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  • The Happy Birthday song

  • The family song

  • Peaches, Apples, and Plums

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Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school Week 1 - Period 1 Monday, September 06, 2010 Revision Lesson 1 I. Aim: - To review the students of some grammar points in the book 1A( UNIT 1,2,3,4) - To guide the students how to learn the subject. - To make the students remember the old knowledge. - Practice speaking and listening skills II. Teaching aids: - puppets - CD/ tape - Cassette player\ III. Process 1. Warm up - Stabilization. - Greeting. - Check absence: who is absent today? - Checking up the previous knowledge:(0’) - Presentation of the new lesson. 2. Presentation Lead in: 1.Introduces about myself. 2.Sets in stuation: -Gives them to look at some real objects and asks. What’s this ? Today, we’re going to review some grammar points in LET’S GO 1A. Pre-practice - Asks them about what they have learnt in LET’S GO 1A.Then review them some basic knowledge. 1.Review the new words and structures. a.new words: pen pencil eraser book …… red, blue, white, pink…. 2.Using the real objects to remind some new words. 3.Remind them of some structures. What is this ? What are these ? Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 1 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school What color is this ? III. practice. Asks them to practice in pairs. IV.Free-practice. What color is this ? - - corrects mistakes. V.Consolidation. Review some main points of the lesson. VI. Homework. .Review the new words and structures above. Week 1 - Period 2 Tuesday, September 07, 2010 Revision Lesson 2 I. Aims and objects: Language content: - To review the students how to greetings when meeting your family members and describing adjectives. Language funtion: - To enable the students to introduces about their family members. Education aims: - To make the students of awre self-study . 1.Language: a. Vocabulary: Revision b. Structure: Revision. 2. Skills: integrated skills 3. Educational facttor: To make them to use the structures II. Teacher’s and students’ preparation 1. Method: communication approach 2. Techniques: repetition,pairwork, games , 3. Materials needed:textbook, lesson plan, chart,pictures 4. Students’ preparation:Revision 5. Previous exercies: III. Procedure in class: 1. Stabilization: 2’ a. Warm up: greeting. b. Check absence: who is absent today? 2. Checking up the previous knowledge: (0’) 3. Presentation of the new lesson. I. Lead in: 1.Review the new words -mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, babysister, brother. Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 2 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school 2 Review the structures. Who is he/she ? He/she is … He/she is tall/short… Sets the situation: -Gives them to look at some real objects and asks. Who is he ? Today, we’re going to review some new words and structures relate to the family members. II.Pre-practice 1. To make them to remember new words by giving pictures. 2. Review the structures. Who is he/she ? Descrising adjectives. - tall, thin, short, fat. III. Controlled-practice. Asks them to practice in pairs using the structures above. Calls on some students to practice. Corrects mistakes. IV.Free-practice. Gives them the pictures to introduces about their family members. Asks one of their class to introduce. V.Consolidation. Review some main points of the lesson. VI. Homework. Review the new words and structures above. Prepare for Unit 5 ( let’s talk ). Week 2 - Period 3 Monday, September 13, 2010 Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 3 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school Unit 5 Let's talk Lesson 1 I. Key language focus: Speaking Listening III. Sentences: Happy birthday, (Jenny) How old are you? I’m (seven) years old. This is for you. Wow! A (robot). Thank you. IV. Teaching aids: - puppets - CD/ tape - Cassette player - Cards in different colors - TC (53-60-77-86-69-76) - A box and a robot - Posters. WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Vocabulary: Birthday: Robot: Act. 1: Describe the pictures: - Put TC (53-60) on Ss’ table and call some Ss to look at the TC and describe before the class. If the sentence is true, the class repeats. If it is false, the class keeps silent. T: (use TC 56) he is young Ss: he is young PRESENTATION: Act. 1: Present the first part of the dialogue: a. T draws a birth-cake and some gifts on the board, then says: Happy birthday! b. T says and writes the numbers from 1 to 10 on the board. Model with 2 Ss: T: (point to 7 and S1): Seven- (Mari) is seven years old. T: (point to 8 and S2): Eight- (Ken) is eight years old. c. Use 2 puppets to model: Puppet A: How old are you?  Puppet B: I’m (seven) years old. d. Divide the class into 2 groups and give 2 puppets to them to practice the dialogue several times. Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 4 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school Act. 2: Present the complete dialogue: - Call 2 other Ss to practice the complete dialogue. - Ask Ss to make some beautiful gifts. After finishing, ask Ss to say: This is for you. PRACTICE: Act. 1: Listen and point: - Play the tape - Ask Ss to look at the book and point to the characters Act. 2: Listen and repeat: - Play the tape again and stop by sentence - Ask Ss to repeat PRODUCTION: Act. 1: Role play: - Divide the class into 2 groups. Play the roles of Jenny and her friend Week 2 - Period 4 Monday, September 15, 2010 Unit 5 Let's talk Lesson 2 I. Key language focus: Speaking Listening II. Vocabulary: Happy birthday, robot. III. Sentences: Happy birthday, (Jenny) How old are you? I’m (seven) years old. This is for you. Wow! A (robot). Thank you IV. Teaching aids: - puppets - CD/ tape - Cassette player - Cards in different colors - TC (53-60-77-86-69-76) - A box and a robot - Posters. WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Role- play: Ask some students go to the board to act out the dialogue again. Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 5 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school PRESENTATION: Act. 1: Present the complete dialogue again: - Use puppets to introduce the dialogue - Ask a student to be Jenny and other Ss to be her friends. - Have Ss repeat the dialogue several times PRACTICE: Act. 1: Listen and repeat: - Play the tape again and stop by sentence - Ask Ss to repeat Act. 2: Act out the dialogue: - Have Ss sit in groups of 3. - Practise the dialogue in SB/p. 38 - Ask Ss to come before the class and act it out. PRODUCTION: Act. 1: Pick and Speak: - Call a student in random and ask him/ her to stand up - Ask him/ her to bring some gifts to her/ his friends and say: “Happy birthday, (Hoa),…This is for you.” - Ask the whole class to speak in chorus: “Thank you,…” - Then it’s turn of the second student to say. Act. 2: Work book - Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or at home with weak Ss) A. Write : - Color the words B. Draw, trace and write: - Color all the words in one sentence. Ask Ss to write the word in the sentence and draw candles on the cake. Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 6 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school Week 3 - Period 5 Monday, September 20, 2010 Unit 5 Let's Sing Lesson 1 I. Key language focus: Singing Listening II. Sentences: It’s my birthday today. It’s your birthday today. Now, I’m (seven) years old. III. Teaching aids: - puppets - color papers - a small cake. - Some gifts. - Posters - Cassette player WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Review the song: The Family Song Divide the class into groups of 3 to practice the dialogue again. PRESENTATION: Vocabulary: Now: Today: Act. 1: Introduce the vocabulary: - Use real objects to teach the new word: today. Act. 2: Introduce the characters. - Open the book on page 39, point to Jenny and her friends in the picture. T: Jenny. This is my mother.  Ss: It’s nice to meet you. - Do the same with other characters. - Have Ss practice more with other characters. Act. 2: Introduce the song: - Ask Ss open the book - Ask questions about the picture in the book: How many people are there in the picture? Who are they? PRACTICE: Act. 1: Listen and point: - Play the tape - Ask Ss to listen and point to the characters Act. 2: : Sing the song without music: Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 7 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school - Sing sentence by sentence - Ask Ss to repeat Act. 3: Listen and sing along - Play the tape again - Ask Ss to listen and sing along PRODUCTION: Act. 1: Sing in groups: - Ask Ss to sing the song in 4 big groups: G1: It’s my birthday today. G2: It’s your birthday today. // Happy birthday, Jenny. G3: One, two three, four, five, six, seven years old…. Week 3 - Period 6 Thusday, September 23, 2010 Unit 5 Let's Sing Lesson 1 I. Key language focus: Singing Listening II. Sentences (Review): It’s my birthday today. It’s your birthday today. Now, I’m (seven) years old. III. Teaching aids: - puppets - color papers - a small cake. - Some gifts. - Posters - Cassette player WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Re-ordering and singing: Divide the class into 4 groups. Give each group 4 cards. Ask them to re-order the cards to make the name of the song. The first to find out the answer go to the board and write the name of the song. The last have to sing the song. PRESENTATION: Act. 1: Re-present the song: - Ask Ss to sit in 4 groups and give each group 6 sentences below - Ask them to make a song( 1 sentence can be used several times) The Happy Birthday song 1. It’s my birthday today. 4. Now I’m seven Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 8 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school 2. Happy birthday, Jenny. 3. One, two three, four, five, six, seven years old years old 5. Now you’re seven years old 6. It’s your birthday today. FB: 1-6-1-2-3-4-5-4-2 PRACTICE: Act. 1: Listen and sing along - Play the tape - Ask Ss to open the books, listen and sing along Act. 2: : Sing the song with the music: - Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing) - Ask Ss to listen to the music and sing Act. 3: Sing in groups with the music: - Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing) again - Ask Ss to listen to the music and sing the song in 3 big groups PRODUCTION: Act. 1: Perform the song: - Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing) again - A volunteer group comes before the class to perform the song Act. 2: Workbook: - Ask Ss to draw the pictures of their friends, then write the names in the blanks. Ask them to sing the song out loud Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 9 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school Week 4 - Period 7 Monday, September 27, 2010 Unit 5 Let's learn Lesson 1 I. Key language focus: Learning new words Listening Speaking II. Sentences: What is this? I don’t know. It is a (doll). III. Teaching aids: - puppets - CD/ tape - Cassette player - Teacher’s cards IV. Cultural tip: People often shake their head when saying; I don’t know WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Vocabulary: Ball: Bat: Car: Bicycle: Doll: Act. 1: Singing: - Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing) - Ask Ss to listen to the music and sing the song Act. 2: Game: Divide the class into some groups. Hang the TC 53-59 on the wall. A student calls the name of 1 member in the family, other members will run to this picture and then describe other people in this picture. PRESENTATION: Act. 1: Introduce the vocabulary. - Introduce new words by using TC 77-86. Ask Ss to repeat new words several times. Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 10 [...]... listen and circle the letter A or B - Play the tape again and check the answers Keys: 1a, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8b PRODUCTION: Act 1: Ask and answer: - PW: ask and answer about the pictures, and give commands with the pictures Act 2: Pick and Speak: - Call a student in random and ask him/ her to stand up - Ask him/ her to point to another student and tell the class about one of member in family - Then... B… and circle them Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 25 2010- 2011 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school Ask S1 to go to the board T: He is six years old S1: point to TC and circle A or B PRACTICE: Act 1: Look and answer: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book, listen to the teacher and answer T: How old is he? / What is it? Ss: (answer) Act 2: Listen and circle: - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and... rhythm of the commands: - Play the music (Let’s chant, let’s sing) - Ask Ss to listen, repeat and do the actions - Get SS to give the commands, clap their hands and do the actions PRACTICE: Act 1: Practice the rhythm: - Play the music (Let’s chant, let’s sing) - Ask Ss to look at the book, listen and clap their hands - Play the music many times and the class as a whole clap their hands and practice T... Can you (play with a yo-yo)? Yes, I can No, I can’t III Teaching aids: - Puppets - A bell Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 23 2010- 2011 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school - CD/ tape Cassette player Teacher’s Cards 61-76 Classroom objects WARM-UP AND REVIEW: Act 1: Review the commands: Simon says: - Give the commands and ask Ss to do the actions Act 2: Listen and repeat: - Play the tape - Ask Ss to listen and... groups and call them look at the TC and use the adjectives in TC to make sentence PRESENTATION: Act 1: Present the commands: - Give commands and do the actions (TPR) once or twice - Give commands and ask Ss to do the actions T: play with a yo-yo  Ss (do the action): play with a yo-yo Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 22 2010- 2011 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school Act 2: Present the sentence pattern: - Can you... - Can you (play with a yo-yo)? - Yes, I can / No, I can’t PRACTICE: Act 1: Listen, point and repeat - Play the tape - Ask Ss to look at the book, listen and point to the suitable pictures - Get Ss to listen again and repeat Act 2: Give the commands and do the action: - Divide the class into 2 teams and give 2 commands each time - Ask team A to do the action 1 and team B to do the action2 T: Throw a... Cassette player - Teacher’s cards (99-106) WARM-UP AND REVIEW: 34 Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 2010- 2011 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school Act 1: Show and tell: - Stick some pictures on the board - Have Ss to ask and answer: How many (clouds) are there? There are (six) (clouds) - Ask Ss to continue asking and answering PRESENTATION: Act 1: Introduce the singular and plural forms of the words - Use TC to introduce... come before the class and do the actions - Get other groups to observe carefully and say the correct commands Act 2: Simon says: - Give the commands and ask Ss to do the actions - Do the wrong actions so that Ss must concentrate in the commands Ask 1-2 Ss to give the command and the class do the actions Week 8 - Period 16 Thusday, October 28, 2010 Unit 5 Let's Move Lesson 2 I Key language focus: Listening... - Have Ss to ask and answer: How many (clouds) are there? There are (six) (clouds) - Ask Ss to continue asking and answering PRESENTATION: Act 1: Review the singular and plural forms of the words - Use TC to introduce words: cloud(s), flower(s), puddle(s), tree(s)… - Stick TC on the board - Point to the pictures and say the words Then have Ss repeat Act 2: Review the question and answer pattern - Use... Robot - Model the game: T gives many commands Ss do the actions as robots - Divide the class into many small groups of 4 or 5 students Ss in the group take turns to play the role of the robot and the others give commands Teacher: Le Thi Cam Le 24 2010- 2011 Let’s go 1B Thach Hai Primary school Week 9 - Period 17 Monday, November 01, 2010 UNIT 5: LET’S LISTEN I Key language focus: Listening Speaking . before the class and act it out. PRODUCTION: Act. 1: Pick and Speak: - Call a student in random and ask him/ her to stand up - Ask him/ her to bring some gifts to her/ his friends and say: “Happy. Then change the role. PRACTICE: Act. 1: Listen and repeat: - Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen and point to the characters - Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen and repeat. change the role - Divide the class into 2 groups, practise the sentences. Then change the role. PRACTICE: Act. 1: Listen and repeat: - Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen and

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