Upon completion of this module you should be able to:● Describe IPv6 ● Describe IPv6 addressing ● Describe IPv6 autoconfiguration ● Describe IPv6 unicast address types ● Describe IPv6 mu
Trang 1Exercise Solutions
Individually: Working on Non-Router Systems
35 Working on a non-router system, use the pingutility to attempt tocontact a non-router system on one of the other subnets
sys12# ping sys23
ICMP Host Unreachable from gateway sys12 (
for icmp from sys12 ( to sys23 (
What is the response from theping utility?
ICMP Host Unreachable from gateway
Subnet Group: Working on Your Router System
36 Manually add routes by using therouteutility to the remotesubnets
sys11# route add net
add net gateway
sys11# route add net
add net gateway
sys11# route add net
add net gateway
Individually: Working on Non-Router Systems
37 Manually add routes by using therouteutility to the remotesubnets
sys12# route add net
add net gateway
sys12# route add net
add net gateway
sys12# route add net
add net gateway
sys12# route add net
add net gateway
Trang 2Exercise Solutions
Individually: Working on All Systems
38 Working on all systems, observe the route tables
On non-router systems:
sys12# netstat -r
Routing Table: IPv4
Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface - - - - - - sys12 U 1 0 hme0
Routing Table: IPv4
Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface - - - - - - sys11 U 1 16 qfe0
Individually: Working on Non-Router Systems
39 Working on a non-router system, use thepingutility to attempt tocontact a non-router system on one of the other subnets
sys12# ping sys23
sys23 is alive
What is the response from the pingcommand?
sys23 is alive
Trang 3Exercise Solutions
40 Edit the contents of the/etc/networksfile, and add theone,two,
three, and fournetwork names
Routing Table: IPv4
Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface - - - - - -one sys12 U 1 1 hme0
Trang 5Upon completion of this module you should be able to:
● Describe IPv6
● Describe IPv6 addressing
● Describe IPv6 autoconfiguration
● Describe IPv6 unicast address types
● Describe IPv6 multicast address types
● Enable IPv6
● Configure IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnels
● Configure IPv6 multipathing
The following course map shows how this module fits into the currentinstructional goal
Configuring the Network
Trang 6Introducing IPv6
Introducing IPv6
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent version of the IPspecification Refer to RFC 2460 for a description of IPv6 In 1991, theInternet Architecture Board (IAB) sponsored a working group to address
a pending IP address shortage The IAB predicted that all Class Bnetworks would be allocated by 1994 and that all IP addresses would be
allocated by 2002 (Christian Huitema, Routing in the Internet, Second
Edition, 2000)
The Need for IPv6
The IPv4 address shortage is only one reason that IPv6 was developed.IPv6 was defined to resolve the following:
● IPv4 address shortageIPv6 implements a 128-bit address scheme IPv4, with a 32-bitaddress scheme, allows for more than 4 billion addresses However,many of these addresses were not usable because classful addressingtechniques wasted large numbers of possible IPv4 addresses Atechnique for using IP addresses on private networks withoutexposing them to the Internet is defined in RFC 1918 This techniquehelps to alleviate the IP address shortage
● AutoconfigurationIPv6 systems configure their IPv6 addresses automatically There is
no need to manually assign an IPv6 address, as is done in IPv4 byediting the/etc/inet/hostsfile Autoconfiguration automaticallyallocates IPv6 addresses to systems Administrators, however, stillhave to administer the name-to-IPv6 address mapping
● PerformanceIPv4 routing consumes a large amount of processing power on eachrouter IPv6 uses a simplified header that makes routing IPv6 aless-complex task; therefore, IPv6 provides improved performance
on all routers
Trang 7Introducing IPv6
● Security
Internet Protocol Security Architecture (IPsec) provides optionalsecurity mechanisms that include secure datagram authenticationand encryption mechanisms within IP When you invoke IPsec, itapplies the security mechanisms to IP datagrams that you enabled inthe IPsec global policy file Applications can invoke IPsec to applysecurity mechanisms to IP datagrams on a per-socket level
Note – The /etc/inet/ipsecinit.conffile invokes the
● Simplified header format
This format reduces the number of header fields in an IPv6 datagramfrom 10 fields to 6 fields
● Improved extension header and option support
This feature supports extension headers in addition to the primaryheader Extension headers are located between the required IPv6datagram header and the payload; therefore, they provide specialtreatment of some datagrams without a performance penalty
● Quality of service
A flow label in the header provides for flows Flows identify asequence of datagrams from the same source to the same destinationwhen the source requests special handling of the specified datagramsequence by the intervening routers
Trang 8Introducing IPv6 Addressing
Introducing IPv6 Addressing
IPv6 addressing uses 128 bits Because of the autoconfiguration capability
in IPv6, it is no more difficult to administer IPv6 addressing than it is withIPv4 The first part of the address is the format prefix, followed by aroutable prefix or padding The second part of the address is the interfaceidentifier, analogous to the IPv4 host portion, and is derived from thesystem’s media access control (MAC) address
Address Types
Like IPv4, IPv6 has three types of addresses that you can use tocommunicate across a network For sending messages, IPv6 supports:
● Unicast address types
● Multicast address types
● Anycast address types
IPv6 differs from IPv4 in that IPv6 does not use broadcast addresses as abroadcast mechanism Usually, several types of IPv6 addresses are
assigned to the same physical interface
Unicast Addressing
With the unicast address type, a unique address is assigned to aninterface A unicast datagram is sent to a single machine with thematching destination IPv6 address Unicast addressing is calledpoint-to-point addressing in IPv4
Multicast Addressing
With the multicast address type, an address is assigned to a group ofsystems Datagrams are delivered to all interfaces as identified by themulticast address Multicast addressing in IPv6 replaces broadcastaddressing in IPv4 Messages are sent to a subset of all of the hosts’interfaces on the network
Trang 9Introducing IPv6 Addressing
Anycast Addressing
With the anycast address type, an address is assigned to a group of
systems Datagrams are delivered to the nearest interface member, asidentified by the anycast address, instead of being delivered to all
members of a group Anycast addresses identify the nearest member of agroup of systems that provide a particular type of service
IPv6 Address Representation
RFC 2373 describes how IPv6 128-bit hexadecimal addresses can be
represented in multiple ways:
● Eight 16-bit hexadecimal numbers, for example:
● Eight 16-bit hexadecimal numbers in which 0s (zeros) are
represented by a single leading 0, for example:
IPv6 allows address compression You can compress leading or embedded0s (zeros) with a double colon (::) To compress an address, you canrepresent consecutive 16-bit 0 numbers with double colons (::) You canonly do this once in any address, for example:
Format Prefixes
The format prefix (FP) in the address indicates the type of IPv6 addressthat is used For example:
● Link-local addresses are intended to identify hosts on a single
network link They are similar to the way Ethernet addresses areused to communicate on an Ethernet segment or subnet
● Site-local addresses are valid across an intranet They are similar to
Trang 10Introducing IPv6 Addressing
● Aggregatable global addresses are valid across the Internet They aresimilar to an officially registered IPv4 address class for organizationsconnected to the Internet
● A multicast address is an identifier for a group of systems A nodecan belong to any number of multicast groups
Table 8-1 shows several common types of IPv6 addresses
Note – Refer to RFC 2373 for information about FPs that are not related to
the Solaris OE The FP byte is binary Per RFC 2373, unused trailing bits inthe byte are not shown For example, the FP represented by 001 is 0x2 andcan be thought of as 0010 The FP represented by 001 should not beconfused with 0001, which is equal to 0x1
Table 8-1 Initial Allocation of Format Prefixes From RFC 2373
Allocation FP (Binary) FP
Link-local unicastaddresses
1111 1110 10 FE8
Site-local unicastaddresses
1111 1110 11 FEC
Aggregatableglobal unicastaddresses
Multicast addresses 1111 1111 FF
Trang 11Introducing IPv6 AutoconfigurationIntroducing IPv6 Autoconfiguration
IPv6 address autoconfiguration includes:
● Determining what information should be autoconfigured, such asaddresses and routing prefixes
● Verifying the uniqueness of link-local addresses on the link
● Determining whether addresses should be obtained through thestateless mechanism, the stateful mechanism, or a combination of thestateless and the stateful mechanisms
Stateful Autoconfiguration
Stateful autoconfiguration requires the additional setup of a DynamicHost Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server or some other means ofresolving host names to IP addresses For this reason, stateful
autoconfiguration is not a preferred configuration method Statefulautoconfiguration and stateless autoconfiguration, as defined in IPv6, cancoexist and operate together Stateful autoconfiguration supplies addressand service information similar to the way that DHCP provides
An address is formed by combining the routable prefixes and the interfaceidentifier In the absence of routers, a host can only generate link-localaddresses However, link-local addresses are sufficient for allowingcommunication among systems that are attached to the same link
Trang 12Introducing IPv6 Autoconfiguration
Interface Identifier Calculation
Appendix A of RFC 2373 describes the process of automaticallycalculating an IPv6 interface identifier address The following is anexample of a Sun Microsystems workstation with a MAC address that iscomputing an IPv6 interface identifier address
The initial MAC address is 08:00:20:b5:41:37, where:
● 08:00:20is the company identifier (CID)
● b5:41:37is the vendor-supplied identifier (VID)
To build an interface identifier, perform the following steps:
1 Obtain the MAC address
Figure 8-2 shows this address
Figure 8-2 MAC Address
2 Convert the address into the binary format
Figure 8-3 shows the binary format
Figure 8-3 Binary Format of the MAC Address
Trang 13Introducing IPv6 Autoconfiguration
3 Toggle bit 7, the universal/local bit, that is the seventh bit from theleft
Figure 8-4 shows the address after conversion
Figure 8-4 MAC Address Conversion to an Interface Identifier
4 Insert two additional octets, 0xFF and 0xFE, between the CID andthe VID This converts the MAC address to an interface identifier.Figure 8-5 shows the resulting address
Figure 8-5 MAC Address With 0xFF and 0xFE Octets
5 Convert the binary address to hexadecimal format, and includecolons to show the IPv6-autoconfigured interface identifier address
Duplicate Address Detection
Systems run a duplicate address detection algorithm on an address beforethat address is assigned to an interface This is done without regard tohow manner in which the address was obtained The duplicate addressdetection algorithm works by sending a neighbor solicitation message to
Trang 14Introducing Unicast Address Types
Introducing Unicast Address Types
IPv6, like IPv4, supports the concept of unicast addressing
Use unicast addresses to direct datagrams to a particular interface orsystem The ability to transmit network data in this way enables systemsthat are not included in the communication to efficiently ignore networkdata that is not addressed to them
Link-Local Address Types
Link-local address types are intended only for single, local network links;therefore, routers cannot forward them The first 10 bits of the addressprefix identify an address as a link-local address Figure 8-6 shows that alink-local address starts with1111111010, orFE8in hexadecimal format
Figure 8-6 Link-Local Address Format
Site-Local Address Types
Site-local addresses are similar to link-local addresses but can be routedthrough an intranet Intranet routers can forward site-local addressesthrough the intranet but not outside of the intranet The first 10 bits of theaddress prefix identify an address as a site-local address Figure 8-7 showsthat a site-local address starts with 1111111011, orFECin hexadecimalformat
10 Bits 1111111010
54 Bits All Zeros (0)
64 Bits Interface ID
10 Bits 1111111011
38 Bits All Zeros (0)
16 Bits Subnet ID
64 Bits Interface ID
Trang 15Introducing Unicast Address Types
Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Types
Aggregatable global addresses can be routed through the Internet Anaggregatable global address always starts with 2or3in hexadecimalformat The first three bits are always set to 001, and they designate thatthis address is a routable global unicast address Figure 8-8 shows theframe format of an aggregatable global unicast address
Figure 8-8 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format
The frame format of an aggregatable global unicast address includes:
● A prefix – The assigned prefix for aggregatable global addresses(001)
● The top-level aggregator (TLA) – The identifying number of theInternet authority that assigned the provider portion of the address,for example, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
● The next level aggregator (NLA) – The address identifier that isassigned to a company or organization by its ISP
● The site-level aggregator (SLA) – The subnet address assigned tonetworks in the company or organization
● Interface ID – The portion of the IP address that derives from theMAC address, that is, the EUI-64 address
Prefix Notation
RFC 2373 describes how IPv6 addresses use prefix notation in a similarway to IPv4 addresses that are written in CIDR notation IPv6 addresseshave two parts The first part is the format prefix The second part is theinterface identifier and is analogous to the IPv4 host portion
3 Bits
13 Bits TLA
32 Bits NLA
16 Bits SLA
64 Bits Interface ID
Trang 16Introducing Unicast Address Types
An example of a subnet prefix address is:
The /64indicates that the subnet prefix is 64 bits in size The first 64 bits
of the address contain a subnet mask The address can be broken into asubnet prefix and a node address or into an interface identifier
● fec0::0003– The subnet prefix
● a00:20ff:feb5:4137– The interface identifier
Embedded IPv4 Addresses
The IPv6 transition mechanisms include a technique for systems androuters to tunnel IPv6 datagrams dynamically under the IPv4 routinginfrastructure IPv6 systems that use this technique have special IPv6unicast addresses assigned that carry an IPv4 address in the low-order
32 bits This type of address is an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address Anexample of an embedded IPv4 address in an IPv6 address is:
whereFFFFindicates that an embedded IPv4 address is present, and
yyyy:yyyyrepresents the 32 bits of the IPv4 address in hexadecimalformat
Unspecified Address Types
The source address of a system that has not had an address assigned will
be all zeros, for example:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000,
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0, or::in compressed format
Loopback Address Types
IPv6 systems use the loopback address of
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, or
::1to send datagrams to themselves This address is analogous to the address used by IPv4 systems
Trang 17Introducing Multicast Address TypesIntroducing Multicast Address Types
A datagram addressed to a multicast address is delivered to all systemsthat are part of the multicast group An IPv6 multicast address can bethought of as a single identifier for a group of IPv6 systems that belong tothe multicast group
Purpose of Multicast Addresses
The low-order 112 bits in an IPv6 address identify the multicast group towhich the datagram belongs
A single interface can have multiple IPv6 addresses assigned to it,including multicast addresses
The FP of 11111111orFFin hexadecimal format in an address identifiesthe datagram as being a multicast datagram
Multicast addresses include 4 bits of flags after the initial FFin the formatprefix Three of the flag bits are reserved and are always set to 0 Thefourth flag bit is set to 0if a well-known IANA-assigned multicastaddress is used; the fourth bit is set to 1if a temporary multicast address
is used Figure 8-9 shows the multicast address types
Figure 8-9 Multicast Address Types
8 Bits 11111111
4 Bits 000X
4 Bits XXXX
Multicast Group ID
112 Bits
Trang 18Introducing Multicast Address Types
Scope Bits
Multicast addresses include four scope bits after the flag bits Refer toRFC 2373 for an example of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) multicastgroup The scope bits determine how far the multicast datagram is routed,
● FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:9– Link-local RIP routers
The multicast addresses for all systems are:
● FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:1– Node-local systems
● FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1– Link-local systems
Refer to RFC 2373 for additional IPv6 multicast information
Trang 19Introducing Multicast Address Types
ICMPv6 Group Membership
RFC 2236 describes the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP),version 2 Hosts that join, belong to, or leave multicast groups use IGMP
to report this information to local multicast routers The following threeIGMP messages are relevant to this introduction:
● Membership query– Determines which groups have members on anetwork
● Membership report– Reports if a system is part of a multicastgroup
● Leave group– Determines when a system leaves a multicast group
All of the IGMP functionality has moved to ICMPv6
Trang 20Enabling IPv6
Enabling IPv6
You can enable IPv6 from the command line or by creating a specific filethat is found by the/etc/rc2.d/S69inetstartup scripts at boot time
The in.ndpd Process on the Non-Router
The in.ndpdprocess implements the Neighbor Discovery Protocol(NDP) Systems on the same network link use NDP for IPv6 to:
● Perform address autoconfiguration – Systems automaticallyconfigure an address for an interface This eliminates the commonduplicate IP address problem experienced on IPv4 networks
● Obtain MAC addresses similar to how the Address ResolutionProtocol (ARP) is used in IPv4 – Neighbor solicitation messages aresent by a node to determine the link-layer address of a neighbor or toverify that a neighbor is still reachable by a cached link-layer
address A solicitation can be sent if a node does not have an entryfor a system in its neighbor cache Neighbor solicitations are alsoused for duplicate address detection
● Gather reachability information about paths to active neighbors –The in.ndpdprocess sends unsolicited neighbor advertisements todiscover newly available systems Thein.ndpdprocess can alsosend unsolicited neighbor advertisements to announce a link-layeraddress change Systems use received neighbor advertisements toupdate their neighbor cache with the MAC address of the sender
● Discover routers – In IPv4, hosts had no way of knowing how tolocate routers unless the host had a static route defined or it wasrunning a type of routing protocol IPv6 neighbor discovery replacedthe function that the IPv4’s Router Discovery (RDISC) Protocolprovided Systems send router solicitations to prompt routers tosend router advertisements Routers advertise their presence withvarious link and Internet parameters, either periodically or inresponse to a router solicitation message
Trang 21Enabling IPv6
● Router advertisements contain prefixes used for on-link
determination or address configuration, a suggested hop limitvalue, and other information
● Systems use router advertisements to populate their neighborcache with the MAC address of the router When an interfacebecomes enabled, hosts can send router solicitations thatrequest routers to generate router advertisements immediately,rather than at their next scheduled time This enables the host tobecome part of a network more quickly than it would have if itwaited for a normal router advertisement
● Provide router redirects – A router informs a host of a better
first-hop node to reach a particular destination
Refer to RFC 2461 for more information about neighbor discovery
IPv6 on Non-Routers Configuration
You can configure a system to support both IPv4 and IPv6 This
configured system is known as a dual-stack system
IPv6 introduces new files, including:
● /etc/hostname6.interface
This file has similar functionality to the
/etc/hostname.interfacefile but contains no IP address or hostname information
Note – The /etc/hostname6.interfacefile can still contain an IPv6address or a resolvable host name to disable autoconfiguration and
enforce a given IPv6 address; however, this is not the regular case
● /etc/inet/ipnodes
This file has similar functionality to the/etc/inet/hostsfile buthas no link to the/etc/ipnodesfile
Trang 22Enabling IPv6
Configuring an Interface for IPv6
To configure IPv6 on a system, create a/etc/hostname6.interfacefile,and reboot the system or use the ifconfigutility to manually configurethe interface For example, to configure IPv6 on thesys12system’s hme0
interface, complete the following steps:
1 View the configuration of the system’s interfaces before making anychanges
INIT: New run level: 6
3 Watch the start messages for IPv6 messages, which are similar to thefollowing:
Trang 23Enabling IPv6
Notice how both thelo0and hme0interfaces have inet6
components and that each interface has aninet6address Recallfrom a previous step that an IPv6 address was not defined
Configuring IPv6 Name Service Lookup
Like IPv4, you can apply names to IPv6 addresses so that you can moreeasily refer to a system For example, to name this system’s IPv6 hme0
interface sys11-v6, you can add an entry to the/etc/inet/ipnodesfile
to make it look similar to the following:
sys12# tail -2 /etc/inet/ipnodes
# added for ipnode example
fec0::a00:20ff:fe90:b5c7 sys12-v6
You can now address the system by its IPv6 interface by using the
sys11-v6host name, for example:
sys12# ping sys11-v6
sys11-v6 is alive
Name service lookup configuration for IPv6 is similar to name servicelookup configuration for IPv4
The following are additional files:
● Two new Network Information Service (NIS) IPv6 maps are the
ipnodes.bynameandipnodes.byaddrmaps These maps havesimilar functionality to thehosts.bynameandhosts.byaddrfiles inIPv4
● An additional Network Information Service Plus (NIS+) IPv6 table iscreated:ipnodes.org_dir This table has similar functionality to the
hosts.org_dir table in IPv4
● A new Domain Name System (DNS) record type, AAAA(quad A) isavailable The reverse is similar to a normal PTR record but is muchlonger Following is an example of anAAAArecord and aPTRrecord:
Trang 24Enabling IPv6
● Theipnodesline is used in thensswitch.conffile for IPv6 systemname resolution
hosts: files nisplus dns
ipnodes: files nisplus dns
Non-Router Configuration Troubleshooting
You can use the netstatutility with the address-family (-f)inet6
option to display only IPv6-specific information when you troubleshoot.The netstatutility has multiple forms and produces different types andlevels of output depending on the options that are used with the utility Toview the IPv6 route table, perform the command:
sys12# netstat -f inet6 -r
Routing Table: IPv6
Destination/Mask Gateway Flags Ref Use If
- -
-fe80::/10 sys11-v6 U 1 0 hme0
ff00::/8 sys11-v6 U 1 0 hme0
default sys11-v6 U 1 0 hme0
localhost localhost UH 1 0 lo0
To view multicast group information for IPv6 interfaces, perform thecommand:
sys12# netstat -f inet6 -g
Group Memberships: IPv6
Trang 25Enabling IPv6
You can use the ifconfigutility to obtain IPv6-specific information byusing theinet6address family parameter For example, to view theconfiguration of all IPv6 interfaces, perform the command:
sys12# ifconfig -a inet6
lo0: flags=2000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6> mtu 8252 index 1 inet6 ::1/128
hme0: flags=2000841<UP,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6> mtu 1500 index 2
inet6 fe80::a00:20ff:fe90:b5c7/10
The in.ndpd Process on the Router
The IPv6 NDP is implemented by the in.ndpdprocess The in.ndpd
process implements IPv6 functions, including:
● Router discovery
● Prefix discovery
● Address autoconfiguration
● Address resolution
● Neighbor unreachability detection
IPv6 Routing Information Protocol
Routing in IPv6 is almost identical to IPv4 routing in CIDR, except thatthe IPv6 addresses are 128 bits instead of 32 bits The in.ripngdprocess
is the IPv6 routing daemon for the Solaris OE
The in.ripngd Process
In normal operation, thein.ripngdprocess listens on the UDP port 521for route information datagrams If the host is a router, it periodicallysupplies copies of its route table to any directly connected host andnetwork
Trang 26Enabling IPv6
IPv6 Router Configuration
You can use the command line to configure an IPv4 router to supportIPv6 You can activate IPv6 by starting specific processes or by rebootingthe system
Configuring Interfaces for IPv6
To designate which interfaces are configured with IPv6 at boot time, usethetouchutility to create a /etc/hostname6.interfacefile for eachinterface For example, to configure the system to configure thehme0and
qfe0interfaces with IPv6 at boot time, enter the following:
sys11# touch /etc/hostname6.hme0 /etc/hostname6.qfe0
qfe0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3 inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 8:0:20:ac:9b:20
2 Use theifconfigutility to configure thehme0interface
sys11# ifconfig hme0 inet6 plumb up
3 Use theifconfigutility to configure theqfe0interface
sys11# ifconfig qfe0 inet6 plumb up
Trang 27Configuring IPv6 Name Service Lookup
The IPv6 name service lookup mechanism is controlled in the same way
as IPv4 Verify that the ipnodesdatabase is defined correctly for yoursite’s name service lookup mechanism For example, make sure that thefollowing entry exists if the ipnodesdatabase uses the system’s local file:
sys11# grep ipnodes /etc/nsswitch.conf
ipnodes: files
Configure thendpd.conffile to contain route configuration information
on the routers You do not have to advertise link-local addresses on arouter because a link-local address cannot be routed Recall that:
● A link-local address starts with FE8
● A site-local address starts with FEC
● An aggregatable global unicast address starts with 2or3
Trang 28Complete the following steps:
1 Define the/etc/inet/ndpd.conffile to have the followingcontents:
sys11# cat /etc/inet/ndpd.conf
# Send router advertisements out all interfaces
ifdefault AdvSendAdvertisements on
# Advertise an unregistered (bogus) global prefix and a site
# local prefix using the default lifetimes
prefix fec0:0:0:9255::0/64 hme0
2 Do one of the following:
● Reboot the system
● Proceed to the Step 3 to configure the system from thecommand line
Machine is an IPv4 router
Machine is an IPv6 router
Setting default IPv6 interface for multicast: add net ff00::/8: gatewayfe80::a00:20ff:feb9:7223
Trang 29
Enabling IPv6
a View the IPv6 configuration of the interfaces
sys11# ifconfig -a inet6
lo0: flags=2000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6> mtu 8252 index 1
a Switch IPv6 IP forwarding on
sys11# /usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/ip ip6_forwarding 1
b If required, configure the system to send routing redirects
sys11# /usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/ip ip6_send_redirects 1
Trang 30Enabling IPv6
f View the interface configuration:
sys11# ifconfig -a inet6
lo0: flags=2000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6> mtu 8252 index 1
Router Configuration Troubleshooting
You can perform basic troubleshooting of an IPv6 router by confirmingthat processes are running, examining the route table, and using theping
utility as shown in the following examples:
● Determine if the NDP daemon is running on each of the routers inquestion:
● View the IPv6 route table on each router in question:
sys11# netstat -rn -f inet6
Routing Table: IPv6
Destination/Mask Gateway Flags Ref Use If
fec0:0:0:9257::/64 fe80::a00:20ff:fec0:449d UG 1 0 hme0
fe80::/10 fe80::a00:20ff:feac:9b20 U 1 0 qfe0
fe80::/10 fe80::a00:20ff:feb9:7223 U 1 2 hme0