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Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 - Period 22 - Unit 4 - Lesson 3 pps

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Period 22 Unit 4 AT SCHOOL Lesson 3 A6 P.44 - 45  Aim: Reading for details and comparing an American school with a Vietnamese school.  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details and compare an American school and a Vietnamese school.  Teaching aids: Pictures, posters and handouts. 1.Warm up: Jumbled words. T. helps Ss revise school vocabulary. droab = board, ustnedt = student selson = lesson, reixecse = exercise ticviayt = actitvity, tsposr = sports. Ss rearrange the letters to make meaning full words.T. checks her instruction. 2.Presentation: Pre-reading: Teacher introduces the lesson: T: Ha Noi is the capital of VN Of which country is the capital washington DC? Ss: The U.S.A T: Today we learn about school in the U.S.A. Pre_ teach voc: Uniform (n) (realia / picture) These student are wearing blue trousers and white shirst. What do we call these clothes ? A break (giåì nghè, giaíi lao) (explanation). You usually have a short rest after the third period. It lasts 15 minutes. What is it ? A snack (món ăn nhanh) (explanation) - a small meal, eaten in a hurry. A cafeteria (quán ăn tự phục vụ) (translation) (to) sell (to) buy (antonym). T. models (3 times). Ss’ repetition. Choral 2 times - Ind 3ss - Copy down. R.O.R. True / False predictions: A6 P.45 T. asks Ss to predict which statements are true, which ones are false. a, Ss do not usually wear school uniform. b, There are classes on Sat morning. c, Ss don’t have a break in the afternoon. d, The school cafeteria sells foods to students. e, The school cafeteria only opens at lunch time. f, Basketball is an unpopular after school activity. T. “How many statements are there ?” Ss “There are 6.” T. “Right. 2 statements are true, and the rest are false. Read the statements and predict which ones are true ? Which one are false ? “ Ss work individually first. Then they compare with their partner. While reading A6. P.44. Ss read the passage “School in the U.S.A” P.44 silently. T. helps Ss correct their prediction T. gives the answer key. a b c d e f T F F T F F Copy down T’s explanations. (to) be different from : khác biệt với a 20-minute break : giờ ra chơi dài 20’ after school activities : các hoạt động sau giờ học T. asks Ss to read the phrases chorally. -Some Ss read the passage. Grids: Teacher hangs the poster on the board and gives Ss handouts. Activities In the USA In VN There is school uniform Classes start at The school day ends at There are lessons on Sat. Ss have lunch at school (x) 8.30 (3.30 or 4.00) x () () (7.00) 11.15 () (x) T. asks Ss to find out the differences between schools in the USA and in VN, then fill in the table. Use a tick () or a cross ( x ) Ss work in group of 4 then check. Answer key: Comprehension questions: a. Are schools in the U.S.A different from schools in VN ? b. How many breaks do students in the USA have each day ? c. What are the most popular after school activities ? T. asks Ss to talk about school in the USA to schools in VN, using the above information. Post reading. Trans formtation writing A6. T. asks Ss to write about their school. Ex: There is usually uniform in our school. Our classes start at. Ss work individually. T. checks some Ss’ papers and remarks. 3.Homework: Answer the questions of A6 / P.44 , Write about your school. Date: . Period 22 Unit 4 AT SCHOOL Lesson 3 A6 P .44 - 45  Aim: Reading for details and comparing an American school with a Vietnamese school.  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students. (to) sell (to) buy (antonym). T. models (3 times). Ss’ repetition. Choral 2 times - Ind 3ss - Copy down. R.O.R. True / False predictions: A6 P .45 T. asks Ss to predict which statements. individually first. Then they compare with their partner. While reading A6. P .44 . Ss read the passage “School in the U.S.A” P .44 silently. T. helps Ss correct their prediction T. gives the answer

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 21:20