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Đáp Án HSGAnh9.Q4.2009-2010

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ĐỀ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG ANH 9 QUẬN 4 (KEYS) (NH: 2009-2010) 120’ PART I: LISTENING (10 points) A. Three people are talking about the Chinese zodiac. Listen to the conversation and complete the chart. (5pts) Birth year Creature Characteristic 1972/1984 Rat 1. Hard-working 1973/1985 Ox Patient 1974/1986 Tiger Smart 1975/1987 Rabbit Easygoing 1976/1988 Dragon Energetic 1977/1989 Snake 2. Serious 1966/1978 Horse 3. Outgoing 1967/1979 Sheep 4. Creative 1968/1980 Monkey 5. Fun-loving 1969/1981 Rooster Reliable 1970/1982 Dog Loyal 1971/1983 Pig Generous B. Alicia is talking to her mother on the phone. Listen and complete her calendar. (5pts) 17 FRIDAY 18 SATURDAY 19 SUNDAY 4:30 pm hair salon appointment 11:00 am 2. acrobics 9:30 am 4. run for charity 6:00 pm 1. tennis team dinner 1:00-5:30 pm 3. study group meeting Noon-5:00 pm volunteer work 7:30 pm date with Ken 6:00-10:00 pm part-time job 7:00 pm 5. book club meeting PART II: USE OF ENGLISH (20 points) Choose the item (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each sentence. (20pts) 11. All of ___________________, children except my brother Ned will be in college this fall. A. our B. us C. we D. ours 12. If nothing is done to stop the loss of topsoil our greatest national resource _______________ in 50 years. A. will go B. will have gone C. will be gone D. will have bee going 13. With the destruction of the national land, hundreds of plants and animals ________________ able to survive. A. are no more B. no more are C. are no longer D. no longer are 14. Without a car, it takes a long time to get from __________________. A. a place to other B. one place to other C. a place to another D. one place to another 15. “You are late!” He said _____________________an anger voice. A. with B. by C. in D. at 16. Beckham ___________________for the national team in 100 matches so far. A. has played B. has been playing C. was playing D. played 17. He was tempted to steal the money when he saw it __________________on the table. A. lie B. lying C. lay D. laying 18. _________________all birds, penguins are the most fully adapted to water and extreme cold. A. Among B. Of C. In D. Out of 19. I think you are wrong – this bill is _____________________. A. much too high B. high too much C. much high too D. too much high 20. My letter ___________________have arrived yesterday, but it didn’t. A. must B. may C. should D. can 21. I’d prefer to save my money _________________than spend it on rubbish like that. A. more B. other C. rather D. better 22. He enjoys ____________________activities like painting and playing music. A. abstract B. creative C. powerful D. classic 23. Jackie ___________________to travel and nobody can change her mind. A. was determined B. has determined C. determined D. is determined 24. She wasn’t strict teacher but cheating is the one she __________________allow for. A. mustn’t B. mightn’t C. wouldn’t D. shouldn’t 25. There is a good ____________________it will rain as the sky is overcast. A. chance B. opportunity C. possibility D. capability 26. I hear the film isn’t worth ___________________. I got it very bad reviews. A. to see B. to be seen C. being seen D. seeing 27. If she hadn’t gone to college, she ________________________such a good job today. A. wouldn’t have B. doesn’t have C. wouldn’t have had D. won’t have 28. “Can we get to the beach on foot?” – “You’ve got to joking! It’s almost _________________ from here.” A. a two hours driving B. a drive for two hours C. a two-hour drive D. a two hour’s drive 29. He denied ___________________in anything illegal. A. to be involved B. not being involved C. being involved D. not to be involved 30. I’ve had the car for 15 years so it was about time I _________________rid of it. A. took B. pushed C. got D. put PART III: READING COMPREHENSION (35 points) A. Read the text below and decide which word A, B, C, or D best fits each space. (15pts) CIRCUS CHILDREN When the Moscow State Circus (sample) goes on its annual tour of Europe, the younger members of the circus are still expected to (31)_____________________with their education. The circus usually (32)_____________________for a few days in each town, so how do the young performers manage? One twelve-year-old gets up at the crack of (33)_____________________to practice her act before (34)_____________________off to school. She returns at lunchtime to her family’s caravan and more practice. Not only does she work (35)_____________________but she also has to make a whole new (36)___________________of friends each time she moves on. “It’s exhausting work but I like the circus (37)____________________”, she says. “The worst (38)___________________is when I make new friends and have to leave them, although I try to (39)____________________by letter.” The Russian who runs the circus makes (40)___________________that all the children get a proper education. When the circus first arrives in Britain, he (41)____________________the traveler education service and gives them the (42)___________________of all the children, and when they will be in certain towns and cities. “It’s a fantastic (43)____________________,” he says. “I receive a (44)_____________________when we reach the next town telling us where to meet. We are then accompanied to the school and introduced to the head teacher. It works like (45)_________________. 31. A. progress B. maintain C. continue D. further 32. A. slows B. stops C. places D. moves 33. A. dawn B. morning C. day D. light 34. A. following B. leaving C. heading D. directing 35. A. strict B. difficult C. strong D. hard 36. A. form B. gathering C. set D. collection 37. A. life B. way C. living D. type 38. A. section B. piece C. part D. side 39. A. keep in view B. keep in touch C. keep in line D. keep in mind 40. A. sure B. definite C. important D. time 41. A. connects B. notices C. reaches D. contacts 42. A. facts B. details C. quantities D. demands 43. A. system B. habit C. plan D. order 44. A. sign B. signal C. message D. word 45. A. lightning B. clockwork C. new D. wildfire B. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word. (15pts) Blind people can read today thanks to the work of many diligent inventors. One of the first truly effective systems (46) enabling the blind to read was developed by Valentin Hauy, a Frenchman. He actually embossed the standard alphabet onto paper, i.e. it was punched alphabet. Other people improved on Hauy’s system, and a similar system, (47) called Moon Type, was invented by William Moon in England in 1845. These systems are good for people who become blind late (48) life after they are already familiar (49) with the standard alphabet. The most well-known system, Braille, was (50) invented by a fifteen-year-old French boy who was (51) himself blind. In 1824 he came up with a system composed of one to six dots arranged in a six-position matrix. Braille became interested in the (52) need for such a system when he found that the library at the school for the blind that he attended in Parts had only 14 books in embossed characters. Students who had never seen the English alphabet (53) found reading embossed characters frustrating. More importantly, the students could not write with a system of embossed letters. Braille based his idea (54) on a system called night-writing that the French army was using (55) for nighttime battlefield messages. In fact, it was Captain Charles Barbier who assisted Braille by providing information on the army’s communication system. The army’s system used twelve dots and Braille (56) managed to come up with a workable system that used only six. It is interesting to note that even though Braille’s classmates readily adopted his system and (57) that Braille eventually became the basis for the system currently (58) used today, the school for the blind that Braille (59) attended did not adopt Braille’s system (60) until 1854, two years after his death. C. Choose the best ending for each paragraph. (5pts) 61. The idea of a car that knows where to go may seem impossible. However, new technology may soon make this possible. Cars will have computers to tell drivers which roads have the least traffic. That way the drivers will not waste time in traffic jams. There will also be less pollution because the car engines will be running less. These new cars will be known as _____________. A. ‘expensive cars’ B. ‘fast cars’ C. ‘traffic cars’ D. ‘smart cars’ 62. Scottish people like to think that golf is a Scottish sport. The game did not come from Scotland, however. It was first played in Holland in the 14 th century. Only later did it become ________. A. popular with the Dutch B. popular in Scotland C. a real sport D. an Olympic sport 63. When Christopher Columbus sailed west from Spain in 1492 he wanted to reach Asia. He did not know there was another continent in between Europe and Asia. In fact, when he died he still believed that the land he had found was ___________________. A. Asia B. America C. Spain D. another continent 64. In the past, many people in western Ireland and the Scottish Highlands spoke Gaelic as their first language. Now only a few people speak Gaelic and they are mostly from the older generation. The younger people ____________________. A. hardly understand any English B. don’t like to speak with strangers C. often don’t even understand Gaelic D. don’t often speak with the older generation 65. When Europeans first arrived in North America in 1620 the forests were full of bears. There were more than half a million of these wild animals. Then the Europeans began to cut down the forests where the bears lived. They also began to hunt the bears. By 1900, there were very few bears left. Now, however, the bear population is about 200,000. The bears have begun to multiply again, thanks to _______________________. A. better hunting methods B. better foods for them C. better laws to protect them D. better laws to protect Europeans PART IV: WORD FORM (20 points) A. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (10pts) 66. Parents should discourage their children from smoking. (COURAGE) 67. It’s hard to buy meat on the island but fish is plentiful. (PLENTY) 68. She refuses to work on Sundays because of her religious belief. (BELIEVE) 69. We must all help to stop the destruction of the ozone layer. (DESTROY) 70. The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes. (DANGER) 71. There has been a sharp raise in the number of people out of work. (RAISE) 72. I could see some movements in the trees. (MOVE) 73. Some designers have modernized the ao dai by printing lines of poetry. (MODERN) 74. These clothes are attractive but entirely impractical. (PRACTICE) 75. If you are unsensitive, you might hurt someone’s feeling. (SENSE) B. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. (10pts) 76. One story says that Robin Hood was captured and made work as a porter at the court of King Edward II. A B C D 77. She made it clearly that under no circumstances would she cancel the trip. A B C D 78. I never sit on one of the front rows in the cinema because I can’t stand being too near the screen. A B C D 79. “I’m afraid there’s no longer milk left in the fridge” – “Don’t worry we’ll do without it.” A B C D 80. I’m angry with myself because I’ve wasted this afternoon to watch silly TV programs. A B C D 81. I found my new contact lenses strange at first, but I got used to them at the end. A B C D 82. The climbers have been missed since Wednesday evening and this is giving cause for concern. A B C D 83. My home village is on the west of the city. A B C D 84. Peter was fainted during the lesson and when he came round he found himself in the sick room. A B C D 85. The audience was completely carried away by the very wonderful performance of the soloist. A B C D PART V: WRITING (15 points) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. (15pts) 86. They arrived very late because they had a flat tire. If they hadn’t had a flat tire, they wouldn’t have arrived late. 87. I regret not going to the airport to say goodbye. I wish I had gone to the airport to say goodbye. 88. I advise you not to say anything like that again. You’d better not say anything like that again. 89. She didn’t let them out of sight for a second. Not for a second did she let them out of sight. 90. We spent more time talking about it than actually doing it. Talking about it took us more time than actually doing it. 91. “We are spending more on education than ever before,” he claimed. He claimed that more was being spent on education than ever before. 92. You remember to post the letter, didn’t you? You didn’t forget to post the letter, did you? 93. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number”, said Paul to Susan. Paul apologized to Susan for having given her the wrong number. 94. Please don’t smoke in the kitchen. I’d rather you didn’t smoke in the kitchen. 95. Collecting stamps is one of Tommy’s interest. Tommy is interested in collecting stamps. 96. Daisy is not nearly as active as she used to be. Daisy used to be more active than she is. 97. The car wouldn’t start, which annoyed him intensely. To his intense annoyance, the car wouldn’t start. 98. I found their reaction rather puzzling. I was rather puzzled by/about their reaction. 99. Thousands of people were unable to get to work because of the bad weather. The bad weather prevented thousands of people from getting to work. 100. I’m afraid we’ve run out of coffee. I’m afraid there isn’t any coffee left/is no coffee left/isn’t any more coffee. THE END OF THE TEST . ĐỀ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG ANH 9 QUẬN 4 (KEYS) (NH: 2009-2010) 120’ PART I: LISTENING (10 points) A. Three people are talking about the Chinese zodiac.

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2015, 11:00

