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CONDITIONAL SENTENCES & WISHES I.Rewrite the sentences Today is not Sunday We have to get up early If My younger sister is not old enough That’s why she can’t go to school by herself If I didn’t know how to the exercise because I was absent from class yesterday Had Tom failed the exam because he didn’t study hard enough If She didn’t come because she didn’t know you were here Had she We lost our way We didn’t arrive on time Unless We couldn’t save his life because we didn’t find him earlier Had You must go now or you will be late for school If They didn’t have a map So they got lost If 10 Nam won’t be successful unless he works hard If 11 Peter failed the exam because he was lazy If 12 She didn’t know that they were out of work, so she didn’t help them If 13 He didn’t say “hello” to her this morning because he didn’t see her If 14 The weather is bad, so we can’t go for a walk If 15 If it doesn’t stop raining, we will stay at home and watch televition Unless 16 Unless he gets up early, he will miss the train If 17 Hurry up or you will be late If 18 It rained heavily yesterday afternoon The football match was cancelled Unless 19 I didn’t attend the party last night I am not tired now If 20 Give me the money or I’ll kill you If 21 I’ll let you borrow the book but you must promise to return it next week If 22 There will be a shortage of water unless it rains If 23 We can avoid waiting by booking tickets in advance If 24 I’m sorry I am not rich enough I wish 25 I’m sorry I can’t answer your question I wish 26 I regret not saying goodbye to her at the airport I wish 27 Henry regretted that he had bought the secondhand car Henry wished 28 Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes If 29 Unless you water these plants, they will die If 30 Rice will grow if there is enough rain Unless II Choose the best option He is asking his friends about the accident as if he …… a policeman A be B is C was D were …… you start saving maney now, you won’t be able to buy a computer next school year A Unless B Moreover C Besides D Whether I’d rather you …… so late A not be B were not C are not D be not I don’t have enough time If I …… more time, I …… to see you A have – will come B had – would come C have had – will have come D had had – would have come Peter failed the final exam If he …… harder, he …… A has worked – will succeed B worked – succeed C had worked – would succeed D.had worked – would have succeeded If he …… taller, he …… able to join the police A is – will be B was – would be C were – would be D were – will be I can’t sleep because of the noise I wish they …… so much noise A are not making B were not making C had not been making D would not have been making I wish that you …… here yesterday A were B have been C are D had been If I had known it would rain, I …… my umbrella A will take B would take C going to take D would have taken 10 If he worked harder, he …… A will not be sacked B will not have been sacked C had not been sacked D would not be sacked 11 I wish they …… such mistakes again A are not making B would not make C were not making D.would not be making 12 If I …… my examination, my parents would be very happy A will pass B pass C passed D have passed 13 It’s time we …… destroying forests A stop B to stop C stopping D stopped 14 If we waited for him, we …… on time A will not be B would not be C had not been D would not have been 15 I wish the weather …… warmer now A is B was C were D would be 16 I would not have got lost if I …… the map A studied B have studied C had studied D would study 17 I would rather you …… me the money I lent you last month A pay B to pay C paying D paid 18 If I remembered their address, I …… them a card A will send B will have sent C would send D would have sent 19 It’s time you …… a new TV Yours is out of date A to buy B buy C buying D bought 20 If I …… in your position, I …… her by now A am – will visit B was – would visit C were – would visit D had been – would have visited 21 It is time we …… to the station The train will leave in thirty minutes A go B have gone C will go D went 22 I wish I …… him about our project A not tell B have not told C had not told D would not have told 23 We wish you …… tomorrow A will come B would come C will have come D would have come 24 …… more about her, you would change your opinion A If you know B If you did know C If you knew D If did you know 25 I wish we …… an English test tomorrow A will not have B would not have C will not have had D would not have had 26 …… he works harder, he will be sacked A Unless B If C Despite D Due to the fact 27 I wish you ……, but you didn’t A would come B came C had come D were coming 28 I would rather you …… such a mistake again A will not make B would not make C not make D did not make 29 We would have agreed with you if we …… what you meant A understand B understood C have understood D had understood 30 He talked as though he …… my boss A was B were C had been D has been 31 It is essential he …… hard for the exam A study B studies C studying D studied 32 I wish I …… English when I was at high school A study B studied C have studied D had studied 33 …… harder, you would have passed the exam A If you studied B If you had studied C Had you studied D Were you studied 34 I would rather you …… A drive B to drive C drove D driven 35 If the police had not saved me, I …… at that time A will die B would die C will have died D would have died 36 He looked frightened as if he …… a ghost A sees B is seeing C has seen D had seen 37 What …… if there …… serious nuclear accident ? A will happen – was B happens – were C would happen – were D would happen – had been 38 I would have helped you if …… A you ask B you asked me C you had asked me D.there was your asking 39 I will never talk to you again …… you apologize me …… being rude A if – for B unless – for C or – of D whether – or 40 I feel as if my head …… on fire now, doctor A was B were C is D be 41 If only I …… time to help you with this A have B having C have had D had 42 He jingled the keys as though they …… gold A were B was C had been D are 43 I’m sorry I missed your birthday party I really ish I …… A come B came C had come D would come 44 He always behaves as if he …… going to be a great leader A be B was C were D will be 45 He came in, looking very white as if he …… a ghost A had seen B saw C sees D see

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2015, 15:31

