ABLE OF CONTENTSPageLêi nãi ®Çu 3TABLE OF CONTENTS .4Part 1: PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY .51.1. Theory .51.2. Exercises .16Part 2: Lexicology and Semantics .332.1. Theory .332.2. Exercises .37Part 3: Grammar .633.1. Theory .633.2. Exercises .72answer keys .107Part 1: PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY .1071.1. Theory .1071.2. Exercises .108Part 2: Lexicology and Semantics .1292.1. Theory .1292.2. Exercises .129Part 3: Grammar .1433.1. Theory .1433.2. Exercises .144REFERENCES .171Part 1PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY1.1. Theory1.1.1. Decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F). Write your answers in the space provided.1. _____ In English, the onset and termination of a syllable can be any of the 24 consonants.2. _____ The shape of a tune depends only on the attitude that the speaker wishes to express.3. _____ The word “walk” consists of four phonemes, whereas the word “climb” consists of three phonemes.4. _____ Elision is the disappearance of sounds under certain circumstances. 5. _____ Fricatives are consonants with the characteristics that when they are produced, air escapes through a small passage and makes audible friction.6. _____ When we produce a front vowel sound, we can either raise or lower the front of the tongue.7. _____ When the first element of a compound is a noun, the stress goes on the second element.8. _____ There are totally 44 phonemes in English, 20 of which are vowels and 24 of which are consonants.9. _____ Yesno questions are always spoken with the glideup tune.10. _____ If the final consonant of the first word changes to become like the initial consonant of the second word in some way, the assimilation is called regressive.11. _____ Stops are speech sounds during the production of which the air stream is completely blocked before it is suddenly released.12. _____ In English, m is similar to n in terms of the manner of articulation.13. _____ The most important thing to remember about the diphthongs is that the second part is longer and stronger than the first part. 14. _____ A minimal syllable can be a single vowel in isolation.15. _____ Phonemic transcription is written between two square brackets whereas phonetic transcription is written between two slanting lines16. _____ Any vowel in English can appear at the end of a syllable.17. _____ If the initial consonant of the second word changes to become like the final consonant of the first word in some way, the assimilation is called regressive.18. _____ The dive is the intonation pattern that consists of a fall in the voice from rather high note to low one and then rises to above the middle of the voice.19. _____ Fricatives may be voiced or voiceless, whereas approximants are all voiced.20. _____ Allophones are variant forms of phonemes in different distributions within words.21. _____ Functional words are never stressed.22. _____ The plosives in English have three different places of articulation.23. _____ Vowels become shorter when they are followed by voiceless consonants.24. _____ If the second syllable of a twosyllable verb contains a long vowel or a diphthong, or if it ends with more than one consonant, that second syllable is stressed.25. _____ Phonemic transcription gives more details about how a sound is made, such as nasalization, dentalization, velarization, etc.26. _____ All syllables in English are described as consisting of a centre, an onset and a termination.27. _____ Assimilation is the change of one sound into another due to the influence of neighboring sounds.28. _____ The glide down is the intonation pattern that consists of a fall in the voice from rather high note to low one and then rises to above the middle of the voice.29. _____ Voiced sounds are the sounds which are produced when the vocal cords vibrate.30. _____ In English, r is never used as a linking sound.31. _____ A syllablefinal fortis consonant is likely to shorten the preceding vowel.32. _____ Clear l and dark l are realizations of two different phonemes.33. _____ “Phonetics” and “phonology” are two different terms denoting one and the same branch of linguistics.34. _____ The two words ‘combine’ and ‘combination’ are similar in terms of stress patterns.
Trang 1Lời nói đầu
Ngân hàng đề thi Lý thuyết tiếng đợc biên soạn năm 2003 đến nay đã đợc 5 năm Trong thời gian 5 năm đó, chơng trình đào tạo cử nhân ngoại ngữ của Học viện Khoa học Quân sự đã có nhiều thay đổi Bộ môn Lý thuyết tiếng cũng có nhiều thay
đổi về kết cấu chơng trình, thời lợng chơng trình… nhằm đáp ứng mục tiêu yêu cầu
đào tạo của Học viện Để giúp cho việc ra đề thi môn Lý thuyết tiếng sát với nội dung, kết cấu chơng trình đào tạo mới của Học viện, tổ Lý thuyết tiếng chúng tôi đã biên soạn Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn Lý thuyết tiếng Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn Lý thuyết tiếng này là sự kế thừa Ngân hàng đề thi Lý thuyết tiếng đợc biên soạn năm 2003, có chỉnh lý và bổ sung thêm toàn bộ phần câu hỏi lý thuyết và 90% phần bài tập Các câu hỏi lý thuyết đều dựa trên những kiến thức cơ bản về Ngữ âm, Từ vựng, Ngữ nghĩa học và Ngữ pháp đợc biên soạn trong Giáo trình Lý thuyết tiếng và Giáo trình Ngữ nghĩa học đang sử dụng tại Học viện Các bài tập trong Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn Lý thuyết tiếng này đều đợc lựa chọn từ các sách của các tác giả trong và ngoài nớc đáng tin cậy.
Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn Lý thuyết tiếng đợc trình bày theo một kết cấu thống nhất gồm 3 phần chính: Ngữ âm, Từ vựng và Ngữ nghĩa học, và Ngữ pháp Trong mỗi phần đều bao gồm câu hỏi lý thuyết và bài tập thực hành Phần đáp án cũng đợc trình bày theo đúng thứ tự của 3 phần chính của Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn Lý thuyết tiếng.
Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn Lý thuyết tiếng đợc thiết kế, biên soạn dành riêng cho giáo viên của bộ môn Lý thuyết tiếng với mục đích giúp giáo viên dạy bộ môn này có thể chủ động và dễ dàng thiết kế các đề thi, đề kiểm tra của các môn Ngữ âm, Từ vựng và Ngữ nghĩa học, Ngữ pháp
Trong quá trình biên soạn Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn Lý thuyết tiếng này, do trình độ và thời gian có hạn nên chúng tôi không thể tránh khỏi sai sót Chúng tôi mong nhận đợc sự đóng góp của đồng nghiệp để Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn Lý thuyết tiếng này đợc hoàn thiện hơn Trong quá trình giảng dạy, chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục bổ sung để hoàn thiện tài liệu này.
Cuối cùng, chúng tôi xin trân trọng cảm ơn các Phòng, Khoa, Ban trong Học viện Khoa học Quân sự đã giúp đỡ, tạo mọi điều kiện cho chúng tôi hoàn thành Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn Lý thuyết tiếng này Chúng tôi xin trân trọng cảm
ơn các đồng nghiệp trong Khoa Tiếng Anh - Học viện Khoa học Quân sự đã đóng góp những ý kiến quý báu cho việc hoàn thành Ngân hàng câu hỏi và bài tập môn
Lý thuyết tiếng này
Nhóm tác giả
Lêi nãi ®Çu ……… 3
1.1 Theory ……… 5
1.2 Exercises ……… 16
Part 2: Lexicology and Semantics ……… 33
2.1 Theory ……… 33
2.2 Exercises ……… 37
Part 3: Grammar ………. 63
3.1 Theory ……… 63
3.2 Exercises ……… 72
answer keys 107
1.1 Theory ……… 107
1.2 Exercises ……… 108
Part 2: Lexicology and Semantics ……… 129
2.1 Theory ……… 129
2.2 Exercises ……… 129
Part 3: Grammar ………. 143
3.1 Theory ……… 143
3.2 Exercises ……… 144
3 _ The word “walk” consists of four phonemes, whereas the word
“climb” consists of three phonemes
4 _ Elision is the disappearance of sounds under certain circumstances
5 _ Fricatives are consonants with the characteristics that when they areproduced, air escapes through a small passage and makes audible friction
6 _ When we produce a front vowel sound, we can either raise or lowerthe front of the tongue
7 _ When the first element of a compound is a noun, the stress goes onthe second element
8 _ There are totally 44 phonemes in English, 20 of which are vowelsand 24 of which are consonants
9 _ Yes-no questions are always spoken with the glide-up tune
10 _ If the final consonant of the first word changes to become like theinitial consonant of the second word in some way, the assimilation is calledregressive
11 _ Stops are speech sounds during the production of which the airstream is completely blocked before it is suddenly released
12 _ In English, [m] is similar to [n] in terms of the manner ofarticulation
13 _ The most important thing to remember about the diphthongs is thatthe second part is longer and stronger than the first part
14 _ A minimal syllable can be a single vowel in isolation
15 _ Phonemic transcription is written between two square bracketswhereas phonetic transcription is written between two slanting lines
16 _ Any vowel in English can appear at the end of a syllable
Trang 417 _ If the initial consonant of the second word changes to become likethe final consonant of the first word in some way, the assimilation is calledregressive.
18 _ The dive is the intonation pattern that consists of a fall in the voicefrom rather high note to low one and then rises to above the middle of the voice
19 _ Fricatives may be voiced or voiceless, whereas approximants areall voiced
20 _ Allophones are variant forms of phonemes in different distributionswithin words
21 _ Functional words are never stressed
22 _ The plosives in English have three different places of articulation
23 _ Vowels become shorter when they are followed by voicelessconsonants
24 _ If the second syllable of a two-syllable verb contains a long vowel
or a diphthong, or if it ends with more than one consonant, that secondsyllable is stressed
25 _ Phonemic transcription gives more details about how a sound ismade, such as nasalization, dentalization, velarization, etc
26 _ All syllables in English are described as consisting of a centre, anonset and a termination
27 _ Assimilation is the change of one sound into another due to theinfluence of neighboring sounds
28 _ The glide down is the intonation pattern that consists of a fall in thevoice from rather high note to low one and then rises to above the middle ofthe voice
29 _ Voiced sounds are the sounds which are produced when the vocalcords vibrate
30 _ In English, /r/ is never used as a linking sound
31 _ A syllable-final fortis consonant is likely to shorten the precedingvowel
32 _ Clear /l/ and dark /l/ are realizations of two different phonemes
33 _ “Phonetics” and “phonology” are two different terms denoting oneand the same branch of linguistics
34 _ The two words ‘combine’ and ‘combination’ are similar in terms ofstress patterns
Trang 535 _ Allophones are phonemically unconditioned variations of aphoneme.
36 _ The most important difference between vowels and consonants isthat consonants are produced when the vocal cords are vibrating whereasvowels are produced without the vibration of the vocal cords
37 _ In a way, a phoneme can be seen as an abstract entity whereasallophones are its actual manifestations
38 _ Voice can be used to distinguish between fortis and lenisconsonants
39 _ One phoneme can be realized by only one allophone
40 _ When the lateral sound is preceded by a voiceless sound, itbecomes devoiced
41 _ Phonemic transcription does not show the articulation of sounds inrelation to neighbouring sounds
42 _ Assimilation in English can affect the voicing of a sound makingthe voiced voiceless
43 _ In connected speech, when three or more consonants occur in acluster, for example in ‘last Sunday” the plosive /t/ is normally omitted, thisphenomenon is called “elision”
44 _ Compared to phonetic transcription, phonemic transcription givesmore information about sounds and is not presented in dictionaries andtextbooks
45 _ Because in their articulation there is a complete closure of the twoarticulators at some point in the oral cavity, /ʧ/ and /d/ are called stops
46 _ Fortis consonants are those produced with more force as compared
to the force needed for the articulation of lenis ones
47 _ Word stress is the term used to describe the emphasis given to aphrase or a sentence
48 _ In English, stress usually falls on the first element of a compoundnoun
49 _ The stressed words in an English sentence usually carry importantinformation
50 _ All languages have the same number of vowels and consonantssince they are used as a means of communication
1.1.2 Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word that best completes each sentence
Trang 61 Narrow transcription uses phonetic (1) _ to show in detail how aparticular sound is (2) and is written between two (3) brackets.
2 When a verb carries a third person singular ‘-s’ suffix, or a noun carries an
‘-s’ plural suffix or an ‘-s’ possessive suffix, that suffix will be pronounced as[s] if the preceding consonant is (4) _ and as [z] if the precedingconsonant is (5)
3 The most often proposed functions of intonation are the following:attitudinal, (6) _, accentual and (7) _
4 Fricatives in English can be produced at (8) different places ofarticulation, whereas stops in English are made at three different places ofarticulation
5 The theory that English has stress-timed rhythm implies that (9) _ syllables will tend to occur at relatively regular intervalswhether they are separated by (10) syllables or not
6 The lateral [l] is (11) _ when at the end of a word and afteranother consonant
7 There are at least four important factors that make a stressed syllableprominent: (12) _, length, (13) _ and quality
8 English has stress-timed (14) _, which implies that stressedsyllables will tend to occur at relatively regular intervals whether they areseparated by (15) _ syllables or not
9 (16) _ is the change of one sound into another due to theinfluence of neighboring sounds
10 (17) is used to convey the feelings and attitudes of thespeaker Additionally, it helps listeners recognize the grammatical structures
of what is being said
11 Basically the symbols are for one of two purposes: either they are symbolsfor phonemes (phonemic symbols) or they are (18) symbols
12 If the final consonant of the first word changes to become like the initialconsonant of the second word in some way, the assimilation is called (19) ; if the initial consonant of the second word changes to becomelike the final consonant of the first word in some way, the assimilation iscalled (20)
13 If the first part of the compound is adjectival, the stress goes on the (21) element If, however, the first element is a noun, the stress goes
on the (22) element
Trang 714 The most important thing to remember about the diphthongs is that thefirst part is (23) and stronger than the second part
15 [f, v] are (24) sounds, that is, the lower lip is in contact withthe upper teeth
16 Elision is the (25) _ of sounds under certain circumstances
17 There are four basic tunes in English, i.e the (26) _, theglide-up, the take-off and the (27)
18 The feature that distinguishes between /f/ and /v/ is (28)
19 Speech sounds are made with the (29) moving (30) from the lungs through the (31) _ and the (32)
20 A basic distinction, in terms of how sounds are (33) , is madebetween consonants and vowels Consonants involve a (34) _inthe mouth which, in turn, causes some (35) of the air stream.With vowels, the air passes rather (36) _ through the mouthbecause there is very little obstruction
21 In order to produce nasal sounds, the soft palate must be (37)
so that the air flow escapes through the (38) cavity
22 In fricatives, the tongue usually comes very (39) _to the upperspeech organ to leave a very narrow (40) _in between them sothat the air will escape with some (41) _
23 The three consonants /f/, /v/, /h/ have the same (42) ofarticulation but different (43) of articulation
24 Vowels are classified in terms of the (44) _to which the tongue
is (45) , the part of the tongue that takes part in the (46) of the sound, the variation in the (47) _ of lip roundingand the (48) _ of the sounds
25 The features that help distinguish between /b/ and /t/ are the (49) _ of articulation and the (50)
1.1.3 Circle the answer that best completes each of the following
Trang 8C front low vowel D front central vowel
4 Sounds that are made involving the tip of the tongue and upper front teethare called
A bilabial B palato-alveolar C dental D alveolar
5 The sound that is made involving the front of the tongue moving towardsthe hard palate is called _
A velar B palatal C approximant D dental
6 When the central part of the tongue is raised to a fairly high point in themouth, the sound produced is _
7 In the articulation of /l/, the tip of the tongue is in contact with _
A the upper front teeth B the back of the hard palate
C the centre of the palate D none of these
8 In the articulation of /e/, the tongue is raised towards _
A the highest point in the oral cavity
B midway between the highest point and the lowest point in the oral cavity
C the lowest point in the oral cavity
D none of the above
9 The initial sound of the word “knight” is _
A labio-dental B palato-alveolar C alveolar D velar
10 The sound /l/ in the word “clear” is
C devoiced D referred to as dark /l/
11 In connected speech, assimilation can be found in the case like:
A provide the youth with B provide young people with
C provide them with D provide these people with
12 Plosive consonants in English are _
A /p/, /t/, /s/, /g/ B /f/, /s/, /z/, /v/, /h/
C /p/, /t/, /k/, /g/, /t/, /d/ D /d/, /w/, /r/, /g/
13 The final sound of the word “climb” is _
A bilabial stop B bilabial nasal C velar nasal D voiced stop
14 The aspiration of voiceless plosive is strongest when it is _
A at syllable-initial position
B between vowels
C followed by another stop consonant
D at syllable-final position
Trang 915 There are vowels in English.
16 There can be _ tonic syllable(s) in a tone unit in English
A one and only one B three C more than three D four
17 The maximum number of consonants at the end of a syllable in English is _
A two B three C more than four D four
18 The characteristic intonation for the initial vocative in English is
A the Glide-Down B the Glide-Up
19 Phonology studies
A acoustic features of speech sounds
B the articulation of speech sounds
C perception of speech sounds
D none of the above
20 /w/, /r/, /j/ are _ when they are preceded by /p/, /t/, /k/ at thebeginning of a syllable
21 Vowels become _when they are followed by nasals
A velarized B dentalized C devoiced D nasalized
22 A vowel becomes longer when it is _
A at the beginning of a syllable B in an open syllable
C before a voiceless consonant D between two consonants
23 /s/ is different from /ʃ/ in the sense that the former is a _whereas the latter is a _ sound
A voiced … voiceless B fricative … affricative
C palatal … palato-alveolar D alveolar palato-alveolar
24 The word “wreath” contains a
A short vowel B a diphthong C a triphthong D a long vowel
25 There are diphthongs and _ triphthongs in English
A five … eight B eight … five C twelve… five D eight … eight
26 The word “plant” contains _
A one syllable B two syllables C six phonemes D two phonemes
27 The sentence “The judge can’t change his job; you’re joking” contains
Trang 10A one word which has two fricatives B no nasals
C six affricates (including the repeated ones) D seven vowels
28 A(n) _ unit is a unit of speech with a stressed syllable as itscentre and any unstressed syllables before or after it
A intonation B tone C rhythm D segmental
29 Functional words are stressed when _
A they are cited or quoted
B they are being contrasted with another word
C they are used for the purpose of emphasis
D all of the above
30 Which of the following is a minimal pair?
A eater - better B round - bound
31 In casual speech, the final sound of the first word in “bright colour”
changes to become the initial sound of the second word This phenomenon iscalled _
A elision B assimilation C linking C none of theabove
32 When the speaker says “Thank you” with , he /she wants toshow sincere gratitude
A the Glide-Down B the Glide-Up
33 The word “walk” consists of _
34 Diphthongs ending in /ə/ are called
A centering diphthongs B closing diphthongs
C front diphthongs D mid diphthongs
35 The maximum number of consonants at the beginning of a syllable inEnglish is _
36 The vocal cords are wide apart during the articulation of _consonants
A nasal B approximant C voiced D voiceless
37 The approximants in English are _
A /w, l, r/ B /w, m, p, b/ C /w, r, j, l/ D /w, j r/
Trang 1138 The initial phoneme of the word “champagne” is a _.
A affricate B fricative C velar D plosive
39 Sounds that are made involving upper teeth and the lower lip are called _
A bilabial B dental C alveolar D labio-dental
40 Sounds that are made involving the back of the tongue and the soft palateare called
A velar B retroflex C nasal D palatal
41 The sentences “Their house was on fire for nine hours Everything wasdestroyed including the mower Poor men!” have _
A five diphthongs and three triphthongs
B four diphthongs and four triphthongs
C six diphthongs and two triphthongs
D no cases of linking when spoken at a rapid speed
42 /g/ is a
A voiceless stop B voiced velar
C voiceless velar D voiced palatal
43 In English, there are totally _ consonantal phonemes
44 In the sentence “He’s come back from France”, normally _syllables are stressed
45 The thing that such words as blood, some, won, one, young have in
common is that they all consist of
A the vowel /ʌ/ B a nasal sound
C nasalized vowel D four phonemes
46 The word “heir” has _
A a zero onset B a zero termination
C a diphthong D all the above answers are correct
47 The four words needs, classes, levels and planes end with a
A voiced affricate B voiced fricative
C voiceless fricative D voiced affricate
48 is the odd-one-out in the following because it shares nocommon properties with the other sounds
49 The phonemic transcription of the word “fantastic” is
Trang 12A /fæntestik/ B /fa:ntæstik/
C /fa:ntæstik/ D /fæntæstik/
50 In the word “advertisement”, the primary stress is on
A the first syllable B the second syllable
C the third syllable D the fourth syllable
1.1.4 Choose the word (by circling A, B, C, or D) that
1 contains a mid-high front vowel
2 contains an unaspirated stop
3 contains a voiced consonant in the middle
4 ends with a fortis affricate
5 contains a devoiced approximant
6 begins with a central vowel
A university B occur C artist D online
7 does not contain a fricative
8 contains a centering diphthong
9 ends with a voiced velar
A diphthong B luggage C change D womanlike
10 begins with a bilabial sound
A manufacture B who C psychology D physics
11 contains a long front vowel
12 contains a velarized lateral
13 ends with a voiced consonant
14 ends with a velar stop
A diphthong B luggage C change D handbag
15 does not contain a glottal stop
Trang 1316 does not contain a diphthong
17 contains an affricate
A chaos B suggestion C mention D treasure
18 contains a devoiced approximant
19 ends with a bilabial nasal
20 begins with a central vowel
21 contains a voiced fricative consonant in the middle
A passport B busses C horses D houses
22 does not contain an aspirated stop
23 contains a closing diphthong
24 contains a back long vowel
25 does not contain a nasalized vowel
26 does not begin with a voiced consonant
A baby B judgment C daughter D history
27 contains a rounded vowel
28 does not contain a central vowel
29 contains a dentalized consonant
30 begins with a voiceless consonant
31 ends with a voiceless fricative
32 does not contain a devoiced approximant
33 a does not contain a centring diphthong
Trang 1434 contains an affricate
A chaos B cheese C international D treatment
35 contains a glottal stop
36 has a velarized lateral
37 begins with a central vowel
38 contains a voiceless fricative consonant
39 does not contain an aspirated stop
40 ends with a voiced velar
41 contains a front long vowel
42 begins with an alveolar consonant
43 begins with an aspirated plosive
44 does not contain voiced dental fricative
45 contains a back high monothong
A resident B direction C starve D tooth-paste
46 doesn’t contain an affricate
A scholar B change C literature D suggestion
47 does not begin with a bilabial sound
A manufacture B pseudo-name C won D paper
48 does not contain a diphthong
49 does not contain a syllabic consonant
A castle B nation C television D tablet
50 contains a voiceless plosive in the middle
1.2 Exercises
Trang 151.2.1 State the differences between the underlined sounds in the pairs of words below:
Trang 181 voiced bilabial plosive
Trang 1919 voiced bilabial nasal
Trang 2037 mid-high front unrounded vowel
1 A resources B increase C farmland D disaster
2 A immediate B success C eagerness D phonetic
3 A conference B horrible C experience D language
Trang 215 A occasion B discomfort C support D friendship
6 A identify B continue C popular D consumer
7 A potential B possess C survival D current
8 A convenient B previous C management D purchase
9 A recycle B completely C introduce D alternative
10 A obstacle B government C courage D dismiss
11 A describe B struggle C political D society
12 A influential B creative C introduction D university
13 A career B majority C continue D education
14 A necessary B discover C poetic D political
15 A material B indestructible C determined D important
16 A century B frontier C community D ocean
17 A identity B result C heritage D unique
18 A minority B mechanize C manage D impetus
19 A ethnic B tradition C belief D expect
20 A scramble B costume C magnificent D marriage
21 A documentary B understand C disappear D experience
22 A machine B modern C melody D bother
23 A musician B alive C electronic D creation
24 A female B divide C champion D regulate
25 A production B marvelous C entirely D responsible
26 A information B absorption C involve D devote
29 A inappropriate B technology C provision D advanced
30 A justify B medicine C enquiry D argument
31 A business B passion C favorite D banana
32 A magazine B comprehend C condition D volunteer
33 A vegetable B character C involvement D excellent
34 A guilty B parade C primary D history
35 A international B expression C explanation D admiration
36 A appoint B poisonous C damage D positive
37 A precious B extreme C security D apologize
38 A exclusive B detective C suppose D prejudice
39 A desperate B influence C suggestion D definite
40 A production B intention C desirable D vegetarian
Trang 2241 A practical B secretary C manager D immediate
42 A investigate B punishment C publicity D possession
43 A alternative B information C profession D discussion
44 A recognition B manufacture C conservation D efficient
45 A element B discovery C enormous D pronounce
46 A pioneer B destination C artificial D essential
47 A diplomatic B disappear C memorial D presidential
48 A percent B courtesy C doctor D weather
49 A perfect B hopeful C burglary D detective
50 A dramatic B inconsistent C amazing D resemble
1.2.5 Divide the following words into groups according to their stress patterns
mountaineer, recommend, especially, experience, optimistic, expectation,government, suitcase, advertise, picturesque, adventure, possibility,
consonant, opinion, gratitude, articulate, phonetics, example, eliminate, flexibility, measurement, mechanical, prudential, represent, theory, minimal, discover, difficulty, distinguish, particular, encounter, attempt, remain, consonantal, experiment, musical, unfortunate, pronounce, English, traditional, manufacture, furniture, politics, architecture, raincoat, elegant, another, comparison, extinguish, comprehend, communists, psychology, understandable, congratulate, tragedy, category, different, fricative, happening, human, character, themselves, follow, identify, accuracy, absolute, architect, editorial, museum, picturesque, industrial, preservation, beneficial, insufficient, luggage, military, entertainment, interest, command, monkey, excitement, lady-killer, satellite, reputation, Vietnamese, profit, message, bicycle, determined, continental, encounter, document, pagoda, horizon, behaviour, applicant, diseases, sensible, regular, popularity, consonantal.
primary stress on the
Trang 232 Collect your luggage before leaving the train.
Trang 2420 There are some new books I must read.
Trang 2538 Have you ever met the Queen of England?
1.2.7 Transcribe the following sentences phonetically
1 Many people get unemployment benefit, and they have to queue for it onThursdays
Trang 271.2.8 Divide each of the following sentences into rhythm units
1 One can detect the rhythm of a heart-beat
2 Experiments have shown that we tend to hear speech as more rhythmicalthan it actually is
3 Many foreign learners of English are made to practise speaking Englishwith regular rhythm
4 You put your brakes on when the light turns to red
5 In a short time the house was full of children
6 Here's a present for your brother
7 These are all the pictures that are left
8 There could be a bit of rain at the end of the morning
9 A few people asked him a question
10 Collect your luggage before leaving the train
11 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
12 Over a quarter of a century has elapsed since his death
13 Most of them have arrived on the bus
14 I wear sunglasses to hide my feelings from my girlfriend
15 Computers consume a considerable amount of money and time
16 Newspaper editors are invariably under worked
17 Walk down the path to the end of the canal
18 John is a worker in a factory
19 How did you manage to get there in time?
20 Yesterday I went to the cinema with my farther
21 When am I seeing you for lunch next week?
22 He wants to come and see us at home
23 Why am I too late to see him today?
24 She took her aunt for a drive
25 We try to do our shopping in the market
Trang 281.2.9 Suggest a reasonable tune for each of the following utterances and explain your choice
1 What a beautiful girl!
Trang 2917 Let’s have some music, shall we?
Trang 3035 She took the car and drove to London
Trang 33[i:] in ‘stream’ is nasalized because it is followed by a nasal sound.
[i:] in ‘treat’ is shorter than [i:] in ‘stream’ because it is followed by avoiceless sound
2 man - month
[n] in ‘month’ is dentalized because it is before a dental sound
[n] in ‘man’ is longer than [n] in ‘month’ because it is at the end of a word
Trang 34[ɪ] in ‘sing’ is nasalized because it is before a nasal.
[ɪ] in ‘sit’ is shorter than [ɪ] in ‘sing’ because it is before a voiceless sound
Trang 35[p] in ‘apt’ is unexploded because it is before another stop whereas [p] in
‘people’ is aspirated because it is at the beginning of a syllable
/j/: voiced palatal approximant
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/v/: voiced labio-dental fricative
/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
Trang 36/u:/: high back long rounded vowel/ɪ/: high front short vowel
/з:/: mid-high central long vowel/ə/: mid-high central short vowel
2 modernization /ˌmɒdənaɪˈzeɪʃn//m/: voiced bilabial nasal
/d/: voiced alveolar stop
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/z/: voiced alveolar fricative
/ʃ/: voiceless palato-alveolar fricative/ɒ/: low back rounded short vowel/ə/: mid-high central short vowel/aɪ/: closing diphthong ending in /ɪ//eɪ/: closing diphthong ending in /ɪ/
3 development /dɪˈveləpmənt/
/d/: voiced alveolar stop
/v/: voiced labio-dental fricative
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/p/: voiceless bilabial stop
/m/: voiced bilabial nasal
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/ɪ/: high front short vowel
/e/: mid-high front short spread vowel /ə/: mid-high central short vowel
4 nuisance /ˈnju:sns/
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/j/: voiced palatal approximant
/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/u:/: high back long rounded vowel
5 English /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/
/ŋ/: voiced velar nasal
/g/: voiced velar stop
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/ʃ/: voiceless palato-alveolar fricative
Trang 37/ɪ/: high front short vowel
6 television /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/v/: voiced labio-dental fricative
/ʒ/: voiced palato-alveolar fricative/n/: voiced velar nasal
/e/: mid-high front short spread vowel /ɪ/: high front short vowel
7 pressure /ˈpreʃə/
/p/: voiceless bilabial stop
/r/: voiced palato-alveolar approximant/ʃ/: voiceless palato-alveolar fricative/e/: mid-high front short spread vowel /ə/: mid-high central short vowel
8 cookery /ˈkʊkəri/
/k/: voiceless velar stop
/r/: voiced palato-alveolar approximant/ʊ/: high back rounded short vowel/ə/: mid-high central short vowel
/i/: high front short vowel
9 advantage /ədˈva:ntɪʤ/
/d/: voiced alveolar stop
/v/: voiced labio-dental fricative
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/ʤ/: voiced palato-alveolar affricate/ə/: mid-high central short vowel
/a:/: low back long vowel
/ɪ/: high front short vowel
10 phonology /fəˈnɒləʤi/
/f/: voiced labio-dental fricative
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/ʤ/: voiced palato-alveolar affricate/ə/: mid-high central short vowel
Trang 38/ɒ/: low back rounded short vowel/i/: high front short vowel
11 practical /ˈpræktɪkl/
/p/: voiceless bilabial stop
/r/: voiced palato-alveolar approximant/k/: voiceless velar stop
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/æ/: low front spread short vowel/ɪ/: high front short vowel
12 national /ˈnæʃnəl/
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/ʃ/: voiceless palato-alveolar fricative/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/æ/: low front spread short vowel/ə/: mid-high central short vowel
13 interchange /ɪntəˈʧeɪnʤ/
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/ʧ/: voiceless palato-alveolar affricate/ʤ/: voiced palato-alveolar affricate/ɪ/: high front short vowel
/ə/: mid-high central short vowel
/eɪ/: closing diphthong ending in /ɪ/
14 consonant /ˈkɒnsənənt/
/k/: voiceless velar stop
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/ɒ/: low back rounded short vowel/ə/: mid-high central short vowel
15 luggage /ˈlʌgɪʤ/
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/g/: voiced velar stop
/ʤ/: voiced palato-alveolar affricate/ʌ/: low central short vowel
Trang 39/ɪ/: high front short vowel
16 example /ɪgˈzæmpl/
/g/: voiced velar stop
/z/: voiced alveolar fricative
/m/: voiced bilabial nasal
/p/: voiceless bilabial stop
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/ɪ/: high front short vowel
/æ/: low front spread short vowel
17 expensive /ɪkˈspensɪv/
/k/: voiceless velar stop
/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative
/p/: voiceless bilabial stop
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/v/: voiced labio-dental fricative
/ɪ/: high front short vowel
/e/: mid-high front short spread vowel
18 history /ˈhɪstri/
/h/: voiceless glottal fricative
/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/r/: voiced palato-alveolar approximant/ɪ/: high front short vowel
19 husband /ˈhʌzbənd/
/h/: voiceless glottal fricative
/z/: voiced alveolar fricative
/b/: voiced bilabial stop
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/d/: voiced alveolar stop
/ʌ/: low central short vowel
/ə/: mid-high central short vowel
20 important /ɪmˈpɔ:tnt/
/m/: voiced bilabial nasal
/p/: voiceless bilabial stop
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/n/: voiced velar nasal
Trang 40/ɪ/: high front short vowel
/ɔ:/: mid-high back rounded short vowel
21 malfunction /mælˈfʌŋkʃn/
/m/: voiced bilabial nasal
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/f/: voiceless labio-dental fricative
/ŋ/: voiced velar nasal
/k/: voiceless velar stop
/ʃ/: voiceless palato-alveolar fricative/n/: voiced velar nasal
/æ/: low front spread short vowel
/ʌ/: low central short vowel
22 question /ˈkwesʧn/
/k/: voiceless velar stop
/w/: voiced bilabial approximant
/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative
/ʧ/: voiceless palato-alveolar affricate/n/: voiced velar nasal
/e/: mid-high front short spread vowel
23 introduce /ɪntrəˈdju:s/
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/r/: voiced palato-alveolar approximant/d/: voiced alveolar stop
/j/: voiced palatal approximant
/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative
/ɪ/: high front short vowel
/ə/: mid-high central short vowel
/u:/: high back long rounded vowel
24 settlement /ˈsetlmənt/
/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral
/m/: voiced bilabial nasal
/n/: voiced velar nasal
/t/: voiceless alveolar stop