The study on family-related English and Vietnamese proverbs from a language-cultural perspective is an attempt to contribute a comprehensive account of outstanding features of proverbs,
Trang 1perspetive ) Trần Thế Khoa
Trường Đại học Noại Ngữ Luận văn ThS Chuyên ngành:English Linguistics; Mã số: 60 22 15
Người hướng dẫn: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyễn Văn Độ
Năm bảo vệ: 2009
Abstract: English and Vietnamese proverbs are really interesting to study The proverb is
considered to be the horse of conversation When the conversation drops, the proverb picks it
up Proverbs on family relationships are useful for not only old people but also young ones Accordingly, proverbs in general and family-related proverbs in particular express justice or
an event implying justice Moreover, proverbs give us good advice and useful moral lessons The study on family-related English and Vietnamese proverbs from a language-cultural perspective is an attempt to contribute a comprehensive account of outstanding features of proverbs, especially family-related ones The contrastive analysis helps to distinguish English proverbs from Vietnamese ones in terms of family relationships Accordingly, such relationships are expressed in proverbs: parentage, marital status, brotherhood, sisterhood, offspring’s duty, etc Through family-related proverbs, we can draw plenty of useful moral lessons so as to develop young people’s personalities and encourage them to behave better
My study consists of three main parts: introduction, development and conclusion The main part of this minor thesis, development, contains two chapters in which chapter 1 deals with the theoretical background: language and culture relationships, comparison between two cultures, what proverbs are, family relationships, family proverbs, etc Chapter 2 deals with a contrastive analysis on family-related English and Vietnamese proverbs from a language-cultural perspective In the conclusion, I have dealt with the implication for English language teaching and learning besides the recapitulation.The result of the study, as for me, may make
a great contribution to the translation of English proverbs, especially family-related ones In addition, it may also provide helpful suggestions for teachers of English and learners in using proverbs It is clearly stated that family-related proverbs are of great significance to education Through that, we can develop humanism which is really important and indispensable in any society
Keywords: Tiếng Anh; Tiếng Việt; Tục ngữ; Quan hệ gia đình; Văn hóa
INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale……….1
2 Aims of the Study……… ……….2
3 Scopes of the Study……… ……… 2
4 Methods of the Study……….………3
5 Design of the Study……… ……… 3
DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 The Relationship between Language and Culture 1.1.1 Culture………4
1.1.2 Language………4
1.1.3 The Relationship between Language and Culture……….……… 5
1.2 Comparison between Two Cultures……….……….6
1.2.1 Same Form, Different Meaning 1.2.2 Same Meaning, Different Form 1.2.3 Same Form, Same Meaning, Different Distribution 1.3 Definitions of Proverbs and Family Proverbs 1.3.1 Definitions of Proverbs……… 8
1.3.2 Family Proverbs……….9
1.4 Definitions of Idioms……….……… 10
1.5 Proverbs versus Idioms, Sayings, Conventional Phrases and Phrasal Verbs…… 11
1.6 Main Features of Proverbs from a Language-Cultural Perspective 1.6.1 National Features……… 12
1.6.2 Meanings of Proverbs……….……… 13 Synecdoche Metaphor 1.6.3 Rhyming Words in Proverbs………13
Trang 31.6.4 Contrary Proverbs……… 13 1.7 Summary……… ……… 13
2.1 Tentative Classification of Family-Related English and Vietnamese Proverbs 14 2.2 Comparison of Family-Related English and Vietnamese Proverbs
2.2.1 Attitudes towards Women……… …….15 Attitudes towards Women in Family-Related Vietnamese Proverbs Attitudes towards Women in Family-Related English Proverbs
2.2.2 Love ……….18 Love in Family-Related Vietnamese Proverbs……… 18 Love in Family-Related English Proverbs……… ……….19 2.2.3 Marriage Marriage in Family-Related Vietnamese Proverbs……… ……19 Marriage in Family-Related English Proverbs……… 21 2.2.4 Choosing Mates Choosing Mates in Family-Related Vietnamese Proverbs………22 Choosing Mates in Family-Related English Proverbs……… 23 2.2.5 Husband-Wife Relationship……….24 Husband-Wife Relationship in Family-Related Vietnamese Proverbs Husband-Wife Relationship in Family-Related English Proverbs
2.2.6 Divorce, Remarriage and Polygamy……… …….26 Divorce, Remarriage and Polygamy in Family-Related Vietnamese
Proverbs Divorce, Remarriage and Polygamy in Family-Related English
Proverbs 2.2.7 Parentage……….………….28 Parents-Offspring Relationship in Family-Related Vietnamese Proverbs Parents-Offspring Relationship in Family-Related English Proverbs Parents’ Attitudes towards Offspring Offspring’s Duties towards Parents
Trang 42.2.8 Brotherhood and Sisterhood, and the Relationship between Mother-in-law
and Daughter-in-law……….31 Brotherhood and Sisterhood Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Relationship
2.2.9 General Rules on Behaviours in British and Vietnamese Societies……… 33 2.3 Summary……….35
1 Recapitulation……….37
2 Implication of English and Vietnamese Proverbs for English Language Teaching and Learning……….…….38
3 Suggestions for Further Studies……… …… 39
Trang 51 Rationale
We are living in an era of globalization and integration English, an international language has become a very necessary means of communication and cross-communication has become a pivotal demand for people the world over English may be considered to be the language of dancing since dancing is a language and you can speak with anyone Through language, people can express their opinions and exchange their ideas Moreover, they can exchange their material and spiritual values making the cultural knowledge of one another richer and more diversified Nevertheless, in each language there exist similar and different cultural concepts on many aspects of life such as customs, traditions, social conventions, human values, attitudes, behaviours, etc How can a foreign language learner communicate successfully with native speakers if they have poor understanding of the language itself and the language related to culture
Through proverbs, each person knows the other’s point of view and ways of thinking Moreover, we understand one another via customs, traditions, lifestyles, etc We become friendly as a result Dr Denis Brutus, a Literature professor at the University of Pittsburgh, the USA, specified and extended the reality of the research of proverbs He said, “Through proverbs, I know your points of view, the attitudes of your ancestors Each time I know a new Vietnamese proverb, I become Vietnamese a little I believe when we know all proverbs of each other, we are brothers.” Somalian people said, “Proverbs put spice into speech.” Yobura people in South Africa consider the proverb to be an animal which nods its head when climbing uphill They said, “The proverb is the horse of conversation, when the conversation drops, the proverb picks it up” Vietnamese people regard the proverb as a pearl of academic thinking or a twinkling mist in literature
In Vietnam, more and more people are eager to learn English and the need for learning English is becoming very urgent Most of the learners complain about the difficulties that prevent them from succeeding in conversations One of the main reasons is that they are not good enough at perceiving and using idioms, especially proverbs
The usage of proverbs is to express ideas in a figurative way, draw good lessons via them and bring vividness and richness to the speaker’s conversation If a speaker uses proverbs skillfully, he/she can establish a good communicative relationship In terms of
Trang 6teaching English, lessons will be more interesting and effective if the teacher knows how
to apply proverbs to designing different activities in an English class: quizzes, games, role-play, etc
Moreover, family-related English and Vietnamese proverbs interest me most because via these proverbs, I can draw very good lessons and know how to behave and treat others Each family is a social cell We will have a fair society if all the families are values-oriented Moreover, family relationships play a very important role in educating children, the future generation
For the above-mentioned reasons, I have decided to choose this theme for my minor thesis
2 Aims of the Study
- To find out the cultural features in family relationships in British and Vietnamese societies via English and Vietnamese proverbs (norms and values of culture, attitudes, behaviours and ways of denotation or emotional expression, etc.)
- To find out the interesting things and the core, elegance, vividness and meaningfulness of family-related English and Vietnamese proverbs via which significant educational lessons will be highlighted and we can absorb the beautiful elegance and keep continuing the cultural lines
- To apply family-related English and Vietnamese proverbs to teaching and learning both English and Vietnamese for Vietnamese people and foreigners, to create interesting and effective lessons and to form moral norms so as to educate students to become good citizens
- To contrast the beauty, essence and elegance of family-related English and Vietnamese proverbs and their usage
3 Scopes of the Study
Proverbs are plentiful in both English and Vietnamese Therefore, it is impossible for the author to carry out an all-rounded study on them Only family-related proverbs are selected and a comparison between English and Vietnamese is made to distinguish one from the other
Trang 7In this study, only semantic features of family-related English and Vietnamese proverbs are discussed; cultural features are analyzed, not syntactic ones
All English and Vietnamese proverbs are collected from dictionaries, books and the Internet Hence, this research does not cover all family-related English and Vietnamese proverbs, just those of common use (more than 200 Vietnamese proverbs and about 200 English proverbs)
4 Methods of the Study
Contrastive Analysis is the main research approach used in my M.A minor thesis Quantitative and qualitative methods are used By virtue of the quantitative method, data have been collected for the study including both English and Vietnamese proverbs denoting family relationships The qualitative method is applied to describe and analyze the data of the study Using statistics and deduction can help the author of this minor thesis
to improve his teaching This can be applied to English teaching and learning at Quang Ninh Center for Continuing Education and Cadre Training
5 Design of the Study
This minor thesis consists of three main parts In addition to the Introduction and Conclusion, the study is organized around two chapters
The Introduction raises the issue of English and Vietnamese proverbs in family setting Chapter 1 deals with the relationship between language and culture, the comparison between two cultures, several definitions of proverbs, main features of proverbs, the differences among proverbs, idioms, sayings, conventional phrases and phrasal verbs Chapter 2 is concerned with the classification and comparison between English and Vietnamese proverbs within family setting
The Conclusion sums up the main issues discussed in the thesis The author also raises his own opinion on the topic and suggests several ideas for further studies
Trang 8In English
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Trang 918 Stone, E (1988), How Family Stories Shape Us, Glamour
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In Vietnamese
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on the internet