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the translation of environmental terminology from english into vietnamese = cách dịch thuật ngữ chuyên ngành môi trường từ tiếng anh sang tiếng việt

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iv TABLE OF CONTENTS page Candidate’s statement i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii Table of contents iv PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims of the study Scope of the study Method of the study Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER ONE: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Terminology 1.1.1 Definitions of terminology 1.1.2 Characteristics of terminology 1.2 Translation theory 1.2.1 Definitions of translation 1.2.2 Translation equivalence 1.2.3 Non-equivalence at word level and above word level 10 1.2.4 Translation procedures 12 1.3 Technical translation 18 1.3.1 Definitions of technical translation and its characteristics 18 1.3.2 Translation of neologisms 20 1.4 Environmental terms 22 1.4.1 Features of environmental terminology 22 1.4.2 Classification of environmental terms according to their structural features 24 1.5 Summary 33 CHAPTER TWO: THE TRANSLATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL TERMS 34 2.1 Translation of one-word terms and neologisms by transference 34 2.2 Translation of one-word terms and neologisms by naturalization 36 v 2.3 Translation of above-word-level terms by transposition 41 2.4 Translation by omission 51 2.5 Translation by paraphrase 52 2.6 The appropriate strategies and procedures in translating English environmental terms 52 2.7 Discussion 54 2.7.1 Problems in the translation of environmental terms 54 2.7.2 Suggestions for the translation strategies and procedures 56 2.8 Summary 58 PART C: CONCLUSION 59 Major findings 59 Implications for the translation of environmental terms 60 Suggestions for further studies 61 REFERENCES 62 Appendixes PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale The environment has become a burning issue on a world scale as well as in each country, especially after a series of recent serious disasters such as tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, storm and flood Accordingly, environmental science has developed, a number of people have taken courses on this field, a variety of research and international, regional as well as national conferences have been carried out Several matters arise from the translation of environment terms in such kinds of courses and meetings First, when teaching English for environmental science, the teacher may be confused about whether he should explain one English environmental term in other words or he should translate it into Vietnamese so that students are able to understand it completely Experience shows that explaining a new technical term in a longer group of words, the teacher unavoidably utilizes words which are new or more complicated to his students Meanwhile, translating that term is more time-saving and more comprehensible However, translation is not always pleasant and easy to the teacher due to inadequate knowledge of environmental science This could lead to different ways of translation of the same term by different teachers In addition, there are some English - Vietnamese dictionaries of environmental science now, however, for one English term, a dictionary may offer various Vietnamese meanings and it might not be able to provide all meanings of environmental terms Therefore, it causes difficulties in translating as well as in selecting appropriate meanings Furthermore, translators or interpreters also face challenges of translating environmental terms because they not have enough knowledge of environment and Vietnamese language has not had precise equivalences for certain English words It is time the translators and interpreters needed to study the theory of translation so that they can find suitable strategies to translate environmental terms Given the hindrances behind the translation of environmental terms, the research question is raised: “What are the common strategies and procedures for the translation of English environmental terms into Vietnamese?” 2 Aims of the study The study is aimed at: • Investigating characteristics of English environmental terms and their compositions in the light of functional grammar proposed by Halliday • Identifying the procedures and strategies commonly used by teachers in the lessons on English for Environmental Science and translators for rendering environmental terms It is expected that the research partly contributes to English for Specific Purposes in general and English for Environmental Science in particular in terms of the translating, teaching and learning as well Scope of the study Since the research serves the need of the teaching of English for Environmental Science and rendering English enviromental terms, it mainly focuses on environmental terms derived from materials currently used in well-known universities of science and technology which offer environmental English as a subject However, the study cannot cover all terms which appear in these sources, only typical terms with high frequency of occurrence are chosen Because of the characteristics of texts and the language in the materials of environmental field, most of the terms are one word and above-word-level terms It is the author‟s purpose to conduct a study on the translation of environmental terms at word-level and above-word-level terms based on the grammatical and semantic features of the terms investigated Method of the study This is a descriptive research as this kind of research is aimed at answering “what?” questions, but not “why?” questions As Wisker (2001: 118) points out, the purpose of descriptive study is to “find out more about a phenomenon and to capture it with detailed information” Often the capturing and description is only true for that moment in time, hence, ideally, the description should be repeated several times so that stability or change could be noted However, in the framework of a thesis, the study proposes to focus on the present condition of English environmental terms and their common translation strategies and procedures into Vietnamese, which still helps us to understand and know more about the phenomenon under investigation Descriptive data is collected by observing and noting only aspects which are of interest for the research because descriptive research, as stated by Seliger and Shohamy (2000: 127) begins with a premise about what to look for in the observation, that is to say the research question In a more detailed way, English environmental terms belonging to two categories: one-word and above-word-level terms are collected from the study corpus Afterwards, the translation of these two groups and their subgoups are analyzed to identify appropriate transalation procedures and strategies The steps of the study on the translation of environmental terminology are as follows Step 1: Reviewing environment materials from different reliable sources Step 2: Collecting English environmental terms from these materials Step 3: Classifying collected terms into two groups: one-word terms and above-word-level terms Step 4: Analyzing the translation of typical examples of the above-mentioned groups in order to find out the significant strategies and procedures for the translation of environmental terms Step 5: Suggesting some implications for the translation of environmental terms Design of the study The thesis consists of three main parts: Introduction, Development and Conclusion The first part, Introduction outlines rationale, scope, aims, method and design of the research The second part entitled Development is divided into two chapters Chapter One refers to theories which serve as the foundation for this study and presents the typical features of environmental terms and their structural patterns Chapter Two, The translation of environmental terms offers common procedures and strategies for the translation of the terms Finally, Conclusion summarizes all the research findings Ultimately, references, data sources and appendixes are indispensable parts of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER ONE LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Terminology 1.1.1 Definitions of terminology Terminology is a fascinating subject to researchers in the world as well as in Vietnam A large number of definitions of terminology have been proposed In the words of Valeontis and Mantzari (2006: 1), “terminology has a twofold meaning: (1) it is the discipline concerned with the principles and methods governing the study of concepts and their designations (terms, names, symbols) in any subject field, and the job of collecting, processing, and mangaging relevant data and (2) the set of terms belonging to the special language of an individual subject field” In practice, it is more familiar with the second meaning of the term terminology, which is further clarified by Russian authors in “Russian Encyclopedia” (1976), “terminology is words or combinations of words that denote the concept precisely and its relationship with other concepts in a specific area Terminology is a specialized and restricted expression on things, phenomena, characteristics and the relationships in specific profession” (quoted in Nguyen Thi Mai, 2003: 16) This definition shares some common features in content with the definition given by Nguyen Van Tu (1960: 176): “terminology is words or combinations of words that are used in science, technology, politics, art, etc And it has a specific meaning, precisely denotes concepts and names of the above-mentioned scientific areas” Similarly, Nguyen Thien Giap (1981: 308-309) claims that terminology, which is understood as a special linguistic unit of a language, consists of words and phrases which are accurate names of concepts and subjects belonging to different specialized fields of human beings Through the above-mentioned definitions, it is clear that terminology is a special lexicon of a language The particularity is that terminology is words and phrases which accurately denote concepts of a specialized field 1.1.2 Characteristics of terminology Many linguists including Do Huu Chau (1981), Nguyen Thien Giap (1981) and Luu Van Lang (1998) share the idea that terminology possesses three important characteristics, namely accurateness, systematism and internationalism a Accurateness A term needs to be accurate and clear because basically it reflects an exact concept of a science If a term is of absolute accuracy, people never mistake one concept for another For example, precipitation cannot be translated as mưa as in a dictionary for general language Precipitation means water in rain, snow, etc that falls, therefore it should be giáng thủy Once a word has become a term, it no longer has connotational and emotional meanings; it also loses its polysemousness and antonymousness In short, terminology necessarily works on the principle that “one concept has only one term for it and one term indicates only one concept” b Systematism Any field of science has its own limited system of concepts, which is named by a system of terms Therefore, each term has its own position in the system of concepts and belongs to a terminological system The value of each term is determined by its relationships with other terms in the same system As a result, a term loses its value when isolated from its system For instance, if warming is not put in the environmental terminology, it is normally understoood as làm ấm, but not ấm lên toàn cầu as it is in the field of environment In short, a term has to be a dependent member of its system c Internationalism Terms are used internationally because they are special words expressing common scientific concepts to people of different languages Therefore, it is useful to agree on terms to be used among languages in order to push up the development of science The international links in sciences result in a number of terms which are present in many different languages For example, gradient, arsenic, gel, front, etc are found in English and Vietnamese with little difference in form In a word, these are the important characteristics of terminology in their common use Based on the criteria of terminology, each language may require other principles in accordance with its culture Accordingly, terminology in Vietnamese also has its typical features including nationalism and popularity d Nationalism Although terms are special words used in specialized fields, they are undoubtely part of the national language They, therefore, possess the colours and the characteristics of the national language Put differently, they should be made from the the materials of the national language in terms of lexicology and grammatical composition e Popularity Terminology needs to be popular or close to the language of the masses Science is to serve the masses, to make the masses involved in scientific fields and at the same time, to bring the knowledge and benefit to them The language, especially terminology, used in scientific materials should not be complicated or comprehensible to a limited group of upper or intellectual class In fact, terminology ought to be popular, i.e easy to understand, easy to remember and easy to use In a nutshell, terminology needs to possess five characteristics: accurateness, systematism, internationalism, nationalism and popularity These characteristics are key elements or principles in the creation and standardization of terminology 1.2 Translation theory 1.2.1 Definitions of translation Munday (2001: 4-5) refers to translation in two ways, first is the product (a text or work that has been changed from one language into another) and second is the process (the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language) Sharing the same idea, The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines translation as “the act or an instance of translating” and “a written or spoken expression of the meaning of a word, speech, book, etc in another language” (quoted in Hatim and Munday, 2004: 3) Based on these two basic ways, prominent figures in linguistics and translation make their own definitions of translation Catford (1965: 20) defines translation as “the replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language)” Similarly, Hartman and Stork (1972: 713) state that “translation is the replacement of a representation of a text in one language by a presentation of an equivalent text in a second language” Sharing the same idea but supplementing the idea of equivalences, Nida and Taber (1969: 12) claim that “translating consists in producing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent to the message of the source language, first in meaning and secondly in style” By the same line of argument, Marlone (1988) asserts “Translation is the expression in another language (or target language) of what has been expressed in another, source language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences” (quoted in Bell, 1991: 5) In general, these definitions reveal basic features of translation, including the conversion from source language (SL) to target language (TL), the equivalent and the preservation of meaning and style of original text 1.2.2 Translation equivalence The concepts “equivalence” and “the equivalent” appear rather frequently in definitions of translation, for example, “equivalent textual material” (Catford 1965: 20), “the closest natural equivalent” (Nida and Taber, 1969: 12), “a maximally equivalent target language text” (Wilss, 1982: 72) Apparently, “equivalence” is considered a central concept in translation theory It postulates a relation between source language text and target language text and as Koller (1979) puts it, the kind of equivalence relation is defined in terms of the frame and the conditions to which one refers when using the concept of equivalence (Chesterman, 1989: 100) In other words, there exists equivalence between a given source text and a given target text if the target text fulfils certain requirements with respect to these frame conditions The relevant conditions are those having to with such aspects as content, style, function and so on The requirement of equivalence thus has the following form: quality (qualities) X in the source language text must be preserved This means that the source language content, form, style, function and so forth must be preserved, or at least that the translation must seek to preserve them as far as possible Based on varied factors, translation equivalence can be categorized in various ways Le Hung Tien (2006: 54-55) presents four common ways of sorting translation equivalence as followed:  Function-based equivalence: dynamic and formal equivalence (Nida)  Meaning-based equivalence: denotative, connotative, pragmatic and formal equivalence (Koller)  Quantity based equivalence: one-to-one equivalence, one-to-many equivalence, one-to-part-of-one equivalence and nil equivalence (Kade)  Form-based equivalence: equivalence at word, sentence and text level (Baker) Starting with Nida (1964), he strongly advocates dynamic equivalence rather than formal equivalence  Formal equivalence: the closest possible match of form and content between SL and TL texts or a means of providing some degree of insight into the lexical, grammatical or structure form of a source text  Dynamic equivalence: the principle of equivalence of effect on readers of TL text or the same effect on the TL receivers as the source text had on the SL receivers Later, Koller (1979) differentiates more types as follows (Chesterman, 1989: 101)  Denotative equivalence: the SL and TL expressions refer to the same thing in the real world This kind of equivalence orients towards the extralinguistic content transmitted by a text  Connotative equivalence: As the name points out, this is the kind of equivalence basing on the connotative dimension of language Apart from a denotative meaning, SL and TL expressions need to create equivalent communicative values when they are read by native readers of two languages The connotation is transmitted by means of word choice between synonymous expressions with respect to level of style (register), the social and geographical dimension, frequency and so on II Appendix English terms Vietnamese equivalents ABF (Activated Biofilter) ABTI (All Biota ABF(bể lọc sinh vật hoạt tính) Taxonomic ABTI (mục lục phân loại toàn khu hệ Inventory) sinh vật) ACA (Annual Cutting Area ) ACA (diện tích đốn hạ hàng năm) ACS (Absorption Capacity of Soil) ACS (khả hấp thu đất) ADS (Air Data System) ADS (hệ thống liệu khí quyển) AEA (Atomic Energy Act) AEA (pháp lệnh lượng nguyên tử) A/F (Air-Fuel ration) A/F (tỷ lệ khơng khí/nhiên liệu) AFB (Acid-Fast Bacteria) AFB (vi khuẩn chịu axit) IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on IPCC (Ủy ban liên phủ biến Climate Change) đổi khí hậu) ICLARM (International Centre for ICLARM (Trung tâm quốc tế quản Living lý nguồn lợi sinh vật thủy sinh) Aquatic Resources Management) WWP (World Weather Programme) WWP (chương trình khí hậu giới) WWF (World Wildlife Fund) WWF (Quỹ bảo vệ sinh vật hoang dã giới) III Appendix English terms Vietnamese equivalents Loan word Vietnamese terms albedo Anbedo hệ số phản xạ, lực phản xạ biogas Bioga khí sinh vật gel Gel thể keo đặc gelatin Jelatin keo động vật grandient Građien suất biến đổi front Fron ranh giới giao tiếp hai khối nước khơng khí laterite Laterit đá ong quota Côta định suất, hạn ngạch, định ngạch, tiêu episome Episom thể bổ sung, ngoại thể batholiths Batholit thể polymer Polymer chất trùng hợp bentonite Bentonit đất sét trắng hormone hormon/hocmon nội tiết tố, kích tố holoenzyme Holoenzym enzyme hoàn chỉnh Pleistocene Pleistoxen Cách tân, thống Cách tân allele Alen gen tương ứng, gen đẳng vị chelate Chelat hợp chất cua haemoglobin Hemoglobin huyết cầu tố haptogene Haptogen gen bám, sản phẩm sơ cấp gen in-vivo Invivo thể sống, sinh vật in-vitro invitro kính, ống nghiệm phytoalexins phytoalexin kháng độc tố thực vật IV Appendix English terms Vietnamese equivalents acid axit plasmid plasmid chlorofluorocarbons cloflocacbon ozone ozon octance octan gene gen arsenic asen laser laze dypolymer đipolyme carbamide cacbamit, urê cyanate xyanat (muối este chứa gốc -CNO) carbamate carbide cacbanat (muối axit cacbamic, có gốc NH2COO-) cacbua (hợp chất kim loại với cacbon) điôxin (các hyđrocacbon clo hóa (bao dioxins gồm đibenzo-p-đioxin polyclo hóa furan) đihyđroclorinaza (enzym tách clorinat dehydrochlorinase hyđrocacbon DDT, tìm thấy số côn trùng chống chịu DDT) calcium chloride clorua canxi (CaCl2) dehydrogenase đehyđrogenaza calcium hydroxide hyđroxit canxi, Ca(OH)2 basalt bazan basanite bazanit V Appendix English terms Vietnamese equivalents watt (W) (unit of electrical power) oat (đơn vị công suất) bar (unit of pressure of the atmosphere) bar (đơn vị áp suất) barrel (unit of capacity) barel (đơn vị dung tích) becquerel (Bq) (unit of radioactivity) becơren (đơn vị độ phóng xạ) calorie (unit of a quantity of heat) calo (đơn vị nhiệt lượng) roentgen (R) (unit of radiation) rơngen (đơn vị liều lượng xạ) newton (N) (unit of force) niutơn (đơn vị đo lực) fathom (unit of depth) fathom (đơn vị đo độ sâu) VI Appendix English terms Vietnamese equivalents foot fút (1 fút = 30,48 cm) pound (IP) pao (1 pao = 0,454 kg) ounce (oz) aoxơ (1 aoxơ = 28,35 kg) inch insơ (1 insơ = 2,54 cm) mile dặm (1 dặm = 1,6 km) yard iát (1 iát = 0,9144 mét) gallon galông (1 galơng = 4,5 lít) degree Fahrenheit độ F (32 độ F = độ C) VII Appendix English terms Vietnamese equivalents archaeozoic đại Thái cổ, đại Ackêi barstovian kỳ Bacstovi, bậc Bacstovi barstonian kỳ Bactoni, bậc Bactoni calabrian kỳ Calabri, bậc Calabri cainozoic đại Tân sinh, Kainozoi Cambrian kỷ Cambri; hệ Cambri campanian kỳ Campani; bậc Campani carboniferous kỷ Cacbon, kỷ than đá carnian kỳ Cacni; bậc Cacni neogene kỷ Neogen; hệ Neogen Miocene Mioxen; thống Mioxen Paleocene Paleoxen corallian kỳ Corali; bậc Corali jura kỷ Jura; hệ Jura Permian kỷ Pecmi Devonian kỷ Đevon; hệ Đevon Silurian kỷ Silua Ordovician kỷ Ocđovic, hệ Ocđovic orenburgian kỳ Orenburg; bậc Orenburg griesbachian kỳ Griesbachi; bậc Griesbachi danian kỳ Đani; bậc Đani dinantian kỳ Đianti; bậc Đianti VIII Appendix Classifier (noun) + Thing English terms Vietnamese equivalents yeast acid axit men yeast fermentation lên men nấm men zero adjustment điều chỉnh số không zero discharge xả thải mức không woodland ecosystem hệ sinh thái đất rừng ventilation zone vùng thơng gió transmutation theory thuyết đột biến loài ; thuyết đột biến gen wilderness conservation bảo tồn tình trạng hoang dã wildlife reserve khu bảo hộ động vật hoang dã water impurities tạp chất nước watershed forests rừng phòng hộ đầu nguồn watershed protection bảo hộ thủy vực absorption spectrum phổ hấp thụ abundance index số độ phong phú accumulation curve đường cong tích lũy aeration period chu kỳ sục khí age composition thành phần tuổi air humidity độ ẩm khơng khí animal community quần thể động vật antipollution code luật chống ô nhiễm, pháp lệnh chống ô nhiễm balloon observation quan trắc khinh khí cầu bark tissue mô vỏ IX Classifier/ Epithet (adjective) + Thing English terms Vietnamese equivalents xerophilous forest rừng ưa khô xerophilous plant thực vật ưa khô workable sludge bùn cặn khả dụng weak sewage nước cống loãng wet year năm nhiều mưa volcanic gases khí núi lửa urban environment môi trường đô thị vegetal region miền sinh dưỡng vegetational cover thảm thực vật vegetative cycle chu kỳ sinh dưỡng unicellular organism sinh vật đơn bào transitional population quần thể chuyển tiếp transitional settlement định cư tạm thời wasteless method phương pháp sản xuất khơng có chất thải vehicular pollution ô nhiễm xe cộ vertical migration di chuyển thẳng đứng theo mùa vinaceous plant thực vật bò leo viral genetics di truyền học virut viral infection nhiễm virut virulent bateriophage thể thực khuẩn độc virulent strain chủng độc visual environment môi trường trực quan visual pollution ô nhiễm thị giác sustainable development phát triển bền vững aerobic organism sinh vật ưa khí agricultural land đất nơng nghiệp anaerobic bacterium vi khuẩn kỵ khí X Classifier/ Epithet (present participle) + Thing English terms Vietnamese equivalents stopping agent chất kìm hãm, tác nhân kìm hãm activating agent tác nhân hoạt hóa adsorbing agent chất hấp phụ assimilating stage giai đoạn đồng hóa balancing reservoir bể chứa cân áp lực, bể chứa bù áp wilting coefficient hệ số héo, hệ số tàn lụi wilting period thời kỳ héo, thời kỳ gầy đét treating load lượng công tác xử lý thinning water nước để rửa mặn, nước để làm nhạt stilling zone vùng yên tĩnh stirring machine máy khuấy trộn absorbing ability khả hấp thụ absorbing medium môi trường hấp thụ Noun + noun + noun English terms Vietnamese equivalents age determination method phương pháp xác định tuổi air pollutants concentration nồng độ chất gây nhiễm khơng khí air-pollution control kiểm sốt ô nhiễm không khí anthracite coal filter bể lọc dùng than antraxit aquarium air pump bơm sục khí bể ni thủy sản ash fusion temperature nhiệt độ nóng chảy tro ash removal process trình loại bỏ tro aspiration dust elimination loại trừ bụi hút vào automobile exhaust particultes hạt chất thải từ ôtô background extinction rates tỷ lệ tuyệt chủng XI Adjective + noun + noun English terms Vietnamese equivalents absolute growth rate tốc độ sinh trưởng tuyệt đối absolute temperature scale thang nhiệt độ tuyệt đối accelerated population growth tăng dân số nhanh acoustical reduction factor hệ số giảm âm thanh, hệ số cách âm activated carbon absorption hấp phụ cacbon hoạt tính active absorption volume thể tích hấp thụ hữu hiệu active drainage area vùng nước thải chủ động advanced waste treatment xử lý chất thải tăng cường aerated grit chamber buồng lắng cát thống khí agricultural pest control phịng trừ sâu hại nơng nghiệp ambient air quality chất lượng khơng khí ngồi trời anaerobic degradation process q trình phân hủy khơng cần ơxy arable land afforestation trồng đất canh tác arid land ecosystem hệ sinh thái đất khô cằn artificial forest regeneration tái sinh rừng, trồng lại rừng arid land ecosystem hệ sinh thái đất khô cằn atmospheric phostphate damage tác hại photsphat khí atomic absorption spectrometer phổ kế hấp thụ nguyên tử automated observation method phương pháp quan trắc tự động hóa automatic bag filter túi lọc bụi tự động automatic suction pump bơm hút tự động XII Appendix Group 8a: Classifier/ Epithet (noun + present participle) + Thing English terms Vietnamese equivalents water-indicating plant thực vật thị nước tank washing system hệ thống dội rửa bể chứa waste sorting plant thiết bị phân loại phế thải acid forming fertilizer phân bón sinh axit ash-handling system hệ thống xử lý tro street-orginating pollutants chất gây nhiễm có nguồn gốc từ đường phố sulphur-oxidizing bacteria vi khuẩn ơxy hóa lưu huỳnh sulphate-reducing bacteria vi khuẩn khử sulfat sound insulating material vật liệu cách âm water monitoring station trạm giám trắc thủy văn water-producing area diện tích lưu vực, vùng sản sinh nước water pumping station trạm bơm nước waste crushing plant thiết bị nghiền chất thải vehicle licensing standards tiêu chuẩn cấp giấy phép sử dụng xe vehicle parking facilities phương tiện bãi đậu xe cộ sulphur-reducing bacteria vi khuẩn khử lưu huỳnh surface floating matter chất mặt nước surface measuring instrument dụng cụ đo diện tích stream gauging network hệ thống đo lưu lượng dòng chảy bag holding equipment thiết bị đỡ túi lọc (ở lọc kiểu túi) yeast-containing waste chất thải chứa men weather warning service quan cảnh báo thời tiết water-bearing bed tầng chứa nước water-holding capacity khả giữ nước water-absorbing quality chất lượng hấp thu nước XIII Group 8b: Classifier/epithet (noun + past participle) + Thing English terms Vietnamese equivalents automobile-emitted lead chì ơtơ thải waste affected lake hồ bị chất thải làm bẩn virus induced resistance tính kháng virut gây nên technology-based control kiểm sốt cơng nghệ surplus activated sludge bùn hoạt hóa dư thừa water-deposited soil đất bồi tích waste activated sludge bùn hoạt tính thải bỏ arsenic-contaminated soil đất bị nhiễm asen XIV Appendix 10 English terms Vietnamese equivalents washed gas khí rửa urbanized environment mơi trường thị hóa unleaded gasoline xăng khơng chì unmatched observations giá trị quan trắc khơng đồng treated efluents nước thải xử lý treated refuse rác xử lý treated sewage nước thải xử lý suspended dust bụi lơ lửng suspended impurities tạp chất lơ lửng aggregated distribution phân bố quần tụ attenuated coral san hơ giảm nhỏ aerated pool bể sục khí (để ôxy hóa nước thải) unsynchronized growth sinh trưởng không đồng thời untreated refuse rác không xử lý unconsolidated soil đất tơi, đất rời uncultivated lands đất không trồng trọt undisturbed ecosystem hệ sinh thái không bị xáo trộn sustained aeration thơng khí liên tục sterilized wastewater nước thải khử khuẩn balanced precipitation kết tủa tuần hồn adsorbed gas khí bị hấp phụ adsorbed water nước bị hấp phụ alkalized soil đất bị kiềm hóa XV Appendix 11 English terms Vietnamese equivalents absorbing boom chắn hút dầu (để ngăn cản loang rộng dầu mặt nước) area of precipitation vùng hứng nước, vùng dựng nước area source nguồn trải rộng, nguồn phân bố diện rộng arsenic oxide smoke khói chứa oxit arsenic arsenic sludge bùn cặn chứa arsenic baby boom tăng vọt số lượng trẻ em barrier island đảo có rạn đá ngầm chắn barrier reef rạn đá ngầm chắn abbreviation rút ngắn giai đoạn tiến hóa arms races tương tác tiến hóa liên tục (giữa lồi) capsulation bao phủ kín bãi chon lấp chất thải đổ đầy connectance tỷ suất liên hệ loài quần xã (trong mạng thức ăn) XVI Appendix 12 English terms Vietnamese equivalents zone of aeration đới thoáng khí, tầng nước treo terrace of bald mountain thềm núi trọc threshold of reaction ngưỡng phản ứng theory of evolution thuyết tiến hóa volume of stream flow lưu lượng dịng chảy utilization of herbicides sử dụng thuốc diệt cỏ zonality of hydrological phenomena tính phân đới tượng thủy văn transboundary movement of di chuyển chất thải nguy hại qua biên giới hazardous wastes transfer of land property chuyển nhượng quyền sở hữu đất đai velocity of suck off tốc độ hút vectors of human diseases vật truyền bệnh người; vecto mang bệnh người way of discharge phương thức xả thải velocity of air current tốc độ luồng gió volume of steam thể tích nước volume of storm tổng lượng mưa bão underground disposal of wastewater xử lý nước thải đất transport of hazardous materials vận chuyển chất nguy hiểm threshold of stimulation ngưỡng kích thích theory of continental drift thuyết trôi dạt lục địa theory of natural selection thuyết chọn lọc tự nhiên theory of relativity thuyết tương đối theory of stratospheric steering lý thuyết dẫn đường tầng bình lưu assessment of soil degradation đánh giá mức thối hóa đất trồng ... procedures employed in the translation of terminology from English into Vietnamese The study will also discuss the problem of technical translation and translation of neologisms in the next section... classification of these terms will be of great importance with regards to the translation of environmental terms in the next chapter 34 CHAPTER TWO THE TRANSLATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL TERMS 2.1 Translation of. .. language They, therefore, possess the colours and the characteristics of the national language Put differently, they should be made from the the materials of the national language in terms of lexicology

Ngày đăng: 28/02/2015, 11:54

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Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
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Tiêu đề: Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice
Tác giả: Bell R. T
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