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Giao an Language Focus Unit 13-Grade 11

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Name: Nguyễn Thị Oanh Instructor: Ms Dao Thuy Hanh Teaching practicum at class 11A3-Thang Long High School. LESSON PLAN UNIT 13: HOBBIES- LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Class description: 54 students, 27 boys and 27 girls II. Time: 45 minutes III. Materials: textbook, chalk, board. IV. Objectives. At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: Pronounce the clusters /pt/, /bd/, /ps/ and /bz/ _ Pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly _ Use cleft sentences (subject focus, object focus and adverbial focus) correctly to do the exercises V. Anticipated problem The students may find it difficult to pronounce these sounds so teacher should be ready to help them. VI. Assumed knowledge Students have already known some words that contain these sounds. VII. Procedure Procedure Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm up 5 ms - T divides the class into 4 groups and gives Ss a conversation in which there are 4 sounds /pt/, /bd/, /ps/ and /bz/. - T asks each group to find out the sounds in the conversation. Group 1: sound /pt/ Group2: sound /bd/ Group 3: sound /ps/ Group 4: sound/bz/ - T leads to the lesson and asks Ss to read the sounds in the conversation. -Work in groups. -Read the conversation and find the sounds T requires. -Find out the sounds. -Listen to T. Pronunciation 10 mins Individual work and pair work Distinguish the sounds (individual work) - T introduces the three sounds : /pt/, /bd/, /ps/ and /bz/ - T asks students to look at the book. Then T models the /pt/, /bd/, /ps/ and /bz/for a few times and asks Ss to repeat the sounds. - T gets Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus and individually for a few more times. T listens and corrects if Ss pronounce the words incorrectly Practicing sentences (pair work) -Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the sentences - Go around to listen and take notes of the typical errors - Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback - Listen to T. - Look at the book and read after T. - Take turn to read the sentences Grammar presentation (10 mins The whole class) Cleft sentences - T gives an example to explain: The girl received a present yesterday. S O adverbial Subject focus: It was the girl who received a present yesterday. Object focus: It was a present that she received yesterday Adverbial focus: It was yesterday that she received a present Then T draws out the structure: It + be+ focus+ clause 1. Subject focus It is/was + S+ that/who +verb: 2. Object focus It is/was + O+ that/who(m)+ S +verb: 3. Adverbial focus - Listen to T and take notes It is/was + adverbial of place + that+ S +verb. - Then T take another example and asks Ss apply the structure to rewrite sentence E.g. : I borrow Mary some CDs last week. - Rewrite the example Exercise 1 7 mins Individually work - T asks Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answers with another student - T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the boards. Then T checks the answers Answers: 1. It was the boy who visited his uncle last month. 2. It was my mother who bought me a present on my birthday. 3. It was Huong and Sandra who sang together at the party. 4. It was Nam’s father who got angry with him. 5. It was the boys who played football all day long. 6. It was the girl who received a letter for her friend yesterday. - Do the exercise 1 Exercise 2 7 mins Individual work - Ask Ss to do exercise 2 individually and then calls some Ss to write their answers on the board - T correct answers Answers: 1. It is English that the man is learning. 2. It was the book that the woman gave him. 3. It was the postcard that she sent her friend. - Do the exercise 2 4. It was the book that Hoa borrowed from Long. 5. It was his grandfather who(m) the little boy greeted in a strange language. 6. It was the policeman who(m) the pedestrian asked a lot of questions. 7. It was the stranger who(m) the dog barked at. Exercise 3 5 mins Pair work - Ask Ss to do exercise 3 in pairs - Call some Ss to write their answers on board - T gives correct answers Answers: 1. It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog. 2. It was for tea that she made some cakes. 3. It was for him that his father repaired the bicycle. 4. It was for him that his father repaired the bicycle. 5. It was on his birthday that she presented him a book. 6. It was in Britain that he met his wife. 7. It was from the shop that she bought that present. 8. It was at 8:00 a.m. that the meeting started. - Do the exercise 3 Homework 1 min The whole class - T asks Ss to revise all the structures and new words from unit 11-unit 13 to prepare for the 45mins test. - Listen to T Date: March 21 st ,2011 . Nguyễn Thị Oanh Instructor: Ms Dao Thuy Hanh Teaching practicum at class 11A3-Thang Long High School. LESSON PLAN UNIT 13: HOBBIES- LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Class description: 54 students, 27 boys and 27. /ps/ and /bz/ _ Pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly _ Use cleft sentences (subject focus, object focus and adverbial focus) correctly to do the exercises V. Anticipated. Long. 5. It was his grandfather who(m) the little boy greeted in a strange language. 6. It was the policeman who(m) the pedestrian asked a lot of questions. 7. It was the stranger who(m) the dog

Ngày đăng: 27/05/2015, 19:00

