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Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 8: Unit 8 Country life and city ppt

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G G i i á á o o á á n n t t i i ế ế n n g g v v ă ă n n 8 8 Unit 8 Country life and city life Period 46 lesson 1 : Getting started Listen and read A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about the city life and the country life B / Teaching aids : Textbooks , cassette , chalks , boards … C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Chatting - Talk to Ss about life in the city and life in the country by asking some questions 1. Where do you live ? 2. Do you want to live in the city ? Why ? 3. Do you want to live in the country ? Why ? => Lead in the new lesson II / Pre -reading : Introduce the topic of the passage reading and some new words . 1. Pre – teach vocabulary : - a relative = uncles , aunts cousins - peaceful = quiet and calm (a) - permanently (adv) : its means existing all the time - accessible = co the den gan duoc - medical facilities = cac phuong tien y te * Checking vocabulary : Rub out and remember 2. Brainstorming ( Getting started ) - Get Ss to talk about city life and country life . The words in the box of getting started may help you . Chatting ( whole class ) Listen and copy Listen and repeat chorally Copy down Play game Work in groups  Possible answers : - tall buildings - beautiful views - plenty kinds of goods - fresh food - polluted air - fresh air - traffic jams - friendly - entertainment - peaceful - busy III / While – reading : 1. True / false statements Statements True False 1. Na lives in the city 2. Na went to a village which has some relatives lives there . 3. The village is very peaceful and quiet 4. Hoa prefers the city life x x x x - Turn on the tape and ask Ss to work in groups to predict the true / false statements . - Call on some Ss to report their predictions and write them on the board. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue between Na and Hoa and compare their ideas - Give feedback and get more information - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue 2. Comprehension questions : - Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions in ex 2 / 73 - Call on some pairs to practice asking answering the questions in front of class . - Give feedback a. Na has been to Kin Lien village b. She was there for the weekend Work in groups to predict Read the dialogue , compare their ideas Practice the dialogue in pairs Work in pairs Practice asking city life country life c. to her , the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to do . d. There is no libraries , no movies , no supermarket , no zoos … e. Country life is becoming better . Many remote area are getting electricity . People can now have things like refrigerators and TV , medical facilities are more accessible . - Ask Ss to work in closed pairs IV / Post - reading : Discussion - Divide the class into 4 groups . Two groups include Ss who prefer the city life and the others include Ss who prefer the country life . - Ask Ss to work in groups to answer the questions “ Do you prefer the city or the country life ?Why ? “ - Call on 4 pioneers from 4 groups to show their ideas before class . V / Homework : 1. Learn by heart new words and copy two lines for each word 2. Copy the answers in their notebooks . 3. Prepare the next lesson . and answering the questions Work in groups Demonstrate their ideas in front of class . Listen and copy Period 47 lesson 2 : Speak A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice speaking about the changes of a place B / Teaching aids : textbooks , pictures , poster C / Procedure : I / Warm up and pre - speaking Word square - Ask Ss to find out 7 adjectives E X P E N S I B O A M D N U V E U B O I S V E A I C D R T R U Y L E T L L A T Work in group S M R Y H G I U O N O I S Y F B P T F D E L U - Ask Ss to work in 2 teams - Ask Ss to go to the board and circle the word they find - The team which circles more words will win the game . Modern – dirty – busy – noisy – tall – expensive – beautiful  Setting the scene “ Hoa , s grand father is 78 “ - Five years ago , she was 73 and she was stronger than she is now . - Ask Ss to make a sentence about her health => Hoa , s grand father is getting weaker + Form : am / is / are + V-ing + Use : used to describe changes with get and become II / While – speaking : - Ask Ss to look at the two pictures on page 73 and talk to their partners about the changes of the town . The words in the box under the pictures may help you - Write the word prompts on the board so that Ss can speak easily - traffic - > busy - sky -> cloudy - houses -> high - city -> beautiful - trees - > green - Get Ss to work in pairs - Monitor and help Ss speak * Possible answers : - The traffic is getting busier . - There are more tall buildings and houses . - The houses are getting more modern - The town is becoming more beautiful . - The streets are becoming cleaner / larger / noisier Work in the whole class . Listen and copy Work in pairs Work in group Work individually III / Post - speaking : - Ask Ss to work in groups and talk about changes in their hometown / neighborhood . - Call on volunteer from each group to show their ideas before the class . Other groups can add in their ideas . IV / Homework : Write some sentences , using Present Progressive Tense to describe changes in their school Listen and copy . Period 48 lesson 3: Listen A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to complete the dialogue by listening B / Teaching aids : Text book , cards , cassette C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Matching - Prepare eight cards with phrases on them - Write eight verbs on the board ( play , do , watch , go , clean , have , phone , speak ) - Divide the class into 2 teams - Hand out each team 8 cards - Ask Ss to stick the cards with phrases besides the suitable verbs - The team which is faster is the winner * Answers : - play table tennis - do my homework - watch a program - go to a violin lesson - clean the house - have a meeting - phone my aunt , Mrs Hang - speak to Mom => Lead in the new lesson . II / Pre - listening - Set the scene “ Aunt Hang is talking to Lan on the phone . She is coming to visit Lan in Work in group Listen and repeat chorally and individually Copy down Listen and copy Work in groups to Hanoi “ - Ask Ss to predict information in the dialogue . - Call on some Ss to report their predictions III / While - listening : - Turn on the tape and check their predictions - Let them listen twice and find out the missing words individually . - Ask Ss to share their answers with their partners - Call some Ss to read their results Give feedback 1. that 2. this 3. It is 4. where 5. from 6. coming 7. next week 8. arriving 9. Thursday 10 . late 11. afternoon 12 . speak 13. my 14 . get her IV / Post - listening - Ask Ss to play the roles of Lan and Aunt Hang to practice the dialogue V / Homework : 1. Copy down the completed dialogue in their notebooks . 2. Do exercises in work book 3. Prepare the next lesson . predict . Listen to the tape to check their predictions Listen again and share their answers with their friends . Read their answers aloud . Work in pairs to practice the dialogue Listen and copy . Period 49 lesson 4 : Read A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the text about one of the social problems . B / Teaching aids : Textbooks , poster , cassette . C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Jumbled words - Write the words with disordered letters on the board . + Fulentipl -> plentiful + taneru -> nature + loofd -> flood + roestdy -> destroy Work in group + viroped -> provide + suertl -> result + ciliestial -> facilities - Ask them to write the correct words on the board and repeat chorally , individually => Lead in the new lesson . II / Pre- reading : - Introduce the topic of the passage reading and some new words to Ss . 1. Pre - teach vocabulary : - rural (adj ) : something deals with the countryside - urban ( adj ) >< rural - strain (n) = su qua tai ( dan so ) - typhoon (n) = storm (n) - drought (n) : hot and dry weather for a long time - to struggle = dau tranh - migrant (n) : a person who moves from one place to another especially in order to find work . - to increase = tang len , tang them * Checking vocabulary : What and where 2. Brainstorming : - Ask Ss to think of the difficulties of farmers , life Possible answers : droughts / the weather / hard work / no vacations / lack of clean water / electricity / insects destroy harvests - Ask Ss to work in groups to guess how farmers deal with difficulties - Call on some Ss to report their predictions and write them on the board III / While - reading : Listen and copy down Listen and repeat chorally , individually , then copy down . Play game Work in groups Demonstrate in front of class difficulties of farmers , life - Let Ss listen to the tape and read the text silently to check their predictions . - Answer “ What do many farmers do to solve their problem ? “ => They have to move to the city so that they can get well – paid jobs . - Call on some Ss to read the text in front of class . 1. Gap- filling : - Ask Ss to work in pairs o complete summary , using the information from the passage . - Call on some volunteers to report their results - Give feedback 1. leaving 2. home 3. city 4. rural 5. city 6. problems 7. schools 8. hospitals 9. problem 10 . world - Call on some Ss to read the complete passage aloud 2. Finding the words - Ask Ss to read the text again and work with their partners - Call them to report their results - Give feedback a. rural b. plentiful c. increase d. strain e. tragedy f. urban IV / Post - reading : Discussion - Give a situation : If you were a Minister , what would you do for farmers ? - Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss * Suggested answers : - build streets , theaters , stadiums in the countryside - build schools , hospitals - provide clean water , electricity , facilities - build factory . - Call on 4 volunteers from 4 groups to show their ideas before the class . V / Homework : 1. Write 5 things that government should do for the rural areas . 2. Do exercises in workbook . Work in groups to guess the difficulties of farmers . Listen to the tape and read the text to check their predictions Answer the question Read the text aloud . Work in pairs Read their results . Read the complete summary . Read the text again and do the exercise 2 / 75 Read the complete results . Work in groups to discuss 3. Prepare the next lesson . Show their ideas before class . Listen and copy . Period 50 Lesson 5 : write A/ Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write letters to their friends about their neighborhood . B / Teaching aids : Textbook , cards , chalks………. C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Revision - Ask Ss to put the outline for an informal letter in the correct order . - Prepare 6 cards with 6 outlines on them . - Call 6 Ss to hold them and stand in a random order - Ask some other Ss to rearrange them in the correct order . - Write the answer on the board and ask Ss to copy . 1. Heading - Writer , s address - Date - Dear ……… , 2. opening 3. Body 4. closing II / Pre- writing : - Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions . - Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering the questions - Give feedback III / While … writing : - Ask Ss to write letters to friends about their neighborhood - Let them write individually . Work on the whole class . Listen and copy down Work in pairs to practice asking and answering the questions Work individually Compare with their partners - Have them compare with their partners and correct if they can . * Suggested letter : ( Writer , s address) ( Date ) Dear , I live in … , a small town . My family has a large house with four rooms and a small garden . My sister and I share one bedroom . From the bedroom window , I can see a beautiful park with green tress , flowers and a pond . we do not live far form my school so I usually walk there . In my neighborhood , there is a swimming pool and a beautiful park . On the weekend , I often go swimming with my friends . Early in the morning , I always jog with my sister around the park . But the thing I like best in my neighborhood is the public library near my school . There I not only can study and read books but also watch video and learn how to use the computer . Do you have a library like that in your neighborhood ? Is there anything interesting in the place where you live ? Write to me I would like to say goodbye now . I am looking forwards to hearing from you soon . Love , ( Signature ) IV / Post - writing : Correction - Choose some letters to correct before class and ask them to read them aloud . V / Homework : 1. Write their letters on their notebooks 2. Prepare the next lesson . Exchange their writings to correct . Listen and copy . Period 51 lesson 6 : Language focus [...]... pairs to make comparisons between the city and the country Ex : The air in the country is fresher than in the city - Let each Student read aloud one of the sentences they have made - Give feedback IV / Further practice : - Ask Ss to read the advertisements then ask them some questions to check their understanding + what are advertised ? ( an apartment , a villa and a house ) Repeat chorally , individually... of comparative and superlative adjectives Listen and copy Work in pairs Listen and answer the questions + How old are they ? ( The apartment is 2 years old , the villa is 5 years old and the house is new ) + How much do we pay per month ? Play game ( 900,000 dongs for the apartment , 6,6 million ( whole class ) dongs for the house and 7 ,8 million dongs for the villa ) - Game “ Nought and Crosses “ ,... form 1.2 Direct and indirect speech - Commands - Requests - Advice => S + told + O +(not) to + V … 2 Exercises : - Ex 7 / 48 ( workbook ) : Comparison - Ex 3 / 33 ( workbook ) / Ex 6/ 51 ( workbook ) + Have Ss work in pairs to do all the exercises + Call on some pairs to practice in front of class + Give feedback  Homework : 1 Redo all the exercises and copy Listen and copy Repeat and copy Work in... Game “ Nought and Crosses “ , using comparative and superlative adjectives Listen and copy old expensive big expensive small hot big beautiful old Eg : - The villa is older than the apartment - The house is more expensive than the apartment V / Homework : 1/Redo all the exercises and copy down 2/ Prepare the next lesson Period 52 + 53 Consolidation A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,... Hang 6.d 7 phone f the house 7.e 8 speak g my homework 8. a h to violin lesson - Call 2 volunteers from 2 teams to do the matching II / Practice : 1 Ex 2 : Ask Ss to use the suitable verbs in the Work in pairs Present Progressive Tense to complete the exercise Answer the - Get Ss to work in pairs - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogues questions before class and correct => What tense do we use... become / cleaner - Model first two cues , then whole class repeat chorally , then some Ss read out individually - Give a new cue and go on until most of the Ss in class can remember the structure 4 Comparative and superlative adjectives - Remind Ss of the forms of comparative and superlative adjectives * Comparative : Short adj - er + than + object More long adj + than + object * Superlative : The +... Present Simple / - Past simple - Present progressive / - Present perfect Listen and copy , - Simple future then give some more 1.2 The form of the verbs examples - Modal verbs : can , could , may might - Gerund ( V- ing ) => used after some verbs such as like / dislike / hate / love / enjoy and prepositions - Have Ss to repeat and copy , then give examples with each one 2 Exercises : - Using the posters...A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use Present progressive and comparative and superlative adjectives B / Teaching aids : Textbooks , chalks , boards … C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Matching A B Key Work in group 1 play a to... some pairs to practice in front of class + Give feedback  Homework : 1 Redo all the exercises and copy Listen and copy Repeat and copy Work in pairs to the exercises and exchange their answers with their friends Listen and copy Repeat and give some more examples Work in pairs Demonstrate in front of class Copy down 2 Prepare the test : - Complete these sentences with the suitable words or phrases... the knowledge they have learnt in the first semester and know how to supplement what they are short of B / Teaching aids : Textbook , chalks , boards C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Chatting about daily routine Play game II / Consolidation : Period 52 1 Grammar - Ask Ss to repeat the tenses they have learnt Repeat the tenses in the first semester and write on the board they have learnt 1.1 The tenses . 8 8 Unit 8 Country life and city life Period 46 lesson 1 : Getting started Listen and read A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about the city. city life and the country life B / Teaching aids : Textbooks , cassette , chalks , boards … C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Chatting - Talk to Ss about life in the city and life in the country. city life country life c. to her , the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to do . d. There is no libraries , no movies , no supermarket , no zoos … e. Country life

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2014, 19:21



