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ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III. Họ và tên: …………………………………………………… ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III Môn Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Đề thi bao gồm 80 câu, 05 trang. Học sinh không được dùng bất kỳ tài liệu nào có liên quan. Không dùng bút chì, bút mực đỏ.) Choose the most suitbale option to complete the passage. Mobile phones 1) _________ microwave radio emissions. Reseachers are questioning whether exposure to these radio waves might 2) _________ to brain cancer. So far, the data are not conclusive. The scientific evidence does not 3) _________ us to say with certainty that moblie phones are categorically 4) _________. On the other hand, current research has not yet 5) _________ clear adverse effects associated with the prolonged use of mobile phones. Numerous studies are now going 6) _________ in various countries. Some of the result are contradictory but others have shown an association between mobile phue use and cancer. 7) _________, these studies are preliminary and the issue needs further, long-term investigation. 8) _________ the scientific data are more definite, it is prudent for people to try not to use moblie phones for long 9) _________ of time. Don’t think that hand-free phones are any safer either. At the moment, research is in fact showing the 10) _________ and they may be just as dangerous. It is also thought that young people whose bodies are still growing may be at particular risk. Câu 1: A. send B. give C. emit D. charge Câu 2: A. cause B. lead C. produce D. bring Câu 3: A. enable B. make C. able D. let Câu 4: A. risky B. secure C. unhealthy D. safe Câu 5: A. proved B. demonstrated C. caused D. produced Câu 6: A. by B. on C. through D. about Câu 7: A. Though B. Additionally C. However D. While Câu 8: A. Provided B. As C. When D. Until Câu 9: A. amounts B. periods C. quantities D. intervals Câu 10: A. fact B. opposite C. way D. truth Choose the best answer for each of the sentences below. Câu 11: After a quick _________ at the patient, the doctor rang for an ambullance. A. glance B. stare B. gaze D. glimpse Câu 12: The man was very conscious _________ his bald head. A. about B. of C. with D. for Câu 13: _________ had they recovered from the earthquake when they felt the second tremor. A. Never B. Scarcely C. No sooner D. Just Câu 14: There’s no __________ in waiting for the bus, they don’t run on public holidays. A. good B. point C. worth D. reason Câu 15: He phoned to tell me that he couldn’t come tomorrow because he _________ to the dentist. A. had gone B. was going C. would go D. went Câu 16: The museum is well worth _________ if you are in the area. A. being seen B. to visit C. a visit D. the sight Câu 17: He can’t even speak his own language properly, _________ Spanish. A. without saying B. leaving out C. let alone D. to mention Câu 18: _________ his advice, I would never have got the job. A. Except B. Apart from C. But for D. As for Câu 19: His advice is that it __________ at once is reasonable. A. should do B. be done C. needs to be done D. is done Nguyễn Đức Hưng* - Marie Curie High School, HP. Email: hungmchp@Gmail.com Trang 1 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III. Câu 20: They have sent Bob to __________ prison for hitting _________ police man on ________ head. I’ll go to ________ prison tomorrow to bring him some clothes. A. x / a / the / x B. a / a / the / the C. the / the / x / the D. x / a / the / the Câu 21: ___________ is called erosion. A. The wearing away of land B. When land wears away C. The wearing land D. Worn away land Câu 22: With the help of German experts, the factory produced __________ cars in 1993 as the year before. A. as twice many B. as many as twice C. as twice as many D. twice as many Câu 23: If you run __________ Steve, give him my best wishes. A. over B. into C. up D. to Câu 24: If Jim _______ the plane, he _______ by now. A. hadn’t missed/ would have been B. didn’t miss/ would have been C. hadn’t missed/ would be D. hadn’t missed/ had been Câu 25: The children had been _________ of the danger, but had taken no notice. A. warned B. explained C. prevented D. shown Câu 26: In the ____________ of the rain, the match will have to be put off for a week. A. circumstances B. happening C. event D. fact Câu 27: John is ____________ the best student in my class. A. very B. too C. greatly D. by far Câu 28: Ann refused to take ___________ in the preparations for the school concert. A. place B. part C. notice D. leave Câu 29: Any candidate caught __________ in the examination will be disqualified. A. deceiving B. deluding C. conjuring D. cheating Câu 30: He is very ___________ on meeting English people and making friends with them. A. fond B. keen C. sharp D. anxious Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question. Water scarcity is fast becoming one of the major litmiting factors in world crop production. In many areas, poor argricultural practices have led to increasing desertification and the loss of formerly arable lands. Consequently, those plants and species that are well adapted to survival in dry climates are being looked at for an answer in developing more efficient crops to grow on marginally arable lands. Plants use several machanism to ensure their survival in desert environments. Some involve purely mechanical and physical adaptations, such as the shape of the plant’s surface, smaller leaf size, and extensive root systems. Some of the adaptations are related to chemical mechanisms. Many plants, such as cacti, have internal gums and mucilages which give them water-retaining properties. Another chemical mechanism is that of the epicuticular wax layer. This wax layer acts as an impervious cover to protect the plant. It prevents excessive loss of internal moisture. It also protects the plant from external aggression, which can come from inorganic agents such as gases, or organic agents which include bateria ant plant pests. Reseachers have proposed that synthetic waxes with similar protective abilities could be prepared based on knowledge of desert plants. If successfully developed, such a compound could be used to greatly increase a plant’s ability to maintain health in such adverse situations as inadequate water supply, limited fertiliser availablitiy, attack by pests, and poor storage after haversting. Câu 31: This passage deals mainly with A. desertification B. decreasing water supplies C. factors limiting crop production D. developing efficient plants Câu 32: The word “arable” in line 2 is closest in meaning to A. fertile B. parched C. barren D. marsh Câu 33: Which of the following is a mechanical or physical mechanism that desert plants use? A. The plant’s shape B. The small root system Nguyễn Đức Hưng* - Marie Curie High School, HP. Email: hungmchp@Gmail.com Trang 2 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III. C. The vast leaf size D. The high water consumption Câu 34: The word “extensive” in line 8 is closest in meaning to A. spongy B. shallow C. comprehensive D. widespread Câu 35: Which is one of the ways in which the epicuticular wax protects the plant? A. It helps the plant to avoid exccessive moisture intake? B. It helps the plant to attack aggressors. C. It releases gases against plant pests. D. It guards against bacteria. Câu 36: The word “it” in line 11 refers to A. another chemical mechanism B. the epicuticular wax layer C. an impervious plantlike cover D. the loss of internal moisture Câu 37: The word “aggression” in line 12 is closest in meaning to A. attack B. agitation C. conditions D. surroundings Câu 38: What is an example of an inorganic agent that may attack plants? A. Bacteria B. Insects C. Gas D. Pests Câu 39: It can be inferred that synthetic simulated waxes A. have not been developed yet B. have not succeeded C. have been determined to be impervious to organic and inorganic agents D. have the quality of causing bacteria Câu 40: All of the following are examples of an adverse situation for crops EXCEPT A. inadequate water B. insufficient fertilise C. pest aggression D. proper storage Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. Câu 41: A. hero B. ghost C. happy D. hint Câu 42: A. algebra B. island C. half D. slim Câu 43: A. vision B. friends C. stands D. closet Câu 44: A. toured B. rubbed C. erased D. astonished Câu 45: A. eleventh B. worth C. health D. leather Choose the word in each group that has the stressed syllable different from the rest. Câu 46: A. collection B. magazine C. electronic D. entertain Câu 47: A. software B. hardware C. magic D. machine Câu 48: A. abandon B. constable C. frequency D. habitat Câu 49: A. mysterious B. historical C. heritage D. particular Câu 50: A. cinema B. calendar C. character D. phonetics Choose the best answer for each of the sentences below. Câu 51: Dickens is my ___________ English novelist. A. favourable B. preferable C. preferential D. favourite Câu 52: He has been ___________ on the beach for hours and will get badly sunburned. A. lain B. lying C. lied D. laying Câu 53: I’m sorry I didn’t take in what he said. A. listen B. hear C. understand D. note Câu 54: If you want my opinion, I think this needs looking into. A. examining B. searching C. finding D. discovering Câu 55: Mary quit her job as a trainee lawyer in a foreign law firm, __________ surprised all of her friends. A. which B. that C. who D. that it Câu 56: It’s hard to get ___________ him; he’s got such a difficult character. A. into B. over to C. on with D. by Câu 57: I’ll tutor you in literature _________ you promise to do everything I say without unreasonable objection. A. even though B. only if C. unless D. if only Câu 58: Reaching the village, you can see a big house ___________ in the middle of the meadow. Nguyễn Đức Hưng* - Marie Curie High School, HP. Email: hungmchp@Gmail.com Trang 3 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III. A. to build B. built C. be built D. was built Câu 59: ___________ able to take part in the international math contest two years from now, Lan works very hard in her math class. A. In order to be B. Been C. Being D. So that he be Câu 60: Nuclear engines operate without air and consume ____________ fuel than do other engines. A. much less B. most C. much D. more much Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the following questions. The response of most animals when suddenly faced with a predator is to flee. Natural selection has acted in a variety of ways in different species to enhance the efficacy of the behaviours, known as "flight behaviours" or escape behaviours that are used by prey in fleeing predators. Perhaps the most direct adaptation is enhanced light speed and agility. Adaptations for speed, however, are likely to require sacrifices biter attributes, so we might expect only some species to adopt a simple fast flight strategy. Another way of enhancing the effectiveness of flight is to move in an erratic and unpredictable way. Many species, like ptarmigans, snipes, and various antelopes and gazelles, flee from predators in a characteristic zigzag fashion. Rapid unexpected changes in flight direction make it difficult for a predator to track prey. In some species, like the European hare, erratic zigzag flight might be more effective in the presence of predators that are faster than they are and straight light more effective against predators that are slower. One observation that supports this suggestion is the recorded tendency for slow-flying black-beaded gulls, which are normally able to escape predators by means of direct flight, to show frequent changes in flight direction when they spot a peregrine falcon (peregrines are adept at capturing flying birds). A quite different way of enhancing escape by flight is to use so-called "flash" behaviour. Here, the alarmed prey flees for a short distance and then "freezes." Some predators are unexcited by immobile prey, and a startling flash of activity followed by immobility may confuse them. "Flash" behaviour is used in particular by frogs and orthopteran insects, which make conspicuous jumps and then sit immobile. In some species, "flash" behaviour is enhanced by the display of bright body markings. Good examples of insects with colourful markings are the red and yellow underwing moths. At rest, both species are a cryptic brown color. When they fly, however, brightly coloured hind wings are exposed, which render the moths highly conspicuous. Similarly, some frogs and lizards have brightly coloured patches or frills that may serve a 'flash" function when they move quickly. Some species even appear to possess "flash" sounds. The loud buzzing and clicking noises made by some grasshoppers when they jump may serve to emphasize the movement. Câu 61: The word "enhance" is closest in meaning to ___________. A. encourage B. resist C. increase D. reveal Câu 62: The description of the prey's movement as "zigzag" suggests that the movement is _________. A. reliable B. fast C. constant D. unpredictable Câu 63: It can be inferred from the passage that the European hare ____________. A. is faster than most of its predators B. is capable of two kinds of flight C. is more likely to escape using straight flight D. is preyed upon by gulls and falcons Câu 64: The behaviour of black-beaded gulls is most comparable to that of ___________. A. gazelles B. European hares C. peregrine falcons D. frogs Câu 65: It can be inferred that black-beaded gulls change direction when they spot a peregrine falcon for which of the following reasons? A. The falcons are faster than the gulls. B. The gulls want to capture the falcons. C. The falcons are unpredictable. D. The gulls depend on the falcons for protection. Câu 66: The word "alarmed" is closest in meaning to ____________. A. moving B. selected C. frightened D. exhausted Câu 67: All of the followings are mentioned as characteristics of "flash" behaviour EXCEPT ___________. A. brief conspicuous activity B. immobility C. bright body markings D. aggressive fighting Nguyễn Đức Hưng* - Marie Curie High School, HP. Email: hungmchp@Gmail.com Trang 4 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III. Câu 68: The phrase "in particular" is closest in meaning to _________. A. especially B. with difficulty C. expertly D. frequently Câu 69: The hind wings of red and yellow underwing moths function in a way that is most similar to ________. A. the hind wings of peregrine falcons B. the zigzag flight of European hares C. the colored patches on frogs D. the clicking of grasshoppers Câu 70: Why does the author mention "grasshopper" in the last line? A. To contrast animals that "flash" with animals that "freeze". B. As an example of an animal whose "flash" behaviour is a sound. C. To compare the jumping behaviour of insects and reptiles. D. As an example of a predator that moths escape by using "flash" behavior. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting. Câu 71: (A) Draft horses are (B) the tallest, (C) most powerful; and (D) heavy group of horses. Câu 72: (A) Usually (B) the climate in (C) mountainous areas becomes (D) much windy at higher altitudes. Câu 73: (A) When babies are around fifteen months old, (B) they can (C) pick up objects and put (D) themselves into small containers. Câu 74: The statement (A) will be spoken just one time; (B) therefore, you must listen (C) very careful in order (D) to understand what the speaker has said. Câu 75: The USS Bonhomme Richar (A) was commanded by John Paul Jones, (B) that won a (C) notable sea battle (D) during the Revolution. Choose the answer that indicates the correct and natural combination of each pair of sentences. Câu 76: This ticket entitles you to a free meal in our new restaurant. A. This ticket is worth a meal in our new restaurant. B. Buy a meal in our new restaurant, you can have a seat in the theater. C. If you buy this ticket, you can have a free meal in our new restaurant. D. This ticket means that if you want a meal in our new restaurant you are entitled. Câu 77: The student next to me kept chewing gum. That bothered me a lot. A. The student next to me kept chewing gum, that bothered me a lot. B. The student next to me kept chewing gum, which bothered me a lot C. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothering me a lot. D. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothered me a lot. Câu 78: Transportation has been made much easier thanks to the invention of cars. However, cars are the greatest contributor of air pollution. A. The invention of cars has made transportation much easier, but cars are among the greatest contributors of air pollution. B. Although the invention of cars has made transportation much easier, people use cars to contribute to the pollution of air. C. It is cars that are the greatest contributor of air pollution although the invention of cars has made transportation much easier. D. However easier the invention of cars has made transportation, it is cars that are among the greatest contributors of air pollution. Câu 79: He was suspected to have stolen credit cards. The police have investigated him for days. A. He has been investigated for days, suspecting to have stolen credit cards. B. Suspecting to have stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days. C. Having suspected to have stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days. D. Suspected to have stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days. Câu 80: The man wanted to get some fresh air in the room. He opened the window. A. The man wanted to get some fresh air in the room because he opened the window. B. The man opened the window in order that he could get some fresh air in the room. Nguyễn Đức Hưng* - Marie Curie High School, HP. Email: hungmchp@Gmail.com Trang 5 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III. C. The man got some fresh air in the room, even though he opened the windowed. D. Having opened the window, the man could get some fresh air in the room. Nguyễn Đức Hưng* - Marie Curie High School, HP. Email: hungmchp@Gmail.com Trang 6 . ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III. Họ và tên: …………………………………………………… ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III Môn Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Đề thi bao gồm 80 câu, 05 trang. Học sinh không. ___________ in the middle of the meadow. Nguyễn Đức Hưng* - Marie Curie High School, HP. Email: hungmchp@Gmail.com Trang 3 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III. A. to build B. built C. be built D. was built Câu. Curie High School, HP. Email: hungmchp@Gmail.com Trang 2 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN III. C. The vast leaf size D. The high water consumption Câu 34 : The word “extensive” in line 8 is closest in meaning

Ngày đăng: 16/05/2015, 06:00



