KHÓA ĐÀO TẠO TÍNH TOÁN ỔN ĐỊNH VÀ HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG PHẦN MỀM PSSE CHO KỸ SƯ HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN (Mô phỏng và tính toán hệ thống điện Việt Nam trên Phần mềm PSSE):• Overview of the Vietnamese Power System. • Load Flow Analysis. • N1 Contingency Analysis. • ShortCircuit Analysis. • PV QV Analysis.
TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION A Division of Global Power POWER SYSTEM STABILITY CALCULATION TRAINING Day 4 - Overview of the Vietnamese Power System Day 4 - Overview of the Vietnamese Power System November 21, 2012Prepared by: Frida Ceja-Gomez eBook for You 2 OUTLINE OifthVit P St • O verv i ew o f th e Vi e t namese P ower S ys t em • Load Flow Anal y sis y • N-1 Contingency Analysis • Short-Circuit Analysis PV & QV A l i • PV & QV A na l ys i s eBook for You 3 THE VIETNAMESE POWER THE VIETNAMESE POWER SYSTEM Overview of the Vietnamese Power System & Load Flow Analysis Load Flow Analysis eBook for You Saved Case File and Slider File 4 THE VIETNAMESE POWER SYSTEM Saved Case File and Slider File Today’s exercises will require the following • Today’s exercises will require the following files: September_2013_max.sav 500 kV sld 500 kV . sld • The slider file only represents the 500kV tiit t ransm i ss i on sys t em eBook for You The Vietnamese Power System 5 THE VIETNAMESE POWER SYSTEM The Vietnamese Power System • High voltage transmission at transmission at 500kV and 220kV • Medium voltage • Medium voltage transmission at 110kV • Divided in 3 regions: • North • Central Sth • S ou th eBook for You Region Totals North 6 THE VIETNAMESE POWER SYSTEM Region Totals - North • Generate a zone based report including all the zones belonging to the North belonging to the North region • What can be said of this • What can be said of this region? eBook for You Region Totals South 7 THE VIETNAMESE POWER SYSTEM Region Totals - South • Generate a zone based report including all the zones belonging to the South region • How is this region different from the North region? eBook for You Region Totals Central 8 THE VIETNAMESE POWER SYSTEM Region Totals - Central • Generate a zone based report including all the zones belonging to the South region • How does this region compare to the other two? eBook for You Links to Other Countries 9 THE VIETNAMESE POWER SYSTEM Links to Other Countries • Generate an inter-area flow re p ort for the links p with China, Laos and Cambodia • Is power imported from or exported to these Is power imported from or exported to these countries? eBook for You Running the Load Flow Simulation 10 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Running the Load Flow Simulation • Run the p ower flow simulation p • Verify the Progress window. Are there any problems? eBook for You [...]... criteria used in Vietnam eBook for You • 14 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Limit Checking Reports Verify if there are any voltage violations at the 500kV y y g level eBook for You • 15 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Limit Checking Reports Verify if there are any voltage violations at the 220kV y y g level eBook for You • 16 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Limit Checking Reports Verify if there are any voltage violations at the 110 kV y y g level.. .11 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Single Line Diagram Does the diagram range checking flag any problems? g g g g yp eBook for You • 12 LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Limit Checking Reports Verify if there are any branch overloads... DFAX file Verify the output bar for any problems with the distribution factor file • Note that several contingencies create islands eBook for You • 23 N-1 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS AC Contingency Solution Name the contingency solution output file and g y p solve eBook for You • 24 N-1 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS AC C ti Contingency S l ti Solution Verify if the p y power flow solution converged for all g contingencies