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Đáp Án HSGAnh9.Q3.2010-2011

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ĐỀ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG ANH 9 QUẬN 3 (KEYS) (NH: 2010-2011) 120’ PART I: LISTENING Listen to two university students, Pete and Sarah, who are trying to find a place to live in London. (10pts) A. Are the sentences True or False ? 1. London is full of students every September. T 2. Peter has £2,000 to spend on accommodation for the year. F 3. Sarah wants to cook a pizza. F 4. The flat for £400 is a long way away. T 5. There are enough rooms for Pete and Sarah at Tom’s flat. T B. Who says what ? Peter Sarah Tom 6. We’ve waited too long to look for a flat. P 7. There’s a big flat in East London. S 8. We’ll keep warm with blankets. S 9. I’m alone and I’ve got to pay a lot of money. T 10. I know two people could be interested. P PART II: USE OF ENGLISH A. Choose the item (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each sentence. (20pts) 1. The ____________________of Canada is the Canadian dollar. A. check B. cash C. currency D. credit card 2. Please return _______________half an hour. I’ll be ready _________________then. A. in/by B. in/till C. after/till D. by/by 3. Sarah: “_______________is it to your house?” – Sally: “15 minutes by car.” A. How long B. How much C. How far D. How often 4. She gave her son three _______________________. A. 100-dollars bills B. 100-dollars bill C. 100-dollar bill D. 100-dollar bills 5. The Russians have ____________________in controlling urban growth. A. managed B. attempted C. succeeded D. achieved 6. I can’t get ___________________how rude he was. A. on B. over C. in D. away 7. The fruit tasted sweet, rather __________________a peach. A. more B. like C. as D. similar 8. My brother took great ___________________in playing the new toy. A. delightful B. delighted C. delight D. delightfully 9. I wonder if I could use your dictionaries? - ___________________. A. No, you don’t B. You shouldn’t C. I’m afraid not D. Sorry, I’m afraid 10. The plane would have landed easily ___________________the thick fog. A. unless B. but for C. because of D. due to 11. _________________he does sometimes annoys me very much. A. What B. When C. How D. Why 12. Hardly anybody knows about it, _________________? A. do they B. don’t they C. do everybody D. don’t everybody 13. __________________I turn on the fan? – It’s OK. A. May B. I wonder if C. Do you have any objection if D. Anybody mind 14. It was in the countryside ______________________. A. where Tim was brought up B. Tim was brought up C. that Tim was brought up D. which Tim was brought up 15. A group of us _____________________London next month. A. are going to B. is going to C. will be going to D. have been gone to 16. ___________________was the effect more powerfully felt than in the suburb. A. Nowhere B. Somewhere C. Everywhere D. Anywhere 17. “So long!” is another way of saying _____________________. A. “Hello!” B. “Cheer up!” C. “Happy!” D. “Goodbye!” 18. It is an open question ____________________. A. and John will get the job. B. as to whether John will get the job. C. which John will get the job. D. when John will get the job. 19. None of the children would ___________________to breaking the window. A. make up B. own up C. keep up D. catch up 20. “Don’t forget to ring me.” - ___________________________. A. I asked Jane not to forget to phone me. B. I threatened Jane to forget to phone me. C. I suggested Jane not to forget to phone me. D. I insisted on Jane not phoning me. B. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. (5pts) 1. Very few cities in the world are as expensive so New York is. A B C D 2. We will go back to the city where we visited last summer. A B C D 3. Marie Curie was very poor; she had a little money to live on in Paris. A B C D 4. I’m tired from listening to the same songs for many times. A B C D 5. The man and his dog which were reported missing yesterday have just been found. A B C D C. Read the text below and decide which word A, B, C, or D best fits each space. (5pts) Some people believe that (1)_____________________schools will no longer be necessary. These people say that because of the Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any (2)____________________for school buildings, formal classes, or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but it is hard for us to imagine a world without schools. In fact, we need to look at (3)____________________we can use new technology to make schools better, (4)________________ to eliminate them. We should invent a new kind of school that is (5)_____________________to libraries, museums, science centers, laboratories and even companies. Experts could give (6)_______________ on video or over the Internet. TV networks and local stations could develop programming about things students are actually studying in school. Is this just a dream? No. Already there are several towns where this is beginning to happen. Blacksburg, Virginia, is one of them. Here the (7)____________________city is linked to the Internet, and learning can take place at home, at school and in the office. Businesses provide programmers for the schools and the community. The schools provide computer labs for people without their (8)___________________computers at home. Because everyone can use the Internet, older people participate as (9)____________________as younger ones, and everyone can visit distant libraries and museums as easily as (10)____________________ones. 1. A. quickly B. no time C. in time D. soon 2. A. requirement B. demand C. need D. request 3. A. how B. what way C. when D. why 4. A. but B. not C. unless D. without 5. A. connected B. combined C. linked D. attached 6. A. lectures B. talks C. speeches D. sermons 7. A. complete B. total C. entire D. all 8. A. own B. private C. favorite D. particular 9. A. long B. well C. far D. much 10. A. nearby B. near C. the next D. nearest D. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (10pts) 1. He bites his nails all the time. It is a sign of nervousness. (NERVOUS) 2. While the girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities. (CONFIDE) 3. Petit is only 16 years old, but he can live independently. (DEPEND) 4. He has persuaded her endlessly, but she doesn’t change her mind. (END) 5. The outbreak of the bird flu is worrying. (BREAK) 6. We can lessen the risk of theft by deposing your money in the bank. (LESS) 7. He has no job and so he is penniless. (PENNY) 8. Busy as she is, she plans to pursue a career in politics. (PURSUIT) 9. Discontented with their present salary, all the workers went on strike. (CONTENTMENT) 10. It is a disagreeable situation to be alone and without money in a strange city. (SITUATE) E. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage. (10pts) Phong Nha-Ke Bang is a national park and UNESCO’s World Heritage Site in the Bo Trach and Minh Hua Districts of central Quang Binh Province, in north central Vietnam, about 500km (1) South of the nation’s capital, Ha Noi. Phong Nha-Ke Bang area is noted (2) for its cave and grotto system as it is composed of 300 caves and grottos with a total length (3) of about 70km, of (4) which only 20 have been surveyed by Vietnamese and British scientists; 17 of (5) these are located in the Phong Nha (6) area and three in the Ke Bang area. Phong Nha (7) holds several world cave records, as it has the longest underground rived, as well as the largest caverns and passageways. The park derives its name from Phong Nha vave, the most beautiful off all, containing many fascinating rock (8) formation, and Ke Bang forest. The plateau of which the park is (9) situated is probably one of the finest and most distinctive examples of a complex karst land form in Southeast Asia. This national park was (10) listed in UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites in 2003 for its geographical values. F. Use the correct form of the word given to make a meaningful passage. (10pts) In Britain, what is described as “food miles”, the distance which food is transported from the place where it is grown to its point of sale, continues to rise. This has major economic, social and environmental consequences, given the traffic congestion and pollution which (1) invariably (variable) follow. According to (2) pressure (press) groups, the same amount of food is traveling 50 percent further than twenty years ago. What’s more, the rise in the demand for road haulage over this period has mostly been due to the transport of food and drink. The groups assert that the increase in the number of lorry journeys is (3) excessive (exceed) and that many of these are far from (4) essential (essence). In the distribution system employed by British food (5) retailers (retail), fleets of lorries bring all goods into more (6) centrally (center) located warehouses for redistribution across the country. (7) Logical (Logic) as this might appear, the situation whereby some goods get sent back to the same areas from which they came is (8) unavoidable (avoid). In response to scathing (9) criticism(s) (critic)from environmentalists, some food distributors now aim to minimize the impact of food miles by routing vehicles, wherever possible, on motorways after dark. This encourages greater energy (10) efficiency (efficient) whilst also reducing the impact on the residential areas through which they would otherwise pass. PART III: READING COMPREHENSION Read the following passage and decide which item (A, B, C or D) best answers each sentence. (5pts) Seoul is the capital and largest city of South Korea. With over ten million people, Seoul is one of the world’s largest cities. It is also the world’s second largest metropolitan area, the Seoul National Capital Area – which includes the major port city of Incheon and satellite towns in Gyeonggi-do and has almost 23 million inhabitants. Almost half of South Korea’s population lives in the Seoul National Capital Areas, and nearly one quarter in Seoul itself, making it the country’s political, cultural, and economic center. As a Special City, it is administered directly by the national government. The city is located on the basin of the Han River in the country’s northwest. As a major financial and cultural center, Seoul is considered a global city. The city has hosted the 1988 Summer Olympics, and the 2002 FIFA World Cup. In 2007, it was listed as the third most expensive city in the world and the most expensive in Asia. In recent years, the Seoul Metropolitan Government has undertaken major environment projects. At the same time, the city has promoted the Seoul Digital Media City, the world’s first complex for high-text digital technologies in multi-media, information technology, and entertainment, and the proposed future site of the world’s second tallest building. 1. According to the passage, Seoul isn’t _________________. A. one of the world’s most populous cities B. one of the world’s biggest cities C. the world’s largest metropolitan area D. one of the world’s most expensive cities 2. According to the passage, all of the following are TRUE except __________________. A. Seoul is the largest city of South Korea B. Seoul is the capital and largest of Korea C. The Seoul National Capital Area is the world’s second largest metropolitan area. D. Seoul is a political, cultural, and economic center of South Korea. 3. Seoul is considered a global city because _________________________. A. It is one of the world’s largest cities B. It has hosted the 1988 Summer Olympics C. It has hosted 2002 FIFA World Cup D. It is a major financial and cultural center 4. Seoul is governed by _________________________. A. federal government B. Seoul people’s committee C. national government D. North Korea’s government 5. All of the following about the Seoul Digital Media City are FALSE except _____________. A. The Seoul Digital Media City is the first complex for high-tech digital technologies in Asia. B. The Seoul Digital Media City is the world’s first tallest building. C. The Seoul Digital Media City is the world’s most expensive cities. D. The Seoul Digital Media City is the most expensive in Asia. PART IV: WRITING (25pts) A. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean almost the same as those printed before them. (20pts) 1. I’m sorry that I didn’t remember his name. If only I had remembered his name. 2. A locksmith makes and repairs locks. A locksmith is a person who makes and repairs locks. 3. Thanks to her mother’s encouragement, she entered the beauty contest. Had it not been for her mother’s encouragement, she wouldn’t have entered the beauty contest. 4. Jane eats and watches TV all the time. Jane does nothing but eat and watch TV. 5. You have done really well to pass your driving test so quickly. She congratulated me on passing my driving test so quickly. 6. This is the first time that I have seen an eclipse of the sun. Never before have I seen an eclipse of the sun. 7. I’m not much interested in sports. I don’t really go in for sports. 8. Mary was last heard of a week ago. Nobody has heard of Mary for a week. 9. We’d prefer you not to smoke. We’d rather you didn’t smoke / you stopped smoking. 10. It is English pronunciation that puzzles me most. What’s puzzling me most is how to pronounce English. B. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets: (5pts) 1. I haven’t received a reply from Rachel yet. (still) Rachel still hasn’t replied to me / made me a reply. 2. You’re kidding! (on) You’re having me on! 3. Jack always trusts me with his secret. (confides) Jack always confides in me. 4. The runners were too exhausted to finish the race. (that) So exhausted were the runners that none of them finished the race. 5. When I lent him the money, I had no idea he was rich. (known) If I had known he was rich, I wouldn’t have lent him the money. THE END OF THE TEST . ĐỀ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG ANH 9 QUẬN 3 (KEYS) (NH: 2010-2011) 120’ PART I: LISTENING Listen to two university students, Pete and Sarah, who are trying

Ngày đăng: 25/06/2015, 16:00

