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unit 4 My friendsfamily and friends

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Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends ♣ Aims: To help students be accustomed to characters in classbook, introduce anothers person and understand a short story. ♣ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to be accustomed to characters in classbook, introduce anothers person and understand a short story. ♣ Skills: Listening, speaking and reading ♣ Teaching aids: classbook, cassette, CD ♣ Procedures: Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 1 - Date: Week: 1 Period: 1 STARTER: HELLO! LESSON ONE STARTER: HELLO! LESSON ONE Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 2 - TIME CONTENTS TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES 5’ 10’ 10’ I.WARM UP Greeting II.PRESENTATION  Pre teach vocabulary 1.cousin(n): anh em họ 2.everyone(n): mọi người 3.fun(adj): vui 4.class(n): lớp học 5.sorry: xin lỗi  Checking vocabulary Matching  Target language Concept check: meaning, form, use and pronunciation III.PRACTICE  Activity 1 Listen and chant on page 4  Activity 2 Listen and read on page 4 IV.PRODUCTION Role play -Asking some students to greet each others -Modeling -Asking some students to practise in front of class. -Correcting Eliciting-modeling-checking meaning and pronunciation -Explanation -How do we call” mọi người” in English? -Situation -Explanation -How do we call”xin lỗi” in English? -Asking students to copy these words into their notebook -Asking students to go the board and match the English words with the suitable meaning. -Correcting -Giving students new structures -Giving how to use this structures -Asking students to copy them into their notebook -Asking students to listen to the tape 3 times. -Asking students to repeat the verse. -Asking some students to read the verse in front of class. -Correcting and evaluating -Asking students to open their book on page 4. Asking students to guess what is happening in the story? And how many persons in the story? -Asking students to listen to the tape 2 times. -Asking students to answer some questions: Who’s in class? Is Billy in the class? How old is Billy? -Listening to the teacher -Practising in pairs Answering some questions -Cousin -Everyone -Fun -Class -Sorry -Copying these words into their notebook -Going to the board and matching words -Listening carefully -Copying them into their notebook Listening to the tape -Repeating the verse -Reading the verse -Opening the book -Guessing the content of the story -Listening carefully -Answering the questions Who’s this? He/she is + proper names What’s your name? My name’s + teân Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends * Comments:  Aims: to help students to greet each others, ask and answer the question” What’s your name?” and sing the song  Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to greet, ask and answer the question and sing the song.  Skills: listening and speaking  Teaching aids: CD, cassette, classbook  Procedures: TIME CONTENTS TEACHER’S ACTIVITES STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES 5’ 10’ I.WARM UP Slap the board II.PRESENTATION Review the structure  Pre sing Read the song line by line “Hello, hello, How are you? I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you. Hello, hello, What’s your name? My name’s That‘s my name. Goodbye, goodbye, -Writing some words on the board. -Dividing class into 2 groups. -Giving instructions -Asking students to take part in the game. -Correcting -Asking students to review the structure -Asking students to practise in pairs. -Checking some pairs - Reading the song line by line. -Asking some students to read the song -Playing the tape some times. -Looking at the board -Listening to the teacher -Taking part in the game. -Reviewing the structure. -Practising in pairs -Listeing carefully -Reading the song -Listening to the tape Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 3 - Date: Week: 1 Period: 2 Cousin Everyone Sorry Class Fun What’s your name? My name’s + teân STARTER: HELLO! LESSON TWO STARTER: HELLO! LESSON TWO Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends 10’ 9’ 1’ Goodbye to you …” III.PRACTICE Sing the song IV.PRODUCTION Role play V.HOMEWORK Learn the song by heart Do exercise on page 5 workbook Prepare next lesson -Asking students to sing the song in chorus -Asking students to sing the song with groups. -Asking students to sing the song individual -Evaluating -Asking some students to sing in front of class and dance. -Evaluating -Giving the task at home -Singing the song in chorus. -Singing the song with groups -Singing the song individual -Singing in front of class -Doing the task at home * Comments:  Aims: to help students count from 1 to 10 and practise the structure how old are you?  Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to count from 1 to 10 and practise the structure how old are you?  Skills: listening and speaking  Teaching aids: number cards, CD, cassette  Procedures: TIME CONTENTS TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES 2’ 10’ I.WARM UP Sing the song II.PRESENTATION  Pre teach vocabulary 1.one: một 2.two: hai 3.three: ba 4.four: bốn 5.five: năm 6.six: sáu -Asking students to sing the song” Hello, Hello!” Eliciting-modeling-checking meaning and pronunciation. -Using number cards and sticking them on the board. -Pointing to the number and asking students to read them -Asking students to copy these numbers into their notebook -Singing the song -Looking at the board -Reading numbers -Copying them into their Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 4 - Date: Week: 1 Period: 3 STARTER: HELLO! LESSON THREE STARTER: HELLO! LESSON THREE Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends 17’ 5’ 7.seven: bảy 8.eight: tám 9.nine: chín 10.ten: mười  Checking vocabulary R.O.R  Set the sence S1: How old are you? S2: I’m ten  Form Use: hỏi và trả lời về tuổi Concept check: use, form, meaning and pronunciation III.PRACTICE  Ativity 1 Listen, point and repeat Activity 2 Listen and tick  Activity 3 Cards drill IV.PRODUCTION Sing a song “How old are you?” -Rubbing out these numbers and asking students to rewrite these number on the board -Correcting -Getting situation -Asking students to give the answer about the question. -Evaluating -Giving new form -Asking students to repeat it in chorus and individual. -Asking students to copy the form into their notebook -Asking students to listen to the CD some times -Asking students to listen and repeat these numbers -Giving instruction -Asking students to listen and tick the correct numbers. -Asking students to listen again and checking -Correcting -Getting up the activity -Giving students number cards. -Asking students to practise talking about ages in pairs -Checking some pairs -Teaching the class the lesson”How old are you?” -Asking students to sing the song -Evaluating -Giving the task at home notebook -Going to the board and rewriting these numbers -Listening to the teacher -Giving the answer. -Repeating it in chorus and individual. -Copying the form into their notebook -Listening to the CD -Listening and repeating -Listening carefully -Listening and ticking -Listening and checking -Listening carefully -Working in pairs -Listening to the teacher -Singing the song Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 5 - How old are you? I’m + age Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends 1’ V.HOMEWORK Learn numbers by heart Do exercise on workbook Prepare next lesson -Doing the task at home ♣ Aim: to help students know days of the week. ♣ Objective: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to know days of the week. ♣ Skills: listening and speaking ♣ Teaching aids: cassette, CD ♣ Procedures: TIM E CONTENTS TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES 5’ 10’ I.WARM UP Matching II.PRESENTATION  Pre teach vocabulary 1.Monday: thứ hai 2.Tuesday: thứ ba 3.Wednesday: thứ tư 4.Thursday: thứ năm 5.Friday: thứ sáu 6.Sarturday: thứ bảy 7.Sunday: chủ nhật  Checking vocabulary R.O.R -Giving instructions -Dividing class into 2 groups A and B -Asking students to go to the board and rearrange the number with the meaning words. -Correcting -Evaluating Eliciting-modeling-checking meaning and pronunciation -Translation “ “ “ “ “ “ -Asking students to copy them into their notebook -Rubbing out these words and asking students to rewrite these words on the board. -Correcting -Listening carefully -Going to the board and rearranging. -Monday -Tuesday -Wednesday -Thursday -Friday -Sarturday -Sunday -Copying them into their notebook -Going to the board and rewriting these words Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 6 - Date: Week: 1 Period: 4 STARTER: HELLO! LESSON THREE (Cont) STARTER: HELLO! LESSON THREE (Cont) Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends 10’ 9’ 1’ III.PRACTICE Listen and point. Listen and chant IV.PRODUCTION Do exercise on page 6-7 workbook V.HOMEWORK Learn the lesson by heart Prepare next lesson. -Giving instruction -Playing the cassette. -Asking students to listen and point to the words. -Asking students to listen again and repeat. Asking some students to read in front of class. -Correcting -Giving instruction -Asking students to do exercise on workbook. -Checking some students -Correcting -Giving the tast at home -Listening to the teacher -Listening and pointing to the words. -Listening and repeating -Reading in front of class. -Listening carefully -Doing exercise on workbook -Doing the tast at home * Comments:  Aims: to help students recognize different colours and use them  Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize different colours and use them  Skills: listening, speaking and writing  Teaching aids: classbook, colour cards  Procedures: TIME CONTENTS TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ACTIVITIES 5’ 10’ I.WARM UP Unscramble Nusday  Sunday Nomday  Monday Suetday  Tuesday Dewsenday  Wednesday Sruthday  Thursday Rifday  Friday Tasurday  Saturday II.PRESENTATION -Giving instruction -Dividing class into 2 groups A and B -Asking students to go to the board and rewrite these words. -Correcting -Evaluating -Listening carefully -Going to the board and rewirting these words. Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 7 - Date: Week: 2 Period: 5 STARTER: HELLO! LESSON FOUR STARTER: HELLO! LESSON FOUR Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends 10’ 9’ 1’  Pre teach vocabulary 1.red(n): màu đỏ 2.yellow(n): màu vàng 3.orange(n): màu cam 4.pink(n): màu hồng 5.blue(n): màu xanh dương 6.green(n): màu xanh lá 7.purple(n): màu tím  Checking vocabulary R.O.R III.PRACTICE Listen, point and repeat III.PRODUCTION Match Sing the song” Colour song” 1. Who is wearing yellow today? Yellow today, yellow today Who is wearing yellow today Yellow today 2.Red 3.Green 4.Blụe 5.Black 6.White 7.Orange V.HOMEWORK Learn new words by heart. Eliciting-modeling-checking meaning and pronunciation -What colour is this? “ “ “ “ “ “ Asking students to copy them into their notebook -Rubbing out these words and asking students to rewrite these words on the board. -Correcting -Turning to the cassette -Asking students to listen to the cassette. Asking students to listen and point to the words. -Asking students to listen and repeat the words -Asking students to listen again, point and repeat the words -Correcting -Evaluating -Asking students to open classbook on page 7. -Asking students to match the pictures with the suitable words -Correcting -Turning to the cassette -Asking students to sing the song -Giving the task at home -Red -Yellow -Orange -Pink -Blue -Green -Purple -Copying them into their notebook -Going to the board and rewriting these words -Listening to the cassette -Listening and pointing to the words -Listening and repeating the words -Listening, pointing and repeating the words -Opening classbook -Matching the pictures with the suitable words -Listening to the cassette -Singing the song -Doing the tast at home Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 8 - Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends Do exercise on workbook Prepare next lesson. * Comments:  Aims: to help students recognize colours and sing the song  Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize colours and sing the song.  Skills: listening and speaking  Teaching aids: cassette, CD  Procedures: TIME CONTENTS TEACHERS’ACTIVITES STUDENTS’ACTIVITES 5’ 10’ I.WARM UP Word chain II.PRESENTATION  Pre teach vocabulary 1. to sing: hát 2.can: có thể 3.rainbow: cầu vồng 4.too: cũng  Checking vocabulary Matching  Pre sing -Giving instruction -Putting some colour cards on the chalk rail. -Asking one student to read the first colour word -Asking other student to read the second word -Asking some students to read another words -Evaluating Eliciting-modeling- checking meaning and pronunciation -What am I doing? -Translation -Explanation -Translation -Asking students to copy them into their notebook -Giving instruction -Asking students to go to the board and match the English words with suitable meaning. -Correcting -Listening carefully -Reading the word -Reading the word -Sing -Can -Rainbow -Too -Copying them into their notebook -Listening to the teacher -Going to the board and matching the English words with the suitable meaning Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 9 - Date: Week: 2 Period: 6 STARTER: HELLO! LESSON FOUR (Cont) STARTER: HELLO! LESSON FOUR (Cont) Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends 10’ 9’ 1’ Read the song”Sing a rainbow!” line by line “Red and yellow, And pink and green, Purple and orange, And blue. I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, too.” III.PRACTICE Sing the song IV.PRODUCTION Circle ball V.HOMEWORK Learn the song by heart Do exercise on workbook Prepare next lesson -Reading the song -Asking students to read the song line by line. -Asking students to sing the song in chorus -Asking students to sing the song with groups -Asking some students to sing in front of class. -Evaluating -Giving instruction -Dividing class into 3 groups -Playing the cassette -Asking students to sing the song and move the ball in their groups. If the song ends, the student keeping the ball will be punished. -Evaluating -Giving the task at home -Listening to the teacher -Reading the song -Singing the song in chorus -Singing the song in groups -Singing the song individual -Listening to the teacher -Taking part in the game -Doing the task at home * Comments:  Aims: to help students to know about school things and understand a short story  Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about school things and understand a short story. Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong - 10 - Date: Week: 2 Period: 7 UNIT 1: WHAT’S THIS? LESSON ONE: WORDS UNIT 1: WHAT’S THIS? LESSON ONE: WORDS [...]... Lesson Plan: Family and Friends Date: Week: 4 Period: 16      UNIT 1: UNIT 1: WHAT’ SS THIS? WHAT’ THIS? LESSON FIVE: SKILLS TIME! LESSON FIVE: SKILLS TIME! Aims: to help students to read and understand the passages Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and understand the passages Skills:... Date: Week: 6 Period: 23 UNIT 2: UNIT 2: PLAYTIME! PLAYTIME! LESSON TWO: LESSON TWO: GRAMMAR GRAMMAR (Cont) (Cont)  Aims: to help students to know how to use the word my and your and answer the question: is this your ….?  Objectives: by the end of th lesson, students will be able to know how to use the word my and your and answer the question: Is this your …? Teacher: Nguyen... Plan: Family and Friends -Giving the task at home 1’ V.HOMEWORK Learn the lesson by heart Prepare next lesson -Doing the tak at home * Comments: Date: Week: 4 Period: 14 UNIT 1: UNIT 1: WHAT’S THIS? WHAT’S THIS? LESSON FOUR: LESSON FOUR: PHONICS PHONICS  Aims: to help students can distinguish the sound a, b, c and d in the... to listen and point to the letter -Asking students to listen and repeat these letters -Asking students to listen again, point and repeat these letters -Asking some students to read these letters -Correcting -Looking at the picture -Listening and pointing -Listening and repeating -Listening, pointing and repeating -Asking students to listen to the cassette -Asking students to listen again and repeat... the sound a, b, c and d in the word or they stand independently  Skills: listening and speaking  Teaching aids: cassette, CD, pictures Phonic cards, word cues  Procedures: Teacher: Nguyen Thi Diem Huong Date: Week: 4 Period: 14 - 22 - Van Ga 1 Primary School TIME 5’ 20’ CONTENTS I.WARM UP Matching pictures with word cues II.PRACTICE Listen to the sound and join the letter Read and circle the sound... Date: Week: 2 Period: 8 UNIT 1: UNIT 1: WHAT’S THIS? WHAT’S THIS? LESSON ONE: WORDS LESSON ONE: WORDS (Cont) (Cont)  Aims: to help students to know about school things and understand a short story  Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about school things and understand a short story  Skills: listening, speaking and writing  Teaching aids: pictures,... 4 Period: 17 UNIT 1: UNIT 1: WHAT’S THIS? WHAT’S THIS? LESSON SIX: SKILLS LESSON SIX: SKILLS TIME! TIME! - 26 - Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends  Aims: to help students to develope skills: listening, speaking and writing  Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop skills: listening, speaking and writing  Skills: listening, speaking and writing ... LESSON TWO: LESSON TWO: GRAMMAR GRAMMAR  Aims: to help students to know how to use the word my and your and answer the question: is this your ….?  Objectives: by the end of th lesson, students will be able to know how to use the word my and your and answer the question: Is this your …?  Skills: listening, speaking and writing  Teaching aids: cassette, CD, school things  Procedures: Date: Week: 6 Period:... Date: Week: 3 Period: 11 UNIT 1: UNIT 1: WHAT’S THIS? WHAT’S THIS? LESSON THREE: SONG LESSON THREE: SONG  Aims: to help students to know about school things and know the using the word “open” and “close”  Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about shool things and know the using the word “open” and “close”  Skills: listening and speaking  Teaching aids: cassette,... these words on the board -Listening and pointing -Listening, pointing and repeating -Reading the words in front of class -Looking at the board -Writing words Van Ga 1 Primary School A door A window V.HOMEWORK Learn new words by heart Prepare next lesson 1’ Date: Week: 3 Period: 12 Lesson Plan: Family and Friends -Giving the task at home -Doing the task at home UNIT 1: UNIT 1: WHAT’S THIS? WHAT’S THIS? . Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends 10’ 9’ 1’ Read the song”Sing a rainbow!” line by line “Red and yellow, And pink and green, Purple and orange, And blue. I can sing a rainbow, Sing. name? My name’s + teân Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends * Comments:  Aims: to help students to greet each others, ask and answer the question” What’s your name?” and. 2 Period: 7 UNIT 1: WHAT’S THIS? LESSON ONE: WORDS UNIT 1: WHAT’S THIS? LESSON ONE: WORDS Van Ga 1 Primary School Lesson Plan: Family and Friends  Skills: listening, speaking and writing 

Ngày đăng: 13/02/2015, 03:00

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