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Lesson Plan (grade 11 – advanced) Period : 27 potx

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Lesson Plan (grade 11 – advanced) Period : 27 Preparation date :21 /10/2011 Unit : 4 Lesson : listening I. Aims : - By the end of the lesson, the students will know more about volunteer work. - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listen for specific in formation. II. Lexical items : -raise funds -collaborate -promote friendship -community responsibility III. Structures : -Serving people helps us develop a sense of community responsibility . -Through this work, we learn how to collaborate and solve problems. IV. Teaching aids: - textbook - CD player - Sheet of paper - chalk - cards - Handouts V. Techniques : - skill-based ( listening, speaking) VI. Procedures : State/time Teacher’s and students’ activities Blackboard Materials 1. warm- up (7’) Games: “Phonemic script ” -Hang these three posters containing sticky labels with Phonemic script on different places on the wall. Poster 1: 1. / reiz / 2. /di’sk^v (r) -Divide the class into four groups. -Ask groups to run the . -Posters cards. posters to work out the verbs corresponding to the Phonemic script provided. -After they have finished ,SS have to come the teacher to get these cutup word cards. -one’s talents , our environment /money, friendship, money/finds, street children/literacy classes, streets/riverbanks, a problem, trees, glass/paper. -Get the groups to match give these words with the verbs they have found from the posters -The first groups to have all the verbs and matches Chalk & correct will be the winner. -Go over the answers with the whole class. -Elicit classification of phrases as kinds of volunteer work and benefits that doing volunteer work brings about from SS. -Check the answers with the whole class. Expected answers: 1. raise ( money , funds) 2.Discover ( one’s talents) 3.promote ( friendship ) 4. save ( our environment, money) 5.teach (street Unit 4 : volunteer work& Literacy programs - Listening board children/literacy classes) - Transition: In today’s listening section, we‘ll learn more about other volunteer work - write down on the board : 2. Pre- listening (7’) Teaching new words: - Refer to the verbs in the previous task, and teach the words below through explanations. +raise (v) = bring or collect money + discover(v) = find sb/sh that was hidden or that you did not expect to find +promote(v) = help sth happen or develop . Chalk and board Textbook +recycle = treat things that have already been used so that they can be you again Checking vocabulary : ‘Slap the board’ -Put the words that have been taught into circles on the board. - Call on some SS to go up to the front facing the board - Call out the words in any order. -SS have to listen and slap on the word each time they hear it. 3. while- listening. (20’) Activity 1: checking (Task b, p48) - Tell Sts they are going to listen to tow interviews on the main taska Chinh’s volunteer group and Ba’s have done. - Ask SS to listen and check the appropriate activities -Tell SS to compare answers with a partner. - Call on SS to give the answers. -Invite class opinions and give feedback. -Ask SS to listen to recordings again and check the answers. Task b: 1. sociable 2. enthusiastic 3. practical 4. athletic 5. attractive 6. sensitive Listen and take notes Expected answers: - her rosy plump face , - two dimples ( on her cheeks), - short Textbook and CD player CD player and chalk + bb 4.Post- listening (10’) Activity 2: Gap-filling (task c, p.48) - Have SS read through the sentences and decide which information they need to look for. - Have SS listen to the recordings and complete the sentences -Get SS to compare their notes with their neighbor’s. -Assign to SS to write the answers on the board. - Have SS listen again and check answers. Writing -Put SS into pairs. -Within pairs ,SS write a report on their what Ba and hair, - casual clothes his group or what Chinh and his group have done -Call on some SS to read alound the report they have -Invite class opinions and give feedback. . Lesson Plan (grade 11 – advanced) Period : 27 Preparation date :2 1 /10/2 011 Unit : 4 Lesson : listening I. Aims : - By the end of the lesson, the students will know. of the lesson, the students are able to listen for specific in formation. II. Lexical items : -raise funds -collaborate -promote friendship -community responsibility III. Structures : -Serving. problems. IV. Teaching aids: - textbook - CD player - Sheet of paper - chalk - cards - Handouts V. Techniques : - skill-based ( listening, speaking) VI. Procedures : State/time Teacher’s

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2014, 09:21

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