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Sentence Building 2

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Sentence Building Week Exercise 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it  EXAMPLE: I haven’t enjoy myself so much for years ANSWER: It’s years since I enjoyed myself too much a) John only understood very little of what the teacher said John could hardly . b) Unless someone has a key, we can’t get into the house We can only get . c) I’m sure you didn’t lock the front door. Here’s the key You can’t . d) He prefers golf to tennis He’d rather . e) He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Molly to his party He wishes . f) “Bring your swimming things in case it’s sunny” He told . g) There’s no need for you to talk so loudly You don’t . h) I haven’t been to Bristol for three years The last time i) No one has signed this cheque This cheque j) Tim will be eighteen next week It’s Tim’s . Exercise 2: The Director of a firm is interviewing Henry Jenkins for the Sales Manager’s job in his company. Fill in the parts of the dialogue, numbered (1) to (5) which have been left blank. Director: Come in Mr. Jenkins, sit down. Did (1)…? Henry: Yes, thank you, the traffic isn’t too heavy at this time. Director: Why (2)…? Henry: I want to work for a big company like yours with its extensive international trade, instead of the small company I work for now. Director: Does (3)…? Henry: No, not at all. That’s why I want to leave to gain experience of exporting. Director: Could (4)…? Henry: I hope so. In my present job I organize a sales team of ten. Director: When (5)…? Henry: My present contract lasts until the end of this month. Exercise 3: Sentence completion A Complete the following sentences with one word related to the world of work  EXAMPLE: Edward found a good …… in an office close to his home ANSWER: job a) A …… has risen for a new Director of Studies at the language school b) He got the …… because he was always late for work c) Applications are invited for the …… of secretary to the Director d) The new car factory is expanding and expects to …… a thousand more local people e) Mary wanted to work for that particular organization because there were good chances of …… to a senior level B Complete the following sentences with a suitable expression formed from GET  EXAMPLE: My mother …… before seven o’clock most mornings ANWER: gets up a) The thieves …… $30,000 in spite of the security guards b) You promised yesterday you would the washing up this evening – you can’t …… it now c) If you want to go to the Natural History Museum, take this bus and …… at the Victoria Square d) I’m going to away for a few days and I’ll phone you as soon as I …… e) Shirley doesn’t know much Spanish but she knows enough to …… C The word is capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way  EXAMPLE: He said “Good morning” in almost …… way FRIEND ANSWER: friendly a) He cycled …… and had an accident CARE b) Could you …… the picture over the sofa? STRAIGHT c) It’s hard to buy meat on the island but fish is … PLENTY d) My car is much too … to take on a long journey. RELY e) In …, I’d like to thank the many people who have helped me while I have been working here CONCLUDE Answer: Exercise 1: a) John could hardly understand what the teacher said b) We can only get into the house when someone has the key c) You can’t have locked the door. Here’s the key d) He’d rather play golf than tennis e) He wishes he had invited Molly to his party f) He told me to bring my swimming things in case it’s sunny g) You don’t have to talk so loudly h) The last time I went to Bristol was years ago i) This cheque hasn’t been signed j) It’s Tim’s eighteenth birthday next week. Exercise 2: 1. Did you get here easily? 2. Why you want to work here? 3. Does the company help you with enough experience? 4. Could you work with many people? 5. When will your contract end? Exercise 3: 1. task 2. punishment 3. position 4. employ 5. advance Exercise 4: 1. get along with 2. get out of 3. get off 4. get off 5. get at – get across Exercise 05: 1. carelessly 2. straighten 3. plentiful 4. reliable 5. conclusion . Sentence Building 1 Week 9 Exercise 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it  EXAMPLE:. end? Exercise 3: 1. task 2. punishment 3. position 4. employ 5. advance Exercise 4: 1. get along with 2. get out of 3. get off 4. get off 5. get at – get across Exercise 05: 1. carelessly 2. straighten 3 cheque hasn’t been signed j) It’s Tim’s eighteenth birthday next week. Exercise 2: 1. Did you get here easily? 2. Why do you want to work here? 3. Does the company help you with enough experience? 4.

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2015, 09:03

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