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Business strategy business of South Ha Tinh sea product import and export joint stock company until 2015

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Group 7 — Class: GAMBA V0110

Learners’ full name:

1 Nguyen Manh Tuong

2 Tran Tu Anh

3 Tran Thanh Hai

4 Le Ngoc Huan

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Global advanced Master of Business Administration

2 Aims Of the Study ccccccccccceesesesscscsesesesevssssvscssesvscscssvacsecaesevsvaceusevavavueeevssenees l

3 Scope of the Study oo ccccccccccecsesscsscscsssesscsescsscsevssesssessesaeasaseavseasateasatevacseeaes l

4 Methods of the Study - c2 2: c1 12121211 121111011 111111 HH HH Hệ l PART I THEORITICAL BACKGROUND ON BUSINESS STRATEGY

COTS TER UMG TIO Nicos sceenscmrnsemenen atest siinnsenaannes ionenncromesinvneaouenencenyeagteayesegsarssesasee 2

1.1 Fundamental issues on business strategy .0 0 cccccccccecccsecescescesesseseesesscsesseaeeaes rộ

1.1.1 Concept of ÐUSIH€SS SIT(1f€ĐV .Ă 4 5S 2n S k SE E11 TH HH HT no, 2 L.].2 Roles Oƒ ĐWSỈH€SS SÍFf€ĐV - SE SE E21 1231551111111 515111111111 11tr ty 2 1.1.3 Business Strategy MANAZEMENL PIOCESS v.ccccccscccssvsesessesssssesesssevsesesevevsvsvseeeeees 3 1.2 Relevant COC€DIS ó2 2 122212221 12121 21211210111 1H H HT HT 3

ZN, ` nh d1 3 cống ẽ an nẽanố ố ốố.ốẽẽẽẽẽ.ẽ 4 ZŠẺ nh 4 1.3 Study of external enVITOnIM€TIK - 5c 222: S 111 12115121 5 111111 18111111 rkrrei 4 1.3.1 MAaCFOSCODIC €HVỈYOHIH€HI 2 5 251111115125 11 11151115 11 E111 81111 tàu 4

1.4 Study of internal environment .0 0.0 cccccccccceeesessessecsscescescesvsceeseetetsetacseeeaees 6 1.5 Strategy pÏannIng cccccceccscsccscscsvscceecsssscseveevssescsuvssesvssaesasauvatattavsesacs 7

SP 122.0 n6 he 7

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STOCK COMPANY Q Q.02 0 02102101012 111 nàn ng HH Heo 8 2.1 Overall view of South Hatinh Sea Product Import and Export Joint Stock

con n1 nẽn ẽ ẽnnớẽnẽnẽnốẽố ố .ẽ ố ẽ 6 8

2.1.2 HistoOrV Of d€V€ÏOJIHHIE 2 5 2252 SE S E13 E15 111 1 1E HH HH na 9

"NT na 9 2.2 Analysis of external environmeh - - sscscct cv S vn S 111111111 1T nếu 1] 2.2.1 Macroscopic environment - PESTE o cccccccccccccccccccsccecescescuscesecsseseessessesecseees II

2.2.2 Microcosmic environment ~industry COMPCtILION .cc.ccccccccecccsessescescesesenees 12

2.3 Analysis of internal environment Shatico: .0.ccccccccesccceseeseeeeseeseeeeseeaseacsecsesees 16 2.3.1 Analysis of human resources and contr] level c.cccccccccccccccssscescesecscescesseseeseees 16

2.3.2 Analysis of financial resources of the COOMPANY uo.cccccccsccscecssesescsscesecevsesees 19

2.3.3 Analysis of material base of the COMPANY iccccccccccccccsssecsvsvsecsvscsevsvscessaeeseeees 22 2.3.4 Forms ANd eXPOrt PFOMUCES oecccccccccsessesssessesssesesscsessecesessesesescsessvssssesesvstacess 27 2.3.5 Marketing Operation cccccccccccccccccscscscssvscscssssscscssssseescssusvscsscsescvsvacesvscesvacseeaes 23 CHAPTER III PROPOSAL OF BUSINESS STRATEGY .ccccccccccccscsceceeseseseseeeees 25 3.1 Orientation Of SITAt€ĐV S1 1211 1212121212 01011111011 ro 25 BDL VISION Ầ 25 mẻ ố na na sẽ Mabey uses 88 25 12“ 25

3.1.4 DelerminatiOH Oƒ SIFdf€Đÿ PSSIOHH St va 25 3.2 Analysis and selection of business strategy .c.cccccccccsccescsseseseeseseeesesecscsesevsees 26

3.2.1 Analysis of Strategy POSiUtiOn occccccccccccccccccccccsesccscsevsescesevsvecessuscusvsetseeseeseaseaes 26

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Griccd € ETc 40099190 0294001791 "Mas N

+ Global advanced Master of Business Administration

3.2.2 Summary of internal aitd external fUCHONS uc cv 1s ct eres 29 3.2 } SelectHion Of ĐHSỈHCSS SỈ [CĐ 222121221111 111 11111151 nà kg 29

3.3.6 Solution of human resources trAinning veccccccccccccccccccceccccssescerscsscesserscenseesees 33

3.4 Realization Of SỌUEIOIS 2c t1 1211212121 2121 101212 111111010111 E11 Hye 2

3.4.1 Process on realization Oƒ SỌHH[OIHS c1 1155181335 1E 1E Esxxs 36

4.1 In cOncÏUSION ác cv S 1 1 1 1111111 1011111 1011111111 101111111011 Hước 37 4.2 RecommendatiOTS -.- 2:2: c2 222121121 22121 2112111111111 111 811111101101 1y ty re 37 PREF EIS OES gi s00Lgg012-1ã0-iDA6:.0000-808.5088/0846đ6eecốnSƯ-<homtrghHitvg.H hen Hu.7 01-2-0010 '21.0030.701127743770/70.7 100107 38 APPENDIX 2 39

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Griccs) Teese FIC

em Global advanced Master of Business Administration



‘aN Vung Ang Industrial Zone - Ky Thinh — Ky Anh — Hatinh

Tel: 039.3868333 -Fax: 039.3868309 - Email: shaticof.45@gmail.com

September 12th, 2011


Subject “Business strategy construction of South Hatinh Sea Product Import and

Export Jsc.” is implemented by learner group 7 of class GAMBA V0110 under Global

advanced master of business administration of Griggs university on the basis of application of learnt knowledge associated with acutal practice of South Hatinh Sea Product Import and Export Jsc

We acknowledge this is a good quality subject that can be applied to our operations for strategy development of the Company



Nguyen Van Lan

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Global advanced Master of Business Administration

List of signs and abbreviated letters

- PS: Personnel

- JSC.: Joint stock company

- CU: Calculation unit

- EU: European Union

- EFE: External factor evaluation matrix

- HACCP: Hazard analysis and critical control points

- IFE: Internal factor evaluation matrix

- ISO: International organization for standardization

- PQI: Product quality inspection

- RD: Rural developmement

- PD: Product

- PTV: Productivity

- FA: Fixed assets

- CA: Circulating assets

- P’C: People’s committee

- VASEP: Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers

- FHS: Food hygiene and safety

- WTO: World Trade Organization

- El: Export-import

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Global advanced Master of Business Administration

List of tables, drawings and graphs

- Diagram 1.1 Process on comprehensive strategy administration

- Figure 1.2 Michael Porter Five Forces Model

- Table 1.3 - Consolidation of Opportunities and threats (OT)

- Table 1.4 — Summary of Strengths and weaknesses (SW) of enterprise

- Table 1.5 - SWOT matrix

-Table 2.1 — Summary of opportunities and threats (OT) against Shatico

- Table 2.2- External factor evaluation matrix

- Diagram 2.3- Shatico’s structure and organization of machinery

- Table 2.4 — Manufacturing process in Shatico

- Table 2.5 - Financial quotas of Shatico

- Table 2.6 - Some principal quotas in comparison with industry average

- Table 2.7 — Summary of strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) of Shatico

- Table 2.8 - IFE matrix

- Table 3.3 - SWOT analysis

- Table 3.3.1 Consolidation of internal and external factors

- Table 3.4 — Process on realization of resolution


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-Griccd € EIC ) Crave ener y 2 Sự ws

ere Global advanced Master of Business Administration


1 Rationale for choosing the study subject

For stable and prompt development each enterprise must construct its own

reasonable business strategy so as to determine and execute its missions

South Hatinh Sea Product Import and Export Jsc is a member of VASEP

Shatico’s annual export of sea products accounts for high proportion of the whole country’s exprot turnoever In 2009 it reached USD four billion and USD five billion in

2010 Vietnam export products spread over 130 countries mainly in USA, EU, Japan,

China and Korea, etc

With desire to construct a business strategy for the steady and long-term development of South Hatinh Sea Product Import and Export Jsc, group 7 of class

V0110 chooses the subject “Business strategy construction for South Ha Tinh Sea

Product Import and Export Jsc until 2015” by applying learnt knowledge of Global advanced master of business administration of Griggs university

2 Objects and aims of the study

The subject emphasizes on study, evaluation and analysis of internal and

external environment of the enterprise, since then determine steady and long-term development strategy based on theoritical anf realistic science

3 Methods of the study

- Synthetically using methods of qualitative survey based on analysis and

synthesis of collected data fron different sources

4 Structure of the subject

- Chapter I: Theoritical background on business strategy construction

- Chapter II: Analysis of business environment and practice of South Hatinh Sea Product Import and Export Jsc

- Chapter III: Proposal of business strategy until 2015 for the company

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Global advanced Viaster of Business Administration

1.1 Fundamental issues of business strategy

1.1.1 Concepts of business strategy

We can see some concepts of business strategy as follows:

- The concept refers business strategy to an art, Alain Threlart said “Strategy is

an art which the enterprise use to fight against competition and win” and Michel Porter

Stated “Strategy is the art of building sustainable competitive advantage to self

immediately hold, and damages caused by external threats are restricted”

1.1.2 Roles of business strategy

Business strategy has important roles specified as follows:

- Business strategy helps the enterprise to realize clearly its goals, objectives and

direction in each specific period

- Business strategy enables the enterprise to realize and capture all the business opportunities, overcome weaknesses and avoid external threats in order to minimally decrease business losses

- Business strategy should contribute to the enhancement of efficiency in using

resources and strengthening of the competitive position of the enterprise

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Gricos € 40090144 0295417 X 5 ⁄ EÍC ‹ )

%8 Global advanced Master of Business Administration

Business strategy creates ways of decision im conformity to market movements Simultaneously it helps the enterprise to have its own orientation on development of human reosurces market and products

- An enterprise that owns a sound business strategy shall surely succeed,

otherwise it shall fail on the market

Strategy process includes strategy planning, strategy implementation and performance evaluation that are required to be operated methodically and regularly

1.1.3 Process on business strategy administration

This subject emphasizes on stage of planning and proposal of methods for

strategy implementation of South Hatinh Sea Product Import and Export Jsc

Diagram 1.1 Process on comprehensive strategy administration

4————- enterprise

Analysis of internal Analysis of business ‘ ›

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Global advanced Master of Business Administration

1.2 Relevant concepts

1.2.1 Vision

Vision is a mental image of the most generally desirable future state of the

enterprise it has an important role because it gathers expectations of organization's

member and motivates all efforts to obtain mission, career and ideals

1.2.2 Mission

Mission is a declaration having long-term purposeful value and distinction of each company It is also regarded as business phylosophy, business principles and confidences of the company

1.2.3 Aims

Aims are defined achievements that the enterprise strives on obtaining when

pursuing its mission Accurate determination of aims has great significance for success

of the organization

One aim must are sufficiently full of measurably realistic factors, of clear apportionment and outstanding focus, of challenge but of feasibility and within required time

1.3 Study of external environment

Externam environment includes macroscopic (general) and microcosmic (industry) one

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Gricos) ¢ ETc y Min ~~ Global advanced Master of Business Administration

- Economic environment includes growth orientation on development of economy, interest rate, exchange rate, inflation rate, which directly affects development strategy of enterprises

- Social and cutural environment refers to manners and customs, socio-cutural

and aesthetic values, education, and populational factors such as density, aging scale, gender and occupation, etc influencing orientation on development fo the enterprise

- Technological environment are related to birth of new technology applied to

create new products , together with inventation and application of new technology, copyright and authors

- Natural environment includes factors such as geographical position, weather, land, resources and mineral; Study of the enterpise’s strategy must focus on

economical use of resources for steady development and protection of natural


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1.3.2 Microcosmic environment

Professor Michael E Porter proposed five forces model

Figure 1.2 M Porter five forces model

Hidden competition

Competition between existing enterprises within

Analysis of microcosmic environment should focus on:

- Competitive force from hidden competitors

- Competitive force from suppliers

- Competitive force from customers

- Competitive force from replacement

- Competitive force within the industry

Table 1.3 — Consolidation of opportunities and threats (OT)

Opportunities (O) Threats (T)


Opportunities of investment and business Challenges, threats and risks against the

for the enterprise enterprise

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Global advanced Master of Business Administration

1.4 Study of internal enterprise

Analysis of internal environment shall emphasize on the following resources:

- Human resources here can be analyzed into three levels including senior and medium level and human resources employed through policy of attraction,

employment, training and development

- Regarding financial resources, analysis is implemented on solvency, efficiency

of capital utilization, coefficients, and profits, etc

- With regards to material base and machinery and equipment, capacity of the enterprise is considered and evaluated on these and plant condition, storages and

transport for production and business process

- Technology and techniques are important factors expressing strengths and

advantages of the enterprise, related to development and innovation of production process and specifications, application of new technology to production, and employment of advanced management programs in order to create better and better productivity and product quality

After analysis of internal enviroment, strengths, weaknesses and restrictions of

the enterprise are synthetically manufested on SW summary table

Table 1.4 — Summary table of the enterprise strengths and weaknesses


Advantages and strengths of the enterprise Restrictions and weaknesses of the


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Griccd rave NITY € y, EJc é

Global advanced Master of Business Administration

1.5 Strategy planning

Strategy planning has importantly fundamental role in the whole process on the enterprise’s strategy admnisitration Strategy planning should focus on determination

of vision, mission and aims in order to establish the strategy

1.5.1 Steps of strategy planning

- Analyzing external environment to define opportunities and threats for the enterprise;

- Analyzing internal environment to determine strengths and weaknesses of the


- Combining strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats to identify

plan of business strategy for the enterprise

- Using reasonably analytical tools to specify optimal strategy

- Deciding to select business strategy for the enterprise

1.5.2 Analytical tools

- EFE is external factors matrix It synthetizes, summarizes and evaluates main

Opportunities and threats of external environment, and then helps to evaluate response

level of the enterprise against opportunities and threats Since then we can consider the external environment as advantage or disadvantage for the enterprise

- IFE indicates internal factors matrix that synthetizes, summarizes and

evaluates strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise and then helps them to promote

strengths and restrict weaknesses to increase competitive capacity

- SWOT are English abbreviations including Strengths, Weakness,

Opportunities, and Threats

SWOT is theoritical frame on which we reply to reconsider and reapprove

strategy and determine position as well as heading of an enterprise SWOT application

to business plan establishment, strategy planning, evaluation of competitors and development of products are increasing selected by many enterpises

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HH PRT đa exe AS Global advanced Master of Business Administration

Table 1.5 —- SWOT matrix table

Principal opportunity

Principal threats (T)


SO strategies ST strategies Strengths (S) Use strengths to utilize Use strengths to avoid threats


WO strategies WT strategies Weakness (W) Overcome weakness by Overcome weakness to avoid

utilizing opportunities threats

1.6 Solutions for strategy execution

Strategy planning is an important phase establishing the strategy for the

enterprise, but for sucessful implementation of strategy the Company must propose solutions conformable to its business environment and capacity

Solutions focus on human resources management, marketing, production,

research and developemnt



2.1 Genral introduction of South Hatinh Sea Product Import and Export


Company name: South Hatinh Sea Product Import and Export Jsc

Trade abbreviations: Shatico

English name: South Hatinh Sea Product import-export joint stock company Tel: 0393.868.345/333 Fax: 0393.868308

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oo `” Global advanced Master of Business Administration

Email: shaticof.45(@ gmail.com Website: http://www.shatico.vn

2.1.2 Process on formulation and development

In 1993 the Company was established according to Decision no 196/QD-UBND

dated March 26, 1993 by Ha Tinh People’s committee with its principal function of

export sea products processing

Development process of the Company can be summarize as follows:

- Establishment year: 1993

- 1995: Operating Sea Products processing factory with capacity of 550 tons of end-products per year

- 2003: Moving the factory to Vung Ang Industrial Zone — Ky Anh — Ha Tinh

- 2004: Building new factory of 1500 tons per year with total investment of USD

2 million Its products satisfactorily meet strict requirements of EU and Japan market

In early 2005, it was officially operated

- 2005: Compliance with policy of State enterprise capitalization, the Company was capitalized according to Decision no 1105/QD-UBND dated July 24, 2005 by Ha Tinh People’s committee

- 2006 until now: the company has operates according to mechanism of joint stock one with the following characteristics:

+ South Hatinh Sea Product Import and Export Jsc

+ Abbreviation: SHATICO

+ Charter capital: VND 5.8 billion

+ Total shareholdings: 580 thousand

+ Face value of one share: VND 10 thousand

+ Shareholdings of the company’s employees account for 78% with face value

of VND 452,400; external auction shares make up 22% with nominal value of VND

127 thousand No holding is owned by the State


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2.1.3 Business line

ea Global advanced Master of Business Administration

The company specializes in processing export and domestic sea products Main

products of high value added tax includes:

+ Ready-to-eat squids, sepias of high quality

+ Shelled prawns and sugpo prawns

+ fish fillets

2.2 Analysis of external environment

2.2.1 Macroscopic environment - PESTE

- Legal and political environment

In the trend of current globalization, Vietnam has become increasingly

integrated with the world Vietnam has stably politics and a system of increasingly

improved laws such as law on foreign investment and enterprise law, which creates competitively economic environment in order to boost sharp development of economy

During last years the State and local authorities had been issuing many important policies positively affecting production and export of sea products, specified:

+ Decision no 224/1999/QD-TTg by Prime Minister and Decision no 77/2005/QDUB by Ha Tinh province People’s committee regarding development of aquaculture These creates condition for the growth of input raw material for the enterprise

+ Decision no 288/2005/QD-TTg by Government on approving construction of

storm shelters for fishing ships up to 2010 and ‘East Sea - Islands”’ Program, in which Support in building fish wharfs is condition for development of marine material

exploitation supplying enormous raw material for the enterprise

+ Decision no 09/2011/QD-UBND dated May 30, 2011 by Provincial People’s

committee issuing mechanism of export assistance and encouragement Thereon, an enterprise manufacturing export sea products shall be assisted in funding, interest rate

and human resources training, etc


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- Feonomic environment

+ Vietnam implements the socialist oriented market economy development policy under the State regulation In recent years generally the growing rate of the economy has been convenient for the enterprise

+ The increasing trend of United States Dollar will be advantage for export


+ Joint stock banks regularly afford to lend the enterprises especially financing for export including crediting, investment and circulating credit In particular, in 2004 the Company borrowed VND 2 billion for building Export sea product processing factory in Vung Ang Economic Zone or in 2009 it was supported by VND 360 million

in the interest from Government support policy under the Government incentive package

+ Since Vietnam entered into WTO in 2006 the Company has receive many

favorable terms on tariff when importing Sea products to member nations; for example, Japan decreases tariff to 5% from 15% for frozen Sea products

+ According to Decision no 72/TTg-QDCP by Prime Minister, the enterprises investing in Vung Ang economic zone shall receive favorable terms on land tax and income tax allowances

However Vietnam economy has been ever-fluctuating, control of macrocosmic

economy meets with many difficulties, and lending rate of commercial banks is still

high These are unfavorable for the enterprises in operations

- Social and cultural environment

+ Ha Tinh people are hard-working and like working in their own hometown,

which is a very convenient condition for human resources of the company

However, most of them are unskilled and of low degree; therefore training of

industrial style for them is challenging, The job jumping rate is high at from 18% to 21% It takes much expense to annually train new employees who, on the other hand,

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eae Global advanced Master of Business Administration

may bring about the bacterial contamination of products Consequently such bacterially contaminated products can be refused or returned by customers, resulting in enormous losses for the enterprise

+ Vung Ang economic zone with many convenient conditions and attractively

preferential mechanisms has been increasingly attracts many big investment projects of USD ten billions, which brings about many people for living and working in Vung Ang This is convenient condition for the enterprise to expand domestic sea products,


+ Demand of sea products in the advanced countries has been increasing by 17 —

19 kg per person per year, resulting in increase in world demand of sea products by 120

~ 130 million tons from 2010 to 2020 in addition, with population of 86 million Vietnam will be also a sound domestic market if the Company has reasonably domestic supply policy

- Technological environment

Newest food processing technologies of advanced countries have been always available for selling to Vietnam For example, Japan and Germany have shrimp

sorter, metal detector, IQF freezer in bulk used to produce end-products for end-

user through supermarkets This is convenient for the enterprise to renovate its facilities

However, technology transferring is of high expense and import price of machinery is very expensive

- Natural environment

Ha Tinh is in strong position of sea Sea product output annually reach 22 thousand tons, aquaculture productivity achieves 16 thousand tons, which creates

abundant supply of raw material for the enterprise Nevertheless, supply of raw

material is not stable because Ha Tinh is severely affected by northeastern monsoon


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with cold weather and storms Besides source of natural sea products has become

exhausted and sharply decreased, which will be challenging for the enterprise

The company located in Vung Ang Economic zone has advantages of water navigation and road traffic, and stable power supply

However, because Ha Tinh is far from Hai Phong port Expense for import and export is very high

2.2.2 Microcosmic

- Competitive force from suppliers

The company has system of sea product supply agents spreading out from Thanh Hoa to Quang Tri About 16 agents mainly supply the company with raw

material, two agents located in region of abundant raw material and one in that of few raw material These agents regularly bring pressure to increase pricing on the enterprise

to ensure their profits

On the other hand, transport and containers of picking-up houses are damaged or unreliable, resulting in high contamination risk of harmful microorganisms Furthermore, market price is sharply fluctuated and ever-changed, which is difficult for

the enterprise to control input price In addition, increasingly domestic demand of fresh and live products severely creates competitive pressure on the company in purchase of

raw material

In order to support the enterprises in raw material supply, the Government allows import of raw material for processing according to Circular no 25/2010/TT-

BNNPTNT dated September |, 2010 this helps the enterprises to ensure enough raw

material for stabilization of production

- Forces from customers

Main export market of the company is Japan accounting for 65 — 70% Remaining export volume is for EU, Korea and China, making up 20 -25%

Japanese group of customers includes


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Global advanced Master of Business Administration

These companies purchase products of the Company on CFR Japan basis under

monthly contracts Having many partners enables the Company not be catch in price squeeze Yet the Company meets difficulty on negotiating price of some specific

products with customers

Major pressure from Japanese customers is attached to product quality that must

comply with regulations and standards and high food hygiene and safety Product

quality are controlled by Japan customs If they detect product quality not pursuant to

their standards the shipments shall be refused and immediately shipped back In 2003

the company had a load of I5tons at the value of US Dollar 67,500 refused and

returned due to stapilococcus contamination caused through workers’ hands

* Other group of EU, Korea and China has


- JOESEA.Co LTD — Korea


Their requirement of quality is reasonable but purchase price is not as high as

Japanese ones

Their pressure on the company refers to some technical barriers such as IUU (illegal unreported and unregulated foshing-evidence of origin law) of EU food

management organization This is a barrier challenging the enterprise to export its

products to European market According to annual statistic data, the average annual export sales of company to the aforementioned market reaches from 12% to 15%

Domestic market makes up approximate 10% of annual turnover Frozen

products difficultly assess domestic consumers due to their buying habit of live ones

- Competitive force within the industry

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Global advanced Master of Business Administration _

In fact, in ten recent years in region of the Northern central from Thanh Hoa to

Quang Tri, there has been existed about eight enterprises processing export sea products, but four ones was bankrupted due to severe competition and inconvenient factors, two other enterprises perfunctorily operate, and two remaining ones are

successfully processing export products, namely Nghean Sea Product Company and SHATICO However, Shatico has its own product strategy, therefore: competitive

force within the industry is not severe for Shatico And the company has certain

advantages of production capacity and condition such as the factory of international

standards and traditional customers of over 15 years

- The company is also under the competitive pressure of raw material purchasing from other companies in the South and the North of Vietnam;

however purchasing local raw material of high quality at the low price creates the advantage for the company

- Regarding globally competitive pressure, the currently main market of the

company is Japan, making up 70 — 75% of annual sales figures This is also the target market of Thai and Chinese suppliers who are indirect competitors against the company They have the advantage of marketing and processing technology, but Vietnamese enterprises has the advantage of cheaper labor payment and products of higher quality

In order to clearly see the competitive pressure from domestic competitors, we

compare the competitive capacity of the company to that of other domestic competitors

by tabulating the following the competitive capacity:

Table 1.6: Matrix of CPM competitive pictures

Nghean Sea Products

SHATICO Export and Import



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RICK ¢ dc Global advanced VEaster of Business Administration

| Clasifving | Point of | Clasifying Point of | Clasifyin{ Point of |

- Competitive pressure from hidden competitors

The rennovative and open-door policy of Vietnamese government allows participation of economic sectors on a level playing field So, a number of small competitors can be formed and entered into the market at any time

Yet the field of sea product processing meets with many difficulties of technology and management, therefore; number of hidden competitors is not remarkable and can not bring pressure upon the Company

- Competitive force from replacement


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nh 3 vé

+.” Global advanced Master of Business Administration

Sea products are still good choice of consumers at any nations Nevertheless the increasing tendency of their price makes consumers to choose replacement of livestock

or poultry origin Without reasonable policy, the Company difficultly sells its


So, analysis of general environment and marine products industry enables to

tabulate the opportunities and threats as follows:

Table 2.1 -Summery table of opportunities and threats (OT) for Shatico Opportunity (O)

1 Many policies of export assistance and

encouragement issued by the State and

local authorities

2 High demand of sea products and

increasing expansion of sea _ product


3 Easy borrowing from joint stock banks

4 Change in exchange rate favorable for


5 Decrease of import duty thanks to

Vietnam’s entering into WTO

6 Abundance female labor force

favorable for production of the company

7 Sharp increase of product processing


8 High quality raw material supply for

sound end-products

9 Convenient infrastructure, good power

and water supply for production

3 High bankers’ rate making difficulities

for the company

4 Unskilled labor force, danger of commodity refusal

5 Strict requirement of market on food hygiene and safety, increasingly technical barriers

6 Low domestic demand of frozen

processed products and their request on

low price

7 Remarkable pressure from replacement

of livestock and poultry products

8 Long distance from export port, high

transportation cost


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GriGod Ệ ac} ba ` Global advanced Master of Business Administration

Through OT summary table influence of external factors is evaluated to build

EFE matrix as follows

Table 2.2 External factors evaluation matrix

importance Liassifiesfion importance

I Many policies of export assistance and

encouragement issued by the State and local

expansion of sea product market 0.08 3 0.24

3, Easy borrowing from joint stock banks 0.05 3 0.15 l4, Change in exchange rate favorable for export 0.03 3 0.09

5 Decrease of import duty thanks to Vietnam’s

6 Abundance female labor force favorable for

7 Sharp increase of product processing technology 0.07 4 0.28

9 Convenient infrastructure, good power and water

LH Unstable raw material supply due to monsoon

and storm Suppliers’ increase in price 0.08 l 0.08

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Grigod ¢ ETC ) da exe a Global advanced Master of Business Administration

14 Strict requirement of market on food hygiene T—

and safety, increasingly technical barriers 0.07 2 0.14

15 Vietnamese low domestic demand of frozen

processed products and their request on low price 0.06 2 0.12

16 Remarkable pressure from replacement of |

17 Long distance from export port, high


2.3.1 Human resources and control level

- Until December 31, 2010, total employees of the enterprise are 426, of which

+ Executives and direct workers: 58 Education level: 02 masters

21 graduates

35 high-school graduates + Direct workers: 368

Of which: Intermediate level: 30 people

Primary level: 338 people


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` “tr ; Global advanced Master of Business Administ ration


Stockholder's meeting |

Board of directors Pa >| CONTROL BOARD

|, '


- Control level and production

With nearly eighteen years of building and development, until now the

Company has a relatively completed management machinery to the satisfaction of

operations Indirect labor force and key executives are engineers, bachelors or skillful


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employees who were trained in professional universities such as Nha Trang Fishery

university, National economic university, Financing and accounting university, etc

Besides, the company has a staff of qualified workers who are proficient in

operating system of production line and equipments in order to produce or process

high-grade products

However, few staff is proficient in foreign language, only English and no one

knows other languages such as Japanese, Chinese or Korean Therefore, export to those

countries meets with challenging On the hand, human resources training and development are restrictive, which affects motivation of development

The present restriction of the company is the high rate of job jumping

According to the Personnel department, the job jumping rate is 18-21%, consequently the company must yearly recruits and trains approximate from 50 to 70 new workers

Regarding production control level, the Company is currently applying HACCP

program of United states

Production process are summarized on the following table:


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Table 2.4 Production process in Shatico

- Management mode and salary payment in Shatico

Shatico implements heading mode, in which director is responsible for all activities according to issued statute, two deputy directors who are in charge of

processing and sales are helps for director Departments and sectors are under direct

control of directorate

Salary payment of the Company is relatively reasonable, which creates internal

balance and encourages employees at different position by combining coefficient of title based on the State salary scale with coefficient of assignments together with price unit of salary based on fixed products

In addition, the company must ensure other allowances such as mid-shift meal,

mileage allowance, experience subsidy and encouragement payment for labor man-day

Apart from main salary and allowances, employees of the company receive monthly bonus based on monthly achievements voted by members of department


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2.3.2 Analysis of financial resources of the Company

Based on Shatico finance statement in 2008, 2009 and 2010 we establish the

following primary financial indicators:

Table 2.5 - Financial indicators of Shatico

No Indicator unit | *°" Year2009| 2008 | YS" 2010

1_ Structure and balance between assets and capital resources

Ratio of fixed assets and regular capital) (%) 96.13 | 83.89 91.03 resources

Ratio of circulating assets and short-term) % 103.61 | 116.25 108.00 capital resources

Ratio of fixed asset self financing (%) 39.11 46.60 58.00

2 |Liquidity

3 |Asset manageability —

[Inventory turnaround _ | Circle 16.40 15.43 18.02 Credit sale collection period Day 47.43 52.08 34.88 Fixed asset tumaround Circle 3.4) y.32 5.54 Circulating asset turnaround Circle 3.26 3.87 4.35

¡4 JBorrowing resources manageability

| |General solvency Time 1.22 | 1.24 1.34

Ngày đăng: 26/03/2015, 11:00



