonants
Some consonants are voiced & some are voiceless When you say a voiced consonant, there is a vibration in your throat When you say a voiceless consonant, there is no vibration The voiced/voiceless difference can often show two different words
• Put your fingers ôn your throat and say these sounds VVrite voiced and voiceless next to the correct list
/b/ lài /g/ /v/ /z/ ni ịĩị ỉm/ ỉn/ /w/
• Listen and tick (V) the words thát you hear
Trang 35BI Question intonation:
As a general rule intonation rìses ôn a Yes/No question andỷaìls ôn a statement
Do you get úp early ? Yes, ì do
• Listen Is ít a statement or a question?
Tick s or Q in the table
Listen to the sentences and check your answers
Listen again and repeat
ỉntonation only rìses ôn YeslNo questions In Wh-questions, the intonation falls Listen to these examples
Do you live near here? Where do you live?
Mark the intonation cu/ve above eơch question
1 What's your name?
2 Have you gót a pen?
3 What do you do?
4 What are you doing?
5 Do you enjoy Ít?
6 Are you going out tonight?
Listen, check and repeat
Pair work
Work with a partner Ask and ansvver the questions
Trang 368 ữ LISTENING
The first vvorking day
Listen to the dialogue and then /ỈU in the bìanks
Jane: Good morning, Miss Henry So this is the first day for you to work
here ì hope you'll like your job
Henry: Good morning, Miss Jane I've gót (1) from you ì
think n i enjoy working with you
Jane : ì hope so Now let me tell you (2) here This is your
desk Please sít down here
Henry: Thank you
Jane: Your main duty is to (3) and transíer thèm to the
person wanted
Henry: ì séc What if the person (4) ?
Jane: In thát case, you (5) ask the caller to leave a message Henry: Is there anything else ì should do?
Jane: Yes, you are (6) keeping alỉ the íiles in order
Henry: AU right
Jane: If you have any questions, ì will help you
Henry: Thank you
Offỉce stationery and equipments
In spite of the fact thát last week ì personally instructed you to tighten úp
ôn the arrangements for the storage and supply of stationery and equipment, these sún leave much to be desired AU the cupboards are in a state of disorganization and ì can nót rely ôn íinding even the most essential piece of equipment Ôn Friday, for example, ì was obliged to spend the best pari of half
an hour looking for a paper clip before coming across a box of thèm hidden under a pile of íòlders in your in-tray In spite of a very thorough search ì failed to discover vvhere you keep new typewriter ribbons By the end of this vveek, ì shall expect you to have tidied úp the whole office, bearing in mind the following points:
Trang 37The steel cupboard in your office should contain a supply of paper clips, elastic bands, drawing pins and staples sufficient to meet immediate needs Although we have little occasion to use thèm, a bottle of glue and a ball of string should be available AU these items must be conveniently placed and ì vvould appreciate being infonned of their vvhereabouts'
Every desk in the office should be provided with a pencil sharpener, ruler, stapler, punch, sell tape, scissors, and a sét of felt-tipped pens If every person has these things to hand, we shall nót have to vvaste endless time looking for such items of equipment
The built-in cupboard to the right of the door should be reserved for storing stationery Remember to label each shelf clearly so thát no one has any trouble in íìnding headed notepaper, copy paper, carbon paper, envelopes and stencils ì vvould strongly advise you to pin úp a blank sheet of paper ôn the inside of the cupboard door for the purpose of noting dovvn what items you need to re-order
Box files are meant to be stored upright ôn shelves for easy reíerence, Ít is most inconvenient to have to search for thèm in cupboards
Check the filing cabinet to ensure thát all the pockets are labeled The present niling index needs updating Too many files are being allovved to accumulate in the niing trây Please see to Ít thát all reports and letters are refilled promptlv even if this means holding úp the routine typing
Answer the following questions:
Ì Is the secretary in the passage used to putting Ihings tidily ?
2 What are the things thát should be put in the steel cupboard in the oữĩce?
3 Why should you pin úp a blank sheet of paper ôn the inside of the cupboard door?
Trang 38lo YVRITING
How well do you know your city?
Write where the following places are in your city:
My house is
The best hotel is
It's ôn
ỉ Complete the conversation, using the verbs in brackets and putting thèm in the right tense
Mary Malone: No\v, the filing cabinets are over here ì ịahvays I keep)
íìles thát Mĩ Graber is likely to want here in the office He
(like) to have the files he (currently work) ôn in his own offíce, and of course dead fíles we ịstore) in the department's
central niing system
Miss Schneider: Yes ì (see) ì ịsuppose) there's an index, is there?
Mary Malone : Yes, ì (retype) Ít át the momenl Here we are ít (probably I
look) rather confusing bút ì {expect) you'll soon get the hang
of Ít We (use) a numerical system, which I'm sure you (know) ai! about Each subsidiary ịhave) an initial code
Trang 39Miss Schneider:
Mary Malone :
number: 3 for example (refer) to our factory in Errand, and the other numbers (refer) to particular subject areas Mr Graber (think) oi reorganizing Ít, bút ì (hope) he (do noi) as ì ựind) it's efficient enough as Ít is
Clermont-ì (see) VVhere (keep) things like staples and paper clips?
Over in the cupboard It's a bít ôn the full side, and ì (try) to
get a proper cupboard for storage from Office Services, bút
they (nót be) very helpíul át the moment
Miss Schneider: Am ì responsible for ordering the things ì need? ì mean, (/ /
indent) for odds and ends from Office Services, or Ợlorder)
thèm myselí?
Mary Malone : You (have to) indent for thèm, although it's inconvenient,
and then they ịtake) a day or so to send thèm úp, which is why ì Ụ ì ke) to order in plenty of time Now, can ì show you
this circulation list?
Mr Gabber Ợiave to) write a quarterly report, statistics of
sales and so ôn, which you
ĩ Choose the suitable words and/ỈU in the blank:
chronological difficult keepinq documents nem
holding recent easy stapler talk explain Ịasten tide
Sheen : Excuse me, Miss Austin ì can't quite follow the Filling Instructions
Would you please (1) thèm to me?
OK Naturally every company has its own way of (2) files Now let's look át the Instructions The fưst
"Keep the documents in each file in (3) order" Yes, this is quite essential People can get the most
(4) documents ôn tóp of the other ones
Next is about removing clips and pins thát (5) papers ì don't see why we often use clips and pins to íasten some papers It's
Trang 403 Listen and repeat the following (Vỉdeo CD)
Receptionist: Good morning, are you Jane?
Jane : Yes, Pm Jane
Receptionist: You are just ôn time!
Jane : Can ì go úp?
Receptionist: Yes, Mĩ Smith is vvaiting for you ôn the fifth floor
Jane : Thank you
David: Come in Hello, Jane, how are you today?
Jane : Fine, thanks
David: Are you ready to start work?
Jane : Yes, ì am
David: ì am a little busy now, so my assistant Anna, will take care of
you Wait and r u can her for you
David : Anna, could you come next door and show Jane around please
Thank you
In the new offỉce
Anna: And this is your new office
Jane : It's nice and bright
Anna: And my room is right next door
Jane : Is there a telephone intercom system?
Anna : Yes, there is
Jane : And is Ít easy to use?
Anna: Yes, Ít is very easy to use
Jane : How many people are working in the marketing and sales
Anna: There are about 20 people vvho vvork in the department
Jane : And am ì the youngest employee?
Anna : Yes you are This is your job description and contract r u need
you to revievv thèm and sign thèm
Jane : ì think ì need some time to organize myselí
Anna : That's fine r u be back in about 30 minutes
Jane : That's plenty of time, thank you