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170 Goldfine despite poor glycemic control, only one-third to one-half of diabetic patients develop nephropathy, and genetic factors appear to play a permissive or protective role. Parental hypertension or a first-degree family member affected with diabetic nephropathy are the clearest risk factors for this complication. Urine protein can be measured by dipstick analysis; however this measure- ment is not specific for albumin excretion, which is present with the glomerular disease. Furthermore, dipstick analysis will not be positive until the urine protein levels are above 250–300 mg protein daily, and if other causes of proteinuria have been excluded, would signify significant diabetic renal dis- ease. Normal albumin excretion ranges from 3–25 mg daily. Proteinuria is considered to exist if the urine excretion is greater than 300 mg/d. The range between normal excretion and that detected by the traditional dipstick method, i.e., 30 and 300 mg daily, is considered to be in the microalbuminuric range. Microalbumin measurements, performed by radioimmunoassay, can now detect much lower levels of albumin, at rates 5 µg/min (29). Microalbuminuria has been shown to predict individuals at high risk of progression to advanced diabetic renal disease (30,31), and elevated levels are now considered to rep- resent an early stage of this complication. Microalbumin should be measured annually on a spot urine sample and is best expressed as a ratio to the urine creatinine. The test is considered abnormal when the urine microalbumin is 20 µg/mg of creatinine. Poor metabolic control and hypertension can both cause small increases in urine microalbumin and may reverse with treatment. It is less clear if these transient changes identify patients at risk of progression. Furthermore, the test must be interpreted cautiously, as there are many other causes of increased microalbumin excretion, including exercise, which may impose a circadian variation to microalbumin excretion (32), urinary tract infection, and a series of drugs/toxic exposures associated with glomerular lesions. The more common drug/toxic exposures include nonsteroidal anti- inflamatory drugs, rifampin, heroin, sulfonamides, allopurinol, and mercury or gold exposure. Evaluation for nondiabetic causes of increased urine protein excretion must be guided by the clinical scenario (Table 4). Improvements in glycemia reduce the development and/or progression of the renal complications of diabetes (DCCT) and all efforts should be made to optimize glycemia. Hypertension contributes to the progression of nephr- opathy and likewise demands aggressive medical management. There is some suggestion that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and receptor blockers are superior to other antihypertensive agents, but use may be limited in the patient who has significant hyperkalemia. Patients with micro- albuminuria and renal disease are at high risk of cardiovascular events (33,34) and should have aggressive management of lipids and additional expectant cardiac management. 08/Goldfine/157-178/F 12/2/02, 12:25 PM170 Chapter 8/Diabetes 171 Neuropathy The prevalence of neuropathy approaches 50% by 25 yr of diabetes (35). The pathophysiology of neuropathy remains unclear. Possible mechanisms include a decrease in myoinositol. Myoinositol is a cyclic alcohol component of phosphoinositides, which is important to cell membrane structure; is part of the cell signaling mechanism through protein kinase C; and is invloved in the regula- tion of intracellular calcium. Other mechanisms of neuropathy include an increase in the polyol pathway, whereby excess glucose is enzymatically converted to sorbitol and fructose; a decrease in anaerobic glycolysis; glycoslyation of nerve proteins; abnormal fatty acid metabolism; and/or microvascular damage to nerves. Reduction of hyperglycemia lowers the frequency of this complication (14). The most classic pattern of nerve involvement is a distal symmetrical poly- neuropathy that may involve sensory or motor fibers alone or in combination. Other causes of distal symmetric polyneuropathy must be considered, including the metabolic disturbances of hypothyroidism, uremia, folic acid deficiency, and the porphyrias; toxins or drugs, such as alcohol, lead, mercury, and cisplatinum; infiltrative/inflammatory disorders of amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, and polyarteri- tis nodosa; leukemias, lymphomas, and paraproteinemias; and connective tissue diseases, such as systemic lupus ertythematosus. A reasonable laboratory screen- ing evaluation for other etiologies of distal symmetric polyneuropathy must be guided by the patients history and physical examination, but could include stud- ies listed in Table 5. Light touch and vibratory sensation are often diminished before reflexes become abnormal. Electrodiagnostic tests of nerve conduction velocity can be made to the sensory fibers of the ulnar, median, or peroneal nerves, or motor fibers of the ulnar, median, plantar, or sural nerves. Measure- Table 4 Candidate Laboratory Evaluation for Occult Causes of Microalbuminuria Daytime and overnight urine microalbumin. Urine culture. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Urea nitrogen and creatinine (Bun/Cr). Liver function tests (LFT’S). Hepatitis profiles. Urine or serum protein electrophoresis. Complete blood count (CBC) with differential. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Rheumatoid factor (RF), antinuclear antibodies (ANA). Toxic screen. Renal ultrasound. Renal flow image. 08/Goldfine/157-178/F 12/2/02, 12:25 PM171 172 Goldfine ments are made of the relevant muscle or nerve action potential amplitude or latency at each site of stimulation, and a calculation of segmental conduction velocity is made. Additional nerves may need to be evaluated based on the distribution of clinical symptoms or signs. A series of monofilaments can be used to exert a range of light touch stimuli to the extremity to test sensation. Normal nerve function is documented by the ability to perceive a 3.6-g stimuli. In the patient with intact sensation, screening should occur annually. Loss of sensation of the 9-g filament is consistent with early sensory loss, although the ability to perceive a foot injury remains intact. Examination of the foot should be per- formed at more frequent intervals at this stage. When sensation of a 10-g stimulus is absent, the patient may no longer sense foot injury. Neuropathic foot ulcer- ations occur with greatest frequency in this group of patients. The patient should be instructed not to walk barefoot or wear open shoes, to wear socks, and to inspect their feet daily with the assistance of a family member if necessary (36). Nail care should be provided by a podiatrist. Tetanus immunization should be up to date. Athlete’s foot and excessive dry skin should be treated. Focal and multifocal neuropathies can be seen involving cranial nerves. Other nerve syndromes may include mononeuropathy (including the common nerve entrapment seen with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) or mononeuropathy multiplex, radiculopathy, or plexopathy. Again other underlying neuropathies must be considered in the differential diagnosis, as treatments would differ considerably. Autonomic nerve dysfunction can be present and may have a variety of mani- festations. Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction may be manifest as orthostatic hypotension secondary to the impairment of the sympathetic-mediated increase in peripheral vascular resistance associated with standing. Exercise intolerance may be present from a decreased ability to augment cardiac output with impaired peripheral vasoconstriction. Cardiac denervation is present with advanced auto- nomic disease and is characterized by a fixed pulse of 80–90 beats/min, unre- sponsive to exercise or sleep. Tests of heart rate response to valsalva, deep breathing or change of position, and sweating response to temperature or chemi- cal stimuli, such as acetylcholine or pilocarpine, have been used to identify Table 5 Candidate Laboratory Evaluation for Occult Causes of Distal Symmetrical Polyneuropathy Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Urea nitrogen and creatinine (Bun/Cr). Complete blood count (CBC) with differential. Urine or serum protein electrophoresis. Folic acid. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). 08/Goldfine/157-178/F 12/2/02, 12:25 PM172 Chapter 8/Diabetes 173 earlier stages of autonomic neuropathy. Devices to measure the spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) are under investigation. Reduced variability appears to precede the clinical expression of autonomic neuropathies and to carry a negative prognosis (37). However, testing is not performed on a regular basis as there have been no studies to demonstrate that early treatment improves outcomes (38). Abdominal bloating, early satiety, or nausea are associated with diabetic gastropathy. Delayed gastric emptying may underlie labile blood sugars. Diabetic diarrhea may be present with intestinal hypermotility from decreased sympathetic inhibition. Diagnosis may be confirmed with radionucleotide imag- ing studies, but is frequently made on clinical grounds. Autonomic neuropathy may involve the bladder and be manifest as impaired emptying, frequent infec- tions, or incontinence. Sexual dysfunction, impotence, or retrograde ejaculation, is common in males. Questioning may identify persons who would have both improvements in quality of life with therapy and in whom evaluation of cardiac function and risk management is especially important. Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular events are the leading cause of mortality in patients with dia- betes (39). Diabetes, itself, is a classical risk factor for heart disease. Haffner et al. (40) recently demonstrated the full importance of this condition in a study showing the probability of death from coronary heart disease in the diabetic patient with no previous myocardial infarction (MI) is equal to that of a nondia- betic person who has sustained a previous MI. This data is supported by the findings in other large-scale clinical trials (41). Thus, diabetes alone may warrant adherence to the American College of Cardiology guidelines for exercise toler- ance testing of patients with known coronary artery disease (42). Patients with diabetes frequently have hypertension and abnormal lipid profiles, which impart additional risk (see chapter 11 ). Thus, screening for and aggressive management of these co-morbid conditions is essential. Nontraditional risk factors for cardiac events include the presence of microalbuminuria and autonomic neuropathy, and warrant smoking cessation and aggressive control of glycemia, blood pressure, and lipids, with a goal to lower low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol to 100 mg/dL (2.60 mmol/L). Patients with diabetes are more likely to have a significant cardiovascular event in the absence of classical anginal symptoms, thus requir- ing heightened consideration of screening by the physician. Therefore, graded exercise tolerance testing as a screening procedure should be considered in all patients, especially if over 35 yr; with a duration of type 2 diabetes longer than 10 yr or type 1 diabetes greater than 15 yr, with any additional cardiac risk factor, with evidence of microvascular disease (retinopathy or nephropathy, including microalbuminuria), with other peripheral vascular disease, autonomic neuropa- thy, and/or in patients interested in initiating a high-impact exercise program to manage weight or glycemia. Information on both maximum exercise capacity, 08/Goldfine/157-178/F 12/2/02, 12:25 PM173 174 Goldfine which is in part influenced by left ventricular function at rest and in response to exercise, and exercise-induced ischemia are useful to further stratify cardiovas- cular risk. Patients with abnormal tests must be considered for increased medical management or imaging procedures for potential revascularization procedures. Guidelines for the frequency of testing remain controversial in the patient for whom preliminary testing is negative. There is mounting evidence that ACE inhibitors or receptor blockers may be cardioprotective even in the absence of hypertension (43) and are increasingly being considered with low-dose aspirin (42) for prophylactic treatment. The endothelium plays a pivotal role in vascular function by synthesizing and releasing endothelial-derived relaxing factor (EDRF), which has been demon- strated to be nitric oxide. Nitric oxide has been shown to possess a variety of anti- atherogenic properties, including inhibition of leukocyte adhesion, platelet aggregation, and vascular smooth muscle proliferation. Vascular smooth muscle can also vasodilate from endothelium-independent stimuli such as adenosine, verapamil, or to nitric oxide donors (i.e., nitroprusside). Endothelium-dependent relaxation has been shown to be impaired in patients with types 1 (44–46) and 2 diabetes mellitus (47,48). In the majority of these studies, the response to exog- enous nitric oxide donors (i.e., endothelial-independent vasodilitation) is not reduced, indicating that the defects in vasodilation are not fixed. Endothelium- dependent vasodilation has been demonstrated to be abnormal in association with other cardiac risk factors, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and smoking. There is a strong correlation between vasodilation in the coronary and brachial arteries (49,50), indicating that endothelial dysfunction is a gener- alized process that is not confined to the vessels that develop overt clinical atherosclerosis and that noninvasive assessment of vasomotor function is predic- tive of the response in the coronary circulation. 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J Am Coll Cardiol 1995;26:1235–1241. 08/Goldfine/157-178/F 12/2/02, 12:25 PM177 178 Goldfine 08/Goldfine/157-178/F 12/2/02, 12:25 PM178 Chapter 9/Gestational Diabetes 179 From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology Edited by: J. E. Hall and L. K. Nieman © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 9 Gestational Diabetes Where Do We Look For It and How Do We Find It? Robert E. Ratner, MD CONTENTS HOW IS GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS DEFINED? C LINICAL FEATURES HOW IS GMD DIAGNOSED? A CONTINUING CONTROVERSY IS THERE A THRESHOLD GLUCOSE FOR PERINATAL MORBIDITY? W HAT IS THE APPROPRIATE SCREENING TEST FOR GDM? F UTURE DIRECTIONS SUMMARY REFERENCES HOW IS GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS DEFINED? The First International Gestational Diabetes Workshop (1) in 1980 defined gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) as carbohydrate intolerance of varying severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. This definition pro- vides ambiguity of glucose thresholds and recognizes the ascertainment bias of glucose monitoring during pregnancy. It fully acknowledges that some women defined as GDM actually have preexisting diabetes first diagnosed during preg- nancy. The accepted definition provides no insight into the genetics, etiology, natural history or complications of the disorder. In fact, some have suggested that GDM is not a unique disorder at all (2), while others are convinced that it is (3). Traditional diagnosis of disease was based on increased mortality associated with anatomic and pathologic abnormalities found at postmortem examination. In the case of GDM, early reports described a 68% fetal mortality together with a 60% 1-yr maternal mortality following the index pregnancy (4). Mortality is no longer an acceptable diagnostic criteria, and efforts to improve diagnostic sensitivity to promote intervention and prevent morbidity and mortality have led to the development of biochemical measures as markers of disease. In some cases, biochemical results falling outside two standard deviations from the mean may be defined as abnormal and indicative of disease (e.g., abnormalities of salt 179 09/Ratner/179-192/F 12/2/02, 12:40 PM179 [...]... divided by the square of the height in meters From Service FJ, Hypoglycemic Disorder: NEJM 332:1144–1152, 1995 (c) 1995 Massachusetts Medical Society All rights reserved Time 60 min Table 4 C-peptide Suppression Test 5th Percentile for percent decrease of C-peptide Age, BMIa (kg/m2) yr 20–24 25–29 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60 69 70–79 67 65 63 61 59 57 66 64 61 59 57 54 a 30–34 65 62 59 57 54 51 BMI, body... 205 Fig 5 Normative data for the interpretation of the results of the C-peptide suppression test Data derived from a study of 101 normal subjects in whom hypoglycemia was induced by the administration of insulin (0.125 U/kg body weight over a period of 60 min) In each body-mass-age subgroup, 95% of the subjects had a level of C-peptide suppression at 60 min that was greater than the value shown Body... independent of the timing of the last meal A 1-h glucose threshold 140 mg/dL identifies approx 80% of women with GDM, and the yield is further increased to >90% by using a cutoff of 130 mg/dL Women meeting the above criteria on the 50-g glucose challenge proceed to a 3-h, 100-g OGTT, following the same preparation described above The diagnosis of GDM is made on the basis of either of the OGTT results Two... of C-peptide (71) Because of the antiketogenic effect of insulin, plasma (β-Hydroxy) β-OH butyrate is measured at the end of the fast Patients with insulin-mediated hypoglycemia have concentrations of . (105) 5.28 (95) 1 h 9.17 ( 165 ) 10. 56 (190) 10.00 (180) 2 h 8. 06 (145) 9.17 ( 165 ) 8 .61 (155) 3 h 6. 94 (125) 8. 06 (145) 7.78 (140) Adapted from ref. 38. 09/Ratner/17 9-1 92/F 12/2/02, 12:40 PM182 Chapter. Vaeth M: Microalbuminuria: a major risk factor in non-insulin-dependent diabe- tes. A 10-year follow-up study of 503 patients. Diabet Med 1988;5:1 26 134. 35. Pirart J, Lauvaux JP, Rey W. Blood sugar. arterial bed of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes. J Clin Invest 1992;90:254 8-2 554. 08/Goldfine/15 7-1 78/F 12/2/02, 12:25 PM1 76 Chapter 8/Diabetes 177 46. Elliott TG, Cockcroft JR, Groop

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