~ 6 questions = Choose the correct words and write them on the Look and read... you read it to me?” said Jane.. Part 6 ~ 3 questions — Read the text, Choose the right words and write
Trang 1|
Ce SRT wT kee, Fx San TÔ
| | Ste SE S02 ngoc Ass SS Baa rere acne Be ea net Uae : , `
` P : ` TT TẾT tung een ng Daas toe 2 : :
: « | ñ : SECIS dance oe boa Ree 4 TC Series = " , “
a And PLES Stencnss creased Orta ae IT at k
| 7
` :
` " ‘
` ` ° + +
Trang 3
There are 49 questions ~~~
You have 30 mi ‘nutes,
You will need a pen or pencil,
Trang 5]
Some people wear these round their necks,
When you go to bed, you can sleep under this
You can go here and see a film
You read this when you need to find a place
People wear these on their feet
You go here to eat or drink something
These help you to see better
— _
# ì
ry Pt Be ghee
OR Nee eee eee eee e neces
COR Ce eae 8 es oe bee FR * DO ed ee ee
Trang 7A boy is kicking a ball on the beach
There is snow on the mountain behind
Trang 9
And what’s your pet's favourite food?
A) She loves chicken and milk
Where does she sleep?
A It’s cold Outside:
B Yes, every evening
€) On a mat in the hall
Is she big?
A Me too!
B No, small and fat!
C That’s nice!
Where did you get her from?
A My grandpa bought her jor us
B- She% at the shops
Can I come and play with her?
A No, she wasn’t there,
C` Yes, come this afternoon!
" | oe
Trang 10
— 7 questions —
Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct word next to the numbers 1—6 There is one example
Paul and his two sisters, Jane and Mary, live [TQ cv nen kỉ
(1) oe@eeooooevaoegeoa eg 0 0 O0 Ở ó ðÐ ð ð ở 9 9 9ð 6 out of the window and said “Its raining
Their mother smiled “Go and get all your sports things and put on your (5) o ø 0 ở ð O0 o0 Ø ð 0 0Ø ð Ð G6 9G ở 0 e€ g9 ,” she said
The children were surprised “But where are we going?” they asked
“To the new sports centre!” their mother answered “A woman talked
things that you want to do there.”
“Wow!” said Paul “Great!” shouted Jane and Mary.
Trang 11
@Xample ¬.— ai
Tick one box
Saturday at the beach Sports lessons at school Mum’s good idea
Trang 12
~ 10 questions —
Look at the pictures and read the story Write some words to
is eyes were tired and he went to sleep Then he had a dream
aed @œ
Trang 13In his dream, Funny Fred went to a jungle
good story for you,” the hippo said
Trang 14ị
Funny Fred had a big orange mange in his hand too!
eer ©
Trang 15
~ 53 questions —
Read the text Choose the right words and write them on the
The letters of the alphabet
the picture of a kind of farm animal which is called a cow
legs and its face in the letter ‘A’ When people started
and pencils in books Some of us can write on computers too!
Trang 16about because
Trang 18
~ 6 questions =
Choose the correct words and write them on the
Look and read
Trang 19eee ee
2 _ This animal has big teeth and swims in the sea
ee ee on a se Pee ore ese nans
Trang 20‘
Ke are
"a weet ove HÀ:
s„ 2 oO 9 w* OS
ao ow quare
Trang 23BO
What present did you give her?
| wanted a video,
/ | bought her a DYD
What did you do there? Did you dance?
‘A’ There wasn’t any music
BI had lessons at school
Who was there from her family?
A Only her parents
| wasn’t well | couldn’t go
A That's a very good idea!
B You can come to my party!
C She’s got a headache!
Trang 24
_— 7 questions ~ Read the storu Choose a word Jrom the box Write the correct
| “werd next te numbers 1-6 There is one example
Daisy’s aunt was very clever — she could make clothes She gave Daisy a very beautiful hat Daisy wore it all morning, but in the (2) ° 0% dg ô 9 0 6n 0060090 060 99 6 0 6ö %4 , she couldn’t find it
put it there when you played with the goat.”
Daisy ran to pick it up, then started to (4)
“What’s the matter?” called Aunt Lucy
“Your goat ate some of my hat! Look!” she said
another hat for you.”
“Can | help?” asked Daisy “! want to learn to make hats too.”
They made two: one for Daisy and one for Daisy's favourite
9 #0 9 9 8v o0 vớ 0 099 o0 @ 003 9g 2 0n ở
Trang 25for people and put
e worked on the computer
to find books
h a-
Mrs Cook went to work every day at
There was | under her desk
Mrs Cook put the library books
Trang 26vite Ne nee tne ees HH nee te
và sáu th
co) '
My aunt’s sweater
Daisy and the hats
A goat wears Daisy’s clothes
Trang 27
wae “
Z1 T4 SST he
brary but she
Ti me ete TT + me ttt
’ but she couldn’t find a book with th
lt was called ‘The Last Lion
her computer
“DO you know th
her is book?” she asked her friend, Sally, who worked with
At the end of the day,
took it home
brary | know all the books
The name of the book was
Mrs Cook looked on this book there
Trang 28“| know that one,” said Jane
“You read it to me when | was a young girl We went to a zoo and Dad
It was my favourite story! But then we lost it Can
bought it for me there
you read it to me?” said Jane
“Yes, after dinner,” Mrs Cook said
7 Mrs Cook showed the book to her
Jane’s mum read the
10 eooeeoeoeooreesesree oow eo ena eree Fao os
ng the book to Jane
t L
Trang 29Part 6
~ 3 questions —
Read the text, Choose the right words and write them on the
brown and live in forests A panda is a kind of bear mmmwrssrnstseessssee lS bgek and white, Some beqrs gre onlu
in the water to catch fish and some stand in rivers and wait
Trang 30Example
what These
Trang 31You will need a pen or pencil
Trang 32can go there in this
Two or three people can sit on this in their
living room
happened a long time ago
some medicine
toothache, and he or she helps you
rivers, lakes, the weather and many other things about the world
steals your money
Trang 33fe ee ease nae sas
ates between the cupboard and the c|
There are some p
it is open
d window and There is a roun
Trang 34Questions
3 The boy who’s talking on the telephone is wearing a — Nee
5 _ The bigger bowl on the table is made o0Ƒƒwood Xư
7 There is a T-shirt with green and uellow stripes on q chaÌr
Trang 35Part 3
— 3 questions —
Katy is talking to her friend Helen about their New Year party,
eee ce th A xi
nh om
"ri cv mo go A z
Read the conversation and choose the best answer
Write a letter (A-H) for each answer
You do not need to use all the letters There is one example,
Exa mpl e
Our New Year party will be fun
Trang 36
vps ew tee
x eee ak teed tee, “1s et at es
hould ask her — she
Good idea, if he comes
Trang 37Part 4
~ & questions — Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct
word next to numbers 145: There ™ is ‘one example rrr soars a
to sleep! | was ona skiing holiday with my sister and parents
“Wake up!” | said to my sister, “Let’s go outside and have a skiing
competition.” She got dressed quickly and soon we were out on the new
white snow
“One, two, three, go!” she shouted, and Started to ski
on my back | started to move down the hill lying on my back! A minute
later, | was in Jront of her
4 ve won!” | shouted
My sister skied to me and pulled me up She said, “That was Junny! Let’s
dứt backs this time!”
“Great,” | said, and we climbed back up to the top of the hill
Trang 38
(6) New choose the best name for the story
Tick one box
Trang 39Part §
~ # questions — Look at the picture and read the story Write some words ta
On Tuesday afternoon, David walked home from school with his friend,
Robert Robert bounced his expensive new football and said, “How about a
T can't,” said David, “I have to do my homework first.”
“t don’t want to do mine because it’s too boring,” said Robert, and he ran
to play football with their friends This made David unhappy because he
wanted to play, too, but he walked home to do his homework
The next day in class, Robert whispered to David, “Can ! see your
homework?” But it was too late: the teacher said, “Robert, what's the
matter? Why are you whispering? Did you do your homework?” Robert
didn’t move and he didn’t speak
“Robert,” said the teacher, “Give me your book, please.”
“I’m sorry, | didn’t do my homework,” answered Robert, and he gave her
the book
The teacher was angry and said, “You know that if you don’t do your
homework you must Stay here after class and finish it.”
Later that afternoon, Robert sat in the empty classroom He did his
homework slowly He could hear his friends in the playground On
Thursday he did his homework first and then he enjoyed a game of
football with his friends
va eg
Trang 40Examples
on Tuesday, Robert Walked home, with David
Robert asked David to play a game of football
so he didn’t want to do it
football, and he couldn't
On Wednesday morning, Robert wanted to
David’s homework
to we aw ee wee aa eee eee HEHE RH ER HEH ERATE REE HES HEE
eure meee ae re ee ea anerennevasrereesiausenvarnuna cea neys
lesson and do his homework
When Robert was finishing his homework, he heard
outside in the playground
Trang 41wanted to know more about it In some
peop Tet ee ee eee emcee sseeey
pictures The pictures are very famous, and they show the astronauts
on the moon When the astronauts were on the moon, people on Earth
Trang 42watched wear what
too aren't
watcn wore whoa also haven't
Trang 43
Part 7
° cians —
+ laying w
wrote two more sentences
and drew a beaut
ith Mum to Duy a
ing out w
and Mum Now
LO put on the envelope, so we can post
TR TO Roe Oo ee oad dew oeaee
! ill love it
Grandma w
Trang 45English for Speakers of Other Language
There are 50 questions
You have 40 minutes
You will need a pen or pencil
Trang 46dangerous They put water on fires to stop them I 6€
jam |7 — This animal usually lives in hot, dry places, | | meat
10 Some people put this on their bread with
a knife It is often red or orange, and is
Trang 48Both of the horses that are lying down have white
stripes on their faces
Two people who are standing under a tree are
naving a conversation
The girl with the curly hair is giving an apple to
one of the horses
The woman in the blue jacket is pointing to the road
There’s a rainbow in the sky.above the castle
Hà Gitele atrl ay! te rt wise tirưrln ƒ ta
Tre little girl wine is playing with the tithe boy is
Mm TiQOorre ( pad Pte se ot tna2 ten tej rhe Nedres, Pull,
oes e eee ea 2 “e2
ow ees ee ee maw ae
Ce ee ey
Trang 49
— 5 questions —
Mrs Plant the teacher i is talking to Sally What does Sally say?
TT ce meee 4am ae ecm xe ii ee os mec ne I a a 5
Read the conversation and choose the best answer
Write a lettér (A-H) for each answer
You do not need to use all the letters There is one example
: Example
°: Are you ready for your holiday in London, Sally?
Trang 50At my
Trang 51Part 4
— ỗ questions —
Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct
_Word-next to-numbers 1—5, There is one exa taple: - —
T79 nnrrreroreririeeireeedeeeisreer
` HH th se ord ¬—_ kere eee
when Mum said “Boys, can you take your sister to
the library, please? She CD) cece to look in some books
_ because
to do her homework.” The boys were (2) _
they wanted to play But Jim and Nick had to take Sarah to the library When they got there, the boys said “Go and do your homework We
want to talk:” An old woman near them said “Please look after your
sister.” Jim and Nick looked at Sarah She was very sad “OK, Sarah,
w€1l 8), 960/” the sơid, Sargh showed the
Poys the questions They took her to the @)
with history books on them, and they found the answers with her “This
IS good fun!” said Jim After an hour they had all the answers Sarah
was very happy The old woman said to the boys, “That was kind of
you You’ve made your sister happy.” Then she gave them all some
(5) to read.
Trang 52
(6) Now choose the best name for the story
Tick one box
Trang 53go and get the cakes?” He gave Harry some money and Harry left the
them | ran away very quickly!” Everyone laughed The next time Harry
took the bus to the shop!
Trang 54Examples
ema ee ade hd Ð eraser eee seed HHH EHH HEHEHE HEHEHE BORE OH SEE
to buy the cakes for the first time
Sco eae dees 09434032 ờ 0046 9 6» o9 060 2e h9 0 0 686 00 9000 bố +0 v0 °.a 4660 ®
ao me men mere eee ase reoraeewnewnere ne nea ee nee eee meee e ete er a
Pra a are a —
Trang 55rart &
- 10 questions —
Read the text Choase the right wards and write them on the lines
oa ,
world, Thé word Octopus , s_ “eight feet” Octopuses have
ell They have a hard nose and they can’t hear
Some octopuses are small and some are big The biggest octepus, the | 7
qnimals have Soft bodies, and because they are soft they
ee 2 7 »
at the bottom of the sea in or under rocks
BOO e mere ear were seas
eat during this time Baby octopuses have a lot of brothers and sisters
Trang 56because
what These
lives but hers
_ did every
meaning | Them
where That after live
or her
does each
Trang 57Part 7
~ 3 questions — Read the letter and write the missing words Write one word on each line
eres all the money yesterday at the shops! bought
a beautiful pink belt which Pm SH TK KT này to wear at -
mụ ƒriend's partu next Saturday | also.bought a new CD
dropped a heavy book on it! ’'m very happy that I can listen