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Adjusting the Other Viewports’ Contents Each of the remaining layouts has a specific purpose, and each requires a differ- ent set of layer conditions. You will use the same tools in the other viewports as you did for the viewport in the Cabin FPlan and F Elev tab: 1. Click the Cabin FPlan Dims tab. This looks like the preceding tab before you made adjustments to the content that it displayed. 2. Double-click in the larger viewport, and then click the Layer Freeze button. 3. Click a grid bubble and a grid line to freeze these components’ layers in the viewport. Click the patio, the roofline of the left elevation, an area polyline, one of the hatch patterns, and each one of the compo- nents of the front elevation. 4. Press Esc, and then double-click outside the viewport. Select the larger viewport border, and then click one of the lower grips that appear at the corners. Move one lower grip of the viewport upward, and the other lower grip moves as well to maintain the constant shape of the viewport. 5. Press Esc to deselect the larger viewport, and then select and move the smaller VP until it is centered below the larger. 6. Double-click inside the smaller viewport, and then zoom and pan until the door schedule fits the viewport nicely. If you don’t see the schedule, open the Layer Properties Manager, and make sure the VP Freeze column shows the layer as thawed in the viewport. If you like, you can adjust the viewport’s grips to make it larger. 7. Switch back to paper space, and then change Sheet No. to read “2 of 5.” When you are done, the layout should look like Figure 14.13. 8. Click the Cabin LElev RElev tab, and then delete the smaller viewport. 9. Adjust the size of the larger viewport so that it takes up the upper half of the title block border. Copy it downward so that you have two iden- tical viewports stacked one on top of the other (see Figure 14.14). Chapter 14 • Using Layouts to Set Up a Print560 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 560 FIGURE 14.13: The Cabin FPlan Dims layout after freezing layers in the viewport FIGURE 14.14: Two identical viewports before adjusting their content Adjusting a Viewport’s Contents 561 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 561 10. Double-click the upper viewport, and then pan until you see the left elevation. This elevation needs to be rotated to be viewed properly in the viewport. You don’t want to rotate the structure itself, because that would affect the drawing should you need to revise it. Instead, you will rotate the UCS. 11. Choose Tools ➣ New UCS ➣ Z, and then enter -90↵ at the Specify rotation angle about Z axis <90.00>: prompt. 12. Enter plan↵↵The viewport contents rotate negative 90°, and the viewport is zoomed outward to show the extents of the model space. 13. Scale the viewport to 1 ⁄8" = 1' using the Viewports toolbar, or enter zoom↵ 1/96XP↵ at the command prompt. The XP in the Zoom com- mand identifies the zoom factor in relationship to the scale factor of the paper space, usually 1 = 1. 14. Pan the viewport until the left elevation is centered, and then VP Freeze any layers that you don’t want displayed. 15. Repeat the process with the lower viewport to display the right elevation. In this case, the UCS should be rotated around the z-axis positive 90°. 16. Exit model space, and then change the Sheet No. designation to 3 of 5. This layout should look like Figure 14.15. FIGURE 14.15: The Cabin RElev layout after rotating the UCSs and adjusting the view- ports’ content Chapter 14 • Using Layouts to Set Up a Print562 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 562 17. Switch to the Cabin BElev layout tab, and delete the smaller view- port. Follow the procedure from the second layout tab with the goal of showing the back elevation in the viewport. The UCS should be rotated 180° around the z-axis. 18. In paper space, change Sheet No. to 4 of 5. This layout should look like Figure 14.16. FIGURE 14.16: The Cabin BElev layout after rotating the UCS and adjusting the view- port’s content 19. Switch to the Cabin Site tab, and enter the larger viewport. Enter zoom↵ 1/360xp↵ to scale the viewport to 1" = 30'. 20. Freeze everything in the viewport except the walls, doors, windows, roof, site plan, and north arrow. If you zoom in to select any of the smaller objects, be sure to use Zoom Previous to revert to the required zoom factor. 21. Double-click the smaller viewport, and then zoom into the image that was referenced into the drawing. 22. Change Sheet No. to 5 of 5. This layout should look like Figure 14.17. Adjusting a Viewport’s Contents 563 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 563 FIGURE 14.17: The Cabin Site layout after scaling the viewport and freezing unwanted layers 23. Save your drawing as Cabin14b.dwg. You’ve made a set of five drawings complete with scaled viewports and desig- nated content. In the next section, you will look at a couple of ways to protect the drawing from accidental errors. Aligning Viewports You want to display the two opposite elevations with one building directly below the other. To accomplish this, you will need to perform some steps in model space and some on the layout, so you’ll be switching back and forth while keep- ing the Cabin LElev RElev layout visible: 1. Click the Cabin LElev RElev layout tab. Click Paper on the status bar to switch to model space. Then move the cursor onto the viewports. The one that is active is the one where the crosshair cursor is visible. TIP When model space is active, only one viewport can be active at a time. This is the one with the crosshair cursor. The active viewport’s border also appears thicker. You can manipulate objects in the active viewport. To make a viewport active, place the arrow cursor in it, and double-click. Chapter 14 • Using Layouts to Set Up a Print564 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 564 2. The UCS of both viewports must match to use the align function cor- rectly. Enter ucs↵ w↵ to change the current viewport UCS to the WCS. Repeat the process in the other viewport. 3. Turn on Endpoint as a running osnap. 4. Enter mvsetup↵. Then enter a↵ to select the Align option. 5. Enter v↵ to select the Vertical option. 5. At the Specify basepoint: prompt, click the top of the outside right wall where it meets the roofline. 6. At the next prompt, click the other viewport, and then click the top of the right wall. The elevation in the second viewport is panned later- ally so that it is aligned with the elevation in the first viewport (see Figure 14.18). Press Esc to end the Mvsetup command. FIGURE 14.18: The elevations in the two viewports are aligned. Adjusting a Viewport’s Contents 565 ǡ LT users can skip to the “Aligning Viewports for LT” section (following step 6) for an alter- nate series of steps. 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 565 Aligning Viewports for LT Continuing from step 1 in the previous section, LT users should follow these steps: 2. Click Polar to turn it on, and then click in the top viewport to make it active. Use Pan Realtime to pan the drawing so that the front eleva- tion is positioned halfway between the top and bottom of the 8 1 ⁄2" × 11" sheet. 3. Turn on polar tracking. Click the Model button on the status bar to switch to paper space. 4. Use the Endpoint osnap to draw a line from the top of one of the right walls of the upper elevation down over the lower viewport. 5. Switch back to model space, and make the lower viewport active. 6. Enter -p↵. Click the Endpoint osnap, and click the top of the right wall. 7. Move the cursor to the right or left until the horizontal crosshair of the cursor lines up with the horizontal line you just drew, as best you can eyeball it, and then click. 8. End the Pan command, switch to paper space, and erase the vertical line. Now you have the result as in Figure 14.18 (shown earlier). You have one or two more things to do to finish the layout. Locking and Turning Viewports Off One of the common errors that you will make when working with viewports is zooming or panning while in a viewport and then failing to return the viewport to its proper appearance. You can prevent yourself, or anyone else, from editing the viewport view by locking the viewport. This feature doesn’t prevent you from editing the content of the viewport—just how you access and view it. When you execute a pan or zoom while inside a locked viewport, AutoCAD tem- porarily exits the viewport, pans or zooms the equivalent amount in paper space, Chapter 14 • Using Layouts to Set Up a Print566 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 566 and then returns to model space. There is a slight lag in time when panning or zooming with this feature on, but it is much less than the time you may spend correcting or reissuing a set of drawings that have viewports at the wrong scale factor. Follow this procedure to lock a viewport: 1. Click the Cabin FPlan and F Elev tab. 2. Select the larger viewport, right-click, and then choose Display Locked ➣ Yes from the context menu. The viewport is now locked. W HAT Y OU D OIN M ODEL S PACE AND P APER S PACE (L AYOUTS ) Here’s a partial list of some of the tasks you do in the two environments. Model Space You can do the following tasks in model space: Ǡ Zoom to a scale in a viewport (1/scale factor xp). Ǡ Work on the building (or the project you are drawing). Ǡ Make a viewport current. Ǡ Control layer visibility in the current viewport. Paper Space (Layouts) You can do the following tasks in paper space: Ǡ Create viewports. Ǡ Modify the size and location of viewports. Ǡ Use the Viewports toolbar to set a viewport’s scale. Ǡ Lock/unlock the scale of the display in a viewport. Ǡ Turn viewports on or off. Ǡ Add a title block and border. Adjusting a Viewport’s Contents 567 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 567 Turning Off Viewports Beyond controlling the visibility of layers in each viewport, you can also turn off a viewport so that all model space objects within it are invisible: 1. Select the small viewport, and then click the Properties button. 2. In the Properties palette, be sure the Misc section is open, and then open the drop-down list next to On, and click No. Close the Proper- ties palette. Then press Esc to deselect the viewport. The small viewport goes blank, and all that is visible is its border (see Fig- ure 14.19). FIGURE 14.19: The Cabin FPlan and F Elev layout with the smaller viewport turned off 4. Reselect the small viewport, and click Properties to turn it back on. 5. Save this drawing as Cabin14C.dwg. Chapter 14 • Using Layouts to Set Up a Print568 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 568 Being able to turn off viewports can be an advantage for a complex drawing with many viewports or for one with a lot of information in each viewport. Remember that even though all the layouts in this drawing are based on one drawing, AutoCAD is drawing at least part of that drawing in each viewport. In a complex drawing, this can slow down the computer, so it’s handy to be able to temporarily turn off any viewports on which you aren’t working. It’s also an easy way to check which objects are in model space and which are on the lay- out (or in paper space). You will work with the viewports and layouts again in the next chapter, where you will round out your knowledge of AutoCAD by learning the principles of plotting and printing AutoCAD drawings. If You Would Like More Practice… Create another layout for Cabin14C that is has a landscape orientation and is sized to fit a 30" × 42" paper. Create four or more layouts: one for the site plan and the others for various views of the drawing. Your new layout may look some- thing like Figure 14.20. FIGURE 14.20: An additional layout for Cabin14c Save this drawing as Site13-extra.dwg. If You Would Like More Practice… 569 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 569 [...]... layer current 2 Freeze the following layers: 0, Area, B-elev, Dim2, Grid, Hatch-hidden, Hatch-plan-floor, Image, L-elev, R-elev, all four Site layers, and Tables The VP and Defpoints layers do not plot anyway, so you don’t need to be concerned with them at this time 3 Click the Dim1 layer to highlight it Hold down the Ctrl key, and click the three Hatch-elev layers and the Roof layer to select them Then,... Lineweight Settings dialog box Notice the Default drop-down list on the right, in which 0.010" is displayed This tells you that the default lineweight thickness is 0.010", which is what you assumed in step 9 N O T E 13 Click Cancel to close the dialog box 14 Set the linetype scale to 24 (ltscale↵ 24↵) 5 8 7 26531ch15.qxd 3/31/07 5 8 8 1: 09 PM Page 588 Chapter 15 • Printing an AutoCAD Drawing You have assigned... 26531ch15.qxd 3/31/07 1: 09 PM Page 5 89 Printing a Drawing 5 8 9 is displayed in the What to Plot drop-down list, and a new Window button appears on the right side of the Plot Area area Click this button if you need to redo the window after viewing a preview of the plot 5 If you have not already done so, click the right-pointing arrow in the lower-right corner of the Plot dialog box to display another column of... Figure 15.15) 5 9 3 26531ch15.qxd 3/31/07 5 9 4 1: 09 PM Page 594 Chapter 15 • Printing an AutoCAD Drawing F I G U R E 1 5 1 5 : The cabin drawing with the Cabin Site layout active In a true production environment, it might be a better choice to create a large-format layout to accommodate large-format plots N O T E 3 Start the Plot command 4 In the Plot dialog box, expand the Plotter Name drop-down list... print and eventually sends it to the printer 7 After the print is done, a notification button appears at the lowerright corner of the AutoCAD window to inform you You can turn 26531ch15.qxd 3/31/07 1: 09 PM Page 591 Printing a Drawing Using Layouts notifications on and off by right-clicking the Plot/Publish Detail icon in the AutoCAD tray and choosing the appropriate option 8 Save this drawing as Cabin15a.dwg... Right-click, and choose Exit from the shortcut menu to cancel the preview If you have a large-format printer configured and can plot this drawing at full size, click OK to start the print Otherwise, click Cancel 9 Save this drawing as Cabin15b.dwg For the last exercise in this chapter, you’ll set up AutoCAD to print all the paper space layouts at one time Publishing Multiple Layouts In AutoCAD terminology... dialog box hasn’t already been expanded, click the right-pointing arrow in the lower-right corner to expand it to include four additional areas in a stack on the right For now, we’re primarily concerned about the one on the bottom (see Figure 15 .9) F I G U R E 1 5 9 : The expanded Plot dialog box Drawing Orientation The settings in this area are self-explanatory The radio buttons serve as a toggle between... the Plot dialog box, AutoCAD displays a partial preview of the plot, in diagram form, as you set it up If there is problem with the setup, it displays red lines to warn you, but sometimes it isn’t accurate It’s better to use the Preview feature where you see a WYSIWYG view of the plot 26531ch15.qxd 3/31/07 5 9 0 1: 09 PM Page 590 Chapter 15 • Printing an AutoCAD Drawing 2 Right-click, and choose Zoom... lineweights will be assigned as follows: Layer Lineweight Balcony Light Dim1 Very light Doors Medium F-elev Medium Fixtures Light Hatch-elev-black Very light Hatch-elev-brown Very light Hatch-elev-gray Very light Headers Light Roof Very light Steps Light Tblk1 (the notes) Medium Text1 Medium Walls Heavy Windows Medium When you look at the lineweights currently assigned to these layers and at the thickness... instead of Limits 5 9 1 26531ch15.qxd 3/31/07 5 9 2 1: 09 PM Page 592 Chapter 15 • Printing an AutoCAD Drawing F I G U R E 1 5 1 3 : The cabin drawing ready for printing from a layout tab 6 In the Plot Scale area, the scale has been set to 1:1 This is what you want 7 In the Plot Offset area, the Center the Plot check box is grayed out; it isn’t needed when using a layout to plot 8 There are no changes to . Tools ➣ New UCS ➣ Z, and then enter -9 0↵ at the Specify rotation angle about Z axis < 90 .00>: prompt. 12. Enter plan↵↵The viewport contents rotate negative 90 °, and the viewport is zoomed outward. 565 ǡ LT users can skip to the “Aligning Viewports for LT section (following step 6) for an alter- nate series of steps. 26531ch14.qxd 3/30/07 6:17 PM Page 565 Aligning Viewports for LT Continuing. drop-down list next to On, and click No. Close the Proper- ties palette. Then press Esc to deselect the viewport. The small viewport goes blank, and all that is visible is its border (see Fig- ure