The study of English speaking skill has attracted much attention in recent research of second language acquisition. In details, one of the most concerned topics is the interference of native culture on mastering rhetorical patterns of the target language. Therefore, the research focused on the influences of some Vietnamese cultural dimensions on freshmen’s study of English speaking skill at FELTE, ULIS, VNU. The crucial objective of the study was to investigate factors in Vietnamese culture which put impacts on students’ study of English speaking skill, figure out the levels of influences of those dimensions and suggest some pedagogical implications. The researcher chose first year students at FELTE as participants for the study. Thanks to their supports, survey questionnaire and class observation were applied as research instruments. It can be concluded three significant findings from the data analysis. There are four main influential categories called Subjectivity – Objectivity, Directness – Indirectness, Accuracy – Inaccuracy, Redundancy – Economicality. Of four dimensions, Redundancy – Economicality category is the most influential one revealing through freshmen’s speaking activities in class, whereas, Directness – Indirectness has the least impact. Basing on some major findings, the author points out some implications for teaching and learning English speaking skill to improve the situation. The results, discussion as well as implications are expected to partially contribute to the current research on second spoken language in Vietnam to create favorable condition for learners of English in the process of acquiring L2.
Trang 1The study of English speaking skill has attracted much attention in recentresearch of second language acquisition In details, one of the most concernedtopics is the interference of native culture on mastering rhetorical patterns of thetarget language Therefore, the research focused on the influences of someVietnamese cultural dimensions on freshmen’s study of English speaking skill atFELTE, ULIS, VNU The crucial objective of the study was to investigate factors inVietnamese culture which put impacts on students’ study of English speaking skill,figure out the levels of influences of those dimensions and suggest somepedagogical implications The researcher chose first - year students at FELTE asparticipants for the study Thanks to their supports, survey questionnaire and classobservation were applied as research instruments It can be concluded threesignificant findings from the data analysis There are four main influentialcategories called Subjectivity – Objectivity, Directness – Indirectness, Accuracy –Inaccuracy, Redundancy – Economicality Of four dimensions, Redundancy –Economicality category is the most influential one revealing through freshmen’sspeaking activities in class, whereas, Directness – Indirectness has the least impact.Basing on some major findings, the author points out some implications forteaching and learning English speaking skill to improve the situation The results,discussion as well as implications are expected to partially contribute to the currentresearch on second spoken language in Vietnam to create favorable condition forlearners of English in the process of acquiring L2
Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
List of figures and tables vii
List of abbreviations viii
1.1 Statement of the problem and the rationale of the study 1
1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 2
1.2.1 Aims of the study 2
1.2.2 Objectives of the study 2
1.3 Significance of the study 2
1.4 Scope of the study 3
1.5 Organization 3
Key concepts 5
2.1 Culture………5
2.1.1 Definition of culture………5
2.1.2 Language and culture……… 6 Language and culture in general……….6
Trang Language and culture in language acquisitions……… 8
2.2 Communication 9
2.2.1 Definition of communication……… 9
2.2.2 Functions of communication……… 9
2.2.3 Types of communication……….9 Verbal communication………11 Non – verbal communication……… 11
2.2.4 Cross – cultural communication………12
2.3 Some key categorical dimensions in cross – cultural communication…… 12
2.3.1 Subjectivity – Objectivity……… 13 The use of prepositions……… 14 Prepositions of movement with directional verbs……… 14 Locative prepositions……… 15 The use of passive voice……….16
2.3.2 Directness – Indirectness………17
2.3.3 Accuracy – Inaccuracy……… 19 The use of tenses……… 19 The use of genitive indicators………20
2.3.4 Redundancy – Economicality……… 21
Trang Redundancy………21 Economicality……….…23
3.1 Participants 25
3.2 Data collection instruments 25
3.2.1 Survey questionnaire………25
3.2.2 Class observation……….25
3.3 Data collection procedure……… 26
3.4 Data analysis procedure ………29
4.1 Findings 31
4.1.1 Research question 1 31
4.1.2 Research question 2 42
5.1 Second culture acquisition in L2 teaching and learning 47
5.1.1 Second culture acquisition in L2 teaching and learning in general…… 47
5.1.2 Second culture acquisition in second language in speaking learning…….49
process in particular 5.2 Teacher’s role in teaching the target language culture to students………….49
Trang 55.3 The teaching of English language speaking in classrooms 50
5.3.1 Reminding students of the differences between L1 and L2 51
5.3.2 Integrating all language skills 51
6.1 Summary of findings 53
6.2 Limitations of the study 53
6.3 Suggestions for further studies 54
Figure 1: Nguyen Quang’s diagram of components of communication (Nguyen
Quang, 2001:9)
Figure 2: The analysis of the “ego” position by the Anglicist
Figure 3: The analysis of Vietnamese thought of the “ego” position
Figure 4: Cultural thought patterns by Kaplan
Figure 5: The order of information in Vietnamese and in English
Figure 6: The interference of Vietnamese culture on English spoken language in
terms of genitive indicators
Figure 7: Four main Vietnamese cultural categories influence on freshmen’s study
of English speaking skill
Figure 8: The influence ratio of habitual and insufficient redundancy in
Redundancy category
Figure 9: The influence level of the use of prepositions and the use passive voice in
Objectivity – Subjectivity category
Figure 10: The influence ratio of the use of tenses and the use of genitive indicator
in Accuracy - Inaccuracy category
Table 1: The list of the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns in English Table 2: Overview of the influence of subtype categories on freshmen’s study of
English speaking skill
1 ULIS: University of Languages and International Studies
2 VNU: Vietnam National University
3 L1: The mother tongue/ first language
4 L2: The second language
1 1 Statement of the problem and rationale of the study
To any nation all over the world, culture and language have always beeninextricably linked According to Nguyen (2009), language is the product of the
culture and is considered “the window to culture” Language is arguably the most
important component of culture because much of the rest of it is normallytransmitted orally It is impossible to understand the subtle nuances and deepmeanings of another culture without knowing its language well On one hand,culture seems so inclusive, it permeates almost every aspect of human life includinglanguages On the other hand, when human need to share a culture, theycommunicate through language Together with approaching the foreign or secondlanguage, learners also steadily adapt to its cultural environment Needless to say,cultural factors have put great impact on not only the mother tongue but also foreignlanguages of people belonging to that culture The interference of native culture hasbeen seen plainly on both spoken and written form of the second language.Moreover, the situation in written discourse shares no similarity with the one inspeaking It seems quite hard to train learners the way of thinking and speaking likenative speakers Nevertheless, it does not mean that learners can speak in any waythey like without paying attention to standards in English speaking In fact, thosewho studying foreign language should be aware of some Vietnamese influentialfactors which have influence on learning English and try to avoid negative culturalinfluences
The above analysis of the close relationship between the native culture and spokensecond language has highly encouraged the researcher to conduct the field work Tosome extent, the interference of Vietnamese culture has still extended theirinfluences on freshmen’s study of English speaking skill In other words, thosedimensions may limit student’s ability to acquire the second languagecomprehensively As a result, the researcher made a decision to work on this study
Trang 9in the hope of gaining insights into some Vietnamese negative cultural factorswhich have effects on freshmen’s study of English speaking skill.
1.2 Aims and objectives of the study
1.2.1 Aims of the study
It should be noted that the study was conducted with three main aims
In the first place, the analysis of freshmen’s English speaking skill is carried outunder the expectation of finding some Vietnamese cultural dimensions which haveinterferences on their speaking skill In chapter Literature review, the researcherwill present some potential Vietnamese cultural factors, and the predication will belooked into in the process of data analysis
In the second place, the results of the study can be used to investigate the level ofinfluence among those potential cultural factors The finding is extremely importantbecause it can help teachers as well as students recognize what dimensions should
be pay much attention to
In the third place, from the two results above, some pedagogical implications will
be suggested to better students’ English speaking skill
1.2.2 Objectives of the study
Objectives could be summarized into two questions as follows:
1 What are Vietnamese cultural factors which have negative influences onspeaking English as perceived through some types of freshmen speakingpresentation?
2 What are the ratios of influence of those Vietnamese cultural factors
1.3 Significance of the study
Once having been completed, this study would give decent benefits
As for first – year students, identifying which influential factors inVietnamese culture is an effective way to enhance their English speaking skill It isclear that not all Vietnamese cultural dimensions can prevent freshmen fromspeaking English Avoiding making mistakes and errors relating to cultural thought
Trang 10make use of some suggested implications to practice their English speaking andimprove it.
As for teachers, they stand a golden chance to reevaluate the function ofVietnamese cultural dimensions in spoken English The researcher does hope thatthey can take advantage of some implications in order to enhance student’sspeaking competence in English
1.4 Scope of the study
The study focuses on recognizing some Vietnamese cultural dimensions onfreshmen's study of English speaking skill at Faculty of English Language TeacherEducation at ULIS Four potential factors named Subjectivity – Objectivity,Directness – Indirectness, Accuracy – Inaccuracy, Redundancy – Economicalitywill be carefully explained in this study
In terms of research instrument, the scope of investigation is restricted to first –year students’ speaking activity in class The researcher does not choose oneparticular kind of speaking activity due to the fact that some categories mentioned inthe following Literature Review may extend their influences to all speaking activitiesthat they had learned Therefore, the author decides to cover all class speakingactivities of first-year students
1.5 Organization
The rest of paper includes five chapters as follows:
Chapter 2 (Literature review) provides the background of the study, including
definition of key concepts which are the notion of culture, cross-culturalcommunication in general as well as the relationship between culture and language,the interferences of native culture to L2 speaking Finally, an over view of somepotential influences of Vietnamese cultural dimensions on English speaking skillwill be investigated
Trang 11Chapter 3 (Methodology) describes the participants and instruments of the
study, as well as the procedure employed to carry out the research
Chapter 4 (Data analysis and discussion) presents, analyzes and discusses
the findings that the researcher found out from the data collected according to tworesearch questions
Chapter 5 (Recommendations) presents the author’s suggestions to resolve
some problems in some dimensions of Vietnamese cultural which have effects onfirst - year students’ study of speaking English
Chapter 6 (Conclusion) summarizes the main issues discussed in the paper,
the limitations of the research as well as some suggestion for further studies.Following this chapter are the References and Appendices
This second chapter, as the name says it, sheds light of the study, specificallythe background knowledge and some potential effects of Vietnamese culturalfactors on learners of English To begin with, a detailed presentation of the researchbackground will be provided with key concepts such as the definition of culture,cross-cultural communication in general as well as the relationship between cultureand language, the interferences of native culture to L2 speaking Finally, potentialinfluences of Vietnamese cultural dimensions on English speaking skill will beinvestigated on the basis of Nguyen Quang’s research
Key concepts
2.1 Culture
2.1.1 Definition of culture
The term “culture” is widely used in daily life; however, not many people
can define what exactly it is Many researchers have defined this term in manyways, but once again, it is quite difficult to judge which definition is the most
appropriate Some definitions mention “culture” in terms of its function in society For example, when defining the notion of culture, Goodenough affirms: “Culture is
a sort of knowledge which everyone must possess to function within a society” For
this point of view, Gary Ferrando (1996) also says: “culture is everything that
people have, think and do as a member of a society”.
Besides, Carley (1991) considers culture as the distribution of information(ideas, beliefs, concepts, symbols, technical knowledge, etc.) across the population
Trang 13In another aspect, Hofstede (1980, pp 21-23) defines culture as “the
collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group from another”, which is passed from generation to generation, it is changing all the
time because each generation adds something of its own before passing it on It isusual that one’s culture is taken for granted and assumed to be correct because it isthe only one, or at least the first, to be learned
In Vietnam, Nguyen Quang, PhD also mentions this issue From his
perspective, “culture is something which was and has been created through the
history of human development Culture is not statistic and is always changing The beliefs and values we hold now are not completely the same as those held in the pre
- historics of medieval times, or 100 years ago” (Nguyen Quang, 2001)
All in all, the definition that is the most suitable for this scope of study is
cited by Levin and Alderman: “culture is a shared background (for example,
national, ethnic, religious) resulting from a common language and communication style, customs, beliefs, attitudes, and values” Culture in this context does not refer
to art, music, literature, food, clothing style, and so on In fact, it refers to theinformal and often hidden patterns of human interactions, expressions andviewpoints that people in one culture share The hidden nature of culture has beencompared to an iceberg, most of which is hidden underwater Like the iceberg,much of the influence of culture on an individual cannot be seen The part of culturethat is exposed is not always that which creates cross-cultural difficulties; thehidden aspects of culture have significant effects on behavior and on interactionswith others
2.1.2 Language and culture Language and culture in general
Trang 14In terms of investigating features of cross-cultural communication as well asacquiring the L2, it is really vital to mention the relationship between language andculture at first
Language and culture are inseparably entwined However, there are somedifferent points of view in such issue First and foremost, language is the principalmeans whereby we conduct our social lives When it is used in contexts ofcommunication, it is bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways.(Kramsch, 1998, p 3)
According to Brown (1994) culture is deeply ingrained part of the very fiber
of our being, but language – the means for communication among members of aculture – is the most visible and available expression of that culture And so aperson’s world view, self – identity, and systems of thinking, acting, feeling, andcommunicating can be disrupted by a change from one culture to another Tang(1999) suggests that to speak a language well, one has to be able to think in thatlanguage, and thought is extremely powerful Language is the soul of the countryand people who speak it Language and culture are inextricably linked, and as such
we might think about moving away from questions about the inclusion or exclusion
of culture in foreign language curriculum, to issues of deliberate immersion versusnon - deliberate exposure to it (Cakir, 2006) Furthermore, Brown (1994:165) also
describes the two as follow “A language is a part of a culture and a culture is a
part of a language; the two are intricately interwoven so that one cannot separate the two without losing the significance of either language or culture” In short, the
studies that are mentioned above share the common point of view about theinseparability of language and culture
In terms of the role of language to culture, many linguists, anthropologists aswell as language teachers share the same opinions Moran (2001) mentions the role
of language as a tool to “carry out products, name the underlying cultural
perspectives in all the various communities that comprises their culture” The same
idea is clearly shown by Hinkel (1999), Brown (2000), Moran (2001) when they
Trang 15state that “language is the means of communication among members of a culture”.
As a result, language is the mirror of culture, in the sense that people can see aculture through its language In other words, language is also the main vehicle forcultural expression essential for individual and collective identity That is the reasonwhy language becomes one of the main tools mankind uses to interact and toexpress ideas, emotions, knowledge, memories and values
As can be seen from the above analysis, language and culture cannot existwithout each other It is no use doing research on culture without considering itslanguage These two factors combine to form a living organism If we compare thesociety to a swimming pool, language is a swimming skill and culture is the water.When both are present, people swim well (communicate successfully) They swimconfidently and rapidly when they are familiar with the water (eg within theirnative culture), but cautiously and slowly when it is unfamiliar to them (within aforeign culture) Language and culture in language acquisitions
Linguists and anthropologists have long recognized that the forms and uses
of a given language reflect the cultural values of the society in which the language
is spoken (Krasner, 1999) draws an important conclusion that “linguistic
competence alone is not enough for learners of a language to be competent in that language” In another paper, Robinson – Stuart and Nocon (1996) emphasize the
importance of second culture acquisitions in language learning by claiming thatlanguage learners need to be aware, for example, of the culturally appropriate ways
to address people, express gratitude, make requests, and agree or disagree withsomeone They should know that behaviors and intonation patterns that areappropriate in their own speech community may be perceived differently bymembers of the target language speech community They have to understand that, inorder for communication to be successful, language use must be associated withother culturally appropriate behavior
Trang 16In many regards, culture is taught implicitly, imbedded in the linguisticforms that students are learning To make students aware of the cultural featuresreflected in the language, teachers can make those cultural features an explicit topic
of discussion in relation to the linguistic forms being studied That viewpoint shares
the same idea with Politzer (1959): “As language teachers we must be interested in
the study of culture not because we necessarily want to teach the culture of the country but because we have to teach it”.
2.2 Communication
2.2.1 Definition of communication
Communication, as defined in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, is
“the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information” In other word, communication is actually a two-way process whereby
meaning is sent and received so as to gain shared understanding Furthermore,communication requires a sender, a message and a recipient, although the receiverdoes not need to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at thetime of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in timeand space Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area ofcommunicative commonality The communication process is complete once thereceiver has understood the message of the sender
2.2.2 Functions of communication
According to Rudolph and Kathleen (1981), people have to communicate because:
Communication is the social needs
Communication helps people “develop and maintain the sense of self”
Communication creates and develops relationships among people
Communication helps people exchange information or experience
Communication can create one’s influence on others
Trang 172.2.3 Types of communication
Throughout the research history, the classification of communication hasbeen carried out by many theorists However, with the aim of the thesis’s topic, thefollowing chart on communication which is suggested by Nguyen Quang should beconsidered
Trang 18(Adapted from Introduction to cross cultural communication (Do Mai Thanh & Dao Thu Trang, 2006)
Verbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Object language (Artifacts)
- Vocal characteristics + Pitch
+ Volume + Rate + Vocal quality + Types of vocal flow
Trang 19Quang, 2001:9)
As described in the chart, two kinds of communication are verbal and verbal communication Whereas verbal communication includes intralaguage, non-verbal communication contains paralanguage and extralanguage It should be notedthat spoken communication is a branch of intralanguage as verbal communication.Indeed, the same idea has been shared by Stewart and Angelo (1980) when theyshowed a simple table about types of communication Nevertheless, spoken wordsalso belong to non – verbal communication in terms of paralanguage
non-In a nutshell, spoken communication, or spoken word, is one of many
“process of sharing meaning through verbal and non – verbal behavior” (Nguyen
Quang, 1998a) Verbal communication
Verbal communication is about language, both written and spoken Verbalcommunication refers to the form of communication in which message istransmitted verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of
writing Therefore, many people assume that “verbal communication” refers to the term “communicating using words” which inevitably means using a language - a
system which governs the use of agreed sounds or other symbols in order toexchange information Non – verbal communication
Like verbal communication, people use non – verbal to share meaning withothers And there are many ways to define this term In the first place, Knapp andHall (2006) specify the three major components of nonverbal communication, thecommunication environment, the communicators’ paralinguistic characteristicsand the nonverbal behaviors such as body movements and positions Indeed, Burgoon, Buller, and Woodall (1989) point out that nonverbal communication is the
Trang 20Similarly, DePaulo and Friedman (1998) write that "nonverbal communication is the
dynamic, mostly face-to-face exchange of information through cues other than words" This view is also supported by Applbaum et al (1979), who describes the
role of nonverbal communication as the major resources of meaning people obtain
in communication
2.2.4 Cross – cultural communication
People in the same culture find it not too difficult when communicating witheach other as they share the same common values, beliefs, and reasoning styles oftheir culture Furthermore, each country owns different cultural activities and
cultural rituals For instance, there is a saying in America that, “I don’t care who
you are, I care what you did” This value places every American individual is in the
equal position with others in society; hence, American people tend to treat eachother relatively the same Whereas, in Vietnam there exists the hierarchy and power
so the difference between each person is quite considerable This example revealsthat people from one culture may not interpret meanings in the same way as peoplefrom the other culture, or their behaviors are not appropriate when communicating.They often interpret others’ speech basing on their own cultural convention andtend to use their cultural values to judge others
This kind of communication is called Cross – cultural communication, inwhich people communicate verbally or non – verbally, in person or in writing, and
in various business or social contexts
2.3 Some key categorical dimensions in cross – cultural communication
Nguyen Quang’s work in Foreign Language Journal (1998b) allows him todraw the conclusion that there are fourteen major Anglo – American – Vietnamesecross – cultural categories as follow:
1 Subjectivity – Objectivity
2 Directness – Indirectness
Trang 213 Accuracy – Inaccuracy
4 Positive politeness – Negative politeness
5 Self – abasement and self – assertion
11 Group orientation - Individual orientation
12 High context – Low context
13 Redundancy – Economicality
14 Staticality – DynamicalityThese categories exist in every language However, the aim of this study is toinvestigate some Vietnamese cultural dimensions which extend their influences onfreshmen’s study of English speaking skill Therefore, the author will go in details
in some categories as follow:
it is not touched by the speaker’s previous experiences or tastes The second onecalled subjective which is a statement that has been colored by the character of thespeaker or writer It often has a basis in reality, but reflects the perspective throughwith the speaker views reality Furthermore, the understanding of these twoperceptions will be much clearer in the following notions
Trang 22Subjectivity is the communicative way in which people consider the ego as a subject as a result, we can see the speakers’ or writers’ opinions, position, feelings and attitudes Thus, subjectivity is the way of viewing the world with the “ego” being the only subject in the universe.
Objectivity is the communicative way in which people consider the ego an object as a result, the speakers or the writers’ position, feelings and attitudes are hardly seen unless some intra-linguistic, paralinguistic and extra- linguistic factors are used.
(Do Mai Thanh & Dao Thu Trang, 2006:9) The use of prepositions
The notion preposition is quite an interesting issue There may be so manythings to say when comparing prepositions in English with those in Vietnamese in alarge scale Nonetheless, within this paper, the researcher only makes a contrastbetween English and Vietnamese prepositions in two aspects: prepositions ofmovement with directional verbs and locative prepositions These two cases oftencause problems for Vietnamese people when using English Prepositions of movement with directional verbs
The first difference between English and Vietnamese prepositions is related
to directional verbs Learners of English should bear in mind that it is not thespeaker’s position, but the direction that people in English culture pay attention to
In English, directional verbs like “come”, “go” and “arrive” cannot take direct
objects This means they must have a preposition (or a prepositional phrase), bareparticle or deictic verbal (“bare noun phrase adverb”) Here is an example ofdirectional verbs with preposition
This is the first time I come to Hanoi
Trang 23Considering again the sentence above, the listener or reader can easily make out the
position of the speaker or writer “Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi đến (arrive)/ ra (go to)/
xuống (go down)/ lên (go up) Hà Nội”
Actually, in Vietnamese, there is no preposition which is similar to preposition
“to” in English The verb “đến” (reach, arrive at) is used instead as the following
Tôi không có thời giờ đi (đến) bưu điện
I don’t have time to go to the post-office Locative prepositions
According to Do & Dao (2006), the Anglicist are not always conscious about
the position of “ego” when looking at its direction of movement They consider
“ego” an “object” existing in the space and pay more attention to the destination of
Figure 2: The analysis of the “ego” position by the Anglicist
On the contrary, in Vietnam, people tend to consider the position of thespeakers basing on the subjectivity in Vietnamese culture It can be explainedthat the use of prepositions of location in Vietnam is dependent on cultural
factors Preposition “vào” (into) illustrates that the speaker is in a larger and
Up/To Out/To
Trang 24brighter space and going to get into a smaller and darker one The same thing
can be said about “trong” (in).
We can sum up the use of pairs of these prepositions as follow:
Figure 3: The analysis of Vietnamese thought of the “ego” position
This is the very first matter that learners of English should pay attention to when speaking English It can be suggested that the use of preposition plays an important role in spoken communication The use of passive voice
Another noteworthy influence of objectivity and subjectivity is the use ofpassive voice From Nguyen Quang’s paper, passive voice is often used in case offormal speech or written communication Additionally, the fact is that English areinclined to use passive voice in their speaking and writing more than Vietnamese
do It is not rare when reading such sentences below in academic writing:
It is said that…
It is widely believed that…
She is considered to be…
In these situations, the objectivity is shown plainly Nonetheless, whentranslating those sentences into Vietnamese, to some extends, the active voice can
be more acceptable:
Người ta nói rằng…
(People say that…)
Người ta hoàn toàn tin rằng…
(People widely believe that… )
Trang 25 Mọi người cho rằng cô ta…
(People think that she…)
Those cases above extremely reveal that the ego always plays a dominantrole in Vietnamese In another word, the subjectivity can be recognized withoutdifficulties when communicating with people in Vietnam
Indeed, the passive voice in Vietnamese is often known through the way people use
“bị” and “được” In details, this is the distinction in the speaker or writer’ attitudes
toward the issue mentioned in the utterance While “bị” points out the negative attitudes or the unpleasant events, “được” indicates the good luck or positive attitudes For examples, the sentence “I got mark 8 in Math” can be translated into
Vietnamese in two ways basing on two different attitudes:
Tôi được điểm 8 môn Toán (over the speaker’s expectation)
Tôi bị điểm 8 môn Toán (under the speaker’s expectation )
It is another important issue that triggers many obstacles for Vietnameselearners in mastering English as a L2 Hence, learners of English should pay a lotattention to this matter to avoid unexpected consequences
2.3.2 Directness – Indirectness
The second cross – cultural category that may have significant effects onspoken English is Directness – Indirectness In order to communicate effectivelyacross culture, people need to understand the cultural thought pattern behind thelanguage of communication The fact is that these thought patterns influence theway native speakers of a language will express themselves Moreover, they will alsoput impact on how native speakers expect to hear the information presented.Indeed, when the speaker and the listener have different cultural thought patterns,there is an increasing likelihood for miscommunication and cross cultural conflict.However, by mimicking the communication style of the listener, the speaker isaffirming the listener’s values in this area
In Kaplan’s study of 700 essays of foreign students in the United States, heproposes four discourse structures that contrast with English linearity Thesedissimilarities can be seen clearly through the following diagram It should not be
Trang 26taken as an absolute but as a guide for developing cultural competence in crosscultural communication, as both a speaker and a listener.
Figure 4: Cultural thought patterns by Kaplan J
This diagram illustrates that English users often use direct expressions andthought pattern Communication here is direct, linear and does not digress or go offtopic Meanwhile, the Oriental people in general and the Vietnamese in particularare inclined to use the roundabout and indirect patterns In another word,communication in these nations is indirect; a topic is not addressed head on, but isviewed from various perspectives, working around and around the point Do ThiMai Thanh (1999) also concluded that the Vietnamese seem to prefer indirectstrategies and employ roundabout expression, especially in communication
Another crucial issue that Vietnamese learners should take into consideration isthe order of information Vietnamese are prone to choose the least-to-mostimportant order of information basing on the tendency of being more indirect Incontrast, English prefer the most-to-least important order of information Thisdeference can be indicated in the followings
Trang 27Figure 5: The order of information in Vietnamese and in English
In Nguyen Quang’s statistics (1997), when he asked 26 Americans and 8Australians to choose one of the two following sentences
1 Next Monday, at about 2 p.m, I’ll be waiting for you at home
2 I’ll be waiting for you at home at about 2 p.m next Monday
Most Americans and Australians chose the second sentence (23/26 and 8/8respectively)
In short, Directness – Indirectness is one of the most important factors whichVietnamese learners should certainly remember when speaking English
2.3.3 Accuracy – Inaccuracy The use of tenses
In English, a finite verb carries both tense and aspect The tense indicates thetime in which an action occurs, present, past, or future For example, the present
tense of the verb to bring is "bring", the past tense is "brought", and the future tense is
"will bring" On the other hand, the aspect shows whether an action happens
habitually, continuously, or repeatedly (Longman Group, 1995) “English has four
aspects: simple (or zero aspect), progressive, perfect, and their combination, perfect progressive” (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p 110) These four
aspects are illustrated in the following examples:
He speaks English with his girlfriend every day (simple)
He is speaking English with his girlfriend at the moment (progressive)
He has spoken English with his girlfriend very often recently (perfect)
He has been speaking English with his girlfriend for nearly three hours (perfect progressive)
Nevertheless, the situation is not the same in Vietnamese There are only lexical
indicators such as “đã, rồi (already), từng (ever), vừa (just), sẽ, sắp (will), toan”,
etc to express the past, present and future In another word, the situation seems to besimpler in Vietnamese That is the reason why many English learners get difficulty
in finding out an appropriate tense to translate Vietnamese into English Theexample of “đã” can be explained for this ambiguity
Trang 28 Nam đã ăn sáng xong
(Nam has finished his breakfast)
Trước khi đến trường tôi đã làm xong bài tập
(Before going to school, I had done the homework)
Bạn đã bao giờ tới Paris chưa?
(Have you ever been to Paris?)
“Đã” can be understood as an indicator for past tenses in Vietnamese;
however, when translating into English, the verb tense seems to be various
Furthermore, what determines tenses and aspects in Vietnamese are not auxiliaries,but context clues, especially metalinguistic, intralinguistic and extralinguisticcontexts as illustrated by Nguyen Quang (2002)
I met him yesterday
(Hôm qua tôi đã gặp anh ta)
I had met him before he flew home
(Tôi đã gặp nó trước khi nó bay về nước)
Don’t worry, I’ve met him
(Yên chí, tôi đã gặp ông ấy rồi) The use of genitive indicators
In general, there are four types of genitive indicators in English They are the
“-s” genitive, possessive genitive, pronouns and preposition “of” All of them have
the equivalence in Vietnamese called “của” Accuracy in English indicators of
possession often cannot be used interchangeably Nevertheless, speakers shouldbear in mind the case of “-s” genitive and “-of” genitive According to Quirk.R andGreenbaum.S (2003, p 96 - 97), the “-s” genitive is favored by animate nouns, inparticular persons and animals with personal characteristics For instance, we can
say Ann’s hat, but not the door’s house or the love of John Besides, “-of” genitive
is the link between inanimate nouns such as the destruction of the city or the title of
the book.
Additionally, possessive adjectives and pronouns are two others differentways to show possession in English To be more specific, possessive adjectives go
Trang 29before the noun (eg This is my car) and possessive pronouns go after the noun (eg The car is mine) The list of the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns is
revealed clearly by the table below:
Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns
On the contrary, in Vietnam, the usage of “của” is likely to be more flexible.
Due to the fact that it is the only genitive in Vietnamese, it is widely used for both
animate and inanimate nouns However, in many cases, the Vietnamese omit “của”
like the following examples:
Tôi đi về quê
(Literal translation: I go to hometown)
(Standard English: I go to my hometown)
Tôi cầm túi và đi ra ngoài
(Literal translation: I took bag and went out)
(Standard English: I took my bag and went out)
In the process learning English as a L2, Vietnamese learners should pay muchattention to this matter and find the accurate method to resolve the problem
2.3.4 Redundancy – Economicality Redundancy
According to Longman dictionary of English language and culture,
redundancy, in general usage can be defined as “more of anything than is (strictly)
needed, usually resulting from repetition or duplication: pleonasm or tautology”.
Trang 30contains more information than is needed for it to be understood In another word,redundancy can be described as the difference between the possible and actualinformation in a message This difference may be repetition or other encoding
beyond the real essential information, for instance “Can you rewrite your answer
on the board again?” In this example, “again” is a redundant word because it is a
repetition of “rewrite” More interestingly, some previous studies indicated that
Vietnamese is different from native speakers of English in terms of thoughtpatterns Specifically, when making request, Vietnamese are prone to use muchmore indirect than people from English culture
Noticeably, Nguyen Quang (2002) notes that there are three types of
redundancy “In terms of functions and pragmatics, redundancy can be divided
into: modal redundancies, insufficient redundancies and habitual redundancies”
In the first place, modal redundancy is regarded as the repetition of a word orphrase In fact, it can create rhetorical effectiveness for the text and the speech.Modality redundancy is created in order to emphasize the meaning, create soundimpression or produce the rhythm in literature
For example, in English, “Thousands of innocent people were killed in New
York by bombing that was lead by, was done by, was sponsored, was supported by
Bin Laden”.
In this example, the verb “was” and passive structure are repeated to
emphasize on the devastating effects that Bin Laden’s terrorist attack had broughtabout Similarly, in Vietnamese, especially in poetry, modality redundancy isapplied as a way to produce the rhythm
Mấy chục năm rồi đến tận bây giờ
Bà vẫn giữ thói quen dậy sớm
Nhóm bếp lửa ấp iu nồng đượm Nhóm niềm yêu thương khoai sắn ngọt bùi Nhóm nồi xôi gạo mới sẻ chung vui
Nhóm dậy cả những tâm tình tuổi nhỏ
Trang 31Ôi ký lạ và thiêng liêng – bếp lửa!
In the second place, insufficient redundancy is produced by the one who find
it hard when expressing himself due to limited understanding or way of thinking.Among three types of redundancy, it is the most confusing and ambiguous and
likely to cause misunderstanding For instance, in Vietnamese “Hôm nay thì thế
này ạ, tôi mời ông bà đến thưa chuyện của cháu”, in English “Oh, well, um, really, I… I am finding, um,… my ring It may, um, be somewhere here, but…but there’s nothing”
Last but not least, habitual redundancy represents the specific features of aculture and becomes principal linguistics elements in people’s daily speeches For
example, English people might say “In my opinion, I think that you are wrong” without realizing that “in my opinion” or “I think” is a kind of habitual redundancy.
Moreover, as a result of redundancy interference, many Vietnamese learners makemistakes in speaking and writing in English For examples:
Tôi thì tôi cứ nói thẳng ra thế này….
(I frankly say that…)
Theo tôi, tôi cho rằng
(In my opinion, I think…) Economicality
In contrast to redundancy, economicality is defined by Nguyen Quang as akind of language contradiction, particularly a form of lexico – contraction but stillcan be understood in context For instance, there is a situation between two friendscalled A and B A leaves the classroom without turning off the lights When making
a very economical utterance “lights”, B actually performs an act of requesting to A
to turn off the lights
Like Redundancy, there are three types of economicality, too First of all, modalityeconomicality is seen as the contradiction of words or phrases of least importance inconveying meanings of a message
For instance, in English, “Much have I had lots of dreams and many nice
angels seen” and in Vietnamese “Giá mà cứ thế này mãi thì thích nhỉ”
Trang 32Besides, habitual economicality refers to non – conventional discourse structures,
for example “(Tôi) nói khí không phải”, “Năm thì mười họa” or “In my opinion”,
“Frankly (Frankly speaking)”
Whereas, insufficient economicality is commonly seen among these whohave poor ability to express ideas or among small children For instance
In English In Vietnamese
I not play football Mẹ ơi, Mai muốn nước
Jack likes listening music Cả nhà đi ông bà ngoại
In conclusion, the Redundancy – Economicality is one of cross-culturalcategories which have much influence on Vietnamese learner’s speaking andwriting style Only when having profound knowledge of England tradition anddoing more practices under teacher’s instructions can learners get through theseobstacles and achieve both linguistic and cultural competence
In a nutshell, Subjectivity – Objectivity, Directness – Indirectness, Accuracy– Inaccuracy and Redundancy – Economicality have been explained so as toidentify some Vietnamese cultural dimensions which extend their influences onfreshmen’s study of English speaking skill This analysis will be a usefulbackground for the researcher in the next part of the study
The previous chapter has given a brief and selected review of the keyconcept and what has been researched related to the topic Having the theoreticalbackground established, in this chapter, the information such as participants,
Trang 33instruments, data collection procedures and data analysis will be clearly presented.
It is a thorough preparation for the next part, the findings and discussion chapter
3.1 Participants
The study is limited to first – year students in Faculty of English LanguageTeacher Education in ULIS, VNU The reason why the researcher decides to choosethis population of interest is that freshmen have just graduated from high school.They have passed the university entrance exam and still have not known muchabout this new learning environment As a result, they may get difficulties inavoiding mistakes, including Vietnamese culture influences
The participants were all chosen from those who major in English Languageteaching from E3 to E9 The more the groups get involved in the research, the moreobjective the result would be
3.2 Data collection instruments
In order to get the needed information, the researcher uses two followingresearch instruments: questionnaires and observation
3.2.1 Survey questionnaire
For a collection of sufficient reliable and valid data for the research, theauthor decided to apply questionnaires which could meet both quantitative andqualitative requirements It is true that using this kind of instrument to collectinformation would help researchers receive a great amount of answers in a veryshort time Moreover, it is easier to analyze afterwards since the data are written
3.2.2 Class observation
Class observation was employed as a primary as the primary data collectioninstrument to make this research more accessible and practical During 2 week, fourobservation remarks were completed With the aim of increasing the validity for thestudy, the observation was to find out some cultural dimensions which haveinfluenced on first year study of English speaking skill, too The date, period oflesson, profile of students and the main part for taking notes of some cultural factorswere included and transcribed in detail
Trang 34Calls and emails for the teachers’ permission at four classes were first made,and then the observation would be conducted in their classrooms A briefintroduction about the researcher, the topic and the purpose of the observation wereclearly shown to the teacher and students in each class All these lessons would berecorded for more precise and comprehensive analysis.
In the first semester, freshmen studied four English skills in two categorieswhich are English for social purposes and English for academic purposes In thesetwo courses, there are a lot of new activities related to speaking skill which havejust been designed for freshmen However, the researcher does not choose oneparticular kind of speaking activity due to the fact that some categories mentioned
in the Literature Review may extend their influences to all speaking activities thatthey had learned Therefore, the author decides to cover all class speaking activities
of first-year students
3.3 Data collection procedure
3.1 Survey questionnaire
The procedure of data collection is intended to put into four phases
Stage 1: Designing the questionnaire
In this step, the researcher designs the questionnaires and sets up plans forcollecting data It was consisted of two questions with the aim of collecting dataregarding respectively students’ feeling about some Vietnamese cultural dimensions
on freshmen's study of English speaking skill
In the first question: Students are asked to translate these sentences inEnglish
1 Objectivity – Subjectivity
1 Tôi đi về quê
1 Hằng ngày, Lan đi học bằng xe đạp
2 Tết đến, gia đình tôi hay đi chùa cầu may
Trang 35The aim of those sentences is to investigate how students use prepositions of movement with directional verbs to translate (“to” or other prepositions).
3 Máy bay ở trên trời
4 Đàn cá đang bơi dưới nước
5 Những chiếc xe hơi chạy ngoài đường
These three sentences are aimed to look into how students use locativeprepositions (“in” or other prepositions)
6 Hôm qua tôi bị thi trượt
7 Người ta tin rằng có cuộc sống ở ngoài hành tinh
8 Mọi người cho rằng ông ấy là một nhà văn vĩ đại
The purpose of these sentences is to check whether Vietnamese students knowthe difference between English and Vietnamese passive voice
2 Accuracy – Inaccuracy
1 Nam đã ăn sáng xong
2 Trước khi đi thi Hoa đã ôn bài cẩn thận
3 Anh đã bao giờ đến Huế chưa?
The aim of these sentences is to investigate how students understand thedifference between English and Vietnamese tenses
4 Chiếc mũ của Peter ở trên bàn
5 Nhan đề của cuốn sách rất hay
6 Mary ghi bài vào vở
Those sentences are aimed to check how students use the genitive indicators
In the second question: Students are asked what to say in the following situations
3 Directness – Indirectness
1 Situation 1: You want to borrow your friend VND 300,000 for some reason
2 Situation 2: You want to refuse your friend’s invitation to her party for some
3 Situation 3: This is a conversation between two friends Put a tick on the answer
Trang 36fell the most suitable.
How about our meeting at the weekend?
(1) Alright, on this Sunday morning, at 8.30, I will pick you up
(2) Alright, I will pick you up at 8.30 on this Sunday morning
(3) Alright, at 8.30 on this Sunday morning, I will pick you up
Those situations are aimed to look into whether Vietnamese students use Direct orIndirect way to communicate
4 Redundancy – Economicality
1.Situation 1: What would you express when you want to give your opinion
2 Situation 2: Imagine that you are first - year student in ULIS, VNU Today isyour
first day at this university and you do not know the way to your university Bychance, you meet a friend (at your same age) and he/she knows the way to ULIS,VNU How do you use the following ways to request a friend to show you the way
to get there?
3 Situation 3: You are on a bus One friend (the same age with you) smokes whichirritates other passengers How do you use the following ways to request him/her to stop this action?
The purpose of these situations is to check whether Vietnamese students use Redundancy – Economically
Stage 2: Piloting
The questionnaire is given to about 5-7 relevant respondents to get feedbackand workability of the questionnaire As a result, the questionnaire is piloted to findout which questions or expressions are not clear or/and lead to ambiguity or/andmisunderstanding to respondents Correction and adjustment have been madeafterwards
Stage 3: Delivering the questionnaire
After choosing classes to conduct the survey, the questionnaires will bedispensed to the students at the beginning of class time The researcher brieflyexplains the purpose and the terms for the students to understand the way to deal
Trang 37with the questionnaires and be willing to share opinions towards the studied issue.Subsequently, the investigator suggests the classes finish the questionnaires in theirbreak time and then collects all the papers.
Stage 4: Encoding the data
This last stage of finalizing data is of great importance It is time tosynthesize all the documents and analyze in the purpose of investigating what isrelated to the topic
3.4 Data analysis procedure
The collected data was initially classified according to the two researchquestions The first one is what cultural categories have impact on Englishspeaking as perceived from the questionnaires It is vital to examine whether theevidences are compatible with the prediction of some potential categories in theLiterature Review chapter The second one is to evaluate the ratio of influencesamong cultural dimensions in speaking activities in class
First and foremost, it took a great amount of time to study all thequestionnaires and analyze data from class observation Each of them needed acareful analysis to find out Vietnamese cultural dimensions which have influences
on students’ speaking in English Evidences from all the papers and the recordswere carefully noted and categorized into different cases Any examples belonging
to new groups would be taken into consideration
After forming a list of different influencing cultural factors, their level of impact onEnglish speaking would be considered It is not only the ratio of each factor incomparison with the others but also the ratio of sub-types in the relation with the bigone
In the meantime, findings from questionnaire were compared and contrastedwith the findings from class observation to seek the connection between theinfluences of those four main categories on freshmen study of English speakingskill in reality and in student’s perception
By this way, the researcher can point out the major impact of different Vietnamesecultural categories on first – year students in speaking hour in English
Trang 38Briefly, this chapter has given a deliberate account of the methods employed
to gather and analyze data It can be said that the procedure is not very complicated,however, what the researcher needs here is the corporation from the first - yearstudents
In the preceding chapter, the methodology applied in this study had been clarifiedwith detailed descriptions of participants, the instruments and the process of datacollection and analysis In this chapter, all collected data will be analyzed and
Trang 39discuss to point out the answer to each research question in turn More importantly,the connection between these findings and theoretical background of potentialVietnamese cultural factors which may have influences on English speaking andother related studies will also be carried out
4.1 Findings
4.1.1 Research question 1: What are Vietnamese cultural factors which have negative influences on speaking English as perceived through some types of freshmen speaking presentation?
The aim of this research is to recognize some Vietnamese cultural dimensionswhich put impact on freshmen’s study of English speaking skill The detailedanalysis of 147 survey questionnaires and class observation has resulted insignificant findings of influential factors in Vietnamese culture More importantly,
it should be noted that all potential factors in Vietnamese culture presented in theLiterature Review chapter appeared in the questionnaires and in class observationwith different ratios In the following part, each category is going to be discussedwith sufficient evidence and in – depth examination Hence, firstly, the study isgoing to discussed the manifestation of the negative influences of Vietnamesecultural factors on freshmen’s study of English speaking skill by explaining thecollected data, and then indicates their levels of the influence Subjectivity – Objectivity
In the Literature Review, the distinctions between Vietnamese and English in thiscategory could be divided into two subtypes They were the use of prepositions andthe use of passive voice
To begin with, it is the use of prepositions that was taken into account in theanalysis It can be said that this aspect is one of the indicators which exposed thedifferences between the two cultures most clearly As mentioned in the LiteratureReview, the researcher only made a contrast between English and Vietnameseprepositions in two aspects which were prepositions of movement with directionalverbs and locative prepositions
Trang 40Firstly, in three sentences in case preposition of movement with directional verbs,88% of students answered correctly They only made mistakes when translating
sentence “Tôi đi về quê” Instead of doing “I come back to my hometown” or “I go
to my hometown”, 12% of students translated like “I come back my hometown”.
This proportion showed that freshmen are aware of avoiding this situation
Secondly, in terms of locative preposition, when collecting the data, the researcherdid not recognize a lot of mistakes basing on the interference of Vietnamesethought The fact is that 87% of students translated correctly three sentences related
to locative prepositions in the survey questionnaire Only 13% of them did those
sentences incorrectly Instead of using “The plane is in the sky”, “A school of fish
swims in the water”, “”Cars runs in the street”, few of them translated such as
The plane is above the sky
The plane is up to the sky
A school of fish swims under the water
A school of fish swims into water
Cars run outside the road
Cars run down the street
In reality, when making class observation, the researcher also found out that year students were not under the influences of Vietnamese thought in terms oflocative prepositions Similarly, very few of freshmen made an utterance like
first- I want to come back Ho Chi Minh mausoleum in a near day
I like IPH building because it has a lot of trees outside the yard
From the above analysis, it should be noted that first – year students are aware ofthe case locative prepositions and did not make any mistakes related to this subtypeLastly, the use of passive voice in the pair Subjectivity and Objectivity is the sub -category that needs considering In all three sentences showing this sub – category,
while 21% of freshmen answered incorrectly the first sentence “I failed the exam
yesterday”, 79% of freshmen mistranslated the other two sentences It is not rare
when discovering some sentences like:
They believe that there is life on another planet