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206 Service the C-peptide test in comparison with the prolonged supervised fast. The C- peptide suppression test has been modified as hyperinsulinemic euglycemic or hypoglycemic clamps (78). No diagnostic criteria have been generated from these procedures. INSULIN ANTIBODIES The detection of insulin antibodies was once considered to be firm evidence of factitious hypoglycemia due to self-administered insulin (79), especially when animal insulin was the only commercially available type. Currently, patients with this disorder usually have no detectable insulin antibodies, possibly because of the use of human insulin, which is less antigenic than the form derived from animals. The presence of insulin antibodies has been considered to be the sine qua non for a diagnosis of insulin autoimmune hypoglycemia (19), but low titers of antibodies may be detected in persons without hypoglycemia (80) and, in rare instance, in patients with insulinomas (81). G LYCATED HEMOGLOBIN Glycated hemoglobin concentrations (affinity chromatography) are statisti- cally significantly lower in patients with insulinomas than in control subjects. However, there is too much overlap to provide a diagnostic criterion (82) (Fig. 6). Nevertheless, a value 4.1% uniformly was associated with insulinoma, but only 25% of patients with insulioma had values in that range. I MAGING STUDIES There has been a consensus among endocrinologists that the diagnosis of a hypoglycemic disorder should be made biochemically. Should the data point to a pancreatic lesion, localization procedures are then undertaken. The success in localization often depends on local skill and experience. Ultrasound is heavily operator-dependent; computed tomography (CT) is technologically dependent, i.e., best results with triple phase technique. Octreoscan has been generally disap- pointing. Transhepatic portal venous sampling for insulin has been abandoned by major centers. Merging of localization and diagnostic maneuvers has occurred with the development of the selective arterial calcium stimulation test (83,84). Although conducted in the vascular radiology suite and requiring access to various intra-abdominal vessels (e.g., hepatic vein, splenic artery, gastroduodenal artery, and superior mesenteric artery), the test may be viewed as a dynamic biochemical test. A twofold to threefold step up in insulin concentration in response to calcium injection into one or more of the arteries noted above suggests that the region of the pancreas served by that artery harbors abnormal β-cells, either insulinoma or hyperplasia/nesidioblastosis. This may be the dynamic test of choice for the evalu- ation of hypoglycemia in the patient with chronic renal failure. 10/Service/193-212/F 12/2/02, 1:18 PM206 Chapter 10/Hypoglycemic Disorders 207 The Ill-Appearing Patient In persons with coexisting disease, it may be sufficient to recognize the under- lying disease and its association with hypoglycemia and to take action to mini- mize recurrences of hypoglycemia (Table 1). Confirmation of the suspected mechanism of the hypoglycemia may be sought, such as low insulin and C- peptide levels in ethanol hypoglycemia, elevated insulin-like growth factor II levels in non-β-cell tumor hypoglycemia, low levels of cortisol in adrenal insuf- ficiency, and blunted serum glucose responses to intravenous glucagon in hypoglycemias due to abnormal liver function (e.g., glycogen storage disease, sepsis, and congestive heart failure). Hospitalized patients are often severely ill persons with multisystem disease. They are at risk for iatrogenic hypoglycemias (insulin added to total parenteral nutrition), as well as for any hypoglycemia that may be produced by the under- lying disease. In determining the cause of hypoglycemia in a hospitalized, seri- ously ill patient, a diligent examination of the record may be more profitable than examination of the patient. Fig. 6. Glycated hemoglobin measured by boronate affinity chromatography (normal range 4–7%) is significantly lower in patients with insulinoma whether treated with diazoxide than in normal controls. However, there is considerable overlap between the two groups. Nevertheless, no normal subject and 25% of insulinoma patients had glycated hemoglobin values 4.1%. From Hassoun et al., Endocr Pract 4:181–183, 1998. 10/Service/193-212/F 12/2/02, 1:18 PM207 208 Service CONCLUSION The diagnosis of a hypoglycemic disorder requires a high level of suspicion, careful assessment of the patient for the presence of mediating drugs or a predis- posing illness, and, where indicated, methodic evaluation on the basis of well- defined diagnostic criteria. The diagnostic burden is heaviest for healthy appearing persons with episodes of confirmed neuroglycopenia. The author’s criteria for insulin mediation of hypoglycemia are: serum insulin 3 µU/mL or higher (ICMA), C-peptide of 200 pmol/L or higher (ICMA), proinsulin of 5 pmol/L or higher (ICMA), β-OH butyrate of 2.7 mmol/L or lower, and generous ( 25 mg/dL) response of serum glucose to intravenous glucagon administered when the patient is hypoglycemic. Sulfonylurea should be sought in the serum of any hypoglycemic patient. REFERENCES 1. Wauchope GM. Hypoglycemia. Q J Med 1933;2:117–125. 2. Harris S. 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Their physical properties (i.e., their lipophilicity or hydrophobicity) are in part what suit them for this role. However, due to this hydrophobicity, lipids are not soluble in the aqueous environment of the plasma. Therefore, lipids must be carried in lipoprotein particles that allow for the hydrophobic components to be protected from the hydrophilic plasma. In addi- tion, the lipoprotein particles contain surface proteins that target them for metabolism or uptake. Figure 1 is an overview of the metabolism of lipoprotein particles (see ref. 1 for a review of lipoprotein metabolism). There are two general pathways of lipid metabolism, one involving chylomicrons absorbed from the intestine and the other starting with very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) from the liver. In the first or exogenous pathway, chylomicrons, which are large (75– 1200 nm) TG-rich (>80% TG and <10% cholesterol) particles, are produced through intestinal absorption of lipids. Chylomicrons include apolipo-proteins B48, C1, C2, C3, and E. They are catabolized by lipoprotein lipase in peripheral tissues yielding fatty acids for the tissues and forming chylomicron remnant lipoproteins, which are taken up by the liver. In the second (endogenous) path- way, the liver produces VLDL particles that are also large (30–80 nm) and TG rich (approx 50% TG and 20% cholesterol). VLDL contains apolipoproteins 11/Donahoo/213-238/F 12/3/02, 7:38 AM213 214 Donahoo et al. B100, C1, C2, C3, and E. VLDL are also acted upon by lipoprotein lipase forming free fatty acids for peripheral tissues and VLDL remnants. Intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL) are also produced by the liver but are limited in concentration, are somewhat smaller (25–35 nm), and contain less TG and more cholesterol (approx 30% TG and approx 30% cholesterol). IDL have the same apolipoproteins as VLDL. VLDL remnants and IDL are further catabolized to form LDL, a small (18–25 nm) cholesterol-rich (<10% TG, approx 45% cholesterol) particle, which is the major cholesterol carrier in the blood. The only apolipoprotein in LDL is apoB100. LDL is taken up by the liver and peripheral tissues through a receptor-mediated mecha- nism. However, LDL can also be oxidized and taken up by macrophages in the vascular wall, initiating the cascade leading to an atherosclerotic plaque. A final lipoprotein pathway is that of high density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL is secreted as a discoid particle by the liver and small intestine. Nascent HDL picks up free cholesterol secreted from cells via the ABC A1 cassette to become HDL 3 , which is small (5–12 nm) and contains primarily cholesterol (<10% TG and approx 30% cholesterol). HDL always contains apolipoprotein A1, but, variably, can contain apolipoproteins A2, C1, C2, C3, and E as well. Through cholesterol ester transfer protein, HDL 3 acquires cholesterol from the peripheral tissues forming HDL 2 . HDL 2 then returns to the liver, likely providing a means for “reverse cholesterol transport” back to the liver and presumably imparting the protective effects of HDL. Epidemiological data have shown a correlation between increased cholesterol and increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (2). Additionally, several Fig. 1. Lipoprotein metabolism 11/Donahoo/213-238/F 12/3/02, 7:38 AM214 Chapter 11/Dyslipidemia and Obesity 215 well-designed studies have shown decreases in both cardiovascular morbidity and total mortality with lowering of LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) by diet and medi- cations (3–9). Therefore, a working knowledge of how to assess cholesterol abnormalities is essential in clinical medicine due to the proven benefit of treat- ing such abnormalities. Current recommendations for screening and treatment of lipid disorders are based on National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) guidelines. Pres- ently, it is recommended that adults 20 yr old have a fasting lipid panel obtained every 5 yr. Case finding may be considered more frequently in those with a history of vascular disease, pancreatitis, renal disease, or liver disease. Treat- ment is based on a goal LDL-C, and this varies by risk for CVD. Current cardiovascular risk factors (exclusive of LDL-C) that modify LDL goals are: 1. Age (male 45 yr, female >55 yr). 2. Family history (coronary heart disease [CHD] in male first degree relative 55 yr or female first degree relative 65 yr). 3. Current cigarette smoking. 4. Hypertension (HTN) (blood pressure [BP] 140/90 or on antihypertensive medications). 5. Low HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) ( 40 mg/dL) (Note: HDL-C 60 mg/dL is a negative risk factor). In order to eliminate postprandial lipoproteins, the duration of the fast prior to drawing a fasting lipoprotein analysis should be 9–12 h (10). The analysis of the fasting lipid panel begins with the measurement of total cholesterol by an enzymatic method (11). Then, apoB containing lipoproteins (non-HDL-C) are precipitated by a variety of means including Mg +2 , phosphotungstate, or heparin- Mn +2 (12). Finally, cholesterol (now only HDL-C) is measured again using the same method described above. Alternatively, HDL-C can be measured follow- ing ultracentrifugal separation (12). Total TG are measured in whole plasma. This is usually done using a multistep process that first hydrolyzes TG to free fatty acids and glycerol, then the glycerol is measured using several additional steps (13). The addition of a lipase is the method presently most often used to hydrolyze TG into free fatty acids and glycerol. However, at least 14 other methods have been developed for the mea- surements of TG. These methods differ in the means of hydrolysis of fatty acids from glycerol or in the steps used to measure glycerol (14). Several assumptions are inherent in the measurement of a lipid panel. First, it is assumed that cholesterol is carried in fasting plasma by only three particles: VLDL-C, LDL-C, and HDL-C. However when TG are very elevated (>1000 mg/dL), some cholesterol is carried by chylomicrons, which are nearly always present (15). Additionally, chylomicrons can even be present in fasted patients 11/Donahoo/213-238/F 12/3/02, 7:38 AM215 [...]... if a broad-β-band is present, the work-up should continue with the assessment of apoE phenotyping APOE PHENOTYPING When the lipoprotein electrophoresis reveals a broad-β-band, the diagnosis of FD must be entertained The next step in the evaluation is apoE genotyping Apolipoprotein E comes in 3 possible phenotypes, E-2, E-3, and E-4 (41) The E-2/E-2 or E-2 /- phenotype (usually in the setting of another... increase in both LDL-C 11/Donahoo/21 3-2 38/F 222 12/3/02, 7: 38 AM Chapter 11/Dyslipidemia and Obesity 223 and TG Additional information received from the above analysis (the β-quant) allows for the calculation of a VLDL-C to TG ratio A VLDL-C to TG ratio of >0.3 is suggestive of FD, with a VLDL-C to TG ratio of >0.4 being diagnostic (43) The specific cutoff of LDL-C and TG to maximize the sensitivity... consequences of obesity Arch Intern Med 1999;159:2 177 –2183 75 Huang Z, Willett WC, Manson JE, et al Body weight, weight change, and risk for hypertension in women Ann Intern Med 1998;128:81–88 76 Hubert HB, Feinleib M, McNamara PM, Castelli WP Obesity as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease: a 26-year follow-up of participants in the Framingham Heart Study Circulation 1983; 67: 968– 977 77 Manson... 1989;43:569– 575 88 Nord RH, Payne RK Body composition by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 1995;4:1 67 171 89 Tothill P, Avenell A, Reid DM Precision and accuracy of measurements of whole-body bone mineral: comparisons between hologic, lunar and norland dual-energy X-ray absorptiometers Br J Radiol 1994; 67: 1210–12 17 90 Carey VJ, Walters EE, Colditz GA, et al Body fat distribution and risk of. .. Institutes of Health (NIH) or using Table 2 11/Donahoo/21 3-2 38/F 216 12/3/02, 7: 38 AM Chapter 11/Dyslipidemia and Obesity 2 17 Table 2 Estimated 10-yr Risk Based on Framingham Point Scores Age (yr) Smoker No Yes Yes Points female 20–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70 74 75 79 TC . calculation of a VLDL-C to TG ratio. A VLDL-C to TG ratio of >0.3 is suggestive of FD, with a VLDL-C to TG ratio of >0.4 being diagnostic (43). The specific cutoff of LDL-C and TG to maximize. deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-1,6-diphosphate: studies of glucagon secretion and fuel utilization. Am J Med 1 978 ;64:698 70 6. 64. Whipple AE. The surgical therapy of hyperinsulinism 2000;128:9 37 945. 15. Service FJ. Factitial hypoglycemia. Endocrinologist 1992;2: 173 – 176 . 16. Natt N, Service FJ. The highway to insulinoma: road signs and hazards. Endocrinologist 19 97; 7:89–96. 17.

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