KHÓA ĐÀO TẠO TÍNH TOÁN ỔN ĐỊNH VÀ HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG PHẦN MỀM PSSE CHO KỸ SƯ HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN (Xuất kết quả tính toán ổn định trong Phần mềm PSSE): • Introduction to PSSPLT. • Plotting with PSSPLT. • Recording an IDEV file. • Recording an IDEV file. • Creating an IDEV file for plotting
Trang 1A Division of Global Power
D 7 Pl tti ith PSSPLT Day 7 - Plotting with PSSPLT
July 12, 2013 Prepared by: Frida Ceja-Gomez
• Introduction to PSSPLT
• Plotting with PSSPLT
• Recording an IDEV file
• Creating an IDEV file for plotting
Trang 4What is PSSPLT?
What is PSSPLT?
• PSSPLT is a separate PSS
• PSSPLT is a separate PSS
module that allows the
user to manipulate and
plot data
• To access PSSPLT, go to
the Start menu, Programs,
and open the PSSE 33
folder (as shown on the
picture to the right)
Trang 5What is PSSPLT?
What is PSSPLT?
• The PSSPLT GUI is shown below Each activity will be discussed on
the next slides.
Trang 6PSSPLT Activities
PSSPLT Activities
• CHNF: This activity allows the user to select the channel output file
to use for plotting (.out).
• RANG: The range activity allows the user to determine the channel
data minimum and maximum limits.
• IDNT: The channel identification listing activity tabulates a listing of
channel identifiers.
• TINT: The time interval activity is used to set the beginning and
ending times for subsequent plots.
• SLCT: The plot channel selection activity is used to select one or SLCT: The plot channel selection activity is used to select one or
more channels to be plotted.
• PLOT: The plotting activity generates the plots defined by invoking
previous activities such as SLCT
previous activities, such as SLCT.
Trang 7PSSPLT Activities
PSSPLT Activities
• PLOT, IN: This activity allows plotting in an interactive
mode in which the user can add notes and pointers to the
mode, in which the user can add notes and pointers to the
• CLSP: This activity is used to close a plot and have it sent to
a spooled device.
• MCHN: The multiple plot file selection activity allows the
user to choose a maximum of six binary plot files to be used
user to choose a maximum of six binary plot files to be used
for subsequent operations.
• STOP: This activity allows the user to exit PSSPLT y
• IDEV: The input device selection activity is used to change
the source from which PSSPLT accepts the user’s
commands to a response file
commands to a response file.
Trang 9Selecting the channel output file
Selecting the channel output file
the one shown
to the right will
Trang 10Defining the range of the output channel
Defining the range of the output channel
Cli k ti it RANG
• Click on activity RANG
• Select Generate Actual
Adjusted Scales
• This option searches
through the data for
all channels and
Trang 11Selecting the channels to plot
Selecting the channels to plot
• Click on activity SLCT, and then
click on select
• The window to the right will appear
• Choose the channel you wish
to plot and click OK
• Define the minimum and maximum values for the Y-
axis and click OK
Trang 12Selecting the channels to plot
Selecting the channels to plot
• If you click again on activity SLCT, a window showing the selected
channels will pop up
• Note that a maximum of 6 channels can be selected at a time
Th diff t ith ti f ti ill b di d l t b t A
• The different arithmetic functions will be discussed later, but A
means that there is no function applied to the channel
Trang 13Plotting the selected channels
Plotting the selected channels
• Click on activity PLOT
• The window shown below will appear
• Enter the name you wish to assign to this plot
and click OK
Trang 14Plotting the selected channels
Plotting the selected channels
• The following window will
• The options shown are the
• The options shown are the
different graphic devices
available to plot the
Trang 15Plotting the selected channels
Plotting the selected channels
• The plot of the selected channels should be generated, as
shown below
Trang 16Closing the plot file
Closing the plot file
• Click on the plot to close it
Trang 17RECORDING AN IDEV FILE eBook for You
Trang 18Activity ECHO
Activity ECHO
• IDEV files are useful to automate the generation of plots and avoid
repetitive tasks
• When you generate a plot manually, you can record the commands
in an IDEV file that can be later used to repeat the plot
• To start recording
commands in an IDEV file,
go to the IO Control menu
and click on ECHO (Set
echo device)
• A window will open
prompting you to type the
name of the IDEV file to be
created (or select an (
existing file)
Trang 19Opening the output file
Opening the output file
• This time we will plot the voltage at Bus 201 p g
• We will also learn how to apply an arithmetic
function to a channel
• If PSSPLT was closed in the previous activity, open
the program again
• Use activity CHNF to open the output file
• We will continue to use the output file:
• We will continue to use the output file:
• Then perform activity RANG, Generate Actual Then perform activity RANG, Generate Actual
Adjusted Scales, click OK and then No More.
Trang 20Applying a function to the output
Applying a function to the output
• Go to the Edit menu and select
FUNC (choosing a plotting
FUNC (choosing a plotting
• Select User Defined Arithmetic
Function and click OK
• Enter the arithmetic expression
• In this case we will multiply the
channel by 500, so that we can see
the voltage in kV instead of pu
Trang 21Selecting the channel to plot
Selecting the channel to plot
• Go to activity SLCT and select channel 13
• Set the minimum and maximum values for the plot scale,
click OK, and then No more
• Note how on the top left corner we can see the function that
will be applied to the channel
Trang 22Setting FUNC back to channel value
Setting FUNC back to channel value
reset this option
• To avoid this, go to the
Edit menu, FUNC
activity and select
activity and select
Channel Value
• Click OK
Trang 23Plotting the output
Plotting the output
• Go to activity PLOT and
• Go to activity PLOT and
enter the name of the plot
• Again, select MS-Windows Again, select MS Windows
(color) as the graphic
Trang 24Plotting the output
Plotting the output
• The following plot should be generated:
Trang 25Closing the IDEV file
Closing the IDEV file
• To stop recording commands to the IDEV file, go to the IO
Control menu and click on ECHO,OFF (Turn off ECHO)
Trang 26Verifying the IDEV file
• Open the created IDEV file
• It should look like the one
shown to the right
• The first line is added
automatically by the program
to force the menu to the
correct status, as explained , p
on the file
• Note that /* indicates a
• Let us do a line by line
analysis of this file
Trang 27Understanding the IDEV file
Understanding the IDEV file
Line by line analysis:
1 Force menu to correct status
2 Open output channel file
3 Specify file path
4 Start activity RANG
5 Generate actual adjusted scales
6 Exit RANG activity
7 Define a function
8 Option 2: User defined arithmetic
8 Option 2: User defined arithmetic
Trang 28Understanding the IDEV file (cont.)
9 Multiply channel by 500 18 Select graphic device 26 –
17 Plot name: Voltage (kV)
Trang 29Running an IDEV file
• To run the IDEV file we just created go to activity IDEV
• To run the IDEV file we just created, go to activity IDEV
• Click on the Select button to choose the file you wish to open
• Click on OK
Trang 31Creating an IDEV file
• Based on the analysis of the recorded IDEV file from the previous
• Based on the analysis of the recorded IDEV file from the previous
section, we will now create our own IDEV file
• The purpose of this IDEV file will be to plot all the machine angles
and bus voltages in our test system
• As seen on the previous slides, the main structure to follow when
writing an IDEV file is:
ACTIVITY NAME Option number Parameter specification EXIT (0)
• Open a text file (Notepad) and save it as: Example1_myIDEV.idv
Trang 32First lines of an IDEV file
• We begin by forcing the
menu to the correct status
• Activity POPT, option 15 is
set to 4 plots per page (note
that this activity can be
found under the Misc menu)
• We then perform activity p y
CHNF, to open the output file
• Instead of writing the name
of the output file we will
of the output file, we will
write %1%.out to be able to
call this file from another
IDEV file and use different
output files (this will be
output files (this will be
explained later)
Trang 33Selection of the channels
• Now we start activity RANG
• Now, we start activity RANG
and select option 1: Generate
Actual Adjusted Scales.
W th it ith 0
• We then exit with 0
• We then start activity SLCT
and choose all the angles
• Note that the R following the
channel number allows us to
specify the range later p y g
• Next we specify the range for
each of the selected
Trang 34Creating an IDEV file
• Once the channels are
selected, we perform
activity PLOT
• We will name this plot We will name this plot
“Machine’s Angles (Deg)”
• Next we specify the
graphic device : option 41
/ Postscript
• This option will allow us
• This option will allow us
to open the plots with
Adobe Acrobat
Trang 35Creating an IDEV file
• We will now select channels 7, 8, 9,
10, 11 and 12, which are the bus
voltage in Area 1
• We define the range of each of
them from 0.0 to 2.0, since we will
t e o 0 0 to 0, s ce e
plot them in per unit
• We write a 0 between the last range
definition and the PLOT activity to
definition and the PLOT activity to
exit activity SLCT
• Note that this 0 was not needed to
l th fi t SLCT ti it b t
close the first SLCT activity, but
will be required every time after
Trang 36Creating an IDEV file
• We follow the same steps as
before, but now for the voltages in
Area 2
• Note that we will not select channel
16, since bus 204 it is not of
interest (no load, no generation,
and only connected radially)
• We again set their range from 0.0
to 2.0
• Finally we name the plot and select
• Finally we name the plot and select
graphic device 41
Trang 37Creating an IDEV file
• Now, let us plot the voltages
in Area 5
• Note that only 6 channels
per plot are allowed, so we
will have to do it in two
Trang 38Creating an IDEV file
• Once all the desired plots have been
defined, we use activity CLSP to close
them and send them to a spooled
• The 1 refers to the number of copies we
• The name of the file goes after the The name of the file goes after the
comma, but in this case we see again
the %1%, which will be explained later
• The extension refers to a postscript
• The extension refers to a postscript
type file
• Finally, we terminate the response file
ith ECHO d @END
with ECHO and @END
Trang 39Creating an IDEV file
• We will now write another IDEV file which we will use to call
the one we just created
• This way, we can perform the plots for different cases in a
quick and practical way
• Open a new text file, write the commands shown below and
save it as: busfaults_example1.idv
Calls the IDEV with all the commands
Replaces the %1% inside the file we are calling
Trang 40Calling the IDEV file
• In PSSPLT, click on activity IDEV and open the second file we
Trang 41Verifying the output plots
• Open the plots, they should look like the one shown below
Trang 43clients and therefore affect how we are perceived by our external
partners WE CARE is integral to the way we perform on a daily
b i It i b th ibilit d f ti f ti d basis It is both a responsibility and a source of satisfaction and pride by providing such important standards to all we do.
WE CARE about the health and safety of our employees, of those who work under our care, and
of the people our projects serve.
WE CARE about our employees, their personal growth, career development and general
well-WE CARE about our employees, their personal growth, career development and general well
WE CARE about the communities where we live and work and their sustainable development, and we commit to
fulfilling our responsibilities as a global citizen.
fulfilling our responsibilities as a global citizen.
WE CARE about the environment and about conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner.
WE CARE about the quality of our work.