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Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology - part 3 pptx

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62 Vance nadism, probably because of abnormal pulsatile gonadotropin secretion, with fail- ure to stimulate ovarian and testicular function. A few cases of increased testoster- one associated with an LH-secreting adenoma have been reported, as have several cases of ovarian hyperstimulation, associated with an FSH-secreting adenoma. Identifying a gonadotropin-secreting adenoma prior to treatment is useful to assess success of treatment (most commonly surgery) by having a serum tumor marker to follow. The diagnosis of a gonadotroph adenoma is dependent on the presence of an excessive serum concentration of the particular hormone (LH, FSH, α-subunit). Administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) with measurement of LH, FSH, and α-subunit responses has been proposed as a method of diagno- sis. However, this has not proven to be of clinical utility. In general, a nonsecretory pituitary macroadenoma is associated with “normal” or suppressed levels of LH, FSH, and α-subunit. These tumors are found in men with secondary hypogo- nadism and in postmenopausal women. Thus, a slightly increased LH, FSH, or α-subunit may indicate a secretory gonadotropin tumor. The importance of iden- tifying a gonadotrope adenoma is the use of a serum tumor marker to assess the effect of therapy. Initial therapy is surgical removal with postoperative serum measurement of the hormone produced in excess, as well as an MRI study to assess anatomy (optimally 3 mo after surgery). At the postoperative evaluation (usually 6 wk after surgery), gonadotropin and α-subunit concentrations should be measured to determine the response to surgery. Serial hormone measurement of the elevated hormone or hormones every 6–12 mo allows for detection of tumor recurrence and for early intervention. There are no consistently effective medical therapies for this type of tumor (24), thus emphasizing the need for lifelong follow up for recurrence, including hormone measurements and at least a yearly imaging study (MRI). Tumor recurrence may be treated with surgery and/or pituitary radiation, the choice depending on the size of the tumor, clinical features (headache, visual abnormality), and patient preference. In general once a tumor has recurred, it can be presumed to be “aggressive”, which usually warrants a combination of a second surgical removal and postoperative pituitary radiation (conventional or stereotactic). NONFUNCTIONING ADENOMA Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas are so designated, because they do not secrete an excess of a pituitary hormone into the circulation. However, the majority of these tumors synthesize a hormone or hormones when examined by immunostaining. The most common type are immunopositive for LH, FSH, and α-subunit, either singly or in combination. Uncommonly, a tumor may be posi- tive on immunostaining for TSH, which is biologically inactive. Electron micro- scopic examination of these tumors confirms that they are gonadotrope in origin. 03/Vance/55-66/F 12/4/02, 7:53 AM62 Chapter 3/Diagnosis: Pituitary Tumors 63 Clinically, these are nonfunctioning, since excess LH, FSH, or α-subunit is not detected in the serum. Explanations for this observation are that the hormone is either not released into the circulation or that posttranslational processing or glycosylation is altered and the antibody does not recognize the product. Other types of nonsecretory adenomas include “silent” ACTH, “silent” GH, “silent” subtype 3, and null cell adenomas. Patients with a silent ACTH or silent GH adenoma do not have clinical features of Cushing’s syndrome or acromegaly, and biochemical measures (24-h urine free cortisol, serum ACTH, serum IGF- 1, GH response to oral glucose) do not indicate ACTH or GH hypersecretion. Null cell adenomas do not have positive immunostaining for any hormone while silent ACTH and GH tumors are immunopositive for ACTH and GH, respec- tively. The “silent” ACTH, GH, and subtype 3 tumors are clinically important, since they have been described as being more “aggressive” regarding growth and risk of recurrence compared with other nonfunctioning adenomas. The diagnosis of a nonfunctioning adenoma resides solely with the exami- nation of the surgical specimen. Immunostaining for all of the pituitary hor- mones and electron microscopy are the most precise methods to chacterize the tumor type. Treatment for a nonfunctioning adenoma is surgical removal with close moni- toring for recurrence. The reported recurrence rate for nonsecretory adenomas is 16% within 10 yr, with a symptomatic recurrence rate of 10% within 10 yr (26–28). Since there is no method to predict which patient will have a recurrence, all patients should be followed lifelong, with a yearly MRI study. Pituitary adenomas have been known to recur 20 yr after initial treatment. The use of adjunctive pituitary radiation is indicated in some patients, and the criteria for treatment are identical to those of gonadotrope adenomas. Although the goal of pituitary radiation is to prevent recurrence, a tumor may recur after such treatment, again emphasizing the need for lifelong monitoring. SUMMARY Pituitary tumors are more common than is generally recognized. Once a patient is diagnosed with a pituitary mass, it is necessary to characterize the type of tumor, the presence of hypopituitarism, begin essential hormone replacement, and rec- ommend appropriate therapy. Dopamine agonist is the preferred therapy for a prolactinoma, and surgical resection by an experienced pituitary surgeon is rec- ommended for all other tumor types. Regardless of the tumor type and the treat- ment or treatments, a patient with a pituitary tumor requires lifelong follow-up. REFERENCES 1. Burrow GN, Wortzman G, Rewcastle NB, Holgate RC, Kovacs K. Microadenomas of the pituitary and abnormal sellar tomograms in an unselected autopsy series. N Engl J Med 1981;304:156–158. 03/Vance/55-66/F 12/4/02, 7:53 AM63 64 Vance 2. Balagura S, Frantz AG, Houspain EM, et al. The specificity of serum prolactin as a diagnostic indicator of pituitary adenoma. J Neurosurg 1979;51:42–46. 3. Antunes JL, Houspain EM, Frantz AG. Proalctin-secreting pituitary tumors. Ann Neurol 1977;2:148–153. 4. Vance ML, Evans WS, Thorner MO. Drugs five years later: bromocriptine. Ann Intern Med 1984;100:78–91. 5. Bates AS, Van’t Hoff W, Jones JM, Clayton RN. 1993 An audit of outcome of treatment in acromegaly. Q J Med 1993;86:293–299. 6. Orme SM, McNally RJ, Cartwright RA, Belchetz PE. Mortality and cancer incidence in acromegaly: a retrospective cohort study. United Kingdom Acromegaly Study Group. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998;83:2730–2734. 7. Stoffel-Wagner B, Springer W, Bidlingmaier F, Klingmüller. 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Treatment and recurrences in 135 pituitary adenomas. Acta Neurochirurgica 1988;42(Suppl):120–123. 03/Vance/55-66/F 12/4/02, 7:53 AM65 66 Vance 03/Vance/55-66/F 12/4/02, 7:53 AM66 Chapter 4/Cushing’s Syndrome 67 From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology Edited by: J. E. Hall and L. K. Nieman © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 4 Cushing’s Syndrome Lynnette K. Nieman, MD CONTENTS CLINICAL FEATURES OF CUSHING’S SYNDROME DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION OF CUSHING’S SYNDROME APPROACHES TO THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF CUSHING’S SYNDROME CONCLUSION REFERENCES CLINICAL FEATURES OF CUSHING’S SYNDROME Cushing’s syndrome is a symptom complex that reflects excessive tissue exposure to cortisol. The diagnosis cannot be made without both clinical features and biochemical abnormalities. Thus, clinical features consistent with the syn- drome will provoke laboratory testing. Clinical features of Cushing’s syndrome (Table 1) reflect the amount and duration of exposure to excess cortisol (1–6) . Not all patients have all features, and patients with mild or intermittent cortisol excess usually have fewer features than those with very high glucocorticoid production. Thus, while the full-blown Cushingoid phenotype is unmistakable (Fig. 1), it may be difficult to make a clinical diagnosis in patients with a less typical presentation. While Cushing’s syndrome is rare, many of its clinical features are common in the general population and raise the dilemma of who should be screened. The signs that are most indicative of glucocorticoid excess are shown in Table 2. These patients have the greatest likelihood of having Cushing’s syndrome. In the patient who does not have clinical features with a high positive likeli- hood ratio for Cushing’s syndrome, it is helpful to look for additional signs of hypercortisolism and to look for clinical indicators of progression. For example, changes in mood and cognition may be recognized as signs of hypercortisolism in retrospect, especially if these represent a change from the patient’s baseline status. These complaints include increased fatigue, irritability, crying and rest- lessness, depressed mood, decreased libido, insomnia, anxiety, decreased con- centration, impaired memory (especially for recent events), and changes in 67 04/Nieman/67-84/F 12/4/02, 7:57 AM67 68 Nieman Table 1 The Sensitivity, Specificity, and Likelihood Ratio of Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Cushing’s Syndrome a Likelihood ratio Sensitivity Specificity Positive Negative Sign/symptom (%) (%) result result Increased fatigue 100 Decreased libido 33–100 Weight gain 79–97 Irritability; emotional lability 40–86 Insomnia 69 Decreased concentration 66 Impaired short-term memory 83 Changes in appetite 54 Lethargy, depression 40–67 Menstrual changes 35–86 49 .68–1.68 1.3–0.29 Osteopenia or fracture 48–83 94 8–13.8 0.55–0.18 Headache 47–58 63 1.27–1.57 0.67–0.84 Backache 39–83 Recurrent infections 14–25 Generalized obesity 51–90 71 1.75–3.10 0.14–0.69 or weight gain Truncal obesity 3–97 38 0.05–1.56 0.08–2.6 Plethora 78–94 69 2.51–3.03 0.09–0.32 Round face 88–92 Hirsutism 64–84 61 2.21–2.90 0.26–0.59 Hypertension 74–90 83 4.35–5.29 0.12–0.31 Eccymoses 60–68 94 10–11.3 0.34–0.43 Striae wider than 1 cm 50–64 78 2.72–2.91 0.46–0.64 and purple color Weakness, especially 56–90 93 8–12.6 0.11–0.69 of proximal muscles Abnormal fat distribution: 34–67 centripetal, dorsocervical, supraclavicular, and temporal Edema 48–66 83 2.82–3.88 0.41–0.63 Thinness and fragility of skin 84 Abdominal pain 21 Acne 21–82 76 0.88–3.42 0.24–1.01 Female balding 13–51 a Abstracted from refs. 1–6 04/Nieman/67-84/F 12/4/02, 7:57 AM68 Chapter 4/Cushing’s Syndrome 69 Fig. 1. Clinical features of Cushing’s syndrome apparent in this patient include central obesity, plethora, edema, striae and supraclavicular fat. appetite. Irritability, expressed as a decreased threshold for uncontrollable ver- bal outbursts, is often an early symptom. Serial 7 subtractions and recall of three cities (or three objects) can be used by the clinician to quantify this symptom complex (5). Inspection of old photographs may also assist in recognition of physical changes over time. When the physical features are not convincing, one option is to observe the patient over time. However, many endocrinologists will decide to perform one of the screening tests described below, usually with the expectation of excluding any abnormality. 04/Nieman/67-84/F 12/4/02, 7:57 AM69 70 Nieman Table 2 Who to Screen for Cushing’s Syndrome Screen patients with signs most suggestive of hypercortisolism: 1. Abnormal fat distribution, particularly in the supraclavicular and temporal fossae. 2. Proximal muscle weakness. 3. Excessive bruising in the setting of other signs of hypercortisolism. 4. Wide (>1 cm), purple striae. 5. Failure of linear growth with continued weight gain in a child. Also screen patients with unexplained or unusual features for their age group, such as: 1. Nontraumatic fracture in young individuals with no risk for osteopenia. 2. Hypertension in young individuals. 3. Cutaneous atrophy in young individuals. Screen any patient with multiple clinical features, particularly if there is progression over time (old photographs are helpful). Table 3 UFC for the Diagnosis of Cushing’s Syndrome How Collect all urine for 24 h (discard first morning void on first d, and keep it on the second). Measure UFC (and creatinine if collecting multiple specimens, to evaluate completeness of the collection). Interpretation Note that high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) normal range is about half that of radioimmunoassay (RIA) methodology. > 4× Upper limit of normal = Cushing’s syndrome (rarely, glucocorticoid resistance). 1–4× Upper limit of normal = Cushing’s syndrome or pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome. Within the normal range = no Cushing’s syndrome (up to 5% false negative rate). Caveats UFC is not reliable when creatinine clearance <20 cc/min. DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION OF CUSHING’S SYNDROME Overproduction of cortisol and reduced sensitivity to feedback inhibition by glucocorticoids are the hallmark laboratory findings in endogenous Cushing’s syndrome (7,8). The tests used to make the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome take advantage of these physiologic abnormalities. 04/Nieman/67-84/F 12/4/02, 7:57 AM70 Chapter 4/Cushing’s Syndrome 71 Laboratory Screening Tests URINE FREE CORTISOL Urine free cortisol (UFC) (Table 3) is the gold standard test for the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome (7,8). If patients with Cushing’s syndrome are compared to normal or obese individuals, and values exceed the upper limit of normal, the sensitivity and specificity of the test are greater than 94% (9). However, the specificity decreases dramatically, to 23%, when the responses of patients with pseudo-Cushing states are evaluated (10). Pseudo-Cushing states, characterized by mild overactivation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis without true Cushing’s syndrome, include certain psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder), morbid obesity, poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, and alcoholism. Mildly elevated UFC also may be seen with- out any associated condition (11,12). In one small study, patients with pseudo- Cushing states all had urine cortisol excretion of less than 388 µg/d, about 4-fold the upper limit of normal in the radioimmunoassay used in the study (13). Thus, if the criterion for the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome is increased to this level, pseudo-Cushing states can be excluded, at the expense of a decreased sensitivity (45%) for Cushing’s syndrome. UFC may be falsely negative if the patient has cyclic or intermittent Cushing’s syndrome and collects urine during an inactive time. M EASUREMENT OF PLASMA CORTISOL AT MIDNIGHT Midnight plasma cortisol values (Table 4) can distinguish pseudo-Cushing states from Cushing’s syndrome, with 95% diagnostic accuracy using a cutpoint Table 4 Midnight Plasma Cortisol for the Diagnosis of Cushing’s Syndrome How Insert an indwelling line by 11 PM. Ensure that the patient rests and fasts. Measure plasma cortisol at midnight. Interpretation Cortisol 7.5 µg/dL = not Cushing’s syndrome. Higher values = Cushing’s syndrome. Caveats Patients who do not normally sleep at night and those travelling from other time zones may have false positive results. 5% False negative rate (usually intermittent or mild Cushing’s syndrome). 04/Nieman/67-84/F 12/4/02, 7:57 AM71 [...]... rare cause of autonomous primary adrenal hypercortisolism J Comput Assist Tomogr 1991;15:7 73 779 35 Lieberman SA, Eccleshall TR, Feldman D ACTH-independent massive bilateral adrenal disease (AIMBAD): a subtype of Cushing’s syndrome with major diagnostic and therapeutic implications Eur J Endocrinol 1994; 131 :67– 73 36 Bertagna X New causes of Cushing’s syndrome N Engl J Med 1992 ;32 7:1024–1025 37 Lacroix... adrenal glands (34 ,35 ) The etiology of this disorder has, for the most part, remained unclear However, recent descriptions suggest that aberrant expression of “illicit” receptors for various ligands (gastric inhibitory peptide [GIP], β-adrenergic, vasopressin) in the adrenal glands may be the underlying etiology of this puzzling condition (36 38 ) IMAGING IN ACTH-DEPENDENT CUSHING’S SYNDROME MRI of the pituitary... 1989;172:415–420 32 Magiakou MA, Mastorakos G, Gomez et al The NIH experience with Cushing syndrome in children and adolescents: presentation, diagnosis and therapy N Engl J Med 1994 ;33 1:629– 636 33 Weinstein LS, Shenker A, Gejman P, et al Activating mutations of the stimulatory G protein in the McCune-Albright syndrome N Engl J Med 1991 ;32 5:1688–1695 34 Doppman JL, Nieman LK, Travis WD, et al CT and MR imaging of. .. increase of cortisol using the mean 30 and 45 min values compared to the average of the baseline values (-5 , -1 min); calculate the percent increase of ACTH using the mean 15 and 30 min values compared to the mean baseline values ACTH increase >34 % or cortisol increase >20% = Cushing’s disease Less increase in both ACTH and cortisol = Cushing’s disease or ectopic ACTH secretion Table 11 High-Dose (8-mg) 6-Day... Gastric inhibitory polypeptide-dependent cortisol hypersecretion—a new cause of Cushing’s syndrome N Engl J Med 1992 ;32 7:974–980 38 Lacroix A, N’Diaye N, Mircescu H, Hamtet P, Tremblay J Abnormal expression and function of hormone receptors in adrenal Cushing’s syndrome Endocr Res 1998;24: 835 – 43 39 Newton DR, Dillon WP, Norman D, Newton TH, Wilson CB Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging of pituitary adenomas Am... pseudo-Cushing states J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998; 83: 11 63 1167 11 Kaye TB, Crapo L The Cushing’s syndrome: an update on diagnostic tests Ann Intern Med 1990;112, 434 –444 12 Newell-Price J, Trainer P, Besser M, Grossman A The diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome and pseudo-Cushing’s states Endocr Rev 1998;19,647–72 13 Yanovski JA, Cutler GB Jr, Chrousos GP, Nieman, LK Corticotropin-releasing... with Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved labeling for the differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome Use of the agent in the dexamethasone–CRH test represents an off-label use Only about 100 patients have been reported using this test ( 13) 04/Nieman/6 7-8 4/F 72 12/4/02, 7:57 AM Chapter 4/Cushing’s Syndrome 73 Table 5 Overnight 1-mg DST for the Diagnosis of Cushing’s Syndrome How Give 1 mg dexamethasone... (including the aldosterone-producing renin-responsive tumor subset), often have unique biochemical features Serum measurements of 18-OH corticosterone (18-OH-B), an intermediate in the aldosterone biosyn- 05/Dulhy/8 5-1 06/F 90 12/2/02, 11:07 AM Chapter 5/Endocrine Hypertension 91 thetic pathway, are usually >100 ng/dL in APA; patients with IHA have values . 1988;42(Suppl):120–1 23. 03/ Vance/5 5-6 6/F 12/4/02, 7: 53 AM65 66 Vance 03/ Vance/5 5-6 6/F 12/4/02, 7: 53 AM66 Chapter 4/Cushing’s Syndrome 67 From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology Edited. Metab 1989;68:8 73 # -3 881. 10. McKnight JA, McCance DR, Sheridan B, et al. A long-term dose-response study of somatosta- tin analogue (SMS 20 1-9 95, octreotide) in resistant acromegaly. Clin Endocrinol 1991 ;34 :119–125 11 Follicle-stimulating hormone- secreting pituitary tumor with concomitant elevation of serum α-subunit levels. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1984;58: 937 –941. 03/ Vance/5 5-6 6/F 12/4/02, 7: 53 AM64 Chapter 3/ Diagnosis:

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