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NGUYEN TRUONG TO Semi- Public Upper Secondary School Teacher's name: LE PHUONG LOAN Class: 12 LESSON PLAN Name of the lesson: Unit 4 – CONSERVATION – Reading 1 Period : 26 Aims : To help pupils have general knowledge about conservation To help pupils develop their reading , writing , listening, speaking skills . Vocabulary : safeguard , preserve , pollute , search for , reclaim , fuels . Teaching aids : Pictures , video clip , flip charts . OUTLINE I. Greeting : ( Slide 1 ) II. Warm up : (Slide 2-3) – ( 5 min. ) III. Lead-in : (Slide 4 ) – ( 1 min ) IV. Pre-reading : ( Slide 5 – 17 ) – ( 11 min. ) 1. Pre-teaching vocabulary : ( Slide 5 – 15 ) – ( 8 min. ) 2. Checking vocabulary : ( Slide 16 ) – ( 1min. ) 3.Guiding questions – Prediction : ( Slide 17 ) – ( 2 min. ) V. While- reading : ( Slide 17 – 24 ) - ( 17 min. ) 1. Activity 1 : Guiding questions - Checking ( Slide 17 ) – ( 2 min. ) 2. Activity 2 : Finding out paragraph and sentence topics ( Slide 18 ) – ( 5 min. ) 3. Activity 3 : Completing the chart ( Slide 19 ) – ( 5 min. ) 4. Activity 4 : Observing the pictures of the conservation in our province (Slide20- 24) –( 5 min. ) VI. Post-reading : ( Slide 25 – 30 ) – ( 10 min. ) VII . Homework : ( Slide 31 ) – ( 1min. ) VIII . The end : ( Slide 32 ) PROCEDURE I. Greeting : ( Slide 1 ) II. Warm up : ( Slide 2 / open the file “CD” – 3 ) Game: Circle the best answer - Divide the class into two groups - Let Ps. watch the video clip. After one minute they must circle the best answer - Score the marks . Answers : 1. b ; 2. c III. Lead-in : ( Slide 4 ) Teacher’ s activities - Say : The nature in the video clip above is being destroyed . Trees are cut down . Forets are burning. They are crying . So, what does the nature need now ? Right ! It needs protection or it needs conservation . Then, what is conservation ? Why do we need it ? and What does conservation include ? The lesson today will answer these questions . Pupils’ activities - Protection ! IV. Pre-reading : ( Slide 5 – 17 ) 1. Pre-teaching vocabulary : ( Slide 5 – 15 ) Teacher’ s activities - Use pictures in the computer and synonyms to elicit new words for Ps to guess and understand their meanings. - Have students repeat after the teacher in chorus and individuals. 1 1.Safeguard (v) = Protect: b ảo vệ 2. Preserve (v) : gi ữ g ìn 3. Reclaim (v) : c ải t ạo 4. Pollute (v) : make something dirty: làm ô nhi ễm 5. Search for (v) = Look for : t ìm ki ếm 6. Fuels ( n) : nhi ên li ệu Pupils’ activities - Guess the meaning of the words - Write down on their notebooks - Repeat in chorus and individuals. 2. Checking vocabulary : (Slide 16) Teacher’ s activities - Give pictures and ask Ps to check the meaning of the words . Pupils’ activities - Look at the pictures and try to remember the meaning of the words 3. Guiding questions : ( Slide 17) Teacher’ s activities - Give Ps two guiding questions - Ask Ps read them and try to guess the answers . Pupils’ activities - Read the guiding questions and guess the answers . ( Books closed ) V. While – reading : ( Slide 17 - 19) 1.Activity 1 : Guiding questions ( Slide 17) Teacher’ s activities - Have Ps open their books and read the paragraph 1 only . - Check the Ps ‘ answers Answers: 1. Conservation is the safeguarding and preservation of natural resources. 2. We need conservation so that natural resources can continue to be used and enjoyed . Pupils’ activities - Open their books , read the paragraph 1 and try to answer the questions after reading . ( Paiwork ) - Write down on their notebooks . 2. Activity 2 : Finding paragraph / sentence topics ( Slide 18 ) Teacher’ s activities - Give a chart with the two columns A and B. - Have Ps read the text and sentences in each column and match them in the two columns to find out the paragraph / sentence topics . - Check the answers Answers : Par.1 – 5 ; par. 2,3 – 2 ; par 4,5 – 6 , par. 6 – 3 ; par. 7 - 4 - Handouts Pupils’ activities - Read the text and the sentences in the chart , then match the column A and B ( groupwork ) 3. Activity 3 : Complete the chart ( Slide 19 ) Teacher’ s activities - Give the open chart - Have Ps read the text again to fill in the chart . Answers : 1. The prevention of waste ; 2. The fight against pollution ; 4. The searching for alternative fuels - Handouts . Pupils’ activities - Read the text again and fill in the chart. 4. Activity 4 : Observing the pictures of the conservation in our province (Slide20-24) VI. Post reading : ( Slide 25 – 30 ) Lucky numbers What should we do and what shouldn’ t we do to make up conservation ? Answer these questions by basing the pictures . Teacher’ s activities - Give Ps some pictures of the conservation in Thua thien – Hue . - Have Ps. pay attention to the good and bad points of conservation in our province by asking some eliciting questions Questions: 1. What’ s the National Garden Bach ma like ? 2. Is the Lang co beach nice ? 3.Do Vietnamese people love animals? or are there many wildlife preserves in our province ? Pupils’ activities - Observe the pictures and answer the questions . ( individually ) - Answers will vary Teacher’ s activities 4.Do Vietnamese people love animals ? 5. Do these people protect forests ? 6. Is the water here fresh or dirty ? Pupils’ activities - Observe the pictures and answer the questions . - Answers will vary Teacher’ s activities - Give Ps a modal example : Have Ps observe the picture in Slide 24 and ask Ps what we should do and what we shouldn’ t do to make up conservation . Answer : We shouldn’ t destroy forests or fire forests. We should safeguard and preserve them . Key : No. 2 , 4 : Lucky numbers No. 1 : We should protect wildlife. We shouldn’ t kill them . No. 3: We should always clean the place where we are living . We should reclaim the slumns and shouldn’ t litter garbage . No. 5 : We should safeguard forests by planting trees We shouldn’ t destroy them or fire them. No. 6 : We should travel by public transport , bicycles or walk . We shouldn’ always ride motorbikes . Pupils’ activities - Ps. listen to the guide and begin to play the game . ( groupwork ) VII. Homework : ( Slide 31 ) Teacher’ s activities - Have Ps. do these things: 1.Learn by heart the new words in this period. 2. Memorize the four things to make up conservation. 3. Read the text in details to find out how to do the four things to make up conservation . Pupils’ activities Write down in their notebooks . VIII. The end : ( Slide 32 ) . Warm up : (Slide 2-3) – ( 5 min. ) III. Lead-in : (Slide 4 ) – ( 1 min ) IV. Pre-reading : ( Slide 5 – 17 ) – ( 11 min. ) 1. Pre-teaching vocabulary : ( Slide 5 – 15 ) – ( 8 min. ) 2. Checking. Slide 18 ) – ( 5 min. ) 3. Activity 3 : Completing the chart ( Slide 19 ) – ( 5 min. ) 4. Activity 4 : Observing the pictures of the conservation in our province (Slide20- 24) –( 5 min. ). ) – ( 1min. ) 3.Guiding questions – Prediction : ( Slide 17 ) – ( 2 min. ) V. While- reading : ( Slide 17 – 24 ) - ( 17 min. ) 1. Activity 1 : Guiding questions - Checking ( Slide 17 ) –

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2014, 19:21

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