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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines 1 Resource Materials for the Three Modalities of English Language among Sophomore College Students of Thai Nguyen University A Dissertation Proposal Presented to The Faculty of Graduate School Batangas State University Batangas City, Philippines In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Major in English By: NGUYEN THI THU HOAI (JANE) THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS i LIST OF TABLES iii LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF FIGURES iv CHAPTER I. THE PROBLEM 5 Introduction 5 Statement of the Problem 11 Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study 12 Significance of the Study 13 II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 15 Conceptual Literature 15 Synthesis 49 Theoretical Framework 52 Conceptual Framework 54 Hypothesis 55 Definition of Terms 58 III. RESEARCH METHOD AND PROCEDURE 60 Research Design 60 Subjects of the Study 63 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines ii Data Gathering Instrument 64 Data Gathering Procedure 67 Statistical Treatment of Data 68 IV. PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 70 V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 110 Summary 172 Conclusions 182 Recommendations 184 BIBLIOGRAPHY 185 APPENDICES 191 A. Letter of Requests 192 B. Questionnaire 200 C. Documentation 220 CURRICULUM VITAE 228 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines iii LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page 1. Gender Profile of the Student Respondents 71 2. Parent's educational attainment 72 3. Place of Origin of the Student Respondents 74 4. Type of High School Profile 76 5. Level of students’ performance in the learning modality of reading 77 6. Level of student's performance in the learning modality of listening 80 7. Level of student's performance in the learning modality of speaking 82 8. Student's Performance in the Three Language Modality Test Groups stratified according to the students’ profile variables 85 9 .Student Skills Employed in teaching the Basic English course 88 10. Student skills and Their Frequency of Use 90 11. Student Skills and Their Degree of Importance 91 12. Student's Performance in Three Language Modalities and 92 13. Teacher's Assessment 92 14. Base for the design of remedial exercises on the three modalities of language 94 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines iv LIST OF FIGURES Table Title Page 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the study……………………………….…58 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines 5 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM Introduction English as a versatile language is considered an amazing language. Though it only ranked third in terms of the number of people using, still it becomes the global language and declared as the “lingua franca” of the world. English language is spread through the demands of the business sector, the academe, science and technology, and the diplomatic advocacy of the espousing country. There are reasons identified why foreign language learners need to learn English. First to be able to do business, to be educated, to have a political alliance with, to be able to work or migrate in America, for it is believed that proficiency in this language offers attractive economic returns; uplifts the status of people in the third world countries and English language serves as the major bridge towards greater opportunities, understanding, academic progress and personal development. Being aware of the importance of the English language, government agencies of most countries invest on English learning process. They have set goals to improve the English proficiency of their component population and impose programs through their educational system. This scenario is THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines 6 not new to Vietnam and in fact the government has planned long term national project in line with foreign languages. They set programs to uplift the status not only of the English proficiency of its students but also the competence of language teachers from primary to tertiary schools Learners studying the foreign language basically develop competence in speaking and writing with emphasis on grammar. There are four ways in learning the English language. These include visual or seeing, auditory or hearing, kinaesthetic or moving, and tactile or touching. According to Bandler, R. et al. (1997) language learning involves stimulation of multiple areas in the brain and that English language learning to be effective cannot be just one dimensional which means that the more faculties involved, the better and longer term is the learning. Understanding or the cognitive skills are not always involved in the learning process which explains the reason why adults tend to learn the second language slower compared to the young. English language has four modalities or skills and these include reading, writing, speaking and listening. In learning the language, listening comes first, followed by speaking, then reading and finally writing. There are two ways how these four language modalities are related to each other. These are the direction of communication the in or out and the method of communication the spoken or the written. THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines 7 Reading as a skill that helps man discover new things around him serves as the foundation of learning of an individual. One acquires knowledge and key concepts from the simplest to the most complex through reading. It is considered vital in different learning situations. Ability to read well provides opportunities for personal fulfilment and job success. Further as an important skill in communication, reading is also a multifaceted process. It involves word recognition, comprehension, fluency and motivation. A person gets information from written letters and words through reading. As a basic life skill, reading serves as a cornerstone for a student’s success in school since all subjects require this skill for smooth flow and transfer of learning. Total comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading and integration of several or all subskills into a unitary skill during reading is required. Reacting to authentic and real reading materials at different levels of comprehension such as literal, interpretative, evaluative critical and creative levels on the other hand are the ways integration is achieved. Listening as language modality is a very important area of communication. There is an active involvement of individual in listening as it involves a sender, a message and a receiver. Willingness of an individual to participate completely in a communicative situation signifies good listening. A number of processes also work on various levels in order to THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines 8 produce an understanding of the incoming speech when good listeners involve themselves with any type of spoken discourse. In addition, listening is also important in the development of spoken language proficiency. Means of interaction for the learner is provided by spoken language likewise access to speakers of the language is essential because learners must interact to achieve understanding. Good and proper listening stimulates better communication in actual speaking situation. Considered the productive skill in the oral mode is speaking. As a communication skill a person is able to verbalize his thoughts and ideas through speaking. A person may get involve into three kinds of speaking situations such as interactive speaking, partially interactive speaking and non- interactive speaking. In interactive listening, learners are engaged in listening and speaking alternately, and through a conversation partner, request to slow down conversation, clarification and repetition can be done while in partially interactive speaking, the speaker may continue to deliver his speech without interruption from the audience. Non-interactive speaking can best manifest in speech recording or a radio broadcast. No actual interaction happens. Good speaking and listening as part of one process can help learners to become successful in and out of school. It is believed that if learner speaks well, ideas can be expressed clearly, likewise, if the learner listens well more learning can be remembered. That is why integration of THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines 9 these language modalities is considered important in classroom activities to ensure learners’ participation in the use of language. This integration is done for reinforcement of lessons. The integration of language modalities can best be illustrated for instance in writing where it helps learner improve their speaking skills, so as with reading where it facilitates learner’s writing competence. Improved competence in other modalities resulted from practice in one modality. Teacher can project how learners can use language for a variety of purposes if language modalities are integrated in curriculum and instruction. Modalities can be integrated in instruction through lessons and assessments more formally and informally for student’s language production scaffolding. A technique that teacher can make use in integrating modalities is through cooperative learning. Here learners can work together by means of speaking and listening to each other and also synthesizing information through reading and writing their ideas for possible presentation. In language modalities, learners encountered difficulties. In reading, learners no longer enjoy reading as most of them are not fluent readers. They have hard time understanding a given text as they have not acquired necessary competence in reading or they lack comprehension in what they are reading. They also encountered problems in pronunciation and [...]... sophomore college students of Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam to serve as basis for proposed resource materials Specifically, this sought answer to the following questions: 1 What are the characteristics of sophomore students with reference to: 1.1 gender; 1.2 parents’ educational attainment; 1 .3 students’ place of origin; 1.4 type of school attended (high school) 12 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist... three identified communicative listening modes These are bidirectional, unidirectional and auto directional In bidirectional listening mode, Denes et al (19 63) pointed out that the speech chain of speaker/listener is easily observed Two or more 33 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines participants take turns exchanging speaker role and... students’ place of origin and type of school attended 13 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines The descriptive method of research was used in the study applying survey technique for teacher assessment of responses and teacher-made test to determine students’ performance Respondents of the study include 35 7 second year college English language... or second language and may take place as a general school subject in a specialized language school (www.wisegeek.com/what-islanguage-educationhtml) This is also referred to as the process of learning a language, a teaching process of said language, as well learning a native language for the first time or a second language This is also commonly 17 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam... and founded in the language content standards since 16 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines the goal of a language curriculum which is a course or path that is connected or integrated that lead to learning is that of fluency and literacy and that curriculum materials should be chosen to fit on the language policy (hrd.apec.org./index.php/language-curriculum... motivation for students to take other languages even in secondary schools is difficult even in English speaking economies In the 21st century citizens are expected to be proficient in multiple languages for them to communicate in a variety of contexts The benefits an individual can enjoy in learning other languages may include improved school performance, better problem-solving skills and higher self-esteem... UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines 2 What is the performance of students in the following language modalities? 2.1 Reading 2.2 listening 2 .3 speaking 3 Are there significant differences on the performance of students when grouped according to their profile variables? 4 How do teachers assess the performance of students in the three language modalities?... progress in the levels of their proficiency in both English and other core content areas English language as a lingua franca for education instructions across the world from primary schools to universities, it is also the medium 20 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines of instruction utilized by university administrators It also serves as... of ideas and promote better relations between countries (www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/news/english-language-use-most significant-internationalisation-trend-for-he/20 130 09article) Learners of English as a second language in mainstream schools where English is the language of instruction has the program where the participants were advised to bring their home cultures into the classroom, involving them... learning objectives, and happens at the end of each academic term which is dependent on school policy or specialized circumstances are the components of formal evaluations Through a written report, the results of the evaluation were placed into comprising of ratings assigned to the various items on the tool used by school for their evaluation with a description in a form of narrative about students’ strengths, . gender; 1.2. parents’ educational attainment; 1 .3 students’ place of origin; 1.4. type of school attended (high school) THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam. of origin and type of school attended. THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines 13 The descriptive method. Student Respondents 71 2. Parent's educational attainment 72 3. Place of Origin of the Student Respondents 74 4. Type of High School Profile 76 5. Level of students’ performance in the learning

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2015, 11:27