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  • - Explains and asks Ss to practice

  • -Look at the pictures and practice

  • + While- Writing

  • -Asks Ss to read the next part of the story and complete the story by rewriting the sentences in the correcct chronological order

    • - Ask Ss work in pairs to fill in the table with the correct information about the flight.

  • -Asks Ss to practice writing a simmilar report .

  • -Controls and corrects

  • - Look at the pictures and practice matching.

    • Halong Bay

    • Great Barrier Reef

    • Ask . Ss think about 10 places, using Yes-No question to ask and answer.

    • Ss make the conversation freely.

    • Eiffel Tower Big Ben

    • Do you want a quite, relaxing vacation?

    • Look no further than beautiful far north Queensland. Stay right on the beach at the Coconut Palm Hotel. Take guided tours through the rainforest, swim in the crystal-clear water of the Coral Sea and snorkel amongst the coral of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park-a World heritage Site.

  • - Listen and answer

Nội dung

Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 Class Period of timetable Date of Preparing Date of teaching Total /Out 8A 8B Unit 1: My Friends Period 6: Language Focus I. The Aims: 1. Knowledge: -Help Ss to review basic in this lesson. -To practice doing exercises. * Lexical items. + Vocabulary: + Some words and phrases. + Structure: + The present simple tense. + The past simple tense. + Present simple to talk about general truths. + (Not) + adjective + enough + To-infinitive. 2. Skills : Reading and writing fluency 3. Attitude: Listening, understanding and writing and study seriously II - Teaching aids. Teacher: Teaching plan, textbook, poster, some cards, small board. Students: Student's book, some card. III. Procedure A. Class organization B .Check up the old lesson: -S1: Go to the board to describe about your friends. -S2: Go to the board to write a paragraph describe appearance and character about one people in your family. C. The new lesson Teacher’s activities Student’s activies Contents 1/ Consolidation: -Asks Ss to talk again the simple tense, how to use and give the example. - Asks Ss to talk again the past simple tense, how to use and give the example. - When do we use the simple tense, the past simple tense? Gives the example: talk again the simple tense, how to use and give the example. -talk again the past simple tense, how to use and give the example. -Answer teacher's question. Consolidation: + The simple tense: -Ex: I live in Ngoc Linh She lives in Ngoc Linh + The past simple tense: - Copy in to note book. -We listened to music Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 17 S + V( es, s) S + V ( ed ) Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 + The Sun rise in the East and set in the West. + Leaves fall in Autumn. -Explains: Out of expressing the repeated habitual actions which happen daily, the present simple can be used to describe action which always known as truth. -Asks Ss to talk again the structure: -Gives example: + Nam is not old enough to drive a motorbike. 2. Practice: -Ask Ss to read the request of the exercise: Ask Ss to read lowly the passage. -Correct the mistake -Give the key by a small board. -Ask Ss to look at exercise 2 then work in pairs and complete the dialogue. Use the correction form of the verbs in the box. You will have to use some verbs - Copy in to note book. Listen to the teacher. -Talk again the structure: -Copy in to note book. -Give more examples: -Read the request of the exercise: -Read the passages and put the verbs in the present simple and past simple tense. - Go to the board to write down your answer. - Read lowly the passage again. - Copy in to note book. Look at exercise 2 then work in pairs and complete the dialogue. -Read aloud the verbs in the box and guess the meaning of the words. -Copy in to note last night. Ex: Leaves fall in Autumn. -Students don't go to school on sun day. * New Words: - Planet / ( n ) / Hµnh Tinh -Earth / ( n ) / Tr¸i §Êt -Mars / ( n ) / Sao ho¶ -Mercury/ (n) / Sao Thuû * Structure: + Ex: -Nam is not old enough to drive a motorbike. II/ Practice 1: 1. Complete the paragraphs: Use the correct form of the verbs in the bracket. a. (1) -is living (2) -sent (3) -was (4) -is (5) - will come b. (1) -are (2) -came (3) -showed (4) -introduced 2. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. You will have to use some verbs more than one. * New words: - Planet / ( n ) / Hµnh Tinh Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 18 (not) adj + enough + to-inf (not) Adj + enough + to-infinitive Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 more than one Asks Ss to read aloud the verbs in the box and guess the meaning of the words. -Gives the meaning of new words if have. -Asks Ss to do this exercise. a / And in the West. b / It around the sun. c/ Lucky number d / And the moon around the Earth. e / It near the sun. f / Lucky number. g / That Mercury. h / Mars near the Earth. -Gives the key . -Ask Ss to look at the picture of part 3 at page 17. and try to remember details of the picture. -Ask Ss to answer the picture. -Ask Ss to answer the teacher questions: a. How many people are there in the picture? b. What does each person look like? c. What is each person wearing? -Ask Ss to answer before class. Asks Ps to complete the dialogues. use ( not) adj + enough . -Ask Ss to read the request of the exercise: -Ask Ss to do this exercise. Call Ss to answer before class. -Correct the mistake. Copy into note book. -Look at the picture of part 3 at page 17. -Remember details of the picture. Answer the teacher questions: -answer before class. -Copy into note book. -Practice reading new words. -Copy into note book. Read the request of the exercise: -Do this exercise -Compare your answer with your partner. -Answer before class. -Earth / ( n ) / Tr¸i §Êt -Mars / ( n ) / Sao ho¶ -Mercury/ (n) / Sao Thuû 1- sets 2- goes 3- moves 4- is 5- is 6- is 3. Look and describe: a/ There are 4 peoples. b/ There is a tall heavy-set man, there is a tall, thin woman with short hair. . There is a boy sitting on the ground, holding his head and there is a short man standing across the street. c/ The man standing next to the taxi is wearing a yellow shirt and black trousers. -The Woman is wearing a green skirt and red blouse -The man across the stress is wearing a pink shirt and blue trousers. -The boy sitting on the ground and holding his head is wearing blue shorts and a white shirt. Give some new words. -Heavy-set: -Hold one's head: -shoulder bag: -shorts: -Correct the mistake 4. Complete the dialogues. (not) + adj + enough . a. It's not big enough to Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 19 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 -Give the answer key. 3. Consolidation -Ask Ss to talk again some structures and some tense they've learn before. -Ask Ss to practice reading the new word . 4. Home work: -Write down on the board. Asks Ps do it at home -Copy into note book - Talk again the main ideas in this lesson -Copy into note book. Copy in note book Do it at home carry everything. b. Ba is not old enough to drive a car. c. I am not strong enough to lift this box d. My English is not not good enough to be a member. * Consolidation: + The present simple tense. + The past simple tense. + Present simple to talk about general truths. + (Not) adjective + enough + To-infinitive. * Home work: -Learn by heart the new words. -Practice doing exercise in the exercise book. -Make 5 sentences. Using structure: " ( not) Adj + enough -prepare unit 2. section: Getting started + listen and read. Class Period of timetable Date of Preparing Date of teaching Total /Out 8A 8B Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 20 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 Unit 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Period 7: Getting started + Listen and read I. The Aims: 1. Knowledge -By the end of this lesson, Students' ll be able to talk about intention. -Use the telephone to make and confirm * Lexical items: * Vocabulary: Mobile phone, a fax machine, a public telephone. * Grammar: + Can I speak to ? + Would you like to ? + Going to ( to talk about intentions) + Adverb of places. 2. Skills: Speaking, listening, reading and writing. 3. Attitude: Listening, understanding and writing and study seriously II Teaching aids: Teacher: - Lesson plan, text book, small board, some picture with mobile phone and a Fax machine chalk, cassette Pupils: - English book, note book, exercise book, pen, ruler. III. Procedure: A. Class organization: B. Check the old lesson: ( no, requests) C. The new lesson: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities contents 1/ Warm up: -Asks Ss to look at these pictures at page 18 and talk about the name into Vietnamese. -How many words have you known in English? -Asks Ss to work in groups check the meaning of the words in the box and match them with the right pictures in your book. -Gives the answer key by a small board. Is there anything in common among these things? -Introduces: You can easily reconize the topic in our to day lesson : Look at these pictures at page -Answer teacher's question. -Work in groups to check the meaning of the words in the box and match them with the right pictures in your book. -Copy into note book. -Listen to the teacher. -Answer. I. Getting started. * Answer key: a. An answering machine. b. A mobile phone. c. A fax machine. d. A telephone directory. e. A public telephone. f. An address book. Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 21 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 Telephone-communication. - Do you remember anything about this? 2. Presentation: -Asks Ss to look at the picture at page 19. This is Nga and Hoa. -What are they doing? -Asks Ss to listen and repeat the dialogue. -What would you say when you pick up the phone to answer it? - What would you say if you are the caller? ( Using be + V-ing to express an action happen in the picture.) -Asks Ss to listen again the dialogue. 3.Practice: -Calls some pairs to read the dialogue. -Helps Ss read it's. -Asks Ss to work in groups then discuss some questions and answers. -Asks some group hang small board on the board. -Corrects these answers. -Asks Ss to make up the similar dialogue by changing some detail of the original one -Helps Ss to make up the similar dialogue. 4 Consolidation: -Asks Ss to read again the new words. -Repeats new structure you've learnt in this lesson. * Other activities: -Teach the Ss to sing a song 5. Home work: -Ask Ss to write in note book ( Make question for the underlined parts) -Look at the picture at page 19. -Answer the questions. Give more examples. -Listen again the dialogue. -Some pairs practice reading the dialogue. -Work in groups then discuss -Some groups hang small board on the board. -Copy - Make up the similar dialogue Read again the new words. -Repeat new structures. Sing a song " Going to school" -Listen to the teacher copy in note book and do it at home II. Listen and read: * New words: -Downstairs: -Upstairs: * Structure: + Pick up the phone to answer: A. 3.847.392 + Can I speak to ( sb) please? ( T«i cã thÓ nãi chuyÖn víi ) It's a bit far from my house. (Nã c¸ch nhµ t«i kh¸ xa) +Be + going to - infi ( future ) -Ex: I'm going to see the movie + Is 6.30 all right? * Practice: 1. Practice the dialogue with a partner. 2. Read the dialogue again. Decide who did and said each of the following things a. Nga made the call. b. Nga introduced herself c. Nga invited the other to the movies. d. Nga arranged a meeting place. e. Hoa arranged the time f. Nga agreed to the time * Consolidation: -Read again the new words. -Repeat new structure you've learnt in this lesson. -Adverb of place: Downstairs. -Be going to+ infinitive( future) -Would you like to ? -Can you speak to ? * Home work: -Learn by heard the new words -Making sentences. Using these structure which they've learnt before. -Do following exercise Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 22 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 1. Nga and Hoa going to see the movie dream city. 2. Ba will take the final exam next month. 3. My mother is talking to her friends on the phone. 4. We are going to have a fare well party this weekend. * Answers: a.What are Nga and Hoa going to see? b. When will Ba take the final exam? c. Who is BA taking on the phone? d. Who is going to have a fare well party this weekend Class Period of timetable Date of Preparing Date of teaching Total /Out 8A 8B Unit 2: Making Arrangements Period 8: Speak and Listen I. The Aims: 1. Knowledge -By the end of this lesson, Students' ll be able to practice talking about telephone communication and making arrangements - Listen to the telephone conversation then fill some information in the card of message. * Lexical items: * Vocabulary: Great, Me too ( ). * Grammar: - be going to (talk about intentions and activities in the future. 2. Skills: Speaking, listening fluently 3. Attitude: Listening, understanding and writing and study seriously II. Teaching aids: Teacher: - Lesson plan, text book, small board, some cards, casseter player Pupils: - English book, note book, exercise book, pen, ruler. III Procedure: Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 23 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 A. Class organization: - Greeting B. Check up the old lesson: - Asks 2 ps go to the board to making arrangements on the telephone. Use some structures: - Be going to+ infinitive (future) - Would you like to ? - Can you speak to ? C. New Lesson Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents 1/ Warm up: -Organizing the game. -Asks Ss to look at the table on the board. There're 9 words or phrase word. -Asks Ps to divide 2 teams and each team will made a sentence using a word in the table. -If the team make 3 sentences next to next. The team will win. -Corrects the mistake. 2. Speak: + Pre - speaking -Asks Ss to look at part 1 Introduces: - How do they make the telephone communication? -Helps them talk again. + Where is the dialogue carried out? + What is it about? -Asks Ss to read the first then put the sentences into the correct order. -Gives the answer key by a small board. -Asks Ss to work in pairs to read the dialogue. +While-Speaking -Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs in front of the class. -Helps Ss to practice reading the dialogue. Listen to the teacher. -look at the table on the board. work in group each group will made a sentence using a word in the table. Make 3 sentences -Look at part 1( at page 20 ). -Answer the questions Listen the answer. -Read the first then put the sentences into the correct order. -Copy in to note book. -Work in pairs to read the dialogue again. Practice 1/ Warm up: " Nought and crosses " Fax machine Telephone book Movie Theater Address book Answering machine Arrange invite introduce +Ex: -There is a fax machine in the room.( group 1) -There is a theater near the lake ( group 2) 1. Put the sentences below in the correct order to make a complete conversation. * Structure: + Can I speak to ? + Can I play soccer + Would you like please? + I will meet you * Answer key: 1-b 6-c 11-d 2-f 7-e 3-j 8-k 4-a 9-g 5-i 10-h 2. Complete the dialogue. Ba and Bao are making arrangements to play chess. Practice the dialogue with a partner. Then make similar Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 24 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 -Asks Ss to write the dialogue in to note book then practice read. -Asks Ss to look at part 2. - Introduces : Ba call the phone to invite Bao plays chess. They are making arrangement play chess. -Asks Ss read dialogue and complete the dialogues. -Asks Ss to compare with your partner. -Calls some pairs talk again before class. Explain some words. -Ask Ss to practice reading new words. + Post-speaking. - Now you continued practice reading in pairs. Then making new dialogue base on the sample one. -Calls some pairs practice speaking before class. -Corrects 3. Listen + Pre-Listening -Asks some question with Student. + What'll you say if you are the caller? + What'll you say if you are the receiver. + What'll you say if the person you want to speak to is out? -Explains when the person you want to speak to is out you can say:" can I leave a -write in to note book -Work in pairs to find information and complete it. -Read the dialogue and complete the dialogues. -Compare with your partner. -Listen then copy into note book. -Practice reading new words. -practice reading the dialogue in pairs. work impairs do it -Some pairs practice speaking before class. -Listen and answer the question Listen to the teacher introduction. -Listen and write into note book. -Look at the Kingston Junior arrangements. Bao: May I speak to Ba, please? This is Bao. Bao: I'm fine. Thank and you? Bao: Can you play chess to night ? Bao: What about tomorrow afternoon? Bao: I'll meet you at the central chess club. Bao: Is 2.00 o'clock Ok? + Note: -Great. Me too: Cũng vậy -I'm sorry. I can't: + Post-speaking. * Some information: -Telephone number: 826.896 -Play soccer. -This afternoon. -Meet at school gate II. Listen: -Listen to the telephone conversation. Fill in the missing information. kingston junior high school Date: Time: For: The principal Message: Telephone number: Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 25 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 message for ? -If you are the receiver: T introduce: we will listen to a dialogue. -Asks Ss to listen to the tape and fill the missing information in the card. +.While - listening. -Reads the dialogue 3 times -Asks Ss to listen and fill some information in the card. -Asks Ss to compare with your partner. - Calls some Ss to go to the board and write some information from the card on the board. -Checks the correct these answer. -Explains some structure. Write down on the board +.Post -Listening. -Asks Ss to read the dialogue again -Asks Ss to make a new dialogue. -Helps Ss to make it's -Call Some Ss to read aloud before class. 4/ Consolidation: -Asks Ss to repeat some structures what they've learnt before. */ Other activities: -Teach Ss sing a song " A baby bird " High School. -Listen to the tape and fill the missing information in the card. -Listen to the teacher -Compare with your partner. - write information on the board. -Copy into note book. Copy into note book. -Listen and write into note book. -Read the dialogue again -Make a new dialogue. ( Work in groups) -Some Ss to read aloud before class. -Repeat some structures what they've learnt before. -Practice singing a song + You can say: -Can I leave a message for ? -Can you take a message ? + You are the receiver; -Would you like to leave a message? kingston junior high school Date: 18/9/07.Time: 8 o'clock. For: The principal Message: Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45 in the morning Telephone number: 64683720942 * Structure: -Make an appointment: -To be available: * Consolidation: -Practice reading dialogue -Repeat some structures: + Can I speak to ? + Can I play soccer + Would you like please? + I will meet you */ Other activities: -Practice singing a song " A baby bird " * Home work Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 26 [...]... discuss and discuss and answer match can cause a fire -work in group the discuss these questions Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen 47 District Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 and answer these questions 2 Ask and answer " -some pairs answer the -some pairs answer the + Key: question before class question before class b Because the kitchen is a dangerous... Make 5 questions and answer answer the question with Why? – Because Prepares part write Answer the question: What do you do when you want to safe in your home? -Prepare next part: Write Class Period of timetable Date of Preparing Date of teaching Total /Out Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 48 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 8A 8B Unit 3: AT... false -answer true or false - Calls Ss answer true or -Listen and copy into mutes at Boston University ) c T false Why?/ Why not? note book F Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 28 Lesson Plan English 8 - Corrects them and give the key by a small board Ask Ss to read again the passage and put the events in the correct order -Ask Ss to compare your answer with... She doing? a Washing dishes -Asks Ss to practice asking -Practice asking and b Making a bed and answering the question answering the c Sweeping the floor inpairs question inpairs d Cooking Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 36 Lesson Plan English 8 -Calls some pairs to practice asking and answering the question before class -Corrects the mistake Then gives the... ought -Writes on the board then Ps copy and do it at to and have to asks Ps do it at home home -Read again the dialogue -Prepare period 14 section speak at page 28- 29 Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 38 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 Class Period of timetable Date of Preparing Date of teaching Total /Out 8A 8B Unit 3: AT HOME Period: 13 Speak... - Noodles picture: b, Saucepan- Flying pan + What is this? -Answer the question c, garlic and onion- green -Ss guess it peper + Can you talk the name of copy in note book d, Chicken- beef the object in these -Look at the picture pictures? then answer the teacher questions Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen 43 District Lesson Plan English 8 -Introduces about the necessary... correct pictures in the book -Asks Ss to listen again the conversation Then answer the question School Year - 2012- 2013 -Students guess it -Listen and copy in to note book -Look at the board and * The answer: copy into note book Fried rice -work in pairs and Pan answer the question: Garlic and green peper -Answer the questions Ham and peas • The Sadad - some Ss to talk about medium - sized lettuce it before... the message order He wanted you call -Corrects the mistake and on the board him at 8. 634. 082 explain new words -Copy into note book -Taken by: Mr Toan Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen 31 District Lesson Plan English 8 + Post - writing - Asks Ss do homework School Year - 2012- 2013 -Copy into note book 3 Consolidation: -Talk again structure and -Talk again structure... want to meet you june 23 * Home work: -Learn by heart new words -Do the exercise; Ba has prepared for his summer Activities and complete the sentences about his plan -Prepare language focus ( 2) Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 32 Lesson Plan English 8 Class Period of timetable Date of Preparing School Year - 2012- 2013 Date of teaching Total /Out 8A 8B... did he invent? Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 30 Lesson Plan English 8 School Year - 2012- 2013 + When did he invent the telephone? C The new lesson: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents 1 Warm up Listen + Play the game -Organizing the game T asks some questions One Ps answers One Ps listen and answer Other write again some Other write again . heavy-set man, there is a tall, thin woman with short hair. . There is a boy sitting on the ground, holding his head and there is a short man standing across the street. c/ The man standing next. After midday -For: Mrs. Van -Message: Mr. Nam - Called about his stationery order. He wanted you call him at 8. 634. 082 . -Taken by: Mr. Toan Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary. Activities and complete the sentences about his plan. -Prepare language focus ( 2) Prepared by Mai Thi Huyen Hanh – Viet Lam Secondary School - Vi Xuyen District 32 Lesson Plan English 8 School

Ngày đăng: 30/01/2015, 08:00



