NGUYÊN TẮC MÔ PHỎNG ỔN ĐỊNH ĐỘNG VÀ CÁC THƯ VIỆN MÔ HÌNH MÔ PHỎNG TRÊN PHẦN MỀM PSSE. NỘI DUNG CHÍNH PHẦN 7 (Dynamic Simulation Principles) tiếp Phần 4: 1. Classification of Variables. 2. Dynamic Simulation Sequence. 3. Overview of Simulation Procedure.
TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION A Division of Global Power POWER SYSTEM STABILITY CALCULATION TRAINING D3 DiSiltiPiilPt2 D ay 3 - D ynam i c Si mu l a ti on P r i nc i p l es P ar t 2 July 8, 2013Prepared by: Mohamed El Chehaly eBook for You OUTLINE 2 OUTLINE • Classification of Variables • Dynamic Simulation Sequence • Overview of Simulation Procedure eBook for You 3 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES VARIABLES eBook for You General Classification 4 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES General Classification Constants: Parameters that do not vary State variables: Variables for which instantaneous values are determined by differential equations differential equations Algebraic variables: Variables for which values can be determined if the values of all values can be determined if the values of all state variables, constants, and input variables are g iven g Input variables: Quantities for which values are s p ecified at an y instant b y lo g ic outside pyyg the dynamic simulation eBook for You 5 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES Exam p le of Power S y stem D y namic pyy Simulations eBook for You Exam p le of Power S y stem D y namic 6 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES pyy Simulations Differential equations: nem n DPP dt d H 2 n s ync dt d dt Constants Inertia: H dt Damping: D Synchronous speed: ω sync = 1 p.u. eBook for You Exam p le of Power S y stem D y namic 7 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES pyy Simulations Sequence of Calculation: Sequence of Calculation: 1. Calculate V b E 1 1 ' 2 Calculate I jXRjX jB jXR e jX E V b 1 ' 1 / ' ' 2 . Calculate I gen ' ' jX VE I b gen 3. Calculate P gen jX cos' gengen I EP eBook for You Exam p le of Power S y stem D y namic 8 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES pyy Simulations Sequence of Calculation: Sequence of Calculation: 4. Calculate time derivatives nem n HDPP dt d 2/ n dt d eBook for You Dynamic Simulation Arrays 9 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES Dynamic Simulation Arrays Constants eBook for You Dynamic Simulation Arrays 10 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES Dynamic Simulation Arrays State Variables Input Variables Input Variables eBook for You [...]... documentation when activity DOCU is run in its report mode 6: Write model input data when activity DYDA is run 7 W it mode d 7: Write d documentation when activity DOCU t ti h ti it is run in its data checking mode TPAUSE Time at which simulation is stopped eBook for You MODE 27 DYNAMIC SIMULATION SEQUENCE Dynamic Simulation Control Flags 0: Models are being called at a normal time step... STATE(L+1) G () S ( ) eBook for You Th PSS®E coding for the last example: The di f th l t l 16 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES eBook for You Data Space Allocation DYNAMIC SIMULATION SEQUENCE eBook for You 17 18 DYNAMIC SIMULATION SEQUENCE Logic required to inform PSS®E of the differential equations is provided by two libraries of subroutines: Handling models that involve state variables and differential . You Dynamic Simulation Basic Flow 19 DYNAMIC SIMULATION SEQUENCE Dynamic Simulation Basic Flow eBook for You Dynamic Simulation Basic Flow 20 DYNAMIC SIMULATION SEQUENCE Dynamic Simulation . You Dynamic Simulation Arrays 12 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES Dynamic Simulation Arrays Algebraic Variables eBook for You Dynamic Simulation Arrays 13 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES Dynamic Simulation . derivatives nem n HDPP dt d 2/ n dt d eBook for You Dynamic Simulation Arrays 9 CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLES Dynamic Simulation Arrays Constants eBook for You Dynamic Simulation Arrays 10 CLASSIFICATION