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331 Viewpoint, truth, and comment adverbials Finder 199-201 Put in a single-word adverb which means the same as the words In brackets. ~ c;.1'7-<?-r-ljj ' (It's clear that) the se figures are inaccurate. 1 I don't like Tom' s new girJrnend IrtLl( .: h. . . . . . ( 10 be frank) 2 . . . . . . . . (I presume) there will he refreshments ~ I can't help you. . . . . . . . . . . . . (l 'm afraid). 4 . ( h's lucky) I've brought my phone with me. 5 . . . . . . . . ' (rrom a cultural point of view) this place is <l de se rt 6 . . . . . . . . . . . ' (It c ould be that) it's just a rumour. 7 Uo YOll think young people are bC' col1ung more aware. .'? 6 9 (of polillcal issues) . . ,r rherc's no doubt thaI) things will be dlffererH in future. (It was stupid of me, but) I told the caller my password. 332 Linking adverbials II Finder 2028 Put In these words or phrases' after all, consequently, firstly, for example, in addition, il't 6tfteF-W6fds, nevertheless, secondly. to- The insurance company "<ly that the paymcm IS ~ubjcct to dchlY· ~0 p ~lJt;r: r:v pr-~ t ~ . they're going to take a while to pay me. There IS lots of new bUlldmg in the carnal. A new government headquarters is heing constructed, . . . . . 2 All the staff h<\Vc heen put Oil short-term contrclt.:ts, and have no lob sL'Curity. • .•. t ht'y 3 This new venture ould be a big risk for us should take that fisk. , I believe we 4 Unemployment has risen . . . becClu se of the economic recf'ssion and . . because of the l'lrge number of : dH)QI1t~<.Ivers looking for work. 5 You should know something aboul business . business studies at university. 6 The airport authorities plan to extend the existlllg runway, and. they want to bUIld a completely Ilew one . . . ' you did JJ I • Viewp ., i lll, 1 "!lb , ,-Il,d U) llllllfmr :1d vc,l) ta ls ]. 1"33 Review of adverbials Finder 189-202 168 Each of these sentences IS incorrect. Complete the"Corrcct sentence I tlen', 36lftC umes-ge to bed -a t ~H . . . ~ ~~,~ s do/')'~ .'¥.'.tP.~ l}.~ ,a ll 1 TJ>e-cRbl<'-"""Hleeply-ufldeHfle-greuml The ca ble . . . . . . 4 V¥e-h~flwrtfl.eay . . I've had o 'il-e're eli ift the fttth-meef:ing lafet. We ' re . 7 T 1ffil-ts-very-taJl, -bttt-MMjHs fttflfier-taller. . . . , . Tom is , _ . 8 ~ttfttt6n i~ het:6HUftg I"ore dangerously. The situatIOn . . . . 9 ka~1 6eHftitely-that"fllftft Bt Ihe Necne of-the-eriltle. 10 ~t-are& am81.cdly. Everyone . 11 I hape mtteh th8t yott-Etfe-Stte€eSsful I hope, " . , . . •. 12 J h.evefri · IleVer- , ~ tft-hoo-A-»geles. . . . . . . . . . . . . the letter no e-mail s. . . . . , . . . .' . . empty. . . . . . . . . of the crime. . , Los Angeles. 13 :rhe-rnftn-ts-djsabk!d;-fl.ftd-atldiftg-to-tftfit-lle~ a-fleftFf-OOfleitien. Themani s . . . . . . . . . . Inlcrcst mg. 333 . HCVlt'W of adVf'ltllais I 1 , I 334 Introduction to the comparison of adjectives Finder 203A - B Read these two paragraphs and write down all the comparative and superlative adJectives. C.{lIJ> ANI) (O PPER Gold IS milch softer than cappel, so it is easier to hammer into s hape . It ill not very strong A gold knife might look very fine, but it would not haw bt'('n lIluch usc fur skinning a heaT, so from c<1rly time!> gold be came the metal for ornaments Copper i!'. mu ch harde r; iI would have been mm -h more c.hflit:ult for early man to shape, but the finished article was more durable. rrrnill I. AIIChl~()J1 rile Simy of Ml'la/<) MIDTOWN MANHA 'lT AN Midtown Manhattan, wh Ich ranges toughly f rum 341h ttl 591h Strl.'Cts .tnd riverto river, is a center of slIpcl1Ulivps. Th e biggest buildm gs, brif.:luest lights. grCOItcsl (;()nccnlr<nion of big bUSiness, I.Hgcs{ complex of {healers and concert bOu~t:s. m. >s l hargain imsclIlt!llIs, most t!xcluslve COUW I C houscg , .md the mo st sl lCCla iJ 7ed servict:~ arc all here (fmm /-()t J''' '1 H lu lgel 'rrm 1 III Am ,.,or ) 1 C:omparolli\' (" adjectives: 2 Superl;:uiv{' adjectives' : oft.e_ .' ~ • b l !l !l~ S't, , • , . , , , . 335 The comparative and superlative of adjectives , . , . II> Fi nder 203B- E Complete this table. It may help you to look at the two paragraphs in 334 ~ I 2 3 • 5 6 7 8 Adjective so ft bright t1ifficult exclUSive hard lar ge tlura bl e Compa ra tive ">Of tex more difficult ca~ lIcr Supe rlative softest brightest mo st exclusive . . . . . . ' '- -'- - '-'-'-'- -' ' '-' ' - - bigges t :l: H . I ntrodlllllOIl to Ihe LOmp,lJi::.on of ,1dIIX I IVCS Hi~ 336 The comparative and superlative of adjectives Finder 203B-E look. at these rules and examples. They are all about forming comparative and superlative ad jectives. Which examples go with which rules? Rulc5 Most onc- sy ll ablc ddjcclivcs end in er l es ,. e.g . . So me oJlc· !oyllablc adJecuvcs haw more/ mo st, c.g 2 So me one·s yllahlc Adjectives ca n hnve c Hh er form, e g 3 Mosl Iwo · sy ll'lhlc adjectives have more/ mo st, e.g . -1 TWCI·syllublc adjectives ending in y usualJy have erle st , c g . 5 Some twu·syllablc adjectives cun have either furm, e.g 6 Three·syllilble adj ec ti ves ha ve nlOrt'!mos t, e.g Examples a) true, tru er/ mor e ,rue, truc sll m os t tru e b) expenSIve, morc expensive, mosl expensive c) funn y. funnier. funniest dl small. slllaller, slllallest cl st upid , stupuler /ruore s tupid , s tupide st/ mo st stupid o real, m ore fe ;: ,1. mo st r ea l g) certain. mor e cc n"in , mo st certain 337 The comparative and superlative of adjectives to- cp . I 2 , 4 5 6 ~ Finder 203A- E Comment on the information using a comparative or a superlative adjective. to- The I".:xcalibur Hot el in I,as Vcgus hn s over 4,000 rooms No OIh er hOlel ililhe world is so la rge . The Excal lb ur Ilote! is. tI 'Ie: (Clr,9 f ~ :S ~ J:K? t .e-,l In ~ '?e: ~ /~l to- India is quite a crowded country. II has 294 people per s quare kilometre. But K;:lIIglade sh has 763 people per sq uar e kilUlTlelre. Ranglad ~s h is ~ c;- . c : !~l~ l t. ~ .,." .1: '4 ~a Tel eco m Tower IS IHO mel res tali, lHII C anada Tower in East London is 250 metres tall. C anada Tower is . 2 Th e Beatl es were a very success ful group . The y so ld over a billi on discs . md tape s. No ot her KfOuP in the worid has been as succe ss fu l. The Bcatlcs were . . . 3 Venus has a diame((:r of 12 , 104 kilmllClr es It is n't as big as Ihe E' IMh . which ha s a dmffictci of 12,756 kilome tr es. The Earth is . 4 26 million p eo ple visited the Tower of l .ondon last ye ar , hut n wasn't as popular as Madame Tu ssaud's waxwork mu se um, which had 2.8 million visitors. La st year Madame Tu ss<l.ud 's was . . _ . . 5 The Ri ver Severn is 220 miles long. No other river in Brilain is SO lunK . The Hiv er Severn is .• . J 70 . Be, · Th e COIl1P iH <l l ivc alld SlIjlcrltHiW of ml )CCI IVCS () C ambridge UnivcrsilY dal es f tom 1284, but it i Sll ', as old as Oxford Univers it y, which dale s from 1167. Oxf ord University is . 7 The Mona I.isa is worth nwn y millions of dolla rs . No other pic.:lUre in the world is so valuable. TllP Mona Li sa is . fI Tob y. w ho li ved in New York, was a mu ch-loved dog. When hi s owner died, she left him $75 million, which made him a world record brcilker among wcalthy dogs. Toby was. 338 The comparative and superlative of adjectives Finder 203A- F Each of these sentences has a mistake in it . Cross out the wrong word or words and write the correct version . This area is hecoming f8shinnnbler. I This is the boringest film I've cver seen . 2 If was the sadest moment of my life. 3 That hill is the most high pOilU for miles around. 4 As it turn ed out , J co uldn ', have been wronger . S It 's most expensive 10 go by trilln th an by bus. . . . . . ., . ~ . . . . . , . . . 6 H ow much more far is there to go? . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The place looks a bit tidyer now. S This·design is Ihe atlracrivest of all . . . . . . . 9 The weather W<JS getting h,lddcr aU the time . 339 Some special comparative and superlative forms F inder 2Q3G Joshua and William are travelling t oge ther . They are in a strange town. Comp lete the conversation by chOOSing the correct words . Joshua: William: Joshua : William: Jos hua : William: Joshua: William: Jo shua: I mLIst puse thI S l ettcr to my Sisler. J haven ', been in touch with her since ( "' j la st/latest month . J have to make a phone call, but my mobile nceds a new battery. Do you know where the 0 ) next/ neare st call box is? We ll , according (0 this map , if we go along here and turn left at the (2 ) next /nea rest crossroads, we'll come to the pos t officc. May be YO li can ph onc from there . I can post my letter, anyway She should get it this week. Is your sIster younger than you? No, she's (3) elde r/older. She's left college and s he's lookmg for a job I'm sending her all the (4) las t/ l ates t new s about OLIr travels. I must ring home today and find out if there's an y (5) farthcrlfurther news about my mother and her operation. - We ll , I hope it's good news. She di dn't know she needcd an operatio n unlil (6) last/lacest week. It's b een a s hod . Oh, here we are. The post office. And thcre 's a c aiibox, look. . r\H . Tlw ('ornp,tlaII VC a nd "U)ll'llall vc of adJc(lIVcS 171 340 The comparative of adverbs Finder 204 Complete the sentences us in g a verb and the comparative of an adverb. Try n Ol \0 be $0 care less in }' our work. Yo u sho uld ny f(J • •• I 2 I thought the team played badly today. J've offen see n (h e m. than lhac 3 Must you talk so luud? Plea~c . . . . . . . . . . . .' co uld you? 4 You get up 100 lill e. Why don 't you . . . . . . . ,. ? 5 I did we ll in this motllh 's l es t. J'm pl ease d be caus e I had expe cte d to , . th a n 1:1 <; 1 time. n Th e com pany IS o r en ning In a very inefficie nt mann er. It sho uld take Imme diate Illcusurcs 10 . 341 More, most, less, least, fewer, and fewest Finder 205 Look at the information and complete the sentences using more , most , le ss, least. fewer , or fewest. II>- Worker:. In the Third World don ', ea rn as m uc h money as th ose in Eurupe. Wu rk er in th e Third World et?r-:0 ~e ~ ~ :00"-':.1:1 . til an I:ur opeans Sarah rook lots of phot os at the wedding. No one el se took uS man y Sa ruh . ~q<:;k . ~ / :e: ~:5~ . photos 1 Ther e t !m' t as much crime III country area:. as ther e is In ci ue s. There 's . . . . . . than in rh e ci ties. 2 The Green I'arty ca ndidate dtdn 't get many votes. All the other cand idates got man!. The Green Parry candit!ale . . . . . . . . . . . . votes 3 No olher sl ale of the US ha s liS mu ch raUl :IS LOlllsiana. Louis ia na rain. 4 Soap operas get huge numb ers of Viewers, b UI th e tigures for d oc um e ntanc :. ar c mllch lower. Soap ope r us . . . . than do c umentarie s. 5 At the m ome nt Ar se nal have 42 poillls. No oth er club 1 1<Is more than 37. Arsenal . . . . . . . points. 6 The re ar e lOIs of pas se ng ers un thc bu scs ill t he daytime, but 11 0t so many in the eveni ngs In the evenings . . . . . . . on rhe buses. 7 Sell co h(l~ made vcry lillIe prallt. In fact it has made less th ' lIl any ot her s up ermarket Sc i lLO . . profit. 8 The Prime Minister has quite a lot of power. Th e Q uc en doesn 't ha ve as mu ch Thc Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . th an th e Prime Ministe r. 9 The accident rate among young drivers is higher Ihan among older dr iv ers. Young dri vers. than older drivers. 172 ~140 • The (.oll l{ Xlra llve of advcl'l)\ 342 Less , least, more, most, and as II> Finder 2068-C Complete the conversation. Put in less , least more, most, or as. I'm I(lIinR 10 l unch next wf.,'ek . 1>0 I'll h. we to book my flight I thmk i t'll be , II» ~~ . convenient 10 go by air than by train. i>CICr: lindsay: I'd gu by mun. Tr. un s arc (I ) . •. . comfortable ( han plan es . Uut Ihe l.rall1 fare is really expenSive. The planc I sn't (2) . . expen sive as Ihe 'min, which alW'dYS sur pri ses me Peter. J-indsay' I hale lI ymg. It's my (3) . , . fnvouritc means of transport. Well, I don 't nllnd it And I'm nell (4) . . . . . . . keen on trains as you arc . A shO ll flight I" (5J . . . haring than a long Crain journey, I find. P(Hcr: I'd rllih er drive Ih;Ul fly. Lindsay: I'm definitely /lUI driving. No, thank you. DnvillK alilhat way would be thc Peter: Lindsay Peter' (6 ) . . . . . stressful wuy of gelling th e re . I don 't think lInvlIIg is (7 ) . . . . . . s tr cs:.rul as Hy mg . Well, It IS to mc. And Will you he ahle In get a night ilt the fight time? Planes are (8) . frtljUellt than train!>, aren't they? l.indsay: Oh, ther e urc plenty of flights. l1Icrc'" olle at tCIi in the morning . That'll be the ( 9) .• . collvcnit'nt. 343 Patterns expressing a comparison Finder 206 Wr i te a second sentence so that It has a similar meaning to the previous one. Use the word In brackets. Plastic isn't as expens ive 11 . ~ wuod. (more) · . l . .x~ i,j r;r"{J( ~ . ~ .I<.Pf' •. ~ I'f~ •. t f¥? 1\ p { ( ~!. .r.,I. c . . Dave is the same height ,IS Mike . (Ial!) 2 S unday is Ic s~ bu sy than other days. (least) · . . . . . . . . . . . . :\ My new Job is more inlclesling by far. (much) 4 For this Joh meta] is SUperiol 10 plastic. ( hettcr ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ' 111e ground was vcry hard . (iron) · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 C ri ckct is morc complicated than football. (less) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I've nCller st e n a nicel vicw than thi s (niccsl) . . . . . . 8 Thc room doesn 't look as sma ll 3:' II did (bigst'r) :-142 . l ,It .IS. l e(/~ / , IIIM/'. II IOS I, ,m el (I S 17 :J 344 Comparatives with and , Finder 207A The MegaWaTe computer company was one of the success stories of the 20th century. Complete the sentences abQut the growth of the company . The c ompany expanded rupidly It grew i? i ~r: I?~ ~ ~ . (big) all the time. MegaWarc computers became . . . . , . . . . (popular) 2 . . _ . . . . (more) people bought MegaWare product'" 3 The business became. , . . • . . . . . . . . . . . (profitable). 4 It's share price went. . . . . .• . • . •. . . . . (high). 5 Life got. . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • • . • . • . . (good) for boss Boh Watts as the company became . . . . . • . • • • . , . . (s uccessfu\), 345 Comparatives with the the ~ Finder 2078 Rewrite the sentences using the . the The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay. :r!Je- ./or ':1 e r . ~~ ~ ~~ ~ a~ , 1 ':' 0 ' ~, .t~ :,, ~ . o; r~ ! ~ ~~ ,,: ! J ~ 7 ~~ . ~ . c. P ' . rrf : ·. ' . . . ~ The value ora picture depends on how ramous the arlist is . . T~ . ~ r. e: 1~~~ 9 ':' . (l. .r.t~~~ .1:, t/1~ . ~~ ~£?- ' ! l ?~«' : 0e: P~'":~ t ~~" . ? 1 How well I sleep depcnds on how latc 1 go to bed . 2 f don't spend much time with my famIly becau:,e I work SO hard 3 The traffic moves very slowly as more cars come into the city 4 How much you sweat depends on how hot YOli get. 5 The idea becomes Ic1<os attractive as I think about It more. 6 How much petrol a car uses depends on the si1.e or the engine. 174 ::l4 1. COlll l lH rd (r vCfl with (Jn d . . . I " 346 Review of comparison II- Find er 203 - 207 Complete this text abou t holidays. Put one word In each space. HOULMYS Where arc you going for your next holklay? ( ) '! ~ ~ . . people go un holiday fairly regularly, and ma ybe some of 'h em have a good time. Rut holidays aren't (1) . pleasant an experience (2) . . . . . th e adver ti sers would like us to believe. In fact, a holid ay is probably the (3) . . Slfessfulthing you'll expe ri ence this yen r. Besidl."S th e bOlhcr of choosing and orgalllzing il . there's the worry ahout whether it will be wurth it. ( 4) . . . . mo re mone y }' OU spe nd , (5) . . . mor e you'll fcel bound tn pretend that you're enjo yi ng yourself. Anyone who has been on a holiday night will know that airports are getting more W) . . . . . morc crowded, and that lung de la ys are co mmon . Holida ys may be a good thing, but you can be sure that stilylng at horne LS even (7) , . , , , . for you It ' ~ certninly (8) . . . . . dangerous. Yo u' ll be mu ch safer al home (9) . wandering nround a strunge place with II pocket fuJI of money under the eyes of the Joc\l1 c riminal ~ . Accidents and disasters arc mu ch 1 10 ) . . . . . . . likely to hnppen on holiday. If you want peace and quiet, yo u don't need to go any ( II ) . . . . than y our own baicony or back garden. Have a nice time! 347 Review of comparison Finder 203 -207 Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the prevIous one . A yard Isn't as long a~ a metre. to. metre . . 1 . ~ J~ ~ r . t/ l9-0 !1. ~ ."' ?: . 1 The fnewry and the church are cq uull y old. The (\Icto ry is . . . . . . . 2 This route is less interesting than the others. This is the . . . . . . . 3 ['m nOl as clever as you. You're . . , . . 4 A computer would calculate a more pT(."Cise figure A computer would calculate the figure . . , . . , 5 The old wallpaper wasn't as ni ce as the new. The new wallpaper is . . , . . • 6 How reliable a machine is depends on what it (. : OSIS. The more n machine , . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 No other city is Scotland is as hig as Glasgow. Glasgow . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 This year the first sn ow ha s come later t'ha n llist year. Last year the first snow came . . . . . . . " . 9 I've never heard anything more ridiculous. That's the 10 A newspap er doesn't ha ve as many pages as a magazine. A magazin e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34(; . I\c vlCw of CO l1l p:l l l~n n 348 Introduction to prepositions finder 208 Read this true story. AN IJNFOHTUNA1 E ACCJI)ENT , nill a nd Barhara Hawkllls li ve in the Village 01 Port Isaac In CornwalL Their hO ll se IS on a hillr.ide with a S l~p field abo ve II. Hill and Barbam h ad had iI fire ill their house. and they hlld donE' some repairs In the huilding When th e) ' went 10 (-ran ee fo r a holiday. they em pl oyed a house-sitter ca ll ed John Brown. He lived in Ihe house dur ing Th elT ilbscn ce and made sure everything was all right , One Illorning al ~ . 15 :111) , a farmer called Hohert Slnmnn was driving a Land Hover across the licld behind the 11OUS( ~. Suddenly he losl C"Ontrnl of the vt ~ hidc , which skidded on the wei grass . 11 rolled down the hill at high speed ami crashe d mlo the house. Luckily Mr Slo man h ad alrc dy jumped out of the Land Rov er. The vehIcle wellt right through the roof. It landed on the bell where eilrher that morning Jo hn Brown had been sleeping. 'I'd thought about a lie-m,' he smd. · Lu c k.ily I got up . Bul I'm worned about how 10 break the news to BIll and Barbara. The), wenlto France with the idea of lo rgetling Ih elr problems .' Head Ihe MOry agam and write down the first twcnt)' prc po sllionai phra e<>. II . iJ. kl I). · . . . . · . . . . ~ ~ a) . b) c) . dl . . . . . . . . . . . . m ) •. nl 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e) ••• _ • • . • • . . • n gl . h) p) •. q) . . ,) 2 Wnte down Ihe sentence whIch contains a two -word preposition. :i Write down the se nten Ce whkh co ntains a preposItion before an ing-form. 4 Write down the s enten ce which contains a p repo sition bef ore a wh-clau se. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . 5 Write down the sen tence which coma ins a preposition With a modifier in rront of 11. {i Say if dUW/lIS a preposillt)1l or an adverb in the se s entences. al The vehicle rolled down very fa s t. . . h) The vehicle rolled down the hill very [ast . . . . . . . . 176 :1 40 . InClodu('fiulilO pr ep OSit ion '! [...]... prepositional idioms Finder 21 7- 2 26 Each of these sentences is incorrect Write the (orrect se(ltence po J-wH-Ii!ltenin s -IH!tHlf "eft-t6· ;~:'.II.s~"I~ ~9~.I7~.e.~t, NdK 'deek Ihe hespitttl-wtH-t.-lose-m:tt-for-gtJOd 3 :fhey!ve-had to Plit -tlWtly-tne.getne-eeeauMHlf-the-weathet' 4 T-he-l"lIllenl :mtldeft~y-er:ietl In l,siP'! 00.1 6 Afe-)"81:1 !Iui!lfted 6" yeu -pregress¥ 11 :fhe-wer-keP!o are demending fur... anyone-tIM.·hluge-rol'-your-gr-oup? 1.,) tl.~ i~ c I~ ,- - ?1 '"P.";r :r~P.? =rhe-bell-rilt!."!HIH~dte-le59ott , , • 2 My-friend! 182 'f~t:1't! wttttittg-petie-tHly III :I!ifl l'rI!IIO lt iOi lS tither S 11l CU 11in~ ~ ft long-que-tte 4 Dehble wanted-to evcrtake-tne·C8f-froftHH-flef 5 A-wtHmtn eaRle tip at me anti Sh66k my h&f'tt4 6 lo Ie e enifl-g-classcs... Finder 209A- B Look at each picture and complete the sentence Use these words - against away from down ~- i-nside her hnefca~e the-ei-re-l-e the dog a glass into (he hill onto out of the office the Queen the s hed the stage a tree outside past up The ball was r~lde_ the e,r-c./c_ 5 Joanna too k some papers The children were funning " 6 Sam \\,alled -' ~ ~ ) 2 The soldiers marched ::::::::= - 7 The... Finder 228 Match the two parts of the sentence -, :- - - _ I wonder the alilrm to sou nd falsifYing Its aCCOunts for our luggage 10 be sent on ahead how to samba If the · 'e8fher-is-g0lng fO-~ttH-f~ in repairing the damage not to touch that wire that the eanh IS flat 1 No one believes 2 Well, I wamed you 3 The company admiUed 4 You can teach me 5 We arranged 6 I don't understand 7 Th~y succeeded 8 Smoke... London 7/ ~ ~qcy¥t; .- -' ~-{ t ~/J!! t:J~f~:: M r-:t!:')t;S ' P.lqqK {liw ~f;e; L~II'.t":t; . brightest mo st exclusive . . . . . . ' &apos ;- -& apos ;- - &apos ;-& apos ;-& apos ;-& apos ;- -& apos; ' &apos ;-& apos; ' - - bigges t :l: H . I ntrodlllllOIl to Ihe LOmp,lJi::.on. . . 4 V¥e-h~flwrtfl.eay . . I've had o 'il-e're eli ift the fttth-meef:ing lafet. We ' re . 7 T 1ffil-ts-very-taJl, -bttt-MMjHs fttflfier-taller. . . . . . of the crime. . , Los Angeles. 13 :rhe-rnftn-ts-djsabk!d;-fl.ftd-atldiftg-to-tftfit-lle~ a-fleftFf-OOfleitien. Themani s . . . . . . . . . . Inlcrcst mg. 333 .

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