If only referent group benefits are relevant, why bother to calculate efficiency net benefit?. • Efficiency net benefit is the aggregate net benefit for the project as a whole, using op
Trang 1© Harry Campbell & Richard Brown
School of Economics The University of Queensland
Financial and Economic Appraisal using Spreadsheets
Ch 6: Referent Group Benefit-Cost Analysis
Trang 2Referent Group Net Benefits
What is the “referent group”?
- it is the group whose net benefits are relevant to the
decision-maker who commissioned the SBCA
What will the referent group normally consist of?
- all residents of a region, state or country
- all members of a social group, for example, pensioners, native peoples etc
Trang 3If only referent group benefits are relevant, why bother to calculate efficiency net benefit?
• Efficiency net benefit is the aggregate net benefit for the
project as a whole, using opportunity cost as efficiency prices
• This relationship provides a check on the consistency of the
BCA as a whole
• The sum of referent group and non-referent group net benefits
must equal the efficiency net benefit
Trang 4Recall Figure 1.3:
(=referent group
net benefits not
captured by
market prices)
(= non-referent group net benefits)
(= referent group net benefits)
= non-ref group non-market
(we add segment D)
Trang 5Why do we need BCA to identify referent group net benefits?
• A project evaluation will only capture benefits and costs
which are fully measured by market prices It fails to capture
various public interest aspects of a project For example:
- employment benefits
- indirect tax revenue changes
- pollution costs etc
Trang 6Four-way Classification of Net Benefits
Net benefits accruing to:
Referent Non-referent Group Group
by market prices
market prices
Figure 6.1: Classification of Net Benefits
Trang 7Graphical Representation of Classification
Trang 8In specific cases some of the cells in the four-way classification
can be empty
For example, in figure 1.3 cell D was empty (and was omitted from the diagram) because there were no non-referent group net benefits that were not captured by the market
• Such net benefits might have resulted from global pollution
or from market imperfections in the foreign country
Trang 9In general, what cells in the four-way classification could be empty?
1 If C+D is empty, then the project analysis coincides with the
efficiency analysis
2 If A+C is empty, then the project has no relevance for the Referent Group
3 If B+D is empty, the non-referent group is not affected by the
4 If A+B is empty, the project does not involve any inputs or
outputs traded in the market
Trang 10How do we identify the various categories of disaggregated
Referent Group net benefits?
1 Follow the financial flows:
- division of project profits between referent and non-referent
group members;
- identify direct and indirect tax flows, e.g business income
tax, sales tax, tariffs etc
2 Learn from the shadow-prices:
- where there is a shadow-price, the project analysis has failed to pick up an efficiency net benefit that must be assigned to either the referent or non-referent group
Trang 11Figure 6.1: Using Shadow-prices to Identify Referent Group
Benefits or Costs
unemployed tariff revenue,
generated by use
Trang 12To Recap: How do we approach BCA?
1 Do the project analysis first (A+B) because of availability of data
2 Do the private analysis, i.e identify the subset of A+B that affects private equity-holders
3 Do the efficiency analysis (A+B+C+D) using shadow-prices and non-market valuations where appropriate
4 Calculate aggregate Referent Group net benefits:
(A+B+C+D) - (B+D) = (A+C)
5 Calculate disaggregated RG net benefits
(A1+ A2+ A3+ C1 + C2 +C3) and do a check
Trang 13Simple Example
Trang 14NFG Case Study (cont.)
Trang 15NFG Case Study (cont.)
Trang 16Distribution of Project Net Benefits
Trang 17Distribution of Efficiency Benefits
Trang 18Other Important Issues
• Weighting of net benefits to different stakeholders
• Treatment of risk and uncertainty
• Choice of discount rate
• Valuation (efficiency prices) of non-market costs and