OUTLINE I. Introduction II. Body 1. Dene your brand ! "# " #" ## 2. Choose a competitive advantage $"!%&'(&)(&* + ! ,! -- . / - 0/1 - 2/1 34/' 3. Create a customer database 1 567 #%8 -)%92*3 : ; "# < 4. Communicate ‘With’ and ‘To’ your customers ! = = > ?; # 5. Excite your customers 2 8 8 ! ! @! > 2 8> 8 "# III. Conclusion 2 CONTENT I. Introduction < 4! ; &A ! B II. Body !! !C! ! ?88 1. Dene your brand ! "# " 3 #" ## 1 ! ! !! 5! 4 - D 4 2 )D42* ! ! " ;# "E EA "# < - ) * )F8* " E '1 A !E 8 G - "'"A 8 - 8E 3 4 ! 4 " H" I PLC(PLC). '=11) *EC 4 ! ! ;E 2. Choose a competitive advantage $"!%&'(&)(&* “if you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete” ! -- . / - Quality:1 - Price/1 - Service/' 5 : ?! "# ! - > 4# 2 " 2 )* )*! )* 1 ! ! ' ! E> ! !8 '! )@C 6 *C " " .7677 "J8< ! E F 8 ! 6 >! " " “when you fuck up, treat your fuck up yourself, never pass the blame on the customers!” 3. Create a customer database 567 #%8 -)%92*3 : ; "# < I- " ) *)*> K7L - E !!- 8 ' )* " ; ! " - A 7 8 4. Communicate ‘With’ and ‘To’ your customers withto ! ‘’ =’ > ?; # 1 ! " 4:4 )*- " 4:4 2 E E ! 4:4 ; ! E 4:4 ! !! "# < ) * " ‘’ ‘’ 8 to! "# ! .- - >!- >! - # ? A"'"A 5. Excite your customers 2 8 8 ! ! @! > 2 8> 8 "# 8 > - 8 ! 1 ' " " "/ 9 +,! +<,! +?,! +&,! +",! +C,! +4,! +C, +9, >! " 8 " E 4:4 - 8 8A III. Conclusion MD ! ! 3 C ;!M N !N! C %N < % 2<% N ! ! 1 > 9 ' C " > / 10 [...]... need to get your ducks in a row before you go to market," he says "If you're making specific performance claims, you've got to make sure you have tests and studies that are reliable, that back up your claims." Which goes back to something else your mother used to tell you: Think before you speak References - Head for Business (John Nauton), Oxford University Press, 2000 Market Leader (David Cotton,... self-regulatory body ruling on competitive advertising challenges The division's stated mission is "to review national advertising for truthfulness and accuracy and foster public confidence in the credibility of advertising." Lustigman works with plenty of startups, and he says the biggest mistake he sees in advertising is making a claim without confirming its veracity "I think there's a real unawareness of the. . .the truth And for good measure, be ready to back it up "This is America," Lustigman says "You have a First Amendment right to truthful commercial speech." If you feel you've been unfairly maligned by a competitor's ad, you could file a lawsuit But more often these days, complaints over ads are heard by the National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business . “when you fuck up, treat your fuck up yourself, never pass the blame on the customers!” 3. Create a customer database 567 #%8 -)%92*3 :. " - A 7 8 4. Communicate ‘With’ and To your customers with to ! . 4. Communicate ‘With’ and To your customers !