1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 135 (B) as the extent (C) to be an extent (D) to be an extension (E) to extend 518.Most North Carolina ski resorts broadcast music onto the slopes; skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are no slopes without music. (A) skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are (B) because skiers can choose hard rock, soft pop, or “beautiful music,” there are (C) however, skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, “beautiful music,” and (D) although skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are (E) skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, “beautiful music” slopes, but 519.Most primates are immune to feline rhinovirus, but a specific group, this being the golden macaques, are highly susceptible to the organism. (A) a specific group, this being the golden macaques, are highly susceptible to (B) a specific group, the golden macaques, is highly susceptible to (C) one group, specifically golden macaques, is highly susceptible of (D) a specific group, the golden macaques, which are highly susceptible to (E) a specific group, the golden macaques, which are highly susceptible of 520.Most state constitutions now mandate that the state budget be balanced each year. (A) mandate that the state budget be balanced (B) mandate the state budget to be balanced (C) mandate that the state budget will be balanced (D) have a mandate for a balanced state budget (E) have a mandate to balance the state budget 521.Most teen-agers who work for pay hold jobs that require few skills, little responsibility, and also no hope for career advancement. (A) little responsibility, and also (B) little responsibility, and with (C) little responsibility, and offer (D) carry little responsibility, and (E) carry little responsibility, and offer 522.Most victims of infectious mononucleosis recover after a few weeks of listlessness, but an unlucky few may suffer for years. (A) but an unlucky few may suffer 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 136 (B) and an unlucky few have suffered (C) that an unlucky few might suffer (D) that a few being unlucky may suffer (E) but a few who, being unlucky, suffered 523.Ms. Chambers is among the forecasters who predict that the rate of addition to arable lands will drop while those of loss rise . (A) those of loss rise (B) it rises for loss (C) those of losses rise (D) the rate of loss rises (E) there are rises for the rate of loss 524.Ms. Wright tries to get inside Iran to understand how it works, the role it has played in the Middle East and its intricate relationship with the United States, which is complex and depends heavily on understanding of the Farsi language. (A) which is complex and depends (B) because it is complex and depends (C) but they are complex and depend (D) which are complex and depend (E) a task that is complex and depends 525.Native American burial sites dating back 5,000 years indicate that the residents of Maine at that time were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking people. (A) were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking people (B) had been part of a widespread culture of people who were Algonquian-speaking (C) were people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian-speaking (D) had been people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian-speaking (E) were a people which had been part of a widespread, Algonquian-speaking culture 526.Neanderthals had a vocal tract that resembled those of the apes and so were probably without language, a shortcoming that may explain why they were supplanted by our own species. (A) Neanderthals had a vocal tract that resembled those of the apes (B) Neanderthals had a vocal tract resembling an ape’s (C) The vocal tracts of Neanderthals resembled an ape’s (D) The Neanderthal’s vocal tracts resembled the apes’ 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 137 (E) The vocal tracts of the Neanderthals resembled those of the apes 527.Never before had taxpayers confronted so many changes at once as they had in the Tax Reform Act of 1986. (A) so many changes at once as they had in (B) at once as many changes as (C) at once as many changes that there were with (D) as many changes at once as they confronted in (E) so many changes at once that confronted them in 528.Never before in the history of music have musical superstars been able to command so extraordinary fees of the kind they do today . (A) so extraordinary fees of the kind they do today (B) so extraordinary fees as they are today (C) such extraordinary fees as they do today (D) such extraordinary fees of the kind today’s have (E) so extraordinary a fee of the kind they can today 529.New hardy varieties of rice show promise of producing high yields without the costly requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties. (A) requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties (B) requirements by earlier high-yielding varieties of application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation (C) requirements for application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation of earlier high-yielding varieties (D) application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation that was required by earlier high-yielding varieties (E) irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer that were required by earlier high-yielding varieties 530.New Jersey’s is one of the five highest number of reported cases of Lyme disease in the United States. (A) New Jersey’s is one of the five highest number of reported (B) New Jersey’s is one of the five highest numbers in reporting (C) New Jersey has a report of one of the five highest numbers of (D) New Jersey has one of the five highest numbers of reported (E) New Jersey reports one of the five highest number of 531.New techniques in thermal-scanning photography, a process that records radiation from surface areas, makes it possible to study the effects of calefaction, or 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 138 warming, of a river in greater detail than ever before. (A) makes it possible to study the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river in greater detail than ever before (B) make it possible to study, in greater detail, the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river than ever before (C) have made it possible to study in greater detail than ever before the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river (D) make possible the study of the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river in greater detail than it ever was before (E) has made it more possible than ever before to study in greater detail the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river 532.New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions. (A) splitting apart continents (B) the splitting apart of continents (C) split apart continents (D) continents split apart (E) continents that were split apart 533.Newcomers to southern California are surprised to discover that, in spite of the temperate climate, heating bills are as high, or higher than, those in most Midwestern or eastern cities. (A) as high, or higher than, those in (B) as high, or higher than, (C) as high as, or higher than, (D) at least as high as those in (E) no lower than 534.No less an authority than Walter Cronkite has reported that half of all Americans never read a book. (A) No less an authority than (B) Nonetheless an authority (C) Nevertheless authoritarian (D) Not less an authority than (E) An authority not less than 535.No state law forbids an employer from rejecting a job applicant or to dismiss an employee based on the results of a lie detector test. (A) an employer from rejecting a job applicant or to dismiss 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 139 (B) an employer to reject a job applicant or dismiss (C) that employers reject a job applicant or dismiss (D) the rejection by an employer of a job applicant or dismissal of (E) rejection by employers of a job applicant or dismissal of 536.None of the attempts to specify the causes of crime explains why most of the people exposed to the alleged causes do not commit crimes and, conversely, why so many of those not so exposed have . (A) have (B) has (C) shall (D) do (E) could 537.Not all employment selection mechanisms that have a “disparate effect,” that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to their presence in the relevant labor market, are unlawful. (A) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to (B) which means, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with (C) which means, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with (D) that is, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to (E) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with 538.Not since Galileo suffered the “scurvy humor” of the Inquisition has a religious organization so effectively curbed the ability of a major scientist that he could pursue a theory. (A) has a religious organization so effectively curbed the ability of a major scientist that he could pursue (B) did a religious organization so effectively curb the ability of a major scientist that he could pursue (C) has a religious organization so effectively curbed the ability of a major scientist to pursue (D) did a religious organization so effectively curb the ability of a major scientist to pursue (E) has a religious organization so effectively curbed whether a major scientist had the ability that he could be pursuing 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 140 539.Not until the Enlightenment, some 200 years ago, had society seriously questioned the right of the state that it could execute its citizens. (A) had society seriously questioned the right of the state that it could execute (B) did society seriously questioned the right of the state that it could execute (C) had society seriously questioned the right of the state for the executing of (D) did society seriously question the right of the state to execute (E) had society seriously questioned whether the state had a right that it could execute 540.Nowhere in Prakta is the influence of modern European architecture more apparent than their government buildings. (A) more apparent than their (B) so apparent as their (C) more apparent than in its (D) so apparent than in their (E) as apparent as it is in its 541.Nuclear fusion is the force that powers the Sun, the stars, and hydrogen bombs, merging the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart, as in nuclear reactors . (A) merging the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart, as in nuclear reactors (B) merging the nuclei of atoms instead of splitting them apart, like nuclear reactors (C) merging the nuclei of atoms rather than splitting them apart, as nuclear reactors do (D) and merges the nuclei of atoms but does not split them apart, as is done in unclear reactors (E) and merges the nuclei of atoms, unlike atomic reactors that split them apart 542.Oberlin College in Ohio was a renegade institution at its 1833 founding for deciding to accept both men and women as students. (A) at its 1833 founding for deciding to accept (B) for the decision at its 1833 founding to accept (C) when it was founded in 1833 for its decision to accept (D) in deciding at its founding in 1833 to accept (E) by deciding at its founding in 1833 on the acceptance of 543.Of all the possible disasters that threaten American agriculture, the possibility of an adverse change in climate is maybe the more difficult for analysis . (A) is maybe the more difficult for analysis (B) is probably the most difficult to analyze . 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 135 (B) as the extent (C) to be an extent (D) to be an extension (E) to extend 5 18. Most North. possible to study the effects of calefaction, or 1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions Collected by: www.dethi.com & www.xeom.net 1 38 warming, of a river in greater detail than ever. renegade institution at its 183 3 founding for deciding to accept both men and women as students. (A) at its 183 3 founding for deciding to accept (B) for the decision at its 183 3 founding to accept