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FOREWORDS 1. The Necessity of the subject Territorial organization of economy (TOE) is the arrangement of the components in relation to multi-disciplinary, multi-territory in a region to achieve the highest efficiency in terms of economic, social, environment and sustainable development on the basis of reasonable use of resources. So far, Nghe An investigation conducted research and the overall planning of the socio-economic development in the industry and in space, several major forms TOE have formed and developed as farms, specialized regions cultivation; IPs, industrial centers; Point, area, urban, tourist routes; economic zone, the economic center However, TOE of the province is not really reasonable, forms TOE not its full effect results according to the strength of the territory for the overall economic development. This is one of the main reasons explain why socio-economic development of Nghe An province is at a low level. Standpoint of geography to study systematically the "Organization of Nghe An economic territory" in order to evaluate objectively resources, state TOE, as a basis to more reasonable TOE, help maximize the available resources, to promote the economic development of the province towards industrialization - modernization (industrialization and modernization), catch up with the development of the country, soon became a province development is quite significant and urgent task both in terms of theory and practice. 2. Purposes, tasks of the research 2.1. Research purposes: Applying a theoretical basis and practical of the world TOE, in Vietnam and the North central province of Nghe An to clarify the factors that influence and carried state sector TOE, according to space, from that offer reasonable solutions to TOE, effective and sustainable in the future. 2.2. Tasks: - Overview of selected theoretical basis and practical on TOE; selection criteria assess the situation TOE for provincial level; - Evaluation of the factors affecting to Nghe An TOE; - Analysis real sector TOE and in the space of Nghe An province in the period 2001 – 2010; - To propose some solutions in order to develop and perfect the Nghe An TOE form a reasonable and effective. 3. Limit the scope of research - Content: The thesis research focused forms TOE Nghe An province by sector (tourist, tourism, urban tourism, tourist routes (TOT), industrial (TOI), farm (TOA) and spatial (economic zone (EZ), and economic center of the economic sub-region). - Space: research the entire territory of Nghe An province with 17 districts, 2 towns and one city, including attention compared to the north central and the country. - About time: the subject focusing on the period 2001 to 2010 and vision to 2020. 4. Historical of research topics 4.1. Abroad At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the world had the works that later became the theoretical basis for the research and development organization of the territorial social production, as: Theory "Development of the the agricultural belt "theory 1 of V.Thunen" zone industrial Comment "of A.Weber, theoretical" center point "of W.Christaller Until the twentieth century, research on production background TOE conducted deeper, typically theory: "Growth Pole" Francoi Perroux with the interpretation of territorial economic development in the direction of investment key. In 1947, Russian scientist N.N. Koloxopski came up with the theory of territorial development of integrated production, in which he proposed several theoretical issues and practical solutions TOE for the resource-rich territories. In England, in the typical work Peter Haggett and colleagues as: "Spatial analysis in economic geography" (1965), "The geographic model" (1967) and "The Geography: a modern synthesis "(1975), TOE research oriented modeling, the application of quantitative methods. In general, these studies have focused TOE rules at all levels, interested in the true nature of the arrangement of the population in relation to economic development to create a network of dark advantages of it. Although still limited, but this work has basically given the direction of research on the structure and relationships to determine the objective laws of the distribution. Accordingly, the economic geography described structure is replaced by Geography (Modern Economic Geography), marking a new stage of development of Geography [29]. At the end of the twentieth century, research TOE focused on positioning the region. Represents the direction of this study is Paul Krugman, an American economist [108]. World Development Report 2009 [35] also showed the importance and current trends TOE is the accumulation - are concentrated in the cities with the migration and specialization [35]. 4.2. In Vietnam Starting from the 60 years of the twentieth century, Vietnam has carried out research on the distribution and TOE, such research building IP Viet Tri, Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel, Bien Hoa, wheat Delta Regional Planning Red River, dairy regions Ba Vi [24] In the 70, research TOE continue to be deployed which crystallized Master Plan development and distribution of productive forces Vietnam era from 1986 to 2000 with the help of the Soviet Union. Since the Sixth National Party Congress (1986), research on TOE conducted widely and attracted the participation of a large number of scientists. In particular, typical GS. Le Ba Thao with the topics and key independent state he headed for: "Scientific Basis of TOE Vietnam" [54]. Specifically, the authors discuss aspects affecting the distribution and the spatial relationship between economic sectors, given the the Vietnamese TOE orientation diagram on the basis of ensuring the sustainability of the environment cases, the gap between different regions. In his "socio-territorial organization: some theoretical issues and applications" [98] and the book "On economic development (research path to wealth)" [97], the effects authors introduced a general way the basic problems of socio-economic organization of space. Of these, the most important content is identified, the form TOE, offer solutions to ensure spatial plan for the implementation and analysis of the relationship between spatial organization economiy - Social issues such as: territorial development structure, eliminate the poor, backward, industrialization and 2 modernization of the country, protect the environment and promote participation in the international division of labor. Theoretical basis and practical on TOE general and Vietnam in particular have also been a number of scientists Hanoi Pedagogical University presented in the curriculum as the general socio-economic geography [73], socio-economic geography of Vietnam [58.60]. Many scientific research about TOE also performed at the regional scale, inter- provincial, determine the economic center pole of economic development and the axis lines, such as scientific research base for TCLT and propose solutions to social and economic development northwest under the influence of Son La hydropower [1], key TOE central Vietnam [28], TOE Research mountainous northern border service socio-economic development period of industrialization and modernization by 2020 (for example, Lao Cai Province) [29], TOAreas of the southern key economic [37], TOE RRD and key lines … Some doctoral thesis defended also mention TOE both theoretical and practical study in depth each industry sector as TO cassava production and processing in the southeastern provinces [51] , TOI [40], TOT [33.57] and TOE on provincial areas as "TOE towards sustainable development in Vinh Phuc province" [47], "Binh Dinh TOE" [14]. 4.3. In Nghe An province Master plan for socio-economic development of Nghe An province by 2020 [80] outlined the framework of territorial economic development for the whole province, including industrial parks, farms, resorts, urban, sub-regional economy. etc.; scheme "socio-economic development of the Western Nghe An Province in 2010" [88] and the synthesis report of Nghe An ocean strategy [87] studied the spatial TCLT with two regions western and coastal areas; development planning EZ Southeast [84] key territorial development in the coastal area of the province; master plan for socio-economic development Vinh City 2020 outlines plans economic development plan for the center of the province; works rest study TOE in the sectors: industry, agriculture, tourism Research on Technology Security in view of Geography has a doctoral thesis, is typical: Evaluation hilly land Nghe An and proposed land use models for forestry and agriculture (10 districts mountainous areas) [30], the study on the basis of scientific construction of tourist destinations in Nghe An province [15], territorial organization Nghe An industry [95], the territorial organization of agriculture in Nghe An province. Based on the results of the research of the world TOE and in Vietnam as well as in Nghe An province, topics based legacy systems theory and practice about TOE. Since then, manipulate, add, update problems unclear about TOE, as a basis for the study, a comprehensive assessment system about TOE on Nghe An province. 5. Perspectives and research methods: Threads used as research perspectives: general territory; system structure; sustainable development; historical perspective and the major research methods: collecting, processing and synthesis financial statistics; comparison; Field surveys; experts; maps, GIS and forecasts. 6. The contributions of the thesis: 3 - Inherit supplement and clarify the rationale and practical on TOE to use in provincial areas, selection criteria evaluation the provincial TOE situation by sector and space; - Clarify the strengths and limitations of the factors affecting to Nghe An TOE; Analyze, evaluate some form TOE province of Nghe An, which use indicator system to clarify the status of some form of perspective sectors (urban tourism) and space (EZ, economic center, economic sub-regions) in the period 2001 - 2010; - Propose solutions TOE Nghe An province to 2020, includes general system solutions and specific solutions for each form TOE. 7. The structure of the thesis: In addition to the introduction, conclusion and appendices, the content of the thesis consists of 157 pages, is divided into three chapters: - Chapter 1: Rationale and practical obout TOE; - Chapter 2: Influence factors and status about TOE in Nghe An province, 2001 – 2010; - Chapter 3: Orientation and solutions for TOE Nghe An province to 2020. Chapter 1. RATIONNALE AND PRACTICE OBOUT TOE (including 42 pages) 1.1. Rationale 1.1.1. The relevant theory Social division of labor Some theories of TOE: The theory of public opinion now; Theory "central point"; positive development theory; non-balanced development theory… 1.1.2. Concept, content, principles and objects of TOE The concept Economic organization of space is the "sort" and "coordinate" (has been and is expected to be) in the context to the multi-sector, multi-region to use a reasonable potential However, labor, economic geography, political and technical facilities have been and will be built to achieve the highest efficiency in terms of: economic, social, environment and sustainable development of a territory [73.97]. The content of TOE First, forecasts of development (goal, the development direction of the point system for the industry, the field of research on the territory - that is what will produce, how much scale, the how structure). Second, the feasibility of the proposed territory (where the expected distribution for the most effective) - ie selecting form TOE for the future. Principles of TOE First, TOE to create an order and reasonable having regard to the resource capabilities and market requirements to ensure the benefit of the community and socio- economic efficiency. Second, to ensure the harmonious development and the interaction between industry, research territory in the territories. Also, pay special attention to the required link between the research territory with other territories through the development of accurate forecasting exchange of material flows between the territory in order to bring economic efficiency overall. 4 Third, to ensure conformity with the level of human resources and the level of S – T to plan TOE built and executed. When needed can hire foreign experts in this field to perform the task. Fourth, to construct for the area (urban centers, cities, etc.) to create higher-level civilization in TOE. Object of TOE:. Considering the characteristics and dynamic role, including the urban space (the center), the periphery (rural or suburban territory), the special territories (key economic areas, party sense of growth, EZ, KDL ). At a policy perspective, including: large areas (including several provinces), provincial regions (including some provinces), the inter-district (multi-district) [98]. In terms of specific behaviors, including: factories, engineering works, residential and residential areas, industrial zones, urban areas, the KDL, the plant and raw materials 1.1.3. Factors affecting TOE: TOE influenced by the factors of geographical location, natural conditions and natural resources (topography, climate, land, water and living organisms, minerals) and socio-economic factors (population, labor force, science and technology advances, infrastructure, technical infrastructure, capital investment, economic policy guidelines development, market and inter-regional economic relations, economic activities - political, social, regional and international. 1.1.4. Forms TOE The industry form TOE under: Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, including a number of forms: Households (household), farms, agricultural cooperatives, specialized areas, agricultural areas. Industry, including: The industry, the industrial parks, industrial centers, industrial areas. Services: For tourism, TCLT expression of relatively clear forms: point, line, area, center, tourist areas [72] The form spatial TOE, including some typical forms of economic zones, economic center, key economic regions and economic areas. 1.1.5. EVALUATION INDICATORS TOE PROVINCIAL SHIPPING FOR SECURITY TECHNOLOGY According to branch a. Agriculture Besides farm evaluation criteria identified in the thesis "Nghe An TOA" [53], to clarify the efficiency of production of the farm business, we add target rate income on the value of production of goods and services of farms. The distribution of farms in the territory should also be assessed quotas and structure of agricultural farms in the sub-region is also the author note. b. Industry We inherit the results of the thesis "territorial organization Nghe An industry" [95] and add the target production rate value of the total production value of the whole provincial industrial zone in order to clarify contribution of the industrial zones for industrial production of the province. c. Tourism In this thesis, we choose the form of urban tourism to focus assessment due to its clear effect in the exploitation and development of the tourism industry in the province. * Group of indicators for assessment of tourism resources and infrastructure * Tourist Resources 5 * Groups of indicators assessing the situation: Tourist market: The number, growth rate, a proportion of the total number of tourists in the province; Territorial Structure of tourists; residence time; expenditure. Technical facilities (quantity and quality). Revenue: quantity and growth rate, structure. Labor: number, per capita income. Average revenue on tourism labor. Tourism revenues / total production value of the business and tourist city, the share of tourism GDP in the total GDP of the city. According space a. Economic Zone - Indicators of scale and the ability to lease: Natural area of land and may lease land; land leased; fill rate. - Indicators of investment: capital investment projects, the average investment in the project; Scale investment/business; Investment/leasing land area. - Indicators of jobs and income for workers. Indicators of business: production value, growth rate and structure; revenue and revenue growth; Revenue/labor; Sales/business; turnover ratio on the production value; export value; Share of export value; import-export balance. - Indicators of production and business efficiency: profit and speed increase profits; rate of return on sales. b. Economic Center - The indicators on the state of the overall economic development (GDP and GDP contribution of the center in the province's economy; economic growth medium; sectoral economic structure; Total value of production/labor total economic activity of the heart; GDP/person; spreading, associated). - The indicators on the state of development ( Industry: production value, the growth rate of industrial production value, Share of industrial production value, Major industry (qualitative indicators), form TOI in center; Services: value, growth rate of total retail sales of goods and services consumers; Featured services of the center. Agriculture: production value, the growth rate of agricultural production value; crops, livestock mainly; Forms TOA) c. Economic sub-regional - The general criteria (Natural areas; land use structure; population and population density; Labor: quantity, structure, proportion of trained; production capital investment; infrastructure and urban systems); - The indicators on the state of economic development (GDP, GDP ratio compared to the province and the GDP growth rate; sectoral economic structure; Total production value/total employees of sub-regional economic activity; GDP per capita. Current status of the development of the industry: the system can use only objective assessment of the state of development of the central sector of the economy, including attention to the target of specific products (specialization); TOE in the sub- region; center (nucleus) of the economic sub-region). 1.2. BASIC PRACTICAL 1.2.1. TOE in a number of countries around the world 6 Subject study TOE of a number of countries around the world such as the , South Korea, China, a number of Southeast Asian countries and draw some lessons for Vietnam. 1.2.2. Some form TOE in Vietnam Some industry form TOE under a. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries - Farm country nearly 145.9 thousand TT (2010). Nearly 55% of the annual crop is TT and TT aquaculture. Mekong Delta and Red River Delta are two regions with the largest number of farms in the country. - Growing areas in Vietnam have formed and developed include: rice-growing areas, rubber, coffee, tea, sugar cane, pineapples, cashew, paper materials, or dairy- lying farming seafood, - Agricultural Region: In Vietnam now has 7 agro-ecological zones. Each area has ecological conditions, socio-economic conditions, the level of intensive agricultural production structure and various specialized products also vary. It is the region: the northern mountainous midland, Red River Delta, North central Coast, South Central Coast, Central Highlands, Southeast and Mekong Delta. For provincial scope, no agricultural areas where only small agricultural areas. Depending on the natural characteristics of each province may have a few small agricultural area in accordance with the ecological characteristics. In each agricultural sub-region, the natural conditions, the socio-economic similarities and has some specialized products specific to the sub-region. b. Industry - Industrial focus: As of 2010, there were 254 industrial zones were established in 57 provinces, with a total area of 68,800 ha of natural land (land T can lease on 45,000 hectares, accounting about 60% of the total natural land area). In it, there are 171 industrial parks in operation with a total natural land area of 43,375 hectares and 83 industrial zones in the stage of compensation, site clearance and construction. - Industrial Centre (handicraft) Based on the role of of TT T in the territorial division of labor, our country has the small industry of national significance (Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi), the craft of regional significance (Da Nang , Tho ), the local craft meaningful as Viet Tri, Bac Giang and Thai Nguyen, Vinh, Nha Trang Based on the production value of T, the country has great craft (HCM 600 trillion, 2010), handicrafts (from 200 to 500 trillion: Bien Hoa, Vung Tau, Thu Dau Mot, Hanoi), handicrafts quite large (50 - 100 trillion: Binh Son Quang Ngai, Quang Ninh and Hai Phong, Bac Ninh, Vinh Phuc Tho, Long An ), the small industry average (from 20 - 50 trillion: Ha Long, Da Nang, and Tan An, My Tho, Hung Yen, Hai Duong c. Services - Tourist Attractions: significant leading national destinations - international, including the world heritage and national monuments special. To date, there are 13 world heritage site and 23 national monuments special recognition. In addition, there are hundreds of tourist local and regional significance. 7 - Tourist: By 2010, both n ¬ 10 KDL agreements weight of national formation, spread from north to south. Projected to 2020 on both the n ¬ convention will have 24 KDL country and 2030 will be 45 KDL. - Tourist Center: Currently, the area of the country has formed four tourist centers of national significance, including: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hue, Da Nang. In addition, a series of regional significance as the center of Ha Long, Vinh, Dalat, Nha Trang, Vung Tau, Can Tho, In provincial areas, tourist centers are often expressed in the form of urban tourism. That is where the advantage of tourism development and tourism play an important role in urban operations [30] - Tour also developed very diverse, including national and regional tours - international, national and local tours local tourist routes. - Tourist Region: According to Vietnam's tourism development strategy to the year 2020, Vision 2030, which was approved by the Prime Minister in November / 2011, our country will have seven tourist regions (boundary coincides with the economic synthesis). The form of spatial TOE a. Economic zone: there are now 18 EZ approved in the development plan of the country's EZ 2020 with a total area of 730.6 thousand ha, about 2.2% of the total area of the country. In particular, the end of 2011, there were 15 EZ was established with a total area of 662.2 thousand ha. b. Economic center (EC): has 2 national EC - 2 special urban: the capital Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City; 3 regional EC - grade 1, central cities: Hai Phong (northern coastal region), Da Nang (central), Can Tho (the South West). In addition, water we also have EC - grade 1: Thai Nguyen and Nam Dinh, Hue, Vinh, Dalat, Nha Trang and Quy Nhon and Buon Ma Thuot; Which, Vinh City is being built to become EC regions north central; 1.2.3. Some forms TOE at North central The form TOE of branch a. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries * Farm: By 2010, the north central has 10.303 farms, accounting for 7.1% of the total number of farms in the country. * Growing areas: In addition to the rice crop is still considered important in order to stabilize food, north central has formed a number of specialized areas associated with industrial processing and export, such as: peanut-growing regions, cane-growing areas, the rubber-growing areas, the production of pepper, fruit trees;-stricken livestock bovine meat; concentrated aquaculture areas b. Industry * Industrial: As of 2010, the north central has 16 active IPs with a total area of 3.7 thousand hectares, the average size of 228.9 hectares / IP, fill rate 53.6%, higher than the the national average (49.9%). * Industrial Center: Vinh city (food beverages, building materials, mechanical, textile, thick; Thanh Hoa City (mechanical, chemical, building materials, food, beverages) , Nghi Son (building materials, mechanical, petroleum products; Hue City is both a tourist center, and is the industrial center (textiles - thick, food, beverages, construction materials, wood processing and forest products). c. Travel Services 8 - The tourist national or international significance include: Ho, Dong Loc T-junction, the souvenir Nguyen Du, Quang Tri Citadel, Bach Ma National Park, Dong Hoi. - A number of urban-regional tourism center, the province, forming and promoting the role of Sam Son, Cua Lo, Hue. Besides, a new TCLTDL form also under construction and development in the region is the KDL, including: Kim Lien Thien Cam, Phong Nha - Ke Bang, Lang Co - Canh Duong - In the region has formed a national tourist routes, such as: online Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue to Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi along National Highway 1A ; online Hue, Dong Ha Dong Hoi - Phong Nha; online Hue, Dong Ha Lao Bao along Highway 1 and 9. The form of spatial TOE a. Economic zone: Nghi Son (Thanh Hoa), Nghe An Southeast, Vung Ang (Ha Tinh), rather than in Quang Binh, Quang Tri South East, Chan May - Lang Co (Thua Thien Hue) has a total area of more than 121 thousand hectares, accounting for 16.6% of the total area of the country EZ. In 2010, the rate of filling of the IPs in the EZ of the activities was 53.6%, higher than the national average (49.9%) [117]. b. Economic centers: Vinh, Thanh Hoa, Hue. Chapter 2. INFLUENCE FACTORS AND STATUS OBOUTN TOE IN NGHE AN PROVINCE (Include 78 pages, 05 maps, 06 charts and 22 tables) 2.1. FACTORS AFFECTING TOE 2.1.1. Geographical location Nghe An province in the north central, the territory stretching from the Northwest and Southeast, the natural area is 16490.7 km2, including 17 (7 district, coastal plains and mountainous district 10), TP Vinh and two towns: Cua Lo, Thai Hoa with 473 communes, wards and townships. The population in 2010 was 2929.1 thousand people. Nghe territory located in the following coordinates: from 18,035 'to 20010'10'' north latitude and from 103050'25'' to 105040'30'' east longitude. Northern, Nghe An adjacent Thanh Hoa province (196 km), the South Ha Tinh (92.6 km), west bordering with Lao PDR 419km, east overlooking the South China Sea with a length of coastline is 82km. Nghe An geographic location easily establish relationships with the local economy in the country as well as to expand the exchange of international economic, is important to TOE factor, especially in agriculture, industry and the key territorial development poles. 2.1.2. Natural conditions and natural resources Terrai Nghe An has a varied topography, complex, both medium high mountains with coastal plain. Diverse terrain is determined TOE basis. In the hilly areas of land wide, capable of developing the farm, the forest growing, perennial crops, raising cattle or arranged the mining and hydropower; lines, eco-tourism, etc.; In plain areas, facilitate the layout of the farm, the growing of food crops, industrial crops, points, and industrial zones services; coastal areas, islands can develop synthetic marine economic sectors: tourism, ports, fisheries, shipbuilding, mining, marine Coastal plain area with many advantages over the formation and development of industrial zones, EZ, TZ; There are many estuaries can set the port transport and fishing port: 9 Cua Lo, Dong Hoi, the door this will be the driving force, creating attraction, the spread for the surrounding area, creating a new position and force for socio- economic development of the province. Climate Cclimate of Nghe An is monsoon tropics, Asia tropical winter. Climate differentiation according to dimensions North-South, East-West and at the height of the terrain create favorable conditions for the TOA in the ecological advantages of each sub- region and make contact complete in TOE. Water Resources a. Surface water resources are estimated at 42 billion m3 with dense river system, river network density from 0.6 to 0.7 km/km2. The river system is the largest river in the province, 375 km (only flows in the Nghe An Province), has an area of 17 730 km2 basin, with 82 tributaries of grades 1, 2, accounting for 80% of water surface the province. In general, rivers have large values for the TOE, especially in TOA, waterway transportation, hydropower industry for the province. b. Groundwater resources of the province is considered plentiful. Unless the basalt Nghia Dan, Quy Hop, groundwater capacity in the places remaining to meet water demand and production. Natural land resources, the province had 1649 thousand hectares. In particular, rivers, streams and mountain area of 76.2 thousand hectares (4.6%), the remaining 1572.8 ha in the two systems mainland: land feralit in the hills and alluvial plains and create conditions for production organization and forms TOE layout. Forest resources of the province was 876.5 thousand hectares (head of the country, accounting for about 6.5% of national forest area), the coverage was 53.15% (ranked 8/63 provinces and cities). In particular, the natural forest area accounts for 84.2%, with total reserves of about 50 million m3 of wood, bamboo, availability meters over one billion trees, allowing provinces to organize forestry production goods large scale. Mineral resources of the province has 113 mines with relatively large volume, 171 ore and limestone are fairly evenly distributed in the locality. In particular, the main mineral extraction conditions include: tin, white marble, limestone, clay, stones, gravel, iron ore, mineral water reserves and the distribution of minerals have an impact on the formation and development of the mining industry and the processing industry to make up the richness in picture TOI of the province. Marine Resources Nghe An has a coastline of 82 km, an area of the sea is 4230 square nautical miles and is considered the potential for development of fisheries (fisheries reserve of about 80 thousand tons, capable of exploiting the some 35 - 37 thousand tons/year and 3.5 thousand ha of brackish water), marine tourism (many beautiful beaches: Cua Lo, Nghi Thiet, Nghi Yen, of the Constitution, Forum Members, Hon Cau, Quynh Quynh Table, Quynh Lap ), port (of the, Cua Lo Nghi Thiet, Islamic East and is a favorable area to allocate IPs and EZs. 2.1.3. The socio-economic factors Population and labor force a. Population Nghe fourth most populous country and the second in the north central (after Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh and Thanh Hoa) with a total population of 2.93 10 [...]... Tinh Thanh Hoa, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, the central business district of the province and the country: Laos China In particular, Vinh market wholesalers and retail, import and export of Nghe An and north central + The strong economic growth of the city of Vinh in recent years has spread to the periphery and inevitably the expansion of urban space (additional 37.4 km2) and make the effects of enhanced... attractive tour; enhance the promotion, tourism promotion in all media, any form, anywhere and anytime; Economic Zone: Links to other forms TOE; organizational form associations for businesses operating in the same field; study and reorganization of the system of investment promotion centers and commercial organization and operation model of a member company; Create linkages and cooperation with... solution Planning: Regularly assess and review for approved plan to adjust and supplement timely suit the new context; attach importance to the planning, building and improving infrastructure systems , especially transport and energy infrastructure - "skeleton" and "blood" of the "body" of socio-economic general, TOE in particular; Planning forms TOE must proceed in parallel and placed in intimate... links expanded in the direction: Hung Nguyen - Nam Dan, Quynh Luu – Do Luong, Nghi Loc, Con Cuong - Thanh Chuong - Que Phong (West) Around Vinh has established a number of satellite towns: Nghi Xuan town, the town of Xuan An, Hong Linh town of Ha Tinh, Hung Nguyen town, the town of Nam Dan and Cua Lo town b Thai Hoa Town is a new urban growth poles of the state of the North West province of Nghe An, Vinh... Hong Kong; Asian newly industrialized countries; Japan, European countries, America; Russia, the countries of Northeast Asia Inter-regional economic relations with the developing central the Central key economic region, with the South of Thanh Hoa- North of Nghe An and South of Nghe An - North of Ha Tinh Political and economic activities international society in the region and will create... the town of Quan Hanh, Dien Chau town and vicinity access; Take maximum advantage of Cua Lo port, airport Vinh, National Highway 1A and the entire transport system of the EZ for the development of the EZ At the same time, maximize the advantages of natural resources and labor of the EZ; favorable priority areas in terms of construction, technical infrastructure conditions to form IPs and non-tariff... and development of Southeast EZ multi-disciplinary, multi-function, becoming a breakthrough development areas of Nghe An province; Step by step construction of a complete urban system the province has socio-economic infrastructure and modern techniques, clean urban environment, distribution and rational development in the province, make protection for each municipality to develop stable, balanced and... industrialization and modernization of the province; Strengthening institutional capacity and development human resources; technology transfer, capacity building and research Nghe An implementation that has the potential Market and inter-regional economic relations a Domestic market, with nearly 3 million people in the province and the country's 86.9 million people b Foreign markets: South Korea, Taiwan,... industrial crops: coffee, rubber, tea, orange, regional stability and intensive sugar cane, accelerate the breeding buffalo (Tan States, Quy Hop, Que Phong, Quy Chau), beef (Tan Ky, Quy Chau), and watershed protection forests, special-use forests Pu, Pu activity, regional development planting materials; Construction and development of clusters industry in Quy Hop, Nghia Dan Que Phong, gradually forming IPs... 2010, the agricultural, forestry and fishery workers accounted for 65.7%, industry and construction 20 percent and services 14.3% Provincial Science and Technology aims to bring progress for production and life, especially in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and industry Many technology transfer project was made effective as: fruit seed development (orange, pineapple), hybrid herd . Bang, Lang Co - Canh Duong - In the region has formed a national tourist routes, such as: online Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue to Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi. Highway 1 and 9. The form of spatial TOE a. Economic zone: Nghi Son (Thanh Hoa), Nghe An Southeast, Vung Ang (Ha Tinh), rather than in Quang Binh, Quang Tri South East, Chan May - Lang Co. Thanh Hoa, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, the central business district of the province and the country: Laos China In particular, Vinh market wholesalers and retail, import and export of Nghe An and

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2014, 23:17

