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Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology - part 4 doc

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98 Lawrence and Dluhy Fig. 2. *See Table 1. φ Recumbent levels. (See Text for details.) From “Endocrine Hypertension” Harwood Specialist in Medicine Endocrinology in Clinical Practice, P. Harris, Ed. Harwood Academic Publishers Reading United Kingdom, with permission. pericardium, or bladder. These tumors may be localized by conventional im- aging (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], CT) or by scintigraphic techniques (iodine-labeled meta-iodobenzyl guanidine [MIBG] or octreotide scintigra- 05/Dulhy/85-106/F 12/2/02, 11:07 AM98 Chapter 5/Endocrine Hypertension 99 phy). Due to the size at clinical presentation, most intra-adrenal tumors are easily imaged by CT or MRI. Contrast agents are unnecessary to visualize these tumors due to their size and, in fact, should be avoided since they may precipi- tate a hypertensive crisis. MRI is particularly useful for identifying paragangliomas, especially outside of the abdomen, such as intracardiac tumors. On T2-weighted imaging, the tumor is usually 3x as intense as liver, and on T1-weighted images, the tumor is usually iso-intense with the liver. With in-and-out of phasing MRI techniques for deter- mination of fat content, pheochromocytomas can usually be distinguished from lipid-laden cortical adenomas (so-called incidentilomas). However, these radio- graphic characteristics are not always met, and the pheochromocytomas may appear indistinguishable from other adrenal tumors. MIBG has chemical similarities to norepinephrine and, therefore, concen- trates within intracellular storage granules of catecholamine-secreting tissues (37). Imaging with MIBG is especially useful for localization of extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma and for diagnosing metastatic lesions. Its sensitivity is reported to be greater than 90% with a specificity of 100% (38,39). MIBG labeled with 123 I is the preferred isotope, since it is considered to provide greater sensitivity. Thyroid uptake should be blocked with iodine prior to administration of the iodine-labeled MIBG. Medicines that might interfere with catecholamine processing should be discontinued 72 h before MIBG evaluation (e.g., adrener- gic receptor blockers and those that deplete the storage vesicle contents, such as labetalol). Somatostatin receptors are normally expressed in adrenomedullary and paraganglionic tissues (40). Since somatostatin receptor density is increased on pheochromocytoma tissue, the somatostatin analogue octreotide, radiolabled with indium III-labeled diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA), is useful in its detection. Like MIBG, octreotide scanning is most often useful for diag- nosing extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma and in the detection of metastases in cases of malignant pheochromocytoma (41). THYROID HORMONE FUNCTION AND HYPERTENSION Blood pressure alterations are seen in states of thyroid hormone excess as well as deficiency. In hypothyroidism, the blood pressure typically is characterized by a rise in diastolic blood pressure. In hyperthyroidism, systolic blood pressure is elevated and diastolic is usually lowered as a result of peripheral vasodilatation leading to a widened pulse pressure (so-called isolated systolic hypertension). Hyperthyroidism The prevalence of isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) in hyperthyroidism is reported to be between 20 and 30%. This elevation of systolic blood pressure 05/Dulhy/85-106/F 12/2/02, 11:07 AM99 100 Lawrence and Dluhy seen in young thyrotoxic patients almost invariably normalizes with treatment. The cardiovascular manifestations of hyperthyroidism include: an increased heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output; an increase in blood volume; and a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance to meet increased oxidative demand. These findings appear to reflect increased activation of the sympathetic system. However, catecholamine concentrations have been found to be normal or decreased in hyperthyroidism (42); instead, there appears to be an increased sensitivity to catecholamines with increased density of β-adrenergic receptors. As a result, β-blockers are effective in decreasing blood pressure, heart rate, and many of the other symptoms that occur with hyperthyroidism, such as increased body temperature, perspiration, and anxiety. Definitive treatment is reversal of the hyperthyroid state. Hypothyroidism Of more than 4000 patients screened without ascertainment bias for secondary causes of hypertension, 3% were incidentally discovered to have primary hypo- thyroidism (1). The reversal of hypertension was found in one-third of such hypertensive hypothyroid patients following normalization of thyroid status, allowing discontinuation of antihypertensive treatment. The majority of such hypothyroid subjects are adult women, reflecting the increased prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s disease) in this patient population. In hypothyroidism, the cardiac manifestations are the converse of those seen in hyperthyroidism: cardiac output, stroke volume and total blood volume are decreased; systemic peripheral resistance is increased; and catecholamine levels are either increased or normal after correction for age (42,43). Treatment for hypertension associated with hypothyroidism is thyroxine replacement, titrating the dosage to bring the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level into the normal range. With advancing age and more long-standing hypertension, the blood pres- sure response to treatment of hypothyroidism decreases (44). HYPERPARATHYROIDISM Primary hyperparathyroidism is a hypercalcemic disorder resulting from autonomous increased secretion of parathyroid hormone usually from a parathy- roid adenoma (80%) or, less commonly, parathyroid hyperplasia (15–20%). This is a common disorder with a prevalence of 100 cases/100,000 population, usually presenting in the fifth and sixth decades of life with a female preponderance (45). However, primary hyperparathyroidism may occur earlier in patients with the MEN type 1 and 2A syndromes, (rarely in type 2B). Prevalence of hypertension associated with hyperparathyroidism varies from 25–70%, but in most studies exceeds the prevalence of essential hypertension in the general population (approx 20%). The etiology of hypertension associated 05/Dulhy/85-106/F 12/2/02, 11:07 AM100 Chapter 5/Endocrine Hypertension 101 with primary hyperparathyroidism has been controversial (46–49). Hypotheses include hypercalcemia-related renal parenchymal damage, increased vascular tone and increased activation of the renin–angiotensin or sympathetic systems. There is experimental evidence that release of catecholamines is calcium-depen- dent (50). Calcium infusions in hypertensive hyperparathyroid patients produced more marked pressor changes compared to normotensive patients (51). These correlations suggest a role of hypercalcemia per se and possibly other factors, which enhance sympathetic activation or responsiveness to pressor agents, such as catecholamines. Alternatively, it has been postulated that increased blood pressure results from chronically elevated parathyroid levels per se. Although parathyroidectomy typically reverses hypercalcemia, hypertension is not consis- tently ameliorated. This supports the theory that several factors are likely to be involved in the hypertension associated with primary hyperparathyroidism. In summary, while the prevalence of hypertension in primary hyperparathy- roidism exceeds that seen in the general population, the pathogenesis of hyper- tension in this disorder remains probably multifactorial. There is also no consensus on the appropriate recommendations for dietary sodium or calcium intake in such patients. However, since many patients with primary hyperpar- athyroidism may also have essential hypertension, it is important to counsel the patient that the hypertension may not be reversed or ameliorated after surgical cure. In fact, hypertension is not considered a primary indication for surgery in patients with mild asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism (52). ACROMEGALY Cardiovascular events are the leading cause of mortality in acromegaly, and hypertension is one factor contributing to this increased mortality (53). Hyper- tension is present in 25–50% of patients with acromegaly, a three- to four-fold increase in prevalence over the general population (54–56). Hypertension is usually mild to moderate, and treatment of acromegaly improves the hyperten- sion, thus supporting a causal link between growth hormone excess and the eleva- tion of blood pressure. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in acromegaly has demonstrated an increased frequency (44%) of diastolic hypertension compared with a 19% frequency of systolic hypertension (>132 mmHg) (57). Left ventricular mass index is greater in hypertensive compared to normotensive acromegalics (58). Some acromegalic patients with left ventricular hypertrophy have no history of hypertension; this increased left ventricular mass in such patients is postulated to be the result of an acromegalic cardiomyopathy. Since exchangeable sodium (Na E ) is increased in both normotensive and hyper- tensive acromegalics after adjusting for body mass index, volume expansion is probably a key factor in the etiology of the elevated arterial blood pressure (59,60). Growth hormone infusions in human subjects cause increased renal sodium reab- 05/Dulhy/85-106/F 12/2/02, 11:07 AM101 102 Lawrence and Dluhy sorption and edema is a recognized complication of treatment in growth hormone deficient hypopituitary patients (61). Leukocyte oubain-sensitive sodium pump activity, a model of epithelial sodium transport, is increased in acromegalics, and following treatment, this increased pump activity normalizes (62). Hyperinsulinemia may be another mechanism that contributes to the volume expansion seen in acromegaly. Insulin resistance is a cardinal feature of acrome- galy, and the resulting hyperinsulinemia may result in increased renal sodium reabsorption (63–65). Whether growth hormone per se or insulin or both underlie the well-documented volume expansion, sodium retention is seen in both normo- tensive and hypertensive acromegalics. It is unclear whether the hypertensive subset reflects a greater degree of volume expansion or whether other factors, such as genetic predisposition to hypertension, contribute to the elevation of blood pressure or both. Volume expansion in acromegaly would be expected to lead to suppression of the rennin–angiotensin–aldosterone system and increased atrial natriuretic pep- tide (ANP) levels, but findings are inconsistent. There is also evidence that the natriuretic dopamine axis and dopaminergic control of aldosterone secretion is altered in hypertensive patients with acromegaly. Finally, the clinician should note that growth hormone-producing pituitary neoplasms are a feature of the MEN I syndrome, which is also associated with an increased incidence of blood pressure-elevating adrenal neoplasms, including adrenocortical tumors and pheo- chromocytoma. Although treatment of hypertension in acromegaly remains empirical, since no randomized studies have been performed, diuretics would logically be con- sidered as first-line agents to treat this volume-expanded condition. Finally, the clinician is cautioned to have a high index of suspicion for secondary hypertensive disorders in acromegalics (such as renovascular hypertension and primary aldos- teronism), if hypertension is severe or refractory to antihypertensive therapies. CUSHING’S SYNDROME Cushing’s syndrome results from glucocorticoid excess. The diagnosis is established by the measurement of increased cortisol production or the demon- stration of autonomy of secretion (i.e., failure to suppress cortisol levels when exogenous glucocorticoids are given). The etiologies of Cushing’s syndrome can be divided into three types: ACTH-dependent (pituitary or ectopic), ACTH- independent (adrenal adenoma or carcinoma), and iatrogenic. Regardless of etiology, approx three-fourths of patients with Cushing’s syn- drome have arterial hypertension. Typically, hypertension is mild, but in some series, 15% of patients with Cushing’s syndrome had blood pressures greater than 200/120 mmHg (66). The prevalence of elevated blood pressure is substan- tially lower (5–25%) with exogenous glucocorticoid intake vs endogenous glu- cocorticoid excess. 05/Dulhy/85-106/F 12/2/02, 11:07 AM102 Chapter 5/Endocrine Hypertension 103 Pathogenesis The cause of hypertension in Cushing’s syndrome is multifactorial and may also vary according to etiology. There are two theories regarding the pathogen- esis of hypertension in Cushing’s syndrome: increased cardiac output and elevated peripheral vascular resistance, and one is not mutually exclusive of the other. In ACTH-dependent etiologies and in adrenal carcinoma, mineralocorti- coids, such as deoxycorticosterone, may be overproduced resulting in sodium retention and volume expansion. However, in glucocorticoid-medidated hyper- tension, elevated blood pressure can result even if sodium intake is restricted (67). A marked increase in cortisol production, as in ectopic ACTH syndrome and adrenal carcinoma, may exceed the capacity of the renal 11-B-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11-B-HSD), enzyme which converts cortisol to the inactive cor- tisone. As a result, cortisol binds to mineralocortocoid receptors causing increased sodium retention, extracellular fluid volume expansion, increased cardiac output, and hypertension. Other studies have found that glucocorticoids produce a fluid shift from the intracellular to the extracellular compartment resulting in increased plasma volume (68). Enhanced activation of the sympathetic system secondary to glucocorticoid-mediated increased activity of the PNMT enzyme could result in excess epinephrine production and increased cardiac output. To explain enhanced peripheral vascular resistance, both increased vasocon- strictor and reduced vasodilator activities have been reported. Glucocorticoids increase production of angiotensinogen within hepatic cells, which should result in increased AII levels due to the kinetics of the renin–substrate reaction (69). Another hypothesis is that the increased tissue production of AII leads to blood pressure elevation. On the other hand, normal or reduced levels of plasma renin activity have been found in patients with Cushing’s syndrome. It has been reported that the production of the protein, macrocortin, which inhibits phos- pholipase A-2 activity, leads to decreased vasodilatory activity by reduction in vasodilator prostaglandins (70). Finally, enhanced vasoconstrictor responsive- ness to endogenous vasopressors has been inconsistently noted. Detection of Cushing’s syndrome has major consequences for the patient, since hypertension is often causally associated with increased cardiovascular risk factors, such as hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus, which synergistically act to greatly accelerate atherogenic risk. Accordingly, the clinician should have a high index of suspicion for this disorder in hypertensive patients. While the treatment of hypertension in Cushing’s syndrome remains empiric, clinicians have usually found good responses to interruption of the RAS usually in combi- nation with diuretics. In certain situations, such as the ectopic ACTH syndrome, where there is a prominent mineralocorticoid action (sodium retention and potassium wasting), mineralocorticoid antagonists, such as spironolactone, have been used with gratifying results. 05/Dulhy/85-106/F 12/2/02, 11:07 AM103 104 Lawrence and Dluhy REFERENCES 1. Anderson GH Jr, Blakeman N, Streeten DH. 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Lancet 1983;1:904–906. 05/Dulhy/85-106/F 12/2/02, 11:07 AM106 Chapter 6/Thyroid Function 107 From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology Edited by: J. E. Hall and L. K. Nieman © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 6 Evaluation of Thyroid Function Anastassios G. Pittas, MD and Stephanie L. Lee, MD, PhD CONTENTS INTRODUCTION MODALITIES OF THYROID EVALUATION EVALUATION OF HYPOTHYROIDISM EVALUATION OF HYPERTHYROIDISM PREGNANCY AND THYROID DYSFUNCTION NONTHYROID ILLNESS: EUTHYROID SICK SYNDROME REFERENCES INTRODUCTION The lifetime prevalence of thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroidism, and hyper- thyroidism is about 10% in North America. Thyroid disease occurs in women 2 to 3 times more commonly than men. Thyroid dysfunction may have a variable clinical presentation depending on the age of the patient, degree of dysfunction, and the duration of disease. Thus, its clinical diagnosis is often challenging. Fortunately, the presence of thyroid dysfunction can be easily confirmed bio- chemically. The clinical picture, together with the judicious use of a limited number of biochemical testing and imaging modalities, can be used to diagnose most of the thyroid illnesses encountered by primary care and family practice physicians, obstetricians, and gynecologists. This chapter will review the basics of thyroid testing, including imaging of the thyroid gland, and will develop a straight- forward approach to the diagnosis of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. MODALITIES OF THYROID EVALUATION Thyroid Physiology Thyroid hormones, L-thyroxine (T 4 ) and the more active form, triiodothyro- nine (T 3 ), travel in the circulation bound 99.97 and 99.5%, respectively, to a group of serum thyroid hormone binding proteins synthesized in the liver, which include 107 06/Lee/107-130/F 12/2/02, 11:34 AM107 [...]... 0.03% of T4 that is biologically active and not bound to protein This assay is available only at specialty laboratories The levels of free T4 can have significant interassay variation because of the minute amount of T4 being measured Generally, local laboratories use an estimate of free T4 with either the “direct free” T4 assay or the calculated FT4I The direct free T4 assay does not measure the free T4... Cooper DS, Halpern R, Wood LC, Levin AA, Ridgway EC L-Thyroxine therapy in subclinical hypothyroidism A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Ann Intern Med 19 84; 101:18– 24 7 Nystrom E, Caidahl K, Fager G, Wikkelso C, Lundberg PA, Lindstedt G A double-blind cross-over 12-month study of L-thyroxine treatment of women with ‘subclinical’ hypothyroidism Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1988;29:63–75 8 Sawin CT, Castelli... Contemporary Endocrinology: Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology Edited by: J E Hall and L K Nieman © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 131 132 Castro and Gharib history of head and neck irradiation seem to increase consistently the overall risk of development of thyroid nodules (4, 5) A palpable nodule is more likely to be malignant in men (2:1 compared with women), in patients with a history of head and... symptoms of thyrotoxicosis Cold iodine is not recommended for the routine treatment of thyrotoxicosis Monitoring of thyroid status is done by measurement of TSH, total T4, an estimated free T4, and T3, with adjustment of antithyroid medication every 1 to 2 mo until euthyroid Thyroid hormone levels tend to 06/Lee/10 7-1 30/F 125 12/2/02, 11: 34 AM 126 Pittas and Lee frequently fluctuate because of the effect of. .. routine FT4I may not be an accurate measure because of the high TBG levels of pregnancy (see section on Modalities of Thyroid Evaluation in Pregnancy) Measurement of TSH alone cannot be used to diagnose thyroid dysfunction in early pregnancy because of the cross-over stimulation of the thyroid by high hCG levels (see section Modalities of Thyroid Evaluation in 06/Lee/10 7-1 30/F 126 12/2/02, 11: 34 AM Chapter... illness, total T4, THBR, and 06/Lee/10 7-1 30/F 113 12/2/02, 11: 34 AM 1 14 Pittas and Lee Table 2 Causes of Hypothyroidism Primary (thyroid failure with elevated TSH) Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis) Hypothyroid phase of painful subacute thyroiditis (pseudogranulomatous-De Quervain’s) Hypothyroid phase of painless lymphocytic thyroiditis Hypothyroid phase of postpartum thyroiditis... between the degrees of hyperthyroidism, routine laboratory measurement of total T4, THBR, FT4I, and total T3 can easily and accurately assess the degree of hyperthyroidism Measurement of total T3 is needed in the evaluation of hyperthyroidism, as some primary thyroid hyperfunction states, such as Graves’ disease, secrete predominantly T3 in excess of T4 If serum TSH is less than 0.3, and FT4I and total T3... value with a kit that is dependent on the kinetics of T4 binding to protein Under conditions of moderate to severe thyroid hormone binding protein abnormalities, the direct free T4 assay will not accurately reflect the free T4 levels FT4I is a calculated value that is the product of 06/Lee/10 7-1 30/F 109 12/2/02, 11: 34 AM 110 Pittas and Lee the total T4 and thyroid hormone binding ratio (THBR) THBR, derived... in serum T4, such as in hypothyroidism Thus using the equation: T4 × THBR = FT4I the estimate of free T4, the FT4I, is high if TBG is low or low if TBG is high This concept is illustrated in Table 1 By using the THBR value, which usually falls between 0.8–1.2, the adjusted free T4 or FT4I has the same range as the total T4 When serum thyroid hormone binding protein levels are normal, the FT4I provides... to the euthyroid state in 90% of women Only 50–60% of patients will experience all phases of postpartum thyroiditis The diagnosis can be difficult, as the symptoms are often mild, and a high degree of clinical suspicion is required The evaluation is done by measurement of serum TSH Screening for postpartum thyroiditis is controversial because of the selflimiting nature of the disease We recommend a . Hypertens 19 94; 609:15. 2. Gordon RD. (19 94) Mineralocorticoid hypertension. Lancet 19 94; 344 : 240 – 243 . 3. Hiramatsu K, Yamada T, Yukimura Y, et al. A screening test to identify aldosterone-produc- ing. Addison’s disease. Lancet 1983;1:9 04 906. 05/Dulhy/8 5-1 06/F 12/2/02, 11:07 AM106 Chapter 6/Thyroid Function 107 From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology Edited by: J. E pheochromocytoma. Review of a 50-year autopsy series. Mayo Clin Proc 1981;56:3 54 #-3 60. 23. Bravo EL. Evolving concepts in the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of pheochro- mocytoma. Endocr Rev 19 94; 15:356–368. 24.

Ngày đăng: 09/08/2014, 15:20