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152 Used to III> Finder 828 Complete the sentenc es with used to and either the infinitive or ing- form of a verb. ~ I l!-'~ ~ r: ~~Gl . . a 101 of novels, but nowad ays I only read newspapers an d magaZines. Richard feels very lonely now Ihal his girlrriend is no long er wnh him. He Isn't ~~. ~~ ~ I ~ •• on his own. We 're always hard up. but we never worry about it. I suppo se we've got . . poor . 2 We live in London now, but we . . . . . in Manchester . 3 The count!)' seemed so quiet after livlIlg in the IOwn , We couldn't hear any trunic. We'd got. . . . . . . . . , . it all day in town. 4 Joanna has lUovt!<i to the right in her politics. She . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labour. but now she votes Conservuli vc . 5 My grandmother is gelling absent· minded. Nowadays she forgets lots or things I'm sure she . . . . . . . things. 6 Makmg decisions Isn 't a lw ays ea~y, hut as a manager, I'm . . . . . . . . . . . . . them. 7 The new Joh is OK, but I hutc starting al seven o'clock. I' ll never gel. . . . . . . . , . . 110 early. 8 These days even st udent!> have gol mobile phon es. It was different In my day. We . . . . . . . th~m when I was at college. 153 Dare Finder 83 Write a sentence with dare so that it has a similar meaning . I'm too scared to go up on the roof . . . ~ ? ~"'~'~ !P. ':f? .~. t!lIf. r-: ~: No one has the courage to argue with the President. . . . . . . . 2 We're afraJd to go out after dark. . . . . . . . 3 People were too frightened to resi st the invaders. 4 Are you brave enough [0 step into the unknown? . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . !i Yuu have no right to come In here without knocking! . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 1 52 . Used to 154 Modal verb + phrase II'- Finder 84 The following sentences are wntten in a rather formal style. Can you express the mean ing in everyday English? Use words from this table. will should ought to may tnlght have to be allowed to be able to ' One can predict a future ne cessity for radical changes The re . . wl lI./lP-Y"!- . tP. ~ r: q 0~(- . .a.' ~~ ~e; s : II is de sirable that students be permiHcd 10 rake a s hort break. Students. . . . . _ . . 2 It will he necessary for candidates (0 posse ss a driving licence. Candidates . . . . . . . . . 3 There is a possibility that research students will be granted permission to see the document s Research students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 II is probable that visitors will expenen ce no difficulty ill finding ac commodation You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 II is possible that applicants will be required to prove Iheir i dent ity. Applicants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 155 The use of modal verbs Finder 70-85 Put in a positive or a negative modal verb such as can or wouldn't. Sometimes there IS more than one possible answer . . . ~ 0'7 . . I give YOLI a hand with thes e bags?- Oh. thank: you . . . . . . . I borrow your pen for a moment? 2 You. . remind me. I haven 't forgotten, you know. 3 Your library books arc always overdue . You . . . . rake them back al the right time 4 Emma owns five house s, so she . . . . . . . . . be nch. S I tried (0 lift the stone, but it was so heavy I . . 6 We're thinkmg of having a holiday. We arcn', sure, but we . go to Italy 7 It's a serious matter . You . . laugh. 8 What shallt do? I don 't know. In yo ur situation, I. . . . . . . . . have any idea what to do . 9 We don 't give enough money to charity. We . . to give more in my opmion. 10 It's not your fault that Ju stin is so annoyed. He . . . . . . . . . be very unreasonable sometimes . II My parents were always very strict. I . . . . . even go out on my own. 12 Ann has Just started work as a shop assistanl. She . . . . carn very much Ilmney. 154 • Moda l verb + phr,l~' ! 156 Review of modal verbs Finder 70-85 Decide which descriptions go with which sentences. Ii> I might go out lalcr 011 . I Yuu mu st wail in the qu e ue . 2 I'd rather cycle than walk. 3 Yes , of course you can borrow my bike. 4 We ought lu write a letter of thanks. 5 We could all meet up next weekend. 6 I daren't look down. 7 This phone number must be wrong. R Shoes must nOI be worn in the gym. 9 T he cafe should open soon. 10 Co uld you dry these dishes' .f), • 3 1 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 a) giving pe r mi ssion b) mak ing a suggesuoll c} making a :r equest d) saymg something will probably happen e) saymg something is necessa rily true o expressing an uncenain intention g) saying what is Ihe right thing to do h) forbidding something il saying you are afraid 1o do somclhlng JI say mg you prefer one thing 10 another kl ordering soml,.'One to do somethmg 157 Review of modal verbs Finder 7(} 85 Each of these sentences is incorrect, Write the correct sentence, My 3i31er ea", to ritle a ltlotorbHte . . . '! ~ :51~~( ~0 :!4~ p., ~ ~ or~~~e ' , . .f!ttt-efraiEf Ihe ph6tM-dtm!l-might-be-ready . • ., ,. ,'. . . . . , . . , . . . . . . 3 We-ttttght "';sil Phil in h~pitttI . . . . . . . . . . ',' . . 4 Sometme mt:tS(-take yoltf-btke-I~. 5 Ooe3-Ehadefle wenld be- wllling-to-heJ.rH , , ., . . . . , , , ., , , . 82 1 5<i . Hc vi cw or m oda l verb !. . , . . . 158 Review of modal verbs Finder 70-85 Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the previous one. Use the word In brackets , U's possible that Amy is III. (may) 8~.~ ':1~ !'~' I have pennisslOn to usc this room (allowed) 2 I'm afraid (0 go OUI on my own (dare) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,., . 3 Il was unnecessary for you to leave a tip. (didn'!) 4 Alone time I played tennis regularly. (used) 5 The best decision wouJd have heen for you to accept the offer (ought! 6 We expect the parcel to arrive suon. (should) 7 It was necessary for Mark to go to hospital (had) . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . 8 (['s obvious that the child has run away. (must) 159 Introduction to the passive Read the sentences and answer the questions. The prisoners were playing rootball . Is the sentence active or passive? "C ; ~ " ,('7 What Is theagcnl? . _ • The prisoners were released. 2 I!) the sentence active or passive? 3 Is the agent mentioned? . The kJds ale all the ice-cream. . . . . - . . . 4 Is the agent the suhject or the object? 5 Is the sentence active or passlvt:l1 . All the Ice-cream wa!. eaten by the kids. 6 Is the agent the subJecl? "'" . . 7 What word comes Just before the agent;> II> Finder 86 158. Hevlcw of modal vcrbs 83 160 Active and passive tenses Finder 87A Read the story and then write one of the verbs in each space. Tbe most expensive airline meal In ImlOry was eaten on a flig tu from Lo ndon fO Moscow. After lake-urr. rh e fi rst drinks were being served when sudd{mly the ca ptain Ill illie 3n a nn oull ce ment. He told tht: passengers that the mam cuurse had been left beh ind at lI ea thr ow when the plane had laken of r. Sevem l hundred chicke n portions were still wailing there . The)' would have to go hack and fel ch them ' MoSI of o ur fuel will be jenlsoned over the se a before we land ,' he said. The plane landed, and lhe crew lOok the meals on hoard The pl ane then lO OK off again thr ee hours latc. 'The needs of our pa ssc n~ e rs arc always given top priority,' Sa Id a spo ke sman for the Brilish airl in c. 'so we had TO go back for th e fooll ' '] have nev er hellrd anything so silly in all my life,' snid one of the pa sse ng ers. The COS I has not been revealed hy the airlin e. ~ Pr esen t simple ( acnvc ) I~ ~t. . • Pr esent si mp le ( pa ssivt:) -?-r:" 4 .:1.:v ~ ""' . I 2 3 4 5 6 Prt:sent perfect (uctlve) . Pre sent pcrfect ( pas sive) P as ( si mplc (passive) [last conti nuou s ('Ictive) Past continuous (passive) PasT perfect (act iv e) . 7 Pa st pe rf ec t (passive) 8 F utur e (passive) 161 Active and passive verb forms . . ~ Finder 87 A- C Complete the news article by putting in the correct active or passive form of the verb In brackets . Somet imes there is more than one possible answer . NO IS IER AND NO I SIER For the losllen years, engineers ( to- ) , I ~",:e., ~~':' ~ . ~ I ~ ~ •• ( mea s ure ) no ise level s in Brita in's Citl CS. The slUdy ( to- ) •• ~-'! l" 5t ~~0 <:':O''":Ip'I~~e; ( ~ . . (just/complete), a nd it (I ) . . . . . . . . . . . (s hawl that t he re is more nOise than ever befor e. More and more people (2). . . . , ( dri ve) mad by the so und s of the city. Co mplamts about noise (3) . (increase) constantly over the last twenty yea rs. Last ye ar almost 300, 000 complaints (4) , , , . , . (make ). The least f av ourite s our ces of noise ( 5) . . . (include) loud mu sic. barking dogs , mobi le phones. ca r alarms and home improvements. We arc all ramiliar with the problem s. How is It that a car alarm (6) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . " (c an /he ar ) by everyone eXCe pt the owner of (he car? Wh y (7) . electr ic dnll s . ( ha ve ttl /usc) ca rl y on Sunday morning ? Why (8) , . . . arguments . , . (carry) on wi th the windows wide opcn? 'N oise (9) . . (s till/increase),' said a member of the research group. These da ys traffic (10). . . . (start) curlier in the morrting, and shops and cl ubs (I I) . . . . . (slay) open later. The problem ( 12 ) . ' . . . . , . (must/tac kle ) People (J :-l) • •.•. , . .• , . (can /drive) to co mmit suicide bt -c ausc of noise. So why (1 4) nothing . . . (do) about the problem? Up to now the gm'crnmcnt (15) . , " ., . (p ay) little attention to It. but now aclion (16) . . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (need ). We aJl hop e that the results or our study (I7). . . . . •. ' . • . •.• .( not/ignore). 84 160 . !\ulve <Inti p<l ss ivc temcs 162 Was broken: action or state? ~ Finder 87E look at the words In bold type and say if they express an actIon or a state. to- When the bomb threat was received, the road was closed by t he police. aGtlOri We went to the Tourist Office, but it was closed for the day 1 The goods were damaged In the accident 2 The goods were damaged deliberately . . 3 These chaus are sold in all our stores. 4 I'm sorry, but those chairs are sold . . . 5 It was starting to get dark. I was frightened. 6 The animal was too frightened fa co me out of HS nest. .5to te 7 The carpet was stained where someone had S Pl it wme on it. 8 The carpet was stained when ' someone spilt wine on it . 163 Passive verb forms II> Finder 87 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the previous one . There is no need to use a phrase with by In your pass iv e sentences. ~ They might change the rult~s. The rules . . ':"'~'3!1~ .~ ~. ~J:a.r~e:J People d on't respect politiCians. Politicians . 2 The grass IS being cu t. So meon e . . . . 3 They're going to repair the phone. The phone . . 4 They had lost the document. The document. . . 5 Has anyone cor rected the mistakes? Have . . . . . . . . . . 6 The door should have been locked behind us. We 7 They will broad cast th e progr amme on Sunday. The programme . . . . . 8 Someone had torn the page. The page • • 9 We have to do the shopping. The shopping . .• 10 We're looldng into the matter. The maner . . . . . . 11 People just laugh at my suggest ions . My suggestions . . . . 12 Somet hmg must have delayed your viSitors. Your visitors 162 . Was broken acti on or state? 85 164 The use of the passive Finder 88 Look at these pairs of sentences and answer the questions about them . Put a tick by the fig ht answer. Which of these scnlcnces could be made passive? aJ 1ZI Lols of famous people wear these J ac kels b) 0 Thal style of Jackel really suits you Which of these is morc informal? al 0 People arc pJaymg football in the park. h) 0 Foo tb all is being played in the pa ri! 2 Which one of these s~ntcnces is correet'? a) 0 The company is belonged to my COliS Hl . b) 0 The company is owned by m}' cou sin. 3 The coasl of Brazil was explored by Amengo Vespucci. Is thiS sen tence more likely (0 occur in a) 0 a fact file on Brazil, or hJ 0 a fact file on Vcs plI cd? 4 Which one of these sentences could be made passive? a) 0 The parcel weighs two kilos. hI 0 I've weighed the parcel. 5 Which of these is mor e impersonal? a) 0 You s hould keep Ihis information in a safe place. b) 0 This mform.nion sho uld be kept in a safe place. 6 Which of these se nten ces is more likely? a) D People make soap from vegetable Oils b) D Soap is made from vegetable Oi ls. 165 The form and use of the passive Finder 87-88 look at the information in brackets and the n add the· information to the next sentence. Begin with it, they , or which. Decide If the sentence has to be active or passive. iii- (The X-ray machme scans the bags for weapons.) The bag s go through an X·ray machme, . ~ h ; :-~ .~ :'7 .t hl;-'":1Jo:. I~~ (People developed the steam engine in the 1 8th century.) A key invention was the steam eng i ne . ~ t ~ :> .d.c;v ~ ! ~ r.e:d in. ~ ~ I .i~~ ~ ~~ ~ , - ~ . ( Someone invelHed Ice-hockey in Canada) Ice-hockey is a popular game, . . . . . 2 (T he owne rs have completely renov.ucd the house.) T he h ouse looks magnificent . •. 3 (fhe project cost millions of pounds.) The project was very expensive 86 1 64 . The usc or the IM SS lVC . . . . i I I • ! I ~ <1 (We can mix the primary colours In make othe r c olours) The pnmary colours arc red, ye llow and blue . . . . . 5 (People li sten to the Bile World Se rv ice all over the world.) The nBC World Servi ce IS well known . . . . . . . 6 (The c ompan y ha s taken over il s maIO COmPCtltor.) The co mp any IS expandrng . . . 7 (The studlllrn la cks pro pe r fa cih ties .l InternatIOnal rnalchcs c. mllO! be played at the stadium • 166 The agent in passive sentences Write passive sentences wi th by. r:: :- :- - - - _. - Sftefft) e k-H6ItI~ (buil d) Jura ss ic Park ( efefIff' ) The Harry Potter hooks (dir ec t) The telephone (invent) The pyramids (write) - : : c:c-c Al exa nd er Graham Bell !iir Ard'ltIP Cel'lftll Doyle the Egyptians I.K Rowling Steven Spielberg . ~ J ~r. I 0=:- ~ (1 c? 1 ~.5. t<.!0: ~. c; r:- t;.'! t;e; c: ~ ~ ~ lr. l)r: t/lIt r . ~ n .D~ : ~ J'~ I , Finder 89A 3 4 . . . . . . 167 The agent in passive sentences Ii> Finder 89 If the phrase with by adds important information, write yes. But if It can easily be l eft out, write no and cross it out. II> We were driven home by a friend of ours. .~ e . .5 • • We were driven home in a laxi by 8 ltl:Xi dri er · . . . 0C? . . I TV programmes are broadcaSl all night by Ihe TV companic s . . 2 The programme was seen by 8 million viewers 3 The windows of the office are cleaned regularly by a wmdow cl eaner . . 4 In the storm several trees were blown down by the wind. S The gang have all been arrested by the police 6 The man was arrested by a 23·year·old female police office r. . ! ! 168 The passive with get Finder 90 ! I Put in a form of get and the passive partiCiple of these verbs : change, kill, leave, lose, marry, start, stop, throw . II> I was driving [00 fa s t. and I . . '3~ t . S, t9 f>F:R: 0 . by the po li ce. If y ou try to walk. across a motonva y, Y Oll ' lI prob;tbly 166 . T he aJ,:cnl III IHI SS lve sentences 87 2 Nol only have I got a boyfricnd, hut we're . . . . . next month 3 I can 't go out in thesc clothes. I must . . . . . . . . . . fir s t. 4 When the coach continued Its journey, two members of the grouP . . . . behmd by mistake. S Andrew Is no gond at map-reading. He's always . . . . . . . . . . 6 \\ J ould you like to eal up snme of thi.s food before it . ••. . . ilw ay ? 7 We 've gOl all thiS housework to do, so let' s. . . . . . . ' shall we? 169 The passive with give, send, etc Finder 91 Rewrite the sentences putting the part in bold type at the beginning. You may need to change from active to passive or from passive to active . We found jobs for most of the students. · . .,J~.!>. ~ (' ~ f9t 1 '?4 -!qr ~;5!- Pi .tk- .!I ~ l!- q.~,: ~ . Thcy've offered Sophie a place at university. · . {>qpjl.te fi.?-? ~~" .o . .ff~ ,,:t;.4,o P'1 9-t;- ~ . a. t. ~; ,,:,~r: .!I . ri:~ You should show this photo to the police. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Thi'i jumper was given to me by my grandmother. 3 The bas!=. has promised Polly a ri s e. , You can feed the Icflover meat to the dogs. 5 Simon was handed the receipt by the shop assistant. 6 Large fees are paid to the lawyers. 7 A handsome instructor is going to leach our group skiing. 170 The passive with verbs of reporting Finder 92A Combine each pair of sentences . Begin with it and a passive verb . We know something about the Prime Minister. He has bought II holiday home . · . ~ t i .!l ~ ~. ~ ~ .t ~ J ' : i~ t1 !rY.!It;! IJo:~ ~'-j ! )!- p ¥!'~ !j .~: There's a rumour about the company. It is in difficulties. . . . . . . . . . . 2 People believed in the Emperor. To them he was a god. 3 Someone reported on the fighting. It had just begun. 4 The figures ~;Ii ~ho~~; so'~~thing 'ab~~t ' ~~rt) ,. · I; Is · i~ c r~~s · i~g . . •. . . . . . . 88 1 69 . nu : p as.'>lVe Wi th g we, se lld . etc 6 An agreement was reached about wages. They would be rai st:d by five per ccOl . · . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Th ey have made a decision aOOm the projt. "C t. It will have to be cancelled. 8 There wa s a suggcsuon about the ticket s. Th ey should cost five pounds. 171 said to be Finder 928 Re , write the first six sentences of Exercise 170 using a passive verb and a to-Infinitive. Ii"- .• f/J;e; 1:Y:r~~ J! r0r~~ r: !.!>.~. t.o. I!D;>/ r ~8h ~ ~.Il£)/Ifl.fl.lJ i lOr;o'r1f!- ; 1 The company . . . . . , . . • , . 2 The Emperor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 3 . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 172 Passive verb + to-infinitive or active participle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finder 93 Combine each pair of sentences us ing a passive verb + a to -infinitive or active partiCiple The team members have 10 work together. Th at':. what the boss told the m. · . f¥. ;~n').N"/!:~ r. ~~ ' ~ t~d. !-q ~k .t~~1: J ~ .r'; Ii"- The old man was wandering around the streets. The police found him. , . ~. 9'0. ":""00 !V . Q;5 ,-(~ , 0'1.t, :,,"~.0'"~e ' · .""1 c:tr:- (?t , ~rr~ t~ 7't r: e;.~ ~~ The workers have accepted lower wages Th e company has persuaded them. 2 Tw o young men were fighttng. We saw them 3 The victims may take le gal action. Thai 's what their lawye rs have advised them. 4 The children had to pI ck up all the litler. The teacher made them do It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . - . . . . . . . . , 5 The wo man wa s smuggling ci garettes into the country. Customs offi cers caught her 6 The refugees can't get a job. The governme nt wo n't let them. 7 £50,000 on decorating the ballroom - thai's what th ey spent. S You shouldn't have dri ven so fast. 1 warned you not to. 17 1. smd ro be H9 [...]... infinitive Finder 9 7-1 10 Correct the sentences 5teYe-fte9-RSked l-help him ~~~~e~ ~~ a9S~~ ~ ~q ~IP h i,:,: ¥ott-must-have-forgtltlen )Belting I he fiBer 2 I-wfmf thttt-you tfUSl-me ~ 3' We-set-orr· rettHy-etttly-not tn-he-kne - " 1t wa!!;-kt,".J~-JI"orf-)')'6"'."'lt"" "'.ee~m H . r:: :- :- - - - _. - Sftefft) e k-H6ItI~ (buil d) Jura ss ic Park ( efefIff' ) The Harry Potter hooks (dir ec t) The telephone (invent) The pyramids (write) - : : c:c-c Al exa nd er. f9t 1 ' ?4 -! qr ~;5 !- Pi .tk- .!I ~ l !- q.~,: ~ . Thcy've offered Sophie a place at university. · . {>qpjl.te fi. ?-? ~~" .o . .ff~ ,,:t; .4, o P'1 9-t ;- ~ . a Phil in h~pitttI . . . . . . . . . . ',' . . 4 Sometme mt:tS(-take yoltf-btke-I~. 5 Ooe3-Ehadefle wenld be- wllling-to-heJ.rH , , ., . . . . , , , ., , ,

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