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HỌC tốt TIẾNG ANH lớp 8

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HỌC TỐT TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 UNIT ONE : MY FRIENDS A : GRAMMAR : 1.Presẹnt Simple Tense : thì hiện tại đơn a) Affirmative – Negative - Interrogative: thể khẳng đònh, thể phủ đònh, thể nghi vấn S + V ( s / es ) S + do / does + not + V (bare-inf) Do / Does + S + V (inf) …… ? [ V (s/es) : dạng động từ giữ nguyên hoặc thêm S hoặc ES ] Ex: We live in a small house in the city . ( live ) The Earth go es around the sun . ( go ) They don’t often go swimming in the winter . ( not go ) Ba doesn’t like movie . ( not like ) Does she have any best friends ? ( have ) • Note : Một số trạng từ hoặc cụm trạng từ thường đi kèm với thì hiện tại đơn : always ( luôn luôn ); usually (thường thường ); often ( thường xuyên ); sometimes –occasionally ( thỉnh thoảng ); every day / week / month … on Monday …… once a week ( 1 lần / tuần ). 2.Attributive And Predicative Adjective : tính từ thuộc ngữ và tính từ vò ngữ a) Attributive adjective : tính từ thuộc ngữ thường đứng trước 1 danh từ để miêu tả danh từ đó : Ex: She has long black hair . Nguyen Du is a famous author . b) Predicative adjective : tính từ vò ngữ -Là các tính từ thường đứng sau các động từ sau :be , seem (dường như ); look ( trong có vẻ ); feel (cảm thấy) sound ( nghe có vẻ ); become –get ( trở nên ) … được gọi là tính từ vò ngữ Ex: You seem happy . Bao is sociable and humorous . 3. ENOUGH ( đủ …… để có thể ) đứng sau tính từ S + be + adj + enough + to –V (inf ) Ex: She wasn’t old enough to be in my class . I am lucky enough to have many friends . Note :ENOUGH có thể dùng như 1 từ hạn đònh dứng trước danh số nhiều đếm được hoặc không đếm được Ex : Are there enough potatoes to make potato soup ? I didn’t have enough money to buy that car then . B.EXERCISES : I. GIVE THE CORRECT VERB FORM 1. Peter ……………………………………………… a poscard from his friend in Paris yesterday . ( receive ) 2.The moon ………………………………………. around the earth .( go ) 3.What ………………… your teacher …………………………… like ? ( look ) 4.She wasn’t old enough ……………………………………. in my class .( be ) 5.Hoa ……………………………………………… in Hue last year .( live ) 6.I enjoy …………………………………………… jokes .( tell ) 7.Would you like …………………………………………………. her ? ( meet ) 8. Bao is lucky enough …………………………………………. a lot of friends .( have ) II/MATCH THE QUESTIONS IN COLUMN A TO THE RIGHT ANSWER IN COLUMN B : 1.What does your teacher look like ? 2.Is she your neighbor ? 3.Would you like to make friends with these students ? 4.Is Ba going to drive his father’s car ? a.Actually , she is one of my sister’s friends b.She’s tall and thin . c.Oh , I’d love to . d.Don’t be silly .He isn’t old enough . III / READING : Read the passage carefully , then write true (T) or false (F) for each statement: Do you have any close friends ? I think everybody at least has one close friend in their life .And so do I. I have two close friends ,Hanh and Mai .We are in the same class at the primary school, and then secondary school. We are also neighbor so we spend most of our time in learning and playing together. Hanh is a beautiful girl with big black eyes and an oval rosy face. She is an intelligent student who is always at the top of the class. She likes reading ,and she often goes to the library whenever she has free time. Mai isn’t as beautiful as Hanh, but she has a lovely smile and looks very healthy. Mai is very sporty. She spends most of her free time playing sports. Mai is a volleyball star of our school. She is also sociable and has a good sense of humor. Her jokes always make us laugh. I love both of my friends and I always hope our friendship will never die. -at least : tối thiểu –intelligent (a) thông minh –top (n) đứng đầu –star (n) ngôi sao –laugh (v) cười – friendship (n) tình bạn –die (v) chết - a sense of humor :tính hài hước - writer (n) tác giả 1. The writer formed her close friendship at Primary school 2. The writer lives far from her friends. 3. Hanh always spends her free time in the library 4. Mai is good at sport 5. Mai’s friends sometimes get tired of her jokes. 6. The writer hopes to have a lasting friendship. IV / WRITE : a) Combine each of the following sentences into one , using ‘ (not) adj + enough + to V (inf)’ Ex :a/ He is tall . He can play volleyball .  He is tall enough to play the volleyball . b/ The fire isn’t very hot. It won’t boil a kettle -> The fire isn’t hot enough to boil a kettle 1.She isn’t old. She can’t be in my class -> She isn’t old enough ……………………………………………………… 2.I am lucky. I have a lot of friends. -> I am lucky enough ……………………………………………………………… 3.The bag isn’t big. It can’t carry everything. -> The bag isn’t big enough …………………………………………………… 4.Ba is not old. He can’t drive his father’s car. -> Ba is not old enough …………………………………………………………… 5.My English isn’t good . I can’t be a member of the club . -> My English is not good enough …………………………………………………… b) Write a paragraph about Trung ,using the information in the box : Name : Nguyen Manh Trung Age : 15 Address : 15 Quang Trung street, HCM City Appearance : tall, fat, curly short hair Characters : sociable, generous, kind Family : mother, father and two younger sisters Hobbies : swimming, reading Friends : Nam ,Thanh , Phong His name’s IV/ VOCABULARY and STRUCTURE: 1.I ______________ a letter from my old friend last week . a.  sent b.  gave c.  received d.  took 2.He is not _______________ get married . a.  enough old to b.  enough old for c.  old enough to d. old enough for 3.She is wearing a _______________ dress . a.  red new pretty b.  new pretty red c.  pretty red new d. pretty new red 4.I find Peter is not communicative .He’s rather ________________ in public . a.  kind b.  reserved c.  sociable d. humorous 5.That man seems ____________________ a.  happy b.  happily c.  happiness d.  be happy 6.What does your brother __________________ ? a.  look like b.  look as c.  be like d.  as 7.I am _____________ enough to have a lot of friends . a.  luck b.  luckily c.  lucky d.  luckier 8. The girl has no parents , so she has to live in the _______________ a.  orphanage b.  hospital c.  school d.  kindergarten 9.He likes telling jokes. He has a good sense of ________________ a.  volunteer b.  character c.  member d.  public 10.The boy is a _______________ student. He always gets good grades a.  kind b.  generous c.  hard-working d.  reserved VI/ GRAMMAR and STRUCTURE 1.The earth _______________ around the sun a.  go b.  goes c.  is going d.  went 2.The sun ________________ in the east . a.  rise b.  rose c.  rises d.  rising 3.Her mother _____________ this city two years ago . a.  left b.  leaves c.  is leaving d.  will leave 4.They enjoy ________________to music while he’s studying. a.  to listen b.  listen c.  telling d.  to listening 5.The River Amazon ___________ into the Atlantic Ocean . a.  flow b.  flows c.  flowed d.  is flowing 6.We spend time ___________volunteer work. a.  to do b.  on doing c.  doing d.  for doing 7.Would you _____________ to go to the movie with me ? “ I’d love to” . a.  like b.  want c.  love d.  mind 8.Each of them ________________ a different character a.  have b.  has c.  to have d.  had 9.Hoa ________________ last year a.  lives b.  lived c.  is living d.  has lived 10.Ba isn’t old enough ________________ his father’s car a.  drive b.  to drive c.  driving d.  drove VII/ FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH A SUITABLE PREPOSITION: IN, ON, AT , OF ,FROM ………… 1. She will be here …………………………………Christmas. 2. I received a letter …………………………………my friend yasterday. 3. She usually goes swimming …………………………………Sunday morning. 4. He does volunteer work …………………………………… a local hospital. 5. He lives …………………………26 Tran Phu Steet …………………………….Ha Noi. VIII. CHOOSE THE WORD THAT HAS THE UNDERLINED PART PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY: 1. a.happy b.character c.fat d.classmate 2 a.teacher b.pleasure c.please d.meet 3 a.character b.christmas c.childern d.school 4 a.tomorrow b.brown c.now d.how 5 a.slim b.thin c.smile d.visit UNIT TWO : MAKING ARRANGEMENTS A.GRAMMAR : 1.Be going to : sắp , sẽ a/ Talk about intention : diễn tả dự đònh trong tương lai S + am / is / are + going to + V (inf) Ex: I am going to see a movie tonight . ( see ) She is going to visit Paris next year .( visit ) Note : một số trạng từ đi kèm cho thì tương lai : tonight ( tối nay ); tomorrow (ngày mai); next day/ week/ month/ year; one/ some day … soon 2.Adverbs of place : trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn -Cho biết sự việc xảy ra ở đâu ,thường đứng cuối câu Here (ở đây); there (ở kia); outside (ở bên ngoài); inside (ở bên trong); upstairs (ở tầng trên); downstairs (ở tầng dưới); around (quanh); out of the window (ở ngoài cửa sổ) . Ex: It isn’t your turn .Please wait outside . 3.NEITHER …… NOR … : không ……mà cũng không ( nối 2 ý mang nghóa phủ đònh ) Ex: Deaf-mute can neither speak nor hear Neither she nor her husband was at home B.EXERCISES : I/ SUPPLY THE CORRECT VERB FORM 1.I ______________________________the movie Dream City at 6.45 this evening .( see ) 2.Let’s __________________________outside the theater .( meet ) 3.Would you like __________________________ a message ? ( leave ) 4.The sun _________________________in the East .( rise ) 5.Alexander Graham Bell ____________________ the telephone in 1876 .( invent ) 6.It has stopped ______________________________( rain ). 7.Alexander G .Bell _______________________to the U.S.A in 1870s .( emigrate ) 8.Ba feels lucky enough _______________________many friends. ( have ) 9.Bell and Watson ______________________the telephone in 1877. ( introduce ) 10.They enjoy _________________jokes. ( tell ) II/ MATCH EACH OBJECT WITH THEIR DEFINITION 1. … an answering machine 2……a mobile phone 3… a fax machine 4……a telephone directory 5……a public telephone 6……an address book a.to send and receive copies of documents b.to find someone’s telephone and addresses c.to write addresses and telephone number d.a telephone you can carry around with you e.answer your phone and records messages f.to make a phone call in a street telephone box. III.READING 1.Read the passage then then decided if the statements are true (T) or false(F) . Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1847 , but when he was a young man of twenty-three he moved with his parents to Canada ,Before the year was over ,young Graham had left his family and gone to the Boston .Though Bell was a dreamer ,he was also a practical thinker and a man of action .In Boston ,where he worked by day as a teacher of the deaf ,he worked far into the night experimenting with the electrical transmission of the sound .This led to the invention of the telephone . move :rời ; dreamer : người mơ ước ; practical : thực dụng ; transmission : truyền ; sound : âm thanh ; lead to : dẫn đến 1.………Alexander G. Bell was born in England . 2.………He emigrated to Canada in 1865 . 3.………He went to Boston when he was twenty-three . 4.………Graham Bell worked with the deaf in Boston . 5.………He experimented with the electrical tranmission of the sound by day . 6.………Graham Bell invented the telephone . 2.Read the message below. Write the telephone message. A customer telephoned the Vietravel Tourist Company on April 20 th at 10.30 a.m. his name was Mr.Tan and he wanted to speak to Mr. Thanh, the manager. Mr.Thanh was out. So Mr.Son took a message. Mr Tan call about his family’s tour to Singapore and Malaysia. He said Mr.Thanh could reach hin at 08883445632 in the afternoon. Date: _________________________________ Time: ________________________________ For: _________________________________ Message: __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Taken by: ___________________________ IV/ VACABULARY and STRUCTURE 1.Deaf-mutes can ___________ speak ___________ hear . a.  both … and b.  not only… but also c.  Neither … nor d.  either … or 2.Alexander Graham Bell was born _______________ March 3 , 1874 . a.  in b.  on c.  at d.  during 3.They ____________ from Canada to America to find work . a.  started b.  demontrated c.  delivered d.  emigrated 4.Would you like ______________ a message ? a.  to leave b.  leave c.  leaving d.  left 5.Don’t come in .Please wait _____________ for your turn . a.  inside b.  downstairs c.  outsides d.  upstairs 6.Our friends _________________ meet us at the airport tonight . a.  are b.  are going to c.  go to d.  will be to 7.Could you __________ a message ? I want to leave your mom a message ? a.  give b.  take c.  like d.  want 8.Bell started _____________ with rays of transmitting speech . a.  experiment b.  to experimenting c.  experimenting d.  experimented 9.A person who can’t speak or hear is called a___________ a.  character b.  deaf c.  blind d.  deaf-mute 10.It is more expensive to use a .____________than a public phone. a.  mobile phone b.  home phone c.  office phone d.  paper 11.You can see a lot of his paintings ( tranh ) in the next _____________ a.  service b.  exhibition c.  demonstrate d.  invention 12.I am going ______________the movie at 8 this evening a.  see b.  seeing c.  to seeing d.  to see 13.It’s difficult for old people to walk _______________ a.  upstairs b.  inside c.  outside d. here 14.Let’s ___________ outside the movie theater. a.  meet b.  to meet c.  meeting d.  be meet 15.The earth ________________ around the sun a.  went b.  is going c.  goes d.  will go 16. Hoa isn’t old__________________ be in my class . a.  enough b.  too c.  so d.  for 17.We _____________ two new fishing rods yesterday. a.  buy b.  would buy c.  bought d.  buyed 18.You can use a (n) ________________ to record message when you are out a.  telephone directory b.  mobile phone c.  fax machine d.  answering machine 19.The match was ________________ live all over the world a.  traveled b.  demontrated c.  transmitted d.  arranged V.WRITING a) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first : 1.Peter isn’t old so he can’t see the horror film . -> Peter isn’t old enough ……………………………………………………………………. 2.I intend to come over to pick you up . (intend to = be going to ) -> I am ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.Let’s play chess tonight. -> What about ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4.Her hair is long and black . -> She has ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.You ought to go to the market yourself. -> You should ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6.How about going to the movie theater tonight? -> Let’s …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7.The children liked to walk in the rain . -> The children enjoyed ………………………………………………………………………… b) Write a paragraph about Trung ,using the information in the box : Name : Nguyen Son Nam Age : 14 Address : 70 Pham Ngu Lao Street, District 1, HCM City Appearance : tall, slim, straight hair Characters : sociable, outgoing, helpful Family : father , mother , younger sister - Lan Hobbies : swimming, tables-tennis Friends : Ba,Thanh , Quang His name’s VI/ FILL IN EACH BLANK WITH A PROPER PREPOSITION:in, on, at, of, with, from …. 1. The post office is not far ………………………………………… my house 2. Let’s meet ……………………………………the City Theater ……………………………………… 7 o’clock. 3. I was born ……………………………………… may 16 th , 1997 …………………………………Dong Nai. 4. He worked …………………………………… deaf-mutes ……………………………………Boston University. 5. Mrs.Lien said you could reach her …………………………………… 8 603 423. VIII. CHOOSE THE WORD THAT HAS THE UNDERLINED PART PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY: 1. a.machine b.mobile c.movie d.theater 2 a.arrange b.demontrate c.transmit d.answer 3 a.funiture b.university c.patient d.hospital 4 a.directory b.telephone c.invention d.experiment 5 a.delivery b.assistant c.introduce d.device IX. SENTENCE BUIDING 1.I / received / letter / my old friend / last week. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.Ba / be / lucky enough / have / many firiends -………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.I / going / see / movie / this evening -………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4.Alexandra Gram bell / born / 3 rd March / 1847 -………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. UNIT THREE : AT HOME A.GRAMMAR : 1) Reflexive Pronouns : đại từ phản thân -Làm tân ngữ của động từ khi chủ ngử và tân ngữ là cùng 1 người hay 1 vật . I > myself : chính tôi You > yourself : chính anh / chò / bạn He > himself :chính anh ấy / ông ấy She > herself : chính cô ấy / bà ấy It > itself : chính nó We > ourselves : chính chúng tôi You > yourselves : chính các anh / chò / bạn They > themselves : chính họ -> I cut ………………………. -> You have to cook dinner …………………… -> The boy killed ……………………… -> The girl killed …………………………… -> The cat ……………………. eats . -> We’ll have to try and do it ………………………… -> But you’ll have to do it ……………………………. -> Why did they kill ……………………………. ? 2.Modal verbs : must , have to , ought to … a) Must : phải , cần ( đưa ra lời khuyên hay 1 đề nghò hay sự cấm đoán ) S + must + V ( bare inf: động từ nguyên mẫu) S + must not / mustn’t + V ( bare inf) Must + S + V(bare inf) …… ? Ex: You must take more exercises . You mustn’t see that film You must be here before eight o’clock tomorrow . b) Have to :phải(chỉ sự bắt buộc đến từ bên ngoài) Ex: I have to stop smoking You have to wear uniform on duty . c) Ought to = should : nên , phải ( dùng để khuyên hay đề nghò ) S + ought to + V( bare inf) S + ought not to / oughtn’t to + V( bare inf) Ought + S + to + V( bare inf) …… ? Ex: You ought to study harder . What time ought I to arrive ? 3)Why …… ( tại sao ) ? > Because :bởi vì …… ( hỏi nguyên nhân hay lý do ) Ex: Why were you late for class this morning ? a. Because I watched TV late last night . Why did Hoa fail her English exam ? b. Because she didn’t learn for her exam . B/ EXERCISES : I/SUPPLY THE CORRECT VERB FORM : 1.It is safe …………………………………………medicine in locked cupboard .( keep ) 2.The Earth …………………………… around the sun .( go ) 3.You ought …………………………… to the market and buy some fish . ( go ) 4.Let’s ……………………………………………the armchair opposite the couch .( put ) 5.I have to ………………………………………… my chores. ( do ) 6.I enjoy ……………………………………………… jokes .( tell ) 7.Would you like …………………………… her ? ( meet ) 8. You must ………………………………………… all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboard. ( put ) 9.I ………………………………………………… home late tonight.( be ) 10.We ……………………………………………………………our first semester report a few days a go. ( receive ) II/ READING Read the passage and fill in each blank with a suitable word from the list: Students – reach – are – should – as – for – hear – the If you see a fire, you should drink the school bell ……………………………….(1) one munite. When they …………………………….(2) the bell, students should quickly leave ……………………………………(3) classrooms. The monitor should take the register with him on leaving the class. The ………………………………………(4) should line up outside tha classroom as soon ……………………(5) every has left the room. Then the class should walk quickly along the path to the main entrance. When they ………………………………….(6) the main entrance, the students should stand quietly in the play ground. While they ………………………………………(7) waiting there, one of the students ……………………………(8) look for the class teacher in the playground. On finding him, he should give him the class register. Take the register: điểm danh ; main entrance: lối đi chính ; playground: sân trường ; monitor: lớp trưởng III. WRITING: a) Write a paragragh ,using the information in the box : Name : Tran Thi Mai Phuong age : 15 Appearance : short, slim, long straight hair Character : reserved, kind, hard-working Address : 26 Hoang Dieu , Da Lat City Family : uncle, aunt, three cousins Friends : Hong, Diem, Chi ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. b) Complete the following sentences : 1. You should drink a lot of milk every day . -> You ought ……………………………………………………………………………… 2.Hoa went to school late because she watched TV late last night . -> Why ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.Shall we go to the cinema tonight? -> Let’s ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.You have to cook dinner yourself . -> You must ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.You ought to learn English hard -> You should …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6.I am lucky enough because I have many friends . -> I am lucky enough ………………………………………………………………………… 7.Why don’t we go to Huong pagoda? ->How about ………………………………………………………………………………………… IV/ VOCABULARY and STRUCTURE 1.The children are old enough to look after ________________ . a.  themselves b.  ourselves c.  herself d.  himself 2.I am sorry but you have to cook dinner ____________ . a.  yourself b.  myself c.  herself d.  himself 3. You use a ________________ to cook rice. a.  steamer b.  rice cooker c.  saucepan d.  frying-pan 4.You have to go to the _______________ yourself to buy some vegetables. a.  cooker b.  market c.  cupboard d.  sink 5.You must _______________ the sockets so that children won’t be killed. a.  put b.  cover c.  include d. reach 6. What is she doing ? She’s ____________________ the floor . a.  doing b.  sweeping c.  dusting d.  feeding 7. It’s safe _________________ medicine in locked cupboard . a.  keep b.  to keep c.  keeping d.  to keeping 8.The calendar is ________ the clock, __________the picture and the lamp a.  on/next to b.  under/between c.  behind/between d.  above/on 9.He had to stay at home _____________ he was ill. a.  because b.  as soon c.  before d.  until 10.What is Mary doing, mom ? She is looking at ___________ in the mirror. a.  her b.  hers c.  she herself d.  hershelf 11.I think I do that work ______________ a.  meself b.  mineself c.  myself d.  I myself 12.Our team played well ____________ to win the gold metal. a.  too b.  that c.  so d.  enough 13.Let’s paint the house __________________ It will be much cheaper. a.  yourself b.  herself c.  ourselves d.  themselves V/ GRAMMAR and STRUCTURE 1.We ought _________________ the wardrobe in the corner opposite the bed . a.  put b.  push c.  to put d.  to push 2.What was wrong with you ? Why __________________________ go to hospital ? a.  had you to b.  did you have to c.  must you d.  did you must 3.Don’t let the child ________________ with matches. a.  play b.  playing c.  to play d.  plays 4.I __________________ work every day from 8.30 to 5.30 a.  ought to b.  must c.  should d.  have to 5.She worked hard ______________ she could pass the final exam. a.  so that b.  in order to c.  as result d.  so as to 6.Why mustn’t children __________________ with matches. a.  to play b.  play c.  playing d.  have to play 7.Why did Hoa go to school late this morning? Because she _______________TV late last night a.  watch b.  watches c.  watched d.  is watchin VI MATCH THE QUESTIONS IN COLUMN A TO THE RIGHT ANSWER IN COLUMN B : 1……Why didn’t Nam come to the party ? 2……Why were you late ? 3……Why don’t you take a taxi ? 4……Why couldn’t Jane pass the final exam ? 5……Why mustn’t we let children play in the kitchen ? 6……Why wasn’t Mary at work yesterday? a.Because it is a dangerous play . b.Because she didn’t study hard enough . c.Because I don’t have enough money . d.Because we missed the first train . e.Because he had a lot of homework to do f.Because she didn’t feel well VII. CHOOSE THE WORD THAT HAS THE UNDERLINED PART PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY: 1. a.feed b.clean c.sweep d.head 2 a.floor b.four c.room d.door 3 a.sink b.knife c.fire d.rice 4 a.house b.couch c.ought d.counter 5 a.candy b.fry c.many d.happy UNIT FOUR : OUR PAST A.GRAMMAR: [...]... -> Adverbs ( trạng từ) Bad (tệ , xấu ) > badly ( 1 cách tệ / xấu ) ; soft ( nhẹ ,nhỏ ) > softly ( một cách nhỏ /nhẹ nhàng ) Fast (nhanh ) > fast ( 1 cách nhanh chống ); hard (chăm , khó ) - > hard ( 1 cách chăm chỉ / ) Good ( tốt , giỏi ) - > well ( giỏi , tốt ) ; Note : Trạng từ thường bổ nghóa cho động từ Ex: She speaks English well I know I behaved badly 2) Commands , requests and advice... you (8) ………………………do” said she I did not know that only ane (9) ……………………later I won the first prize in the English speaking contest (10) ……………………for secondary school students in my hometown lower secondary : THCS ; difficulty : khó khăn ; hold-held : tổ chức ; pronunciation : phát âm ; keep-kept : cất ,giữ ; win-won : đạt giải ; worse : tệ hơn ; English speaking contest : thi hùng biện tiếng Anh 2.Read... to Laos ……………………………January 3 We must be there …………………………… 8. 30 and 9.15 4 The bank closes ……………………3pm If you arrive ……………………3pm, the bank will be closed 5 I’ll be home ……………………………… seven because I want to see the seven o’clock news 6 I used to live ………………………… a farm when I was young 7 The prince immediately fell ……………………………love with the girl 8 I used to look …………………………… my younger sisters and brothers... d  you buy 8 The step-mother was very the little poor girl a  cruel with b  cruel to c  upset of d  upset to 9.My father used to lived _ a farm not far from London a  in b  on c  at d  above 10.After the dinner, mom the lamp and dad used to tell us stories a  light b  lighted c  lighting d  lit 11.Where was you born ? I was born _ November 1 980 a  in b... flowers or ………… (8) the streets 1 a  interesting b  interested c  boring d  bored 2 a  help b  to help c  helping d  to helping 3 a  take part b  participate c  fill d  a & b 4 a  use b  used c  using d  to use 5 a  recyclable b  recycle c  recycled d  recycling 6 a  organizations b  members c  activities c  resources 7 a  and b  either c  so d  neither 8 a  help b  helped... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7.You should study harder this semester -You ought …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. The last time I saw him was in 1 985 .(see) -I haven’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9.When did you begin to learn English ?( learned) -How long ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 5.Deaf-mutes can _ speak _ hear a  both … and b  not only… but also c  Neither … nor 6.Alexander Graham Bell was born _ March 3 , 187 4 a  in b  on c  at 7.They from Canada to America to find work a  started b  demontrated c  delivered 8. Would you like a message ? a  to leave b  leave c  leaving 9.Mr.Smith his car for 15 years, but it still looks very new... lifeguard said, “ Don’t swim out too far, boys.” =>The lifeguard asked/ told ……………………………………………………………………… 7.” Don’t make so much noise.” My father said =>My father asked told me …………………………………………………………………………… 8. ” Try your best to improve your pronunciation, Tim.” Miss Jackson said =>Miss Jacson asked …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9.The teacher said to me: “ You should spend more time on Spain prnunciation”... _ late ( not be ) 5.The teacher told us _ our best this year ( try ) 6.I used on a farm ten years ago ( live ) 7 We _ our first semester report few days ago ( receive ) 8 Tom isn’t old enough a car ( drive ) 9.You must _ your room every day ( tidy ) II/ READING 1.Fill in each blank with a proper word from the box : dictionary –held – improve – should –... ……………………………………………………………………………………… 6.Peter liked to look at stars in the sky at night -> Peter enjoyed ………………………………………………………………………… 7.He isn’t strong , he can’t lift the case -> He isn’t strong enough ……………………………………………………… 8. Following your direction is difficult -> It’s difficult …………………………………………………………………………………………… 9.Shall we go out for dinner tonight? -> What about ………………………………………………………………………………………… 10.You ought to study . HỌC TỐT TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 UNIT ONE : MY FRIENDS A : GRAMMAR : 1.Presẹnt Simple Tense : thì hiện tại đơn a) Affirmative. speak to Mr. Thanh, the manager. Mr.Thanh was out. So Mr.Son took a message. Mr Tan call about his family’s tour to Singapore and Malaysia. He said Mr.Thanh could reach hin at 088 83445632 in the. cách nhỏ /nhẹ nhàng ) Fast (nhanh ) > fast ( 1 cách nhanh chống ); hard (chăm , khó ) > hard ( 1 cách chăm chỉ / ) Good ( tốt , giỏi ) > well ( giỏi , tốt ) ; Note : Trạng từ thường

Ngày đăng: 02/08/2015, 10:12

