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  • Really

    • Original version


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1 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE When people use language to communicate, both in everyday conversations and in writing such as novels, reports, letters, etc they not only desire to give the descriptive information but they also show their attitudes, evaluation to the content of their statement and to the hearers or readers In making their statements as claims of knowledge or feelings, the speakers/writers can adjust and negotiate the arguability of their utterances While doing so, the speakers may choose to shape their position in verbal interaction as to be likely accepted by the hearers or readers as far as the reliability of information is concerned And by doing so, their claim can be supported and the others’ claims denied Every language offers various ways of performing these functions According to the speaker’s purpose toward the dimension of their attitude to their claim, these functions can be labelled proclaim or disclaim Under the Appraisal framework initiated by James Martin [26], Proclaim is first introduced as a fairly new name for communicative categories and is seen as a member of Engagement subsystems which carries all properties of a linguistic unit So what is it? In every day speech or in written texts, the speakers may choose to modify their claim with a particular linguistic device so as to avoid the challenge from the hearers or readers By doing so, they are performing a proclaim Let me examine the following examples (1) “He wants to buy me out?” “Yes, But of course, I told him you wouldn’t sell.” [114] (2) But I contend that if Ellen deceived me in this matter, it was a piece of unwarranted cruelty, and as man to man I ask you, if you can, to relieve me of this horrible suspense [78] (3) Quang với Hiền, hai đứa lưu ban tất nhiên làm tổ trưởng Cuối tụi đùn cho thằng Đại [41, p.30] (4) Năm nước sông Nhĩ Hà lên to Thảo nghìn gốc nhãn trồng mặt đê quanh vùng vụ sai lạ [43, p.91] In (1) and (2) above, the claims can be received and interpreted as with more force and certainty These additional meanings apart from the core meaning encoded in the proposition are signalled by of course and contend which are called Proclaim Markers (Hereafter PM) In (3) the writer based on the assumption that student repeaters could neither be good at subjects nor behave well and that a group leader must be a typical and model student Therefore, by using “tất nhiên” he wanted to draw the reader’s support to his proposition - to vote for Đại As in (4) the writer would like the readers to agree with his proposition and not to be rejected by preceding the human’s experience - the knowledge of the world - rising river water carries nutrient to nourish the longan trees well “thảo nào” in this current location confirms his belief in his statement So far much has been written on the related semantic areas such as modality, evidentiality, and hedges in English and Vietnamese Although Proclaim can be considered as one of the basic purposes of modulating the speaker’s or writer’s claim, little has been done on Proclaim concerning the linguistic realizations and its semantic functions With the assumptions that such PMs as of course, I contend, tất nhiên, thảo nào, and other members of PMs may cause some difficulties to those who use English in everyday speech as well as in argumentative essays, I therefore try to carry out a research on this in a hope that it may help Vietnamese learners of English to enhance their competence in spoken and written communication and achieve cooperation in interaction 1.2 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY The research of PMs on the aspects of syntax, semantics and pragmatics makes an attempt to contribute to the understanding of proclaim markers in different types of discourses in English and Vietnamese The similarities and differences between the two languages analysed in the study may be of great benefit for Vietnamese learners of English An insight of these markers along with appropriate practice can help them improve in practising language skills, especially in translation Vietnamese learners of English may base on the findings of this study in order that they can enhance their competence to naturally express the information as well as the attitudinal, dialogistic and intertextual positioning in both languages 1.3 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.3.1 Aims The aim of this study is to investigate the structural, semantic, and pragmatic characteristics of proclaim markers in English and Vietnamese 1.3.2 Objectives This study is intended to achieve these following objectives: • Giving a description of English and Vietnamese proclaim markers with reference to structures, semantics and pragmatics • Finding out the similarities and differences between proclaim markers in English and their Vietnamese equivalents • Giving suggestions for teaching and learning proclaim markers 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study will research on 50 representative proclaim markers in lexical devices in form of adverbial disjuncts in English and Vietnamese discourse 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS To achieve the aims and objectives mentioned above, I put forwards the following research questions: • What are the typical characteristics of Proclaim markers in terms of syntax, semantics and pragmatics? • What are the differences and similarities of Proclaim markers in English and Vietnamese in terms of syntax, semantics and pragmatics? • What are the learners’ difficulties in comprehending and using PMs in English? 1.6 ORGANISATION OF THE STUDY The study consists of five chapters as follows: Chapter one, the introductory chapter, represents the rationale for the research, the general purpose of the study, the justification, scope and organisation of the study Chapter two gives an overview of how proclaim markers are approached from different perspectives Furthermore, the chapter mentions a number of such relevant concepts as dialogistic position, epistemic modality, evidentiality, force dynamics, speech act and politeness principles Chapter three brings out the methods of collecting and analysing data Chapter four describes and contrasts the proclaim markers in English and Vietnamese in terms of structural features, semantic functions and pragmatic functions so as to draw out their similarities and differences Chapter five is the summary of the development of the study This section also raises some implications for English teaching and learning, some limitations and gives some suggestions on further research CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 PREVIOUS RESEARCH Proclaim, a subcategory of Engagement under the Appraisal framework proposed by Martin and his group of researchers [26], concerns with the diverse range of resources by which speakers/writers adjust and negotiate the arguability of their utterances, which has been analysed in the literature under headings such as modality, evidentiality, polarity, hearsay, concession, hedges, boosters and metadiscursives The notions of modality, evidentiality and polarity have been discussed in the literature by Palmer [20], Lyons [18], Coates [8], Chafe [6] and Hanns [10] However, Proclaim, a fairly new concept for some of us, is one key of engagement resources just mentioned under the Appraisal framework proposed by Martin [26] So far, little has been written about this linguistic phenomenon and thus this is a derelict field for exploration As for disclaim or disclaimers, I just mention here a very early work by Hewitt [11] This paper introduces, defines and discusses a new concept - Disclaimer as an interactional tactics employed by actors faced with upcoming events or acts which threaten to disrupt emergent meanings or discredited situational identities Its function is to predefine such problematic events for others in a manner which reduces salience as interactional cues Another study that relates to the issues of Disclaimers is “Formulaic Disclaimers” by Overstreet, Maryann and George Yule [25, pp.45-60] In this paper, the author describes the form and functions of a formulaic construction used as a disclaimer in contemporary English These two studies can be viewed as primarily pragmatics oriented and treat Disclaimers as serving social functions Among the cross linguistic studies that deal with issues of proclaims and proclaim markers, it can be noted by Bui Thi Huynh Tran’s graduation paper for B.A degree “Proclaim and Disclaim (English vs Vietnamese) [5] This study mainly looked into the semantic and pragmatic features of Disclaim and Proclaim in both spoken and written discourse (English and Vietnamese), especially speech acts which are structured with evaluative disjuncts and conjunctions This research paper was an attempt to find out the implicature, presupposition or assumption of Disclaim and Proclaim in English and Vietnamese, investigated and decided which are their equivalent features in pragmatics in Vietnamese However, at such a level of B.A degree, the work just gave general points of the proclaim The latest study of the matters of Proclaim and Disclaim markers should be mentioned here is M.A Thesis by Ho Long Ngoc (2006) [12] with the title “A Study of Disclaim Markers in English and Vietnamese” This thesis examined described the disclaim markers in English and Vietnamese in terms of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects The study investigated a wide range of linguistic devices to mark the speaker/writer’s disclaim with different structures of verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns in the two languages The findings were about the information status of the proposition mentioned in the disclaim as unexpected, new desirable or undesirable which anticipated the speaker/writer’s attitudes to this proposition against an assumption expected in both the speaker’s and hearer’s minds In this study, the addresser’s reactions to the proposition in the disclaim also reflected themselves in the politeness strategies in communicative interaction Hence, issues about Proclaim and proclaim markers are still unsolved questions The concept of proclaim and its characteristics in syntax, semantics and pragmatics are still inaccessible to many of us Therefore, I need to make clear the definition of Proclaim and its related concepts 2.2 PROCLAIM AND RELATED CONCEPTS 2.2.1 The notion of proclaim Keys engagement resources include meanings which can be grouped together under the headings: Disclaim, Proclaim, Probabilise, and Attribute According to Martin [26], under “proclaim” (which includes Expect and Pronounce) we are concerned with formulations which can be interpreted as heading off contradiction or challenge from potential dialogistic respondents They are meanings which increase the interpersonal cost of any such contradiction by adding additional support or motivation for the current proposition/proposal To facilitate my searching for those linguistic units that function as a proclaim I assume that Proclaim is a kind of speech act that functions to signal the speaker/ writer’s support to anticipate a prevention of any challenge of doubt or undesirable assumption from the hearer/ reader In this sense, any kind of linguistic devices that are used to signal the function as adding this supportive meaning to the proposition are called Proclaim markers (PM) and will be examined in this study Expect P.R.R White [29] claims that through values of Expects, the speaker/writer represents the current proposition/proposal as uncontentious within the current speech community, as a “given”, as being in accord with what is generally known or expected Let’s consider the example below about the use of “of course” (5) Mrs Parry thought that this pastoral was in some ways, rather like the Tempest Mr Stanhope, of course, was not as good as Shakespeare, because Shakespeare was the greatest English poet, so that Stanhope wasn’t [143] Here the writer represents himself/herself as simply agreeing with the reader, as recounting a view (Mr Stanhope was not as good as Shakespeare, because Shakespeare was the greatest English playwright) which is already held by the dialogistic partner and by people in general The location of the current proposition within a dialogistic exchange is thus employed to increase the cost of any subsequent challenging or rejecting of the proposition Pronounce Under “Pronounce”, according to P.R.R White [29], we are concerned with formulations by which speakers/writers interpolate themselves directly into the text as the explicitly responsible source of the utterance This “pronouncement” may take the form of an explicit interpolation of the speaker into the text (‘I’d say this will lead to mistrust’), an intensifying comment adjunct (‘Really, this will lead to mistrust’), stress on the auxiliary (‘This did lead to mistrust’), or through structures such as ‘It’s a fact that…’ Such formulations are dialogistically prospective The author thereby increases the interpersonal cost of any rejection/doubting of their utterance in 10 future communicative exchanges, rendering such direct challenge to the author’s dialogistic position Of course, through such a strategy, by confronting the possibility of rejection, the author integrates that possibility into the text and thereby acknowledges the dialogistic diversity of meaning making in socially diverse social contexts 2.2.2 The notion of “Dialogism” The notion of “dialogism” is set out in the work of Bakhtin [4] and Voloshinov [24] The following quotation sums up this perspective: The actual reality of language-speech is not the abstract system of linguistic forms, not the isolated monologic utterance, and not the psychological act of its implementation, but the social event of verbal interaction implemented in an utterance or utterances Thus, verbal interaction is the basic reality of language Dialogue, in the narrow sense of the word, is of course only one of the forms – a very important form, to be sure – of verbal interaction But dialogue can also be understood in a broader sense, meaning not only direct, face-to-face, vocalised verbal communication between persons, but also verbal communication of any type whatsoever A book, i.e a verbal performance in print, is also an element of verbal communication … [it] inevitably orients itself with respect to previous performances in the same sphere… Thus the printed verbal performance engages, as it were, in ideological colloquy of a large scale: it responds to something, affirms something, anticipates possible responses and objections, seeks support, and so on [28] P.R.R White [29] also claimed that the resources included within Engagement are all “dialogistic” in this sense - they are all means by which speakers/writers represent themselves as engaging in a “dialogue” to the extent that they present themselves as taking up, acknowledging, responding 89 As seen from figures 5.1 – 5.6., the transfer of proclaims from Vietnamese into English can be facilitated with a nearly one-to-one relationship between semantic entities and syntactic elements in each language and between the two languages From the problems presented above, I recommend teachers of English raise an awareness of pragmatic knowledge about PMs both in English and Vietnamese for the students’ acquisition of the syntactic features, the semantic ingredients of PMs as well as the pragmatic competence about the interpersonal dimensions of PMs They may have class activities such as speaking matters of argument, making statement or proclaim, or responding to some undesirable state-of-affairs Through these activities, the learners can be exposed to a good environment where they can have and make use of PMs to express their point of view, protect their face as well as signal their attitude towards the desirable or undesirable aspects of the things presented in their claims 5.3 LIMITATION OF THE THESIS AND FURTHER STUDY The study has just addressed the issues of PMs in general but has not stressed on their use in a specific genre of discourse The style of PMs in particular contexts along with their strength and formality have not been discussed My corpus was built with samples of PMs from novels, short stories, articles in paper newspapers and online texts of newspapers and transcription Also, I could not conduct a fieldwork to collect authentic samples of PMs used in everyday conversations and in office work Thus it is far from a complete and full list of PMs to cover the need of expressing degrees of speaker/ writer’s attitude or emotion towards the favorableness or unfavorableness of the proposition in the proclaim 90 For a thorough and exhausted description of PMs in English and Vietnamese, the following issues should be further studied: • The semantics and pragmatics of each speech act verb in different contexts, • The harmony of PMs in the same utterance µ ¸ 91 REFERENCE Vietnamese [1] Diệp Quang Ban (1987), Câu đơn tiếng Việt, NXB Giáo dục [2] Hoàng Tuệ (1988), "Về khái niệm tình thái tiếng Việt", Tạp chí Ngôn ngữ (1) [3] Ngũ Thiện Hùng (2003), Khảo sát phương tiện từ vựng ngữ pháp biểu đạt tính tình thái nhận thức tiếng Anh-Việt, Luận án Tiến sĩ, Hà Nội English [4] Bakhtin, M 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Describing and comparing proclaim markers in English with their counterparts in Vietnamese This is executed with an interpretive contrastive analysis where I try to identify the similarities and differences of PMs in the two languages A comparison is made after a description of PMs in each of the three linguistic aspects 5) Discussing the findings 6) Suggesting some implications for English teaching and. .. the subject Medial position: immediately before auxiliary or after auxiliary verb Final position: after an intransitive verb, an object or a complement 4.1.1 Adverbial structures of PMs in English and Vietnamese Adverbials in English and Vietnamese were found to be realised in a wide range of syntactic forms: single adverbs, adverbial phrases, and prepositional phrases which will be dealt with respectively... difference in distribution of style and content disjuncts are established in comparison between English style and content disjuncts and their Vietnamese counterparts The results of the analysis are then presented in mainly qualitative manner (in words and nominal scales) Frequency of style and content disjuncts in discourse are tabulated 3.5 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY As presented above, the data collection... mainly based on written and spoken discourses by native speakers of English and Vietnamese, and the data ensures to include variants in each language which align to objective findings However, due to the manual counting process and rather small corpus, the reliability of the research is, to some extent, not as expected 24 CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS This chapter presents and discusses the findings... semantics of the verb structures in English and Vietnamese which is the most characteristic type of PMs The analysis will be conducted basing on the assumptions of epistemic modality Accordingly, semantic notions such as factivity and evidentiality should be presented here as for the starting points 4.2.1 PMs in English and Vietnamese in view of Factivity The analysis of instances of PMs in this study. .. and nouns Such PMs as really, certain, acknowledge, as a matter of fact each of which contains a lexical head conveying the meaning about the truth or factuality or actuality As for really in (34), it serves to signal the epistemic truth encoded in the semantics of the epistemic markers It serves a function of epistemic grounding in that it specifies an expression relative to the speakers and the addressees ... through a descriptive and qualitative approach English is chosen as L2 and Vietnamese as L1 3.1.1 Research methods A contrastive analysis of proclaim markers in different kinds of English and Vietnamese. .. of Proclaim markers in English and Vietnamese in terms of syntax, semantics and pragmatics? • What are the learners’ difficulties in comprehending and using PMs in English? 1.6 ORGANISATION OF. .. 3.2 DATA COLLECTION A corpus of 500 samples of English proclaim markers and 500 samples of Vietnamese proclaim markers were set up for each language The data were mainly collected from conversations,

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2015, 16:33

